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<br />I <br /> <br />83-005169 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />! cndl'r\ ""'rHld) agr~cOlellt or J.ppliclhlc- law. BOHP\.;cr ')hall pay the amollnt l1f all mortgage insur;mo;:c premiums in the <br />manna pn.wjdc~J under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any <ImOllntf5 di~"'(lfsL'd by Lender pursmmt 10 this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />inwhh:dncs\ (1/" Rorr()~cr ",'cllr~d h~.' lhi... Morfgage. I ~Illc~s Borrower and Lender agree to nther tcnns of payment. such <br />amounts ~hall he ravahk upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the <br />dat~ of di"hllf1iCme-nt at the- rak payable from lime tn time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interc5i at such r~ttc would be coorrary to applicable law. ill which evenl stich amounts shaH bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissihfc under applicabfe law. Nothing c0ntained in thi" paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense ~r take <br />any action hereunder_ <br />. 8. Inspection. Len.Jer may make or cause to he made n::asonahle entries upon nnd in!'pections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall- give Borrower oolite prior to any ;;;!ten in<;rcct;{~ll "pccifying rca~onahle C:1U<;C therefor related to Lenders <br />inter-co;t in the Property. <br />9. Condemnation, The prnu~eds of any aW:lrd or claim for dama!!cs, dirccl or con<;cqucntial. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other laking of ihl~ Property" pr part thereof. or for conveyanrc in lieu of condemnation, are hcrehy as~jgned <br />;mll ..hail he paid w Lender. <br />Fn lhe event of i! Intal laking n-f the Pmpcrty, Ihe pH'lceeds ,hall he nrrlicd to the <;urns secured by thi<:; Mortgage. <br />\dch !hc c,ce,'i. if flOY, paid hl Rnrr'''ker In Ihe n'\.-'nf (\f ,1 partial laking \'f the Property. unless Borrower and I~ender <br />11lhcrwi~e ag:rce in wnling, lhere ~h:l!l he applied tn the "om<\ ..;cenfcd hy thilO Mortgage snch propor..fion of the proceeds <br />;~<; i... equal !('t fhat pn'tpnr1ion whH."h Ihe flnWUI11 ,If the "um" 'l'('ured hv thi, !\'f0rtga!!C immediately prior to the date of <br />f:lking hears In the fair market \';lloe ("'If the Prpr~r1\ Hnl1l('di;l!cl~ prior 10 the date of laking. with the halance of the proceeds <br />p"id 10 B('lfTower <br />If the Pr()pcr;y i\ .1h;mdonC'd lw fi,lrrI.H,"'\:r, il, If. :lftcr nnricl" ,",v Lcndn 10 ROITower that the condemnor offers to make <br />,In rlw,ud nr ,<"cffh.' a ,,-'lairn fnr damage_<", Rnrmwt"r Lli!, 10 rl'~rnnd tn lender \\-'irhin ~O days afrer the dare such notice is <br />m.:tile.d, Lcorkr i..; aurhori7ed 10 c()II~\,:t :md :lpr1y Ih~' prOt.'ee-ds, at I cndcr's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />ProperlY Of tn the .<"wn.. ....:.::llf(:d h\' thi... ;\"fnnj,!agc- <br />Utile...." LI..'!Hle-r and Borrt\Wef nrhcf'.\ j"e agrct: i~l \~ ritin~, an\' \lh.:h appllc:llrnn of proceed!!; to principal shalf not extend <br />Of pmrpnllc lhc due JaIl' pf rhl' mon!hh Jfl'>H:dlm..nts fl,ferrcd tn in paragr:1rb I :md 2 herc0f or change the amount of <br />"'{jeh ins.taHment<; <br />10. Borrowt"r ~oi RcJea~ed, 1-',,1(;0,\10,n (li rhl.' tilth.' for pa\'mc-nt nl' rn()dific~fjnn of amortization of the sums secured <br />hy thl'i Mf1rtgage granled t'," I,('o.ler 1,,' ;nl\ "'~h:CC~_".\1 i'1 infeft'''' t)f B('lT0Wer "hall not operate to release, in any manner. <br />Ihe liability pf Ih(~ t'ri!!HlJ! Horrf)'.n~r :Hld Hornwo'cr", "\jCCt:'_",,,jj'-, in inlcrc:;l l.<:nder ,hall not he required to commence <br />rro~ceding\ i:igail1\l -...ll~h t.;[lc.:e,\nr ,l[ rdu...c 1,\ {.'x!l,'nd {lme ("r raVnll.'lit or olhl."f\\--is~ modify ~\In()rtizati(ln of the sums <br />~ccurl'd hv !his Mflf12:-tce h' rL'a<;;lll pt ,\:)\ ,k:1Ufh.l maJe f,\ ,hI." \lri~inal Born-wer ;1l1d Bllrrowcr's slIccessors in interc5t. <br />II. .Forbearanc~ b\' L..udltr _'f)1 a W~jn."r. '\'1\ fi'\rhcar'-lIH:\: hv i' elHkr in C'\en:i'ilOC: an\' righr or remedy hereunder, or <br />lltherwi_\!.: ;liTnrdcd n\' ;j"rr1i":-.lhk- !:l\..... \luH pp( h...' ,I Wai\t'f ,11 (l"r predudc !he c'\C'r~-i"c '(If :H1:v such right or remedy, <br />The procure-men! nf in'i-Uf';jni."~ Of :h\' ;',l\'nwnr ,q t_,\,", I.'r- ",[Ita l!I'n'i ,-'r dlargi..'-" hv L:ndt'r ,hall not bl~ a waiver of Lender's <br />ric:ht it) <!l,.'\:d-er;llc the tllatmilv ,'I r;,,' !1l~kb;:edq,-''''", "':,--i~f".~d I'v .h,.... \1"r1l':\~c <br />~ 12" Remedir-s ('unmlatit.e. \11 n'Hlc,!le<; "1'('\ !lkd 1;1 !i1;\ 1\LntI..'J~~' ;ifl: di\tillC! ;\1111 nnnuiativl' 10 ;lli\' nlher right or <br />n:medv lllldc-r rhl'~ Monca!.!t' Of ;,If,\rdl..'d t,\, fil',-\'-"l eqilll\ .~nd flU\ 1< <:'\l'r'-'h~'d \,:,lfJ(ill'rl'll!h' rndcPl'ndcntly l'r sllcccs;ively_ <br />13. SUl:n~"iOI'~ and A~i~n, Bound; Joinl and Sl~~l'r~d Liahility: (':tptiofls. I"hl..' \."\)\-0..'11,m15 and agreements herein <br />,,-:ofl!ainl"d "h,lll hind. .md ,hl' lit:hh h,:n:unu..:-r .,h.d! i~jll'J: r,-, (11.., ft'''Pl.'l'!l\f "O<.:\:I:'>:',\f-. and u""ign, O:lf L<=nLier '-lnd Borrower. <br />'iubiel.':t in rllt: onl\"i'dlln>,; (;1 r'.naf-:[,lph l' htn.:u! -\0 -"u-"-l'!nnb ,illd ,!~rl'l'rllL'r)(" nf Bf)ff(nn'r ~hall he joint ~nd several. <br />rhc c:apHillls ,;l1d he;';tdin~... ~'f :hc -~l:1r.l';:-'lph ,'I ;11(., \l(\!1r;ll',o :l~'" ':0\[ <.'(l!iVenti.'Ik:t' tlnl\-' :~nd i\f\.' lwt I,) he used to <br />imcrprct pr ddinl~ fhe: fHll\i"ll'I~'-- ;1('1','1'2 <br />14~ :"fOlkt'. F\"cpr f,ll" an\- !1,'l!~.: l',-'q"I:-t'd H'-'tk-r _IjT!i..-"J){,o Lt\,\ (;, be ,;:'1\'l..'n 111 ill1l!!hcr munn~L (ill any notice to <br />Boo(\wl'l' pr(\\'tJel.l it)!' :11 rhi, \t\'l'I~,lg\.' ,,1\,lH h<: 'old! i1<'!j,X b~ ,--,'rtdied nuil addres,>cd l0 Borrower at <br />the Prnp-l'rty :\ddrc"" ,)1' .It ,\:1(11 ,\Iilt-'f ,~,ldr,''''' ".... dl"dl:fldi<: b.. pnli;;c 1(" f t'nda ;c<;; rrovith:d herein, and <br />(h) ,W\-' B(ltli.:\:" ki LL'tl.J::t ",h"d! ht" r',:qitt'-.,€t:d. 1,1 i C'rHl<..'I"~ :Hhlre~... Slated herein or [0 <br />""u..:h "Ihel- addn_*," ,P. J ('j) P\.l\ dc,!t;n,!lt:. hl-n:in .\ny n,->llce pr,wiJed for in this. <br />~11)rtg~lg~ ,n<-t)l be d\:'L'Oh:J ld kl'.1' b;:i.:n ~Tq,:" '(I H",h'v",;r t~r I " ~n-~n in the manner dC'Ij,lgnaled herein, <br />15, lJniform Murtgage; Gmenting: 1_.\1\\; St'\("t-ahmt~. fhh ~,'In; llf mnr!!-Oa~)~: ~"\l-m/-line'" unJfMm l,.:,>VCtl(jnts for national <br />use and nOll-uniform ",:,--'-'cnal1~'" \\Hft limHt.:d \,11;,Jlj\'I1'. h\ "-Ihd'd),'i;; Il, l..'\m~fl!!l!c:, lHljfl)rnl '>i..',,-'uril\' in",frlllllt:nt covering <br />real PfllPCfl\ rhh \h-Hlt-:~~\.' bJ. ; hI.' !.\..\ lh:: lHn....dh,'[jnn which the Property i, IN:ate-d, In the <br />~vcnf lh.lf an~ l'r,l\;i~h.'!n .'f .;1;1;.1''''-' ,';f \l()n,~,l~~ ") dw "-'1l ,-\'(HL...:I~ \-lith law. :.t\1:h C\lnllicl' "hall not affect <br />(1ther Pil.l\ISit.)llS ...{ lhl' \tnn~~l~<: ,,'I' lh~' ";""~ .\i;,,:h '!'\l'n ,.!led the ",,'nt1iclillg pnn-i..,ion_ and In this <br />('.nct the pn)\i"i;,Jll~ .If rhc \'1<~ngagt,'; .lll~j the- '..>'I': .if,,-' ';I.-~j~H<:d (" h: "'C\t.'fi-lbk <br />16. Borro~(>r's COP}, Durr'l'.,'<:-l ....1:::11! h..' l\Hll"hed "'I!1,'rmt.'d "::f'i'\ "f lhe ~n!c :wd \.'f lhi" rvtongage at Ihe time <br />of e:"'e~utilm \,')f aflCr rC(:l)rd.1Ii,-ln hC1,,-'\_'L <br />17, Transfer of thf' ProP<'rty: Assumption. f( <'Iii ,_\I \'\ 1hi.' Prppi.'ft\' ,1[ .HI lntL'fI.:<;t thereill is :-;old or transferred <br />hv Bonowl.:r \"lIhOlif Lcndt:r"s. nrh\r "'onllL'!; v,'n-wn1 ...." l:lC .:rl'dlfl.ln uf ,( !tl:n or (<n":llmbra,ncc 'mbonJinate to <br />thi", Mortgage, {bl rhe \.-reatic.r, ',,[ .1 pur~'h4:-'1.' nl.1:\(,~ "':,-WH\ ;nlt:i~,,: r',~r h~lu~hold arpll,HKe~, t;,:) a tran;;,fcr by devise. <br />de~e,ni l'1r hy np~;r,\tion N. I,b\ up,)n lh~ Jea!h (,r d i,'1l11 li:n,w( ,.II j II J p' -., ('f :au:- i rC"R ~ld iRt:3flj-r.:t i?f thnJ YiHir," @r 186& <br /><HI' LlilRlfl: .ra rn J,fn i fI' rhlCif l.endcl' nJ,,_\, ,;[1 efjdt.:f-~ ,"Plli.'H, d...:cbrl' ,dJ the sum.. ..e~urcd by this Mortgage to be <br />immcdi.Hcly dlJC and payable. Lcnd~r ...hall h.h'C \'.-;;d ,,~!(h (,p!:l1n L, ;:-h:..-dcratc if. prior to the ..ale or transfer. Lender <br />and the pcrwfi tn whom the PriJp;,:ny j... tG h~ ~,--,id ,-\r !ran~tt'fn.'J r"~;-H:h ,q;rCl'men! In writing that the credi[ of such peD\(ln <br />is satisfactof) it'! LCHJcr ~nd th,'l the inkn;.,! r,.lY..lhk i'\l th.: "'UI1l~ ~I..'(l:led h) [his ~forlgaf;e ..hall he at such rate as Lender <br />shaH If I coda has waived the i)r\I~'n t,) ,1..:..:dcr;i1t' f'h'J\'ldcJ in ttw. p'~lragr<:lph 17, and if Borrower's SllCCe~s.or in <br />intere..~t hil\ eXCi,;ulcd 3 wrin-en ~tS>;H01p:K"l-n, ;o;gn:el1l..:nt <tc...:cpli.:d ir'- ", riling by I_coder_ I.t:nJcr "hal! I'de;bC from all <br />obligahom under this. Mortgage and the Note <br />Jf tender cxt:f...:iscs ,>u.:h ,-'ptit"n w ac-cder,ll,,', 1 ~:dl..'c 'ih,d! m;i11 IkHfll'..'.<.:!" (!oth..:r.:- d :J,-<.:ekr;Hi(ln m ;lccord..lJ1CC \vilh <br />paragraph 14 hereoL Such 1'H,)i!Cl' ,hall provide;! ra:ixJ ('If fh\( k~... th:w 30 dil\' frl~nl tot' date tht' Jhlt;l:l.: io.; mailed \\,ithin <br />whit..'h Borro\l;'-cr may pay the -';;Uffi'!j ded,ucd d\ll,.'- It BNfl',ll'f {.ld" id r4~. ..,u(.h "dillS pflor tt> the eli.piralii:ltl of sll~h pt'riod <br />Lender m;ty, without further Ih)Il-;.'C C~f "i~ Hor;uv.tJ, ,i'J\okt;" J.n~ fl'lTh,:dic.s pnmiut.'d bv paragraph IS hereof. <br /> <br />NON~tJNIFORM Cove';;"'~Ts Borrowe! JnJ 1.ttlJ<r lur!hCf ":\~\l'n;l:ll ;lnJ :igrcc ,.\~ t~)lh,w~' <br />J8. AccderatioD: Remt:-d~. f:x~;tpt a't. prmid(ld in par3~r:lph 17 here-of. upon BOfff..m'er1li brt'~u:h of aOJ {'on~mlQt or <br />>>&ftet'IWnt of Bor.r-OlU,t in this. \lQft2ag.... indudina the co\Cnanb in paj' when dut., an~' SUUl1'. st'\:uced b.v thi5 Mortg~e. <br />JAR4er priw to tK-Cf'ier-atkm shaU mlii! notke- to ~-.rmwcr .as pHH'idt'd in par1lJ:; t..& hert.'Uf specifying: (1) the breach: <br />(Z., .-he actlQu required to cure ~tKh breach;- (3~ II date. not ~ th:m 30 daj's from th~ dale the natke is mailed to Borrowe-.-, <br />by which MK'b bre.aea JUmt be- (u-ud; and (4) that falluH: 10 t'ur~ '\ut:b br-eai:h on Of oofort? the date ~pedtied in the notice <br />JtUy ft$vf. m a.:....raUoo or the slmt\ M-'('ufE-d b, rh.i~ ~lot1~itI(e, fO.l'Cl.:Jusure b,) judidal prot:t't'dioJ: and sale of the PnJPerf)'. <br />11M- ~e-: WU f-wttkt infonn BurTuwu (If the ri1Z-ht to rt'lttoShdc lifter acnh..-utfofi and Ibv riuhl to ""-\en in the fOfed~u~ <br />"ocffilitJ& Ute p()lf>-#1:Gt\,;Ik'<t (}f a dt't~l-ul1 O( an) uther th:fen.~ of Borruwer 10 atTe1el1lHou and fonedusurt'. If tbe breach <br />... npC cuRd on or hefon ltw dat~ ~~dtW-d ~n the nvfkt,. I A?ndt'( at l.ender'\ optt.otl ma~ de-dart." uti of th.... SUID!i 5e{'ured b~' <br />11th Mort.. .u" hJuuof'diatrl, du-(' and SUtJabJ-t," ~-iLhout further tkmund and rna) f(Jredv.;"e bJ judicial prU{'~edhll. tende-r <br />UlaN be: ('QQtW .U folk\.i i... :"ilKh prot.'~t:-diug ilIl t"t.JW'H""'" or fotl"du<;;,mt'. i>>dudlng, hut not limih'd lH. Ul...'4S of donUlh'ntaf) <br />...,.,idflM't-. .tr>>d~:md lidt: f"'pt)rt~~ <br />19, a.rrottt>r}jj R..hf t,~ a"ifl8tat!', ""'('i ,";l.h..L,r"l;n-~ I nn,,kl -~ '-'''- ~ .:k, at:;:"!) 'i l!,\; .un." ';t'" dH.:d j-,) rhl.. Ml'f~~"~~' <br />lh:FO'9=n ..hall hi.l.\-'i.' tho,' d~h, h,tH" P!\1,:(l;."hng~ i~g'.Jn 1'1,; 1 ,_'nd.,--! ;" :!,'~ \h:q-f.Pt~\.: dj\':~'l\t;n'-H..J ,I! .,lP~ hln <br />