<br />83-005075
<br />
<br />Lcnd~r'l' wnH~n .tgreement. Of applicable law. Borrower shaH ,pay the amount of all- mongage insuranc.e premiums.in,_thu-';
<br />mariner pnwidt:l,l under ~laragraph _ 2 ,hereof.
<br />An, amollnts disbur!ICd by lender pUTSllant (0 this par.graph 7. with interest . thereon. shall become additi(mai
<br />indeblt:dness or Borrower secured by tbis Mortgage. tJnles!\ Borrower ~\Od Lender agree -to -other temtt, -of ,paym_elit.:::such
<br />llmounts.h.ll he payabk llJX1n notice from Lender 10 Borrowcrrequesling payment thereof. and shall bearinterest,f"'l!l,'1be".
<br />date of di~nf5Cment at _lhe rafe_' payable from time -to time- On outstanding- principal- under- tne ,Note 'unless"--P.'Y'fi1eDf,--of/;
<br />interes( at ,au_ch,rale wollldbe, contrary to appUcabJc'll\-w. ill which-event stich amounts_shaU-bearjnteteSt'af tl1t! higfJejt\~e";,
<br />permissible under ~'pplicable Jaw. Nothing confained in thi~ paTi.lgraph 7 shall require Lender to incur-'any,oexpeiJsei'or',Uk_e:-
<br />any,action hereunder, ".",
<br />8~:,__ I.upecdon..:_Lemler may 'make or cause to be made rCMonabfe entries upon and,-'inspeetions-_of the,~rQperty;:.pro~"
<br />that L~nd.ef 'shall _give -Borrower' n01ice prior -to any, such - inspectkm .s;peci-fying reasonable- cause therefor related: la.- Lend~s
<br />intere-st- -in 'the Property.
<br />9.' COndemnation.- -The proceeds of any HW~-lTd or claim for damages, direct Of , consequential; in connection:-with::ariy:-'
<br />condemnation -or other taking of rhc Property. ('r part thereof. M for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are'hereby'a\.~igned-'
<br />and .hall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a Hilal takfn~ of the: Property. the proceeds shan be .applied tt'l the- sums secured by, this- 'h(oj1gagc.;
<br />with the exec-".... if any. r~\id 1\'\ Borrower. Tn {he event of ;) partial taking -{\f the Property, unJe~!\ ':Borrower.' and.,',Lender
<br />(lrher:w-ke- agree in writing:, there shnU he applied to the "'-1!n1S ~cctlred hy this Mortgage such proportion of., the ':proeeoos'
<br />as is equal..to thnt proportion which the amount of the sum"- .-..ecured by this Mortgage immediately prior'to ,the ,date, -of'
<br />taking beur~ tfJ the fair maTket vat-ue of the Prnpenv immediah~ly pii0r 10 the date of taking-. with the halance of- the,proceeds
<br />paid to Bor-rower.
<br />If-the Property i,> abandon{"d hy B,lrrnwer. of if. afrer notice hy Lender to Borrower that the condemnor--offen to.tn-ake
<br />an award or ~ettk a claim for J;un3ge~, Bl'rrowa fails 10 respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such '-notice is
<br />mailed. l~cndcr is allthoriud to c{'lll~el and <:Jpply !ht.' proceeds, at Lender's option; either'to restorntion Of- repair -of' the
<br />Property or 10 the :mms. .'iccurcd hy this Mon~age.
<br />Unless Lender and Borr\)we-r nther"'~<:;c agree in writin!!, :Un' :"!Kh application ('If proceeds to principal shan not ,extend
<br />or pO'it-ponc- the-due date ()f the monthlv ins-rallments rdl'rrcd to in paragraph... I and 2 hereof or change, the amount- of
<br />'llJch instanments.
<br />16. Borrower Not ReJeutd. F.xren~ion of the lime for pavme-nl ()f rnndific:ltion (1f amortization of the sums secured
<br />by thix ~"'1ortgage grunted hy L~nder ti) any Slll.;CC'S\{'Ir in tmen."sl l,r Borrower ;;,hall not operare to release, in any manner,
<br />the liahility nf the original Bor,0wer ~md Born:n-ver'<; s!hxeS:'-'0fS in inrcrc'!i.l. Lender "hat! not he required to commence
<br />proc"CC(,Hngs againlOt snch S\lCCe"SOf i'f refuse to extend lime fnr pdvmcnt or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured hv thr~ MOrt'!.lH!C hv rt-:a~on pf ~JnY d-.::-mand made hv thl;' MieinaJ Borrower ~ll1d Borrower's SHCCeSSOrs. in interest.
<br />It. 'Fo-rbearaoc.'; b\' I.~nder l'ot a Wah'("T. Am f';}fh-c:H~ln....c by Lender in ncrci,ing all\' right or remed\' hereunder, or
<br />nrherwisc affnrdL"(! hy ,;pplh;ank !;n~'. <;hilH no! h: - J W~IVl..'r of l,'r preclude Iht: cxcr~ise 'llf "anv suc;h right OT remedy.
<br />The procurcm~nt (If insurllnc~ or roC' ra\-'nt~llt ,., c:\~., M ntha lien'\' nr charp:es bv Lender "hall nor he <1 \-,-<liver of Lender's
<br />richt .h) a.;:cdcratc lht: maturin-' -\If the- lnd-chrcdnc'is "(,(lln:d hv Th;~ Mnr1ca.!!~
<br />- 12. R.emedies CumuJati~t". .\!l n-:me.,lle... pw\'akd ill lj~t"i !\-'1pn~il~~ ,~rL .1;,tio([ "nd ,:umlllativc to any other right or
<br />remedy under rhi.... 'Mortgage or dtfnrol'd h' law Clf t'lfiUly. and 01:1\' hl.~ l'\>.'rn<;-t'd ~',mnlrrcnll\'. independently Of s.uccessively.
<br />13.. SUl'~ors aDd A!\Si2:D'iO Bound; .Joint and St>\ual Liability; ('aptioll!li, 'nH~ <:,o\-'cnants and agreements herein
<br />Lontaine-J shaH hind, and the righh hen:undef "h:tli inur\.' Itl_ the r~-'i.ri."('lt'd.' <;\I":;;t:\sor" and nS'iit!n<> l.lf I.ender ~-Hld Borrower.
<br />'liubj-ec-t to th.{..~ pr(lvi-;:tons of pal ~'igr:tph 17 -her~\)l '\Ii ..:nvenams ami <l/lrt:emcnh (If Borrower s.h;tIl be _klint and several.
<br />The captions and headings (\f the paragraph, ,\f !111'" \fl.lr!g"lgo: .1f1.' fpr C\lnvcniencc {,,,Iv :lfHJ ;ire n;:'H to he used to
<br />interpret {'tr define !h~: pr{lvl',ion~ hercd
<br />14. 'Sorice. Except for auy nOfH.:e ft:l!I1Ht.'d nndcr ;1f~rli<..-~d'dt b\\ [l' he givt'n in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Born'\wer pm\lid~d for in fhi\ \h'nga~c \hall ~c ~i\,m !w n1;lllin~ \Il;,:'h fWlh':~? Iw \'crfificd oh'lil addre,,~ed to Borrower at
<br />th~ Propen-y ,A.ddres\ i.,r iH s\lch Llther _Hidn.'<j\ a, B,,'rT,'V\I..'f m..l\' dC"'lgn~ltt' b-y noricc 1(' 1 ender ;I'll provided herein, and
<br />tb) any nOflce It} Lender ~hdll he- l;f\,1,"1; I'v ,~C'r!ttkd nUlL f~'!nrn rCVl'lri rl~~uc':'\!cd. !(\ !.ender'" nddres'i siuled herein or to
<br />such other 3ddre!l'ii ,;1,\ I.(~nde_f nw) dl~sj!!n;'.lle !V, ~H'fl(t' (,_, B{}ffcm...r a<; pn1\ided herein ,\ny no!icc pnwided for in this
<br />Mortgage sh-all be qec-mcd h, have h~"(:n gf\-cn 10 Bnrro...cr ~'If" I -(.'nd(.~r '.vhen !lwcn in the manner designated herein,
<br />15. Uniform Mort#:a::co: Go"~ming taw: St-\'li~nbifi.~. fl;1'>, i(1nn "f rnorlfl'agl: i:.ombinc!; unifprm covenants for national
<br />u~ and non'llni(orm covenaflt...; \\ith limited \:tnatw.n<; !v" itlH,,(k..!~(H1 {,1 ('\H1S11tllte a uniforrn ~e'cllfity insrrumcnt covering
<br />reat property. This MOffg:a~c ..ha.!i he t!iJ\'\.:rned I~y tht !aVo ,-.f thl.:' i\lri...<hC'tton 10 which rnC'_ Property i-; located. In the
<br />event that <'4ny pnwi!lton or {'!aU\{' i~f thi~ M~')ng:lY:'" ,-'r {h~~ ~,-tk '.~t~l1fli(:f" '.-',tth ~!prliC~lble iaw, such conilicl shall not affect
<br />t1ther provi.'>:fon:-: \)f thi~ ~h~r[!!age (1t tll.: "Me ,,,,,'fn.;h ...:.;.n h.. ~i\'~n d1cd \\"i!honr {he conflicting prnvi~jon, and h1 this
<br />end the pr-o'..isi(m~ of the M()rtga!!-t' ;.md lht' -.....(ltl~ ;HC ,il:i.;l.i.red [n /1(,' ,\,.'venible.
<br />16.. Borrower's Copy~ Borfi.tw('f "hJ:lI h:. !\Ilni"hl~-d ,j ":"fllnr-med ':'\Py ~\t lhc- Note-'and or'fhi~ -:Mortgage at: the- time
<br />{:'1f execution or aiter f[:l:ordation herc!..)f.
<br />17, TraBSfer of the Proput~';: As.-.umpUmt, If ,Ii! t'H' ~lny P<lft ('f the Property (if ;\0 intere!t therein is sold Of- transferred
<br />by Boftower without Lender's prior wrlucn ..'l'O'Scnt c,-,:luding {.1) the crr:Hinn of ~t lien or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, {b) the aeatitlt1 \~f :i puxha'\.C mnnn: "l;'l.:urin mtl'rt~sl f{lr ~wH~eh();d appibnc-c"i, tel a transfer hy devise.
<br />descent or by oper,uion -of hw upon the de-30th l\r ~t JOHH h.'THwt nr i j; fR A'I" t ~f ~') I::-Q"JiJR iil" lR'lTV11 li'f ,"rIM ~'llIUll Br hu
<br />-. i ii'~f'Flf ilK ," t:- If If' l::illif tender may, :H L"nde(>.; opHon. declare an {he ~um' secured by this ~1ortgage- to be
<br />immediately duC' and PIl)'<:tbk Lender "ihall have wi.l~"eJ \\./;,;}} ,)pIIOn to aecdenHe if, prior ro th~ sale or transfer. Lender
<br />and the penon to whom trn:- Property i", to be :'oolJ or tran.\ferred reach agreement in- writing that the credit ('1-( such person
<br />is $atisfacmry to L-cnde--r_ and thaI the inlcr~"i p_d!'abl-e ('n ihe sum... s~l.:ured ~y rhi'i Mortgage ~han be af such rate as Lender
<br />shan request~ If t-endet: has waived the option t{l J."elenHt.' provided in thi., pamgraph 17. :.mtl if Borrower's successor in
<br />irttucst has executed a written 4l$..'ltuUlption agtt."efficnt ac..:epterl in writing by Lender. Lender shaH release Borrower from all
<br />obligations under this Mortgall" and the Note,
<br />If tender cJCerdses sUt,,;h 'lI)t'ion to a.ccelerate, Lender '\hail mail BorrOwer fiOUl.'c (,[ a.:-cderation in 3ccordancc with
<br />Plragraph 14 httOOf. Such notice shall provide J peri(-.J ot" ON k-s~ than 30 thn... from lh;: date the notice i~ mailed within
<br />whicb Borr-m\-er m.'\y pay the ':\-ums dcciared due, If Borrov.t:r fails to pay sudl <..ums prior to the expiration of !\uch period,
<br />l..endet mal''. without ftlrtht.r notfce t,Jr demand 01\ &1(fo.....er. il1VoJ.;.e ,HlY n:.'J!1cdies permmed hy paragraph iH hereof.
<br />
<br />NoN-.-UN1FOftM C.O'VllSANTS_, Borrower ~nJ Lender fu.rther ~'(W~THHH and agret: a":! toll\~ws:
<br />1,". A~Jt.._.u.... F.Jl'RfJI" provw.d in p_raph 17 hu."r. """" Bor......,'. breach of .ny ,'ov...""t or
<br />~.... ~l.. lhis M...,.... IIKi""i". 11M ."'......... to pay wh.n due .ny sums ,",.um! by lhis M""tpae,
<br />'.~""IO~ .w.....a ....Iic. 10 Bo.rrower as pr"vidtd in PHBllnlpl, 14 h......f !ijfCclfylntl: m lhe bfta<:h;
<br />.c;I)',...............'" "..... oucll ""-h; (3) It dOle. 00' ..... lhan 30 clays fro... Ihe dal. !he ooli.e i. mlliled t" Borrower,
<br />1tI:....... ...... _ foe .~ ...... (411hllt fall.... I" cure sneh bre..b 08 or IMfar. 11M dale spc<:ified i8 tlM nulke
<br />.... ,.,.IU. ____....IIIe...- "",,um! by: thl< i\1orfl\ll!l.. f_"'",ure by Judi<ial p"','....inlI."" sale uf 11M Property.
<br />l'tl.u............ ~ W_ ......_.. of the ripltu ..........e'lfter .<<.Ieralion a"" lbe ri#bl 10"",,,," In the f,,"'d........
<br />~.....___..... ""'-It Of ..nyo_.dH_ ..f Bom>wer I" _n.II,,,. ...... fl""'_. If the b...ll<h
<br />1I...........""""'.....e ~ IoI11e aulice, ....""'" AI fA....'. "plion m., de<lJu. .11 "f tlM s_ lIeCUm! by
<br />- ~...he ~y 11.-...... pa,.w.,.~ fUflher de.....oo ."" -r f.....k_ by judicl.l p~. hittler
<br />.... "" ..........Io.~ lot _h ,..~ aIf .._ of f'''''''l<....u, I....~ b..1 _t Ii-.J to, r..... of do<u_tary
<br />......... ....,.......lIlle ~
<br />1'" ....~t 1U&M- In' .~. N'l;jlwil:h--Mand~n~ Lend.ef<~ ;""xe.h:l:ftlhn-n of d~ ~onH 'ie.l:ml.~ hy thi:'> MOr1.(1.-age,
<br />llou~-r- ",tH,H ha'\f~ ftk. l:~ to'} h>ll"\.'(< ;lit)' pn~,:...4~ng!O IX-lUfi-- iJy i i:1lder to Ct):!Oh:1t thj, ~-h:'ngJ;~~: dijh:::\;H:ltlnH~d ;It any ~HU~
<br />
<br />