<br />r
<br />
<br />83_ 005175
<br />
<br />9. Condemnation. The rrl}l..c>:;U" t1f am .I\\ard {\r dalnl lor diimagc<.;. dlf(~d ~n cnnscl..J.ucnlial. in nlnnection with any
<br />~(llldemnafjon or other taking of the Property, or pan !hereof, ~)f for (onveyance in lieu of c{)ndernnation, :uc hereby assigned
<br />and shan he paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a totnl taking of the Properly. rh...: proceeds ~ha!l he applieu In the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the -excess, j[ any, paid to Borrower, In thl.' event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />utherwise agree in writing. there." :-.tUlJl rJC applied to the ~UfI1s ~..:t:u,.cd hy thi:-; Deed of Tmst such propoilion of the- proceeds
<br />ilS is equal to that proportion which the ;:\nwunt of the "UIllS ~I."cured by this Deed of Trust imm~diafely prior to the date of
<br />laking bears- to the fair marker value of the Property immediately prior to Ihe dale of laking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. ,
<br />If the Property i~ ahandoned by Borrower, or if. al'tcr notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or seale .1 claim for dam:iges, Borrower iails to respond 10 Lcnde-r within 30 days after the date slIch notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized W -.:oHect and apply the pro<.--ecds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Properly o-r to the sums- ~ecured by fhis DL'--Cd of Tmsi
<br />Unless Lender and Borwwcr otherwise agree in \\'rIllllg. ,Un' ~uch applicall{m of proceed:s to princip~1 shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due d-alc of the monthly installments referred to 1I1 paf<lgrilphs I and .2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />:-.uch installments.
<br />10. Borrower Nut Relea.wd. Extcn...ion (If the {inl~' for p:l)-'ment nr modification of amortlzation uf the sums secured
<br />hy this Deed of Trust granted hy Lender J;,l :lny SltCCi,;'.:,,('r ill intcrc<;t of Borrower shall not clperatc to release. in any manner.
<br />the hahili!y of {he original Borrower ;md llorrl,lwer-\ ':'uca".,(~r~ in Interest. Lcndl'f :-,hall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such 'iU-cccs.~()r nr n,:lme to c:\tcnd t1l11\:" inr r;lYI'~u:n[ or otherwise modify 3Tnortizalion of, the sums
<br />'Secured by this Deed of Trust hy reason of any demand made hy Ihe onginal Borrower and Borrower's successors: 1I1 interes.t.
<br />It. Forbtoarance hy Lender ~Ol a \Vahrcr. An\' krhearalH.~C by 1 endcf m e\.crdsing any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise :.ltfordcd hy applic<.lhlc- law, ...hall nO( h::: a waiver nf "'f preclude the cxcn.:isc of an}' such right or remedy.
<br />fhe procurement of insurance or the p-;lymcnI of !aXes (lr \'Tther liens or charges hy 1 coder s.hall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accdcrat,e th.:: marurity fit" the Indebtednes.s ,ci:u.rcd by thIS Deed l,r Trust
<br />12. Remedi~ Cumulati..,i.'. All n:nwdiC'~ prt)vtded Hi thiS Ikt:J III Tru~t art~ dl~Hmct and cumlllative l'tJ any olher right
<br />or remedy under this Deed l"d Trust or <Jtfordcd j-Iy !~IW <if equity, ~Ind may he c.xen.::lsed concurrently, independently or
<br />successively, .
<br />13_ Su&;c~rs and t\uiau,'i Bound: Joint .md Seveld' Liahility: Captions. The \.:o\'cnants and agreements herein
<br />contamed shall hmd, nod the nghts hereunder .~hilll l!lure tn. [he re~pl~Crl\'e SllLcc,;snrs and ;jssigns t1t Lender and Borrower,
<br />~ubject 10 the provisions ('1' paragr.aph i 7 hercn! ,AI! (\'\-e.~n':lIIf-s ,wd ;I.:.:rcemcnt\ (if Horfl1\\.er shull he joint and several.
<br />rhe captions. :.lOd heading') 1.1f the p:.ifagraphs d lhi:-; Deed ,l! Tflht ;\rc {or C\\l1\'Cl1lcrh.:CC only and arc nol to be used to
<br />imerpret (}r define the provlsions hereof
<br />14. Notice, E..~_cept for any noth':t: n:qu1Jcd ulhkr dpph(;il->k ;a,\ 10 11:: gl\'t::n III ,loot her manner, (al any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for 10 this D\."cJ..l of Tru~! Shi-il! he !.:IVCll hy m;uhng: "lH.:h n{l{!ct: bv <,:cflitlcJ mail addressed 10 Borrower at
<br />the Property Addrcs-5 ,--~r at ~u-l.'h other ;td(Jrcs~ .I~ BOffi'Wt~r IlIay deSl~t.lla!~ b~ notice 10 l.ender a~ pnwided herein. and
<br />{hi any notice to Lender ~hall he g,veo hy .:ertltlcd nlJd. return lCC(',pt r\'411c:~!ed. In LCllder's address slated herein or to
<br />\uch other address as Lender m~~y dC5ignatr: hv nou.:.:e 11\ HOffl)"'-.:r it" pn1Hi.kJ hereIn Any notice provided f('IT in this
<br />Deed of Tnlsl shaH be: deemed f-;i have heen iP'it'n (d Ho! n\\"~r M LtllJl:t when glH:n in lhe manner d~signateJ herein.
<br />15. IJniform Heed of Tru..t: {;Q\'l-rn;nJ: I uw: Sf.'\-narnlit.y. J Iw. f,1rm of dl'cd Ilf lnhl c\'rnbmL''i. 1I111form covenants for
<br />national me ~~nd l!on-unlfonn ;. O'q:r:allb wilh hnllit:d V;lP<I!il1ll" h', In l"i.lll\IHul(: a ullJforrn \Ci.:llrltv instrument
<br />.:overing real propeny. This Deed {o! TflI~t "h;!i! h: ~'\)\\.';nl"d h lht' \d lhl' :un't-di,,:!ttHl In which the Properl\' i\ located.
<br />In the ev~nt that ;lHypro\'\~lOn I'f I.-'l:msc \.~I I~!~, Pt'!,.';} t;' t l\ht ,Jr 1111.' ~"'l)[L' t.,lIHi!(l\ v.llh ;Ippltcab!c la\"., ':>w.:h cnntlict .s~all
<br />nol affect other rr-ov:sl{m~ "f d11::' [kt:.! ",I f nt"-! (l( ihl' ~,-)fl..' v. h<'h ~'.\l\ dh:'d WIlIWl.Il the c'1nllicltng rrOVISlOn,
<br />and to thi~ end the pJOvi:o.lons ell 1M.: Dt'('d i'i J "ml ~hc '''illl' ,ire j,' he ~t:'d::Jabk
<br />16-. BoIrower's Cop)"_ Bt)rr(l\~t:r "h,ltl h_' j'-lli;"hn.l;, ~.jn!,'llljcd ,,\1'\ \j lh,- ~A~' .1lHi I'J" Ibis D~cd l'f Trllsl ;u the lime
<br />of execution or after n.::-cordafwn h-crcoJ
<br />17. Tramfe-r uf rhe Pru-pertl<; :\~mnpm)n. if ;.d ,OJ P,!!i ('1 t1h' l'rp[1cl!\ d an lni<.:rC\! [hClt::ll~ is: -,,(lid or transferred
<br />hy Bono~'c-r withoOl Lender., pn'x wnHeD '~'''':'ll'>~l\L .,.)! the t ft;alJl'n \\f _. i:l~n ,lr eih.:umbrall":C' ,>uh()f{Jinate tn
<br />Ihl:s rh..'Cd of Trus!, (h 1 the ctc,-t!IOn ,1 [\UfI..'h:I'1<: j,\fj!lC\ ',;;CU'it, !!,\t:r,'.,l l\,{ hl)t!jehoIJ ;lppl!~I!1l.:C~, I (; I :~ lransfcr by dcvi~e,
<br />dcsceal or by nperatu:m 1)( la\\" Up<.)H dcalh d .1 ld'll (L'n.ln~ ,'1 -J] 1 ,. 1.' I ',I Jiltll' I' f 1!qr 1,'1 liLL
<br />All JIlIR~ , IAI! 1t1 [1 II t ,. r -, . I ell-Jer nla\ .It t 1;Hd....1 " l'PiH'Il, ded,ui.:" ;dllht sum-; ...r.;cured h\' thh DC't:tl nf Tflbl to be
<br />immediatel;.' due and p<t~-ab!t., Il"nJcr ,h~IU h.l'~. ;;, ;j,-(:dt:lclie if. prll~r !o [hI.' ...,dc:.' t'r tran..fcr, Lendcl
<br />'-lnd the pcl..Oll to WnOH'l _Int.' Prnpcll~ j<., t,\ i,..;' ~ujJ ,'i :,--',1,-11 tl.i!I'Ct:n!Clli 1:1 v.-riung thai lht: credit 01 such per"Llll
<br />IS s..iltils-fach-'r)' to l.entil'[ ;l!ld Ih,!! (hi:" ,nll:(\.'",I P,l'qjh'.. ,,',"li~t.'d In lh:.. Deed ~-,f I ru...l "hall he at ~lH.:h ralc a~
<br />Lender shall fC~UC-.'oL If Lc:.cndet ha" ""~i1\-l;,J lilt: "P!HH~ ~'.' -,,~'h:!-,lk I1r.HHkd 1:11I1i... p,lLtgr;lph !7, ;lllU if Borrower'" 'lllCCCSSor
<br />in mleresi h~l~ e\ecu{t~d ~\ ~"; ilten ;j~::,ump;H)n ;;gl-:~flll:n\ ''.Tl~d ") ,~{ dHIF, !..\ 1 ~:~-,del. l.cnJl'r ...h~1H rI,:lca:.c Borrower from
<br />;All obligauons under (!WS lle-t'--J ('I Tru!,! and :he ...."fe-
<br />If Lender ~'xerl.:l"~ "uI,:h np!ion t,) .1I...._l..'kr"l\t;-, I \'qdt:r \1;.1;; Hill'f'
<br />paragraph 14 herc\)l. Su..:h j'h)t;>.;:-e ~h,\lll}f"\,\:idt' .! .q ",,( )c..... !H,_,ll
<br />whi-cn UOfH'WCf m>iY f'.i'y the ...ml'.i Jt;!.i,tfcd o1u(,: H,lIH"\\', !.ld., I,' I'd'.
<br />Lender may, wtthout runher 1'It'Ii.::!; .'f .:.knlitnd ,'I' H'_\n,,~\,.'i "\,\;"c ,;1\\
<br />
<br />....c-! Ihlli-.:t: of Jccderuli(lH In act.:ordancc wl!h
<br />j ftH!1 th~ l.bh: the n('Ilil~t: I... mailed Within
<br />',U)l";'l prh1l" tl' the e\plf"Jlion of such period.
<br />p<:f!lllll<:d hy 1';-:r;-1graph j X hereof.
<br />
<br />NON.l'!,;iFORM t.'O"-f'N"-"'i~ Hl1tr._l\\,-Cf _Hi;] I ~'ndt'r !unh...'! ,,('Q;O,lil! .\rh.i ;l)i::rn:.' <:1\ fOnOWli
<br />
<br />18. i\f.'"~du>>tion; Re:nlt~-di-(-~. E~x"p-i a~ pf"H\ith-d in Jlaru~l"aph 17 hercof. upon Borrower's breach of an} l.:o,"enant or
<br />:t&tft'menl of 8orru~er ill this l)~t~d of fru;,t. iududine. tht' {.O\ t:ll<Hib to lHt} "hen due an,)' ,,,,um,, st'cured by this need
<br />of Tru.'\t.. Le-ndcr p..ior to a(:l'de-utxm "hnll mau notin 10 RornHHT a, pn,,-jut"d in paf"a~ruph 14 hert'uf !\.pedfying: (I) th~
<br />breach; (2) thl" IK'tion requ.ir~d to nm: \Udl br~>>~'h; 01 a dah.\ not k~., than JO ds)'\ from the date thl' notice is mailed to
<br />Borrower. b) which :-..uch br~a.:h musJ bt: \'urtd~ and (-U thai failure tu cure- -sm'h breach on or before the datc specified
<br />in the noik't' may resujl in an:t'"iu:ilti-on o-f tilt' SIHn... ~t'\.'ured by lhb Ot'ed (Jf T ruse and "'31~ of the Property. The notice
<br />sball fUrihe.. i.Aform Bono,,"t'f of th~ right to rt.'in~fate afh.~r ac.:l.:clenlfion and the right If) brin~ 11 Olurt action to assert
<br />the aoo--exist'-eJt{'f! of 9 default Hr am uther defe-oM; or 8ono,,"er 10 act'i:leralion and ~ale-_ If the breach is nof cured
<br />otI or .before tbe date 'iJl<<itie:d in the .ootkt:'. Lender af Lender':,,> option nUl) d~d3rc all of the sum.\ secured b~' this Deed
<br />of T~ to be- immediatd.,)' due und pa)ablc.- ,"ilhout furthel' rli:utaud anti ma} itn-Ol,u: the power of sale and au) other rc-medie~
<br />pum,itW by applkabk bm.. Lender shall hi> C'utitle--d 10 culled llJl Tt'<i_wnable c.-t}~b and expenses hu'urred in pursuing the
<br />ft'mecUes pro"ided in tlds ~ntpb 18, including. bUl nut limited (0, reasonable attornefs fcc,\.
<br />If tlM pow~r of salt> is Jm'oked. Tr~tee sh>>.1t n"-COfrl a nolice- of dduult in cu(b (:uunt) in whit.'h fhe Property or some
<br />part tItu'eof is. to(.ated and !fb.tl mail copt"~ of ~u{'h notkt in the manner IlrC!K:ribed 11" appJica~le J~\'l:' (0 Borro"'t'r and to the
<br />other ~ pR!!Cribrd b)' lIpplkabJe law, After lilt' lapse of such timt: .:1'> ma) he required b) applicable Juw, Trustee shall
<br />1Pve ,.mtk 006<< of sat~ 10 ibt; peCMlflS- and in tbe m..nm.'f' prescribed b,. applicable hw.. Trustee. "-ithoul demand on
<br />BorTewe(~ sbaU _U tht: Property at public aUftion In the highe-o;t hidder at lhe thlll" and pla.-cc and under the terms designated
<br />m the notice- of sale in OBt' or mOTe pan.'eh and in such order a~ Trulilee may determine. rru!'ot~e may pO!i-tpone sale of aU
<br />or aD,)' ~el 6f t.he Pr&pert" by public announceuu;n' at tht' timt: -and plat.:c nf lUll }lteviou-wl scheduled ~aJt':, Lender (,r
<br />I........ ~ ....1 p...d._ 'nePrope,ty at any >ale.
<br />V,.,.. ~lpl of pa1- of .h. pric. bid. T....uee .ball delhw to the porch..., TrWite.'s d..d co!,,,}I"!: th. Property
<br />soW.. TIle- ~ in the Trvstee'$ dffd shall be prima rack \'\"iden~t' of tbe truth of Ute statements made therein. Trustee
<br />... apply Itre. p...."'...of .'h. .... in tl>< I_wiN! <ml$r: (a; 10 .11 "",.;o"..bl. costs and "pl'n"'" of 'h. ..Ie. Indudlna. bul
<br />rtui: UmHerd ~ Trust<<'&, fus of oct more t-han 1/2 QA. 1 r:}, u-f 1M groS!t sale pf'ict~ reilSOWibk attom~y'~ fees aad costs of
<br />Ilde.l'w......; 1tJ)lu llIl_ "cu"'" by tbls l>eed ",f T....t, ....d tel the exceO&. il any, '0 Ibe pl"""" or pl'r.."', l"!loll)' ..,'illed
<br />I........
<br />J9~ Botrowu'l!i Ria...t to JteilKtah.', Non'i1Ih~tandif'!_g Ll.:"ndn'" ..t-'i,:e!crJtit1!\ \.; the "urn... \\:\.t!fl;\! hv 1111''1 Deed of Trus.t.
<br />8otrowe-r ;:h.U have ltw right t(f hUH pf~K-eeujng~ h,-~gu!'l h-y f.C'n-def tu 1_. n h.J I ".i.' iiu'i r)(.'t::d tJ[ TP.J:-I dl"'<;OtHll1ucd ,It
<br />"flY h-rne pff{l;f ~Q 1M ,t'ar!ie:r to iK..:or of U, filth da}' ~ft:.,r~< the \ale of rhe Propen:y pllr~u,Hn In {hc ptl\\~r ~\f silk \.'l)lllUln~J
<br />H) tnaDet....dDf.Trui-u:rr (jflcnlry (If a 1.,1t!gmcfl-t :;tltOfUfl,t;. thi", t.h;;;J i.)(.f rH'S"l It. I;ll BnrrihH:r pJ~'" Lt'lKkr ~dl sums. whl\.'.h would
<br />be tht1', due 1I!tUt:r- du~ [)et,;.d :f1f Tn.",- f!ott:' NOH' amI ,wle.. FutUf't '\J-.....Uh.:i.'':> d ..;lV. ~l,1d C.p .ri."ldcLl!inn 11'-'__1.;IlHI.-d.
<br />!h~ Bnnp'''''t':-r nH-t:\ ~H hrCWi-..rH;::i ;~t .ili'i ;,fht:f 1'( .hHrO~~l.~r ,-j::l\.~jHe-J nl th,.., Dn:d \)1 'ru"1.
<br />
<br />~::.~~:';"<" ,,:::'~:~~~::~~E' . ,n C:'::~':::,:~!~::: ,~,;~:,:;\~:;~~;':d,\:;:;:;~~:::~i::b\~
<br />
<br />",,:~H<f~ ~\~ -^"'-,"".n:. thOll Ih>r hEn ~;; ~HHj ~L'n,"~.c. ,hil!!~\!l"n [;-' 1"1\
<br />