<br />I
<br />
<br />83--+104903
<br />
<br />If Borrower pays Funds to Lender. the Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of whicll are
<br />insured or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply
<br />the Funds to pay said tues, assessments. insur&nCl! pn:miums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding
<br />and applying the Funds, analyzing said account or verifying aDd compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender
<br />pays 8orroweT inletest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower aadLeDcla'
<br />may agree in writing at the time ofeD:CUtion of this o-t of Trust that in_ on the Funds shall be paid toBonower,
<br />and unless such agreement is made or applicable law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall DOl be required
<br />to pay B~ any interest or earninas on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. without cl1......mlUUlllll
<br />accountinl of tbe Funds showing cn!dits and debits to the Funds aJId the purpose for ..\rich eacl1 debit to thePlllHls_
<br />made. The Funds are pledged as additional Slll::W'ity for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amOUDt of the Funds held by Lender. togetber with the future monthly inslldlmeuts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates oflUJilS..-IS. iIIsutatlce premiums aJId ground rents. shall exceed the amount requiredtopa)' uicl
<br />t&.U$. a.ssemnems. i__ premiums aJId sround rents as they fall due. such excess shall be. at Borrower's optioa.
<br />either promptly repaid to Borrower or cn!dited to Borrower Oft monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the
<br />Funds held by Lender shall DOl be sufllcicnt to pay taxa. _metlts. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall
<br />due. Borrower shail pay to Lender any amount necersat'Y to make up the deficieDcy in one or more payments as Leader
<br />may require.
<br />Upott payment in full of &II sums SClCUl"fld by tbis Deed of Trust. Lender shall promptlyre:fiuld to Borrower any
<br />Funds held by Lender. If undet panpp/:l 17 hmoo{ the Property is sold or the Propmy is otherwise acquired by
<br />1.nIdet. Lend<< sh&ll apply. no lata' 1!wI immediately prior to lhe sak! of the Property orin *""uisitioa by Lender, my
<br />Funds held by Lend<< It the time of appliutioa as 8 cn!dit apinst the sums SClCUl"fld by this Deed orTrusl.
<br />!. ..n'1 'L.." ~ UtIIm applieable Ia.. pt'ln'idcs othenrise. all payments received by Lender und<<
<br />lhe Notle aad parqrapbs I and 1 hereof shall he applied by Lender fim in paymeflt of amounu payable to Lender by
<br />Borrower liIlda' pancnplI 2 heret>f. t!leu 10 iateTftt payable on the NOle. and l!leu 10 the principod of the Notle.
<br />4. P1W ~.... 0... 01 T_ ~ u... Borrower shall perform all of 1Iorrower\ obliptioas
<br />IInder any mort... deed of trust or other 1ClCUnty a.........enl 0<"11 . u... which has priority <Wet thls IJ<!cd of Trust.
<br />Iftdu4m, iIom>wer's COYftWIt1 to lUke p"""""u .-Ilm due. 8ortower shall pay (JC cause 10 he paid .11 lUeS.
<br />_r. &04 otIIn ch&r1Jl'l. fiaes and Unl"'"'tlmu attnbutabk to I ~ Property ...hich may attain a priority OYer Ibis
<br />Deed ofTt'IlSI. lAd ~ pa,rMIltJ ,,. rro-<I N:.ftU. If Ur'
<br />5. B-.l '--. iIom>wer \hall bop I~ Im~u "OW <I,m". or "me.lter ere\"ted OIl I~ Property
<br />illSUftld apnIIt ......If, fire. haunts ,oeludal ""tllm the rerm "crtetlded ({wCTIlII"" ud "tCh other lIuarm as Lentlet'
<br />may ""lUint and to ...... _, and for oudl ~ aO Lead... mllY ""'l"'"',
<br />11lc ............ c_ pnMd"'I 1M ,.............., \hall ~ d'Qktl by ~ >ub,"," !ll AWO"al by Lender: providec:l.
<br />that such approval sh&II .... ~ "......-.bl. ..."lthdd Ail insuran<< Jl"i......... and ,.""",,,a thcn<>f shall he III .. form
<br />~ to Letadcr and \hatlltl('ludt a uaad.llrd .........11... <:I....., It. f&vor oj IU>d ltl A form ...~;rt.,*, '" Lender.
<br />Leftder sh&II It.... u.e ntht to h<lid the Jl"iKtln and _ai, t~. wbJll<! w thc ",,.,m <>I Airy mottlall", dft'd of trust
<br />'" O!M ~ ~ .,th alicJl-llldt h...l'f1""rty 'Wt'\' fl.., t......., "j Trun
<br />In the _ of~. aom-.- shall ..." ~;rt __ '" the ....wr""".., <;,,'1'1<< .rtll Lend<< Lend.,. "'At mue p<<>o{
<br />of"* If..... made Pf'Xft9l.lylly ilom>wet
<br />lflhe Propwty.. a~ by ~. at ,I ~ flUlo 10 ~ I" Leooer \>uhm1ll d... hwn rhe ,UIt!
<br />_"'" .. _led It)' Letldcr to ~ Ihall"" ,.......an<< < o.tt'I<< oliff" to ..tUe a <ia.m br m...,.....e l>c1>clll', under Ii
<br />..._~ to. ~ &ad >>ppt-, f(w- 1,11),ura.oce ~\ If Le.o6rf-, op.{k-wt t'tt~ ;~, r~Wf'iiltli)n or n:--past at tM
<br />Propony or 10 lhe._ -..1-..1 by Ill.. Deed ,t! i,....1
<br />.. r-..... .... ~r'.' un'" el ~I ~I ('....m! ....., I'lMMcl tail 0............... !k>r.
<br />"'"', l-hail k-t'!ep tiw ~ U1 ~ ~.pa;u. -&nd ~ not {'QiIb.-If:H! ~.l!(' \.H" ~lt _~mp.il;l,.fmttnt t~r j}'tcn{tf-3hon '-~' 1M
<br />Propaty and shatl romply ....tlll~ pnl"'ltlQCJ, u!.un k_ If .1>.. {~oll "',' ""n . iUKlv>k1. l! ,/'" l),;ed of TN\! '"
<br />"" . ulUt 1ft " road"...."1wn or . plal!lft<l<i """ 4n~.". 8<>ff,_r ,hall p<rlont> all of !lorTo,.n .. obiJp""'" uD<kr
<br />the dcdanllon ot ~acb c~UiI (:<I" fO'Vtinunt tnc o.'ondom-tfluun Of p~$JuJ.ed tH'Hi de"'~!Q-p-trn:"fH. rht' by-hlW\ and
<br />~iou of lbe c<>adom""um '" ",JUIl'lOd U<llt ~d"'pm""t, and <"""HI""".. 4",...mc,,"
<br />,. p--. ., ........ ~. If ~ flu" w per10mn the ,.'''CIIIlll> .nd ail''''''''''''!> conUI_1 In Ihlt
<br />Cited of Trur, or If any act_ <If ~'''e " ~"""""",,,'ed ..h..,!> nu,,,naJlr .tt",-'t, t"rtller , ,"Ie"'" '" lite I'rop<rty,
<br />IheB L.ceder. at 1..._:, optlolt. up<lCJ "once 10 ~r. !I'l'~ malt" "",ll ..."":or.n,....., d"hu'K 'u<h ,ums. mdudi..g
<br />~~' fees.. ilIIld talte _-h ""tlOft ... It -r '" 1>""<<1 under', inl"'",I, If t",ooer ....qu,f'<!d mOftllar
<br />~..a oooclmortofmakinctlle 101m illCUrtd try Ih" 0<1<<101 'f,,,,,C !l.)!1'''''c. ,h..1 "... lite pn:mmm' ...qulrtd 10
<br />mamtam...... ~ III dfec'luntH'ud1 t"".. .. the ""QU'n:tt\erl1 rot ,,,ell '1Wl1"""" 1"""''''''6 m "",~>nl..""" Willi
<br />~'. and Letsdier'. _tteft.....-I<< appl",,,ble law,
<br />.\It, ~U ~ by uft<!er ~uan. !" lb>l, paragtaph ',\>'1111 mt,,""'1 ,~, ., ''''' Not" "Ie, ,hAIl
<br />~ ~~ ~~.ed.~ cl" ~~...r' ~-l~~ hv tho!; r~~ ;~f T~f.~- L:t!p..... ~~~~~-~'f J.fid Un-kt i.t.1'1:'it ~~}
<br />Olhcr _ of paymeet, sudI _lilt ohall ll(' P4,,,bIe "p"" _1<:" from tend<< w lX,n,,"er reqU"'"DS P HM"I
<br />tbeoao[ NocItiort ~ in tbis par....pIt 1 sh.all r<q"'r;, LeD<k. ,<> ""'lIf ;01lJ "'pcm~ C'f I"'.... all' ""I"'" l>eN:uD<kf.
<br />i~ It - f -1- ~ iAader tnay tnake or eavK tiJ ~ mi6e ~aotl.-Ok t11.tfifi UpGii .fiG m.yn.'1<<J<<l$ oj' thtc f\(#'y:rty.
<br />~ 1.Il&l Lender shall 8M Bon.-. !lOti<< pnor 10 ..nr "",It 'nspcdlOO 'p""'fy\ng .....""'..bl. c..""" Il>eN:ior
<br />mate.t to ~', intenst III the Property,
<br />.. C, - The ~ of any award or datm for d.....llF". ct,l"C<'t or c""",,quem...!. In conn""l_ "'1111
<br />any..........tioa or O(her t.alr.itItl of lhe l"roytnotty, or part lherrof, ,.. fQt' c""ve.-.""e '" !I," 0' ,'oad_fla"M, .rc
<br />lterwbf ~ llIl<I shall he paid 10 LelI<ler. ,ub,..,r 1<, lite It"t'IIU of ....~ m.1ltIl:8ll'" ,,""', of "'... "" otller ""...ot1 agn>e'
<br />_ wish a I... trhieh hat priorily_lhis Oecd of I....n.
<br />1.. __ NOll ..... F..-...- It,. t...t.M l'fof . w..... bl......'>lI ul 'M II"'" for I".ymtml '"
<br />~tioa of~ of lhe _ S<<\iAd by 11m [lftd oj Tn.t:st !!f"11I~ by l.,ftde< In any 'II,,,""""" '" ""~ of
<br />-.-Ihllll_ ~1Ome-. inM)' _.Ihe liabilIty olllteot1g>"lIll:loffl._ ami 8<"""",r. ."""'~ III
<br />~ ~.JftalI._ be ~ 10___ ~i. .;opllW ...ctl !illCrei..>t ... Iduo< IQ .,.t.oo hme k'f P4Y'
<br />--........1II04il)r ~lolr.,fthe WInS -....i by d"s Oecd 01 Tru\1 by rea"'" 01 an. d.m....d made! "" Ih<c
<br />~ '-'- ..... ........'. _-"" lD ,,,_, AllY llJfl>t...~ b' Len<iff tn .."..m"1! 4"Y 0~11l ,,' r<me<iy
<br />~. Of.~ ~ try awlicabk !i..., \haI.I 001: bot . _8'_ >>1 or p..edftdr 1M ..erci>.c of an. '....h nanl ''>f
<br />I'l!IlIe4r,
<br />U.s.-. ... ~ ....... J'IIlItt ... s.....I Ua.blllI1. (~. rh~ <U-U"tI1" .Ild .~t<'C""nh
<br />~ ~ thailllttftd..llIl<Illllf rit!ltu ~nder ,hatl .""'te 10, Ih<c ,""'''''''I''~ ""'':''''''''', .!l<J '''''gn. ." L",nd..,.rtll
<br />~.,~ Iv IIllf ~ m p...."Ifaplt I.. h.......I,<\11 ("'Wit,,,,,, 400 .,...,.,.""" nt !J;;>n'I1"'" .hall t>< ~Hnt ...d
<br />~^ A.,- ""~.bolo'9~B'-th" o..d.-QfTrojt. buf d~Jn.tlQ~ ~,'(-t"Oft(' t~ .N-ol(-.i,'''}l~{''J...~tfl"~n. th~~ [~d nt lr-t.U!.
<br />~t {,g..ar_.t.ad <<JU~,- thM BurfOW'f'f" tn'-tf-flf!.t1 Htt' Pf'Vptt'!\' h~ rrn:~t<<' und:t! ~hf.' t~" of lhe\ L~t I)f TnJ\L -iht.\
<br />