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<br />83_00;5040 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVEN"'Nl'~. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower ~han promptly pay 'when duc the principal of :lnd interest on lite <br />indebfednc~s e...idenexd by the Note, prltpayment and hire -charges as provided ill the Norc. and the principal of and 'interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this M.:)rtgagc.. <br />2. Funds ror Taxes.OO Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver byLellder,llorrowersbalIJ~ay <br />10 Lender on lhe d...y monthly_ instaUments of principnl and interest arc payable under the Note) ,!nt!It~_e_,-N~te-,i~,_p:~i~jn-~~~ <br />a. sum (herein "Funds"} equal to ontHweJfth of the yearly taxes and as~ssmenu; which _may' attain _priority, ,over::this <br />Mortgage. and ground renls on lhe Property. il any. plus one.twelfth of yearly premium installments for b~zardinsura\\<lC: <br />plus one-twelfth 01 yearly pren'lium installments lor mortgage i", any. all as reasonably "Iimated inltiaUl'and..from <br />time to time bv Lender on thti basis_ of a~-sessmcnts and ,bilts llnd reasonable estimates tttereot _ -::. : c_..:, --:_:<.<-,-; <br />The Funds shaH be held in an ms.titu,tjoo 1he deposits or acc()unt~ of which are insured- or guaranteed' oy a-:.F~~~~~-:~- <br />~tate agency (including Lender i-f Letlder l~ such an ins.titution i._ l.cnder shall apply the Funds to pay, _as$esst1\,n~t . <br />Insuranc~ premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge lor so holding ;lnd a.pplying the Funds. ~naJy~n~:sajd:a~u:g~~ <br />or verifymg and c.ompiHng said assr-ssmcnts and blJls. unles$ l;ender pays Borrower interest on'the Fu'nds:an~-appliciible law" <br />permils- Lender h) m~ke !OlIch a ~hargc. ,Btx(nwer and Lender may agree in writing at the tin~e -of eXe<:-uti91:F?~>_t~i~ <br />Mortgage interest nn lhe Fund~ ':l.hall be paid to Borrowec and unless such. agreement--i$ made -or -applic_abJe--Jaw- <br />require.'i such intercs.{ to he paid, I.coder shall nol be required to pay Borrower any interest or ea_min~ _on_ _the F~nds.:,: tendet~ <br />,\nall give hJ Borrower. without -charge, an annwll ~h-:countmg of the Fllnds showing credits and- debits to- the Funds 'and- the <br />pUfpl'1Se frlr which e.lch debit h) Ihe Funds waj; made, The hmd:\l arc pledged as additional security for the sums' secured <br />by tht'i ~,lorlgag't <br />Jf the atnOtilll oi tht: Funds. held by L~ndcr, wgether .....lth lhe future munthly installment!'; of Funds, payabte, prior" to <br />the -due dates of faxe'S< as':-t'ssments.-, itl.~UnfrK'c prcrniuOls ;jJl-d ground relHs, ",hall exceed the amount required t(J_ptly._said_,~axcs.;_ <br />as-sessmenh. Insurance premium, and gft)und rents .1\ they LtlI due. ~tlch C'<;CCM. shuH bel at _ Borro\\'ers optiq,n\ either <br />promprly re-paid 10 Bormwcf or credited to Borrower ,m monthly in'\tal!mcnts 1.1f Funds. If the amount of the ,Funds <br />held by Lender ..hat! not be surtkie-nt to pay tJXCS, ~'iSse,---.;,:mcnr~, insur~lllc,-e prcmium~ and ground rents' as,-they-' faU','di;i~ <br />Borrower shaH pay to Lender .ut~' .inlGUnt n~c_~~ary 10 m;ike up the Jd1cIt'mCY wIthin 30 days from the date nOtieeds mailed; <br />hy l...endcr to B{)HOWCf requt:StJog paymerLt lhcn:-of <br />Upon payment in futl l,r an sum.. :ic\..urcd h~- !hl" M{lrtga_gc. 1 e-mh.'r shaH promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held hy Leuder- II imder paragraph Is herl:ot Ihe Pr\)p-e_ny 1" "J"td .,r dw Property IS othen~..i..c acquired by Lender. Lende-r <br />~haU apply, ftv taJef than Jmrncdi~!eh pnm hl !t'lI: ~-aj,,;- nt {he Prnpt.'fly tlr it.. ;Icqui;;.ilwn hy Lender. any Funds held by <br />Leodt:r at the tIme vf illPph-.:ation ,1" ;;. ;.:r..:dit ;!g.alll\it {he "l1m<, 'A'>..'ur-t'_t1 by 11w. Mortgdgl.', <br />3. Applkatioft of Payments.. I 'nh.-~'~s appll::able la'.... pfll'.ldcs f'lhep..,;i"l:. all pilytnems rt."Ccived by Lender under 1he <br />Note ,;tnd paragnlphs 1 2tnd .2 hercot ,h:di bit a.ppti~d 1 cndl.'f fit~l )!: 1";1\ mem di amour'H:S p.1Y,lhlc to Lend~r by Borrower <br />under paragraph:! hen::oL .hen to nlIer"..!"bk u;t 'i_lll', lhen h~ 11-1(:' principal of the. 1':(-..t(;:. and then [0 interest and- <br />pnnopal un i,1ny Future Ad\;--./l.ncc~ <br />-.t. C~n; 1.Jt..m. H{'rfl,,"-"'-er ,~tuH !",_t\ .1\1 ~_-,\,,> ",>(c\'l!h'ub ,'0-..1 dh~'r .-h,ngc-:-.. fi!lC~ .Hld Irnp(t~itions auribufable to <br />the P'fOpeny whidi may ;dl;1m ;l ru\_>,i~) ,IVt', ;hl"- \1c\ft1!.~it:t: .1llll h:_.i.,,~'hilld p.-\.\'rnen!s le'r ground r(:nlS. if any, in the manner <br />j)(ovn!cd um:k'T ptifa&f;;iph Z hl.'n:o! t'l. ;! h.l, j,; .q,,:h n;;ml1~L [,~ Hnft'H,~~:. n1<\ payment, \vhcn due. directly to tbe <br />payee {hereof. florr-o"'-'er :;.hJJJ pc\.,mpl h J ~>!dC'l .;Jl ihJtg,:'l.:\ ,11 ,iHh">llnt-:- due l\ tlH'~ pitrilgraph. and in the event <br />HOHo\\.e-f shaH makf,,~ P~l\rtH:nt ,j'!~'''-!j>. Hplh''.-\(': ,!',,-~Il l'ft\mp1h "ur\i"h It' n....:c11HS. <,'\'!lkn\:!ng sUI..'h payments. <br />Ht1ffowc:r 'l-ha-.i-l proilipl-h d!~.:h.H)~t: ~n~ ill..';! ">hhh L,I.'" j\;1011i\ ;"-,'f {hI... \hrflg;i..~I,': pn.wllh."J. Ih.Jt BOfft,lwcr ~hall n()t be <br />requrre-d tu di:~hMBe ;tll! ~.Udl tl....n ,,~, k'H:g ,i~> B;:~rr~1"~L', ",h;,jj ,J~I(t. I," (l1i: p.rvmcllt \)1 dit ,,Jbllgatiofl :'>c.:ured by <br />~ui;b hen In a manne! ll-c\.Xpfabk ~\' IxnJ~j, "r ,-n.dJ lit g,:l\1-,,J l:l!ih ,,~lnh'<,! ",,'..:h h\, Ci ddl:nd .;:n(t~rl.;em;:1H ("If such lien in, <br />le-gaf pr-\K~~JtUg" WhKh ~~renHl~ k\ rn_'\,-"f1l !hi: e:!lPh,:-nwnf (lj ; h\.. h:i; "I h)rlt:llw~' nl the Pi-OpeIt! ~)r ;lIt) part there-of, <br />$. Hazard 1.......11;..('. U'-'l-nt"..q~f -.}'htii kC('fI ,He if))pr'''dll':::lh n(,l'.~ j'l h-:I~~,'I1tn l'{'\'i.:tt:'-U on thtc Prnfl\.'-rty IO':loUTCd <br />.ts..alU$t k1:'o.~ hv tiri:'. hal.'lHh In.,:imh,,'d -,'dihm lf1,'~ tOT!". ,~,fel\..h:.j .\:t-it:'-' ~\H..h i:\!h~'r lu:taah J:<" t...:ndl;~f may require <br />anJ H1 ~u\.~h ;.t1n~'Hlitj: 'lfnJ {,:>r ,'Kh pn,,\'\.h ,,\ l-C''ld~'i '('\jtn:,-, ~'~\"li.kd ;h;t! I cndt;.'f .,haJj nnt rc\plin:: tl1<1t lhe -,1t11011nt oj <br />'\Kh ,,:ovetagt:: t,,.-:;:'Cd th~~\ M1Je-:"'fll ,,' ~".t!;.J.P' -,. l'.' ~t..' .,{1l" t__,,, \hli -ai' <br />Tht tn:StH-ilIKt: ";'.ltttef prl.\Vit!mb lhq in;;;;: ;'H1<.;-":: : l~ ': ~';".\'!l h.. B~~'; h:~~-~'r "::,',h:~"~l ::-.: ,:~~"~':V;ll by Lt:ndt.~f: provided. <br />that such .atJpHH,'ai ~haH n,,-\l t~( t!ll!e-a"'-t;j),;d~i\' ',l,Hhh,,;ttl \i; pl;;niIHm~ un In'',JldIH>_~ ptlh,,:H:::-' "hill! i'l\: paid !il Ihe m,uiner <br />pn-''f,'ttk'd under<iph :. h~fn.>l l'f _r l1~j{ f't.H<J ,n H,;,.;h nl"mnn ~,\ iV'if_n"er maiun~: p4}Tneot. when due, ,-!lr~ctly to the <br />tf1.~ur.&.-c (,atnef. <br />AU PHi:f\;U::- .llld l....n~......I;'> !h-~~f(,l! ....h.i'; h: 1;1 1...:-n1 ",-.l;i'i.lh!: t,; ll.-,\;h'j .1:',;'\ '~h;l-il Jth_'IIHl,.. _I \l3od,tru mortgage: <br />diiUS~ m filVtH' pI .,rid Hi It'nn A;.",'vPl,i;,k h' I Ul,j,:L i ,,;;1>J-\,'f ~',l\C" 1I'H-' llf-h1 i,1 h,'IJ :ht' r-~,!iu~'" Mhl rt'ncv.<tl~ ~herl,:OI. <br />.:UW_8<lffOWC'..t ~h,lil i-'\-f(.!nlptl~ II1HH'tN h-' I "!1dt.'f ;:'; 1L'f'.'-I-if,,\l ",,[;';:0 _'I,d <\\ll("~'lr!<;. ,,1 p.lid Pl<::n1I1111I-" In lh~ cn.:--ur of l(y,s, <br />BorroW<T~juH ~H-e pH.1mpl nt1HL~: ;" th(" H,-"l.H"n.-~ .,~lli\;, .H1u l":;_Hh:i 1 ",r,,1<:: m;,!~ m;!~_t..' pf\'l.'1 t'! l{>>..!it it J1':ot tn~lde promplly <br />hv !k)HOWeJ <br />~ Un~ lender g(lfHi-wt:f (~thn'\l'~ a}:l:.~.;.: ~'f,l~n~ I'n\jjO!fk( !,,<(p(i(T.h ':\!!.dl bt. ,lpr1u::d Id lC'~toralion i:1C rC[Mir of <br />lhe Property damJ.g:cD. p-r-;.'\'lJ\~d ",.h,!! !~~h)t:i:-H~l_'!) <:! r~T,~1( f\ ~'....U11\,'1rih....ll\ f""J~jbh: ,mil lb,; "'CUtIl!) of tilt;" Mongage: l~ <br />not tbereby imlhmed_, II Si.l...~1 rt:,'-tof,HhlH ..H r,.:'!1...l1; r'.i '-~\.'i ~,-.._l!'t,.mh",jh,: h:a-'lhk ;-'f 11 Ibc oj this, \1urlsagc would <br />be impalr~. the Hbura1~'t pw\._e.~t..h .,h.a.\J he <lpp-!:tl,'\\ h' \hc ,>uab. ,>'.:~'m<:d 1"', lhr.. '\.luHgag..:, In-e e\ces!'l., if ;.tny, P'iHO <br />tu 80fWWCf- l! lh< Pl'O~H~ ~~ db.wJpnCi.; h H\)no\~.:t. '\1 Ii HDff,H4.Cr LHh !,\ f\;'~ponJ (0:' I cl1J-n wlthtn }O days from the <br />date Ot,l{k'e i~ rnaik~i b,,; Lende-f {;\ Bt.ilr~!~cr Ih.H thl;" HI$.tH.tih.t.' ":,II1l-I,'f jlrJCh h) <'dHl."'.' \"'f,nm f(lf lrL~uralKc he.netlh, Lender <br />1\ -ilu1bon~ t,}- ..;o-Uect< and appi) the :tn~m.,(j;....;: pr..x:t;C'-1..h- -Ut LcnJt.'f:-' (<fHIl.Hl e',tht,;r Ii.) fcs.h)i~tlit'l1l- l,'f r~p.air ot rhe Pro-perty <br />or to tk iWlU, ~t.'Curc-d b:r thi.a Mortgage <br />llnl-cM; Lender ..00 Borrvwe_l ~)tht:I""I~ ,q~tt)t.:' 1>) ~flilag, ,Hl) _w...h ~ppik"lJ","1n t'( rr\~J,,:t,;eJ:.-, l(! prnh':l.pal <,hJI! not C;\lcnJ <br />Of poilpone the due i.hde- o-! Ihe ftH>flfhly m"l--l,allmtn{!> id~HCd i>1 lil par:;gfaph~ 1 ;.l:\d .::: helCt'>! IJr l.'hange !he amt:ntnt 01 <br />iUi:n imta1lmen"-., It lllilkr paragaph ; S herE-vi {he Pr(1j>en~ :'> J..,:\{UlfCJ h',- LcnJer, ,1JI ngh!. iHie ,md inter~t of Borrower <br />in and tu any l'fiW-fan-.;e pohctct- .and in and t,(l the pr..:!;,,;cc-d~ thercr<t resuhu1g tH'H'l ..bmagc to th'l: PW~rIY pour to the _'!.ale <br />or ~tion UtaH pus to UfHk-r t~~ the': (!:\t<:m .:;[ the ~urn... ~!.'."':UH'-J !o;.- 111l\- \ll'ng.jgc- HnmeJlah~ly pnor W ':'>llch s~tle or <br />a;;q.....tion. <br />6.. ami "'...emuk"C' of fropt'-rt}; I_.~-awh<'.ttb; ("o-ndtuniniums; PlanM4 t:nit Oe'l'eJopnw.'n..s. Borfo.wer <br />man keep the- Propeny in giXXl repii:lr and -shall f)t){ \.-ommH ~a'!i-h.: t,.)f p-ermll tmpaHmc~H (1-f deu:rturation of the Property <br />aDd 'S-haU -eompJy witb the. pro-"1swni J.:,\f any It!aK d thj~, .Mortgage I.. on ,l; ic3'1l~.hold. If ihi~ M~ntgagc 1$ on .1 unit Jfl .i, <br />c~m or ... planned unu de'>'1.'.h.'JpmcnL B.)HOv.:Cf '!rhaH P\"t't.uf.m aU of lkmw04-e-r'-\ -,<<bhg..xtl\ms under the dedaraliofl <br />or (,-~\ crutifli or I;Qvernmi dle i;_iJndu-minwm ('lr pl.<l_i1o('d umt {k-Ydopment. lfu: h~,lllW\- and regulations. oi tht- <br />~~um ()f pla.nJlcd unit ih:v'c.ivpmem, and t'{l-nstimcllt J-(.KUHMtfth. H a I.. undvITIIOJum 0: p!ann~d unit ',.k~vdl'pm-ent <br />,rid<< ts.' ~,.tM by ;.8oJ'.rov.'et imd f;;:';';'~H':ded 1t1.$1:1het "Hth thi:,- Mortttli-8~. the ...'i),"t;llaUl~ and agrc~fllt'-nt.i l'[ ~uch rider <br />thail:bo: i~111Qfa&#d .nln l1itW sh;aU mwttd <lml $Upph~'fr"mt the: C\J\ .,ind ;lgh',cm\:nts of th~s Mortg.i.Jc a~ It_ the rider <br />-Iicp3l; ~, <br />:',,,,, .~_ 91. I......~' Steartty.o H .Borrower [;lib. H_l _[>ettnrnl the _(('lllen~mjj; ~nJ agr~tn-(nh ~~mtjtint."tt in thi:t <br />~: Of if _~ a('~ Hf ploceedi_ntt, 1\ _.;;;~rtW-fK.~ whKh maleriaH}' ~dl"t\:ts Lender'_... lilh:r-cs.:t m Ih~ PrO-~rty, <br />~.... but- _ tim,ittd to. ~1'U:ncnt doi'NUn, In~1t~l'ffll,;)< ",'!.de enf-un;:e-h1ttH. Of ;}S'1Wge:-tHenu \.)f pu)(:e-edJflg~ tnvolvm.g ~ <br />bankrupt Qf Qe(~, lhe:n Lendt-t il.l t~r)~ t!pthJfi, Upi-lU nflHJ;C k' Bofr(\-~~f, rn"",~ m~,,",( -:.ul,;h appeu.fatlt;t.~, ,h.';.hutsc ;.H~h <br />~ _ ~ ~ ~u,"m__ 4\\$ u ~-:.Q~J Ip pt<Q((:'(t t~nd(-r\, mler~t, 1;~hJd.i-og, bui IM-.'!{ iim_li~d t{~, ;,h~bur~mcf)t t~f <br />-f(,:~~; ~f'. ~ 1:m.d entry U~1 fht Pro-p(H1Y to mJi~'" h!p-iil~H. ft Leno:k--I' ,('--qnlH'd n-\~I-fllt.a~e HlSUHtnn.' {;'; .1 <br />""~_ -J;1ot nuktq tb( k~n w{,m-c--i-J b) tnl\ M~~rtJa,gt\ thln~,,\,l,;'u 'i-tMtl 11"'l ~he pHHnHHn:;;-, ;,;:-4(,;r~-'d ~f' m;a.intam .\Ul:h <br />~_~~ _In-, _c:l't'ti u>>f~i \J~:b, ti~ li} too r~"IHJr~lfit':!lf f,of )~.:g;h "ti~lI.Uh:" ~e-{fni-H:.:H~'\ l~ ~('<:,or-d,m-n." \,\'tth at'.'if't'(i-\:\,ctr"... .\In-d <br /> <br />