<br />I
<br />
<br />83':"'" 005J 79
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVEN^Nl'S. Borrower and l,cndcr covellant :lIu.I .Igrcc as follows:
<br />t.. hymt'nt of Principal and lniues!. Borrower s.hall promptly pay when dlll,~ the principal of and intcrcSI on the
<br />IRdebtedne,.q evidenced by the Note. prepayment and laic charges as provided in the Note, ;:wd rhe principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured hy thi:') Deed of Tru..t.
<br />1. Few f&l' Taxes and IMttr:mc~. Subject to appJicahlc law or to a wriHen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly inslallmenb of principal and intcfL'SI are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and ~"se'ismcnts which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and gwund rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one~lweJrth of yeady premium imtallmcnls for mnr!gagc im.uralKc. if :iny. all ~s re,asonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of a~"essmcnts and biH'i ami rea'\on<lble eslirnatcs Ihereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or ;tC,,-:ollnts of whit.:h are insured or guan\tltcco by a Federal or
<br />stale agern:y (induding Lender if Lender is sHch an in~tltlllion)_ l.r.:ndcr sh31i apply Ihc Funds [0 pay said (axes, as~cssmc:nts,
<br />insuraf1(:(: premium~ and ground rents. Lender may not charge fl_lr so hf)ldlng and applying the FlInd~, analyzing ~aid account
<br />or verifYing and compihng s.aid asses.srnerw; anu bills, links'. Lender pays Born,~wcr interest on the .Fund.. and applicable law
<br />permits Lender !o make !;uch ;J (:h~1Tge_ Borrower ;:Hld Lenda may :.lgrcc In wriling at the 1.lme of ey;ccution of Ihis.
<br />Deed (If Tru'St thaI in\(,~rcs,t on the Fund... .shall he paid 10 Borrm'icr. and unless. such agreement IS nl"de or applicable Jaw
<br />rt:quire~ such interest Iv he paid. Lender shLlil not he n:quifcd to pay Borrower any interes.t or earnings on the Funds, Lender
<br />'Shalt give 10 Borrower, without charge. ;}[l annual ;ll:countmg of the Fund~ showing credits and dchil~ to the Funds and thl..'
<br />purpose for which each dehit to the Funds wa.<; math.... The Funds :lre pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Tnlst
<br />If the ;ltT1('HJnl l1f Ihe Fund.s held hy I ender, [Ogcther with the future monthly inslallmCl1IS or Funds pay.ahle prior tt)
<br />the due d~ll'S: of la1l;~, a"Sl''iS~1cnl''. In~ur~lnn: premiums. and ground rent!>. "hall exceed lht: :l01011n{ requIred 10 pay.said ta\cs,
<br />asscs'\-Ul....nt!>. insurance rrel1lHlffi\- ami ground n:nl~ ;1:-> lhey l;.iil du~, '.ueh C.\CCS' shall he, at Borrower's optIOn. either
<br />promptly repaid t~, Borrower OJ" credited to Borrower l)rl monthly iost.dlme-ol\; of Funds. If the amotltlt of the Funds
<br />held hy l. coder ~hall not be ~unlClent 10 P~IY t;tXC\. ;JSSC-;Snlt:lll'>. insurance prc~illms and ground rents as they fall ~UC.
<br />Bpffowcr 'ihall pay In Lender any amount IlI.':Ccs:,ar)' In m;lkc up Ihe ddiclcncy wlltuo ~O dilY<; (rom the d:ilc nOIil.:c is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower rt:questlOg payment thercof.
<br />Upon payment in iull nf all s.ums- sccared by thl';; Deed pf Tru:;!, Lendcr shall promplly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by l.endeL If under paragr.Jpn J S hl.'reof the Pr.Jpeny iC; sold (lr the Properl)' fS otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />!ih.rJlI apply. no later rhan immediately pnor to the ,,~lit: :.)1 the Pf{)pcrty or i!',; ,;:n.:ql1i"llion hy l.ender- ;lOy Fund" held by
<br />Lender at the time of application a.... a eredl! :!gains.l toe sum,> ,,".~t:llrcd by IhlS Dc..:d of Trust
<br />3, AppUcatian of Payments. Lnlc.".., ;lpplil';lblc Ln...' prpvldc'i olhNwlSC, all r~lymcl\ts received by l.ender under the
<br />r--~tHC :lOJ paragraph.;; i and 2 bercllf '\hJl! he applIed hy Il~l\dcr lir"'l ill P;lVlTlClll <.If ;nnounts. rayabl~ 10 Lemler hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 h,,:rcof, then ~l) tntcrcsl payable on tht' i'itlt~. tht'n to the prlllclpal of the Noll', .and lhen to interest and
<br />pnm::ipal on any Future Ad..an<.:cs
<br />4_ Cba.ra:n; I.iens. O-tnwwcr ..,h~llJ par all 1:1\C"i. J\scssmt.'ntl., ;H1d (>ther l'h;lrgc$.. fine.. anJ 100positions <.iIlrihul.lblc 10
<br />(he Property which may aHain a pnonty over lhls Deed of Trust. and ica~eholtl payments or ground rents. if :my, in the
<br />manner provided lmder paragraph 2 hercof or, jf nol paid in such manner, oy H0fwwer maklflg puymenl, when due. direcrly
<br />10 the payee thttcof. Horrower 50hall prompfly lurfllsh to LI.:-lldcr ;1I1/1otH':I.:'> \If :UIHlunts due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />evtnt Borrower s.hali make payment dIrectly, Borrower shaH pn~mptly fUfIll\h tn I.ender receipts C"vidcncing sm:h payments.
<br />ihlfr-ower shaH prumptly di5<:harge any lien Whll,::h h:.t~ pfflHHV nvcr lhl" Iked of Tru"t; pnw:dcd. fhat Borrower shall nol he
<br />rcqutrcd to dls(:hargc any ~uch hen ~o long a... Borrower shall agn:c III v.:rtti,,~ II) the p~ymclll ~)f the obltgalit11l secured by
<br />..udt lien in a mann~f accept.able- tu t -ender. ,)f ';haillll good tilth cOnIC>;l ~\ld1 !lef! by. llf ddend cnfun.:COlCllt of sIH,:h lien ill.
<br />legal pfi..Kceding-s which opeHlte to pr~vr:n! !he l,;nft)n.:crnent l)! :h\.' tit-"ll \lr k'l kHmc of the Property or any p;.HI thereof
<br />S. Hazard lD!Wnwct'~ Borrower ",hall kx-cp the:: Improv~nlL'nl~ now C\f'>trllg or hereafter crcc!cd on lhe Property inslJrcd
<br />againsl lo:u by tire. h.14ulrd.. Hldudcd within the ieWl "cxtcfl-lk,:d covera~~c", and ~u\.:h IHhcr hJzards ;,tS ~ coder may require
<br />~tnd in $uch a.mounts and fOf :su.:;h pCflods :.1., L~ndcr may requIre; proVIJCJ, :hal Lender ...hall ntl{ require that the amount of
<br />stICh coverage exceed Ihal amOHtH .J! (lJv~r~gc n:qllllcd tn P..1Y lilt: Sllm~ 'l.':\..urcd hy lht', Deed of Trust
<br />The in.,-uran<'(' c;trrier proVIding Iht' 10\<.11 an..;c '-;hall ht.'_ i.:ho...~n hy HorrOWt'r ~l1biec{ to :.JPPWy:/! hy ! cnder: provj{.led,
<br />that ~uch approval .shan n~t be unreaslwahly \~lthhcld. Alt prenll\Hmi on in\UfiHh'::C, policies ~hall be p:lid in the manner
<br />provlded Hnder paragraph.:. hereof Of, If l10t pJ:IJ In ~uc-h /Hauner. bj Borrower maklllg paymellr. when due, dIrectly !U the
<br />insurance carrier.
<br />^!I Insurance [K)Ii~lC!i ~lnJ rcnc>-'.-.tl". th~re~1f 'illall t'c m 101m ,tu:CPf;lbk In Lt'ndcI and ...hall H~cllJdc a standard mortgage
<br />dause 10 (a.vor of and In f"nfn <.l,,:ct'"plal,lt.' to LcnJcr 1 t'lldcr ,Jl;lll h~IVC the nght to 'wid Ihe pniluc>; ;Hld renewals. [hereof.
<br />and Rorr\Jwer ~hllil promptly fwoi:sh (0 Lt.'IHJcr all rcoev,-a! !H.l!II_C_" ~fld .ill ret:elph of p~lId premiUms., In the even I of 10-;...
<br />BQrTo,""er shall gn'c prompt ntH;..::c to the ImurJtl(.c {...tflICl ,nHl Li:nd~r. Lemkr fllJY m;!kc pl'ollf of !...)s') " I\ot made promptly
<br />bv Borrower
<br />, Unless i_-cndcr -,llfd ilmn}"wt.:r ~):hcrwi.'A: agn:..: ill \~ nt;f1g. m'.ur.lI1i..'c PIO;':CC-I,h "hali he applIed 10 rc\tt)(ali(lfl 0'- repair nl
<br />the Pro!--'t'rty damaged. p:lJyjtkd :'.ut.:h n~';,:'-l{'illh)1l or rcp.jlf .... ..:o.:lJ(HJnlll,:.t1~y k;hlblc ..ll1d the >,ct.:tlrily 01 lills Dr.:cd of 'Irost i,
<br />not thereby impaIred If \u.:h r~st..)I<1II"n \.Jr rcp411f 1\ Ihl! ('l.;lintHlli...;tlly lea'tlblc lH d !hc 'iccunty 01 IlllS Deed (If '1 rust \yould
<br />he impaired, the IflS-llt~iW.1: pfOcccl.h sh;lll b~ ,-\pplJcd :0 the ;\~I~H'i !i.ci.:urcJ hy (hi..; Deed of Trus-t. Wllh the cX\':C"''', Ii ~lny, p;lid
<br />t;..! BmflJW~f. If t.he Propi.':ny l~ ;lbandollcd hy BOrf,-_H;-'l'f, 01 I! Hml'l)\'ocr Lllh t~) fespond In Lender withlll 30 rb.lY" from the
<br />dale .m.\tl-t:c i'i m.Hlcd by 1 endcr 10 Born.H'H~r that the IHSutam:c -Laroer oller.. to scltk a d,wn [or II1s11ralKC bCIlCfiIS, I.cndcl
<br />Ji;. aUlh()fil.CU to ;..:.oltcct ;,lnd apply the itlSI,H.ill"::C pr,x~cds JI l.xodcr's l.lpti(m eIther to rcs.l(lr<1ti~)n or rcp.Hr of the Properl}
<br />-Or h) the sums sc,,:ufed hy 011'\ Deed of Tnt'tt
<br />Unleu Lender and Horr0wer olhcrWl:;'C ,1gteC in wnlll1g. any soch applic.lllon of pr01.:ccds In prim;ipal <,hall not extend
<br />\" ~tpone the duC' dale ..1J the monthi) tn:;:J.llm~nh rdcrreJ W lI\ pM.agraph'i- I and 2. hereof or change the <iffiount 01
<br />such lO!Iot.allmcms If under r~ragiarh j j'{ hen:,'! the Propeft) i\ ,lc4uircd hy Lender. all nght, title :md lotercC\,t of Ul)rrower
<br />In aoJ to.~ny itl~Utan.:c poliCies anJ lH and 10 the pr('l:c<:u~ lhc:l'~}1 rc,,,u!lmgfrom damage t~) the Property prIOr tu Ihe s.dL"
<br />\'l-f aC,~~~s.JtIOn -$h.aH p;ass 10 LenJer to the nt~nt ..)1 the :-oums ~e('ult.:d by lhl:'> DeetJ of rrUSl ullrncdl;jtdy pnof to '!ouch sale 01
<br />acqulStllo!1,
<br />6. P~n.riun and .l\1.ain'enancl" o.f P'ropt':rty: Leaseholds: Condominiums; I)lanned l.1nit lJenlopments. Borrower
<br />...h.1H k,..:cp 1he Pro~'l(:IlY to ~tll\d n.:-palf .nld ...h,d! nul o;(\ll1lillt ......1\1(' dr P"'llllH Imp<-li1Ilu.::nl tn dcll:flnratlun (:f the Propcfh
<br />,lnd shal.l tornply wtth the pi'"O~'I$J{)ns of ;jH'y iC:lse if thIs [}ceLl of Trw>t I:' llll. ;j kJscholtl If trw, Deed ot Trust is on a unit in ~l
<br />.:orWOlHH1:um Uf a ptanncJ unit dC\'C,!oplllt::nl. Hmri.lwcr shall pt.-r.form ;lll of Borrowcr"s ob!Jgal,on... under the ucd<natlt11l
<br />or ~t.W"'~f.l,;H11s creating ';if g~;vernH1g the nmoumuwJn\ 0r planncu Will dcydupmcnt, the r.y, law:'. and rc-gulation'\ of the
<br />\.~ond~TUO-H~m or p:'lnnc.J Wl!t Jeve!0pmen:. ~Hld ...:..;jUlltUCllt doc limen:.,,: If {1 \.:ondominiuH1 VI pianllcd IHHl d.evciupmcn!
<br />tl(je~ fj" ue'4:utco. by Borrower anti recorded together wah IhlS Deed of I nl~t. Ihl' c(,vcnanlS and agreemenb 01 such nder
<br />~hall he =ncmpor~Hcd into and shall ilml.'nd ~nu :.upph::mclH lh~ (l.n'enJ,l'lb :lnJ ;lgrc<.:lllents of Ihls Deed 01 Tru\t a~ if the f!tkr
<br />w~re OJ p11rt hereoL
<br />" Prolcdicn .of Le-ode-~~s Security. If_ D.orrower r:Jd~ tv pt:,rform the covenants ~lnJ .tgrccmcnts. n_Hltail)~d in thi,
<br />Deed _of Trust, or It an). :aC:lOn or proceeding t<> commcnceJ which m;l!cfl~dly ;J.!fc;;:ts l.enucf'~ llHc-rc:.-t !l"l the Proper!).
<br />mdudmg., but l}-ot hruited to, emincnt d(lfnJ:n. mwlvenc)'. cod~ tn;~); _cmc:nt, or -arLlllgemeni.\ or pllKccding~ Hlvoh;jng -;1
<br />~a.nkrup.t or det:edcHI, Ih~1l l....endcr at Lera.h:r's optIOn" upon noln;T hi Borr.)wcr, l~lay maj.,:c; ~uch. ~rPCill'-ln.:c:.: di..huh,,;' \ll\.'h
<br />l'oHn-IS and tilJ..e :H.-'..:h ih.::tJO!1 fA" IS .-lc('e:!.~ar)' to pri..llc..:.t LenJ.-1.~r's Jnte~c:C\t. InduulIlg. hH l1(\t hm!tcJ In.. ~k,hllJ'~Gnll'-IH p;
<br />rc:aw,nahk: alk\mey\ fees ,md entry HpOll th~ Pr-opci~{ io nul..c rt.~p,llr:... 1t l.e-nJci rl'q0rcd OIl...Htgage iIISUf'IIll'C ;1)
<br />;;:1.:)I'WI1:on f!C malmg th.c k'an $.t'CUfC-d by dlls l~e-c.J '.'If I w;.c BOlfi.JWcr ,>-h~lll pa) the prcm_1Um.~ fCqUHt,,:o 10 nl.llllLuH
<br />m~U!3nCe In e-ffect uo"11 s.uch time as th~ requrretn~nl !~lr ,;uc.:h ImuraiKC H:rnllna!n !n .!i.:t.:i.JIdJIKC wilh Horro\\-Cl"',
<br />Lcudn'j written agreement or ::Jpplic,ahk LJw. B<;lffoI,H_r :;.hall par :hc .H1Wttn! or illl mortgage H1SUf;.lnl'~ pfl.'!llll1ln'; IiI Ih.....
<br />fi\U,fHlCt p-ro'tidtd undC'f parJitfaph :! heft:oL -
<br />An)' .a-muu.~'H:) -J,5-hllT~Q by I cadt'f p.urs~nl to thl'> par3!tt.fp-h 7. ""-dh ,f)\t,,;~C:,.1 tlwro;;otl, \hal! hcu)n\(.' J.,_!,1;ll,'n.li
<br />nW(-htetfnti$..,)f Ro-.n~)"""et :;e~:u!~ tyy !}wj. Deed \:l! Tru.:.L t,!1l1c:\!i B~)ffOWCf J.nJ I endCf a~[:ce 1t_; (}Ihi"f term:>, of pa)"n\cn:. ,(ldl
<br />..ttwunb 'ihii:~I -t,1!(t Pil)-aW-C upon n-OW:l~ tn1rn l.cnd-er to BOHl)WC-r lCqtJ('<~!lllg rJ.yml.:nl :llCICI.lf. ;lnJ ",h.ll! tX-2, llltt:.n::::-.j Jf{l,ll lhi;
<br />da!~ ~:{ disJ:nJ!''k_.nelJJ at t,he fJ.tc payable In-,m time to ,time on I..lUhl;:nldHlg pf!l:Up"J under tho:: ....,:01..;: titilcs!) pnymcnr illtcrl,.~s,t
<br />-\\t _~~.h. ru..tr wo-uJd be, ~<~;>cmary f(l, .p-pk,~ble l.w" In Whi;;,'h (; v;,: nl: ",ll..:h am.)um.'; "i-hall t--t:~r :nlt-:rcst :it ill\! rale
<br />l~~~~~;':~~~~K~blt lilw, NOtilll1g ......'ntj,\ued in lhls fMf<Jgraph 7 "h;dl (cqu~n~ Ll..'nJn h; mt\1f ,.lH~' c:qxn~c I,)j" lake
<br />- So '..<<lic... l.-tnd~f f'nar m~lr.t.' 01 1:(,1>-<:,: wade - t' j IT' .. , . h P
<br />lh..ii t~~;i ~h-lH lr'-~ 8Qf'f~)W~r tl...)~h~t to ~a}:- ~ac'h ifl:;;:~~;~~~i'}~~~(~f).l~<gU;~~l~,~~:h:;"~:l~:~Q:~~';:~~t~!~c ,,~~~~)l;~;!~\,;
<br />'n;hF~ 1ft!~ P,-V<<ftv
<br />