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<br />I <br /> <br />83......' 005145 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />I cfHl~r'.. v..r:ll...fl ,1gf1....l:rnenr or applil"lhlc law. Btlrrnwcr o.;hnH pay the amtHml. of all lI1ort!!ag:c in'lUra.1cc prcmium!t in the <br />manner provided lindeI' paragr~ph 2 hereof. <br />-"-ny amOllnl~ dist'lursl...d hy Lender pUf"lIanf 10 this paragraph 7. with interes.t thereon. shall become additional <br />indeblcdnc"" of Btlrrov,cr '.ccmed hy thIS Mortgage. l.'rdc~s Borrower and Lender agree to other term~ of payment. such <br />amounts ..halJ he pa\'3blo.: IIp<'n nnlicC' from I coder to Borwwcr rcqu..:'-"ting payment thereof. nnd ~hall bear int~rest from the- <br />date [If dishnr,cment at die rate payahle frpm lime 10 time on ollt~tanding principal under the Notc unless payment of <br />interesl at such fOlic would be C(1ntrary If! applkable bw.. in \lrhil'h event such ,Imounts 1i.hal1 bear interest at the highest'rate <br />rermissihlc under appli1....ablc fa\.\- N0!hiny: contained in this paragraph 7 <;hall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />;my action hereunder. <br />8. Inspection. Lender ma\' make Of cause to he madc rC-3s0nahle entries upon and inspections of the Property.- provided <br />that Lender ...h.ll! give Bn;"fo\\'e-r notice prior to any ",nch impccfH'1l <,pccifying: rcasonahte cau~e therefor related to Lender's <br />In.tcrejil in the Pmpcrt,y, <br />9. Condemnation. The prt\cceds of any ;;~\'ard \'lr claim for damages, dircl:t or con~qucntiaL in connection with any <br /><.;ondemnatJnn {'If other taking of the' Pn'pcrty. ,',r part thereof. or f,'r l.'i)n\'t~Yilncc in liell of condemnation, are herehy assigned <br />,In.! ..haJJ be paid to Lender. <br />In lhe c,,'er1t of :t rotal laking (If lhe Pniperty, the P"l':C-e(f..; ."hall he arrlicd II) rhe ,>urns secured hy this Mortgage, <br />j.\ith the e'i..:c..."ii if any, p;,;d t,~ R(\rr"\\tf_ In lht' .;-vcnt (1f .1 ril:r1ial ,,,king ..~f the Property, llnlcs.s Borrower ~md Lender <br />'.Hh(:rwiq~ agree ji) \-vriting. there ..,h;lH he applied t,' the ';'11111.. ,>ccurt:d ~v lhi" Mnrt~flge "Heh proportion of the proceeds <br />as. I;" cqli;ll h1 th,lt N'lpMtifln v, hh,~h thL' ;lnWiW1t of fhc "11l11O, "i.'cured hv lhi,,- Mortgage immediately prior t('l the date of <br />faking heal''' In rhe f~lr market 'dlue (If lhe P!'"f'lrcn\ irHinl.:dialdy priof tu the dale- of raking. with the halance of the proceeds <br />r;lid It'! Borrower, <br />rf rh~~ Pr(1pcr!v j" .toalH.i0!lt',! f)\ B,\rri-,\."...~r. or if. a[h;r nnllcY h-\' I cnder 10 'Rorniwcr that the condemnor offers to make <br />;,n aW~trd or a ,,;laim rnr dalll~ll!c", B("rrow\~r bih tn rC'fJi.iJ1d 1\, I ender within W davs 3hcr the date such notice is <br />mailed. I _entia j, ,llllhnrj;r~d !;) ~-.,llecj and ,lppl\' ~he pn'cccdo;,. at r .ender', o-rtioll, either tn restoration Clf repair of the <br />PrnJ".':rlv or t<, the \um<, 'occllred r.,- ;l1i... \fnft~:J.I!c <br />l.'ok.." Lender and Bon, Prfh:1"V,'I''l' :If.!n:'(' III v. rilll1!;'. ,ltlV <:m-h ,1pr/Ji.:\ltinn 0f proceeds to principal shall not ex:tend <br />or pmlp"n..:: lh~ due d;ll~ pf t!l~' m('othh- m<;f:lIhl1r(1h r~.f('rr{'d In in r;H;I1.~ranh" 1 and:! he-fC0f Of change the amount of <br />"Hen [n~t:t1lment" <br />10, Borrower ~ot Rdea..~d. F,len':t}n ,:1 !lh' 1:111...' h'l' r::I\'!1h"nf Ct. llwdificmnn "i amort~zation of the sums. secured <br />~y rhi.. M('r1gage snH1i-eu G\' J cnder J,: ~lnv "UC~'C'\"'l'r in inlen:"l ,-of Iklrf{m~r "llJ.Jl np! {'!refute to n..least~. in any manner. <br />lhe lt~hililY pi the nri!::'~;1;ll B\lr:('......(.r ;;nd H(HnY~\'I-'" ,>!!..:.,:cs,-n-. Ii' in!\.'rl..'~t l_cndcr .;;hail nl1t he required ro commence <br />proi..:ccdin~\ a~,Hn...t "!l~h \w::ce...."nr ';1' n:fu"c i<~ ;,:'<!L'nd ldllt' fl'!" rd\nH.'!1! ,y p!herw\<:.c modify amortizati('O ('( the stlms <br />\txur..:u h~' thi.. MI1r1~,l!!C" h- f\.';,,,,\1n ~k;-,n,ln,l made h\ ,li,; "ij~'n,l! Born~\-\"tr ,1:1d n\'rn.1wcr's "l1ct.:cs.'ior" in interest. <br />11. Forbe-3rance b,' Lt'ud...r ~-flt a \\'aht,r. .\rn ~'1r!-;t":U,ln".,: ~~\'! ,:ndn in ner...'i"'!I1l.:; :111\' rj~ht or remedy hereunder, or <br />\'ihcfWlhl; .dTnrJcd h' ,;ppii"::tbk ~,1\\ ""t ;.~' I \"":1>\',:1 f\f l'rl'dllllc the 1.~\L'r~isc i'! ';my such right or remedy. <br />The prOCllrenH."nl ("If 1:--t'wr,Hh..:t' nf Ih1.' f,,\\'nH.'lll ,Il ,'I >,thn iJ>~'n., \'f ~'lDr~!('" hy r c-ndcr "hall [WI h,,' ;l wai\'er of Lender's <br />ri~h' !\1 a..:...yh:Llll' lh~ mJl\lri!\ lh. 'tJ~~h~('dr;...',,~, ~ \1,-,nj.!;!1:\" <br />12. RtmedieJ<; CUfUul<!tiVt." ,\q, 'nt('d,(", !~r..,\)dt'd 'L\l!:::l1!~' '\htlnd .lnd ,-'Il!md;Jtiv{~ to an\' nlher right or <br />remedy lJnder fl11" !\h)r1~dgC ,"r aif",:'nkd !- \ ~,lV, ,.. c.'jl-)t;\ ,nd [11,1'-- h. ,"\,.~,j ,:, IlklHT':!ld\". int!cp\'nd('nt]v or 'ilH..:"c.cssivcly. <br />13, SUHC"'Oh and .\..sicn'i UiHtnd: .'oint ;HHf St.'\\'ful I iahilit\: Captinn... nw ,-,l~i,.'~nlll"i ;lllt.i ;\~rr:emeTlts herein <br />I..:mw,ine,j ...hd!l t~l1;d_ _tiKI !he \i,:L,,, "<'lu,' ..,)"d: c.~f'C' ";k'~(."''",'r'; :llHl 'l"'oi~'ni. 1)(' I ('oder dnd Borrower. <br />,>ubkJ.:! II' trl': !,1f{n-i"lOfl\ i't r,:<'l~:l,q\i j,~'!CI'! ;l~:IlTrnn'!~ ;I( Bon""cr ~h:dl bt:" jcHnt and s.everaL <br />rhc ~'apflPlh ;Iod hcadinl!'" {~j \r1t" ~':H.i:'::i ,ph" I ''I'' \1,. n~,.'l", .'!." !,'I ,-,;n\"~'n:'\.'nd~ "n:v ,tnd ,\ft' !1n{ 1" be used to <br />Hl!CqlfCl t'f define 1!K' i'I"\";"-\(':,- ;",:1,:,,1 <br />14. :\'ntk't"', F......:<:pl L't :1'1\ ':,q!~..' <br />Horrowcr Pftl\'lJt<d !.)! th" \t\l'-::'::;I~1' <br />rh(' Property Addn.;..,.., \'f ,11 '-'-lL h dh..'! <br />(hl .un 111..111"""",: !p j _l.?"n,j('! --h,,1; h.' <br />.,uch ...,t hi" I ,IJdfC-"''' .\" Il.' <br />M( "h:~:li h: Je-emt:"tl t\, !u.,<-' <br />15. t'ni-form 'fur!ta~t'; (;H\t'rnin~ <br />d:\C and n(lfI.uniiorm "':j-'\Cli~l!lt"- -._~ dh ;n)1i!\.'d ,.,r:,tlp-"!" 1"-\ <br />:'eal pfI.)perf\' rhh \lpl!1!,igl" ...1\,ili b... :;"","~(!l,:.J r'\ <br /> <br />;~~~~: ~:~::\-~;\~n;:(,:.:~:-I~~::~! '~~..~r\~~(;l;~ . :',; t!~ :)~~, \~','_:)ll~;';:~L . '. <br />end t~~~ P~:;~:';r::l ::~,:.'t1~~::_:\~:~:":f~.t:l~ ::,'.-~'.';r;l)~ijnl <br /> <br />nf t'\e~Htiof1 ~~t ,Ill.:! fl'(i.H--d.ill,,_Hl hl'lI:'d <br />17. Transfer of the Propert): Assumption. !~ :111 \'J p,!l! '.,1 dh' J>r'-lP<.:r1\ ,',- .In 1!H('Ii:"f lhl.tfCin i... ,,;~ld \If tran-.fcrred <br />hy Borr,">'wer \\-lfh"q! I cnder\ prii\f L\-nHt',\ d\~~~il'n l'l .1 !i...n VI l'fh':\lmbram,f.: ~llborJjnate to <br />rhl' Ml,)rtgilgC. {r.,j {he ...r~ilt1pn d ;! ,p 'nt...~T\.1 ;-\,( l\;.\lhChlliJ apphaTh.~\.:<', !cl ,\ tran...fcr hy devise, <br />dc~ent l)f hy '-'pCfritLOn ,-,f Ln~ ;,iihHl death l\~ ;,llt1( :dl,llli df ' t- th !ir- , f j', ' 1.101 Ir1 ~ lAtarQa.t f'( tkr:hl ,'Jl""- Ilitr htf& <br />H ] I' if 3 f<I -1 i . r r J. Lender m,l:. ~H I ('!~(kr " ~T(,...'r\_ dt:'::l.lrC ~,ii rhe "um.. sC"cured hy rhi'S ~'1(lrtgagc to bt' <br />Hnmcdjatd~' due ~n-d paY4h1c. t cnd;.:r ..hi.H ~n''1.' "\',l'.dd 1.' llo.:<.:I..'lcr,ill: d, pri,'!f h~ !he ..ale or trttllsfer. Lender <br />and tbe ~f~(\-n lu .,:,hnm the Prr'p~'n: !" w h' .<1;,1 d! rl:.h.h ;n-;te..;-f!lCnt 111 \HHlog th;.it the credit of -I,,\H:h ncrsoll <br />i~ :iatis.[a.ctMY hl I enJer ,lOd ih..H lhe 1nh:l<.''''! jM!.\hk ,-'0 tilt:" ~~ nh ""'dlfC'li 1,...- lhi:-> ~.f(.Hlt1-<lgl;~~hall be at ;\lI.:h r<1tC a" i,cllder <br />,h~l! rey~SI. If tender ha~ WJIV{.':tl th< ;'P"P':'1l ~;, d~,::c!cr_,[t: rfm, p.;lli\graph 17. ;IIl(l if Borrower"s succe~.'jDr in <br />iniere.;ot ha... e:'l:ccutcd a wriUen .n'i.umplion ,q;re~!Hl..'nl f)~ ~~ dong hv L~nJeL t ,cnJer ,:.h~ll1 retc~l\C Borrower from all <br />obligatlon$- under [hl.$ Mortgage and the :--Jute <br />If Lender eJicrdses 'i!J\:h option {i" a":'~i:dcr,.ite_ 1,Clid..:! "h,lli ;n."11 ROli,)~~'::' 11\ll,~,1' ,d :H_<(:Ir:rafHIO In ;1;..;;;onianr..:c \.lrith <br />parag.raph 1-4 ht~!t::~)f Such n...lli-.:e '.h~l.l! pr'lH-~J(. .1 pt.'_n",,] "t h.':;\ t~a-n l,n d;~\ \ fr..'m ,he d;:o.h' !hc lwJi..:e i_\ mailed within <br />,-,chich Bon-':'l;A'cr rr.~y pay the ...Hnh i..k-d;Hed due If Bel'f""~,;:r L\11~ '\i pay __~,dl "-,;:n,, rrH,r II' rh~ 1.'_\piralh,10 \,r "IJch p~ruxi. <br />Lender may. with{11.1i further j'W}l~< (If j-C!1l;:Hld Hnri"....-.::. ,:v.d~... ;;.:1\ f<..crricd,l"i !'.::t1njtH,~j by l'.tragraph l~ hereof. <br /> <br /> <br />ill :In\,!hCf m:tfllICf, (;II any I1cl-tice to <br />~'...ntfi,..d null dddrf's,",cd Ii' Borrower at <br />hI, nUli...c 1,' ! ....ll\kr d\ Plnvidcd herein. and <br />'.'Lj:f,,"lf.;j, ~" i t';'i,k"'" :l\Uf~..... slalt"d herein or [0 <br />,1''- r,r;''-1..J.Cd ;';.:reHJ \n\ n..l!icf: rnwiucJ for in thi~ <br />I o.'!1lk'r "~1l:11 11:\'-'U In Iht, m:1il)iCr ih.'..ig!1~tled herein <br />,'1 mi."'l !~J.f\.: ""'ll1hlne.., Ilfldf\rm (il\";:'llanh I\l!" national <br />~j '_,!lltl\flH ",,'I..<,nf\' Hlt.trltmenl .;;overing <br />\0" [nd\ lb.' Propertv ;" l('\~i.lted. Tn the <br />Li\-'" "u~h c'-'!1!h..:! .;hall nnt <1ffe~t <br />r!-tl< ,_,-\ni!i':ltng pn1vi..,ic'n. and tn this <br /> <br />nil, !"ih~'(l <br /> <br />\,r {!)l," :-"i.)i~. ,HId ..,1' !hi" MOrtgitgt: ;It the irme <br /> <br />NON~UNff'O-lil:M CO\'-E~"--A(o. h_ Borrowe. :mJ t('n-d~r !Hnhe~ '.""l'O,lfl\ ,..nd "gre>.:,j" l(dlows <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />11.. Ae(~;. R*med:it:i.. .:.\Ci'pi.ll!lt- pr-ovidw in var~ntph 17 hen-of. upon Borruwrr's breach of any C(lH~tuml or <br />~ of ~fower in thU Mortll:-.t, in-duding Ilw C'H\t:ui!tlh in pa~ "bt.p due :.iO~- ,'>unL' S('{'ured by thi!. MOr1ga&e:. <br />....... prior to. ..cduadoG .nail mall oo-Ikf' 10 Bonuwer iI;, pnnidi'd in paraf,!raph 14 herem sp('(Uyiug: O} lbe breach; <br />U) the..tkm requinclto ('Uft': sm.-h bn!xh: (..l) II not it" ,han 30 dll)" from t~ date the oo'ke i~ msiJt-d to Borrower, <br />.,. ,.takh W(-h bu;M;h m_ be c-"red: and (4. that faiiute to (Ute 1i-n~h brt"iich 0-0 or before t~ date !ipcd.ied in th~ notk-e <br />QUI' ~. .uit~ of lbt- Slut!" \t'<:tJrt'd by taU; 'toftuqe. ffiredui6utl: b,t indkbtl proct'edipt and Mile or tbe Property. <br />'f1ae.notk::C ... fwtht-f iaform Borruwer of the flettl W f~i.u.\tah~ after iII<.('~h!ndion .and the right to a'\~e11 ift thC' fOR1:iosure <br />~ .... .....t.\;ste-lKe Qf it_ or iUt.) t>tber Mf~nK tJf BOTTO"~r to ift:t:elerariun a.nd fHrl!"d(l~urt, If ttu~ hreach <br />.,. _ <<IUd litlt Of WtJft the: date .'io-ptdtiflf in eM nudcf', tt"fidC'_f at l.,ender's o.ption ltJ.y d.-et;laN all or U1-" smm SC"t'u~d b). <br />tWa ~ 10 bt lmmcdbrtcl) dUf" and pa}aht.e without hniiwr tkm3u.d and nUi) furt-c~ by juukial prtH:eedi.... Lt'u-dtr <br />fl."" be-...afith.4 to 'f-ofkt., i~ !i.ud:\ pnKttdiu,g ..n e'lp;i"H~ 01 fOH'!t:hi'lotu-e, itu;huU~, hld .l(H lintitt'd '0. n~h of d04.'lmu:ptar} <br />v.w.....". _t, .04 ,ltk T"1f'>ID. <br />t"~ Iorffl_.rJ- R.iehl tu It.,iAld.att, ...'i\!i'fo !tlB.t",JHI\l!i.:. i. .:mk. ' ,l, '- '.:il~r,]l,;-'f-( <br />tJ.i:.P<t(f?'~t'.r '~hA;l h>t"....>i;' n,>;: il}';:_h: ;," I'H\-'( ll-Iq. i'!,pu'J.:dm~:, hq~\-H" l ',cN1;.,'T < j\;"L,~' <br /> <br />lL,. ";:lh ;'\".IHC\l h", 1i~h (l.L'f!ll,;~:\:. <br />\t\'n~.\~, i".,_-\'~:t,J\\ ,J'i .in:> tl~th <br />