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<br />I <br /> <br />83--., CiU,5175 <br /> <br />r <br />I <br /> <br />UNIFORM ('OVEN>\NT"i BO!T, ;lI~d '_coder ~nvellant :.tnd agrt..'c as fl)I!OWS: <br /> <br />L Paymt"nt of Prindpal and Intenst. Bnrrnv"ef ...hall prmTlptly pay \1,,:hcll due Ihe principal of ;lIld intcrc<;.1 Oil the <br />Indentedn..'';'' c\ ide-need hy lhe Note, prepayment and 1:111.: L"hargcs as provided in the NPlc. and !he principal of and interest <br />1m flnv Fulurl' "dv"nL>~'" ",c<...'lIll'd hv 11")1', DL"cJ l'f 'I 1"\1.." <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Inst-rnmc.... Subject to applicahle la,\' or to a wrilten waiver by Lender, Borrower shaH pay <br />In Lender on the day monthly ill";!atlmcnh of pnncipal ,lIuI interest arc payable unJL'f lhe NOli:. until the Not~ is paid in full. <br />a stlrn therein "'Funds"') equal tn onc-twelfth of Ihe yearly 13.\.CS ;\!l{l;smcnls whil'h may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents Oil the Pwperty, it any, plus olle~lwdfth (If yearly premium installments for hazard -insurance, <br />plus (lne-twelflh of yearly premium Jn~tallmen{~ for mortg.lgc inSlIfiUH.:C, jf any. .111 as rC.-lsonahly c!itim.ltcd initially and from <br />rime Il) time hv Lender on the ha<;is of a~s-essmenl~ and hill" nod re<\...ona('le estimates thereof. <br />The Fund" shalt be held in J.n institulinI1 the dt:po,iIS or .Iccpunh (If which arc insured or guar;lf1lccd by a Federal or <br />\tate agency (including Lender If Lcndt'r i.. "w.:h all ill<;tllution L I cn(kr .;hall apply the Funds tn pay said taxes. ascoessments. <br />:nslU .tncc premiums :md ground n:nK l_l.'ndcT lllay mH i:harg.: h-Ir 'ill holding and applying Ihe Funds. analyzing said account <br />pr verifying :lOd cl.1mpiling s;tld as<;C"linlents and hIlls, \lnl~o,;" l t:ndcr pay" Borf0wcr interest on the Funds and applicable taw <br />permits Il.'llder 10 make "lIeh a chargc_ Borrn,,(.~r and i_codc-r may agree in writing al the time of execution of thj~ <br />Deed of Trust thaI inte-re,t {'n the hmd... "h:tll he ptlld to Horrmvcr, and IInles.. ,>u<.:h :ig:recmcnt is made or applicable law <br />r~quire<; sllch mt(;'rcst To be paid, L~ndcr ~h;JI! flll1 he r~q\JIred I,> pay f:hlrrn\\-er any !nterest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />':.hall give to RorrO\\l'L wllho\H l'harJ2l~. ;ill ;lflnU;t! an~il\lnling 01 the Fund.. ..hnw;ng credits and det'lils to the Funds :.lnd the <br />purpOse for which each debit w lhc~Fllnds \Vas made, Thc+Fllntls arc pledged a"~additional security for the sums secured <br />hv thlS- DC1~tl of Trust <br />If th(',amCluof nf rhl: Fund~ held h~, I_t,:nder. lngdher wirh th~~ !ll!UrC monthly jn<;tallments of Funds payable prior to <br />the Jue dales of ta\C<';, a"'1"',,..mcllh, 1lISllr"nCi..~ pn.~mi\lm,> ;nld ground rt.:"nts. "h.:lll t'xl.,t.':cd the ;unotmt required to p.IY said taxes, <br />;iSl\C-,,~mcnt.., in<;ur;ln<:i.? prt,"nl1U[Jl.. .lnd gr\'lllld fi.?nh :1" lhcy !.1l1 dllL'_ "H,,-'h t'\CC"S "h;dl hi..~. ;H Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid tt'\ Borrower Ilr t:fcdiwd hI Bnrrfl',Wr tlll monfhl'.' inst<tllmcnh nl F\lnd~. If the amount of the- Funds <br />held hy (_coder ...hall nOl he <':\lniCll~nl fu P:lY !.l\~", ;l'....c""mnil<;, 11l"lIrancc pr~nllums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Borrow~r "hall pay In I end:::!" ;(1)\- ;Uilounl 1H'\..'L'5;<;;lf'\" III make up lhe dclicl('ncv Within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Horrower requesting payment therc()l <br />Upon r~ym\~n! in ltlll elf all ",LHn... '-'.'i..-urcd h\ thL~ Dl.,.'ed .'1 Tru-.!. I cndcr ';hall p-mmptly refund !o Borrower any Funds <br />held hy Lender. If \lnder fl<UJgr~\ph 1:;: hl.'r'..'flt Ih~ Propcn'. h '"lid Pf the Propcfl\' 1",nH1CrWI!\C .acquired by Lender, Lender <br /><;hall applv, no b,ter lhan Immediately prwr ,;, fh\.' ,.,de ,'I lhl' Pft1perlY \Il" lh .l\..:qulsltlon hy I ender, any Funds held by <br />Lender at the lIme of apphc:Hlnn ,h ;} credit again\! the '-Ifill>; \cCOfL'll hy thi~. Deed of Trust. <br />3. Application of Pa!'ments. l'nk~" _lppJI':c!bk J.H~ jlfl)\"id....... dhcn\-I:\c. all p~lymcllT" receIved hy Lcnder under the <br />Note and p:irag-raphs I Jod "2 he-reot siw!l hL' ;lprh~d h ! ~'jllj...'r tJr\! In pJ.ymeJl! df ;1I11Otlnt~ payahle to Lender by Borrower <br />tinder parag.raph 2 hereof. [hen W tnteresr p.1\ .lbk nil If~,,' ~.Ik, ihcn tn th~ prl lll.'l pal of the Nnw. <lnd then [0 inlerest and <br />principal on any Future Ad\'~tnccs. <br />4. ChaFR-es: LierLCi. Bnrr0\-'..-cr ...h;:dl P;i\' :dl 1..\<:'-.. X"\C~,,fllc-nh .Hid \'1Iwr __harge,;, flllc~ :Hld lmposltions .lurihulable fo <br />Ihe Property which may ;tWUO :1 prmn!\' (l'.'i;r ibIS Deed ~)t J'IWd, and leasehold pi.wmcnts or ground rents, if any, in the <br />munner provided under paragraph 2 hert:ot df. It nnl Iii 'Hl:h m;lOner. hv Borrower maKulg. payn:cnl. when due. di,rectly <br />10 the payee- thcrcllf. "hall promptl..- iill"lll';j'l 1<.\ ,dl I\\>I:LL", ul amount" due under this paragraph, and m the <br />event Borrower sh3.11 make pa)'ITIcl1! d,rt"l.,:!l\'. HNf,\\h:;t ...h;di pr'1mptlV i'.lllll"h 1,1 I ~ndcr f'C'l'"Clpts cvidcncHlg such payments. <br />Horrowcr ~hall pWll1pliy tiJ'.ChMPX ;~nv i:<:n ;.~hH"h h:n ,-'\e: Ih\., Ikt"U 1'1 I rU~I; pnl\'!Jcd, th:ll Borrowcr shall not be <br />required to di~chargc .my \0":0 Jit:n ~n t:':lg d\ HOrH\\\d:r ..,;ltllll~ !;' thl' r.lymenl (\[ the d,bgallon sccUI:cd by <br />\uch lien U1 a m::mnC"f a:..<.:eprabk l<' lC!Hkr. I'l' ...In!) 1]1 gll\.lll ulnlC...! '-tILl! iii.:Jl hr, 1'1' del end cntnn:l.:mcnt of stICh lien In. <br />!~gal pro\:ceJtng... \l;.hh,:.h \)rh::f,t!~ !j1 ;\f-:VC1J! (Il!P!"....Tlil,,'pl ,11 the 'll'!\ 1', j(1rlciwre \11 thl': Pn'!r~lly or any part i,he-reof. <br />5, Hazard Insurance. IhHn)\\l..~1 ,hall "'('ep .fH~ \Hlp{"\-CHlt'IH" IIIIV. l'\j"l;n~ Uf hl,'It:<ltICI ~fC,.:tl'J tfll the Prl1perty Insured <br />ag;.ltil!>t loss hv Hre, h:llunh nh:iudt~Li \~Hhln t~H: ~"!l'!ldcd -"'\h,h !Jlher h:ll'-lrd'i as Il'ndcf may require <br />and in ~uch amGUll[~ :w-d 1'l11" ..Udl I'Cllt'l..h ;i'" I H.qlur..... rnl" ;h,il Lender "h;..di onl rcqum: that the amount oj <br />such coveruge t:\t:ecu anW\lll! ,\i U'\'t:f:lg>: p.l\ ih\.' '-l:Hh "'Iywcd h, {hI,> Oel',d 01 Trust <br />J"he inSlll"anCl,,' .::Hocr pH\\-;dJlrg lh'..' hI" i\l"<:l! !'S !1..lrr,w,cI :>UbICl! It\ appnl\-dl ]1\ I L'ndc-f: pJ'tIVlded. <br />that such approval shaH not Dt' I.Wn:_.l""!I;lhj~ ,\11 PlCllqUlll\ \'11 H},I!f.W\:C pnllClt.':>> ~hJ!! be pall..i in the mannel <br />provided under paragraph 2 ht.'iCd Ul' Ji pur pald In :>-ll;.:h nl,\lllll.:i". h BOIf','wC:l" makmg paymenl. when Jut, directly to the <br />insurao,e <:arrier. <br />AU insuran..:c pojJ\.:ic~ ,10.1 r':IH;,,'.;d~ 'Ia;rc~ll\jj "\ ;;l !i'fill '!~.'_-111'1j,k 1,1 I t,:ndcJ .wd ~,hldlln~jlldt: a standard nhJngag(" <br />,Jause in favor Dr and In !nrm .o,-__t.:-PUj,j,: 1.\\ I t'iltkr ! ,pd~1 ~:;,\i! i-; \\<..' (he !J~:h! {,1 [wjd !he Ptdh:I1,:>:' dl1d n::nc\'..-als thereof. <br />and BorrU\\-cf "hall r'!(lrupll]' tuun..h J,' 1....nJ...J :'>..:iio.::''',_1I i"ill:"l'''' ,'~Jd .ill r,''':L'IIIt., ;;i !~;u,l premium... In the c\cnt of los'i, <br />Borrower sha.H give prt}mpl lh_'!,'d: :,' l.nt :,-l"1ir,J.~l,-~" ! \'lId.." ! ~'nd""l lil,~', m,lke pf(lnl (lj j~)~'i i[ nul IIIiJJe promptly <br />bv Borrower <br />< Uflle~s- Lcndcl anJ H(lfnl\~c: ,'lnl.'J1.,L"":' ,jl.:j,~t' ~;i ,'-i;{lilg. ';'....U,d!;..t.' pJ"...t.:CJ", "h~lli he ,:ppllcd In rC)[(JJ'<Hion or I"epalr of <br />ihc Prof}\:rty damagcJ. pr,--1\iJeJ -,,~.;\,:t1 r~'''~\1I'IH:'ll ,\( l\.'!'<ll( ", ',-i,.'II\.Jlllh...dh- ,lllt.!lh;; ,>CUlli(v nf rhl'i [)t":cd llf Trust IS <br />not thereby impaired, It "u...ll H::...t~lr.!b\ln \'1 rep,H! I" Ill)! '-';':"lk;nlll._-,.t\ly ,'1- Jl the ...,;:\,.uflty lll" thl" L);.~cJ l)f Tnr:.l \\-ould <br />be Impaired, the jn"lJr~-tJh.:.... p,,,,..x(:J~ ..h;dl he 'ii->piir.:d In '..:H11"- '-.c\ ul\:d t!lh Dc..:d \)1 rru~L \-'dlll Ihe .;:\c.;~". if any, paid <br />10 Borrower. If the PflJjX'rt} h .lh;j,!\d\.';l\~..l BOrl,,}\\t:!. It' Ji,,''\Pl!DJ td 1,~ndl'r ..\ithlfl 30 day... from thc <br />date noti,,!:; is OlaileJ by Lcnd~r ll~ Ihnrl.-'lI.\<:1 ,he !,L..,Uf;!Il...: ";drr!~r tlitCl'> li\ S<.:llk ,. .:i,lllH [\)1' In\lllall~(.' bcncfib. l.cIH.lcr <br />l'i. authoril.cJ ill .,:.1ile;.:i ;mJ appl)' the ll\..~ll ~lh..~~ ('! ,J..:ct,;d... .It [';f!Jt:(~ \l\HlIlI1 I..'liher io r;::.tor;ill(ln ,~r ICpalf pI the Propert)- <br />or to the sums ~c~urcJ hv Ihts. Deed ,if '{ ru...[ <br />Unless LenJcr and Bl..1fh'WCr ~'theIWI3c- <.lgrl:C in \,.illlllg, '>liel, .iprh"'~llkHl (\[ pm...:el:d~ to principal shaH not l;,'xtclll1 <br />or {X..."\StpoOL1 the JUt: Jate ..11 rhi; HItHlthi)o m"~<1lhl\t.'nb, r,:!cffL'd )I' paraglaph. f :inJ 2. hcrl.::(\t (If ~h<lnge the amount oi <br />such installme_nts. If under p~ragraph 11', her~t\l lhc Prvp-'::lh ,. <1'-''-{Wl"ed hy 1 t..'nder, ;~illight. lltle ,1OU inl~rCS[ of Borrower <br />JO and to all, insurance JX)}iCICS. ~nd llt ,nil..1l~..l the pn.)",:c-l:J::. !h~t~d rC3ultlng rlU!li Jafll<.lgl.: 1>.1 rhe Pr\)p\;,rty prior ll} the sale <br />or ac_quisition shaH pass- [\) Lender tu the i.:..\h:nt dt Ihe :-"lHH~ \~..lIr,eJ h) {hi::' Dc~J \)1 Tru~1 nnmeJialcly pflor W '1oUl..:h sale (If <br />acquisition. <br />'" Presu"ation and Maintenance 0(_ Pwpcrt): l.-l~a5Chuld.s-; ('ondorniniutu!J.; I'hmned Unit Oe,,'elopments. Botw\\'cr <br />..;.hall k.:cp lhe- Pwp:cny m gUiJd, fCpil-jf ..Ind ...full .'h.ll :,':~lllH:ll{ '.-\ ~"l\.' .\f \k'! DI,l nnp,w ~nl:nt I,ll JI~!(:l"lOr;ltlon i,,~f th~ Property <br />.md shall compl)' Wtth th~ Pfl..WI:i-h.1nS- I)f ::HIY lease d Ihl-S Deed of r rmE I'> ,HI .1 k~<l:..:hokL l! 11m" [)c~d -l.~f Tru~t I~ on a unil i~ .., <br />condominium or ;;t. planned lInH _dc\elopmcnt. Bi.:r~iJ\.\e-r shaH pedol m :di 01 Borrower"s t)hfigalions under the declaratIOn <br />or co\'enantlJ, creaung or g~),:"enllng the conoommlum or phmncd ~!iH[ dl.:~'eloprnent, th~ by~law~ ;.:nd regu!aliom of the <br />;:;ondominium or planned nnlt devdopmenl, ~Hld -:,"HJ~Wuent dlKumt,;nb. 1 t ;t ..:nndllmifllum or planned umt dC\iclopmcnt <br />rider is executed by Borrower and rec!")fded together with th;~ Deed u; Tnbl, rhe \..'oVCnJnb and agreements of sllch rider <br />shall be incorporated into and ~hatl amend nnJ l:.uppkmcnt the ~\)\-cni.l!lh ;tnJ ;~grcemcnt.s Df [his Dc~d of Trust <is if the rider <br />were a part ""reeL <br />7. Protection of Lender's Se\:uriiy. If Borru\.:.c-r i;}d~ hi rCrh,Hn1 tilt: (/)\Cll'-lnts ~Ind a~:n~cm;;:nts containl..'d in lhio,; <br />Deed of Trust, or if any action Of proceedmg i5. \"ommcn~cd v..hi'.:h matcfll-dty ,dTcd~ '-t:[Hjer'~ intcfc:-.i in fhe Property. <br />including. but not limited to. eminent d,;)rnain, insolvcm;y, (ode enfor;,;t::nient. l\r ;!rrang...menb i.-'f pn)ce;:dings. involving a <br />bankrupt or de-cedent, the111..cndc-r at Lender':; option, upon nDtl';': tl.) Borrower, may make ,)uch appe~raw..:l.'''', tlishur~c :-lKh <br />s.ums ~ taK-e sm:h action as is ncce~sary W Pfl.Jtc,<.;t Lender':. intcrel<.t. ati..'luJlOg. but fh~t limit.:d tll. di~bur:-,clHent of <br />reasonahle attorney's f~ and entry upon the Propeny to make r~pair~ H LcnJ~r n:-l..juircJ ,l1on~agc iO..lJfill1l.:C a.. a <br />condItion of making the loan ;;ecUlcU 0-)' this Oee-d ('If Trus!. Borrower i>hJ.1l pay the prelHium~ rCi.luircd to mainhun su\:h <br />IMuranc~ in effect until such time iUi_ the re~tujfemenl it)r -s,uc!i HtWr:lfh.:<.' !ernllUJh:'\ in ,jCCOf~an;.;I.' wllh Honw.l,.'cr's and <br />Leudef'$ wrinen agreement or applicable l:h~:, Bf)rn}v.'cr- shaH i:l-a) the ._ilnount t'[ dl! lllOf[gtige in~ur;Jn'.:c rl'eOlillm~ in the <br />ma-nner provided under p-nrasraph 1: hereof. - <br />An)' afnOWlti: dnburwd b-y I..-endtr ptU;;.UoHH hJ nH~ potno!:I-;lph 7. 'kIth interest diCrCHi1. ..hall be...~tHJ1-t:: addHu.Hl,r.d <br />inUehttd~ o-! l!<l-frower r.e\:l.lfe-J hy this De-t;-d o~ Tru)-L Ur.t~~ Ro-nowcr and t ~ndcr dgrec 1;) ~)thl'-f icrm~ ut p~\yt!\erH, '-,u~h <br />-l)ffi{1iunU: "haH bEe: ~lahie upon Ik.ti-.;c frorn Lender k> B~)j'(n\"-I.'r rt.'4\.161ing p<!yrn~n! there-d, and "hall be,.. lnlcJ'c'\l front the <br />dfJ:t: otdBbuneme-nt_,at the rntl,;, p~j'J.bte .fn:J-t1'l tinu; to _lime ,'m ('H:'ilAtl:dil1g p!'!fH.2!pal und.;-r lht' ~(HC (Hlk~:'i pflrml~nl d imen,_']:\ <br />..:1' BUt:h tatt "'outd be: l,".,-:!)h'lit)' 1.) ilpph(~hlc ~av.-. m;;:h r:-..-\'nt q~ch amuunc,> "-h'ill heat Tit-ej'..:si at the laght::s.t r.ate <br />ptrmiuihls U,fIW:;-f' appU(;ahh:: law, Su:hmg .:~."<f~t;.~in~-d in ttm. p-,H~gf,;\ph ';' :i-h~d! :t:.y-wn.' I ('nd'tf f(, ,iH:t:f ;'Hi)" {'",ll,pt.'Uio!: pf rake <br />ant' &(tiQ,n hereunder- <br /> <br />tn~~ ~~~~~~l:'::~Y: ,~~:~.~~:~y !:~::~ ~~ ,: ~';<~~ ~:: ~~~~ c~~)~~~}.:;~:~'~;:;,:!~ h~~y~_~:~ :\~~~' I;::~~~<::~:~L~::\ \i~~~l~~~~ '~)!~e'; ~ t~~~L ::~'~l);~~:~tt; 1 V ri~ :~\~~;;~,~ <br />'\'itert'J~ io th(: P,n'(Ic::!1:v <br /> <br />L <br />