<br />I
<br />
<br />US1FORM ('OYFSANTS. Borrowl..'r ,cnd LCllu...,'r l,:i.JVcnant and agree a~ follows:
<br />
<br />I. Pa,'ment of PrindpaJ and Interest. Borrower ~hafl promptly pay when due the princip~,j of and interest on the
<br />indebtedn\:\s cvidenc~d by the N()t~, prepayment Ilnd l:He l:hargc,", :t'i provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advancc~ ~ecllred by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Fonds fof' Taxes and Insnrance. Subjl:cl 10 applicable bw or to a written '''''aivcr by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly instaIlmeTHs of princip.tl 'Inti ll1fC'rest arc payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds~') equal In onc~twelflh of the yC'arly la.xes. and as~el",,,ments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Propeny, jf any, plu~ one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plu"i. one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage lllsurancc. if any, aU as rcawnabJy estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the b.lSis of as~es'\m('O[s and bilh uod !Ta"i'mahlc estimates thereof.
<br />The Fund::; shaH he held m an in~titution thLL depo_\:;its l"if a<,:c<'llnb ()( whil.:h ;He in~ured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />'State agency l including Lender if Lender I.., such ;1l1 inQiwti(\l1}, I t.:ndcr shall ;;pply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />insurance premiums ~nd ground rents_ t cnder may nl)! charge f\)r "'0 holdin!!: ,HId applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and compiling si:lid a!':>sessment:.;;. and hills, unless Lender pays 'Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Jaw
<br />permits l.ender to make '\uch a charge_ l::h~H\.w.'er and lA'ndcr nuy agree in \\'rltlOg at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage lhat intere.."'t on ihe Fund~ ..hajj he pmd fo Bnrwwcr. and llnk~s such agrcc-mcnt is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender Sh,-lll not he required to pa\' Born'iwcr any interest or earning!; on the Funds. Lender
<br />~hall give to Borrower. \\-'ithoUl ch;lrgc. .in '-innu,!l ;h:C(lunting t)f the rund.. ..howing credits and debits- 10 the Funds and the
<br />purpose tl)[ whil.:h each debil h) the r:llHth v,:a... madl.:' rh~ l'und~ are pleJgt,;d 'I" additional security for the sums secured
<br />by thi~ ~'lorlgage
<br />If fhe <l;mOUnlc)[ the Fund]; held hy Lender. Idgethc1' \\irh the ftltun.~ rnomhly l!l~frdlments- of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates. of laxe,,;. as<,.c%rnCnls. lO<;uranCt' prUlliUU1~ and b!f,'\und I <.;nt<;. 'i!1all e~cecd the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />as~essment.... !nsurance premiums and groond renT\ :1" lhey l.dl d\lt:, "luch :;\(c:>.s ..hall he, at Bnrrowc(s option, either
<br />promptly repaid 10 Borrov.-er or ..:rcdlt(~d w ih)rmwC'r l111 nlonlhly lf1...tallm~nfj of Funds. If the amount of th~ Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be "Iuillcient to pay L.IXC-S. aSSt'ssmcnt~. lf1"-lIfdlH:e premium!'; and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shaU pay to Lender ,my amollnt nccC:",.>iary In m;I.J..t: up !he- dl'l1cic!lcy wnhin 30 day~ from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrnwcr requc~tHlg pa~lH('nf Ihaed
<br />Upon pJ}ffiCtlt Hl filII ,,{' itli s.\lm~ "L'l'ur~J h~ t(ll.;" ~f(lng:lg~, I {;mkr ..hall promptly rdund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held oy Lender. If under paragraph 1 ~ hcn::," \h.: Pr,'pcn\' )', ..!.l!d \1]' {hI." Pfl1pCftV l~ othcr\\'I'IC ;i~qlllf{:d by Lender. Lender
<br />..naB apply. rW l;lrcr than llllmediatei\ pnur ll) !tIc '.Jh.: <'11 the Prc'pcrt\' <.If lh .1I.'411isttioll hy Lender. any Funds. held by
<br />Lender af the \J!11C of J.pplic:.1lion a" a acJj[ ,1~all1\t the :'.lH11\ "'c_l.:mcd hy lilr... ~l(trtgagc.
<br />3. Applkation of Payments. Unk\:-. <.lppJrcahlc !;1W PfIl""l..ks. ,'lhcf\.~ i'il:, :111 p,wmenl" r0..:cived by Lender under the
<br />~ote ~nd paragraphs. I ..md 2. h~rc(~i sh,dl he upp!li..'d h~' f _<:ndl:f rir~l :[1 P:i\ /l'l~nl 01 amounts p.aXab1c to l.ender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph: hCfen{, then to mtcn.....t payahle PH ;h.... 'd1\.'_ lh~n hl ~hl' pnm':ipal of the N<)te. <lnd then w interes.t and
<br />principal Lm ;iny Fulure Advance5-,
<br />-S. ChaIl.CS; UCft.'j. Bonm~~! ~h,dl l-'d~ ~d; :,\\~" \,"\:'o-.nh:nh ,lf1lj ,'lh,:1 "h.HJ,:C\. tlnc~ :Illd 111lpo,itil,mS ;tttnhutable to
<br />the Property which may ;~tlam .\ rfhlnt~' ,'vcr tJ1j' \tnlt~~i~;t:. ,1!Hlle.<Dt:h\lld 1',\Vffit:nh ~ll f:nlUfld rents, ii any. in the manner
<br />provided undel" raragraph:: !lI;retli ',If. it l]/-'t HI 'tU..'!l nLW!Jt.t Bdlro\~~r l1Elt..Hif p\-\vmc:nt. when due. uirectly to the
<br />payee the'fC0t. Borrower ~hali pl,\lmpil\ 1;,\ I l."lhh:, ,J.H lld(II":,:,> ,'1 ,lmount:>. dlK under th!~ paragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower ~hall make payment dHt.....'{!\ B;'!~l'\',:i '_1J.dl !'lull1pi:, iUlill...h 1(' 1_':lH_kr fC<..'l.."lpb nlot:fh.:rng ~\I...h payments,
<br />Burrower ~hall prompliy dl,,(h~ll~t: ,In~' h...:n "\!n~:h Lih ;'~Il\!l!\ ;'\,_'! d1h \lorlg~-q:;.;; PW\"ldt::l.L Ill;!! Bu!ww.:r ~hi.lll Hilt be
<br />n~qUlrt'd to JIl>i:h<lrge ~tny ...u..:b ih.'!1 i,ln~: ,'"' H"liP'.\,;i ..h.lli .H::r(;~ )'1 ",Jjl!n~: h1 (h.: raym<:llt <11 Ine ,.bllgalloll ..,~curcd by
<br />~uch hen 111 ~ manner ~h.;..'t;"-Plahit.: I"~, 1 ~ndt"!. ,'1 ',fl.Il!!ll v..",J Ll!!f1 .."n!c:'.,( ""k'h !It:u b\-. ~,; defend cnll.1r\.'etlh:ni (II ~t1l'h lien lB.
<br />legal pro~cedmg.~ wbli.;h \',p<:[a!c 1.,' F't.."\~:n~ '~1': roril.::Hlll~' III the PrnpeflY 1'1 ;iilY part thereuf.
<br />-5. Hazard Insurance. HlJrr~l\'..t.'t .,hali kC~l' i!'-~: !rn,'[I'\ dJil::nl ,'1 ht:fl:,dICf crcl..lcJ ,\II thc Property Insured
<br />.1ga11l511(\~~ p:-: fire. hUlaI'd,,,, l11<.hl<h;d -,"~thHl lht' l::rnl '.;,...-h llthef !-"Izard, ;].., l,t:nd~r milY reqUIre
<br />and lH su..:h ~H11Pti\lh ~llld fPi 'tl,~" j, pvrn,J.. ,_,,, I efl.;\-:! ~').l.t I ('lid.;!' ...hill! 11\'( 1l:L.pHfC !il,1( (he amount 01
<br />such ":O'oi('fllgc c.,\(\,"t"d th<ll anllClln~ <'i .. ,"..:J ;1J::<: i ,oy\id ~:"J .. b-.' ! hh \.t;)rq;~lg.;.
<br />The msuraocc ,,:aIrier pf~n'idll1~ lhe It\'''lll.dl~,: ht: ;. i1"'.l;1l Hl"r,;,\~" -.ublcd l~j ',1I)1"f\J\,11 hy Lender: provided,
<br />lhai su..:h ap-proval "hall nt-II bl: \,nH::.t>.\lllui,!y \~H!lhdJ \J; p~,,'nidilll' ,'{1 in~,ln.(n(t: f'''.iidC:. "hall he p'llJ III the manner
<br />provide-d linder P,il agmph 2 hel e\!; :-]\ >t p,l;"l ">u,,'n ,:..HliiL"l b~ H.1! r th\l:l' mah lilg pi.lymI.:01. v..:h~n dw;', dlft:('tly to the
<br />lIl:'J.uran.;:e ;,;:arner,
<br />All insunuKt: pi-.Ilde., ,1nJ ;Clh.,.\.,ti\ !;,CfC,1! "'!L(~i h' .'1 j,)rn;
<br />;;.'lau-se It} favor \,1 and H, h'fm a..;;.;cpt,ihk \,< I ,-;~Jl:I j <.'11\1\"
<br />and Born:n~er .;b.l.li pr...llTIpil! \UHlI",!! :" i \'nd~', ,lit !~.,.,..--,..,1'
<br />BOrfl.lWCr tohaH g!\-c- prlwnpt !H1UC-': hi ;h..: ;n~Ui .tl\~-\': ".d, H..l >HJd I t";hil'1
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender Jnd B.Jri(''.\l:1 ~l!hcrv.. ie-I: d~("::'l' i', \\ ;dillg. ;Ihdi ;.i!k~- !'f!k.l'..:d,> ~hail be .Ipphe-d ;('1 (..."lilr.J.tiul1 11[ r~p<1ir of
<br />the Pr\..pc:rty J'amaged, pfiJ\'lded ~~.I..:,!l rC:.[;Jrath'll 1'1 JCp..Jd ~~ ('<..dilt.mh.:.;j!\ !...-,hlt)k' ;lIH.! fh\: ,>C\.:mIIY \)\ Ihl'> :\1ortgagl: \...
<br />not thereby impaired_ It "l1~h rc..ll,lr..\ri',:I!\ f>f l'-'P,iH .:) !l;~1 ':,;'I1<111'H(,li1\ k:!,>,bh: ur Ii 1h(.~ tlt' rhi... \li)r1g<lgl: \-~'nuld
<br />be impaired. the ms.I,1f<m~c f'rl)~t.tJ~ ..hall be dppht.'\l hl ilk ',um~ "'C(IJf\:"i b:> !bl~ ....I{lrlg~lg"" !he i;"\ce~s, if ilny. paid
<br />to Borrower. !f the Pr0pt..'tt) !~ Jb~HH1~)!:t:d b:- BPft\.,we:. ,-'; ,1 Bnrh.v.a LlIh- l,} rl':.'op"nJ In l cnJcr \'dlhlll 30 da)-:,> trom the
<br />dah~ notice IS nuuted hy Lender tt', lJorf~\"-.:T :11.,1 lht: lll~urdfh.:t.: ,,'dint;[ clicr~ lu ~_eltk: ,; ..-l:um it\( !n'!,ilr;,UKC benctit~, LenJcr
<br />IS authonzed to coUe-.;t am.i apply the Hl~uriiii\.-~ rfl}'::":J:J~ ,11 L(:nJl.'r" \3plli.1i! (;ltha tu rC!Jt,)fdtion ,-~j' repair oj fhe Properl)
<br />or to ine bUm.... :;.c~urcd t--) fhl:-> MOfIgage.
<br />Unless LcnJe:r and HOfwwcr ...\1hCfV.l;," 'l!~JCC In wnHng. an) "ud, <1ppik:lll\Hl d pro~t:ed::; 10 pnn<':Jpid ~hJ.li not C\lcnd
<br />or pos.tpone the due date <;ti the jlh)mb:i~ instaHme:a" rt.~lr.;1 rt:d \I.) 11\ pJfilgr<l\)h\ ; ,jnd 2 iwreoi ~)f ch:tngc th\.~ amount oi
<br />su-.:h in:stallmenb. If unJer paragrJph 1~ hereof !ht: P!('lXrl~ I.. .IC<"lllil~J b;. LcnJt:r. ,dl fight. litle:: and Interesl o! Borrower
<br />in and to an) !USU!d.n..:-e pohcies ,and in :.wd lu the rn.,-.:t:~Js th-erc.A re~tj[!Hlg tfilm dan).1ge I.,) the Pmpcrt~ pOL)r tL.) thl; ~alc
<br />or acqwsi-uou shall ~ w utli:lel l..l thl~ C'...knl ...t the :-unh ,'.;,,;Ul'('O h:-- rnh \htr!t:J.::\~ immeJiately Prill, tl\ ..,uen ~ale or
<br />a-cqUlsttion.
<br />6. ~Atlon and ~-hunteoanct' of Pro~rt); Le'as.cholds: <. nndominium..; Planned l.'oit UeHlopmt'ots. Borrower
<br />sha-U keep_ the PrQperty in good re:palf and ...hail no! .;:ummH v,,J...,tc Of' pcrmH Impairment vr Jeterk)ration of the ProperlY
<br />and shaif -compJy wIth the proVi.\WHS of an) lease If Hm ~-t.(l-ngilg~ i<; ~}n a kj_-;d1\~td_ H Hw. .!\.tllj tgag(" i.. on ,\ unit in ,1
<br />condOluiulum OJ ,I planned. tlOit dcvclupm-.:Ht, Borll~V.CI ""htdl pcr{\}f m .ill d lkirm\\t.::r-s nbllg;-ltl\)!l1l. under Ih~ dcdarahlHl
<br />Of co-v-e.-na.nh CICitling. ~)f govenung the -:llndomlHlllf11 .H' planne-u nt'llt d<.'vd(lprnl.:!\L the by~law:,:> .:\nd rcgl.llauom, l)f the
<br />..::oodominium or planned unit dcveh:lp-mem. i.I!id (i..m~til~!Cnt do~uml~ili" If ,l ..OW:,hllllinllln\ Dr planned ullit d~\'d()rl1ient
<br />rt4cr -js exC\;uted by Borrvw(:f and n::~orJcd \:ngcthcr wIth lhi-s !\-hlrtgagc. tht; ,..:o~cn.inb .wa <lgre~m~llb. .,)f ~li<:h nclcr
<br />iball 'be im.'orporatcd mlO ~fid shaa amend and ~upph:tnem ~he co_en-ants aud JjiFc~m~,m5. l,:,f Ihi:". Mortg.l.g(' d'> d tilt rll.k:1
<br />wore" patt ~r"",t.
<br />,~ Protect_ pf' IAUe-n, Se~wity~ If B"JffV\Ir<:-F f<.lth TO pt'rtoftll the ;..'...)Vcn~nt\ iH"] '~l:P'~ei11Cllh. n!ilt~l.illCd Jll thi.:
<br />M-ort,._, or if any <ictton or proce-eding i"i ('omm~n(cLi \)"iHi:h m;w.'-ri.llly ,~ir.:t:!;<i 1 end.t.'r'" lntcfl..":it ill the Pro-pert\'.
<br />it~:Ju4fn.~ bw tl{)( flm,ited tQ-, t.."fillneJif dOftl1\Jn. Hh(.lvl:ni.:Y. (,:ndc cnln:r,.:crntl1-t. or :u'rangements jlf pnxcl;;jing~ invo!\:"fug a.
<br />nanJuupt Ot. d~.,;.edcnt, lhen LcnJ'Cl a1 L.c,Htkr\- oplliJil, jh'(I',:{~ Bl,nrn~-('r nM~. P1~tke- )-!i(.!1 ,!.'ibur.l..:' 'It\<..:h
<br />i1wn, ~ titJI,': n~h- _~i;f.~ ,),.4 It, 1ht';'-lt'il-:i~i) hI pliHIi.(J, ,nH;:H~"!,i, bI.l iH.l-{ iy_, dl".l:>urs,I..'HlClll ,~r
<br />'it-;il~~ ~Jl-otney\ t.Qt:s aou ;:nuy dl~ PrOpi:l(y tu !'n,;J,,!;:: r~.~pAl{', ly,.tiI1!(-d nh,np.>tj;<; !:;';'Ul...h'{' ,b .>
<br />."rn:~:l"hb1tU d ft!Jtkifii_lf:!:t;' ~rntH tl\i,. M-nttg,;.;g.I;" Hon,!';..;:r ;.h..H I'''\. !hl..' ('U:l!~HJJH~ ".'.,pi'i'i.'d mainl._iHl ...<Ilh
<br />lnlnrk.rn:~ i.n. e-tfl't',,-( ,tntH "tKh !tUl~- ;~"\. lh-\: 1"t;f,p.1h\1"fnf.l:lt f{}-f ",_",!\ ,n"~JrMh\'" ~c;'nW_1..\1t:.. '~', ;l,~"-"-'iJi}i!\'; ,.!rh H~\lft"''i--~''!.'' ,\Ihi
<br />
<br />83_.005169
<br />
<br />i,ibj~ \.' J l'!:~kr .\nJ ~h,dJ lIh.']nd.: ;t ~!Mh,I.!rd mortgage
<br />l!\'.: r l~ll~ ;.,) f;(liJ llll' p"IIi.:l::," .lnd r<.'!H~t,\ ;11.., Ihercof.
<br />,dl ii>,..o.:lpi~ III 1':lid j'!ClllHlfli" In [11:: ..::vcnt ot los~,
<br />l.l:O~h.', n\,I\- m,\t,\: p:uu: l'i t(;~~ li Df<l rn~j(jt promptl)
<br />