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<br />83__, 005022
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<br />9. COrHtem:nafioII. The proceeds of any award or claim tor damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the evenl of a 10lallaking of the Property, ,he proceeds shall be applied to the sums seeured hy this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the -excess:, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Tros' such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amoun' of the ,um, secured by thi, Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />rakiog bears to the (air market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with (he balance of the- proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If tbe Property is abandonee! by Borrower, or if. afler notice by Lender to Borrower that lhe condemnor otTers 10 make
<br />an award or settle a. claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. lender is authorized 10 collect and apply the proceed"i, at lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the 'um> secured by tlti, Deed of Trusl.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not ext~nd
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs J and 2 hereof or change, the amount of
<br />~uch installments.
<br />10. IJorrowff- Not Released. Exten,...ion of the time for payment or modifica.tion of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granled by Lender 10 any successor in intcrcs.,t of Borrower shall not operate to rele3;se. in any manner.
<br />the l~ahllity of the original Borrower and Borrower's.. su~cessors in interesL Lender shall not be reqUired to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend Hme fOT payment or otherwise modify amortit.3tion of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of .any demand made by 1he origlnat Borrower and Bor~owe(s successors in interest.
<br />It. Forbeanmce- by LencJe.r Not a \\'aiv('r. Anr tt\rbe.arance by Lender in exercisjng any nght or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise affordtd ,by appJkahle 13:w, shall om he a waiver o~ or preclude the exercise af_ any_ -such' right' or remedy;
<br />The procurement of insurance m [he payrnC'nt or faxC'S or other hens or charges. by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate (he ma(uriry vi the mdebtedncss secured h;, this Deed of Trust. . , . .
<br />12. RemecIia Cu.mulati't'e~ .-,It remedies. pnwlded l!l Ihls Deed of Trust are dls.hnct and cumulative to anY' otber nght
<br />or remedy under this Dud of Trust or ,~tf..)rdcd ~y law or equity, ~md may be e-xercised concurrently, independently ,or
<br />$u(..':Oe$Slvdy> ,
<br />13. Sut:~n and AMicM Bound: Joint and Several UalMUf)r; CaptioM. The co\'enants and agreements herem
<br />(:o.ntained shaH bind. and the r~ghts hefC'under ..hall inure to, the respectIve- successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />~ubject to the provisjo~ 01 paragraph i 7 hereof. All coven-ants and agreements of Borrower 5hall be joint and severaL
<br />The c.apuom and headIngs of the para"Rrapns 01 thIs Deed ~~t Tru'it are tor COI1\'COlcnc-e o-nly and are not to be used to
<br />mterpret or, define the pro-vl'srons hereot
<br />_14.. No~e. Except for any notiCe reqUired under appli~:ablc I.I\\' to he given 10 another ,manne-r. fa) any notice to
<br />Borrower prOVtd-ed for m thi3 [ked of Trus.t shali be gn'en OJ' rn;uhog \uch notlce by ..:ertified milll addres,scd to Borrower at
<br />the Property Addreu or at such other address as Borrower may de5ignate by notice to Lender a5 provided herejn, and
<br />I bJ an~' nOhce to Lender shaH he given hy cerufied mad, return receipt requested, [0 Lender's ad~ress stared herein or to
<br />such olher addres'S .1:1) t.c.nder may designate by oottc-c In Borrower .:!cS provided herelO. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Ot:ed of Trusr shaH be d~ 10 have been given to- BH(fOw-er or Lender when g.!ven in the mannC'~ designated herein.
<br />15. VolfOl'1ll Deed_of Trust: c;.onmiD<< Law; ,Sto\'erabilit:v. rh,S form of dced of trust combines umfornlcovenants fi.'Ir
<br />tta{j<mai \be -itOO non-umform cnvenants wlrh .!Imlled YanatH.Hls. b.. pns-:dlctlDn w con~t1tme it uniform secunty instrument
<br />';twtrin~ reat property. Th-J5. Dcrd -Ot Trus.t ..hall he ~("'e-tncd bv fhe law of the junMJictlon In ~\.'hich the Property is located.
<br />io the evC'l'U t~l &n~' pro\'l'Hon Of dau-s.c of ltVi D~c:d 01 TrUSI (H" the-, Nole ..;:onlhCf.~ with appllcahle law. such coomet shaH
<br />not a1Teel other proVlswm of thi'l. DeeJ of Trust ~H lhe Not€" whiCh em he ~!\'co effect without the (,~4mflicttng provision.
<br />and m this ~nd the pro'\/uions 01 {he Deed nl -lms,{ ..md :h<.' Note ;u(' uccbfed to be se\'crabk.
<br />16, 8orn:twer-'s Copy- B(Jrrov.:er ~hajl bl.' fU[lw.hed d ...-nniormcd (UP" -ot the NOle and (,i this Deed of Trust at the time
<br />1){ e':llC'Cufinn or af~r recordation berwf".
<br />17. Tr'8lllfer of the Property~ Aftmnprioa.. if aii m any tun Gf the Pn~f'Cny ~)r an interest th~relO IS- sold or transferred
<br />hy Borrower without Lender's pnor wmlen ~(lmcu(, c_\dudmg (2i j the .;rc.a!i{l!} (,1' ~ hen OJ encumbrance suoordlnate io
<br />ltU-! tkW oj Trust. (oJ the ereaUon ot a pi(tch..~(' IHpoev wt:Ufity lnte-r-cst 1\1: nou:s.cnold J'pphi;U1C~. ((,: -' :i. transfer j;y devise.
<br />Ja(:cn. Of by opera-Hon of law upon the dearh of :\I ltHnt h:n.anl or f d _f the gran! IJt il.11V feasehvid 1I1tere:st of three years or less
<br />not confatn,"" an option to ~lrch~, lender m.lY, .it 1 ('tide!.. l'lrn,Ht, dedo1r;: ,~!! tht~ ..,um'" -scctlft.."-d hI,' this Deed of Trust to be
<br />;tlunecitately -due aAd p~)'ilbk. Lc:ru1cf s.haH l,,:tv(" '-",H'-'J."tl :Ju,-h nptlOll hi at:Cei-efJfe IL prIOr W lhl': :;;J.lc 01' tr.anllfer.. Lender
<br />;H\d lhe pc~k)n to' ,..>hom the_ Property :1lo W be "J-dJ ~H !ran.!i-tencd r~~Kh agreement Hi wr-illl'lg that the aedit of 'such person
<br />l'i_ \..'Hi-sJa.ct(}f) to LcndCl- ~nd thar dN: mterest f1-",,"ahk nH rln.'- ..urh<; \.t.:~-u:(':d fl1' Ihi~ Peed (.\1 [rust :iinaU bt: at such rale as.
<br />Lender s.llali feque"t If L~n.jer h>l:J WiU\lC(l (he ppHon h:; .-iu,:ck"f::t;lC pr()",,,jeu In thIS paragraph I';', .lnd it Borrt)wc-r.~ successor
<br />;]1: mle-C6f ha\ ex.<<ut-t-u .1 Vo.nuen a......'S:tlmp'tlOn a,!:tf<<tnC!)! ......:<.:<:;)1l.'0 !:1 \'1. il\at~ f1;.' !-'::Hdef. LetHjcr _"h.d! reicas.e Borrower {rom
<br />all obHga.tt.;1tl.1i- under tnli ()eed t}! r f\.D.t ;Ind (he ~ote
<br />If Lender t";t;eH::nc~ \lK:h op-lIon to a<,;...'dt:f;~l(", t ('nder ~h,J.!l rn.1lt U(Hftl"'-er nO!H;t of .::I:u..:deraliun JH ai.;l;ord.am.:e wilh
<br />~nlgraph i4 herem ~h flOU~(: ~JH",H prov!tk .1 r:>(.~rIOd ;,.1! k".. Ih&n _HI JOlY'" IH.HlI the J~te the notice l~ mailed wi1hin
<br />w~ch BnHO'wef may !:tay the ~unh dcdJ.FCd due it R,).rfl.~\...t:r :i,.! p.i\' "itCh ",I.Hn~ prior to the e.'\p!ration of such period.
<br />Lender ma\'. wHhm.d amber notlce (.r dem.uH.l na UmH~,,^;!;"i, m..:....(" an~- fcn1~th;,.'", permitled hy pJragraph 1 & hereof.
<br />
<br />~OS-l;:-ilfnftll.i Ct)\.t'_N."Nl!'. i:hmp\H..~r ;H\i:l t ~lHie-r lwt!ler \,:1l.....t'"fMn! ,ind ,lgrt:C' i1~ 1{11bw:\
<br />
<br />18. ,"('(""If';~niltm; R~, Kt('('pt #'S pn>\'idni in paragraph 17 htreui. upun BOff"ower'~ ol"e.ach of an)" t.'"O\'fflant or
<br />ae~( of Botro...c-t in ihil {)red of 'lfUJ\f. indudiAJt Ihe tWH~nJlftts 10 pa} 'Whe.n aile any SUotS ~cured b.v this need
<br />of Tnm. 1.A'.... prien- to a.c-<<I:..tattuo ~batl Ill.... hflik'"(, to 8-orro"'~,- -*'S pfO\,tded Ih par~raph l.a hereof spedf).ing: (I) thr
<br />bftkh; \2, tbr at'1-ion requi.nd 10 t.:Urt ~~h bn!'a.c-b; (J) a dale-.. ncJt ~"1i tn." 30 day'>' 'rom tht dale th~ notice ili. mailed to
<br />BorfOwn_ by whkh )UCb ba-acb m_ be- riu<<l; und (4) that ftiture h) (tU'l" "U-dl bre.ach on or before the date ~pecified
<br />ill Che nutke l1\li.> tt'SUlI in at.'n-k:ralton uf .he wm;; W"(wed b~. Ilti~ l}ffd (){ l"nm aud sale of thf Property. The Dotice
<br />shalt 'Uftan jnfWlft BOJ'l"C)"e-lc of tn(\" righf to reinst:/ilu afler ~('('e-ieralion and the r~bl 10 bri1lR a t'ou.rt action to assert
<br />tM ~~ftCf' pf .. tkfaul-t Of lUl)' other dcfefhe of BOf"Iowu Co ac(dtratton und salt:. If the breach i!t no' cured
<br />Oft &f' Won: tM- date ~jfied in th~ ootk~. Lcmck-r ai 1.4':_fHk-_t''J up.tion Ina.)' df'thue aU of th~ ~UtIL.. ~euf'ed b}' this Ue~
<br />nf l"nW to be imiJtedwt'1) dur it.ld paj:abk 'ftitbOlli fur1tHor d-t-mattd alnd ma~ im-uke IlK- powrr of w~ and any othe-r rentedino
<br />ptmtitltd-by -.ppUcahk i!tw. L('"ft(kr "ball k t"utitk-d to colll"C'"1 3:11 ft'$OIUtble ~'(tSl~ and Upe~ Incurred in p&fnming the
<br />n--medits provided. in. this pa....11tf'h 18. iodudine. but DOl lind-led 10. nasunabk attomC!Y'li fetti,
<br />U' the po~'" of mk fi io\'oAu>d. T('Wile'!' stud) ren,.-rl ,Ii ftU.{ke of dt:faull in e1lt:h cuum}" in ,,-hicb. 1M PrGperty or sorn~
<br />pare ttMofrol k kK"atw and .\t.haU miW t"uptti. m such aoiict' in tire llUlam.. VC-e~ritM:d b). .llppUt:abie law to Borrower and to lht'
<br />mur pt'tt.OOs pra.rritJed bJ applkable- la*. Afltr dt-t' hlps.e f>>r 5U\'h tim~ W\. inti}' be required bJ applk'able: law. Truste.e shall
<br />Jive puII&k ~ of QIe to me ~t): and in Iht' nlaliMf pt.~~ln-il)ed b~- iJppfwable Ja-w~ T nut<<. ",ithout demand on
<br />Bone-",,",- ~ba1t"'1 lite 'n>pe.rty .1 public ilUKlwn io tnc h;,:ht:M tndde-t at the time and pi.il("c and under tht" turns de!iignated
<br />ita the AOtKC' tit .uk I" tJDt at" more pal"(lfb. and in Wdl ~r..r ;I!l, Tfu!olee ma} dt'~t"nti.iM~ Troslet"! "tll) pu$!PORe 58ft of aU
<br />-m: att)'- P<<<<'d of the ~J' by JlU:blk- llQ.....A("..-JIWtlt at 'M tjm~ lInd p~ oJ any pt-t't'iousiy S<'beduJf'd sale. I,.t'nder or
<br />Umkr'. ~ -l pare_lit< I'roprrt} 01 OR} ..ok.
<br />Upoa fft'dpI of par~.m of lbr prit:e bid. Trust," _~haU ddher to the- purcbaser frusf<<'s dud con~eyl~ tht':' Propert:\"
<br />.... Tlte !'edt.. in iDr T~'", ftW stlaU be prima f-k'ie t'l--KlC-fU"t' of the trutb of thf.' iutt~llkDU m:lde the-reiu. Truste-e
<br />...... ....J lite ,...._ of u... ..ok .U> tbe 1..u....!aIt. ....,re., I>>; tll all reasonable c","" ....d .._ of lb. we. IndudiDll. bu.
<br />1'IOl ~ to. T~j.J feu- of ftOI ",01"(' tbaa ~ .1"- ,t Q, ,," '1-- of 'he- lrostl sai~ prk~. r'-*Ohable a.nortlf!'y's f-ti'$ and costs 6f
<br />==~{h)le...-.u~b,lf- fhk J>eed~ lrn\l'; and h.'J <<he t'-ll;('~.a 31JY.1U fbe pt"rSofm Q.r ~nO'IUi ~ly t'ndtltd
<br />
<br />19~,~s Ria'" ~ Jl~ ~i."t~ilh~t""'{h_hng Ll'adc(... 1h.~\:dt:rdtIHn r<l1, the ~Hml\ -~\7l.::ured hy l.hl~ Deed of Tnt'i:l.
<br />(l()f1~~1 ~U M\"e the. right h..l" hiiVC. any pn,~ef:JlH~~ be'gun hy L<::fH.it-. tnt,~t,-c !h~~ [~ed ot 1 rt!:~l I.Il$Cuntmued it!
<br />~t't1 ~H'\e p,ft<O'r t~)_ the: e<irl~t w ~ctlr ~f (nIfW- W~h tit'=-)' tX-.1';HiJ ~h-c ",ak t)f She jhU'.'H.li.lnl tU the r-x"Wt.:f of "ale ;.:otH"iUlInl
<br />~,nlb~ r~:gf fn~d {\lor {:J.~ \t,rd-f)' of.." ~i.fdgtmrH 'Cnil:J~H:g lhl' Otttd of l"-f/:lu 1$ ran, I t:I1Jcr <ill ium.. ~'hfdl "\ldJ!lId
<br />h~ I,bt:m ,due {~,~ tJU5:. ~ ,j! TlH\t--, ~h-c Note drx.. nOte:'!. \t:.-;-mm# J~uture ..ny, h<td un .-Kcdenltl.m 1)~,;i,;UHrJ,
<br />~,\';Ii ~~~i t;:::I;re~_- -all hfe~-hC~ f.~t 2-H'f oUter 'oy_en,aiH'o \-j[ .J;W...._.f~{f!C:fl-lJi. Q: i'k! h~W~~I i.~~tllain(:"-t,j HI dw. (ked ot .J i lJ}.[
<br />f,CI ~mo-~~ }r~:)'~ >>it fti.iL~j,JfH\b~. C:,'1.-~n~t;:'.;. I~i,;'u{ted b)-' L~ll-1kr aH.~1 -I n_nt,~c _ m ,_-nhH~:Htg. fh~ \;..I'h;~lallt~ :and ay.:reemenf.)
<br />Ekbfl-~'V- ~"W.~~101~ in thlt tkt~d (,t rfl~M _iilml Hi enh~_r'-'mg l..ttnd(:f'l> <P'l.t1 'I rtl'\1t~e-'.. {'-'m!..'",i.l~'" ~H pt.,~,di'_-d in par.;lgtap:~
<br />~ i~~~~ .t~~_ffti~ .!ff~U-~ !t,'. tt"~,~iI'nolii;;ok-,'liHnneY-~ h:.'{,,,. -"nd {d-', t~.t"e~ 'o-!Kh ~dh'H at l,endc1 rn.,l\
<br />f~lfXt ~,o ...;.,~~ thftt tJw 1q-n {~f fhn:- 1Ji:.ed <}f i:w~{" L~mi~-f-s, ~nt-t:.!'~""{ If; ~lll>,J H~\(n"",.t'l-., l;t1ht'l111fm t.,-. p,n
<br />
<br />L
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