<br />83-005088
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />Ixndc-(f,. wnH..:n agr~ement or appfic1ble law. Uorrower shuH pity tht: amoul]t of all mortgage insurance premiums" in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />An)" amounts disbursed by lender pursuanr to this paragraph 7, with interest thcreon_ shall become addit.lonal
<br />;fldebH.."(ines~ of. Borw\....cr ~ccured by this Mortgage. Un-te",s, Borrower and Lender agree to other terms ('If payment~-such.
<br />amounts shaH be payable-- UpM nvtke from Ll:nrnrr to Borrower requesring paymt~nt thereof, and .$hatl bear interest _from-~t~e.
<br />-date of dj'lobu.r~ement at thr. rate payable from time to rime .on outstanding principal under the- Note _ unless -paym~':of
<br />intcrrnt at s.uch rate "Would he (".ontrary to applicable "law. in which event ~l1ch amounts- shall. bear interest at the. hjghestd"Bte"
<br />permissihie under 3.pplkahJe law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 ~hall require Lender 10 incnr-any eXpeI1Se:,:or-_take_
<br />"NY action hereunder,
<br />Sw fasptdJoit..' Lender may make or cause to be made re-'dsonahlc 'entries upon and'- inspections of the, Pro-perty~ provide4';
<br />that I,.-en<kr sh>>U ~~'\-'f" _Borrower not-iee prior to tln!{ ~uch in~JX"cli-on specifying reasonable cause -therefor relatCtf--to L~s-
<br />i-ntete....(- in-the _Pr,ftperty,
<br />9. (~08tIemnadoR-i The prncced~ oJ any <'1'o\7ard (ir claim for damages, direct or con~quential. in connection'_with-' any-
<br />~ondemui\tri{l-n {,'}.f rn-ncf taking of the Propcn}'. ~'~r part thereof. or (flf cOt1veyancc in lieu of condemnation. are herchy -asSigned"
<br />""d '0_11 he l'_id '0 Lender,
<br />In the e-v'eni _of a total taking (1f lhe Property, the ,?r~~ceds -;hafl he- applied to the sums secured by thi~;--,Mcrtsale.
<br />,-,-lth fhe !;''l;~~~'SS" if 3n-~<, r,tid h"l H,}rrp\l,'~;f- In {h~ ('-vcnr nf a partial taking t'>f the Prope-rry. t1nl<<~ Ikm"ower'and;l.e-nder.
<br />dthcrwt">C agree in wrifin~, IhEre- o:.h;tU be applied fl.) the ..-urns- ..;.ccu.rerl MV thiil MO-T'gB:~e sllch proportion, o.f the., -proeceds
<br />,IS tS cqlHtJ. -to- that pr-flJIDrt,cm \l;hi;:h the tmwunt nf {he <.:ams ~cllred hy Ihj~ ~<tortga!!e immediately p.ri'Or -to the' daleo-of
<br />raking be:.n: w the fan mafkc~ value t"'lf the Pmrert\ ~mm-e(tia'ety prin!" w. the date of faking. whh the balance of the proceeds
<br />p-a;d w-- ~ro'\Jier_
<br />If th('- Pn-,petty i... ;lh3ndocH,~d hy Rnrrnwt.'r. nr d_ af!~r nmk'\' hy Lender f(l Borrower that the condemnor- offen. to-make
<br />~tn award Hr SA'uk a l.:lalfn for d<~m..gn. B~)nower fail.. In f~'i.prm,-d M I,end-er within 3-0 days, after the date:- sucb' not:ree is
<br />rrt3:Hed. tender K ;mthori..-xd to .:-oJkCf nnd :lppl-y Hw pr~x:-eeds, at Lender'" -opfion. either f('\- re-~!oration or repair _of- ,IM-
<br />Pri.lpC'rt\" or to the i<-urn-'i ~e~ur~"ti ~y ,hi~ Mon~itgl'
<br />Vnh.."1i,\. L-t:Ilder nnd Iktrrtlwt'f oth~'-rwj"'C ;l~-!"t';C I,n v. rit-ing, m1V ~ui.~h app!i-c~'Hio" of pr(JCeeds to principal shall not extend-
<br />or r<'K'p~J-nc rhe due dale- tA th,:: Illi1f1!h!v InSlf\!lm~nt$. r~~f<,rrcd H~ in p:trtl1?_fuph\ I .ilnd 2. hereof or chang-e the _amount -of
<br /><"uch in'9'~:~nment'\:.
<br />let IkwTnwt't ~ot Rt'-lr~_ F:\ll..:n'li"lll :.-d the lime for p;l;,'-ment or f110difh:ation of amortization of- the su~ secured
<br />~y thi\ Mc'lrtg.itgc gr;;nteJ tov lender t.' ;UlV "th.:C-C_"'-:\~'f H~ lnlcr~',t. d Rorrow-cr ..hall not operate h) release. in any manner.
<br />the Ha.hrlin: nt the ~~i~l!ul 8nrr~'twef ;In-d Horrn..-t;'~f'\ '';fI-\.:~'n''j).f'' in inicn:".-l L.:-ndcr sh.aH fl-fH he feauired to commence
<br />jlHx;.ee-Jin~~ a~;,.tln..t "H~h W>':i.''C~-t;m (11' rdn'1." hl c~!l;"qd !Hlh: i,'r p"~'-ment tIC olh(-rv. ise mndify amortilQtio-n of the sums
<br />'>-CCBt-od hy ~hh Mnr1y;.a~~ r..\ re,a~m ,'J "l) fkl11;lnd m.-ade hv !ht.~ ,\,i~!!nal Hnrrnwer and F!corrowcr"s. ~ucces..mrs: io interest.
<br />11, F~ by LeRH,. ,'t.u a Waht'r. .\'j).- 1"rht-~tt"JlH:e t,v ! eodcr In 1,:-\Cn..l\lIlg- anY right (\r remedy he_reunder. or
<br />~,therw}~ ;iff-('r-ded hv ':'I'plkahh: \.,1'4 .h:_di JY':l ht~ ;-1 'A-';:ln,'[ \'>l (If prcdudc the- ne_r,i\c of ,nlY $uch right or remedy,
<br />The prtXllNmcnf (\f if1~HnUl(C i'<r- th{'" r-,.\",'f!1t~11j ,If I-Pd'"" pr ntnti );t'f1:S l~f ::harg('" hy I.ender ",nail TInt he .\ waiver of lender~5
<br />tIght H, ;}.;..xkr",,-c ~h-,_~ rnahl-rin,- '-'1 tt;~. ,rld-,_+tJ;'-drh~"'" ,,',-~:r<:\j by lhi.. \1\ln~':t_!tt'
<br />f2. ~ctits CU:lntd-.rh't', ,-\U (('mnhc<; l~~r'_'\-\th.'d '" !hh \hwt~!;ntt ar,' th'filh:~ and ultm:lativ-e to iH1\' mher right or
<br />n,':mcd'r under thi'i M-o,ng'3!!~ (~f ':;ftf\.,.ded i,': hv.. ,If n,j\)J!v 'lid m,p,' h<: ,,-,t""t.:I>.,,:d ;,~,'n;:tlln~r<lh !fukpcndcn!h,' or '!'onccess1vefy_
<br />t3. SK-to~1"ti and :\~n\ BtH'I'td~ Ju1tH and ~lf"r.ll U..hilih; ('a~uio",. fill,' (:nv~natHs God agreements herein
<br />(.''!-f1!a:i-ncd ..hilH hJOt!. ;;,nd tht: d,eh1'o ht'ln'~HI~--:r -..h3H flHn' !" :~~ r~'..p'(', !;h' "'H(':~C""Pf"; llnd <l'i"i.\lBS M I cmler and Borrower.
<br />v.Hhj('-J.^~ to nf\.~ P-W"--l\.jtm'l- ,,! I ~ h-i'n'~1' '\.!l "-P'----t~li.mF_ ,.;.d qf Bm'fI."WCT \haH he joinr and ~e'le-r-al.
<br />1M -.:'ilp'u"m ;tad ~'l).~!m~... ,~! P;!t;.l4:;f:lj:+" .-0; i\-<!,,: \k,t-q~;H:'." ;Ul.: .-,lfl\'I:Hlt"!H.'-t.~ ,H~lv Mhl ;irc not kl he H~d to
<br />~m~ref -(tj" Gi!'firn: lh-t' ptf'''!.;,f~'l~~ h",'H::-,'!
<br />14~ N...k-t-, Fi~1:11r {Pf ,)tl\" ,1~,th"'- ;~""-lj"r-;__J .:t!ik~ ,li-':rh,-.'!-.il' Lp.~ 1;' h.~ H1 atl11-{her Inrtnncr, (;t) un\' notice to
<br />f.k.'Hl't~W-C! pr,'),;oH:kd hlf ,t~ ;~i... ~-h~n~~gc ',h..\:1i h: ;:' r!;,\jlfY\k 'd.~h !1Pi1;.:-c ;;:~.Hll'l-"d nntl <Hldrt'!l'<ed in, Borro\\-er 3.1
<br />th;:- Pti";fXTfY Addn:...... ;:'''- ,.t 'iu,,'h ptho;;'f :ddr.:.,.. ;1\ t-k'i ',h"":, ;:k"!Q'~,n-<' h\ HlHKe h' f _,"~nder ~iS provided herein, ulld
<br />(hI <my (t:t,.t;.;;,,' in l J.:"fk.ier ....iu\! ht~ ~'-'d.'" d'n;th"d ~'t'~\It:'d~"{L (,I I t:nj<;;r'~ i'\ddrc-~" \hued herdn Of to
<br />~.,<-'h {>-the!' addte.,..., ~~" I !':'nd<r 'l',;t-. d;.'.-.t~(J,~!;;" b-\, c-..'l ik'::,-",\,~~ ,,\ pr,-"-jd~'d rh:n:'ln -\i'lY n{')!ict~ pr!)Vh:lt.~J for in this
<br />Moftg;j~e 'shaH !'>t: Jl,"~mcd Ii, h.)',,~" f,,>;:;,'!1 j,;;'.';;:-i'! h, H,--,rn,y",t-; '_'; i t'~\cl<'f ~;.l:H:'n k1'.-c-n '1': thi;" man:1-e-r dt\lgmHed herein.
<br />15. -eDWorm \lurit.t>; (;~-tl;-c'tnU!# La_t St"\-N-;d>>ilih, I hF !'-'! m ~-;f ..,\-,tHhhw~ U11i(l;)fm covel1anb for national
<br />H\t' ,,-nd n;\)o.\-mH~)N:n ';\""<C-ft:inl~ ""ifn l;:m;l,-",! \:1-r~~'Hh~1h r.->,. i'-'ll\,!;,:lt.m h' a \Hvf,;-'nn ~e-curiI\' in<,trument c:o\'ering
<br />fl!'aJ rrof~rH Th~ ~ln-nfago::-- "h.J'.H t-e- i>i"\-;;,.~.H{'"J h\-" '.fW ; ,v, ,:;! rht' !;j~k.j~-l-J:"lfl in \I,Jm:-h the- Prf~pef-ty i'i kx'ated, in the-
<br />e..-oit,rtl thiH .un prI,1V-l$JOn f"f I,-LH1...:: "'1 lb~... \ft'l:r'!t:..l~i' ," tfK "\..,'1L' ,,)i1l11";h. V>llh iclflpth::ahle law, :'>!Kh L'onfh>:'t "hall not affect
<br />o~h('..r pf.Yn\i(m~ \.d dll>" _Morq;;,~~~ ,-r n:( ~,'\f-I.' "~h~,h j--,.;.- '~,,-o:n dkd ...ifhnw the conllkling prt)\+..ion, and to thi-s.
<br />e6\,1 the-- prt'>\'l:~i,-\ft.. pJ the \,hlf{!!it-g-c ~tnJ HK '.-.h' ,l,t '!<',,;i~1H:d I,': >-'rvCl'ab!f:
<br />t.. ionu"''C'.r', Co,,-. B-(tH,'\ao-c.l: '~h;.111 j',-( Lrn,..ht.'-d ii ~'-\Hfl)rt:!~.-l.! "::I)PY HI ih::, 'Intc an.j ~lf Ihi", Mongaau,:at the time
<br />of t.\CCllttoo \l.t lifler fl.~":t_~f\brkj-n h.;-t'\~()-f
<br />11~ TPm:!ifvr-ul rtw Prupertl~ A~iutt, It ',tit ,') ,;f the PrDpcfty C\f ;JO in-tere!\! lherein is ~oId or.-t-ran$-terred
<br />b~' 8or1'(~W-tr '.'-l~h-;)_tJ;t Leodcf'~ pnt"\f wnlIt,~ '0 "mn:! th' ,;n,,~{lon ~~f ,1 llt',f'1 ~'n' encumbrance ~ubt).fdintite to
<br />I.tN~ MiLlC.tg~, iN the 1;.~_,'Hld'l ~1f " purd"J.l:o.;:: ;;h"n,-,-~ '.'-"dl,il\ 'fih.+f<:.,.'- fnr h~)\lf.CtH)ld apphafl-(I:~"', Ie) il lfans.fcr by devise,
<br />~t {.\f by \-;.pt:Hd:ion ~'d L~... UI~ltt the death p(.. jil!ld L:n~ni \>1 'j' 1~1 jrJ\.ut bill iUI~- l~cn~ll f lHUroit 1:'1 t"filll :-,.n. ar l.ur
<br />~u1 r'll""- t i 3 I n l' '111 t I J .. -......1 l.alder m3!, ,1.( l.~nd.;:r '" '-'-'p-tlOn. d~\.':bfC J,ij lh~, '>wn.. 'iCCllfcd by this Mortgage to be
<br />imnled~-cl:r due ;1.00 raYii;blt'- f.t:'nder ",h.aU h;ii\--<: >3-.I;1.-C-d ~th..h ')1'Hh_m U1 ;-\i,;;,;d'::CHC d. priHf' {~) lhc ..ale M transfer. Lender
<br />and l-M ~'i,{")n If\:, wh(~ (he PfOP~H\' !<' t-;.. tn> "'-lid ,.if J:r.'lflsh"rn,:J re.h.h ."gteemem 1f1. '''-Tiring thaI the t::redil of ~uch perSf.:m
<br />IS ..isfK-Wf)' tu Len~-t ~nd thit-l :he- tnh~f0--; f<.i.''",:d"){e PO lh~ "-J!fll:< ~.;,u,c-d f.y [hi.. ~i.,H'lf;Jge- ,hall be .at such r<lre aT) Lender
<br />:\MH_fCl.fuesi> U l.e-ndc--! fta;\- wa_ivW the l-'fMi~1n tp ilC-Cc!-t:[;il1t fHO\.,,-Jcd jn fhis p~,<r;tgr,tph 17, ;lnd If Bflrrower\ stk;CCs.s.or in
<br />intettit -n&-\ e:'teCt,u~d >>: w.rittc-fl a1>~umpt.~'ID .lgn"\,;moZHt ;A,,-'cepred ill wrinn-g hv I ~nJer. Lender sn.all rdea:>c Borrower from all
<br /><lblipt..- under Ibi, MN'g.~e and ,he Not",
<br />fr te-ndc-r e:.~e!dses ~u,-h \.~p.c:on h) ,a';'I.'c1tr.a.H'_~ i !;:fldcr ih:'lll m.at! Jk1::TO\-l,-t;r nntlCC .Jf a:;...~dentw.,,;-n ill accordance with
<br />~..aph 14 hereof., Such not~ ;;.haB pro-,;;id< ~i pcnoo {)-f O-f't ki-~ than :<0 cia)';,; fr.1m tnt. dat-e the fw-tk-c i", mailed within
<br />whKb Born~ tlUI'f ~ t~ 'ii-tlfU:oo d<<-1/J_r-ed dHe_ U Do-Ut)w(,f (&;11>; l(l pay so..:-o "IHn~ PPOf to the ~\piratloo uf ~lJch period.
<br />tcn4ef may. 'Witht~- further n-Q.Hc~ -\'1f @mand on fk1fflYii~-~r, I11vule ;iny remcdil~\ pt'wllHed by pa.ragraph 18 hereof.
<br />
<br />Nt>>t~U""-tfOIlM CnY):-NA~.q:S. Bo-rn::rW4:f :.tnd Lendc.~r (urth<r ,,-,X"q,"f!<,lIf ,~nd agrc.(: a~ followsc:
<br />." A~~ ""<<;pI b ".....'idotl i" l"''''llI'l1jJh 17 ..."..,1. u_ Borr"...r', _h "r any'....".... or
<br />~'" ~lft Ih/o; Mortpp, 1HClull.. lhe t'u'",,,,,, to p.y wh... due any ..._ __ by Ibb M"ffllage.
<br />~pdot"~ Iil>ioIiJllllt II<JIi<< to ...........u.. p""itJed in Paratl.apIt 14 b..eof .".diyilll: (I) tbe br9<h:
<br />Ul'" .... ..........',...- _it ~b; 0.1_ ....... ....1 ,_ llum J41 dtly.. fr..... lhe date .be notle. Is ..>ailed ro Borr.......
<br />'..~..........'_.. """"".-..l (4)_ ,lilt.... to> <me _b b<.lKh 0" or bet,,", lbe dtlle """,,Ult!d in lbe ""Ii<<
<br />..,..,. _........ iM.__..11I<l by Ih" M"rIlIJIIl', fu",du..... by Judkl.' ...-_dlq Mud ....e "f 111ft Property.
<br />....... ..... fwlaerloof_ ........... of lbe rijriM I" "'-. aft.... a<"dcnot..... ...11 too riJ!ht 'u ....rt in IW. r.._
<br />............ ..... "'.""'" ... . ......t Of ...,. ,,1bfJ< dtr,_ of Bur..".e. I" llC<<Iotrati<tu ..00 r......luour.. If lbe br9<h
<br />._~.."'...._ lMhk.~ in I"" ....11.'.. (-.Ie' .. Leuder'. option ....., dfflaR .n of lbe ....... __ I>y
<br />..~..... _he fiaMy..... and _... ..m",... fUr1l1ff ~ 1UOd_ '''''''I.... I>y judidal p~ I~r
<br />......................... "'... .__dlttll all ".,._ <>f t......I<.ott.., ""'hHIlIII, IJut "'" limllt!d at. roo. at doc"..."",..y
<br />..............."'"""'. '''-
<br />.9.., ~.r., JtiaM ht,~. NQ-tw-~h~,and_mg l_ctu.k-t"Ji. 4\.-;;.~kut~oH ..-.f the '1Uf;:;~ :"(X',il_fed by I~H~ Murtgiige.
<br />BQl-f~'l :Ni.ti :W~-(j -Jtw: (~t I-f?-- h:t~,1:' ~n-r i~f,,-~-<<-dtnr-~ helun b): I ~-udtu w ~'flhn.;:,'t' rtl'l" Muf1~~~ dhu~nW-lli-c"j ..It >1,0). litHt.-'
<br />
<br />