<br />83"";)05075
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<br />UNIfORM .COVGl',t'\NT,s. Borrower and Lender cuvenant and .agree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. P.YDHnt of Prindpal and Intcrrsl. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of ,lI1d interest 011 the
<br />indebtednc!.s evidenced by the Note, prepayment and hue charges -a:-i provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future AdvaDce~ secured by this Mortgage,
<br />.%. Fuads- for Tues. und InsuraDf:f'. Subject 10 applicable law or to (! written waiver by Lender, Borrower _,shan pay
<br />to Le!1dcr on the day monthly installments qf principal and inrcrcs.t arc payaole under the Note~ until the_ Note is paid in full~
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to oncHwelfth of the yearly taxe"!. and .tS5eS5ment~ which may tttiain priority over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Proper,ty. jf any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instaUments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus_OJJe"twelfth o-f y~arfy premium installments for mortgage Insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and .from
<br />time to time 0\' lender on the b'd-o;i" of asse~rncnt$ <loti hills iwd rcasonabl~ estimates thereot.
<br />'l1ie Funds shail he held in :.111 institution the depOSits. l\!' a.cCl.Hmts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state 3gency (incfuding Lender if Lender IS ,'.weh :.'In institution I. I coder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may nO( charge tur w holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />or-verifying and compiling said asses.sments and bills. unless Lender pay.s Borrower interest on the Funds-and applicable law
<br />permit.s Lender, to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of ex.ecution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on -the Funds ~haH he paid h), Borrower, ;.Ind unless ~uch agreement is- made or _applicable law
<br />requires such-interest to be paid. Lender s.haU not he required (0 pay Rnrrower any imerest or earnings o~ .the Funds. Lender
<br />~h-aH give to Borrower. without charge. an annual .<Kl.:ounting ('11' the Fund:. ,>;hewing credits and debits to the Fi.inds and the
<br />purpo.<;e for whi-ch each debit to :he Funds wa~ madt:, lbe Fund.. arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this ~-tortgage.
<br />If the amoonl of the Funds held by Lender. lOgether ....illl the turure monthly instaHments of Funds payable- prior to
<br />the due dates of [ax.es, a;;.sessments. insur.i11Cc premillms and gnlUnd r~i1ts, ~bali exceed the amount required to- pay sald tax.es.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and gmllnd rents a~ Ihe\' hll dat_ ~uch C'i.C~s.s shall be. <-It Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to BOfwwer or credited to BnrnH\'er on monthly HlstalJrn-enl~ of Funds, If the ~1mount of the Funds
<br />held b-y Lender shall not be surticient to pay !;;-lXe.;;;;. asse.ssn1cnrs, in.;;uram::l' premHims and ground rent.}; as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shail pay w Lender any amount nccc.:.sarv to make up the udkiencv wahin 30 days from the dare notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower rC4uc.\ti~!! puymcnl theFt~Di
<br />Upon payment in foli (If all sums secured tn: tlw; l\'1nrlg~lgt, l.endcr shaH pl'llmrtiy refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph i:\ h~n:-nl !h-(~ PWpt~n\< i~ .,i.1ld I,ll" lhl.." FmpcTt\ )':1- lltherwi<;c acqlllfcd by Lender, Lender
<br />shaH apply. Od lJt-c:r than lmmedlatel~ rrK'r l.; th-c "..de 1'1 the Prop-crty nr ilS -acquisition hy Lender. ,my Funds held by
<br />lender at the tlInc Gj .1.pplicution as- a cn:dlt agamst t!lt :<lUm.. :>-('cured !--<y 1:1I'l M(lngagc,
<br />3.. Applk'1dlon of l'aymenD. Lnk..s ;:lpp!;cablc i~\" prn\ n.ks \~~hr..'rwi,,~. ~d! paymcms received by Lender under the
<br />Note ;)nd paragraphs! and 1 hereof shall b.: april~d hv l.....ndc-. fi,,,t !r\ p,l~ nlt:nt 01 amounts p;.}yahk- to L~IHJer by Borrower
<br />under paragraph Z hereof. then to tHlef.....t ray.lb!c ,'>rI rh" 'nlc. :ht::_n I;, the pnO\.:ip~1 -of the Note. .!ill! then to interest and
<br />pnnclpal en any Future Ad\'ancc:s.
<br />.... Cha,.es: Liens. R('rh)\\.t:'_J -,h._dl P;i\ ,di 1.1\;:'. <l'."\,.<..."flh..'nh ,,'Il.! ~ltho <.'h;\r).!i::-. fint::" ~iHd Hl1positlllnS attriblltable to
<br />the Property Which may ;lHa.in ,1 pr:ority ,WI.'!' Iiil" \lnng.~i~~. .:r,d k;;:l:.chnld p.\\nlCnh ,1f g.rollnd rents, If ~my. in the manner
<br />provided unde,r paragraph 2 hcre~-,I M. d rwt p,HJ In ..Ud1 !n;ltlnn, h\ lhlrr\)\~:"'f nmhll1~ pa~'mcnt, when due. directly to the
<br />pa.yee thereof. Borrower shall pfOrnpti~ t:irtl!...h l\f i end..-!' ~di ril."UCe'. u! ;unount$ due under tlll,,- paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower ~h~H make payment dlfi:Cl!\'. H(\(r~l\\~'r "hall f"fl'mpti\ ll!i!w.h ti" t t:l1dCf r~("clph l'videncing. 5;uch payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly dis.-t.:hargc !Iny h.:n ,<'[11,-'0 h,b !~r".lnt\-.- p\,-'r :hl_'" ;\fungagc: !"mvlllcd. rl1~H Borrower shall nol be
<br />required to dlschar.!,.te aay ~Hch lien "0 h'lll! ,!.. B"nn\h.'!' ...hail Ii, ..\ n[ln~ 1\1 the p.tymclll Of' the l)hll.galiuH scclIn:d by
<br />""uch lien HI a manner aCJ.;cptahlc ![~ L:ndt:-t. ,-'i \:,,:\1 Hl ~,,{\J '-"HllC"d ...,;..:h 11':11 bv. I'l' defend ..:rH(lrcemc!1t 01' such lien 111,
<br />legal p-ro,"ceding'i- \\-hu,:'-n \lpcr;uc !\.,' pn:\'cnt ltll: <.'nkr\.-e:m~nl VI 1M;: hen i'r inr!eilur..' of Ihe Property ur auy part thereof.
<br />S~ Hazard Infilurance. Be-rrowC'r ~hajJ keep lilt" dllpn.'l~Ill"'llt' [)>)";\ l'\l"ung ('f her.;::l1ter tr~clt:d DO the P!\~rcrty Insured
<br />.:tgairun k<ss My rire, h:.'l.lard'i Hh:hh.h:d \\ Hh;o I(W h.'l'rn ,;\!cnl!\:11 ,--"H'!Jg~ ..1nd ~!I..:h other huard" a'l Lender may reqUIre
<br />;lUd ill ~ul;h ,tm(\UIll$. anti fi'f 'it_H.:h p<:-nm.h ;c. i C:dC-l flJ..lJ rcq'iif.... l"n\ loeJ. lh~ll L~nJcr ..hail n;lf n:yulft: that the amount 0\
<br />such coverage c\cct:d th~t ..l!'Hnunt ,\i ..,:;_nt'fJ~\.' r,'qUlr;~d t" r<l~ lh:' ,11111,> '_(';.:un...d nv d')!~ ~lortgage
<br />The insurance ..:arrier prllvKhng- the In'HH';Hh:C ~h~.dj he ,.-i1t..1"ocn hy 80fHw.....r "'l!blt'U h' approval hy Lender: provIded.
<br />that such approval ...hail not be Hflr-c-.-t.<,olli.thly \\-tthhdd. \ll plein/om... (In in~ur.tn("c p,-,hcles ...halt he paid j!l the manner
<br />provided !.lnd~r paragraph 2 hereOf ;Jf. ,t ,WI p.Hd Hl :-.lidl manna, h- HOifnv.-t:r makmg payment, when due. (hrcctly to the
<br />insura_ttcc (:an'lCf,
<br />AU insurance po-licu:s .,nll rcn~\~ ;lh theft-'(lf -~ft,di h. !ll l<'nn _1\..'l.'epLlhk tl) I C!llk: ~lIld shall H1Clmh.:: ,1 "undard mortgage
<br />clause tn favi.,)r or and m t.lfm ;-ti.'I.-'t:p!01bk h; L~wJ~r_ t ;::-nd\.':f -..h,lH }-u;;: \tlc nght {,_l twld lb~ poli':I\:.;. ~llld renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrower ~h"H promptly tmG1~h 1<.1 I ...~ndcr ail {,,;q~~...... ;li lwlK.t::~, ,Ind ,Ill n.:ceipls of p.lIJ pn-::mlUm\. 1 n the event of lo!''i.
<br />Borrower shaH gwc prompt noH.:c {.' the ll1~Hf;,tlh.r: Llfn~r .iml L~ll\.h::L 1 ,t.:ndcr 1Hay tnakc pr(){,J[ of k)~s IT not made pwmplly
<br />by Borrower,
<br />Unless l.emkr O1nd_Bonowcl llthcr',l,l,,;; agn:c 1I1 \~ fI!lng, in.,ur:II1L"C pro\:ccd:\ ~hall be (lpphcd tt\ restoration or repair of
<br />the Ptopeny dam,aged. provided ~m.:h n.~liJr3h,'n "r repaIr 1'> C\..'lHWll\I"-:;illy ll.',-ti}lhle :Hld (he \ccurity of this Mortgage j<.;
<br />not thereby im,paltc-d. If su\,":h [CHor;-1[!l.}J) i.)f r.:p.ur !~ n'.'! t.'-t-'lh1lilh....ilily 1\:a~lbJc or Ii the s~ctJrlly of thiS Mortgage would
<br />be Jmp8.lfed, the Hlsurance proceeds ~haU he .ipphed h' the s-um~ 't..'\.:ureJ b) thIS ~1(lrtgage, With the excess, if any. paid
<br />to- BOfrower_ If [he Property i~ ab;mdoned b... BOfwwcr, flf l! Bornw,,'cf l~tih h.\ rc!.pond to Lend~r within 30 days trom the
<br />date n-Otl:cc {50 mailed by Lender 10' Borrower !h;tt !be Insurance .:arncr otfers l,-~ ~CH!e ;1 -.:btm for m~urancc benefils. Lender
<br />IS autbonzcd to COUCCl and apply the H1:iuran.;:e pwcecd~ at LenJcr\ opHon either :1.\) rcslOration or repair of the Property
<br />or to the- 5Um$ S\.---xu.r-ed by this MQrtgage.
<br />Unless l..ender and Borruwer (.ithelVoi~ ;..gf~e If' wrltmg, J,n} :.w.:n Jpp-!icallon of pmcceds to pnncipal :-.haf1 not extend
<br />or po6tpone the due. uate 01 the mOHthly in~laUmel1i$ r<.;ferrcd h.l m paragraphs 1 ~nJ 2 herctJf or change the amount of
<br />such if1$tailments. 11 under paragraph I S hereof the PrnperlY lis il.-t"ljWIl.:J by Lender- <lll right, title anu interest of Borrower
<br />in.oo to any 1000UfilflCC policies and in and to the prucecJs thcrC\Jt rc~ulting i....m damage to the Property prhx to the si\le
<br />or acquisition s.haH pa$S to Lender [(J the extent of the sUm~ .set;.:ureu by thl~ ~'tortgag.e immedialel) prior to ~uch sale or
<br />~.
<br />'* Prearvadolt aod ~1.(mlUU."e of Propet1~.; Le-w.ebo'.: (~ondo-miniuDl1i; I)lanned Uuit Uen*lopments. Borrower
<br />shall keep the- Property in good repair and ~haU not commit \\-aste or perroa imp-ainnent or deterioration of the Property
<br />iliDd..&hall (;:(b~pJy w-ith--t,!ie prov-isJons -oi any lease It lhi!!. Mong<igc- is OR Ii h~aschold, If this Mortgage h Qn a unit in a
<br />I:~m OT ,a planned unIt de....eJopmem. BonowcI ~hal1 p.edotflJ aU of 8orru\4'cr's -ohhgalions under th~ d~clara1ion
<br />or- _'-~ c.reatm.l Of 8()'1etnmg the .(-nndommiurn or planned Hnlt development. lhe by~laws and regulations- of the
<br />\:oodo:minium or p1M,ned uoil. development. and i;OnSitltuent dOCUmC{ll5., if a c-ondominium or planned unit development
<br />.rtder:__fs.::_~j)y,-.~_-and r-worded_ together wuh_ this Mortgage, the covenants and agreements ('.[ such rider
<br />lball,_,.j~ into- -.ud- shall _amend a.nu ,su_ppteultut. the coVcnarH5 and ugR~ments of lhis. .Mortgage_ -,i.S If the rider
<br />_Cl~~,
<br />'<,~ ~ ;I~i-. See:utit)'.- If :Ik-v:rowt:r fJils. to perfo-rrn the covenants lUl0 agreements coutltined it1 thii<
<br />~-" ()f' if- aay _ acbOi1, 'or 'P'~djl1l f-s commen<<--d which materjaUy ;:.tlCCIS Lender'~ -lute-rest in (he Propeny.
<br />t~_ hut nOt' ~ed tn, emlMm. oomai:n~ t-nsnive-nc)', code enfll.,,~~menf. or arrang-cfllents ur f,,-(..1<Ccediotf$ involving- a
<br />b&Nt~pt Of -tktte4etlt; the,Q {.tllder at lfftQ--t!r'!\ upti...'Jn. upon n':Jti,e to Uonowc,r, .nil}' mH~e ~-m,:h IIp-pcaratKe\. thst'\ursc ~uch
<br />~lUl\\-J~.4_;" tueh:-_acuon Jl$ i,1 ~e.j..;,ary '!,o pi;"'i>>~{ L~~rtder'~ m\-cr~f, jnt;!uulng" l:tU{ Hnl iirl'lu-ed 10, i..hsburs\~mcnl, of
<br />i<r~,>ill~~$- !~ ~ entry U}l\Ml t,h~, f~rQpen_! !(J muke r-cpairs, It L~nder fC'~H1rcd rnongage ins.ur~rnce ;1', ;.
<br />-,::~>>ndu~ -vi m-d-in_f the-: l().>>.:tJ ,~uietl by _J.h!!_ !\:fl:-.iliH~!ttt, ntm-V'\ACI' ~h;tH P-<H' thl: premium.. require~i t;"1 nlafllllliu !-:iH:h
<br />ft'Wlf.ua ill -d'~ UftJit "..t~h time ~,!!i the t'C:qulre:.me~u i-Ot ..;,uch th,...uranc~ t-crrrmwUJi In ..t(';.;~)rt1.ltm'c ....nth B{,rrowcr\ amI
<br />
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