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<br />",83- <br /> <br />uu4870 <br /> <br />9. Condt'mnafion. Th(, pr()t; 01 any award i,lf d;Unl for darnagt;'s, direcl or 'i.'ol1sequcnljal. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Prnpcrty, or p.:lrt thereof. Of for ('onvcY3ocC in iieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shaH he paid to Lender, <br />tn the evenl of j. to(:'I1 taking, of the PrGpeffY, llw pmcecd\ shall he arr1itt! to the snOl-S secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />with the excess. if ,111)', paid hl Borrower. 1ft the ('\'cnt of a paf!l~1l l:iklllg oi lhc ~)rorc(1Y. unless Borrower and Lender <br />othefWist! agree in writing, there .-,hall he ~q)pli('d ,.. the sums ;i;l,.'Cllred hy 1111'. Deed (\t TrLlSt such proporlion of the proceeds <br />.<.1.1 is equa' w thar proportion which th~ <imount ot tl~e ,>um~ ~ccurc-~ by this Deed of Trust im.mediately pr~or tn the dale of <br />taking hears to fhe fair market value 01 the I>roperlY nnmedmtdv pnnr hi the Jate of taking. wuh the bal::tnce of the proceeds. <br />paid f() Borrower. <br />If the Pro-peny i~; ah;tndom~d r.y HI.)f(pwer. or if. .liter fh)ti~'e by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor offers to, make <br />an itward or 'i('!nh.~ _;'l i..'t;um h')f d>1m.'lge~, BO(:"(~wl'r I.HI" 1" [>:'"Jffi'ltld to l.cmkr \\llhin 3-0 days: after the date 'such notice j~ <br />maitr:d. LcndN hi authorrzcd to coHc1.:{ ~nd apply the pn_\-,:ccd5', :It Lcndcr'~ option, either to restoration .or- repair of tbe <br />ProperlY or 10 the .' s.e:cured hy thi~ Deed .:}.f '~ru$t ,,_ . <br />Unlcs!i. Lender :\nd B-tHr,Jwcr ,)th~n.\'!se agrl:t' In \>"rHwg. any such appli\;:a[lon nt pmcecds 10 pnnclpai shall not extend <br />-or postpone the du-c dJh.' (If lhe mmuhly l;1sl:dln1e-rH~ fi:ferrcd ltl H1 raHigr:Jphs 1 and 2 here-of or (Change the amount ,of <br />~uch l!lstallmeob. <br />10. 8onow~t" Nor Rtk-ased.'h)l) pt (h~ rime t;l-f payment or r11r\\.hfic.1ii(lO of amortization of the sums sec~lrcd <br />hv thi~ {ked of Tru<.\ granted hy I f;m1er L] ;1l'!Y st!cc::'iS.~).i ;0 irHtr('~f (Ii 1l000TO\,,'-er shaH 1)0[ to release. in any manner, <br />the banil,ity of lnc t'n,gH'laJ B,Jrrvwer ;,ad Bnrrc:wer-.:; -SUC...C!h(lrS If! Interest Lender ~haH not be required (0 -commence <br />r;rn-c-ccthng1 ag.3u'l.'H ~tK-h \UC-CC'>'inf ilr n:tu':i.-C 1\1- eldiC'nd "me t~)r p.Jyme-ni \~r (otherwise modify ,un-ortil.ation of. t~e-sums <br />"ecufcd o-v fhi:s Dct'd of Tnl"H h..- n:;:l\(iH (It .1.;1\-- d~'m;lnd hy lhe nngmal !h--.rrowcr ~nd lliJ.ITower's 5UCCCS-S{."lni In mterest. <br />t L FH('~':.u3nt't' bv Lt'ndu j'\;ot ;ill \Vai'\'f'f"< f"'(O;;',;if.J.ncc hy 1 ende-r ,n J:\erd'l.lng an\, right ()r remedy hereunder. Of <br /> <br />\!\~~~:~~u::;:;;~~~)/'l~~~l:~::~i~~l~:~ ,;:;~ p~:,~;~~>inl;<:~ ! ~~:'~ \~~~,l'~~::'/~~e;;; l:;r~~~:~~~~~~i l:~~ {~~:~;esh~:~t ~:~~ ~~h w:~K~:r ~:f r~:~:r~f.; <br /> <br />Hght 40 ac-cc,!era!e the tn;tiunt'-.,' >"r lhe;;, lTh"'~',:'f'-;e-iJ~~\ ,,-\:,.('u;--cd h" \tw~ Deed nl fnr,-.l , . <br />t 2. Remt-d~ Cumutlltj-n". \11 lC:hl,'tlit,:.. i'~y..!~kd ,n !h.. n~~ed nl 1 ft!;l.! .If'; ,!lct ;md l;umlllaft...c h) an\' o(her rri:ht <br />._It rcmt"'d'J;" tnt-dCf th\\ eX-cd (-,f l' (d'}~ ,x c,dk'IJ-l.~d ~\ LIW ,-,r l~qtHI)'. li);):~ h.:- c:\;en.:t'>Cd t,:{~ncurrendy, md-ependently or <br />';.uc-ceu-n-'C'lv <br />13. StH'cn;t:On ...-.4 -\~~ &und: Joint 2ind ~'H't'aI LiabiUt.).: ('a priam. "{'be covenants and agreemenh herein <br />umt;;tnc;,J !.haH ;;'~HL MId lh~ ~;p:hH i~r-e-t;1Hk~ \h:itl {f,urc !<. :ht' ;;:~r~:'-"':!n-'(' ~lh,Li..",--.-.GtS. and ;;''iosigJl~ of Lende~ and Borrower. <br /> <br />;~~t:~~~~':u~~ .t~~~)~:;:~~:l;! ";~'; ~:r;~:~~i i: i~~:f~ ::1 1 hi: 1\_ .~~~:tn JH ~-if .~,~;J"f :~.~ cem,e,f:fl'~C~:,flC~:~l;r~~~~I~~ ::~~ liii~ee ,~-~::n:o a~~ ~~;~r~~ <br /> <br />'l,~t'rPfef nf dC-fi::h.~ lhe pr!:~-'o"H;n;\ hereof <br />'14. :"\t)fk~, l'-_\"':;;:Pl !-;~r ,~:n nuL~->: !t'"i\i:!-cd ~~n~!e-; i....~ :,' b-;::' ;:;,vcn ;;-j ano-rhc-r H13.nner. i.U any n(,flc_e. hJ <br />H~H!-(\....'tr p-w~}dcd it!r ~::'l !t'm D...--C~1 ,'d Tnf\! \n;{~l he gn'C~t <;ucn n,wi..:e- .!~\' (CfHtie-d m:tii addre!L'l:c-d ti) Born)wcc :it <br />he pr;,'_'peny ,\dJtcu t-'( :;)1 ,m:h .,!ht-!' .1d-dt-{.",~, .h Ih,rrt.t.\.-\.! .*,\: n(~!Ii:'C h\ 1 ("thief ;ij pnw1lkd herein, ::tuJ <br />h ~ :nl); l1.otlCt h! t -cnde-.r ..h.Hi he ~,I-en ;->1; d."fHtH.:d n:;ld_ rdurn :t'..'~lrt lt~'4tH~,,:c,L t:, I 't'ndcr\ addrcs:s ':>latc-o herem or l(\ <br />\u(h "thcr .;a,Udf("'\;\. ~:t t cnJ.~r ~:1J. - ~'-. ;1;>-,\..,<: t~, Hufttl~~r .h j'f!\Yiue-{1 hereln_ ,'\n\' IH)IICe pHlVided It)r In this <br />U'l:.--e-'il '.)f TnJ11 ..ffilH he Jc~_m.l;J. 'c, h,.J~-e. B'lOf,'WC-I' '; I nul;:, \\o-.::n gj\'en III tho;" m-ilnocr uL"Xtgnated hcr~lO <br />IS. (~ltifo'f'''' Ut'-t"d (J 1.r<1."I; GUVHntntt; :1."-: ~-'H.t1lbUih" ill'> !,'ftTl \'; d<..,t'li \II !lU;.{ \,.\imnltle\ umtorm (:o~(e"tlamS h1-r <br />;l.;.t-'-t)n~\ -JS",C ".;~d f">t~n-1Ht-,[i.)rrn -'-',~~~.a!1~'> W;H. i:: .J!t'-/ "l-"',J.~,.,~n~ 1"', "'1:i'.da,11"!1 h' .:url"~dUTe a unilnrm ~ccunty :n~tnllllenl <br />'~)"Cnn_~ T<'.;ii f11,'> nCfO\.l ..' ,,-\'d ~.,y the iyttt.' ,\! ,he In which the Property t,O:< Ij)~:lled <br />!H d}(:' n'~n! I ~<~'d <he :'--"l,' ""It/) .trrhcah!e law. :.u-cn ;;IHllh~t ~h:lH <br />'ul ~dlc;;:~ ~':hl:-r ~~, _Ie ....-h,,!~ !;.'1!'e--Cl wllh\HH rhc ":\1fllht"tln~~ prO"I'ih.lIL <br />,In-d h, (h~j. ....nti- rr,,.l\ ',>:>,';a , . ~h-J;' !It~ ~t::\-cf.:\blc .. . <br />16. B-orruV'l"""' (~QPY< H':"l.n;,~""u ,.;T~d .;. ,-,t~'f ,'I !i,,--, N.HI";' ;Hid of lhi, D-C'cd ~)i r! ~13{ ~J,I {ht: time <br />.! t:~e~uH-(,:i pi }:Ht'i' f,:--('\~t~-.l:.H.- n",,-"u~\., <br />I', rr.mlt't uf i~- r-n.lf.K.,t.,~ .'\""tnlpt~Ul. .j", <br />") H-us("w-(:~' wHh<:~tJt !,.endt~ ~ ;~~,,~! ,~,"-,b,'!~ <br />,hn DttJ d Tt\:f'l:1 <br />.h.~\'(;f;fit <br /> <br />4ii 0,~\h~;;J:!h-il'''!o. ;,;j.-j,e.. <br />Sf LO:'lH:!-e, nt',. <br />..-.;;tJ~fJ.t:ph i.l ~':i:':f0-'. 'l.h~' <br />.....-n~.:h lkHh';<l.t::; '~;.:-" :'.;-. <br />t Cl~. 11\:;1'1-_ ~Hh-~>,;. <br /> <br /> <br />l:n' F,~'~ "j !~',' I'n'I'\'H" ,-: ..<L Bn(~ft:..t rhc!{,l!' IS ',old i''- ll',lil'it-cn~d <br />;" 1-:';:- \ ;~.'ll;<,'il ,,( .. :'-fll 1.'1 ("a..ulnbr.lIKe ~t!t'or,-hliak- I,' <br />,-('.;(.Jell\> ,:,:("!r"ol 1.'" hj\~l,>dit,.;...j ..pph~"lrH::cF.. ;\.-./ J rr;lno;,!cr h". dev,v:" <br />\,1 ,i.i',; kd')-chphlllih:tt".t f'( lnn:,e' '.~'':U ~ \', lev, <br />>\,1 :hc HliH'i ~,,'..-U!cJ I" !h;~ ["}<,"cd 01 rfl!'\1 hl h' <br />"!dl- ,'rl-', J;~...d.:,.1\\' '!, ::'ffOF "I lfW ....dt: '.'1 p'.:n~fl.'r l-er..Jc! <br />~'l->rnr;:~; '0;: ;l;t~{."t"!1;,"~nl H l%'td'n~ ,h~i the ;,redlt \d .,.,H:h pChUlI <br />^:(' .J'~,.J /,>", }:,t"i. n{;e.Q ,'"II 1 fl.),' "1I;;.1J I).~' ,;f ";,h.h I,\!t;" ;1.\ <br />;'i"!",,it:d ,'~ IN.h p~H.i1:r",ph J "'l~l<j il U.':Ht1'W(~I'> ';.!.h(t:\'inr <br />n .....;-d~nf '1', t t:'lth;._ i t:nd-el ~h"\H idc:aC\c U.,rl;'WtT 111111\ <br /> <br />:;,!~ <br /> <br /> <br />-nHt\C:~i~tej'l- <br />.!..!H_t lh(" ~'1oC"t!!\.;}Q ~" ",,-h<")'1. :hl;" i"-n;,<"' <br />"\ l;.;'lh$iA-..:hv.c', (,- i i-~H'-:.::" ~r,~ in..;.: ,i-,~ ',l~,;t,~~i <br />L.",>\k-t '\l1--J:li a'-qut'""l <br />.ntefCi; f',\~ <br /> <br />'.._P..;-w <br /> <br />Hi'H'-'",G: j,,~j!~'(;' (of ,H"...t~icr..lIIPn in :1,:,,;'.:rd,;Jn\;-{~ ,.\ ;!h <br />.:~!\ !;i'-IH (he J;.lle lhe n'{il.,o.:- )\ nl':'Hkd Wllbm <br />.,1 f''''' "'I.h "L.rn.. i~Il(H It! Ihe ~_\p~rOitlf.}ll i'f 'tlJi.;h ;"tI.'ll~-"d, <br />.'d' 1.::li{'..),I.", p'CI1adl('l..! hy p.lf;)~fjtph 1~ fil'fi.'l'l <br /> <br />"'~I}~,t ....t!- ,Jl!M {""'~"d..";'''' ;'},'I1.'''''-l;' _",,,; i ,-,'..:<:' ,.H,Mcl' ~,'.n~ni~;.I <br /> <br />i.I~h:J; .F< I>.:dluw~; <br /> <br />f5, '\nck..lwft. KN.uf-dk",. t \-(ltpl 4';. plU~j.dnl in ~..f;.te:f".-sm t1 hN':-U-t". upon B-orru....f:'t"'\ bt~~b of an)' \OU'fUUU or <br />at........nt I.lf 1lm~"~1 .n dll~ nN".t of 'f ru~l. mdu-du1& ttK rO\<<nanb to P~) wh-t-n dttt' any !lolt"" ..t"t.ur~d h~' thk Df'~d <br />0-1 h...~ l~udt-r 1""'>> Iu ;t-l.i,;(,kUb.Ul !on...! ftwU h-ut<<," hi BWfU~(-1 It!!> pw\td-e-d in pac'..,apts 14 hereof ~pcdfY'flJt, (l) thr <br />b<<xh; tZ, fM Kit... tC'ttvu~d ht ~ uu~ 'IU,'-b bn-.....h; Ij~ . d.1Ii~, ROt i~ than ,\() dliff}" frum th<<" cbltt' 1bt' h-OtiU " maU"d (0 <br />Bot-rO..f, b) .,.hila "U<!,.j, brtad') Htw.& be' uu",-; 2nd t4J in.' t.ihue fu ,'uu~ ~ud, b",~b (~n Qr ~fur't the d.t-e !IopnUird <br />fn (h.. ~"~C' .., h~ o.H:dn.illKWI (.If fb~ ~n" ~\.'Ul'f'd h~ Ihh. I~u lif rruu ~nd 'ltaSr of tbt" r-ropt:rty. 'fhC! llOlKt <br />"'-itaIJ frula.n iaf(\(lQ a...-fV$'\-t'f vi ltwo- Tich! 'U uuw~t(' .hrt ~'.['-d("f/;llwn- and tM fleW..., bti-ot a t"u-urt action to atIt"rt <br />l*", ntm.~dst~C' ul .. 4-rt...dt Of *hJ Qthff df'J~~ (,t lk'l-fJu..-c-r tv at'u-lfflltron and uk. I' tht' brf'at-b b nol (urtd <br />i.H1 Of ))di:)" thoe- dat.. '~i:dlfll in IlK' fit)-fk~C". L('nd~t #l t...mI-n<, upt<<tU ma.\' dtdau' idl of .hl" !.t.Ufm ~(un!'d b) Ihi\ lnfll <br />'01 Ttwd ~ k jcn~d) ,h_ and p.).bk- ,"-dbQ-~( furtft-r.- ftlllllJU' ~1Id- ma) iq~nkC" the- JKtwe-r uf wUr lI11d aD}' albu l",l<<din <br />~-nld.tnt b~ :applk-.bk .aoa. 1,.t,.gu.Jlail ~ i."ttU-tkd h't n)J1~-t .all f(,aMtaabk \(:h-b- .and nJ""Q:~~ in,...un<<-d in punut,ug .he <br />fe-me~ ""9\-idt4 ~ rb~ P&f-ilCfoapb t8. .ft:(~. but not tim"~ to, n:'~c- ~lIonlt)"J- f<<1i. <br />If _ ~..e-( 91 uk f:\ i-A~o..<<f, rtlAl<< \.h,alJ J"(<(:old 3t nutk... ;If tkbuU ~n elkb ('ounty in ~bkh Ih.. Jlmpert) or ,(Jill!:' <br />I'U't ......--t-oi" n. bK-lltC'4 .ami .ttan mat. ("~,.n <d lIlJd1- nuIK''t in 11M ItHillen vt"e!Jo('ri~ b)' .lIppU(.W~ I.~ Jo fl.orn:n"-n and to th~ <br />04Mt- ~~ ~tikd b~ ~aWc p.. t\ffff tlt..- ~w (:t( W4:'b lime as mal .bt- rtquirK bl applk.ble hi"" Tru.~('e- 'lhalI <br />ttfie ~ ~~-'f u! ~ 16 ttk f€'~ ad in rhi' Rl.\l8MJ pf~ci-be-d h, applit'>>hIe I-.1w. Tr-;m<<, Viithol,lt d'Crned on <br />"frO.... ~ wU fk rrept'ft) >>.1 puWte ~,""IWft lo fb(' hfJ!:'~r biddltT at Ihr ,i~ and ~ and utldf't too tf'rn:~ d~nattd <br />ill fa. GOtK~ ~,.f We- in 0_ w more- pa.!"f:c-b aM i~ "u:b. vtckf "" Trush."C' In., deft"-ruuM" ma, VO,.tpu,,< ~I~ or llU <br />{W' aD, pan:-d nf t'" p~, .by ~K a~e~1lt rt1 rn-r- fim-r .utd pl,<tt.'C' of >>n) pt<<""'lmN) ~Mdukd 53k. Ltpd<< Of' <br />LC'....,.~). ~ ma) pn:haK ta.. PNptU, alllo,. qk. <br />l:,.. f'ft'\'-"" ~ p-ymc:m'" {~ pt-k-e hkt. l"rtitff ~tudj tk>thn Id fbe purdtaM:'f' Tr'\Ktct::'~ d<<-d t'tlnl'f.\int the Ptnput}. <br />....... 1'.. nt'itak..JIII t~ T~"'!I> d~ ~ lM" vrun-a bd:f' Ptdt-U("e" C!f the- Cruth Qf the- :l.UU~mf-ftt.s tbtr~in. Tn.<at't' <br />...~ 1M t"~ HI I~ ~k' jq tN- fuilo'li'f'M otd(,f': tli) lu >>I. rdM)~ U.'-1 and u:pcft.'ia of rht uk. ifldudilll. but <br />~ ~ ttI. -' f~') fU'\:...If hUt JUVl~ lha# :>j i4 '1'- nt t~ (tOM Mtt~ p,i\:t-. t~bOrtabtf' aUOfOt'")'" f~" and co-\-" of <br />d... ..~-t-; ib) 14.tit WID!. &U'tUtu b, thili-I:>tt-d of 1 r~:: and h:'~ tht' t-U'fii. if fill), fn tb", VC'n.Gn !,if p.r-non\- Jt:uaJh t'ltAltlt"d <br />,---. <br />'fI-, ....rtf"';f_r~~- K~ to ~att". <br />B.;Hrt"~II:t.'t ~h~~i: h~,,'e the ttjihf h; !'H'~ <br />iP)' t;~i~ p-r~t:}f' !1.11h" c"the; 10- 0,;';;,. >.It .d Uj <br />;n rh.t-\ f^"'i~t ~,.t lH~:;'J ,,,.r hd (itB') ~ <br />ht' tht-t\- d-t,"t w'}'.kr th~~ O'e~.d ;4 <br />'l~ ~wt>J'IIf,;(-t <br />B*"(.f'1'''Y'l!I:t'i' <br /> <br /> <br />t\.:pdt.;r', ";l>;('i~f..t.!i~_iH 01 !h'\,' "--',Hll'" :',,-,\~ul.:d rh" f)<.~nj pi j r~!,,"!, <br />!::d~ lht' p.u~~II~':::;;I1~~~:l~::.~~r~(!klW~l .:h..-n:~\p,n\..i ;~! <br />~,{ "f fW..t '! nnI'P,H~-;t1 Pi!.... i t'nJc! <br />\ith"n~'-r."', l~ .,w/'. rLht n.(~ <br />"I n('1n'\"~r ,:\'n,;lif';i::,j ;h,... <br /> <br />~n ('~l~i)l:t~::~~~e., ~:~\';~~~i'~~~,t,~~,~lld r-.{f.~(l ,~ph 1 ~ <br />Ld;~'", ,\...-;. .il,. ll:n~kf i}1,l' r,;,\....~l;,1h;\ <br />'hC' f'r,:~~":ii;" H,.tn~'--"Is."f~ i.,j"l'~;tiHI;: 1.' r".~ <br /> <br />