<br />83-J)() 51 00
<br />
<br />UNtFORM COV'EN-\NT~, B.Mrnwcr and Lender :.:ovcn::ll1t and a,!!ree as follows:
<br />
<br />l. Paym~nt of' Prindpat and 'nterest. Bf1rrowcr shaH promptly pay ,...'hen due tbe princip~d of and interest on the
<br />indebtednc\s; evidenced by the Nore. prepayment and lat~ charge'. ;;<, provided in the Note, tllld the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Ad\l~lncc'" .secure(l by this M orl~;jgc
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable Jawor to a written \',.'aiver hy Lender. ,Bqrrower ,shaH pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installmenI'i of prin\:ipal and jnt~rest Me payable under the Note. until the Note- is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Flind~''.)' equal to one~twcJfth of [he vearly !axes and as..eSSn1eng which may atlain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, ano ground rents on the Property. if ::iny. phl~ nnt~-twelfth of yearly premium .installments for haza-rd -insurance.
<br />plus one~lwcJfth.of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. If any. aU as reasonably estimated initially and' from
<br />time to time bV Lender on the b~ISis of <lSses:smi~nh; ,mu hiifs and I"eason~blc estimates thereof.
<br />'T1:H.'! Funds ~hal1 be held in an Institution the deposiN or :U:COtlnts of which are insured or guaranteed bY'3 Fedeml or
<br />state agency (including' Lender if l.ender j" ':>l1ch an imtitution I I ~nder Sholl! app.ly the Funds to pay said faxes, 'assessmbnts',
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender .may not ch:lrge lur ~j) hnrdlng and applying the Funds. analyzJng said account,
<br />or verifying .and compiling said as~essments and biHs, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and-'applicable law
<br />permits Lender [0 make such a ch3rg:c. BtJ'rrow~r and Lender may agree 1n- writing ai (he time' of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest un ;he Funds- ...hall he paid w B('trr~ywer, and unless ~uch agreement is made or applicable la~
<br />rcquirts: such intt!'fcst to be paid. I.cndcr \hal! !to! he required to pay B(lrrower anv interest or earnings on the Funds, lender
<br />shalt give w Borrower, \~'ith{)nt charge. ;ill annual ii~('.oHHiing l)f Ihll fund.. ..howing credhs and debits 'to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which ea.ch debit lp th~" Fuods '...'a" 111;ide, fhe r\lnd~ ;\re piedged a~ additional 'Security for the sums secured
<br />hy ,hi,. Mortgage
<br />If the amount of the Fund~ held by Lendn. together Veith the future monlhly inslilJlments. of Funds payabje prior.to
<br />the due dates of laxe~, assessment... Il1suranc~ premillms and ground rents, shalf exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />as~~etll", il}surao{,':e pn.~miHm'\- and ~roHn-d rl.'nls a~ they fall dlle, such ('l\CCS:;' ~h((lI be. at Borrower's pption, either
<br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or ae-daed tn Bnrrowcr on monthl\, ill:-.tallments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds
<br />heJd by Lender shal.J not be sufficient to pay taxes_ <lSl\essments. I~SUnH\l:l: prcmlUm~ and ground rents. as', they .faU due,
<br />Borrower shaH pay to l.ender any :U'nount nCC/,.-'1,.S1IfY 10 rnake up 1hc ddicienc~' within 30 days rrom the date notlce.is ma11ed
<br />by Lender to Borrower fC4uI:stmg paym~nt !hcrl..~n!
<br />Upon payment 10 full of ail sums $cl.:Uf~d hv IhlS. Morlt:!ag('. ll:lllkr "hall rf0mptiy rdund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy Lender. If under paragraph 1 i'> htre~}t' Iht..' Pfnpert\" ;." '..\\ld ;'r lh,,' Prllpcrtj 1" tlthcrw!..e acqUIred oy Lender, Lender
<br />shaH apply, no later lhan lmmccli:alel~ prH)f h.i !h..:: .,,,It: ,,1 the Propert~ ,}f liS &cqUlslrl()!1 hy Lender. ;.my Funds held by
<br />Lender at the lime ot applit:ation as a ,-redit ,tgamsl ihc ,>ums ,cl:un..d hy tjH~, ;\'tongagl',
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unk",<;; ~priKahk law pr.::nidt::s P!h~[\l.j,,~, ~jll paymcms received ,by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I ;:md .2 nt,.,r-col ;~hail be aprilcd I t"!1lkr tlf"!>I In p:lpncru or amcun,s payable 10 Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2. hcreoL lhcn 10 ma~rcsl p,r\'uh!e ,'f1 'lIU:. !hl.'n hl the princlpal ~)f the Note. ~mu then to int.erest and
<br />pnnclpal lm any Future Ad.....an'e....
<br />4. C~'t$; Uem. f!,lrn.n.\l:i ',h,;\l p_t\' ,.II ("\<'~ h"..:..."m,'/lb .,ml "th..:-r ~h;lrI;;:t:", iinc" ;Hld Jmpllsitlons attrihutabje to
<br />rhe Property which may aH::un :~ rrH'rti\' ,>\'\:'r till'" -'h)fl.jp~gc. .lfl!.i k<1:.c!wjd p~\ymcnl-" ;).f ground rents, if any. in the manner
<br />provideiJ under paragraph 2 hcrct'f ~)r. ,~ ,,,.n p;mj jfl \IKh iHaHTH:r. h- Htlff\\\\'<:f rnahmt.: payment. when due, Jirectly to the
<br />payee fhereof. Borrower -;.h,tll pWOlptly iurw\b tl' I ..:nder .ill Ih.'l1CC,\ \\j ,Jf}WLmb du~ onder thi~ p;uagraph, and in the event
<br />tl.otrowe-r s.haH m:tkc payment Jnc;;th', H{.!j fp\h'f ,h.til pIPtl!pli\ ti:nll~h :i' L~~ndcr r~'L(:lrH~ t:videnl:ing slIch payments.
<br />Uarrower -:-.haH prompti)' ~Ji:'i,;hi.Hg(' ll;;n ,q'"...h 1;.,,,- prt.lHt',- "",.or !hl~ \1un~<I~{": prw.'lJt.::O, dwt Bl)rrOWCr shall not be
<br />reqUired to d!~t::h;.trgc ,(Ui) ...uch ikn ~u ,l::' B,'~rtH"l.'r ..had (1-, ','n!!ll~ Ji.1 lhe pitjmCtlt uf 1111: (>hhg,uinn ~eLun:d by
<br />~\l.;h hen m it marm-er .ll~\,;c-Pt"tb-k [~, L,no\'L \')' "h;~n Hl ;,;"tJ.li ":;-"110..",1 "".1<.:0 lien hy, t1f defend l~nfl~rc\.'m~nt of ~ll(:h lien in,
<br />leg:d pn."t.:e~dtngs whu.:h Opt'fi-Ih: Itl pf~"'<':Bt 1'11: ':nlu[":t.'nh,~nl ul pw lleil 'f Inrlt':ll!H-: ',Ii tbe VrOpl'rty llf an~ pari thereof.
<br />S. Hazard Ins-uraol'r. nOfnw..t.'r ...hall vI' h~[I:aflcJ' t:ln:lcJ tIn the Pf(\reny in\llfCd
<br />;j~atnst I~ hy fire, ha/:.an.b. induJ:..'J ">,lib:!! ;,;.'rm <.'\klH.kd ,,\1(/1 ..1lh!:I h:ll.;:ifU,'o a'i Lcndcl may reqUIre
<br />Jnd m it.u..:h 4lml't'!lm~ ~'inJ !I\1 :-u,,1o p<':Jll'~h "J" ll'.qd.,;~ '!,.l"\- i~'qu;rc, li1.tl l,l'llI.kr ,halt t1(~1 n.:qlllfc Ihut (he amollnt of
<br />Stich ~ovl;!r::\ge c\c.tcd th~[ ,Ull:punt \'1i I.\!~<':f'!;':<; !<.'l111,H:d h' !~.;\ ",'m'> '.l:'-l'it.'d h'. [hl~ \long;tgc
<br />The mstlTan<.c ....arner pJt.tVjdin~ lhe lfl~lIf.jfh.C ~h~dl ht:; ~'hu"Cl1 tn: HOlf\>~l:.:-r '-,Hbit.'1.:t 1(1 ,lppHWitl hy LCllJer: provided.
<br />that slich Jpproval :.-haU nOI ~ dHtt:.hI.Hldtljy ....tihlu.:ld \:1 j\iCllHl,fll', d\ In''UI '-lin;~ r~)li":lt:~ "haH ht' pau.! lrl the manner
<br />provided Wider paragraph .2 hert:u! Uf. ,( ;h'l pJ.jJ ", ,u..:h lHUllnL'l h:, !i,ll ru\..ct 1ll~b.li1g fMjlllcHL \l;hen dve, directly to the
<br />Insurance carner.
<br />AU insuran..:.'c l-x.iI~lc;:. ~tGJ fcnt:",oJh. !li~l\X'J ",Ull j,,: iil h,r;i'I _!,-,.,t~pl'H'-'~': td 1.(:lJdl.":/' dlh.i "b311lfh:ludt: a ,,>t:llluurd mortgage
<br />clause 10 favor ot and In kJflll d..:...ep!.lbk I;' !.,:lli..k. ! ~'lidG ,h,.di h.\\.~ ihl.' tIght h' holJ ,h~ jh1iici.:,:- diiJ r~nc-.....al, Iher~I.)f.
<br />"lnd .Borrower s.h;..tli ph.ltnPII, iWHlsh 10 L:nd~l ...iJ f,.il\~......d l!',\U"\,, ,HhJ ,til 1t,'~t:,pb ,)/ p"id pfJ;ltIlllln..;. In Ihe t.:ven1 of Io~s.,
<br />Borrower shdll glH prOftlpt 111.11",.:1.' hI lhl: ,ll.,,-Ui<I!l;.I.' ~,Irrj<':i .HiU I \:,hkl. 1 t:lh.kl nl,I~. m.lkc PI'U-i)I pi' lo:.s It raH made pn'\mptij
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lenlkf ant.! Bon'}\\l.,'l ,1ih~r\\I.)<'; ~~H.:c ;n .J. nung, hl"ill.lll;..~ pft)u:<:J" "h.lii be .\pphed f(, restoration or rcpdir of
<br />t~ Property i.huu~cd, pr-.J'd..kJ ~tH.-"b r~-,>hJfdtil)n (~l 1I.:P,W: i:-. V":i.\!li.Hllh.:.dh, h:.t;.ibk and lhl.:' :-,C'.:.:urity of Ihi<;; ,Mortgage i;-.
<br />Out Ihereby im,f)alfCd, It :>u..:h n:..Wf.Hh'll (11" h:poAlr ,~ 1,,'\ r.;''':dhllllh.<,d~ !,.."ci'",lhh.' pi Jl the :-CUHily' (It' [hI" Mortgage \l,'l)uld
<br />be uupam:d, the insurance pfi.~'ceds- ."luj! be .i:pplled t~'- tht: ...llm~ ",-,..'ur..:..! t)} !hl",- .\-1ongi.1gc, with th~ c'\ce..s, if Jny. paid
<br />to Borrower. If the Prlipen) l~ .,;\b.anJtln~J hi, B,)fH'r"",,'I, ~'.\ d BIlrW""l.'r t,uh, (;.', !l':\pond iU I.t:.~I1JeI '..\Hhlll 30 daYb from the
<br />dale notice is. mailed b} Lender 10 B(lrr"Jv.c( lb.11 the in~U!.tfh.\;.- ,:.HPcr PUCh [;"1 :,,;citk ,:; dann f\.1J' lO,~Ur.an":~ benefIts, Lender
<br />IS authoriud [0 collect ~tnd apply the ins.lIt.HI";"; procecJs :H J ,!;i1der's Ilpt!\)!l ~;tha to reswratiDn OJ rcpau of [he Property
<br />or to the sunb ::.c(ured hy thl$ Jo..tortgagc.
<br />Unles> Lendtr and Borrower othc.p...i* dgrcc in \l.wmg, ~HiY ...Udl ,lppilGI:ioo ,,1' pft).;ccds. !o pr;Il"':-lpa{ :r,hall nm e\lend
<br />or pO&lpone the due date \)( the monthly ltls.taHmcnb ft':tCHcd \,) HI pi1ragl."Jph.. I dlHI ~ h~red (H" ,,'hang~ lhe am,-,unt of
<br />such in~tallments, It under paragraph l-S her~i:lt IllC PfllPCrt) 1.\ dl,.:'-jUJrcJ r.~ Lender, .ti! nght. titk Mid inlcrc:st of Borrower
<br />in and to any lrl$u.rance policies and in and !;) lilt.: prv~ecd.s thCfOOJ rC:iuHwg tflJ!l1 l..bm;:lgc to the Property prior to {he ~al~
<br />or acquWtiou shaH pass to Lcuder h) .the extent ;,)1 th~ ~Ullb ~(~urcd b) thi~ '\-hntgdgt: lHHncdiatdy prior tu such sale or
<br />a~qui$ition.
<br />4. Presena.t:ioo JUld ,MaisttenalK't of })IOpel1j": Leaitoehulm; {,'i.Hldomin.ium'\; Planned Unit Uen.joplUcn(~. Borrow~r
<br />shall keep the Property in good repair and shall nol cvmmit \lvaSle i)f permit impairment or delcriDral~on of the Property-
<br />and-shaU comply vdth the provisiotJS vi au; lea.:K' d Ihj~ Mongagl: 1S on ~ ka~t:hl.)id. Ii fhi:. M.urtgagc is (HI:..! unll in ;'1
<br />c.oodond~um or. a planned unit devel.opment, Borrower shaH perform ,-,II \)1' Borroy."a',S i)hligdtion~ under the dcdaratiol1
<br />Of. COy~t$. creating or g~JYerniflg tht; ~..nndominlum Of planned lHut development, Ihe by~la"",s a.nd l..:.-g11lations \-If the
<br />condmninium 01: plann\Xl unit developmeHt~ .md o:on~li[Uent dXUlncn!;;. it <t ~,mdomfnium or planned iHlll Jevclopment
<br />ri~r._is.~.u.ted .by Borrow~r and rec.ordc.d wg4:lh..:-t ""it,h this- ,Mon~a.ge, ~hc I.;',)\>c.uant& and i1gn~.cnlCnts (li such nder
<br />$hall ~:i,!~.,,~-"rporated i.ntQ and. shall amend.and .mpptement the C;J\lmaril~ and agr\.~m...:nls vf tlJl~ Mortgilgc. as if the rideI
<br />wer",,~~r,
<br />1~ ,'''~.:(){ IA!Iide(1 SK'wit)'~. If .Bofro'\<\-'cr f~ui~ tn perform the ..:ovt:nant;s .tlll.l agr(>t"ml~tH.s (imtJ.m~-d III thi~~
<br />~rt~,,().t..i-r~an)~ action ,or fu<<ec:dmg IS conllnc~lce:d whkh nl:JtcriaUy .~tl"ec.ts Lender's JtHcrtit In !he Property,
<br />indii4ina-: .but nOt.r~i.'.e4 .to" ero.!f\el'lt domain.. in~,jveni.')\ H>d~ ~t~(iJr.;ltmcnt~ or nrrangement.s ~Jr pn.K:~cdjng.. IIlvol\-'Hlg oil
<br />bankru.pt, ()( de('t"',td~ thtu Lcn-d~ at Le:oocc's optlL\n, tlp,1fi null:,:c io .ROffOW<:L m~i.) make :-.u..:h apix:al"afH:c~. ..il!\huPi.1:: w..:h
<br />~,\lm~ and,__ ~.t:,.:tucb,.'~tWn l~ 11 j~';;,~~l h) pt(lh-:i;l L~nokr"~ ll\h;r~!litt ifh.:'hl-d.i:ng, but W.H hmit(ld h.l, d.iM.Hlfl)e!}j(;nl t,t
<br />tt..~~.. aIW~.t~. f~l iU,W entry upon 11~ P'f9pef!Y w. makl: f'::p~tir~, ii f ..\;;.nJcr flwngilge il1!oW.I1I\.:1; ;6 .J
<br />;;,~(~i,~. (}.f. rn.Ak.U:i&_ tbe hm,o w~ured by lht~ M-tlrt$-J8~, I:k,H'!i,l'"':-c-r !i:h-.-:J! pal t.h.t;: fC4u:n::~'1 1{l nl,~lnt,ull "l,$~h
<br />lMUl.~ in {'".!fe.d' utltil 'i;.uch t\nw; ,-A;-. 'the t(:q1Jit-cfn(~lt fo-I "uch jn!H.uan.."t~ t~rmjm~te:i. ;n ,1c\'''o~dan;:('. Wtln BmD_H\.\'r\ ;wd
<br />