<br />83-4)05100
<br />
<br />Lcndl'T's Wrlltdi agreement or appJil'ablc I,tw. Borrower shall pay the amount of ~IIJ mortgage insurance premiums jn,-the
<br />manner proYideJ Ul1crer paragr.nph 2 hereof.
<br />>\ny amo.untS djsbur~ed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. ~hall become additional
<br />lndeolednc'i.s ,,( JJorrower secured by this ~-fortgag:c. Unlec;s Borrower anti Lender- agree to other terms of payment. _such-
<br />amounts. !iihaU he paynblc upon notice from Lender to Borro-wer requ~ting payment thereof. .and -shall bear interest- frori't:'tht ~
<br />date- .of di:;lmrsement-at the rate payahtc froDl time to time on outstanding principal under the .Note-'-:unJess---paymifu.t;"of
<br />interest. at such r~te wmtld be contrary to appticabk law, in which event -sttch. amounts shall bear interest at--the-higbeSt--rafe-
<br />permi-ssiblc: under ~lPfliicaMe law, Nothing contained in thh: paragraph 7 shan require Lender to incur 3ny' expel'iSe>or_fake
<br />any action- heretmder.
<br />8', - -Inspttdon-. - Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entri~ upon and in~-pections- of-the- Property.~_- pro'Vi,~d
<br />that -Lender shall giv~ Borrower notke prior to any Cinch inspcc!ion specifying reasonable causc:therefor -related to lendef!s
<br />inte;e~i in the Property.
<br />9, CondemlJatinn~ "the proceeds of Jny award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection 'witn"arty
<br />condemnafion or of her taking of the Property. ('I' part thereof. or for con....eyance in lieu of condemnation. are hc-reby--'as!dgned:~'
<br />and shaH be- paid to Lender.
<br />fn the event lie a total taking of the Property. the proceeds ...hilll he applied to the sums se'cured .by this: M6rtgage~
<br />with the cx((''',,_ if any, paid h1 Hornl'wer. 1n the event ("If a partiat taking (if the Property. unless Borrower and-:Lenderc-:
<br />\Jtherw1SC- agn-e in w-rj1in!!, there- ~hall he applied to the -"urn,,,", secured hy lhi" Mortgage such proportion.'--of__ the~-:pro;ceeds
<br />as t~ _1.---qual_.10 th-at ptnpo,rtinn which the amounf l)f the ;;;lJm~ '\ccured hy thi, J\1nrtg.1ge immediately-priof'tO' -the~Jdate-'--of
<br />tn-king bc-ilPi, w the fair market value ("If the Prf"lpert\ immetli:\lely prior to the date of laking, with the balance of the: proceeds'-
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if the Propert~~ j<; anand(\ned hI,.' Rl,irmwer, or if. after n!)tiel': hv Lender tf1 Borrower that the-condemnor off-ers-to make.
<br />an award 0r ~etrlc a ,:Iaim for u3mage'l., Borrower fails 10 n~.'\pt1IHi In l.ender within- 10 days,utter the date:--:such'---nOti~js
<br />mailed. Lender is. aufhl"lrT:red to ..:ollcct and apply the procec-d", at Lender's option. either to restorarion or repair :of "'the
<br />Property or to the \Ilm~ ...ct.:.lltcd hv thi... Mort_\!.H!C_.
<br />UI;les.. Lcnder ~Hld Born'lwn -nlhcf\\,'I'"C agr~c 10 wTitlll!t. ;lny such application ,of proceeds'{{l principal shall_oof-extend
<br />N postpone '(he due datI: ("If the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the' 'amOllnt' --of ~
<br />\ttch irn;taHment~,
<br />10. Borrower ~ot Rdease-d. F:-:.tcn<;f:{1n of the tllne for pavmeot or modification of amortization (If the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted bv Lender h1 ,W\' \UccC'sSl1r in lnt~re~t {)f BorrO\\-er ...hall nOl operate to releas.e. in any manner,
<br />the liability pf the (lriginal Borrower ,lod Rormwc-r'" SllCC("&;,;Or\ HI inlCrCs.1. Lender shall not h~ required to commence
<br />proceedings: ;~gain:'lt ~,llch "iICCCSSOf pr refu<'c in extend time for r3yrnent \)[ (llh('rwi~c modify amortization of the s-ums
<br />"ccured hy thi~ Mortgage hv rt.",n'I'"\fl \It .,ay demand l'nadc b\' lh(" \H'j~inal Rorrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. ForMarancr by Lender ;'1\0' a Waivt"r. (\In-" (l)rnCarl1n.:.:: n\' , endcr in c.xcrc-i-sing any right or remedy hereunder.- or
<br />otherwise afforded h-y ~'jppti"'<lh!c l;rw. ..hall 111:"11 h(,~ .1 waiver \If ("If prcdudt' lhe exercise {If ~lIiY -such right or remedy.
<br />The pmcuremcnt nf insurance ur the pa'-'fllcm nf L\\'("" or Nhcr hells 1"11' chJ.~e-s hy tender ;;hall nt'lt he a waiver {'If Lender's
<br />right to <'I.(:{.'l"h:rate the Ol:t!urilY ....f thc lfHkj,ll'dnt..~'1 ",,'..:(lfl:J {hi... !\1ongage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulalive. AH n.'T!lcdw" provl(kd ltl \lmlj:!Jgc :m: dl<ilirH:1 :lnd cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this. M~'"I-ng;lgc {'-f affN\.leJ h. fa\\,,- ('r '.'qUl!)' ,1fld m,:v h<..' naCI'l'd C,mCtlffcm!y. independently or successively.
<br />13. StK"('e~-sori aDd ..\s.....jl.tn~ Bound: .lfJint and St);t.~rai l.iahUit),: ('apfion~, '-fhl~ (~)\'cn;:tnts <Iud agreements herein
<br />conlamcd ,;hall hind. ~i:Jd the rii;!hh herClli1(kr "h;\ll IHl!lY [, I. (he n,":;pe'.:flVl:: vl('l..:c".!.~~r., and ilssigo"i l)f I.cnder ;:!OJ Borrower.
<br />';.t1bject to lht:" p-h.wi',ion:-. (,'It p~H;.lgr;lf)h J 7 herl'nt .\11 Ct'IV('ltiiOg and a!!rC~lllent" \)f Ronov.'a shaH he joint and several.
<br />The caption'\> anJ !H:-ad'lng<, ,_,t the ~1ara~r,q_"lh" \'1 rhi, \-f(Hlga.1!1: aft:' 1'':;1- C\\I1\-'enienl.'c (\Illy ant! :Ire not [0 be used to
<br />inte.q.\ret t1f defin~ the ptuvbil..ln... hc;~\-,I
<br />14. Notke. E-.;~crt f<'f an\' notl...'t~ t~~~lnirt;'d !llhkt .tppli..-..!Hc b\\ ~(J he ill an\.tha mmU1Cf, (a) any notke to
<br />Borrower pflWltkd ror lH rhi;;, \'fClrrgi-lgt; "hitl! l~ ~'l;,'.:n h\ (n:lihng '.(Ii.:h H\.~!It:(' \:enificd m;lil addre-s.'i.cd to Borrower at
<br />th~ f)ropcrt)' Addre~.. ~!r a! ..u~h ."dH.'r ,jddn..,,, ;,,, B,\~!';',<\'cr n:l\ ,k~t!!!'U!l' 11\ !llJil;:c 1<\ I ~'mler ;tS provided herein. and
<br />~bl <lilY I1Qli..;!: 1(\ f.1:!hler ",tuB f.,~ ~'l~Cfj h- ':cll.!tkd '....'inrn (l......',pl n~ljilc""c(L III Lender'" addrc;;~ slated herein Of to
<br />s-uch lilher a(.ki!~$s J~ L(~d-<"t m,j~ ,ie"l~!lah.> h'.- fl'.l!i,c t,\ HI)ff,''...,:r .-h phhldcd t\I.:rein .\n'.' Beilke pHwiue'-d for in this
<br />,\fongagc sh..ill ~ dt:",med !O n:iv;;, hr:t:n ~tvt.'n 10 B,.f(('V't;I ;'r I t;nd::r when gIven in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. lJRif'o.rm i\1onCll&.e: Gon~rning l:Jw; ~\f'fa-bmt)-,. --fhh fnfOl ,.If nw.n~til_f!t: ((~mhine!i mnforrn c,-wcn:mts for natioQal
<br />use Hnd non~uniform Ct)','en,all!\ "llh limIted \ .\fldtlnn" h\ Inr!...di\,,'tnln td <Li.lmlllirh: ~l unif(Jrm s<xtlrity in~trllmC"t covering
<br />re.al properly_ This. \'{ongage ..),;\11 he I;~h-e{nl'd h- rhe fav. "f the :on"dKthlO in \\:hich the ProperlY is located. In the
<br />event !hut any p-nwfSl('n ,,( dalhc ~-'r' :}n-,. .\kf1g.jg~ dw :-"'>!\: ..'-,;;l\it:h \\ ith Hpp-lk~lhle- hw. ~u>.:h l,:onflicl ::;ha1l not affect
<br />other piO\lj'iif;llb ;.If dw.. \-h~fl.gagc (II" lh-l' ~\ll... \\/ll..:h un l:>t: ~'\l.,'"n di'l~CI \\Ithou! Ihc ,,:onllictmg provhion. and to this
<br />end the pn.,)'o'ish:Hh of lhc M'--lngagc ..\nd thl: ......l'lc Mt' "_kd;jil.:J III he '-t~\'-~nthlc. .
<br />16. Borrower's Cop,', Borf\.....---:r ...h~11l h. f..trn,,,hcJ ~~ '-~\ill,,!l'OJ;:d c~'py llf lhe NOJl.;. .my, ~ol !Jh~,,.jvlortgage a~~the 'time
<br />nf exe.:utio{l or ,aHer n.h:t'-rdaliun hcr~\}f. _ _:' '.' ',,' ,:" -~,;,'V_,"O ~,~-- _ _ i
<br />17, T~er of the Property,: A~su.mPtion. 11 .Ili {lj' Hti) r.1(: ,-,I {he PtT'p..:rty \)~ t:n_jotu~~~~.(9-IP%:!i_~~~li;~~~rred
<br />by Borrower wltholll Lender's pnor '^'f1ttCll ;.;(IH..-cnt. n.:ludil1g- lh-::: (n:ation ot ;t Hen or'encumbrance SUbbrdinate to
<br />(his Mortgage, ftn the ..:re.ation i,~f a pnr-.:ha..l.' rH~,nl?\ "(';.'uri!~ !rHel~-s[ fin household app!i.:m(;"C'<;. (e) ..l transfer by devise.
<br />de....cent -t.)f by opcrationof I~", tipnn the J-carh \If a Jnint lo:H-'ll1i <..1; I I' 11-. gT"lli ~f ~ n:- hriJ1l rl'j j~h"~iNit ~f t/.u':1JiJ yaarll er Ilftill
<br />I crt JIlRti iRlJiljI r ,1",. IJ II JJkill(lil. t(.'uJer rllil)'. ~1t tender'..;. ,,,~plH'n. dedar-~ aH ;:he \um'i se;;:urcd hy this Mortgage to be
<br />Immediately duc ~mrl payable, Lender ...hall ha\.i,.' \.\- ;Ji\icd ,,-u('h opH\1B In aC1.'der;tte If. pri\)r \;) {he ~ale or transfer. Lender
<br />u-nd the pers.on [1,.) whom the Property h ~o 0..,: sohl t)f !ril.n~ft:frcJ rC<;t~h .jgrcemem III "":riling that the ;,:-rcJil of such person
<br />is satisfactori to Lend~r and that rhe ilHCft:~l payable ~m the "UO'I) ).t:ocured h} thi,:; Mvrtgage ",hall be at sllch ralc as Lender
<br />shall reqU<'sL If l~e-nder has w~l\.'ed the 0pli\.1ll hI ;l<:--cefcwie prtwideJ in thi.... paragr;:lph 17, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />interest has exccllted a wrlncn ili.iumplion agreement a(-(eplt:::d in v. riling liy LenJcL Le-nder shaH rckase B(lrro.~'er from aU
<br />obligations. under this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />H Lender exercises such option to dccderdte. Lend!.':!' "h.t!l mail BOHi.Jv...::r nOlice of a~"t.:lerMion in acc,-)rdancc wilh
<br />parag.raph 14- r~of. Such notice shan provide J pcrwJ (\( iH11 ks5. than .'0 day~ from the date the o\)tkc ~.'i mailed within
<br />wtuch _Borrow.er may pay !he !>ums. decl.lrecd dui.:_ 1 f Borw\.\(:"[ f~Hl.\ :,'1 pay such ';\iml. prit,r tn the cxpir;llion 1,\( <.;tKh period.
<br />L-en4e-r may. without further notic~ or demand ('H Bt)rh~w::r. :l1\okt:: any r~mcd;~ permiueJ hy paragraph l!\ hereof.
<br />
<br />NON~UNlFORM CO\fENAN'rS, BoH-ower .Jnd lender fun her ';;o\.'cl1-JiH ~tnU agrc-e .is folk...ws;
<br />..,: A~loJt;, RemedJes..- F,.Jce,pt ltfi pr-ot'ided in JUlnliJtraph t 7 berrot'o upon BorI'O\H:r's brea~h of anJ t"Ol'tnant or
<br />;~ offJo~owel_ in_ this "tor_e. iuducUng Ihe t-o\'enant~ !o pal when due an)- sums ~ured by lbi8 ~tortga&e.
<br />,LcoIfc;r prlor /QllCU~ shall ",all ....tic. 10 BMrow.. .. ....o.ld<d in par"llraph 14 h.rror 'p""iIYinl: (I) lhe b......h:
<br />l2;tlte ~..~.t..r"" .""" breach; (Jj. da"', no,'", Iban 30 day. lro... Ihe da1. lhe nutk. is mailed tu Bo........"
<br />b.r ...." ~ ......h mil$! 1M! r""'f; and (4) that h,llure tn <1m: ,..b mea.h on 0' helo.. lhe dat. <p,rlft,d in 1he notIre
<br />..,.~."'''''.doratI<m "f the ....... _ured by 'hi> Murllllllle. I",.d".ure by judkial pm<<,diAlt and "'.. 01 th, I'ropI!rl)'.
<br />ffoellOd<<<kl!lI '~r 1"'_ IIo<ru.... ul the 'lItht 10 ..it..tlll. ufle, urreleruti.... and Ih. right In _rt in the f",eduo.....
<br />Pi.............-~ of . d..raull or uny "thotr dd....., nf B",ro"" 10 ""relet.lion and fu,ermsu,.. rr II., l>reMh
<br />.. _ .~ .... ocbof_ .1he dat' ......i&ed II> .he "0.'<*. Lwd", at t""""", oplion may d<<bu. all of lhe .om. <",,,,red by
<br />'* ~ '0 _ lmm<<lilllely "..~ and ","yahle wlll,oUI ,,,,,he. demand aod tuay 1"",.1.... by judiciol pro<eedl.... r"nd<r
<br />~ bt.-t1ltkhd to f'Q:~t bt S9dt-pr-tKMdl.ft; aU l'xJM'nk_~ of ftJ-n:d~"Urf~ i!1t:-tud1Ag~ but rn" Umitt-d to. r~ts uf dtK'ume-nblC}
<br />'~" ....,".."" and Ill'" r~I'U""
<br />It.. "'1fj.~'j ...... to' k~i_talt,~ N{HW-,ith-~hU)dH~i J CH\kr'<. -,.u,;do;:tatwH ''If th.; "1"_11'" "<:7~mc,d h) !hi-.. Mnn-gag;c.,
<br />litlff\")W(-f '\,.l)",n ha"t'e fbi;, fight h,~ hM""~ litli} yl'(Kc('-dhl>.-:'!'- l"l{;"g-w,. 1-,\' l.:nd-t:--:- \(> ~':nf{'n:c lhr--; \l,'t[tA!-djl<: ,h..,:~\-.jI;~iHlJ;,,'tj ;jt .u-;)
<br /> {,Ill<."
<br />
<br />