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<br />83~ 1)05022
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. 1'81_ of PrIncipal ....... lat~rest. Borrower shan promptly pay when due lhe principal of and interest on the
<br />mdebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interen
<br />on any Futu-re Advances secured by thts Oeed of T rusL
<br />%. ....... for T_ ...~. Subject to applicable 10'" or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower sball pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly Installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "FundsU) equal to one~twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installment. for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly.premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, aU -as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to ti..... by l.ender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shan be hekl in an institution the deposits or accounts. of which are insured or guarameed by a Federal ,or
<br />state agency fincludlngLender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />insurance prem'iums'-and ground rents. Lender maY not charge (or so holding' and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling saw assessments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower intucU on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Bo-rrower and lender may agree in writing at the time of execution- of this
<br />Deed of' Trus.t that. interest on tbe Funds shan be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable Jaw
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings_on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borro"-'eT. without charoe'. an,annual accounting of the Fund!t'showlOg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addltionalleCurity for the sums secured
<br />by ,hi. Deed ufTrulL
<br />If the amount of the Funds htld by Lender. IOgether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior 10
<br />the due dates of taxes... a~ent1-t imut1lnce premilJmS and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required. to pay said taxes.
<br />asse:ssrnents. insurance premiums and ground n:nt~ ;1'1 they rail due. such excess. shall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the' Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be wffk:Jetu to pay taxe~. ass.es'Utlents, insurance premiums and ground rents a'i they faU due.
<br />Borrower shull pay 10 l....ende.r any amount nC'ce~ury to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting paymenl thereof
<br />Upon paymmt in full of aU s.ums sci;ured br thl!i Deed of Tru~l. Lender s.hail promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property i'i sold (If the ProperlY is. o.therwisc acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />shalJ .apply, no fatcf than immediately poor 10 the ,..Ie of the Propert)' Of its. acquisillon by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender al the time of applJcation a.s a credit against the sums SC\:ured by thls Deed of Trust.
<br />3. ,o\ppIintIon: of PayeealS.. Unle,~\ applicable law pn.wlde.. otherwise, all payments. received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragrapm 1 and 2 hereof !!ihaH he apphed by LC.'llde( firs.t In p~ymenl of amounts payable to Lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 heTeOt. then to interest payable nn the Note, then to the prioclpai of the Note, and then 10 interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advanca;.
<br />44 C-harles; IJeas. Borrower 'Shall pay [Ill t~l'e-'i. 3_'iscs.sment'i aml other charges, fines and impositions anributabJe In
<br />tbe Property which may attain a pnGfuy oYer thiS D<<d of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2: hereof or, if m:lt paid in $llch manner. by Borrower makmg pay":'Cnt, when due, dire<:t1y
<br />10 lbe payee thereof. Borrower ..hail promptly furnish 1\1 l.-ender all no!ic"C:suf -amounts due under thIS paragraph, and in the
<br />event Born)'wcr shan mate paY11W'nt tltrectl~" Borrower ~hatl prompl!" tllrnlsh to l.ender receipts evidencing such payments:,
<br />Borrower shall promptly dlschar$:e any hen whi..:h hM pn('lOlY over lhl:\ Deed of"{ rust: pronded. that Uorrower shall no-t he
<br />reqUired 1_0 dhcharge any such hen \.0 kmg "'';. Borrower shaH agree In wr1tin.1! to the payment of the obligation se~urcd ~)'
<br />~lJICh hen In a- manner acceptable: to Lender. or ~halt ifl :good f.:uth comesl s.uch hen hy. or defend enfofl::ernent of '1uctllten tn,
<br />ieg:at p~inB" which operate hJ pn:-....enl the cnlof\,"CmcT1t of 1m: hen or f(lrfeil'lfc of the Property Of' any part thereof.
<br />5. IhzanIlftSU.f"aa<<.- Bocw'Wef" ,hall keep the Impro\'emenh no....' c1:Jslmg: or hereafler erected on Ihe Property insured
<br />again$! ton by flte" hu.ardt indudcd wlth.n the term "f.'\tended ~()"eragc", aod \uch Hrher hilurus as Lender may reqUtft.'
<br />and In iucl1 amounlt and for sudl pew.:ldi. ~\ Lender mil)' reqUIre: prOVided, Chili! Lender shaH not requm.:: that the amount of
<br />such COlIC-rage t,lt.ceed that amount tlf ,,~(wc-rage reqwred to pay Ill(' .'Ufm'l. ~cur-ed by thl~ Deed of Tnl~l.
<br />The imutan<< ~arrler prOVIding the iOiUfl.ml.:-C '\huU he dl\'Y'\t'fl hy florrnwcr sublect f('l- appro\';tl by Lender: prt)vided.
<br />that such approv.i shall not he: umeawnahty wlrhhe-kt All premiurm on insurance pn-licies shaJJ he paid in the manner
<br />provided under panlJf&pb 2 MfCOl Of, it not paId lU ~uch manner, by Borrower ma.iung payment, when due~ directly to the
<br />lnsuranet: <<trier.
<br />An iMunarn.."'C -poJicifl aad rene:wat~ thereol dull he In form aLl.:cptable In Lemler and ,hall mdude a slandard mortgage
<br />d/l~ to lavor of and in t\.lrm K(:cptabt.e- w Lender-_ LCHtkr :-,hall have the right in hl.....ld the policll..""i and renew",-is thereof.
<br />and &rro~-t shall prompdy furnish to Lcndc:r all renew,.l !toti,C'\ :.Inti ill! n.,,\;etph llf p;uu premium.'$;. In the event of loss,
<br />florrQwer shaU gl"'C prompt nOllee to the lluuriln>,;c '.:..trru.:1 ;.md Lender Le-ndu may make phXJ! 01 klS;' II not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />UnJeu Lender and Bou<<1wer otherWt~ agf<< to v.ntmg, lJl~UtiU\;,..'C pr\)(~ !\h~H be ;:tppltCd to restoration or n:pcur of
<br />the_ Property da-maa:ed. provided n<<;h ~ufatlml Of fe-pan !\ -c<.:tlnomli.aHy h:_;J~lhh.~ ;IOU Ihe: seCt/ril)' l1I rhis Deed of Trust ,\
<br />not the-ruby Impaired, It ~!.K:h f"C$I01"ilUOn or replIlI r.. fH.n C'Ctmonw;;ally ft:aslblc or il the 'i4.~~unty of this Deed of TI list would
<br />bt' impain;d. lbe imural1C~ prO\;ced.s shan be awl led h1 the SUtU"i :\ccUled b)' Ihh Deed of Tm5t, with the cx.(;e~s, rt any. paid
<br />10 BorrowCf_ If the _Prnperty I:i. ~barH,:k)neJ by 8()Tf~w..-c:f. ~lr d UOfm....'c-r Luh w re....pood. to- Lender wHhiO 30 days from the
<br />date nohc-e !os. mailed by Lender 10- 8orrowt( th-ilt the llUutilOt,:'C !"-arn-er otfers to settle a ~IlHm tor inSUfance bcllefits~ Lender
<br />b- a.Uthorltcd 10 conect and app-l)' lbe in$UJ~fit,"C pr(Xt."Cds at Lendf:r\ (~ptlon t:.ither to r~W-r-alton tJ( repair of the Propeny
<br />or to the sums ,"",ured by th... Deed of Trust,
<br />Unleu t..eade-r and Borrower otmrwl;.e agree Ifl Wl'lllng. any :!Iu,h ..ppiu;:auon of proceeds to prmclpaJ shall nOl extend
<br />or po$-tpone the: due dat(l: of the monthly HtstalJrnc-oh referred to m par-agraphS: I and ::: hc~)f or change the amount 01
<br />~uch In"alb\'le~t', If under parap-apb lIt herwl the Property 1:-' acquired hy Lender. all nght, otle and HHeres.t of Borrower
<br />In and t~)_any fMUtaflCe poIK-lft and In and hJ tM_ pnxeeds thereof ~hlOg from damage It) the Property prtor to the .sale
<br />Of acqw$uton .)haU ~ 10 Lender to the e\lcnt ni Ihe iums $CCor~ b)' thltJ; Deed oi Trust lOunedialcly pnor to such sale or
<br />acquisition.
<br />6. "-1dIoto aIM! ~ of I'roperry; LoaoelKthls; Conclo",ialu_; PIlm_ (Jail D<:velo__. Borrow.r
<br />"I-h.lll k<<v the Prupe-ny .If, gO(~f repiitl_r and i.haH not 5n-nUlHt \\-aMe I..H p\~Hn'f impaHment nr JcteHOfafton of the Property
<br />:;.t;nd -sn.ll comply witb the pro...,$J(.)fl$ 0-1' any kaM: if th1S [)eed of fruM f~ un a leasehold. If thiS Deed of Trust i) on a unit to OJ
<br />-condomin.ium Of a planned unit development, Bo-rn..)\Joer shall perJorm aU of Borrower's obhgaliomi! under the deciaralion
<br />or ~'S creafing Of governing t~ condommium or piaruled UOll deve!opmt:nl. the by~laws and rcgulalions d the
<br />~:-ondonllnium -Of planned \ln~t dc;velopment., and cOmHtuem docum<<tts, If a condominium or planned unit dc'Veh")pn~nl
<br />rid<< t1- e'\~\c:d by Bort-ower and re4'"Orded H.)~the-r 'W.ith thiS Deed of Tr"ust, !he ,"o\lenants and agreements of such ridc.r
<br />.U be int{>>'potated into and shaH amend and suppkmem the i;-twenanb and agree-menu of this Deed of Tru~l .h If the rider
<br />_aput~,
<br />7~ ~ of l.ewIIa'. Setarity, If Borro-wer fouls h) perform the coyenaNs and agreeme-nts contolned in this
<br />t:leed -of TfUSl.. or If any .ctiof1 Of proceeding li >;:-ommeoced whi,:h maum-aUy affects- Lernk:r's interest i." the Pro,:,,:tty.
<br />!~.ft... h\rt not lim~$ed to. eoune-n! domain.. insoivenc:t. code entorcement. or affanacOHmtos or prm;eedl{l~ in\'ol\'lflg a
<br />haQ.k:tupt or decedent.. then Lender _at Lende-r'~ opt,on, upon n.,.')\kc:, to B-Oi'ro~oer. ma,y mak.e such appc:-aranr.:L~.' dishurse ~l1t:h
<br />wms, and tH_C web action -ilS i.1 net;essa.ry to- prOlec-t lender''!;; mtc-rffi. mduding. hut not limited w, dl1ibursement 01
<br />~ at1~Y~$ Cea' and en1..ry upon. the Pro-perl)' to mak.e repairs. H ~endc-r re-qwreti moug.- losu~'ani:(, as. a
<br />~I\ 9f -mU.:.ma ~ loan ~rcd by- cbHt ~ of Trmt. Borrower shaH jn)' the premium, requm:d h; mamt-tHn ~u\.'h
<br />t~ tn, dTe:.1 un-~d -.uch ltme u t.he- requttenlCot for fA;lCh to-surafl-,,"C lermlft.ua 10 accordance wtth BOI~l.lWU'J\ and:
<br />t.olidet.-,. wnttM ~ or appUeable: I<<'IN. Borrower shall pa~ the anltltUtt of aU monptt u\$-UNlnce premtuf1lt in the
<br />__ provided under plll'aJttlpb 2 be....r.
<br />, _.My _.~ ~ by L~.r punuant _ to this parasra.ph '], With mteust lM:reon, s-haU t'<i.'dme additional
<br />i~ oj' ~..._uttld by th.. Deed of Trost Un""" Bow""... and Under alf"'110 other lerms ,,j paym"nl. ,nch
<br />__II hef'$.,.we u\lOt1_ice ltom l.Mlder '" lktrn,,,,er req_linll paymer" thereof. and ,hall ~or inter..., Irom Ihe
<br />.. ol6ot1'"~U tM !'lllAl pay.... lrom tl_ [" ti_ on oUiSlandinll prineipal un<ler ,he 1'1"'" uoleos payment or Inle....'
<br />_.-~".rate ~ be t:~~ to applkaWt:- t~w.. ~t.'_ whkh event ~~~h atnuunu ~hlU ~( ,ntere\t ill the hitl~ rate
<br />~ ..... .ppIicable law. Nothlna contamed '" till. paragr..p/1 7 shall require l....der to mcur any e.pense or take
<br />ay.... ~.
<br />... ~ 1..Mder mlJ mUie Of,',- 10 be made. reM"n.bk .nlne. up'''' aoo "..pe''''o,.. 01 tl><> Pro",,"y. pro,.d.<I
<br />liIaIl........tbOll...... ~ _tee ptWt to .ny MJCh '''''''''''"00 s"""dYlng retlM)n.ble c._ lI><>rel"r r.IOled In Lrnd."
<br />.-.....,,-.
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