<br />r
<br />
<br />83- u04977
<br />
<br />n
<br />
<br />3. The mortgagor covenanlo and agreeslhat if he .han'.f.il to pay .aid ind.bt.dn.... or any pari th....,of when
<br />~ or .ball fail to p.rform-any eovenanlor agr~ment of tbi.'in.trumen. or the promi'80ry nole ""e....ed h....,by, the
<br />enlireindebtedn.... he....hy """ured .hall immediately become du., payable, and collectible without notice, at I,he
<br />opdoR of lhe mortgagee or -;1IMo regard.... of maturity, and the mortllagee or hi. a..igo. may hefore Drafter entry
<br />oo!U ..id property wilhout apprai""",enl Ithe mortgaj{or ha.ing wai.ert ao,l a..igo...1 to th. Dlortl!ag~ all Mllhtaof
<br />appraioement) :
<br />
<br />I., al judicia' ..Ie "u...uant '0 the provi.i..o. of 28 (j,:;.c. 2001 '_j: ur
<br />
<br />(II) at the optioJ> of the mortgagee, either by auction or by 8Olicitation of ....I.d bid., for the higheatand
<br />be.t bid complyinl! with the term& of ..Ie and manner of payment apecified in tb. publiahed notice ohale, liral
<br />lliving four week,,' noti~e of the time. ternl"", ilnd place of .ouch ."ale, h~ jtfh-e,.ti..~ment not Jf"~ than unce
<br />duriAg each of &aid four weelr.. in a new'paper publithed or diotributed in the county in which ..id pro~y
<br />ia muated, all other notice being h.reby waived by Ihe mortgagor (and .aid mortgag.... or any penollon
<br />behalf of &aid mortgagee. may bid with Ihe unpaid indebtedne.. evidenced by .aid note). Said ..Ie .ball ~
<br />held at or on .lul property to be .old or a. the Fed. r.t. .oun.y, or ci.y .ourtho..... for .he county in which the
<br />property ia loc.ted. Th. mortgal!<'e i. h.reby .uthoriud to ueeu.e for .nc! Oil behalf of the mong.sor and to
<br />deliver to the purehue-r at ..uc:b &.ak a .uflicient conveyance of aaid property. which conveyance shaJJ contain
<br />reeitalo .. t. the happening of th. default upon "hieh .he ex""ution of the power of aal. he..in granted
<br />depend.: and th-e .aid mortJ.~or herehy C'onatltutel and appointl the mongagee or any agent or .attorney of the.
<br />mortplee. the .pDt and attof'llf'Y in (act of &aid mortga8ot" to make -8uth recitala and to execute Hid
<br />eo"....,_ .nd hereby eovenan.. and agreeo that Ihe reci.al. ao made .hall he effectual to ba. all equily or
<br />right o( r~(iemptlon. humC!6te.d~ dOWN'~ and .U other f'xemptionl- of the- morl~a~or~ aU of which arc he_r.eh~'
<br />~xpr-f:Mly "",.iv..d and ('onv~\'f'!'d in Ih.t'- mortf(atl~; or
<br />
<br />! III J - lAke .a.ny otber "pprupriatf: action PUUUiitil to ~lalc or F...der..l ,.taluh= t'Jlht'"r in l'Il..h~ HI- Fetlt.'"ral
<br />,'ourt or od.rrwiM! for thl' dupOfhinn of th.. prop~rt\,
<br />
<br />In .he _I of a aale .. he..inbefo", provided. the morlpgor or any penona in ~Oll UIld.r the mort.
<br />gogor "..011 th".. heeo.... ...d he "....n.. holdin. ,,,., and .h.1l forlhwith deliver po_..ioo 10 the pureh...r .1
<br />a.u:ch tale 01' .be IIwnmarily tJi~Mr.-d~ in <Jc.t:uf"danee with the provi$iot1* of !"w apvlicahl..-. to l-e-n.nt1\ holdin,: Qvt"t.
<br />Tbe power and a_@:e1Jcy hereby ~r-&nlt-d jUt_ t'oupied 'ft'ith an inteJ"8t an{l are irrevucable by (h~ath ()f othr.-r\lo'jt'f.", omd
<br />..re Ifaaled .. t'-umui.bve t-o the rrm-edin for- collutiOD uf ..id indf:'Dteuue.M provided h,' 14\0\--.
<br />
<br /><l. The p.....,..,.u of ...y ...Ie of ..id property in oe."..d.nee "',Ill Ihe "re.eding p.ugupha .h.lI be applied liral
<br />'0 pay the ~ .nd upetueo of.aid ..Ie, Ih., expen_ ineur....d by the mortgas... f..r the purl"'"" or protecting or m.in.
<br />taining !laid property., and rte.MHl.bl~ ..a:U-orn~~.t:' ftel!!; ~eomily. 10 pot)" the iU(lt.btedn~_ .e~1l(e(~ tH.,:re_I,~-~ ami thirtlly,
<br />to p.Y .oy .urplu. 01' ~1CNi1 to the ~~n or p~rs.c:m. J~J[.Jh- Chl&tlt""{f th-e.rrto.
<br />
<br />5. In the _I ..... property ia aold a. a judie;al fo~ loaute ..Ie Qr !,urau.nt to the power of .ale herein.bove
<br />granted......1he pI'-e..r.. not .utlici<mt to paylh" .otallndebtedn_ ...ured by thia in.lrumen. and evideoeed by
<br />..... p-'-ry- the IDOrtgll3ee will be _Iilled '0 . deC,ciency judgmenl for .he a",ount ur the dttficimcy without
<br />,..... to~
<br />
<br />6. la tM event 1M mQrt~.,:ur (ail" to pit) au) .~~der.L. .Hate, Hf h)c<lll !.n. a88eMmenl. inco.rue lax or ot1u~r ht\.
<br />Ii_ .harp. f.... or other eope.... charged apine. the p",,,,,,t} .he morlllagee i. hereby .u.hoo...d a' hi. ..p.iun lu
<br />p.Y the ....... .\sy .u.... ... paid by the mortll"'g'" ohaU be "dded to and be....me 0 p.rl of Ih. principal .mollnl of Ihe
<br />i~ evidenc>ed by aaid note. aubjeet to lhe ..me ter.... and ""nditio.... If the morts.gor olall pay .nd
<br />dillchup the indttbt..w.- evidenced by aaid prom;...,ry not... and .h.lI pay .u.h .uma .nd .hall dioeharge all
<br />...... ..lieaaudII.....eoato, f_ aJtd e~ of IllaIt.ins. enforcing, and executillll.hi. mortgase. then thi. mortSll3e
<br />.balI 1Ie.-W aad-.lend.
<br />
<br />1~ _r. ....aaea .bueia,~oed-ab.n bi:Dd qci tite benenlt and ildHmt.flge. .h.U inur~ 10 the rl;""ji-t"clhe ~Ul'N
<br />-- awl........ et the partleoo herel... Whenever uoed. the ungular numhe" .haU include the plural. Ihe plural Ihe
<br />~, a4 the _ of _y ~ ~U iaelvde aU paden.
<br />
<br />... No w..... of JUi)'. __I herein or ..fthe obliption .........d Iuoreby .h,,1l .1 onl li...e there.ite, be hd.1
<br />'" .... " wa..eo: of the te__ he<eof or oflhe note oeaared hereby.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />9. .A,~a1__o.d., or i............t holdin& .uy !"o...._ "r !,orliou uf .h.. ;,..l<u,,,,,,,1 i....li.l ur ,...cu.
<br />l~"'" -.t.ln ..." ".f ..p.i, (I, p_luok the "nfo,",,_1 of the ........inl"l' 1"0......... or 1,0r'101lO of thi.
<br />'- I D.
<br />
<br />...~...............laOtaaCI to tIte _tppr pu........ to the pro""'" of tIUa ~I .ball.... ....
<br />......... .......-
<br />.... lUly wrl_ ....... to .... !oa....l to tb" _rt"'<<M ohaD
<br />
<br />.. ~ ..............t
<br />
<br />t.'" ,~ .... .'~"j!
<br />