<br />I
<br />83.-1lCt4903
<br />
<br />not personally liable on the Note or under this Deed of Trust. and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agree to extend. modify. forbear. or make any other accommodations with regard to the terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust or the Note. without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed
<br />of Trost as to thai Borrower's interest in the Property.
<br />n. NOIIee. ~cept for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />llorrowo!r provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />oddR'SSed to ~ at the Property Address or at .uch other address as Borrower may designate by notice to lender
<br />as prorided herein. and tbl any notice to !..ellder shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address .tated herein or to
<br />sucit other oddnss as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice prorided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed 10 have hem given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. ~ Lawl s..w.bIlky. The state and loeaIl..... applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the
<br />jurisdiction in wlticlt the Property is loc.aled. The foregoing ....tence shall not limit tbe applicability of Federal law to
<br />this Deed of Trust. In the evenllhal any prooision or chwse oflhls Deed of Trust or the Note confficts with applicable
<br />la... >uch conflkt .hall not affect otbet' provisions of this Deed of Tl1J$1 ".. the Note whiclt can be given effect without the
<br />conftk1ing prorision. and to this end the prorisions of Ibis Deed of Trust and the Note are declan:d to be_able. As
<br />used herein. "costs". "e.penses" and "atl~' fees" lI1dude all.ums to tbeextent nOl prohibiled by applicable law or
<br />Iimiled herein,
<br />14. lIGrroww's CApy. Bom>w,,, shall be iurnt.h<:d a ""nfurmed copy of tbe Note and of this Deed of Trust at the
<br />'ime of enaltlGO or after """"rdatlOn here<>f
<br />l~, R~_ '-- Avee-t, !lo~ wall fulfill aU of Born>wer's obligalions under any home rehabilita.
<br />Hon, tmpro't"flllut, ft':'palt or other ~O.L'l it~l whKll Borrower cnten into with Lender. Lender. at Lender's option,
<br />f'la" reqUIre B""",,",,, t.) .<<<;ut. .l1d ddi'~1 fO Londcr. In , rmm acceptabl" to Lender, an assignment of any righls.
<br />"'aim, '" de{_ >>inch BO!IroWff may ho.. 0113'''11 parties who supply labor. materials or ..!'Vi""" in connection with
<br />.mpt'O\'c:n'ul.,tl.ll madtt !:;f~ !he- Pf'lpt!'1J
<br />16. T.........dIe~:"'rr ",....L if all or any part of th. Property or an intere.t
<br />there11l 14.11014 or traner.rud I:>y !)orr""",,' ",it.bout "..ndee's prior written oem..nt,
<br />eCludi"'f !aj te.. c....t.~on ot a lien 0' ..ncl&llCr.nc. eubordinatllt to tills Deed of
<br />Trt.se. :bl t..... ",.,aUon of A ;;>uecn... ......ey 'u.cueity inter..t. for nou..bold appli-
<br />a.-. or :C) A ua_ter by ""'.1_. dltac.."e or by opotraeion of law upon the deatfl o~
<br />a lotlu; tenant.. lAnd.r _yo at :'ender'. opt.,1on, d_ur. all tIte su.. ..CIUed by this
<br />Peed of n"st to ~ ,-.the.ly due and ;>4y.bl.. :".nd.r shall have w.ived such
<br />~ion to &CCel.rat.. if. pr 10e to tll<t sale or tor "nat.,. !..<olldar and the pertlOn t.o
<br />..bola we P,,,,,,,,,rt.y i. to Dc !lold '" uan.terred reach ..qr.e_n<: it> "1: itin'1 that. the
<br />crttd1t. of _uet> peraon a ..tafact.ory to L.nder and t.'at the inte,..st. payaol. on the
<br />._ """,r<td by tIn. Dc<td ",t '!'ru.t. $"al1 t>e at .ueh rat. as :....nd.t s"all request,
<br />It lAMer .....ee..... Sucll "p'non to aceel.tAlt., Lender shall ....\1 Borrower notice of
<br />ace.lA.catto-n in .<\-C'C'C-rd.ance ..U~...~ ?Bcaqrapft L~ nerlltOf. Such i"\o:"Cice 9hall pcO'Vide a
<br />per l~ ot. :'X)t t... tfl4n 30 -,1.y. t'roa !:he .-late t.h. 'jot lee is u11~d or del.ivered
<br />~lL~.n wnlC~ ~~r:~f ~y pay tn. 3uaa declarod due. It Borrower fails to pay.uch
<br />.~ ?r~oJ: t.o '4..". "'k'Pu:"e.t,Qn of j:~ch ~rtod~ :"end., .:aAy, ""it..."\out.. furth..c nQt1.ce or
<br />j.-.nd on Dorr~f. :~vo~. ~ny r~le. pec.ltt~d by paLagrapn 17 nec&of.
<br />~.-L:~Ho1(J'aiiC Co~ ......~.:\X'i..)_ tk,.~ .;.m1 t,-cn..:l-er fur1nf'f C'o-\-e-rtant .uitl <liift':'t': a..!i toihjrlA-'"\:
<br />11, "............1 11____. f:U?p< ... _.ided ... puqnllOiJ II> k....t. "PO" Uorro_', bral<'1; of any t'Oflftullll
<br />~...-'" a--;., tllallM401 TtWl. ""'...... lJomtwet:'. f&llwtt 10 P"" b, lhe on<! oIlO.aleadar days alter
<br /><be, ... -....., ._............ in ..bit 0_ ..t T...... 1__ pflor to ....,...,.,._.h.M V'" nodat 10 Borro_ ill
<br />~.. ~ 12 "-I _if,l"" <Ii the........,., ,Zlt......""" ",,!oln:d to..... ....b b.....,b. i3l. dale. nol
<br />It. due zn dars l~ the ...'" .ia _ .. m",""" ,,, Uorro_.. b, ..1mb ....11 bn<<1; mUll k "..Rd; ...d !41 that
<br />r....... ... ...... .""ll b~ll .... '" Itfl'_ 1M dia<e ......dlo<l ... lbe ....Iktl m., rfl4i1 In ..,~tiq.. oIlk s.._ HCUrod by
<br />IlUs 0...; 0.(. TnotI ,..... .a1. ..c ,a" "-"" "'" .._ .hatl Ivli>R iAf""", ll<<rowe, "lib" rlgbl '0 ~j...tate aller
<br />..-.,.t... _ liw rI&l>I t" b..... . """" act..... I" __ tiw _.is_..f . .o.taull.... ""1 other del...... of Bono..."
<br />'." ___._!loII ....d .... It lhe bAkh is _ .'and''''' or i><f..... lhe dau~_ ..' .. r's
<br />..,-. ...., ....d_ ..U at .he ..-. _ b, tba v.d ..i 'I",,", '" be I .' . her
<br />.....d...... _, ......lol. Iia po_ ..t We ...d..., ..... .--..dIes ptr1ItllUd by en ded
<br />......... .u...-...........; n~ ~ la pv4....lhe ~ C,
<br />bwt..... !ltttIteoIio. r-w. at........... 1_.
<br />I{ lloa po_..t.... laYOl.ftl. r...."'" .Mlll"KGfd . ...._ oj defull ;., """I; ""'..., in wblcb lb. ProperlY or ,ome
<br />~......................; oiuIrU lIUllI....,... of ,...". _ itJ tha ...__..reunbed b, """U,'JObl. law '0 Bono...r ....d
<br />m tiNt.... ...- ~ '"', ~ law. Aft<< lhe ..... of .ud. 14M ill <Da, be requl..<i b, applicable law.
<br />T_ doaII.... ptIItlk _ ot.. 10 liw po.- iUldlD tha.....- ",__ribod by applicable law. TnalH. withoool
<br />~ .... s..n........ .h<oil oriltlN P.....,n, al plll>Uc &lKtlolo i<> the bl....1 blddK "I 'k time ....d .."",. ....d ...... the
<br />_ ~ ill ....- '" u.lo la """ <K"""'" ~ &ad in ."clJ "'....r... Tnt>..... mo.y "'~l"". Tnulee m.,
<br />pllIIIIpMe .. of all '" ..., j>V<'ri of Uw p~ b. "..bile _....._t ILl tbe time ...d pi,," or ..., p,."io..l,
<br />................ ~.... !..mclR'. ~ ma_ pun:n- the Property ..I "'" We.
<br />e...... ~ <I:f ~ of It", l'rtoe !riO. T....- st.alj ddl'.., I" tbe p....,ltaMr TrUll...', deed c.....e'iatl the
<br />P...,......, ..... .'rbe ,.,.;..... ill the Tna.." deed thall It<, prl_ lacIe ..kletKe "I lhe tru.h o{ the stat_I>> made
<br />'........ r_.........., ,bot ,........ "llho We I.. lhe foll""'''1 0"""': ,at to all ............bl. .!>tlt ....d upe_ ollhe
<br />Mk.ladtotIitIt. bu.t _lUSdted <<I. r nalH" f_ ........11, iucvnd of no' ........ Iban ' Nl" . , , ", of tbe Ir- tal.
<br />,......,.--w. ~,,' l_ and <<lito ,.(. tide ."idetla:, ibi '" all....... _ured b, Ibis D...d of Trutl and !cllbe 0..
<br />.-. il _" liD tiNt ..- ... ,..... .....lJ ...tltlM thento.
<br />lL .......-.. R.Jc.lu tQ R~. ;"i-("!~'iH~"!ilUJ1"lmJJ Lf.ndt'r'\ Ji(,'(;e!,ef3t1t1:fl t,t the <'UHH ..~;;.'urt'd b\' Ih!,. l~ of
<br />''fnt4f. t1uc tu Bottu.et'~ ht1~-ilCh. ~.)tTO.i!"l .'\.h3ii have' ~~e f1ght h} h.A\'c An~ pro,,"t:('tjwt\ b.egun by Lender to enk'lfCe fht\
<br />~ ~ Tnu,! d~ti:fH.r<<t ;I! &tty Um-~ p-rior tf~ the t':4:rh>!tt 1(1 (X''C\H ot ql th'C fifth {j.l~ hrriort' th~ \<11e uf rhe Property
<br />P-~~Qt f~ ~ ~ of ,""it OO.flta.Jned in thti !)e-(:d i)f l'ru\t (lr iu) ~nf,r'f of a Judgm.cnt tntofclll~ Ih.$ ~cd 01 Trust d:
<br />t.r &on-~e' pt,~ I.t!mkf .tH .um... wh:td.1 Ilr~)uh1 he lhcn due under thi~ L~ of Trtl~r ~nd :he N.Q(t had no iKcderaHrJO
<br />~~~ t,bj ,8on~ cutn AU hrradlt:\ ~lf .ny {?-thu t'ttYenanh t'f J:~m-ent~, n1 BtJtTv.'~f (lmt~IHM U1 Uns l~ of
<br />-rnrst; <<,.', Ik_~ :pal': ,*It re""Mm.tbi-t: o\'!ipl:.n,se,& jn-eurred t>-y Le-ndtt ;lod TrtU\ttt i'l1 e:rlfm'CHlfl fhe c\)\'enanu .and
<br />~tl'Qt~ (>>nt~Jfft'd In lfti!j, D<<td Qf'fnnt ,l.no ~n e-ntfJn.'ln~ unde-r-'t ;loa l"ru"te:e'~ femedl~ <is pruYltl.e\1:n
<br />P"Ml&'t~ t "! ~)t'n"(){ an:Judin-l~ bU, n:~'4 hm~ted H), t-ca.~ifi.abh~' ""t-un'Tte~" ti"eS. :lnd 1,dl 8<)rr~'l-\\'(,f t.Jk,t':'i: 'ti.H,'h .aL'tlon 4..\
<br />L~<< m., r~~..t~t.,Y n:qiuft' ~(t ,i~~tftt'" th#t I,~ hen u1 tit"' D~ ",f !"rUM. Lcn~kf" H1h~~t m th(' Pr-npcrt~~ ;ino
<br />~U'~" OO-h'~K#! t.:n 1'1>t"j th>l{'wm'-~:f'eufro tn-' tht' fktd nt Trt,ui \fJiitiil.."'>Jfl1lnue u-n(m-;'1.A~r""d t-ilt-.1t1 \!.1>._'h p>t:rment and
<br />::'oUtC' b-1 ~~. th-u t~l uf !tl';i'!-J: and tnt- '_JbH.g:aH<m) 'iCi;\,tt't",:1 hert'b, '\i1',tjl r~m.;lHi: t(1 tuB f(,tt:'~ and dl~ct ,,\s 11 rt(~
<br />K<<jlU,jJ'~~{~t b:ad- {lltJ;:~JfNt'd.
<br />