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<br />83.;;.;;. \Ju5123 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />UNffORM COVFNAi'lT~, Borrower .:Jnd I.ender t:ovenant and agree as follows; <br /> <br />J. Payment of Principal and Interest. Burrower ~hlln promptly pay when due the principi..ll of and Interest on the <br />indebtedness cvide,nccd hy the Note, prepayment and fate charl!-e~ a~ provided in the Note. and the principal of and ;htcrest <br />on any Future Advances secured by thll.:. Mortgage. <br />%. Ftutds for Taus and lRsuralk'e. Subjecr fo applicable l,aw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower -shan- pay <br />fO Lender on the d~y monthly instaUmenl!i. of principal and IntereSI arc payable under [he N0te. until the Note is paid in fun. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal 10 ooe~tweJfth of the YC{irly {axe~ and asscs:~menh whkh may aW,ih priority' ov-er this <br />Mortgage-, .and ground tents 'on- the Property. jf any, plus (1ne~hl.feJnh of yearly premium imnallmenl!i for hazard Inslirance. <br />plus one--tweJfth-of yearly premium infitallment~ for mortgage insurance. if any, aU as reawnably estimated initially and frorn <br />time to time hy- Lender on the b.Uiis of asses-smenfs .and hill'! and reasonahle estimates thereof, <br />The -Funds shaH he held in iH1 imfituti"on the deposits ur ,Kcnunt\ ()f which <ire insured or guaranteed by a Federal- or <br />state agency !including Lender 11' Lender i... ;.uch an institution) l.ender ~hall appJy lhe Funds to pay said taxes. assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rent~. Lc-nder- may not charge fol' "n holding find applymg the Funds, analyzing said ac-count, <br />or verifying and- (:ompiling said ass-c<ssments. and hilt~. unkss Lender -pays Borrower tnterest-()O the Funds-and-applicable law <br />penn its Lender h1 make ~uch a charge Borrower and Lender m.IY agrc(~ in writing at the time of- execution of this <br />Mortgage thou Interest on the Funds "hall he paid t,,;) B\lrrl")wer. and unlc-s\ su\:b agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires- such ,interest In be raid. Lender shrill 001 he rt~quircd 10 puy Bmrower any Inrerest or earnings OJ1 the Funds, Lender <br />\haU gtve to HOrJ'ower, ..vithout .,:harge. ;10 amHi;11 d~x;ouming of The- Fund.. \ho\>'.mg credits and dehils to the Funds and the <br />purpo~e lor whIch each debll t.:,,, the Ftll1d~ \.val, m;ldt,' The hmd... ,He pledged ,'jS aJditll)Oal security for the sums secured <br />hy thi, Mortgage, <br />If the amount ill the Funds held by L-':ildcr, togerher \\ ith the futltrc monthty in'itallmems of Funds pay-able prior to <br />the due datc:s of tJ\es, assessment:., taS-Ufafh.:c premiums. and gwund fC'nt", :,.hall j,!,'{cCi:d the ~lmoum required to pay said taxes, <br />a$se-Ssmenv>. HUtlntt'lCe premiums: and !;round rent'" .1'. Jhey hll due. -;,\Kh ~\.L"ess o;halJ he, al Borrower's option. either <br />promptly repaid to B-orro\.\<.er or credited h, Bnrnlw(-:!. on nwnrhl\" m~taHmen(,> (!f Fllnd!\. If the amOUnt of' th~ Funds <br />held by Lender "!:h-aH not -be sutfldcru to pay taxes. aSSCS--'intc!1l!I,. lt1\Uflm..;c premIUms :ll1d ground nmts as they faB due. <br />B{Jrr~r shaH pay to L.eoder any iUHOunt ne~-c:-.~.;tf\ !n mclke up the dc:th::icncy withm 3-0 d,rys from the date ootke-js mailed <br />by Lender to &rrower ret1uctung pa)-lHcm !h~fC(lt <br />Upon payment ll1 fun ()"f aB .\ums M..;~urcd by !IHS \-1o)fi~.Ip-"': 1 tndcr ...hall promptly refund tll Borrower '-lny Funds <br />held by Lender. H l1nder paragraph 1 S hCn:Of the Pri!pe-nY 1', "I\!J ,-If Jlll.' Pn'pl'rlv 1.. orhcnn;,;c ::lC-qwrcd by Lender, l.ender <br />~han applY. 1){1 later than nnmcdi:rteh J1rint It) 1111.:: '-Jh.: "I lh~ !'f;,}p.:rw \If n" ;h,:QUJ'OIlll'")11 tw Lender. any Fund.'i held by <br />Lender ;~t the {m~t of ;-.pplktlt!pfl .:.!~ "'- "rcJ:it ag.fW1Sf the :\>nHl\ -.,~-curcd bv thl" \f~wlgagi'. <br />J. Application- of hyments. Lnk"i."< iippiH.:ah!c b\-\' pr~-", t~ks nlhl-.~fwi..l.', .1H payments r~;,:ei\'cd by l.ender under the <br />~ote. ~nd para-graph, 1 and 2: htrc-t)f ':ih;:~n h..: ;tppflell I {'otkr tj[\( HI p:!\ lBl'lIl 0; payabic \l1 L\ by Borrower <br />lmder paragraph:: hereof. then to mt("r~\( ;',1yanrC t1il :'\.{.!t.- 1h~1~ h' Ih~' i'l J1Jdpal ,II the Nme. Jnd then to interest and <br />pnntlpal pn any Future AdYanCl"'i. <br />4. t'~:_I..H-flS, Ht1r;n-\-\cr .{I:)U 1',I'I ,,0 i.,\',\ h"CV'.flll":l;. .nd \l{h;,!" \.h.t1j;....'1, tine,,", ,nHi llnposilFPns aitflbtltabie to <br />the Property whkh may ,,lltaw: .\ pr!"fny ,"vcr !~~l~ \lon~~~t:. ,,_nt! ka:,.chtl!d p.lVm<:nh ';1 ground rcnt5, if any, 10 the manner <br />pro\>'lded under par;&graph ~ hcn:\i! d n\.~! f1.I,d Hl ....tH..h lH,mn-t'_(. b\- Htlf/;,m-t'i lH;lt..lJ1~ p.nmcnl, when due-. directly to the <br />p-ay--ee the.reuL Born.)w.......r <::.hi.lli rn'mpl!1,- ~'Hnt,h h' ! ;;ndl'; .ili ndiH:C~ .'1 .lll1t)tlll(~ thte under lr.!>; parag'f'~ph. and it! the event <br />Horrvwcr " male paymltnl ~k;.'n~\", Bt"f!(',,,,<,,', "iu.ll [''-'-'nipt:\. filillhh !p 1 ~.mkr l-(':.:dph ~'\H:kncmg ~u>.:h payments. <br />f!ocfowcr shaH promptly ;Jr~'f,:hi.tq;l.;' i...:n ;''.ili,:!t !\.t~ ~'f'(~flt~ ,''""...'1 tiB", "1nng;q,~t:'. prLwH.h:d. 111;11 Uormwcr ..,tuB UtH be <br />n~~u1red to d:S\:hLlrg-t ~ml 'Hkh I;t'n ,W cl'" Hd;",,-n,.;r "hall "1-:!":~ H1 \\Inln~ (" (h.:- pJ~n)'~iH ni [1'1(' "b!;g:atitifl 'i.c.;;ured by <br />such hoe>> Hl ';'1 nl-an~I <I\::..;cptahie !,.I_(:!HJcr, ,II -',h,l;i 11\ g',,\,_'d 1.11111, ,lllh'''; ~u"h lie! tlt.-. i~r dttt~nd O:O!(\fl.'crHcf1i ()i '>tKh lien in, <br />lq~ proc'e~dlnSs wl'ult.::h ~t~r~-lk fll prc..,nll ,'/!!I'fi._'_'r'o'.'Oi 1>1 Uw ;!t'll d !\1l'lt:J\lll~ d lilt ProperlY .If aB~ part lhereof. <br />S. Hazard Jasti:tanil'r., Bonow~t ...haii j..~~l; ,Oli'f,;\->.:lHnd, ,'I j;t:'/I:ilfrcr t:lt.'dt:J <.)fl t!lO::: Pr"r't'rty in\ured <br />~tgilunsl klS'io hv nrt;, ha/..anJ;o. H)dHJ..~J \\llhlf\ Ok (C,ll; ('''h~11\.l\,:,.j .,h.h oll1t.-j fh1LJ.nJ:> a<" L('IHkl nl;J~ require <br />anJ H1 M~h ..t!flt1UHh ....uJ ti.'f i't:IP,lth ,:'> t cid,,'~ 1!U~ ,c.:q.lln-, ,i),il Il.-'lhkr '!-h;Jij 11<..'1 f~(..pllre that the amount of <br />such ('\)VeLt~~~ c\~-e-~'d H'j<1-! _'lJhlHn! ",;; u;.d:r,lr.:_ f<:'-.plH~d !,\ i',}'. h\" ,In;., ',,:':H'nl J'd.- ,h... \1liP!:<lj;C <br />Tbe 11l$Ui.Uo;l." ...MPt;f provtotng the jn~t,if,m;,:i.:. ,,It.sH he ,-Ih\'~~n h" Hpn\',~~r --\ub}\'.,,{ k _lppf\l\,l! h;.- LenJer: provided, <br />that 5u'\:n ~ppn.TViil ",naB n..J\ \'1(' uon;:-a\oH< "~Hhl;dJ \ii j"'1t:HJHHH" '.il 1l1'.;H,)lh,:e pi'llh._u,''l ',h,lll he p"itl II) {he manner <br />prO\ild<<! under parasrO$ph 1. hCfe,,{ ,-Ir ,}(.t p,w..! l1\ '-H.;;h 1;i.;lllJ'ln 1'\ n,lII"'V1~_i: makJH~ p;iynu.'nL \J.hcn due, dltcctly w the <br />lo~e\."AJ'Ijef. <br />AU 'n~uran\.'(: p\..lJ'....h.';\ ;,H~d rcH~\\.d" liH!h.~\'! t'..: ;n L.llfi'i .h~';:-IH.IOk l~' l.t;:hkr .1i1J ,.Jull'!l<..:lnd..: ,} "I:lfh_bnj rnongagc, <br />dal))C to faVll! 'If ilHU Hi h1fm d"':~-Cpli~\;'l' k 1.,,:i1\.1-.;L l,:,nJd lhc r;~hl I,l Ii,Ij;J 111:::- pnliu...~ dnd rt:IH,:w.Jh thereof, <br />and Bofto~'-cr ~h;d[ pwmp-li-;. fHfnnh h_~ L~'J1Je! 4;i i'..:!\t:V..<-i.: 11<.'\1":\:__,> .lud .d; r....~-l:iph. 0! l'.tllj ptt:lllinlfl\, ill ttlt event 01 lo~s. <br />Bonu",'(:f shitU NIVe phHHpt n~.HI.....' h' :h\l' jJJ:nH,uh,i: ....Ha~1 ,llhi i ~7n-Jcf t l;lhh.'l DId! H\,:lk(: pl'udJ tlt lOll>- it 11<.'1 IH..t\h: promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />. Un!ci.s, Lender :..nJ Bi..H't'o.}.....:-f ...\then... r,,;;; <4gB:": U, ',fll\Ht, 1:1.'t-Ul dlh,,"; pr~J',.(.'.;d~ '.haH t'<\.' ,jppil~d. In re..,Wr ~li()n 0< repair of <br />the Pn,Jpcrty Jllmag-ed. pn\\'hit~~ ~wdt t~~h.l/Q[l,'H ,)f J"::1'-'<11( i:!-. ~\..l);kllnl\:il,lly ft,'.!~!bk ~;lltl !hL' "-C":lHll) of Ihl:o. Mortgage 1'-; <br />oot t~by iIUp4irt:d. h su..:h rt'~tl.)r..Hhm Of {"'P.i.lf :i nut !,''':~jjh;n'tl>..;jli\ !t'ihlhk <.:H 11 lh~ ~t:"i.;utIIY III f1"H'~ ~'lnrtgagc WUllhl <br />be rmp.alrcd. 1M m~urilU~e p-fO>.:CJ,':J:t< ~haU be- ;lPpJlI:J. to. t-h..: ~-unh ..,;,::...:ured bj !hli. ;\.hlng.tgc, \\'lIh the e'\cc~. if auy. paul <br />to Borf\1WCI. If the Prvpcn:~ i..", .~tantii\ncJ H..)n..r~t::l ( ,H " BuJt~l'~-ef t~ld" :1_' 1c,"ptmd h'l t w.thin 30 da}'s fhJl.l1 the <br />date nottc-e. h, maikd b) LenJcr h~ Ih.Ht-i_'ftc~~ lhe l:~"'W~ln.::~ ':,il!l~r "Her>;, hI ,>CHlc <i .:.:hUl11 for m_mraul.:~ benefits, l.ender <br />1.$ -a.utbonzed [1} collect ant! ~{p-ply [he In~ut.ul...<'::- pll,i,'.~d~ ..t t cl\ ~ Oplt\1tl cnha hl r~(lruhOn t)f repau ot the Prope.rt}- <br />or to_ the Swni ,secured by thu.- Mortgage <br />Un1c&s L.('ndcr :and &HOWCf ",thcr~-lJK: '-Igtt:'\'. In \\wmg, :Hl) _~'-.I\.h ,tpph\.:;:ttiml ni pro~ceds. 10 pmlClpal :.haH not eXlc-nd <br />Of postpone the. aUt: dAte of the mouthiy tnst,aUm.:-iw. rdencJ hi If! i>..Jral!1J.'lph" I ,lfld :2 hereof (H ...:hangl:- the amQunt t)f <br />~ lfiSlalh:ne:nu. H lHHiec paujl.rap-h IS hereof Ihe Ph}~rty t'> il;';4um:J by LCIlt.kf, "fH rtght, wle and Interest of Borrower <br />in and -to ;my tn$ut.n~e pl1hcies. .!Hld in ,rad 11:, the pn:x..:c-us: ihcrcut -ic-suliul!1. 110Hi Ja.mage to the Properly prior to the ~ale <br />or acquisition shaH p-.ass to Le~lder tp tht:- c:x..tent ..~f th~ !,UffiS- ~t:-CUtI.;':J hy thi:'> \^Iong<"tgc ,mUlct-haldy pnor !i.' ~u~h sale or <br />Acquisi1ion. <br />.. ~-adoa: *_ ~~eJuuK.e (l,f JJ.~rty; l.-ease-bolds; r-ondomioJum-s; Planued lInit JR\'Ii:lopu1ents. BOrrO\h:.r <br />s.haU k:i:q.l t~ ',Property in good repair -and shaH not cocumJt nU\tC or permn nnpairUlefl1 or deterioration of the Properr)' <br />and lha-ll- CGmpty with the: _pfo\"Wcns of auy te:iU< d th.5 \.h1Hg--age h on .1 k,;j~eholrl. H rlt!'!! \l~}flgage i-l' un il \loit in ;\ <br />(~utn \11" ~ planned -UIltt dt'\-elopm>i::tlt, Ron~,wer !l-hOlli pr.-r(.j,)rm ~'lH ~)f H-OHVv..C(S. ~Jbhg.itH.lO.$. under lhe declaration <br />or ~o~ 'C,,f:f:-jltiQjl. Of g~veriljng the. co-ndornin-ium ,"t piauncd unit drvdo-pnK:nt. lhc hy-laws <H\d rt:>gulatlou:; ,of the <br />~nuuu (}f _~, de:-.:.c-iopmcnt" ,l:ud cOfiMituCl:1t 00l,:Umcat:i. It il: l.."OiH{nmil'l.lum -or pl;UlHCd de-velopment <br />rldu -~, ~~:'~' ~~ :jtnd. r~-l1:fd.ed, li.l,eJM-r wl~h tins{c, the I,.'(W~m-mts, and ag,rcem.enh of ~ucl1 rider <br />~.,bct j~~- _mt~'l.tJld UlitU aDlcnC ,",Hd ~_~jpptemt:rd Ow c~)\et~l1t~ >\nu agrcCttWnb .of thn. MQftjagt.: as jf the rhler <br />"m.Il~~' <br />1--.., ~._:_~.I~ SC'c-~t, -:U Ikn1'Qwer tai!S 1Q ~:tCff(lfm ~he ;:ovetliints and <lgf'C.tn1enls L'ilUtaiil<<! in th.i~ <br />~.., '" If llI>Y Kij(;u "fpt",,~d,Ol!" """"",'1C<d wh",1l m.'cri.Uy ,ll<Ch L"".len m'.l".t in !he Property. <br />*~, but ~Jtmi~ t(t'-~intm_~~fi\ In.i()l~nC-l' c~lde'ement. ~)r afrMI~rn<:-l1t~ ~:'Jr p~Jjn~ invo.lvin8- a <br />~iu,plln ~-~t,. _tben L~,J.r:tt\ L<mkt'-5, .,)ptt(.u. Uf)l,'ifl fl{.Jti-.;t to Hon...i1,if~L m:~J ma.,ke s:w:h appc...1nnc\':'.!l, dt;lib\lfk '1.uch <br />JUtnt- __.. _ib- ~-,:tiqn il-~ fl nc\;~r in pu-ltlXt !.~n<kf'-i jrKh.~.J:m__#. hlH ,Ili)t hmH(,J {u, &!\buo..ern~!H It! <br />f~:-Jft~~~~ _~ ;fJMi efiJf:f ~l 5_lw _flHJpct,i} t(~_,frt.4,ke, If h...,n.d~f n~.',J.1,.irt.,._~ nh1Hg.age h'~t)r,H'K-xt 1\;:<; .i <br />,(;~~tu of :..ihf:_-t~__ kY~ft __~~utl#__l:i)- Ylll ~tm-'Ille,_ B-0110<;.{;_f !t{~ .t~ pU:Q11Wni'o rt:'qUlJ~,d ~,'1 i1hlil1~.j.m ,<;w.'h <br />it)Jut~~ fa ~tf<<! t.mrd 'j.!i,i(:t! tm}t.\ Ji.i!. the re-qJJirt.~:~l f.iJ1 $1..H.:h l!J:'!OiH ath.:.f: ~{;:n-nn:;.Jlh'~ Hi- h>"Cl:Ord3-ll.i:-e wHh n~)frnw.C'.~ ;wd <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />