<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 004977
<br />
<br />Said promi_ry note wu given to _ure a loan in whieh the Small Bu.ine.. Admini.trotion,.n .gency of the
<br />United 5t.tea of America, h.. participated. In compliance with llflCtion 101.1 (d) of the Rule. and Regulationaof
<br />the 5_11 Buain.... Admini.tration [13 C.F.R. 101.I(d) l, this in.trument ;.to be construed andenforeed inaeeord.
<br />_ace with applit!al>le F ederalla",.
<br />
<br />1. The _rtgagor _antund agreee u folio.."
<br />
<br />II. He witt promptly pay the indebtedn_ evidenced by ..id promiMory. note at the,timee and'in. the
<br />ma_r thereJn provided.
<br />
<br />b; He will pay all taKe.!, aaaeaome.nta, "'ater rate.. and other' governmental or municipal eha....... .&nea, or
<br />impoaitlono, for which pt'O\'ioion ha. not been madeheceinbefore. and will promptJy deliverthi oI6dal""",lpta
<br />therefor to the ..id mortgagee.
<br />
<br />
<br />c. He will poy ....,h espe..- and fe~ aa moy be incurred in the protection and mointenaneeof gid
<br />tm>perty, including the f_ of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of ooyor on'ilf
<br />the indeh~dne.. henmy ~red. or foreclosure by mortgag~e'll .ale~ or court proceerling~ or in any other.
<br />Iiti8.ation or p~din~ afl'ectiuJt 5aid property. AUorn-f"\"'fI' feel> re-al'ionahh' incnrrcfl in an'" other wav ~h-aU be
<br />""id by themortfl8xor.
<br />
<br />d. For better foeCurity of tlte j"dehtedne~' he"~hy !'!et'urt"d, upon the 1'i'(Jllt.8t of the mortA"a{lee. ita
<br />eUCCeMOn o,f" u~i~n8. he !-haU !."xecute and delh'er it ~upplt"mental morl/.ta~e or mort~a~& coverin~ an~'
<br />additiona. improvt"mf':nb. or hf'Ui',..nlf>-nt~ mad€'_ t(l the pcopf'rl\' ht'n:inabm:e dt'!\f"ribt"d .uul aU propert~
<br />acquired b~' it after the tJate herr-uf (i-dl in form 1<alhfactnry to lHortg~l~ee!. Furtllt'rmorf'. !!I-hould mOftlZili!or
<br />fail to cure any default In the pa\-me-nt of a prior or- mfcrior eucumbcan("e on the pruvert,.- descrihed hy
<br />lhi8 iruUcument. mOr1p;llj:tor .H~rdH' a~ref'--" to I}{',rmil nwrigagee to ('IHe i'Il(,lI default. but mort~a~ee lS Hot
<br />obli~ate-d 1-0 llo !!-o; and j!;u-ch ad\'ance~ _ilhall b~romf:' part of tht'" ind~htf'dni'~'; ";'t'l'uretl h~' this instrument,
<br />subject to the lame term" anti ("ondition..
<br />
<br />", Tht"_ ri~h1J! erealed h)' thi!. ('on\-f'yance shall tt"UHun in full Con'.. itlul dI~t'l dllrinp: ..u~ l'o-"lflOlH"IHt'1I1
<br />or extenli'ion of the time of tht" l-hl,'mf'nl of thf' indd'1f'dnt'",l'\ ("vjdt'n(,t~d h,' 1"<lid promi.'1"ory nolt' or an\' p.trt
<br />Ihe"~.t"...i 1'tet"urw }u~r-t'b\
<br />
<br />r He will iC-ontinuou$l)" mallllain hiO;.u,rd in,uram"t", of ~uC'h tJ'opt' or lype-l'O and in &ueh amounts a4 the
<br />m()-rtll-a~f!-r. Hun from tUllt~ to fimr h"IUIH' nn flit' impru..t'Ult"nl~ nuv. Ot Ilt'rt'aftl'r \Ill !'.~id proJi('rt~.. ;ttltf
<br />""aU pay promptJy whe.u due any premiums lhe-re!or. AU in..ur-anct! &haU be carried in companiea acceptable
<br />to mOltgaK~ and tht' pc:llici-t"-l ..nd ren-t',"".1h~ thr.rt'oC ~hall h~ held h~' "Wrlj.!.iI~t"e and Jtave .atta.che-d thereto
<br />10M pAyable daullf."t' in f.l\-or of ,lIul in form .u:c:eptJ.ble I.J th~ mortjtagee-. In e\-ent or It)&to~ mo-rtgagor will give
<br />illUlleui-ale notice in ""'rilinlt (0 moctlag<<. and fOtut.p;ill-.ee mal make proof of lQ" .if not made promptly hy
<br />mortgagur.. and each inturan<< ('ompany con<<:rned i", her~h)' autlwri~~d. .wd directed to make payment for such
<br />.<* diuell~' to mortga~e~ iii"tt'ad or to mort(c:.~"r ;,IhJ m()tlgag:e~ jiJintl}", and the ifl8urance proceed!t ;or any
<br />part thereof.. may be apph~d by m()n<<.~ 3t ill o..lif,n e.ith~r to the rtfJudlon of the lndeh-tedne. hereby
<br />&e(:u~ or to the r~t()r~Ul~)n or rel).{llr of lhe prove-rh' d4mall-t::-d or dt"str-o-yed.. In event of (oredolure of thi.
<br />mottga8"t or other lraMie.. .of title 10 ,<lid proven v 10 exlm"Uhhm~nt of the- ind~htedne~ secured herehy, all
<br />tiJht.. title.. .nd int~r-e.t of the nlt.t-rtgllAU( in and to .aU)' in~Ufance pohd<< then in force .haU paM to the
<br />purelH'~r .H IHO-rltl..t~t"\' ve. <At tht'" OptiOH u{ Ihe-- lIIorli'aj!ef', Ill-" h.. :ollrn"ud.-n'.! lot ,1 r~,fnud.
<br />
<br />1\, Ht" ".ill kcelJ AU bt!ildin~.. ~!l\i oihel Hupru\t~_mt"nb vu ....ud pftlpt'-ri.~ III ~H{jd n'Jhlir dwi cooditiotl;
<br />will p(.rmit. commit, or !-uller no \Iro.'iil:'h~, IlHpairmrlll, dPlerimo,:llloli of ~.iill IHu.wrt\ or an' p.Ht thereof;
<br />in tilt' {'\ent uf f.iiture .:,If Ih~ nHnti!.4.~Ur to ~.et'p t}a i.H.l.ddiuits UIl ~.d1ii pn'Hll~f'~ <-ind IiWM:" f"rt'(:t~tJ nn r;.~itl
<br />prr-mi~~, ()f iJUi)fo\-emt'tH-I'\ tht'ft'un. in j.!Otk1 rep..ir, tflr morl)!.ajit/"e- HU)' lualr..~' ";lu:h rt'pJin- it:" in it::. di.scCf'llOI1
<br />it moll ,lr.-f':n\ nece~f} for the proper pfe~n;jllioH thf'-rwf ~ ,;ttHi the: fuB ;ulJounl uf e:-adl ami eVt"n iou('h
<br />paymeut .'!!hall be inunetlialely .hU" awl pa) .bh.; and f>haU be ~~('urt'~l in tht' lit*Jl of thl.. Hlurt~..~.,o
<br />
<br />h. He win n\1o( v4lunt.uHy cre,ate iir p.tnnit 1.0 he -r-r(".Hed a~..in!t tht- pruperly tUhjed to lhi, mortgilge any
<br />lien Of' he-us inferiO-r or ~u~rior In th~ ii~n of thi:& mvrtft.t{..e \0\. tthOUl lh~ wrlUen con6t"nl of the morlga.gee~ ilnd
<br />furthc_r. that hr \oldU keep l;uHl m.tiHI~iJI lhe ~;UIH.' jrt:l~ J'r'HH lilt' d.ulH ot all pt'rMUi1> "'llPJlI~UlJ' laht.)r m
<br />ftiiUeriaJ" for {'wu;tcu~:tion of any .Uta ail huHdiujZ:i or j'npHHf':nl~'nh HO\\' hf'tU4f .'n"I'1i.d or (0 ht'" Nt'I'h_.d fH.I
<br />..14 preom-
<br />
<br />i, li~ will not fell.' ,1.[ ii~gU .n\) p.u.t oI tblt ft':nl of !'L.1Hi nWrll'oif;t'tl p1('pt'rl~ or d.'mollah. ufO ""HUH C,
<br />HI' ~ulw.tanli-any .her an~ hll_ildinf!; ~'lthout tlu' ",cith"u co_l1f>f:ut of th~ mOTlll-a~t't'o
<br />
<br />j. A-l1 .w.teU of d.....-.gee _in cOuUed!on kith an} CQJHl_f.;"..mn.aliou {Of public H~(" ul (~r lujUI} lu an) Hf 11U'
<br />I;.r-uped-y -'\mj-.<<t to thjf! m-VftJla@:e .lire h...reby a~81wd and ~halJ ht- paif! to ou'.irltlllif(<<-. who mar appl)-' t}u~
<br />"'~flW h, pii~ m..uf or dei' ;nj,bUm~uI5 la"t JIH(' unJc-r tlaid nuh', .wd Ulortga!'-t;e i~ ht"fdn' authorll,ed. in ilit:
<br />_1\tiln'W' 01 dte lnoctfl:a}\or. t-o ("x~t:u{e anu deH\'er ,-"lid acquittance", rhut"of awl tu .tpp~,...l from .my Jllit'"h a\\ar.L
<br />
<br />k. T~ niuTt....~N' _AhAH h.H' tht- ri)!hl It) in~p\"et Ih(' nwrl;.':a'H't! ~irt'nU"t... ilt ;H}\ rt-...:-nndhl(. lmw.
<br />
<br />1; DeliI-.lt- In- aQ;)'" .of.lbe :eo"m.-&rtU CJf conditi<<>>ll nf thil. trlltruMeat He of tht' n.oie ur lo..u a~re.ement &t':eurlill
<br />~Ih.n lumina", thc.m<>l1ll"ll'>'" ritthlln po_i"n, uo<>. .."i e"joyment 01 the I',ol"'rty. >l the option of the
<br />~ ... hit, ~ Ot hei". lll_4that tl\OC mortg.~r .t..1I h...e .....h ri,;ht until del.ult). Upon ."}' ....h
<br /><LlI""lJ., .be .."'r....<< .h..U '~'<l"" the o""\OCr of .11 of the ",,",. .n,l profib ..crui,,~ .ftff deJault .. ",<<mI'
<br />r~ d... imiebted_ _.....!h."'h,. w.th the ,.lIltt to e,rj'"" !Jpon ...w property lor the purp_ ur rollfl~'''g ,..ch
<br />........ Ml,t ,.....,...n... "'-t.rU,"",,1 w.lI. ~ljI ..... _ipJm>ot of atlc)' r....l.l. "" ..id p"'l"'rly 10 .h.l ute..'.
<br />
<br />,... !':v_~ 9l-j}. Ud.~
<br />