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<br />I <br /> <br />8.':?":';', 1105123 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I.~nd~r\ wnlt..:n agreement or appJiI:;1ble law. liorrowcr shall pay the amollnt of <.III mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner providc"J under panlgrnph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbur~d by Lender pur'\;uant 10 this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />jndehtednc~'i\ of Borrower secured by this M{lngage, Unle~s BOrrOv."Cf and LenJer agree 10 other tcnn'J (If payment. such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower r{'qtle-sting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at 'the ratc from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts. shaH bear interest at the-highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shan require Lender to' incur any expense or take <br />anY action hereunder. <br />. 8~- 1n."ipKtion. Lender may make or cause- to he made reasonahle cntrie~ tip-on and in-spections of the Property. -provided <br />thl1t Lender -shaH give Borrower nOlice prior to any such in~pccti('n ..pecifying -rcasf'nablc cal1~C therefor related to T_ender'g <br />interel\t in the-Property_ <br />9. Cond~mnBtion~ The pn)ceed~ l)f any award ('If claim for dama~t."S. direct or c('lOsequential. in connection with any <br />\..ond€1'nna-Hnf1 or other laking af the Property. (J-r parol thereof. (lr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are-herehy assigned <br />~md shaH he paid to Lender. <br />III (he event of a total taking: of the ProperfY, the proceeds .,hall be applied 10 the stlm."i secured by thi!; Mortgage. <br />with the c'\;n..',~, if 30Y, paid I~l Rorrnwcr. In the cvcnr ,If :1 p-,lrtial takinr. \,1f the Property, unleso;; Borrower and J~ender <br />,-llhcrwise agree in writin~, there shall he applied to the "urns sccnred hy fhi" Mortgage ..nch proportion of the proceeds <br />as is _cqlwl l(l that rroportinn whi(:h tlH~ amOllnt of rhlt "um'l; "ccured hv Ihi5 T\-fortgage immediately prior to the date--of <br />taking bears. 10 Ihe fair market \'altle of 1~ Prnpcrt\- immedi.ltely prior tn the dale of taking. with-the ha-tance {'If the proceeds <br />paid to &rrrowcr <br />If the Propenv i.. ahand(mrd hy Borrnwi.'r, e'r iL ;lftcr notkt~ I'w I cnder to B~'rrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an aw-ard-l1r Ifcuf.: oil daim for d;;urtaiJ:es., Borr,\wer f;~i!s In rt":'pt"\lld to Lender within 30 dav~ after the- date such' notice is <br />mailed, Lender 15 authori7.~d fn cal1cer and applv ,he proceeds.. .1t Lender'.; op.tion. eittlcr- to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or tillhc ~um~ 'ioe~urcd hy this. r-.'f(1-r!g_a~e <br />Uales.. Lender and BOffl)Wt:f Nher'v.'i"l~ agrc~ In \"- ritil1~, any 'i-Ud1 arplie:afll'ln of proceed~ to principal shan not extend <br />!.."If" p~lpone the due d:Hc= of the monthlv ins:taJlm(-nh rde-rri,.~d to in p;u:i!!r:lph" I and 2 hereof or change the amollnt of <br />'mch Imi1aHmentK. <br />to. Borro..'ef ~nt Releawd. F'tCT1''-v:m f,f the tllnc- for p.wmem i:1f mnditicMion {'If amortization 0f the sums secured <br />hy this: Mort1l3j;.!c granted h\, Lender hl ;tHY <;1.l..:.:C;<....,J-l in irHtrL'\t ,If Rl'fTower '~hall nflt operate to rdease. in any manner__ <br />the hability <If the ('figinai Borrf'wer and Horn")w~r.'i \t!cCCS';(lh ,n inter-esl (,l:nJcr ...hall not he required to commence <br />proceedin!!" ;.l,gain~t \llCh "lICCC'S:'Hlf ('f rdu-\;c 1,1 extend \ tmc f.lf pa\ mCllt or olher....i..c modify amortization of -the slims <br /><"c-{.ur-cd by lhh MOrt;l:;!QC 1>-1,,' re-~",-ln ,q ,l/~\.' dt';n,Hhl made t'l\ ihe mi"'_lnal Rorrflwc-r ;ind Rorrower's Sllccessors in interest. <br />1 L -forheanm"~ by }xnder "Sot a '\.'~h~;~. Afl\" r,'rh."lir~InCC bv [ cnder in c\crci"ing ;Hi\' fight or remedy hereunder. or <br />othc-rwtse ;ttTNde-d h' iipphi-"ar.1c bw. ,h;lil nO! h.. ;1 W;Hh'f \~i predude the exercise ('}of ~my ~~Ich right or remedy. <br />The prlx-::mcnlcnt r.,f inS\lfanCC (~r dlC PiCdlWf\t (.t \:"".-',< t't .,Ih....r !lell', tlr (harr:l..'~ hv Lender ~hall n0t hi(: il waiver {If Lender's <br />right f{> a~cch:r.~fc the maturity ~)I It,'" i:'dehlc-dn,'''" -.,,:,-ur~'d !v. ihi" \1<lrl~/.lgL'- <br />12. R.nlr.-dies CUflluh..ivr. ..\11 rl'.mc~IK'" pr\I'iikJ !:1 11+... \!Mlg;l.l'(e \\fl' .!lel ilnd l.:urnubtivc 10 any other right or <br />r~HleJy under thi~ Ml)r!~\lg~'" llf :~tfl~rdccl t-.\' Lt\\. \-,r C'ljl!I!\ .ind m.lV f-,~ t<\t.>r\":,,~.. 'In'...~tlrrt-nlhc. 1HdC'rl'ndent~\' or succc~5i\'el}'. <br />13. Sttct.--e~r"\ and !\.~~n't 8(J1U1-d~ Joint und Si'\t.'-ral LiabiUt~-; C3pliol1~. rhc t:"vcTi~HHS and agrt'-cments herein <br />(ontaine~j ,,-haU hind. .1nd the fi}J:hh h::''i';dhhn ,,11.:\11 j!'"P:. f'l-~~ n_'....I'I..d!\,(L 0;1I(\.'4.,'''"0/",, ;lnd a,<"igH~ of Lender ~{nd Borrower. <br />"iUblC-I.'! h' lht" prt_~...i"i(ln~ ill ) ";" h;:;::~~,}J \lj ('Y'Ti -nl\ ,lihj p( Bnn\l\..-er .."halJ be j(lillt and several. <br />IbC ~aplltHh- .md hcad:ng~ t~i f1;tl ,\;.:Lit'l,,,, ,-,1 it'\!., \1,.n:;-:';13:': :1! t" \J\!IVeHt-(lH:e ~-\n!\' :wd an; not tp he used to- <br />I~Her*,n:I' t1T define- the r"f;.~~-l'..ion"\ h~~fC"\! <br />14. Nude-t-. F-x..::ep-! for (H'I~ !h,IH,:t: .'-!'J'ii..:.,hie j,l\" h<: in ;lJwlher m:.lnner. 1a) nny notice to <br />fk')-ff.Jw-er rr\~\,tdt.'d (or in !hi~ -'-k'lI~at=-.; h. '-n"d!ng -,lil-h t!t'h,:t: ".::nini:tl mad ,Iddre~\ed to Borrower at <br />the Pn'li~rty Addre,"s (>f .n ';!H.:h dther ,\ddrc'l<'>. ," H, ",..;'. d('''a1n,tIL' h\ ~l('!l";t:" 1" 1 emft,.'f' as flfo\'ldt."':.d herein, and <br />thl 'loy noll~t:" 1"... Lc-nJt:1' ~h_Ltli he ~'H'n b\ -....i'rldkJ f'l;l,L '-','I,_Iff"! ;C':L'iP' tl.~lJL.-;tt:J. 1,' I. cn.lcr'.; ~\dJre~~ Slated herein or to <br />~uch \)th-er :HJdre_,.-... .!~ I t.~l\d~1 j\\i1\; ~k'dQn;th' t~" )h,jh.~' I,. l-h':f\h\t., ;\<. pr.\\I(kd h-cr~~1!l \flY nolice pnwided for in this <br />Mt-1ngagti ~twfl he ~k'"t'mcd h, h;~~,,~ h-t:-\'n ~J\i.'n to IkH FIV,lI;f ,-,r ! J,'n&-:-_f ",he-n given in The manner designated herein. <br />15. lJniftlfm M(lnauu-r~ (;O'~~mini:. l,iJ"t ~H"r..bUit}-. !hl~ !,'lm ,'I m<:_lflyagt: Ll.llHpines HnifOl'n1 (".....eo.:tnts for national <br />\lSG and nnn~un_if(.-~-rn"j \'\"'t'.-CIHiYih ';.Hh ;ifntl>:d '\.,If'<11ion-,, hI; ;,~I;~~L,;!f,-'n ;.:, ,--,'n~tll!ltl.: ;i lllHft~rm ~-('llriry instrtllnent covering <br />real property, Thi'lo Mortgage ..kill ht. g.~\\;.."nwd l-->, rht,> Lr.... ,\~ tht? ,1lfi"JH:tl(H1 In \..-h.ich the Property i~ located. In the <br />c\'4:ntlhnt .tny PWViSlt1B .)-r \:!;I\;;,.i.- ,_,f ;~".;. \hlrtg.~~I.' '~l ill.,' ~l'h: ""Il;h~:h nl1h _IPp!i..:ablc bv.'. 'Su<:.h ClH!lli(,;t \hatt nOI affect <br />olher ph~\'l~i~)n:-. r,f t.iH~ Morf.s.i~(" \~f Ilk' 'f'k '.-'. hi<. h ;,'.;n ~,y.:n ,-.iL..n \,\ Hn(1\JI the i.:onHicting provj~jon, and tv this <br />end the pn.Jvis.ll.'ny, ,.,f' the ,md the!0 .,rr: ~kd.lf~J I;' he :^I.'i"~mhlc <br />16. (:Op~'. B~r;:;-...t:f "'!-m.H h~' f\li01-..h..'...!;\ ...;.nt"u:nl-t....d \<'py \1i fhe -")!t;; and of th;\ii"Mongage at the time <br />of ~\:c.:.:uti()f\ Of ~j,fter !\.x'Jru.ul':)n n-cH'\_'f. <br />17. Traufu'of th~ PN~rt~; A,~umptiC)n. I' ~!i P,! ,lj !he Pmp(;ny PI' ,H'l ,"terest therein j~ sold OJ' transferred <br />by \\-ithotlt Lende.r\ pril.'lf v.ri-Hcn \o'..\ll"-~:)~. 1,1' IIw ,,:rl..,;ti~'n ,..It a liell or encllmhr.:ltlC;e suo{lrdinatc to <br />this M()ngagt:, (b) tOe ..::rC;:U:H;m i."'f :.l pl,n.:ha~ llh1ne) ,,>c'\..t:r:l\ 'nkn:'>l f13t b_)H,,-chold appliati..l':c'i. {-c) ;;l transfer by devise, <br />d~-e-nt or by o~ration {.\[ l<lW H~x.n :Ii.:' Jeath ,'.f:t .l'l;IUl !-I:H..l"!1 or ' 1- iJ\j aHlT' 'f n: lJI ti1h"il'ld inunJQt sf 1M ill ywara a, JIU:; <br />~1 cr-l1Rt:'T1'rij R'R [J",_~_il1l [J" fJk. I.x.ndn Tn.!). <It I,"nde!"; "pilon. d;::d,tl'l; all the "urn", ,;ccufcd l1y this 1\lfnrtgage to be <br />immedlafely due Jnd payable_ t cnder ~,h.aH hu\c \,\ dl'.CJ ~u'-.h ofHon t,\ a-c<:denltt:' d. prior tn- tht.: \;'I.1e or transfer, L~nder <br /><fond the perw-n tu whom lhc Propeny i:e w- hI:, ":odd iH tr~H1'ifnlcJ <q;fe~ment If! Wi'llll1g tht: aedit of person <br />j~ tu l.cndc.T and th;:;'l the lnh:';t'\! on th;;- ":iW"il" S-l!cur...d b.\ [hi" "hall he at such fate as Ll~ndcr <br />s.haH .request If Lender has waived (he l,"Ip:ion hi ;l(.;~eleclH: p,\1\.ldeJ in this par;igrap-h 17, and if Borrower\. successor in <br />int.efes.t has. t'"x-eCt,tted a \\:--rinen as-sumplion agn::~n1ea1. ~'~-eph..'d In "Hrirm,g hy Lender. Lender ~haH rdcas.e Borrower from an <br />obliJalioo. und.r Ihis Mo"gallC .od the :-;OIe, <br />If Lender exerdW:s_:su\:h option h) a--.:cdUiiH.'. Ltfhkr _"hJU m..Hl B(}fn-"'~~r noti..'t' ,\f :lccclcr.atipu !l1 ~ccordanc" with <br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such noti"e ~haH prOVIde J. !"'<:fl{h.i elf n(-! kss ihan )0 ~..L:-l~S fr\.)nl the date the Iloti<.'c is mailed whhin <br />which Born,lWCI may pay the "Ufi'lil ~breJ dut, !r B(!rr,.w,a Lith: !(J piiy ~,h:h "l,l"n~ prior t(\ the ('xpir~llion of iu<:h pcri-l~, <br />LetNkr ~y, without further oNiQ;: or de1l1and V!l Bl.:HrnWJ.;:L ;rrn)).c any rcm.:dies p~fmiue~i tw r~ngraph l~ hcr~of. <br /> <br />NQN..UNl~kM C-OVf.NA:.rls, Borrower ,'Iud LCJ1de( tunhCi' i,"-~lV";IUfH ;i;:ld .1grct,' J;.. folhwi~ <br />1-.... __~ Re_4ieL _I-a:('ept Wi provided. in p.arilg-Htpb 17 be-rwf. upon Borro",'tr';!i br~ac:h of any t.~o-ve.Aant or <br />"~ of..,......~ .ffl I.... t.~e, ",dudh'l!. Ihe ""..,""".. to P"~ when due an~ .ums ,",cu.ed b~ 11m MorCll.e, <br />')......""'" 10 ~..lllIalIaWl mtlke '" &rrowa., ",o,hled in 14 hereof 'pecifying: 0) the b_eh, <br />Ul,~~~1o C_ SIKh ""e...h, pj a dale. "'" "'"" lhan 30 day. fro... lite dale !he nulke i. ",ailed tn Bor.ow.,., <br />~." "t.wliIcll-h.....- k ......<1; """ (411"al fail",. 10 ".... "ICh buaeh .... Ut bern.e lhe dal. .p.cilled i.. Ibe nutice <br />._.lI!lKc#lfl~ of I""........ Sl!<'ured by 'his :\IM'II.', rnred..."". by judidal pwc.....u1J& aud We or ,,,. Properly. <br />~ ~...,... ~'iill...... ........w... or ''''' <libll.. ",,,,",,Ie alh:< acceteration and ,h. rialu ... _rt in ,"" forer........ <br />~lIt<< -..."........ of. "*1....11...- a..) ,,."". rld._ "f Burrow.. '" ""rderalkm and roI'ffJoour.. If the bruch <br />"'ROll. eumt.... ... ~ 11M .,.. .""elied in I"" !...ude. at l..eudef" option Ulay ~"'re all or I"" ou_ ...cured by <br />_~Io be ~J .......ud l"'",,1tlo w"....... rurlhet domand ....rI may ."",<1."" b~ judkla1l'toc.....u...' tude. <br />.... ~ ~ 10 rolk<< lB _" ~ all es."._ "I' t....d,_"', ;,..1""",&, 1>", "..I llRliIed ,... ;'.... ..r d..."mml"Q <br />..~, "T_ _Ilitlo......-. <br />.t. ~~ Ilft't. fit ~m, _~p{wHh",h\n:;;hn,g i ._l",.~"Ck<(.;H",X:; (if 1.1W ',~,m;" ..~,.._ur~'d b..- lhH M~'nga~l' <br />~~<<)Wl:;t \t.NU b4fY~ the- ript h:r tM'~"t' .,$O~ pr-;:_~''<:~1::\ti-H~"'' !wgHn tJ.y {::H(,k;. 1.' ;:'d""r',.';;" 11),,\ \h~rtf;.Ji~~_' ,!n-":d1tn:J\.llt.,1 j.( ;:wy NlH: <br />