<br />83-0(J5088
<br />
<br />UNIFORM (}eV€1",ANTS. Borrower and Lend-to;f <.:ovenant and agree. as follows:
<br />
<br />I. ~t 'orptlnt-ipaf' aitd ]ntuest. BorH'wer "hall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtednesii e\'iden.ced by the N01~. prepayment and late charge!> a~ provided In the Note. and the principal of and interesl
<br />Oli! on any Future Advances s<<ured by this. Mortgage.
<br />2. Funti for To::. am:I-~l~e. Sltbject to applkahlc law Df to a wriHen waiver by Lender", Borrower- _sh,an.--_pay
<br />tG Lender, oil,the_ day fII~thly instaUmenfs,ofprindpai and Intcr~i are payable under the Note, untHthe Note is. p~_id in full.
<br />a -lWI1,,(bereil1 "Funds1~) equa-I to ooc4weffth of the yearly faXL"S and as'iessments which may attain priority over this.
<br />Mt'U1gage;_ and,' ground rents 0'0 the Property. if an)'. plus. one~twelfth of yearly prem,hml installments for -hazard ins,urance,
<br />pttfS"o~tfth of yearly premium installment! for mortgage insuram..:e. if any. aU as reasonably estimated injtia:n~[;- and froto-
<br />time to time b~' tender 00 th~ basis. of as-!ieSsme-nf!i and hiH.. ~H)lJ r~a!)onablc estimate:s there.of. -
<br />The Fimds _liha-H be- held _ in an institution the d~p(JS!IS or a-:c-ounls of which are insured or- ~u2rante~;f by- a Fe,dera_' or
<br />state agency j including Le-:1der if Lender j~ such ,," Institution), Lender shalt ,apply the Funds- ,to p::.y said taxes'; _assessMentS.
<br />insunu.'ce premium-s ;10(1 ground rcnts._ Lender may not charge for ~o hol(jing and <tpplying: the ~"tmd5-, -analyzing,--said ,~~o~~t.
<br />or vertfying nnd compiling ~ajd asses.-s;me-nts aod hHf~. untC1is Lender pays Borrower imerest o-n ,he Funds-and- applicable' faw
<br />permit$- L~nder to make- ~uch a ,charge. Borrdwer and l....ender may ;\gree in wri1ing at the time of execution -of "this
<br />Mortgage- that in~e-rC5t (Ill the Funds ~.;.han he p.ud to Borrower, ~md unless ~uch agn..."emenl is mage -or -applicable _ ,law
<br />requires: such interest lQ he--p-aid. Lender "hat1 n(it he required to pay Rorrower any intcresfor earnings o!1 the_Funds:, 'l...en~er
<br />shall give -10 Borrow-er. without cha.rge, .-Hl J'nnu:tf <t.::counting of the hmch 'l-howing credifs- snd debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpo_\C i(H' whi.;h each dehit LO the Fund\ was m~\de_ The Funds <ife pledged as addifional-security for the sums secured
<br />by Ihi. MOf!8'llle
<br />If the amount -of the Funds, held hy Lender. iogcthc-r with rhe -future monthly insuHme.nts Qf Funds payable prior -to
<br />the due -dates of t<iXe.'i, as-!!iCssme:tu~, msuru.n:-i;t:: prCffili.trt\s and gwund rcOls. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taXl:S-,
<br />;t:s.!iessment!i. r~urancc premiufn$- and gnnmd rent,,; a., lhcS !:ill due. Jillch t''(i;CS-S- ~half be, at Borrower's option. ci~her
<br />pr-t'lntptly fc'prdd --io Borrower or credHtd Ui BO!'r-fJwer \'fl r!1onlh'y H\stallmcms l~f Fund~. if the ilJUount - of the' FundS
<br />held by tender shalt not be ~uttk:lem to pay- t:tX$-:i, as."~~mcnt.s.. in'iilttance premiums- and grQund rents, as. they fall' due.
<br />8orft,}'W;:t snail {'tAy to Lender any -amo-Jrl! nCt;es."ar~ r:;,l In.ake up the defic~cl1C'Y wHhin 3-0 days trom the: date notice:is,mai:1ed-
<br />by Lender to 8orH';:wcl' r-cquaHn-g p:i1-'mem !hen:~jJl
<br />Upoo -payment III fall nf un Slims ",;)i.:_ufe{! h. ifw, J\hln-g.tge. I endt:r <,haB promptly refund tel Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy Lende,c If under paragraph 1;; here'Y1 Ih.: Pwp('rtv n ,,-,'hi .'1' rh... PropeT!~' It Dthcrwi,c acquired by Lender~ Lender
<br />shall J;ppty, no later than iftU'iltdl.atC-h rHl-M hi Hte ....,jk d the Prnp-c-n)-' ur II!! llcqwsrilo-n by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender .:it the tltn-C or appikat.\ofJ ,u a (fedia ~lg;U.lHI the Him:. ~-..:urc-d r.v l:!-W. Mong~gc
<br />3~ A,plicaiOD of Paymt-nu. L'nk't.iI .tpp!'K<lbk !~1-W pr~~\'Idc~ ilih-en..i,;;" JH p~tyments n:,,-~ived by Lender under .n~
<br />Note and paf{!gl1l~h\ 1 ,and 2 nt-fed \h-aH he ~prhl,;'-d bv I I."nt.k-r fj~i Iii ;-q\'mc-m ,-~f ~mOUnt5 paynhlc to' Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph ~ hereof, lne.n to mtnnl r,1vahle pH tIn.' 't\l~, ~hcn !,' Ibe rnm.'lVJ.1 of Ih-c NDte, and then 10 inten..--st and
<br />prm~fpai oU lIOY fnture AdvlIl'lCC:"i.
<br />4~ C'h....~~. Ul\[l<'iVd.'r ~h;di p.1-\ ,d! 1-;\'-"" l"--"i,.',,,.m>:ah .nd ,'.thtl ,-:h;Jr~c~, til1l."<. '.:lnti ,mpOsIHi.~flS ~Hlributable to
<br />th-c PWf:X.-ny whk_h nut)' :lnatn ,i r'f~nr!n ,\,,--c->: n"\!,> \h~nJ;~i~~- Ht! k-A"t~lwid raymet1!;' HI ground rents. if any. in the manner
<br />pl'O-vlded lmdu p~uagf-itph ~ !u:nr<;A ~lr d n,;\{ Ifl '-<u..:h fn.\fllh:r. b\ J-kffP\-\-~, m~j~Jng payment. when due. directly to the
<br />piI)--ee tb'tN,t)f. B()fwv.cr ~,h~ll prnmplj~ 1\' 1 ~~iHk..! ;,~tl "\~!H.:C\ (;f ;JHh)Unl~ dw.; nndcr tbi:'> paragraph. a,nd lG the event
<br />Burro\1.'C:t 'l--h:ttij make pa:'fm~(t! ,.hn:-...^!!y H~.lrfn...\\~r ~h.~li f'H'~11P!h hirHl"h II' L.:mi-eI r-e.:dp!s c-'d1Jcn~lng :iI.-uch p;::symcnts.
<br />fjofltwo-U -!ibaIt promp!iy t!L'\,du,_r~-: .-wr h\'H -..,hh.h !d.... j'I'H1f\n ,<H'r !h.t~ \h;.Hj;L\.}le: rn:n<ide-d. ~h,Jt Uorwwer xhaU nol be
<br />;~-quircd to d.'l).C.h-~Ji:i'" ~O-l! ~,J.ld1 Jrt-'11 ,,0'1 iO\!l .;), J.hrrnn,!<;:-; "h,lH i(; \-HIIHit: II~ th" pa.yment t~f the: t;bli~alhlJl lI1.SI.:UreO by
<br />~'iu(:h-hc:a 1.0 jj. nl.iWf\Cl' ~~,\;pU\bi~ l"-' tcn~L .,kdi 1;' [.t\k'd ~,,~f\{t."~! "!N.;h h:n hV, Cf defend cni0n::emcnt ol1itlch lien-in.
<br />It.gal ptt::tC<<wn~'J- V.,chl~-h opcri,ltc In pt'c)CIH tht ~;:!t.i,\'~-(.mem 01 !t1-(' il.:-n Of f~lr!(:,l\!H~ vi fhe Propeny m ;ln~' I-'>afl thereof.
<br />5. Hum J~t..f;". lJ,(ll'H'l'A('_; ~11;.til ~.~(P UH:- ,mpn'\\;'mCllh ;w""- 1.-:\I~Uflg fir b.~!C;iftt'f {-,coded. on the PTqlc:rty InsL-lred
<br />J.jl-aUi$t lo>}.~ h-)' rire, hanu-J~ JiH.'tndn,l ;.;,-:thm rh~ h"tm ~'dcn"kd ..n"J "'-'J,;h olhct f1Jlilnh ",,- Lcnd~f l'Hii)' require
<br />il1u-d <n "1J:t.:'h iHlhHllHj' ill1-;;1 hH ...\~..h PCfH<J", ~L' I e,H.kf ; C'-ftl !1\,' ihjjj l.;:n-J-,;:r ,hail nul ft:4Hirc thut th(~ llmounl llf
<br />"iQcn \:"(w<<ai!K (',\{;~ th.~l ~f<<th~nt 1'" u'~{:t~~!{-(' l,' i~.11,- jh: "'Ht~>; ....,:..Hf':.l by (h!" Morq;age-
<br />The Hlluran,,:(; -;':_4-lnCr pW-'ildtng Ith; HhHt~fh.J; '.iL~i~ t',e ..)-l'-,Wg he... ~h;1!".....t.j :olHhl(~"\ (l~ <.lppJ'l,.)\:'<tt by Lender; provided,
<br />duu wc.h OipptO'VMl !'-hil!i n~H h~ l~nn~>1""","'I.d.}h '.'.HhhdJ \ji pr.:-nHuill" vf'l in"UJ...:r'h,,(.; p.tlil,;n:-3. "hall bt: paid Hi ,hc manner
<br />pn:o.vfdcd. UntWT po\1<.lttfupb 1 ht__it_.....tt ~'t ~ iW{. IM~d hi ~i:..:h lH~WK.1 /1\ .i:i.,.!E.'....et lnu1a" vaym~nt. when due, d!r~.:tl)' lo the
<br />,-QjUf'iUKe ~&rf1ti <
<br />AU In-iufau{,;(' Jx.i4.~-ic:!i ;t.,d f(?t;.~.-~ .tl-'> nltH'-\'f ..h.;~h r"C In (,tan "..'::\"pI..J)!,,' tit Lt:'IH,kr 4nd s-hail ifi,,:!lHk ;.1 ..LUhhuJ mortg;ige
<br />d.uu: in fa\i~H t'i4 .om-\! In (lJ-m\ u"':.....:pf.4hk h' i G}\.lcl I ';L;;J-:r .,h.ll: ~u~~, n~t fI,flW I'.' h\ld (b~7 p-dj'i.-,i-e>; .inti rcnewaL-.. thereoL
<br />and Botr(Wi.'C'f ~hali PtitmPt~)' fmul.sh p t ..~jw;;;-r ..\1 H':iKa.tl lH,!.U:";:'" ~\lid ;il; :-\.~{,,~lpi.:<. -vi fhl!d pJcmium... in tho.: event of k','!I,
<br />&"fl4)W'Cf ~haji llH;e p-f't-nhpt n\}1u:" hI tt\>t m,.Uiafh~ i...,lHl-..;'1 <.lH,,\ I ~n-l,.J>;;r i ..:a.J.~1 lH.\~ m;J~c Pf;:h.'i ,,} li;~\ it lWI rna-de pn')rnptly
<br />I,y !lor",.,.,,,
<br />Un~ -1-e-n\k:f .JOU Ik.n-'.)';>\;-&;I' \,,\ht",v.,i~'';- i4gr('~ Hl \.<-ntm:.g, lW"l.Ii-l.H~,,--': ~h~iH tx: ....pphcd In I"c~Wrali(m \1[ repair of
<br />the Prupc.rty UallU\j;C(.\, pf'tJ\'Hk\J -v,h.:h ;"'c.,tt.)faiH'j~ -\'! C;.;p4i!' 1"-. !<.\il",lhie MHl the ~c\:-udry of thi~ Mortgagtc IS
<br />not thctcby ln~tred. l! su..-o l'i::;,.Wt.i-Hon or n:piolii' ,!:. lhit c...,t-'iw'm,i":,.1-~h kinll'i}e M If th~ KCtlnty ut thIS !'ltlorlgagc \\'ould
<br />be- t~, the lfi'j.ur-AnCe Pl'\X'c-ed'i- ".h-a:H be ~ppl~,J h' th;;- :\\.Hn~ ~;':\,.lf~J h} tfll:'!. Mongage, l,.'-'\lh the c_\c:c...s., if any. paid
<br />to ~-f. If {,he Pro-pel1} t),. -;t~nJ,\oc-J t4',ut'.~ec ~"f ,1' HDHt'l"'...-cr f,uh 1.,-\ n::-.p.;md {u J cnder within 30 days irom the
<br />date 00JWe l'i madcd by Lender if~ Bmfuwer tnc in:l.oULiHl..:t: ",'..uncr dkn h~ :;,cHk.1 ,birn tor ins.uran.:c bene"15, Lt.'tlde,r
<br />\5- au-tho.rned,hi ~~l(Xl and: ~pp~_y iDe Hl:!lUn.Uu,:!; pH~,J:lo at i ~ltYCr'... l.~ptl-(\-l1 'Clth\:I 10 reswralt-On or a;pair tit the Property
<br />Of....IAe ""'..... .."",,"'" ~y 1m. Mo"ilO"".
<br />lJ~ l.t'ml<< and 'BurnH\"er Nj\('rl,ld~c- ~Mt,ec- Hl \Antmg~ ;my ~\j-.;,;h applKitli..:m d pJl..~<-\.:eili to pnm:ip-al s.h~,U not extend
<br />,')f ~ tbe due date cllne- Jw.mthl} i.u'ilalbn('m-'!, rderrc4 t,,; w p;JrJ.iIaph~ i "mJ :2 hen::-t'jf or change the ..Hlh)Unl of
<br />iUdllrurta-lt_t't'WtU~~ H umkt PU3,jf;lpb is be-!'wI the P!uperty i~ .dL-;.,p..med b-~' Lendt:f, ~di nght1 [!tic .wd mtC:r~t oi 8orrower
<br />in -aut co a~)' i.Q5Uf,ance pt'UKle$ ~nd in -i-H1d tv the pn:~cedJoi lh~nut rC-'ouh:-ng tn_lIH ~l;trni.tge iO th..: Propen} Pr1()f to the sale
<br />Of ~'JMU p&lit.S -to t-tnder UJ the e:\h~-nt ,'){ the ),utl1:~'!; ~\;me4 by thh ~h)rl8ase !n1Hk.--<-dja~cly praH W !l.l.1ch sale or
<br />~.
<br />" ..........1Illooo..... MallIl_ of F__ny, u_tww., CoadomiDi..m.; PIatuled Vnil n".d"""",nt.. Borrower
<br />.sPU:-5ocp t~_Propmty ,In goo4 repair and ,h.H-oQt ~,:.mnmit wwt t;)f p't~r~ut tmp..rn\Cnt -Of deterwratiot1: -of the Property
<br />.... ~ (otnpIy with the p.rov~OD$ .of an] ~ .f tnj,. M_iJl'tg~ i\- on it k:~~choid, Ii th15_ Mortg.age t:-I- on ~l unit in ~
<br />~":wa- -Cf a _plan.-d Ufut Uevf-l-opimnt, 8crru\\'-t-f ~H pcnOt.tn aU pI Uorwwe-r'i ohhg..ltiotls under the dedaration
<br />~ ~ ("f~_i)f iov-e:rntnj the CL'JoltOonnmum ~;r t~tam\ed unit d-eH;-i()pln~n:" the by~ta.wl\- j}nd regulatioofa: {if I~
<br />~ or _~ unit ~~,wpmtl'';t. J;OO constttue.nt J<-lC-l.lft)i:;l1lil. h (i: c\)_n-Juminlum i;H planned WB! ;,ie"e.J~}pn1..eut
<br />ridIlt....OICf.l~t..",1lUtm_."d t<>OOl'dod lo&<;\he; wlIb thl> Mortgog<. ,he "..enan..."d .&1'"'",.".. "~I ,uch ndor
<br />oIIldl" '- -ltll<;l. u,;l ~.mtWld li"d,upl'll:menl lhe .!>ven...'" and "1I"",,"."10 <>f Ih<, MUlt,"ll" ., If lhe rider
<br />_a
<br />,,_:;"_,IA~~'-~,~ If "B(l(riJwfl' fai.!& ~-O per!t1-lID H~ C~WeJl~m~ .m'; ;t~r~lne-nu _-.:ontained ill this
<br />~...Qttt"".~ "'P~!l,f ..c_"eIl which.rllale.JaU)' .fI<<lS. LeMen tnl""" in lb. P"'peny.
<br />~.I>!oi ~. ,lImit<lll !<t. ftl'iinOrlt <lonlal.., In.ot''''''''h Cf..a.. .Mnr"""",nl< or. .""njl<m<!nt. Of \"""eedinM' invol''''ll ·
<br />-.fWpt,--OI ~t~ tblm- t~_ M L..nder'-~ (1p:tjQn~, UP)ft not~"t H) ~t-('fW~r" m.,ay fHakc \\.w;;h appea-.raf1:C~. d~-s.bufi~ ~tKh
<br />-_-~~_ M- _,;1& ~ :lO __iWtlt:oct t~lcr~ JrtU:f~~ ~-rn;,lHdifJg. bu~ not -bm,itw_ tn. dUj.bu!~n1f,1H- of
<br />(~_~-.anuy .\l~l lh4 PI:(tpeny t~_ ~..l\' r-epaia. It t:~rI<kf re-,uirct! m0fi3~\J In,ur4t1~t &\'> ~i
<br />.~:-_~~__ ~_,:~-,,_~~,,_b)' th~__M{.m.~ Dorm'~'''~r ~t,,~)~ ~l ,H\Je t"~r'~;mnml$. H~11l~tced t(~ maiutu_H\. ~Kh
<br />~' :J;t ~~i J:~tl wib. U*' ~~ t~. rr4J~j.lt:-rtlt-?l rot ~w::b ~ranc---Q l~J:mma-te1 .Ill ~:..."'CQrdanc"'t 'W.th B(,lrr.J\IP~r'", ;il.nQ
<br />
<br />
<br />