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<br />r <br /> <br />83~ ';}o4Sr; <br /> <br />UNIfORM CO\"Pr-.:.\N'I~. llorrower and l.ender covenant and agree as follows. <br /> <br />J. Payment of Printlpaf and Interest. Ol..1rrower shull promptly pay when duc the principal of and interest lJll the <br />indebfCdnc!los evidenced by the Note. prepayment an,-! late ch;\rges ~l'; provided in the Note. <lnd the principal of and interesl <br />on any Future Advances ~ecured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for Taxes And lns:uraD~. Subjcct ft."'! applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall ,pay <br />to I..end.:r on the d~IY monthly installment... of principal and inhm~st <tTe payable wider the Note. until the: Note is paid in "(uUt <br />a sum (herein ."Fuoos") equal W one,lwelfth of the yearly faxes and ,ISSCSs.ments which may attain priority over'-this <br />Mortgage.-a-nd ground'rents-nn the Property. if any. plus- onc-lwelflh of vearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus .ooe,;,twelfth of yearly premi-um installments tor mortgage IOsllrance. If any. all a~ reasonably estimated initially and' ftom <br />time 10 time by lender on the hasis of "s~sment~ <lnd l'uU,;;; ;)nd reasDnable e-slimales thereof. <br />The Funds shaH be- hefd in an inSliHltion [he deposits (Jr aco:..:ollnts 1)1' which me insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />~'Hate agency (including Lender if Lender i" slIch all institution), I cnder shall apply the Fumb t() pay said taxes. assessrtlents. <br />in5urance premiums ,and grollnd ft:nb, Lender may not charge ior .',(\ holding and applying Ihe Funds., said account. <br />or verifying and compiling said us..sessmenls and hills. unless Lender pays Borrower inferest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permlts lxndeJ' to mak.e ~nch a charge. Bl)rrower und Lender mny agree m writing ::it the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds ...h",1I he. pald 10 BOHower. ~md unle~s :,w.:h agreement is. made or applicable, l~w <br />requires su-ch inferest to he paid, Lender "hall Iwt he requin:i-] to pay Borrower nnv inh.~rcst or c;irnings 00 the 'Funds. lender <br />,;hall give tn Borrower, \\'Ilh()ut ..:harge, an ~iOn\l,-,j ;.ti:Tt)unting ef ill..,: Fund... "howing credits and debits 10 the Funds: and the <br />purpo!'>e for whi<.:h e~tch dc-bit 1;. the Ftlnd~ \N~~ made I he t-lInd~ arc pJeJged as <.tddltionaJ security for the sums secured <br />hy this '\1orlgagc <br />if the amount of the Funds held by Lr.:ndl:'r, l"gclht:1' with lh..: luture 1110nthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates. of lilXes. as.scssmenh, irlSurUIH'::C prcrtllum~ ,HHJ grt,und rcnt~. ~haH c,...-:<.:ced the amounf required to pay said taxes. <br />assessments. Ulsurance premium~ .md ground r~nt~ ;1'> the-\' Llil dill:, 'i\l(:h 1.."\i.'l~~S ~ha!l hc. ilt Horrower':s option. either <br />promptly rep-aid to & or ~rcdjled 1(1 Borrower dO monthly 1f\~tallmcnt5 of Fund!'., If the ;:ttl1oum of the Funds <br />held by Lenoor shaU not be 'f.utlicient to pay !aXC..... asse....~ments.. IJ):":l1r;wc.:. prCn1l1lt'll'> and ground rents as they taU duc. <br />Bon-ower ~haU pay to Lender ;iny amoulll necc;<,'jar! 10 m~lke up lhe ,h:.'tiCiCIlL'V wIthin 30 days trom the date notic-e is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower fcqUC),tlng p."rymcnr lhcr~Pl <br />Upon payment JD full {If aH sums ~~";Uf~d b~ 11m, \lc>n~'-lgt'. ! t'ndc!' shall promptly r~t'und to BD(rov..-er any Funds <br />held by Lender H under paragraph);.. heft.':')l lhe Fr'-'pcrty ". ,(lid ,'f r!ll' PF\'PCrI}' '" nthCf\-n.,c ::ti.'qwred hy Lender. Lender <br />shaH apply, au bHer lhan Immc-diatdy rrw; t,l lilt: \41.: ,'1 ~nc Pwpcrtv \,r liS ,1I.:QUISltH1l1 hv L~ndcr. any Funds held by <br />Lender ill the time .01 ~ppii;;:;;t.uon as .-1 ,-,n:ja "gam".! lilt; ~um<, ..,.:nll'\~d b\. ltW. \1nrtgagt. <br />3. Application fif Paymenb~ I 'nh~\., 'lprhcabk b\;,' rrp\'H,ks t1!hi.'rw!<"c ;.di payments: rcccivt:d hy Lender under the <br />Note and para.s:raph~ 1 ,.md ~ hc-Jet..11 "hall h-l: .iprH~-d Lt.:'ndt'r r\r..,[ ;'t p.'!\'ll1\?lH ul amoulIt:s payable: to tender by Borrower <br />under paragraph '2 hcreo1. thcu to lIHCH:st 1"'aY3bie \.t! '\HI.', lhj,,~n l,~ the principal.)! the !'.'ote, and [hen 10 ifij;jrest and <br />rnn-c:1pal ()'Il ;my Future Ad"'IHKC~. <br />4. Chaqte: l.kns, f!HHi,.."';;:( ,h",H p.t" .,it i", \;.:, ,;~~t.'~"'.ni\,'111.\ ,.nd .'!hn ,'h,!rl.;c,>, l1fll'~ ~Hld Irnp-o..iltons al1ributllhle to <br />the Property which may J.ifai.n;: Pllt'fit)" (Wi:r thl', \\', .J,ll) ka~d\(,kl p,\'1mcnt:<> nr !;rollnd rellts, it ;lny. in lhe manner <br />pro\"tderl under raragntph .; hcreo! l\f.. :1 f1\'1 In ....UL~\ !!1.(j1fj~:r. tn ihHr(m\'~r ITlilt..\n,!.;'. payment. when due. dm:\.7tly to the <br />payee thereof. Bo-rrnwel ~hai.i prnmplh- h, f c;j,h:r ,Iii nV{It.:>:., uf ;ilHUUHt\ du~ under ihls paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrower ')haU mak.e p,.,lVmcnt d:H:''':l!\'. Hi,\f' <'\h.:: -,!\,ill f:llj"'Olpl!\ lurltJ\h 1;1 I,t:n~kr ft'!';(,lp!:-- ("\-ldcnung ~UI.:h p,lyrnents. <br />Horrowcf ':'!.r-.a!l promptly dt"ch~f~C any 111.~n ','. rn..:h ~(;i';. !'l'l"f:l\ "\~!' ;>~l" \l(Jrq::,:I~t'; pr{"l\ llit:J. th.1l Borr\.ll,l,'Cf \-hall nvl be <br />fc-qf.nred to di~d];arge any "u(,h lint .~{l i~mg. _I" B.>nl'''''';' "h,-li! u; '" r ,I 'n)! !l' \b~ p,l~ m(:nt ('l! the \'HI~,ttllJII v':l.:lIred by <br />\w;b !!en:n a m;umer <!..:.\:q:Habk- ~<' I..:nJef. ,,: ;,H.ld ,,'nk-,j '",~11 !iLl! by, ,l! dt:h;nd L'llI<H',ern~nl \'1 sUl...n lien in. <br />legal prt..);.ccomg, Whh..'h {'r~T~tc H.' il,\""Cnl iDt: ".l\!";-.....:Hk'f)l ~!~ (nt!~HUll.: p~ the Prnpt."ltv ~;r ,HI)" pan th~rcof. <br />::. Haurd IMMnuu:e, H...~tT{\-"H:-r \thin I-,CCP thl;;' 'fll;:t!' !ll,'f\"ili'lt."( {'rl'<.:l..:-J l\f1 the Pr,'pcrlY llhtlf~d <br />i-l.g.almt lo~::. hv fife, h~lt.i.lrd.~ indih.kd "'" ldun i\:rm ,", J:t:n~h:ti dther hd1;H(.f.;, it" I _(:OOl'"1 IlhtY rCl{lllfC <br />and In ~u~h JmiJ~lIlh .tHd /,'r .~ni,.i\ j'1.'l",'J:-. .~" j cndn i1id~ n:.\1,i!c' ih;lt j nHh:r ....h.liJ lW! T'.:'..p.iln,' {hitt the .1l1)(ltlJ1! vf <br />such I.:'IJ\'-C"fagt:: e:\c\'-l:'tl t\1i'li "Hlh'\HH ,ii _.',t;L,}:...- ~~'q~P!I."d J,1 (d\ (th' ''''1,11''- >,'.,',-\:l,:d h\ Jhl';:<.' <br />The msurafJc-( ('.unct pfU\ildll\~ Hw ill:..ll,1l1,,\'" "h.IH t,(' .!l,>~,:.n in. Hd[f~.~"-,,l ~Hhj-,",(t ,\prlfOY~; by Lender; provided, <br />lhllt ~lh:h .lppro\al ,,,hall th.l!. t>c \H\ie-.l.""tn-al~h, \~JlhhdJ \,( l'~LnPldH'" !:\Wf.,n~>o.: rli\i'Ilt.., ,.hall h-r paId III the manner <br />provided under p~tragraph'::: rll:H:('{ d. d nl..-'l fl.t"i n; ~1h.:h nlcUj,~..'\ h B"Il\"\~CI maklfl~ pilymclH, 'Nhl.'n due:. ~hn:'l.:tly to the <br />i n5Jurauce ~a.rne:r, <br />All io:!unUKl.' {X-dtt:lt''io ~fhJ 'cl}\.'~~.J.i., l[~,~1(".'1 ~h,J;, h; ;II ;,:'tn, .h~-,,:!'{.d")h,: t" I <;0';C1 ,lnJ ...hall Hl\.:iu(k .. ,.litlhJ.trJ mortgage <br />clause HI fiiVor .~t iUh.i 711 rvrm it~,:qH<J,i"k h' i ;:!\~h:i 1 ,'11<'\.:1 ~h.u, he"'-- 1llt. lIght {(\ h"ld 111(' fH.-;JjdC:' ,lnd r.:nt'.....ab [her~(JI, <br />am} BorrU"4er ...hilll rl()mp-il~ lnrnl\h !o L!."Jhj~l H,:lln",t; n~l\l..O .llld .!~; r<:..t:ipb 01 p~lld pfl.:mHllH" In tht' event ..It 10';':', <br />Borf\Jw\w 'l-hotH give pr0mpt !lI..Ht\'::": l\} the lil~;.lL;1h': -_.I(!\>.;'; .til,j I t;'ndtl l\:'lhki fn,tY maht PIP"l ill lL':-:'h It not /lIrtdc p(!'.lmpIJy <br />by 8off\.'lWcr. <br />Unlc-iS LenJt.~r dnJ 8ont}\$..;r ,)thcP\Jw ~I~n,:'t." ;1) l.i,l',f;ng. J'i:-.i.!I.iI:..'~: p,\>\.t:,,:d... ::jball b~ ~:pp\;ed II) fC"IhH,uil111 (If rep.ur of <br />the ProperlY d.iUuage-d, pro,<il.k-tJ \u...-h It;':ol;,.li.-Hh'H d r..:p.lif j.., "'.\'-~j".~Hlll..:;!li} :,';It\ibk" :.J.od lb..' ,~t:..:urH}: of thiS Mortg<:tge to, <br />oot lMcchy imp.ured it ~u\,,'h rC;,k'lt,.iiOn ..n rq:JiJlr 1., r;,:.i (...\,n-\'lnl-\-,jli~ L,'a').t~"k \)f d the ~Cl:\ltlly l'f ttU!\ MorlgJ.gc w,)uld <br />be. i~trtd. the itl-MIf.aJh;C pIDO:t.'c-ds -..hall be ~lpp-ht:u {.} \flIC \UiJh ~''':\JlCi.i hj tht;., .\t0rtgilgt'", \\'ith fh~ t~\.~C,,"K, if ~Itl.y, p.ud <br />to Dorro~(;:r. It tne-. Pn..lpt:n~ l~ .1i1~n..i,!i~cJ t.~ B;.HW\lod. i1 BOff,-lwer L1:d~ !,} {e'l!'h,nd i('1 I .:nJcr -.'dtnlll 30 days from the <br />dale ootic~ i~ mailed by ulukr li~ th",,~ the Hl~\JriHh,.:': '-",<Ifi",-! dl-h:r~ I;) :-.cllll..' ,! ...jdlIH [Pi lmuran~e benehH.. Lender <br />is authorized tv ~oaect and apply the dn.urdU"''' p!(;-;,;ecJ;, ~:t Lt"lH.f;,:r.'> l.-'Ph....n t::nbcr to re,~hJ!;l!Hm ~\f !epair ol the Propt;ny <br />ur {() tbe )iUnlS 1>C.cmed hy dl15 Mortgaj,<: <br />Ullkss Lel.ld~r ~nd- 8Q.Hv~'~r ...,ther....i:~ .,gl~~ 111 \HJ!-iOg. .l<l:- J~h.h ,jPp;''.,'~Iil(m ~jt pr'....~lOJ;, hl Ptll1~lpal :~hJIl lh1t eMend <br />or pu$tpom: (he- dill:, date oJ! the mvnthh in::.\aHmerw. r~fl:::ifeJ 111 Pi PM~I"'lph~ ! .Hid :. hCfl,:i)t ..1r dungc thc JI1W\lnt of <br />such jn~lhnenJ~, It undcc panl,!;fdph is hereof th~ Pr\Jpert) i',. ~('iUircJ h} Lender, ,Ill ngh!, tItle and interest of Horf()\\;'ct <br />in and to aJl)' ~:1$Ufarn;.e policies and in and 10 ti~ p-ro.;c-cili thac..J{ fcsul!mg IfO!}. JMilagc le. the Pru-P'C"ny prior to the s.a!e <br />or ,uquisttion ShAH pa!o>> to- L.endcT h,") the ('\1;:0[ ,--,{ th~ :.urn~ ..,c~jjn:u by th,,, ~1oltgagt: immediately pnor to ~uch ~ak or <br />~lti<m. <br />6.- P'awut-adoa,qd M"'en~c of P~rt)-; l"caM'..hotds; 'COtulojniuiu~ Planned t1nit Ot'\-'elupmenb. Borrow~r <br />sbaU keep the PTuPerty in g<<ld lW~ir and t.hall not ~(!1'fHU.i{ waste OJ penmt imp.urment \)f deterkuatioo or the Property <br />an4. ihJlil wmpty with the: pro-vw.ooi- Ql im, lease It {hho Mong,j~~ 1" nl\ a k<tM;hoid. It thIS \1oHgas~ t" on <i IInit Hi ,1 <br />coAdomtmum .vt. ~ planned unit Jc\'eJt.'WrilC-Ilt, BOin.,wcr STI<!H pcrh\tUi ~ill ot B-OJroWt{'~ (lbhg,l.IlH:ms utldt;r the declaration <br />Of COW:naaii t't~3:Uns or g(l\"t.rmn~ the \",:Hidommium or phwm:d oml d.l':velopmenl. The hy~j:aw:l< i.uul rc,,l'lo. t,)( the <br />~l1fI,domtnuJ.QJ, -or ~ -unit @ltekopmcnt. <:l:n-d (:..)!1i\li.;:tlCnt I.l0;,:tHllCllb. l! ~l ("(lfnionlmium Of pl.anned (mlt Jo:\"dopment <br />ttdel '1 .~~ -by,,, 8otf~l1f ~ .re-corJi::d tl'l~hcl wJ-Jh !ht!; MOlt)fajC, the <.'Q:wu-al1ts .J.nd Jgl'~tt.menlS l.1f ~uch Itder <br />1baU3_ ..i~. i~ and $U,ij,U .iliflelut .anti wpp.ieu"l:CJu. th~ uncn.mb ~l1)U .aj,\:N.emt::Hts {:It ttHS Mong<t.gc a~ If the rider <br />_04 ~.h<itf{(lt. <br />1:~, .~..4it.t~.j: ~'. 1f .Bvrrow-e-r faih h1 ~rh:H'm ~ (;:4,wenanfs ,and agreements ~~tmta.incd in (hi1'- <br />~JtIIIlt, or .if 311:)' .~ "'~1lI "<,'JIlIll\<uc"J"'h<<h materially .f1""I' fender', m"rre" lU tll<' ProperlY. <br />~ hut.tUit "lied flJ.. em~ ~fL In-wlverii':j', t't.'tde tf!fon;.~-C~nl, or aaan~me-tl-t$ (If pn,,-'~:"c-edint;l tl-wu1\'It1,3 a <br />huk-fup:dt~. d\etl ttl1l-deJ' ill i..~i'.i optit,llu. upon 11{~~i~'f: l"U. JloH~J\\'ltJ, U'Ui<J maf..t" MK,h apfl(';;:e,-. d~j.bur~. ~u..:h <br />~. _,.~. Jw:tt-_iKt.iQn .~. tit ~e~l tH. Pf,i)';'~-i 1.~'~r".a. Hlt~n:-!i~ !ft'.,:h.jQin~, hut 1');\;;1 hrmtcli to. JJ5h-t~1~m~nt of <br />fq~ 4I!J~)'I.)1 ~.~ .~:<<tt'f \lpun fhe -P'f~f)(nty tq m4k~ it-r<MJ~. if L-crtdc.r !~-'oflJ\H':l,t Ht~)ftga~-e tn'>U_f;tl:H.:e d;;; ;; <br />{:\:~ ef... ~~_ t~ f%~l ~-,"~1:d .by th:~" Mvn&4~~._ a(tJfl.)~CT ,,'i,ha-U pal !nc pH~mwn'h ,1;":;,qU.flO;.j tI.} m;unhlw ~,ll<,.h <br /> rl'ri<'t \ldtif ~ft !.~..iJYl f~~ ~iUUYme~t h~f ~Udi In:!t\H~n\,.~t;- tCH'fhf1>il\:rr:. :tl !#'::('~H'd,HKi,; \-;.'Hh 8orro'wil;'r's ..m:d <br />