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<br />83~. U05145
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<br />r
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<br />USIH)RM C{)n.r.,;'~l" H"Jrrowcr ,Jnd [cnLler cove-nan! und agree. a~ foll()w~;
<br />I. Payment of Principal and IntcreM. B!!rrowcr ,tul1 promptly pay when due Ih~ princip;il of ;lIld interest on the
<br />indebtedrH"~s t'\'ldcoccd by the Note. pn.:paymcnl ami late ;,;harge... as proviued in the Note. and th~ principal of and intcres1
<br />on any Future A.dvanl:t." -.;ct.'ured h~l lhl~ M\)rtg~gc.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and In.liuram'('. Subj-ect to applicable law Of 10 a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shaH p_ay
<br />to Lender on the t!<ij' monthly jn.it:lllmcnT~ of prindpal and inft:.rt....l arc rayahle under the Note. until the Note is paid in fuJl.
<br />a sum (herdn '"Funds") ~qual to onc-lwelt'th (If Ihe YCMly !;j'l-~ and ;l'iSe';'irnents which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the ProperlY. if any, plus (1ne--twe-ffth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus Orle--twelft,h 'Of yearly prCmll.lm iOMulimcnts for mortgage insuram:e. If any. all as reasonably estimMed initially and from
<br />time 10 time by Lender on the basi, (.f <tsse-s<;mt'ots and hills ,loci I-casnnahlc estimates thereof.
<br />The FU11ds shnl! he held in an mo,tiwtion the <.1t:'POSlt<; pr aC~'OllnIS t,f which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />~late .1gcm:y i including Lender it Icnder!\ ..,u~h an Institution I, I <.::nder ..hall apply the Funds to pay said laxes, assessments,
<br />m5uran(,'c premiums and ground nmt<> Ll.'nder may no! charge l(lf",O holding: ;md applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and c:ompiling ~aid ass.e""mel1t~ and hill,,, utile,,') Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds -and ~'pplicable law
<br />permit'!> Lender lO make .o;-uch J -.:hnrg.: B('rrnwer anu Lemler may agree in writmg at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage thaT wterest ~')11 dre Fl1nd~ \;hall b~ paid to }jorrl)\\,er. ;Hld uoles_" ~uch agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest 10 he paid, I.~nder shall nfl! he n.:quircu '0 p.\y Rorrower anr interest or earnings (?o the Funds. Lender
<br />"halt giv~ to Borrower. \\,llnoUl dlarge. ,ill :lnn!laJ ;H:.,:{,illflting ,)f the Fund~ o;howmg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpo:'.c fl')f whit:h I.:ach dcHI ." IMt: Fund... \.\ ,:.1\ luau!.' The Funds .m; rh,~dged ;JS additional security for the sums secured
<br />hy thl'i \1ortl{a~c
<br />If Ihe a~"i~Unl nt the Fund,.. beld by LCfhJcr, (i\g~lh('f with lhc future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due date-'> pi {;_-IXC,>, :t~\C'smctll'. Hl\UriUlCC prcnulJm.~ and ,gn)um! r..:nh, :.haU e\cecd the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />a..'\~essmenl". mSllran.:c premium... dud grnund r2nh ,\,> lhe\' fall due, sllch exccss shall he. ilt Borrower's. option, either
<br />promptly fepaid !o Born:H1.'-cr 0f ..:redtlCd rn BI)rrower lln mnnthly iny,talJrncnts ~lf funds. If the 8:mount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender ~haH nor be ...utlicicnI to pa~' ~axei, asscssment~. in"urancc premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shaH p-.IY to Lcnder :tlly anU'JUrlt nt.~i:-c,\~ary w m;lke up the l,kJi':lCIK\ \',:ithin 30 days lrom the date notice is mailed
<br />hy Lendc~ [0 B{)rrl~Wer n:que...ung ra~'mcUl lh(.";-l~~'l
<br />UP....,Cl paymcnl III full (,f ,111 sums. iC'..;un..d iw lhli> \1nngag:e, ! ("tldel" ..hall promptly reBind to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy J_xnJer It under p:lfagraph 1"-, hl~r;,:ol IiI;: Prr.-'pt:r1\" )', '><,Id {If !!"lL. Pr")pCfl\ I" ,-'lht:rwi...c dcqlllred by Lender. lender
<br />....hall apply, nu L!Itr than lmmcdiatci.' pnor hI d!;.' ,-.11..... <'! !!1~ PI'Jp(.'rt~' c\r II!. .ICljUISIU011 by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />LcndcT al the t,m(' of applIt.:ation ,l~ .1 l.n:Jlt :lgiunsl ;he ...:ellTl" ;,l..'curcJ \1\ llw. \1l~rrgagc.
<br />]. Applit'atioD of Payments. I 'llk,,, drrlll,:;~bk i~.\\ i,r'_1\J,ks l'i!lC['\\-H.'. ,Ii! pJ.ymcnts ll'ct:ivcd by Lender under the
<br />~\.)te .HH.i parJ.gnph~ ! Olno :; ht.'r~0f -.h.1Ji b(> applied h\ I (:mier tir~l In P;l\ lfH'll! p! amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under pa.ragraph :: hereOf. then h.~ inren...\( paY:ihh: "n dh' :'-.nll', It1l:11 (,1 l!l~. l'nnclpal {~t !he Note, .H1J then ILl interest and
<br />pnncJpal ...m an;.- FUHHe Advant.:c_'i
<br />4. Chao:.es-: Liens. B(~i;<\\"t'l -h;j!\ i'.l\ it .--,--.~',"j]H.:'1h .nll dh,'l ~-h.lri.:l..'s. lin<:'1 .Hid HlIPl.l...illons attnbutable to
<br />the Propeny \~'hlJ.:h may :ll!al!l ,! f'I,;!rt!\ > .;!H! k3....!..'nl:dd I'.l\'rncl;\', ,'I' ground rCllt.~, if any, in the manner
<br />prOVided llmkr p<Hagr~ph .:: !1;:f\;d ,'f il),tnf1t.r. [1\ H(lf['\;"~Ci' m,.th.Il1~ pd~'m,:nL when due, directly to the
<br />payee lheret>l. Born."\~cf ~h.di r['olHpl!\ hi 1,:U,IC, <.illlhH:I.'~'" Dr ,i!1luuf)h dLl!..' !lflUt:T Ill:... pJr;;lgraph. uno in the event
<br />!lorf(.v,,~.t:r :-h;dl ruakt: ra,;m~~111 d~!(:,:l'" g,IU\ \\...:: Iud 1"fvfnp!l\ !tillH'>h hI l.t'ndcl" fl..'LC!rb "...IJt:II>:lllg ~ll\.:h payments.
<br />Horn..')W(f :'\haH promptly dlS\.'h..tr~,-' an~ ::l^a ., hh.[l !;.b iHIUfI!'. dll" .\'t\nt!.!i1.t!c: p[\.)YhkJ, lh;jt Borrower o;;hall not be
<br />reqwn:-d1O t!iM:h.ti'gc .l.IiY "IH:h Ji!:11 ,.1 ",HH': !!.jlr'~~.,:! c,h,di .{~lu: p; 'Cfll)il,~ ,:, ihl:' r)i1~mt:[;t \;J tho.: t'bhgallun "t(:i,;ured hy
<br />"'Udi ht,;::n m .J !lUtlHuH ;K..xpwbk I,' ! _uHler, L'! ~a ~~'>od i .l\!h ,,"f1~'.'--.! "l.:h lit:n h, \'. .JL'fl.'lld ('nf~'l...:cmt."n[ (If ~ll("h lien in,
<br />l~gal prt~<:cc-dJlig:", \~rHdl .('ptl..th' i,' prc'''''OI '_lIkll.-\,:mnll .'1 (f).." Wilt:t!tl~rC ,'l the l-'ropt;lty (\! ;jn~ part thereof.
<br />5. lIazard.ln!luraul.-t'. B,ln\)-\\~l "h:di i-....:I.:\, ,11,: '\lll'ft.'\I.:!!lnH' ,q hC-ft:,it[t:f nl'dcd \}H the Prnpcny ll1suretl
<br />o.lgaH15J h.''!\ h\' f!ft.", h;h'diJ... :ndud.:d \~JlhJi\ dh: !~'ril' ,'~'l'H~k,j "~I~h nlhci h.JLdfth a.. ! tilde! may reqUIre
<br />and 10 .\u...h ;tm...lJmI3 ~i-lHJ l~'r '-u,,:il i't'liUl.j,-., ", 1 ,:;,~k: 1'\,11 '-1.:Jl~kr ,halt n,,'l I"Co..{Uln.: thiH tht' amQunl l)f
<br />~u(;h ;.:,}\,Cll1gc ~'\\:t:l;d HhH ;\ft\P:liii ,_,I ,.""j,:J,,)o>,: ;, ,{(:,;(~l \,', r',!\ ~,HlJ" -.<:'~-lill'd 1'\ !~1;... \hlrlt:.1~t:
<br />The m~unHh':t.' .:arnel rrt)YW!lt~ dw l!htJl,llh.t.: ',11:;); he ~hp,-.:p r.\- Bnirll',~<.'1 '>uhjt:l..'( (., dprllW;t! by l_clh.kr; prOVided,
<br />thaI. ~i.h.:h ;,ppn.'vu! ~halllhH he ;;n{~;l"',!H.ILorl, \.Uh!il,:'id \H j'i"flillll:l'- ,'ll I;l~tlf<"l~~ Pllij;;lO "hall h~ paid III lhe !\tannef
<br />p-nwide-d. under p.tr~'1gr"tph ? hCi<:\,1 <,,/ 'h'i ;\,\,.1 1:: "11...1' r;hHl!l~'J j',\ ih):!d\\\C"r mal-.,ng p,*)'mt:'iH, \vhc-n Jut:, (lIrcdly to the
<br />Insurance ..:an ler.
<br />All -in~Llriulc.: ri..')ll.:J'::<' .n,,] f~jl....I.;'.i':'_ 1'11,'1;.,;; Ii[ ;,:ofn\ ,h.'.-~:i'''ihh: r~1 I r:il,lt'; ,.(id ~h,dll<j-dill,k ,I \!;uHhrtl nl\.H'tgage
<br />i..:iawc III fa;:\}!" ,'f ~lIhlln J,-'rm ";cc_t'pl.lhk' I"~ I i..'Di.kr I t"H.k1 ...I:.,;i 11.\"_' rht: r!l~bt 1\" h,.lJ.lh.... pttli-':Il..'':. ,lnJ rt:n~v.-ah ther<,:of.
<br />~i.nd BQHll\l.C_f ~h.~H phlmrll~ ttH fu,..h (\l I <."It\h"f f ,;1,;,-'''.:Ji !hd~<.\.'" .Hld ,Iii 1<:I..~IPh ~11 premium..., In (he t.:\cnl ()i 10\-".,
<br />Ek>f!\lWer '5h""H !p\"~ prt)mrH !ll,.ti"'(";" ,h(' ;ii~l.!l,!j;..,,\: >.."lfi!t:, ,,!(hl i ...:;~uCj ! 1;. Ih_k I 11;'1\ prti<'t ill. k)~I) If lh)l maue prompll)
<br />by Bo.ffl,l"*icr
<br />Unle~ LcnJcr ;lnJ BOJ"!;!\'\...., \'thl'f-"';""...' dgl':c of, ',\f.!_lllg. !l",d).HI,,!.' rfU~<.'\,>,-h .~haij h~ <lprll~d \(' n:..Hlr,ltiOll (If r~-pajr 01"
<br />the Properl} cJam.igt:-,L Pf(,....td~J ~u\._b r,:_"t"I[;H:,li\ d- i\:P.cIif I'> \."".'ll")!nll..'aH.', ll',hlbk alid ll~t.' ",c\,:umy oj this Mortgage !~
<br />llvl looreb} llupam:J It ......h..h i"..'~r..}LH;<in (.f !{:p~Hr ;\ :1\-'1 C'';'_'fl<,tnil:,dl\ ~\~,",lhk ('I I: the "1.'dl!ll~ d- thl'i :\'tprtgag~ would
<br />tX' lmp~ured., the .n~l..lran..::,' pr...:h.;t)l.'-...h ,,!l;iH bt: .ipp;,cJ tu the "'lirn~ ....c..:~Ilc.:d h) Ih,,> Mortgage. Willi !he ~\<.:..:....:i, if :my, paid
<br />to Ik)ff\l~,-er It Ih\': pf(}{l\:rty i\ <.'!bamklH:~1 j;~ Hnrr,'....t:r, ,'f ,! Ht111"v,~r !;ul., j" !""""pI.nd In I t,'nJef withIn 30 da:r'" lroJU the
<br />uate nutii..-c l~ m.lllcu hI,. Lender h_~ BClluwJ;-r ih,l.t lhl: .n')tJl,I:;....:~ ,-,llli~r ,~lkr" ,d 'l;:uh;' ,1 dd,lln kH In'louran':e henefilS, Lendcl
<br />I:> authofU.cd tu ~...,He.;;-t< ,InO apply the JlhUr.tlh_": ;'ftK~eJ~ .H I.l..'lh.h:r ~ c)ptiiJO t.:J(h~i' tu re.':tlorauon \1i' Icp~ir of the ProperlY
<br />\.\f to the ~Um.\i ~1,,'';:Ufed [11' lh~~ \-toltgag~,
<br />Uniess l..endcf ~nd BOfhlwe: otlkn..\.I~l.: .:&;0:": in ,q,illlg, :lI'1) ':"h.h .ippih.:.Hion I'f pnK"'l:d~ 10 fl'ln':lpal :-.hali not c\.rend
<br />(If postpone the due- d;'HC ",1-1 th,e moruhi~ in:.wUmcnt'- ,ch:rn:J 1<.1 III f"<H'lgriiph~ 1 ,HId 2: hCI~;)l ,II" l.'hangc th~ :Hll.JUnt 01
<br />soch H\.,-taUmcnt.\. It under paragIdph [S hert0i tht: pfl)~1<Cn) :' .H.."ydlfCJ b) LClIl..kr. ,.H flgh!, {nk ,1I1d inkrest 01 Horrnwer
<br />in atld to an;.' jlliucJ,n..:c polid~ ;.tnd in i.lI1d t,~ lilt, rn}-(~t:..h. therC..}i fe,>ulung irul1l dJf1lJ.gc- (..) (he Property prior to the sale
<br />Of' .;u::4.ui~iti01'l shail ~~ to ~.t'IHler i(l !la; c\.t<:;llt ~\l LOt'- ~Llm)o :>,:>...m.:J h) tIW. \1.)\tg,i51.: ,nmlcJwJ_d) pn~)!- W 5w:h \ale 01
<br />acqu~:tltion.
<br />6.. Pre$u-l.atiou aod .\lawfewun.:t' of l'ro{k'rt~; I..ea.~hulds. Condominiufll!!i; Phnuwd l'nit Ut:n4opmcnls. ROIT(1',.1,'cr
<br />oshi4U keep th~ Property .in good repair 'l.nd ~hti.H net <,,:oIT'iOli[ ,\'a~[t; or permit impairmcrH \.')f det~riiJratwn of rhe Property
<br />aud shaH c-Omp~)' with the provisl-(.:ms ot .fU'i}' Jeil.:JiC it lhl" Mml.gagl..' h <'li ,-\ ki.1:>choIJ, II lhI" Murtgage 1:-; nn .1 unit in ,\
<br />(-o,ndominiufil or J pla.nned unit de....d,opm.::m, BOffG\'.-'I;.'_f .;,hall ~-rhHllt ail ol Bo-Ih.:.....C-r"5 ,)bhg.:H10H$ under the dedaratiun
<br />Of ~ov<,n.iU\u. aeahng or guv\ttmng the \':~md0HHnHun ~,\f pL.1nnl'd lJlilt dt'\-t;h.'pml.'l:;t, !he hy"ja'\-';.'s- and f-egulat.iGn~ l.)i the
<br />\.:oudomimum (Jj" pl.imneu unit Jevc1vpmcnl. <md n\m!ittll.'-nt d'X'UIHt.>iIl:'>.< ! I ~I cunJofH!HlU:Ti ()f planned [,nd dc\'c1.ipmcnt
<br />rWet II tl,x<<utcd b)! BoI'rtiw-cr _-.uut n:.c{lrdt--d w~t'thef 'AHh thi!) Mongagl..":, thl!;: L'Oi-cn..mb ;md ,1grCCl1iI?Oh ~"f \u..;h ruler
<br />-man tw; incorpol~tl\.i !..ot-o .amJ f.baU MHumi "wJ Wp-plcU~lll the l,:l)i:c.w,nb .mJ agfl:~.fl)cllls tlf thlS Mortgage- .l'!- d th~ rider
<br />"de" part hereof
<br />'t ~... of l.eDde-e') Se(;,lIrlt,~ It IXlnO'AI:-J fad" tu r~rfOfm the ..''-.~YenJ.lil;; ;HhI ;lg.r..'cml~nt-s .::~)ntajp.~d m {hi...
<br />NQrtil-F~ ~)r if t\I.}}' ;lctlcn i}f pnx:-e-edlOf;: i'i, .:i')m-nwn::~~J "" nh.:h m':th.:riaHr \1t1ect~ Lendc.r'c; inh:n"'!:t in the Pnlpcrty
<br />.n-dud_ffi'. ~t rJ;\',~ limited w-, c-m.nc.n-t d.';.1mam, H~~jlYen~y, i.:oJe (:'nf-(\r1j,.~meHt. ut a.nangemcn!'\. m pr-U(-cJtding~ IIwo-t\.'mg ,]
<br />h.i;.nj;ru-pt ,UI dtt;:.ede-tll~ thee; .l.ender .It i t'lH.l:t';r'~ (!P1h~l'i, \.tpvn n..H\i.:l' to Honn~(:i'. m<l._\ m;1~;: "u.:l1 ;~pp..:.uail1.."~", dlShun-( ..w...h
<br />'HHn\ -aa-4 t"k~ t,.;,.tdi ~t<<:m 4~ F~- n<:...:1..c."}'iidfj- hl PfHh;::".-.1 Lt:fHje_(~ ;lili:1C,,[, ;HrHh,~lj \11, ,t;,,>hu~,,~nh:nl \1{
<br />f-c,itMl(~iJbW iiU~,;lS:'~}"'~ t<;~'i 4.H:Q (,.fllr)' lht Pn"Jpul:> 1d m.it,,_ r'C.p'~JP. 1H\Ui ;JfKt:: ;1>,
<br />-",.mv,hlWJ;. ~,;<i n\.J\~~-ni fh.c lo'itn !lW, ~,t,)nli4...g",~, Hun'Y..->in 1;' nlal!H,un '-li..:il
<br />ini-u$jirt'-;;(:; jn :;:ff~' unO! %i~h hflw lht: r/(~luja~'tr~m (01 "~l;,;j~ ,q:>'-IHaih:t: ~,'!;T"H~i.d;;:'" 'n .1(<.{,.,thYlh( \;'-i~!1 H-nn','''....:r'., ;i.nJ
<br />
<br />i
<br />L..
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