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<br />83_ 005040 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />f...eFt&r's. wriu-;n agreement or applicable Jaw. Borrower shall pay.the amount of all mortgage in.wrance premi~t~s)n_:.-the:~ <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereo!. . . . .. ..'.: <br />Any amount. disbursed by Lender pumlant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. '.sholl beeomeadditil5lSll1' <br />indebtednes, of Borroweueeured by Ihi. Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lenderagreet<rotber:ternlSof'paym.nt;'~ <br />amounts shan he payabk' upun notice from l.cnderto Borrower r<<juesting payment thereof. aod sfulJI,bearintercstf11<lltl':t~.: <br />datBofdi,bnrsementat'lhe ral. payable from time to lime on OUI<landing principal onder theNote.lIn~'p~t"',Qt. <br />iote=! alsuch rale would beeontrary to applicabklaw. in which e"""tsttCh amountsshallbearinterestat'lhe hi!fje$t....,~. <br />permi.sible under applicable law, NOlhing conlained in rhi, paragraph 7 shall require Lender '0 incur lInyexpeslllll'.....:t. <br />any adion: b.r~nder' ' <br />8.. 11lSfJt<'1iotI. Lender may make or cause 10 be mnde rea"'nnble entries upon and'inspectionso! tire. p",~pro'!lded'.' <br />tha!.J;; -shall_give Borrower -notice prior to any such inspection ~pedfYlng-reason:able '-cauw. therefor'rehtt<<l---to---Le~.', <br />rnterem-..jn. the Property. _ - _ _ ,- ~:-' <br />9.' CoadeRtnadon. - The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct Qr con5equ~,ntia(. :in -ronnecti~tt 'witft:atlY' <br />!:ondemllIrtioo or other taking of the Property, \'-r part thereof, Of forcon'\leyanc~dn lieu,of condemnation; aTe:,be-nfuy":aq~:- <br />;tnd ,hall he paidlol.ender. <br />fn the ei."ent ~)f n total taking of the ,Property. ,Ihe prOl;('''eds. ..hall -be -applied_ to the- snms --secured -,by - thiS:: ':Moit~_p.: <br />with ,he C'(C(,'l,S. if any, raid h) Rorrnwcr. In the eVent of a partial the Property, unl~ -Borrower and:-'Under.;' <br />\>>herwise agree in wfftlng, there $hal! he appHed to the "urns ')ecured- by this Mortgage-- ~mch proportion_: oL1'he','-:prope~s <br />;IS: r~- eqvat_,tfll fhat prnportlt'l1'l which the otnlourH of the "'-11Al'" "iccBred by this ~fort:gA-ge iminediately"priO'I'; ,to t1te';'d8k--~'.of: <br />taldn~ ht:f1.r.. to the fair market value- ......f the Prop-f."ny immeditlte1v priM to lhc- dare of faki'ng. with -the h~dan~ of the--p.roeecds: <br />p.aid_ H' Borro\\.#, <br />if the pf(-'perty h ah:mdoncd hy B.xrower, or if. aher nN1ct: tw Lender to Borrower that the-condemnor' offers to,.rirake- <br />~tn award nr ~e-tt'e :l: d31m for damages, Borrower fails. to n:-\i.fK-md 10 l.ender ",,!thin .10 days after the_date.-Sueb---notke, is <br />m:tited. Lender i-:;; amhr,d7:ed to t'(\Uect 30d ;:lppty rhL procce-d~. ar Lender'~ option. either to restoration or- repair -of tm, <br />Pro-perty or to the sum, se..;urerl hv in'''' Mt'\-n!!aJlt~, <br />UIlks.. Lemkr and Bo-rnl''&'t'r (lfhcrwi,c il~rc.c_ jn writiA!!. an\' ~o,h apphclHion ('f pToceed~ to principal shalt not,extend <br />fWl,(mpoo;e ihe due d:de 0f the mnnthh' 1nsta.l1mell!S rderred h) ;n rara~raph... 1 .tnd 2 hereof or change-the- amount"_of <br />,<<+en inlj;raHmenH, <br />lO~ Bormwtf Nnt Rt:'lfoaRd. F:\h:I~"!On ,:;( The ltme {(If p.:tV01enr or nh~ifk~~tt(11\ of amortization of the slim."i !<<:cured <br />hy thf$ Monga~c: gnmtt:J hy Le:nder tt. ;.H1Y '>l...:CC",:"(tH- rr! inu:rc.;,f ~~f Ikln-ower ~>h<<n It0t ope,rate to release. in any manner. <br />the liabiliH' of the orig:ina! B-t:m-()wcr ;nllf >>..,nfl-wer'" "'d-i:';-l'$.~+t)r" in in!ere",-! T _cndt!r shaH not he required tn commence <br />t'r-()("-"'"eJin~s a~.a;n..t ",-qch "'\!I:t.~e-l\' "1' ndllSC tp nlerhl tim.e fpi ravmt'f\f I-,f (lrhcrwi"c modify amortization of the sums <br />"'-CI;urcu hy thh M{lrt~4ge hy re,f:l~ot1 ('<I .dlY -o<'H1Jnd made ("-' ,h{~ ~)rigm_.l! Bt::>Fowcr and Borro-w-er's successors in interest. <br />U. Ft..-btarante bv lA'l""," ~Of :it Wai-H"r" An\- !I-;rht.'-,uilp-.;e hv lender 1'0 t''I'.e-fci'i-inc 3ny ri~h1 nr remedy hereundt:r, or <br />ntt--.<<Yiisc '-lJfr~rdtd hv ;pphc~b-k Li';A", ,h,1li rj(~t !~~ :'1 Wlll\'('J \~f '-\1' preclude lht~ cxer~ist -of 'an\' such ri8ht-or remedy, <br />The procun.--mcnl (If irr1OUian>:,t..' {)r th~ pavnwllt \" LL\{', !'r \'Th('[ Len... or <..'hatc.c... r..v L('ndt'T ..halt not nt' a waiver of Lender's <br />rtth1 ft.' iOjc-teh::r:u.c tilt.; m3wr-ity ,;::f th{~ ;g,h.'hlCdIH'~"- ,,~<." \"'.:tl ,hi" ",--h'rt?~H!e' <br />11. R~me~ ("umtdath-t'-. ,ti n:mcdH:~" mp\ldcd ", "f(>n"?:a~(' ;n: ,thllfld ;Jlul ~'utllu!~tiv\' W ;Iny ()ther right or <br />fcn'thiy tlmicr thi.. ~t('rt~~I@:~ ot ;.tlC'rdt~d 1',\' bw ,I, <'Hil!; .lnd rn,;n h~ c~_~.'-r~y\\._~d "',l!H.:~llh'nl!~_ independently (If suc~esii\'ely. <br />J3. Suet"nson- and A_INg'"" Buu-Pd~ Juiitl :1fld ~1:("fal Uubility; Cap-dow., Ttw (-!)\-cnant:s and ngrtcmeot; herein <br />u~ntai-nc,J ,h:i:lf bind, :wd 1hl: f1~hh h-en'HOlder .,h,ill '1~H;{' 1"'_ ;".c-,c,>-li\C "-U;..'-.'.:-.;,,)1'''; and J...>;ign~ ~lf J cnder and Borrower, <br />s~bj~:Cl to lhe IH"Q\-+~lon';. ~'f 1 ~ h~j'~('t \n \-{;v\'I'Ut'\h ,.nd ;]~l~"'lnl'.'f~h j)f Bnrn:l\I.'cr <;.hall he j(,int and several. <br />The o.:apt:if'fi,\ and h('a\.hn!?~ of p.:n~t::Dph" \'.[ \hi" \l;'n~~ili'..; ;1j,: 1'01 \, \m'r~nil:n,,~c nnlv "nd are not to be u~ed to <br />imerpf'ef_ (H <.kftM the PhWlstj)[h hel"("._,1 <br />t4-~ Notkf'. E'\cer"f f~-n ll'W f'H~1!.:':'~t: Pfhh:f ,;ppli..";J!"'ll;' Lp>. t.' be in ~I!hlthr:r m:a,lll1ec (3) ilny nolice_ to <br />&).r;~~v.'e{ pn~',ddrd (01' ,q ~tn'l \i,'n-p.te:-~' ~'47 !o:.';~<'f' h.. r,hldin!-, "\h.h n,ltl"':~ ~-~'rllfkd rm~li J.ddres<led !O Borw'wer at <br />the Pwper'ty Addr-e...-; "r ~t~ 'iH-I."f, ,~ih(,f "Jdrl,.""" .J" H.'l r,,-;q"t n~~l', \k~-I;Jfnit' 11-, ll\)lir,;-c U~ i ~ltder il'l pr\widcd herein. and <br />(b) any fl{)I~-c 1<\ J.cnd<:f '!i.h.~H h~ h:'--l'i'\ ...t~n1fkd ,"u<l fe, ':'i,1 'T1.1 I_!!;-':.h:.l in 1 ~nd1(" ;HiJrC"'\~ 'HHed he-re-in Of to <br />such littler- iH,idre,s.., .i~ le~1'Jitr m~l:'- d..:',i~t;;dc 't,'l~~';.: t.. UNr,"...~!;'r ;,.. rr.:;.."td~"-d !li:H:'lt' '\rn: !wth,;c provided for in thifi <br />M~)ngag_(' ~haH N Jc~med h) ha'-'\' h:;,~n !:,:i'\'f.'tl (0 !--k.a."~<,"l' ,'.1' i uHh:r v. rh,'n"~,"Ct~ in Ih~ mannt'r dC"iign<\ted herein. <br />tS. lJntlonn "lut1~*~ Go'\rmint:, I.a~-~ ~\-e:rabiUf~. rh~,,_ !;;,\nn ,:d mt,nElilrt.~ ~'(lmhin~~~ lInifotm (fWenant'i for n.ational <br />H"C and oOfl-unit\}r-m (_{tvcll.1nh ',>;-iTh hm~f'."! .. ,H1;Jtt...n~ ~v ,~,'r;",L'::I~"'n h; ,,~lll~ll:l11C" ~ \Hllfl)fm \C-umtv in'\lfuOH:.nt covering <br />ft'-ill prop.ert~ TlWi MfH"tgagc \!wli be 1'~Hnn';'ij PV the h'.l.' d !he ,n whlt'"h the Propenv j'l located. In the <br />C'~'t:(Jt fha~ Jiny pt..IV{iiH.1fl N i.f~Hl"'e ,;f' tlH-~ !-.t.l'\e'-if.\.' ihi' '.:";'" 0-llh Cll"l":\l:\c;ahk h\.\'. ;.,u;;h \;:(If'"lfhc! \h3H not affect <br />other f'fovf!.>ii....m~ of ~hl.. Mon.!tH~~-c Cf' Ih...' 'i.lh~ "-'-hid: \.Jll tl"; :~.'-1..<;1 ~'::kd wi!h~\ll! lhe ~:f}nl1ktiflg pwd'i:lon, and to this <br />end tbe- provis,l"'f\<;; 1.">f the Mf'!l~_i:~C .:mt.1 lht: "_-"!~: ,~r~: d..:,);'\.(\'"t! l.', nt' ",,-'l.-;;nthle <br />16. Borro.'ltr'~ (~(lp~'. !XJn,-)v.~f i-naH bt. LH!1J,>h-t:d ;:.; ,-,lnidT(I':d -.:"py ~'1t lht'_ '1\:Nl;_ .utd of Ihlil -~tQfl:gqt;: at the time <br />-of e:\ec~ftkm ,,1:t ~dH"(, n;.c{.nlatR."l) l"ocre-ni" <br />11. T-QM5f<<of'tfw Profert)': '''~mptkm, if ~lll t"tr d :hic f)(~\~ny N ~U\ ~nt#t'$t th~~cW;~-~d~_~~~erred <br />b)' 'Bofro\'\'t."r w(fht)i,d Lt'lMiC-r'<i pu-\)[' wnfteH t-i.lit"'<;lH L,d 1h~ ~'rl;"i1IH'n l)f a-it.n ~)r 'en-eum.-bffttlce 5tibordmate to <br />thi-~ Mt.lttgage, {b) the \"'re.al1vn of J p'uf~ha~ rih}n{!'l "'1-'..:,IW\ ntl.:lc';! f,-~r h':1USceh(ti;J app,ham:c'i., Ie} J; tf<:tnsfc-r hy devise, <br />~(Of by 0PCfjlk),O of Lr~ HVOi~ Ih<- death nt.,;;; JI'1l1t ltThU11 {,r ' I' I\:iL 8~~_.?r t _' Ju n~ll-.! (Antill! tf tkUl :'1 fiJ tU hUH' <br />lUlU "I 1T 'jf"llB - fl_ J t~ 1 1 , IIrdllAl:;W t cnder mJ.). .J,t L..:nJt:r';;, (~pt!l.-'n. dc;."J~H-C af) ihl;'_ ...vol'" ,;e~'\lrcJ hy thiS Mortgage to be <br />~mmeiliat-<-ly due:3.nQ p.ay;ibk. T.(:',nd(;,f "hall ha'<t': V.d\\icJ -~\l..-:h h~ ~>2J,;:ek'-ri>tc if. prim' to the ;"ale- Dr transfer, Lender <br />and 1he- penon h) wnmn the j>rOt'.>ert)' j~ ie' I~ sold ..}f tr~Hls.l-cfr,,~d (-(:<l-iJ, agrceffii;nt In writing tha,t the crt:..:iit of s,uch perwn <br />i~ ud.sliICtnf)' to- Le-i-lJer and !ha~ the in:;:'(:n.,'-:-,f pJ}.ihk ~m l-h.;: "om... "iCc~_.u--ed k'-.- {hi\ Mvnga-ge ..;.h~fl be at sUi::h ratc a~ Lender <br />shan l'f3:que-S.L 'If f.tltdc:r ha:;;. waived the v-ptton 10 ,ii..~.:dCj JIC pro\'i..tcd lfJ ,his raragr~ph t 7, Mid if lkH'fO'.,IiC-r's, \l.I~ceSS.or in <br />interu.l hA5. e'oi<<ut.ed a written as;5;Un\pliou ~grt~in~nl, l:~l.::('r-kd 1f': \',,-tiling by LCIlJrr. Lender ihaU relea~c Borro<,l,'!cr from all <br />oblipU<ms undOlr thos Morr!ln~ ."d Ii>< Not., <br />If_-I.~ elefc~ J.och (~ptio-n to i"dt:'fiHC, L~nl..k-r ",hd:B rmu! B-fHh.m-;,,;f f'\i)tli.:(' (~f iKcelerati<.l-f1 in accordance WHh <br />par~Uph 14 hetet."\f. Such n\.-\{u;e shaH provide ~t fX'riNi 0f lh~~ k~s. Ihan )0 da-ys. from the dale the notice i;<; mailed '\a< ithin <br />~'hi!Ch Borro~ may 1'*) the" decl~fW d....l(;_ H Bt)r!t;>,I,,'-er LHh "0 pit)- '\u;.:n <;Hms prior In the expiration ,)f 'iuch perl{.'<i, <br />l~ ~)'. wi"-hout furthtr n-ntkf, u-t d;:mand on ijorn.1wcr. ;n\{~kc: ~Hl-~ fC'm..;dle-~ P\!'.Hll;HC-J hy paragraph I H hc.fI.';i)f. <br /> <br />~~U"'lF(.MtM CQvtfN-~NTS. lk:tttO'W\,~;( anJ Lender fun he. ;':t\~eU..l-nt ;ind .t.grw >1"> f''.1now~ <br />II. A~R~ ~""p1 lIS 1".....itIed in p_ra"" 17 b....of, up"" Borru...r's bread of any <.......anI or <br />'~of ~ja IIPo M~., bKln4lf>lI t"" <llvenan" t.. pay....." tI... any ...........<....ed by Ibis MOTtll...., <br />~.... to ............ JhaII mall ........ to Bor""'ff ... pro'idt"d in p.......""'" 14 h_l .pe<uyillt: (11 tile b...""h; <br />I~).......~ "'.....Ml.dt "'-h, ill a date, ....1 """ thon 341 dayc Ir..... lit. date lIIenolk. k mailed'" Borrower. <br />llf~"" __...... lie -..d; lIOlI.l41 lhall..u..... lo ,-ur. _ beea.b 0" or bef..", I"" dale "",rified in IIIe noIk. <br />...,,,.,...b ._....... of.""'..... _0Ired by IIPo M.....lIlIe, for"'......... by judicis! pro<~"I\ and !Ode "f tile Property. <br />""'. ..... ... futJoor ",,_:a.rr-er ... "'" rillbI b,o ",loonll. afur ..""leralinn and tile rillbI kt _rt in tile foredotuN <br />"..,......... ~ of ~ defaIIft .... ....y olllu lief..... 01 Borro..... 10 .....lenltion "'"' f_""-. If tile breacll <br />...... ... t>lI .. ........., tile dJoh!. ~ .m lhe ",,\I<e, Lemler lJl Lender', "fIIlon mIIY tI..I"x< all of lIM' ....... .~ by <br />...~ loltoio ~I;r""" """ plifabk ..llll+.... ,_""'''''''',,'''' .nd .....y lor_ by' jndklal~. I~r <br />....... ....... II> ~l in _It tIfD',.........;oIl ..,....... "t lor...."fm,ur.. !ndudlol:. Ittll ...,; Ilmll.<I rD. """'. itr "...,....-J <br />~._~......... "'p"A1i. <br />I~ :a.:~-'f 1tlIIH ,to. :adaJtatf. Ncl..i1f-n-.t~JHiing f-~n<k-f';\ -","'~""h;-t;thO'~ vi the "nfli!!' ",e..~Ufe-tl h}' lhl~ M{'-ftg,'l~!;. <br />fk.~'~ ~~.U -ba~ -d~ t~:l t'.'. t<,Jf\il;;' ';'-H}' pt(lt:e-c,C*rl3"J; ~-ill~!l hy L~f'-.dc1 ~{'! t:nfi'r,\~ ~hJ<; "h:>t1g~i:~ ;.hK\l,IHIiH~ ..a-t an'r lime <br /> <br />