<br />r
<br />
<br />83......
<br />
<br />004917
<br />
<br />I.cnd('f'_" \\.nH....n !Igr~cmeOl 01 ,1ppJlc-lblc lJw. Hnffllwer 'ihall pay the amount of ~1I1 m()rt~agc in.,urancc premiums in the
<br />manner provilkd under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />I\ny amt'HI!1l-S dishurwd by Lender pUrS-HatH !(l :his paragraph 7, with interest thereon. ,hall become additional
<br />jndchicdnc~'" flr Bflrn'HA.tr ,>~cllfcd hyr thiS Morlgage. 1 'nle-.;.s Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. !Ouch
<br />~\mttunl.;;. shaH he pay~\bk UJl(-fn notice from Lender to Borrower rC<.juc::.ting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />dale or dhhlfr~me-nt at 1hc l'all.': paY:lbJe from time to lime on otll-!i;tunding principal under the -Note unless payment of
<br />interest ~1t such ratc would N: contraq! to applicable- law, in whil'"h event "iuch amounts s:hall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />permis-sihJc under ~\pplicahle la\'.. No-thing contained in Ihi~ p-:\rag:raph ? shall require Lender to incur any expense"or talee
<br />;Jnv 8\..-1io-n hereunder,
<br />- 8y 1n5pM'tiOft. Lender may make or cau~c fCI he made rcaSoonahlc cnlrie" upon and ino;;pection'i of (he Property, provided
<br />th:it Lender ...tUtU give Borrower DO[H.'C prior h' an\' ~Ht'h Il1spccti(ln "pc~jfying rC<lS(ltlable calise therefor related' to Lender's
<br />inrcre"t In rhe Property.
<br />90 Condt"mnat;nn_ 'Th-c' pr.\{;:ced" of an\' ;iw,ard or clai-m for Jama~c~, direct or consequential. in connection wilh any
<br />,:onderrmatinn or other lakin~ ()( '-he Prnpcrty, nr part [herooL nr fl1r ~:nnveyancc in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />.'lfHI ;;hal'l h~ pit-id to Lender,
<br />In the -I,'venf of a l(\fat lddng i'( lhc Prf'f'Crty. th(> pn:\\..'c(.'(l'i "flail he appjied h) fh(~ soms scellfcd by this Mortgage;
<br />..vilh rhe 1..''1;.:,"<.''''<'; :f ,)f';\.', r;pJ 1,' R{1rr;'\'<-'a In !he ,,''''I,,'nT ..-.f .{ parti:ll laking ~~( the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />d{herv,,1W agree in \-HHJllf!, there .;";i11 he ;,pp-hcd r,'\ Ih:: "'lm~ "~~lln~d bv thi" Mortgage -.uch proportion of the proceeds
<br />Ii i<;, l.~qtL.j t(, th~t prOp('fHf.n \\ hi~'h rh.: nfl"lonnl l1f the "mHO;: ".:'<."!1'Td hy rhi.. :\longa!lC' immediately prlor to the date of
<br />raking- nc:ar<;. t(, tht i'mr m:arkt..t \-dhl-C t\f tht: Pn1p~n\ !li)!'iw,i;;H!;'!Y Pfl('lj" to the date of taking. \\'llh the halance of the proceeds
<br />paid hl HnrWl-\.'cr.
<br />Ff the' Pro,perl\" i~ ,;:handofH:d t<~. Rdlflv.~r. ~.'f. d, Aler HCl.t-k..' hv I i..'nder tn B:o-rr0wer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />;m aWitrd ,pr 'C'!tk ;1 d:um tor dama~C'~., Borrowt'f f:lil" In t,'''pond h' Lender within 10 day~ a.fter the date ~uch notice is
<br />rnrill-ed. Lend"" j" ;HI!hnri:r'"d to ;.:(,II<.-...:t and :l?rl\' 11)(' pfO-\.'l,~(.'d" at Lender's- crptfon. either to res-foration (l'r repair- of the
<br />pf()PCttv l-'f I,} Ihe :;mn!- ,,~:..:un:~j "'\. lhi\ M{Hl\.::.t~t~
<br />Cnks,,, J,en.der :md Hon'lWt'f i.rh...~f\ld<"l.' H~rr\~ In \;.f1!in!l, .\,n' "-ll\..h .lpr!J('-Jtl(~n of rnxecds to rrinc-ipal shall not extend
<br />PC r.(\~tpi.1-nC lOt' due tkHe pf thl.' n1{"lnlhh :nq~llr;h'nh. ~\:f<;:-rfcd ft' 1n r;H';:q,!,r;'!.ph.;. I ;H1d :! hereof or change the amount of
<br />;,;m:h tn'!:trlllment4;
<br />16, Borro""t"r Sot Rt"I~~" } UCi1'.j,m ,'I (hz' [>tne int r':!vmenr ,"If ~;)(xiifk~ltion lA ;lmorliza1ion {If the sums secured
<br />hy !h:.... ""f()rt~3gt: gr:wkJ !,,\," f t:nd~~r tu ~{~v '-dl.'':C.''''I.'>, "!l~,i't~q, '1 B,)H-i.)u"er .,hall n01 ,"If\cratc h~ release, in any manner.
<br />[he Jlahillf\' ,.\f !ht' t'fk:HLll Hmr.\,:l,.er .ind B<.'rri',v..t~;'~ ,'l~'.:t:,C,tH'. mlf'fl~<;l 1 ,:nlicr "h:tl! not he n~qlJire-d to commence
<br />rh1;.,'~eJing.\ a~~Hrt';'! ',!j~h ..,~"-'...:t'\.,,,pr .-d'l~e ld e-..1,;'nJ ;:f\lc r,{\m1'n! ,'. ",herwj,.: fw~jif\' :1f1wrtization of the sums.
<br />"-C1;tH<:J h~- fhf.. 'fHrt~.l~<-' ~\ n:~';l'."n " d\'m ;1H! H1;IJe :h," ,\r1l.!rn:i! linrr,".\'cr .md R<:1ffnWer's Sllcccs!'.or~ in intcrclfiL
<br />
<br /><'lhe~!t~c ~~(:;!~l~~~ ~!~~~;~,~~~: ~,:::. a W~hcr, ~:::\ .:.::,~~~~l~~n;~~ ~,~ 'r'~~~1!:,;J~1 :,~\\?cr~:~~~~~~n~.t~~~~.O:::~1~.1:h~e;I1;;~~~~
<br />
<br />The prrH..:'ilft'menr i'l in'Hlr:in.:.-,: tht' I',,\r~'t'l',l ,.,j lhn '-'( ,h.H.~~''< h,' J ciH.kr ~h,~ll fl<)f 1--:1.' ;\ v.'aivl.'r of Lender's
<br />right f(1 :&...":.,,.kr.,h: !}K m~IUl~f\ .'f
<br />12. Re-m.-d-if'l'l CumlJbuh--~, \li :"~nt.!'(.''"i. pn" ';.led ' \.l,H!'Z.i.:t' ;1',," ;.!1--,ljih:f ,lnd ,',1mtl1ativl" In ;HI\" other right or
<br />n:'m-('~iv i.ndcr !h~" ~i(lfl~;l~i.: t1f :df,,:d-:d !.~. ;,""'- "! l'.FP\1. .!\d ;n:l\ h..: ,_'I,':~..i\,,:d ,.-,Hh:llrrcrnh' i;Hh.'pt'!Hientlv or ,",ucc-cs.stvely,
<br />13, Sm:~<<o;.oOi- and :\~.n\; B{HI:nd~ JOlhl and St'\t'rai f iabilih; ('aplion'>o I1h.' ,.-,'I,nt-il11f<; olild ,,If!.f('t'ments herein
<br />,_'JfiHlined ."hail bitHJ ,;,,0. 1M-'\,- !1,~h-, r'{'r\" '".k',. ~'\:di 'q~ ..,l;n~..,"~lr, ,lnd .h"i;"::lh I c-nder :lnd Borrower.
<br />-;lIbie.::{ f\~ (h"~ pl'l\\T<,!t--...", ,;i '",n,n:ur', AUrrt1...\~r \h.d! be jnint and .;eve-raL
<br />flu: rJ:ptl-('Il,;< .uhl h('it\.hn~~., "t ,"1\ ,i;:i .'!,!\('H't'ih:t.: "'1lv .nhJ '"n~ fwl 1(\ he H"eJ to
<br />
<br />'llt~rrr~t ~1f ddlf\<: rl1t,' r-,'i\\ ,-:!\.ni. i'~::;:t-'~
<br />14. "'lhticf-. Fx,,'q.t L.r .:,
<br />Bnrnmer PHH ,d~d !'H' ':"': i"t;" \1Iln;-::"I~i.'
<br />l~, i"l"('rt'"f1V ..\,tdn:....; ,'r ,'tr 'd,<.,J'
<br />in) O'trn n\.HK,-~ Et~ t l'rl,k, '(-;.1\: h,-
<br />..ueh other _lddr"~", .,,- I ,:!....kr
<br />\t.ll"I!t;}~C ~h..di hI;: -Jr.:-r1'led :,' f','':;'" '<O,H>' B,II,"'.h"f
<br />15. {'Diffin.. :\-t't}f't1:~~~ Gu"Oe-minj;: 1.4l""'~ ~t'H"t'3hili'h, 1 ~,.-. t .~ ", (.1 mi'r';~;H.;\~ ,:~'!Hhint:\ tHHff'lff11- ,-,'Venanl"i f(lf n;ltional
<br />HSC nnd tH:~n-tlnlfllnn ~',';'e,;-.,~';l',- r:h lq111l"';
<br />fJ:lii prl..1pef't\ rnl'\ \f,)f1sa~;c ,h,';; h.... ~.,'),,'i,.l;;"d t~\
<br />
<br />:~~~;; ~::f:\'~~~~:nt~r::~"::::~ \t(~tiI~i;:;~' \ t'\~~ \'t.';'t:,j~'c
<br />
<br />end tbe P-h)\f'1'\.'\..\!1\ ~hC' \h~{I!-,:,'iiJt; ,,(:d the ...... ;~.
<br />t6. &rro-'et's Copy. B-0[f""",-cr
<br />z',f ("~';;~:lltlf.'H' t:\t .1 (rc--r il..c,....rd.Hinil b~;\,','f
<br />". Tta-IMf"of'h-e ProfWr1)'~ A~uut-plton. I' _Ii, ,'r ~1:'" ;",~'1 {If ,he I)r;'p~f{;: ,\1';1n interest tit~n i~'"Si'\J$l()r,lfanf,ferred
<br />h~ RUffCllA-t:f W.>thOll! Ler!tkt'~ pn(tf \HlHcn 'h..' "h::dld!1 cd .) iiefl \~r <-n":'Llmb'rarll'~ .'!ubordinate W
<br />th~ MOH~.age< ,hI ,he ,-Teah(\1I "r ,1 r,I({~>;1 fnr h,-'u-ijdltlld appl\~,n,--c", kl ;\ tr:an..fer hy devise.
<br />J~.e-nt or hy l~N'"rdh(l-n ,A hn" Up,,)!') :l't!;~ni ,I, : " '~J @'11" f l I 1- )t-.~I i ir U""fJt ( f Ikrilg :'IUtr 1f hur
<br />~ll't 'lh' d -r . ," i. 'f' - 1 ('n-tkr ;'rU\ .Il I CiH:h:-l "- "Pi"'!,,. \kdan.' ~.:l fh!..~ .,\.Im\ '\curn:J hy dll~ Mortgage to be
<br />imrne.Jl~i.dy dui::' i.1nd pay.abk, I <<i){kr ..J,;iH rU~l.' ~~ ;ucd 'it!~il "'PIlOn. 1;1 .a<;\.'der"rc d, Pr1l'f !,1 the "ale :)r !r:msfer. Lender
<br />and tnc pe-r<;.t:m h" ..hom the Pr(\t"t':fh J' 10 P,t" ~,-lhj {H U~m"lcr:...~J ft:'ft\.'h v.ntHl~ lhat the cn:dil of ~uch per..f\H
<br />\'t "s-;Il:{~fact\.'0' h,," [eutkr ~md Ih~~1 the mh,',>.:--.i P",\,thk ,-,;) Ii:>..' "'liT!,> ~i,i" ;"hxlgagc "hall h...' i:J;t ;&,r..:h rate lh Lender
<br />l)naU T't4.JllesL if 1 ~nJer ha, W~1i:\'-C,-J the \'p~'L'1i k ,h~':l;.'kL.l.;'t: P;\';"!l...h.'J ~n pJr~i~r;jph : 7 ;n1d If BNrowcr\ ~\KC\..%ot 111
<br />trucfeil ha~ C!l:e--i;':t~h...d a \\.,U....n ;'l.,-;~ump\,{'t:l i~.:;.ccm~l~( ,,\\.;i:rt~d I:> \.~fjl\llg hy i t'ndcL I clldcr "hall rdl..'"hC BOfr().....cr from ~tll
<br />i~iJa{it){u. u-n-der thti. Munga~ and !he >':.ote.
<br />If Lender e..\CH:'1~ Hl',;.h ~--'i'tJ(\{} in -a.:,,:der:olh~. f ;;;'"kr ,,".jJi rn<'!il B~~rr(;',..~r D,~,t!..'(~ ;,j ,-lL";':C.icDiiI.1p' in ~K{,'-Or"'am;e with
<br />pa.ra.i1raph 14 n-e-re,-'t.f. 'Such mHle.c "hall pfl)VlJr ,! lei.... P'\iH\ .~O d;~\:" fr\;m !he t.hte rhe t!\)tf,;;t.:: is mailed \'\:lthir.
<br />which Borf":'\<\'-e'l may pay the -i!..lm~ dcd.-\.red dw;.~ 8{n;'Y"'1..t ~l) piJ\-' 'ltkh ".Hlh pi!H h~ [he (:\.pirarlOo of slich period.
<br />f-tnUe-r may__ witht~l further f1<.)H(.e \If \'~m<tnd Qn tio-r:';H;"t:i. ,'!1\<;)-h.;; ,-,m l(,l!icdies pei!nillcd hy l-"";'tf3grap-h 1 S hacoL
<br />
<br />
<br />i,.: !:',>,,'U '1\ il:1\'lh-cr rnanncL {a~ ~HlY notice to
<br />h '.,;~r!i-fl('d m.ld ,~(hlr('<..;,~d In Borrower at
<br />,k...,;;n:l!',' h:- I;"\h:t" ", 1 t~lHkor x-; pnwidi.'d herein. ;'Ind
<br />. "wH,"'<!t'd. h 1 I (nd.,;-:'-'- ,tddr{'s., s!al\'d her-~in or to
<br />,P. ;"",\':,,j1,",! 1t1.:rt:Hi \11\" ni.ti,:e rn.\<ided for In this
<br />.- h.h'~ "h~n l!,\"cn ~n nw n13HnCr "k\ijZ:rwtcJ he-rcio<
<br />
<br />
<br />~ l' 'f' t, \ ~,~Il"t q
<br />
<br />:1\;:' <l 1HHh,nn ,-,,'d,nt\. In..!rUITIl"'l1I co....ering
<br />I.\.I-;kh lilt' Pr"'pen\" ,<:' 10Cated, In the
<br />J.t'.\-, ;,.uch cimHil.:i ..hall opt ;:tffeC't
<br />\!-,<,:, .'c\f1:1icting- pr\\\'I",ion. ~nJ to this
<br />
<br />_'i th( Note ,Ill-d flf rhi'\' Mort~ag-e 111 the time
<br />
<br />NQN-V:NJFOfl)A CnvLN"-;>o:TO':> BClrh'l\Vl.lf JnJ I tih.icf funhel 1..';~\('ni.lal .,nJ ,.IJ!H,':t;',,1" ft)lhlw.",
<br />Ia. Ac~~ Jt~ E);{.'C!pJ ~ pro".d ill paragr-aph. 17 ht-rtfOf. upon BorfO\>\-cr's b,nd. of an)' nwellan' orp........ of 89u01tt'fl' Ut I,", ~-'h:~e~ ilK"." ,..... ~'o\'.m-an-h. h. P~3'
<br /> \4;A~ft due an~ ~um1\i. !M.'t'ut-ed by thk M~e,
<br />L......pdow f4 "',.~ ..... _ lWti<. '" linn"..., '" pt...id..t in I'..~rapl. 14 hff...f _ifyintl: ,Il I"" bfta<b:
<br />t%J ........ ~ It) (:llre' AK"tt ~h; O).a d"'~ no! k_ .'han 3ft da,.Ii tnun rhe daft' the notin '!ii uut-lIed to BorrowlP;f~
<br />." wIddf-.... ~ .... " t:'urc-dt. M'I4 .f4. '''-at f.aUme: t(l. ~"re- ltU-CA brC:iu:b t>>J ..... before t~ daCe spedkd in 'he uotk-e
<br />'.., ......._~<>f lhe..._ _.....t by Ibis 'l<l'I1!iC', [('...'d....... b} looidal p.oc..diftll.nd ""to "r lit<< rro,.rty.
<br />1. ....... ..... fun.... Itlf_ Borru.... ..r lhe .Itlltl 10 """",al. _r Ik"',"_ and I.... ';jtbl I.. _11 in lit<< ....""1M....
<br />............ W _a/okl... ..I .. ""1aI.1 or ...} olltft ,"no_ ..I 8........... ... ...cdoN!li<>n lUId r......IM...., II I"" ....."""
<br />.. ....:C1IIR4 N' Of' Wou ibe 4ak.~ in tM #Olirt, f.~-D<<k-t af I.ADder'*" ltiNMlP Ula' deti:ia-rr ... -of ttu~ Ij-\,nw; "\~I.'UM by
<br />_~ to ""~} d"" ..... ""y~ ..iloo... t..rl..... domand _ m", 10",,1_ b)' Imlldall'....,"'...intI. t<!nCI...
<br />....... ~ .kt,(:faG<<1 iR. ~n p:EBU''''~ .n t'lJ~' t>f ft)""df~UUt". l"d~. hut Ufli limited h), nlld~ of doc'..nwmllf)'
<br />..w....., """"-,,, ..... ti!lo ''''''-
<br />I'.. ~1- 1UcM .4 a...id." "Ht1.\;~ih"'htrH.l.~fi:!- f.(r",,kr''1 "\...:,,~'k'l "!j,,,f; ,--'4 !h.f ',.,mH 'T-(l~rt:d h Ihf" Mnng;I.W~:"
<br />~J1fn"'~t ~h~i1 th'Ji!l:': tfit, i-'ittn Ii,' t'\<,,:'''~ .%\l)' j'n>!;,('fnJirtf,,;.'-' iW~~Jh h,~ 1 al.;j~! k ~"ntN'~',' ~hh M.\ng,~~,,- ..h~:t'i'il\fllK'.j <Ii. -dl1:; in{K
<br />