<br />83- 004870
<br />
<br />UNIFOR:M COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. PaYJIIftlt 'of PriDrip21. -m lnt~rnt. Borrower 'ihall promptly pay when due the principal of and - interest on the
<br />indehicdnc!is evidenced by the Note, prepayment .lIld late charges as provided in lhe Note. and the' principal of and interest
<br />Oil any Future Advances !>ccurcd hv this IkC"d of Trust.
<br />2. Fmtds for Tnes nil tmnran<<. Subject to applicable law or tQ .a written w~liver by Lendet~ Borrower- shalf- . 'pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly instanments oJ principal and jmcre!lit are payaMe under the Not-c untit the Note-is paid' in- full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") -equal to one. twelfth t).f the yt.-3rly laxes: and assessments: whiCh may auain priority- over-'this
<br />Deed of T ftiSt, and ground re_nls 00 ths: Pn)J)Crty, If any. pius one-twelhh of yearly premium installments (or. hazard iosurance~
<br />plU$ ()nc~twdfth or-yearly premium instalfmcnls for tllongage Insurim~'-c. if .my, ;tU as reasonably ~sli:mated initially and from
<br />time to time by Le-nder or:. ~he basis: of a"'se~ments and hills and rC3.!n)nablc es-timale~ thereof.,
<br />The Funds shall he he.d in an institution the depDsits or :lccourlN of which are mS\Jrcd or guaranteed by a F:eder-al-_or:
<br />state .a!tcncy {including L-e_odcc if Lender i.. ~Ul"h an ifi$.titutionl. Lender 5,hall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, aS$eSS!'fiefits:;
<br />insura-nc-c prcmium~ and- ground frnts. Lender may not ;.;harg... for so hold-jog_ and appi:;il1g: the Fonds. an'alyzing-sai(faccoum
<br />0( verifY-tng :tnd co-mpihns said -3,~sments ;uHI hiU~. llnlC'\.~ Lender p;tys Bl"lcwwer interest on the Funds: and- applic~a.ble-Jaw
<br />pcrmjH; Lender In make such J charge. Horrow-cr ;md Lender may agree in writ'ing at the time of execution of ,h,~
<br />Deed l)f Trwn that intctco;t t'n the Fund..... "halt !~e- p:lld h, lk.rro'Wcr, and unJes.. such- ~lgn."Cment i-fi made- or applicable taw
<br />reqmre:.. ~uch- inlCfe~! to he paId. f ~endcr -.;h",U ad be rt';4oi~d 10 pay Born"lwct" ,w)' interest {~r t;;lntings fHl the-Funds. Lender
<br />..hall give- to H0-ffOWCr, without .;:h;.lfge. .li1- .1rmu:d aCi:,'Hotmg of the Fund.. ~h(nnng credit:'> and dc-hits to the Fu-nd!\ and the
<br />purpose- for wtw::h each debit to the Fund.. VillS mark The Funds :m: pledge-d a'i additional securIty fOT the sums :secured
<br />by rhis Oeed 01 Trust
<br />H th(' .-mmunt \.1( the Funds held hy LCI1GCr, h"l~{,lhcr wIth the fnwrc monthly in\talJment-s- of Funds- pi,\y~b-Ie- prior h'l
<br />!hc dtlC dates l)f '3.X6, a.....j.c...'$mer.t" !nStlr.lnct: j"lH::minm" .IOU cf{\tlfld 1~i1I~, ..haH l":"..:.'c-ed the- Jn10unl required to pnv s.aid tal(es,
<br />.(1J,,-u':\5tH-Cnts, insulan-{.'C premwm':. ;I.ad ~n.'I.Hhj [(';jr... ~~;, fh-t;~ L:l:i duc, \u.:h c\n.5~ :-.hall he. :d B.,)rro-wer's optu;m. either
<br />promptiy rer:t;:ud w nOrfO~ttf (i-f (fedih:-d 1,-, HnH~'\"tcf \'D innl1l.hh 1t1:<.wilmCflH of Ftlfid", 1f the amount of the Funds
<br />held h~. 'J end-er ..haJJ r,-ot he ~,--llftklC'm In rJ\- :.n.t"" ;,:o,'>.<_""..mCfl:"-. .:n>;u;;mcc premiums J:nd ~r():lnd rent>; <1'; they fan due.
<br />B.o-rrnWCf .;h~fj P;!\' F1 I.crx1t.'T ;.itly ;1mf)l1nl f'......~'<,;\'.J;-y ~p r~,;!\.-c Ur' !he ~ktklen;:\' Wl!tnn ~O d~lH frr'm the dale- no-rice is mmtc-d
<br />by Lender to Borrower r-e-qtIM!m~ parmcnl ,herl'!Jt.
<br />
<br />1~c!d ~~)~~::ej/n~7tH~~~j~~~~~tli;i~~m;,\.,~:'.:t'-~~~,f !y, th-" f)".c.! l't ,:\~J~:;
<br />
<br />-<.n3U ar~l!" n.) tUN thifi mnnediJ!d~' T'f"-"'-i
<br />Lemfer;'H fhe hmc.-Jf ~lpp,iH,:nUJ:'I-f1 :l_" i.t
<br />J. :\pplk-arion of .Paymntt...::.
<br />'tl'nt~ <l'-nd p.,.r~_;t4f~h\ ' <:;~d~: h\.'l<;;"l"': \L,:;!i
<br />HnUcr p-a'~l~r-il:ph .2 ~f-!:-.t"-O't. !h-Ol 1~-' ',ncr,:--',~
<br />prmnrai (,n ..in", Fl!tHft' A\dvan<.:i"i
<br />4, {'ltM1:r": Lkm~ HOHn,,'u -,_~,.l;' ""f 'rh.:'[ ..h;lt:t:C~_ fi!1C~ .!th: ,mp{l'duon'\. snribuVlble tp
<br />he- Pn~l"Crtv .,.l,-'tHth m>t"{ aU,Htl J rr~'-'n~;' ,1..;:[ ;l! 'I ''''''. ,H~-d k>,,,-..-dl(l-!~l pavmt'"frl<;; ground n:.nr'T if <,my. In the
<br />
<br />;::~~;l~:~~:~~~C::~lj;~!f;';~~~Cf :: !~-eren: t .~:;,:;::~" 'il,;n~1~f b,':: r~~:::,~:~~~ :;~,1,;:,l\'T;;I'~~:;;rl::~c~:r~~:~:~t~,U,~~~1i~~~~
<br />
<br />~->'w'e:nt fJ-(H''ff~.~.-t'f ~hi!H ;~<t-'t. 'i~' 'L'.t\ ! :endc-[ ,->':d:IPU, t'vli_km::n~ ",neh ~MymCmJ.i
<br />HQ-tn:~-.~t- ~h.E ~H~;t'i1p-H:\' l)-c\~d ~1~ j ru:;!. i':"\ildl:ll, 'iu.{ !h~(f""I;~Cf 'l-hall Hi)! /"1\'
<br />
<br />~~~~.:~~ ;J~ ~;'~;~~~~ :~:oe~hr'l~ ! !/,~~.. ;'~\,~:,t~~~d'::f1:t:~~;:~~:~~~~t~:~l\I~~~~iJt:~~ ;:i\
<br />'ctii .j.~t~-"":}'t~~~~I~~$f"-::"~~~_~~l;":~r.r:.':_: :_.',r~~..'.:~'.':j;.': ,..' " 1h... Pfl'j"i~r't\. or :!n)-' part tht'n~pI
<br />~. _~~ _ -'I'a-. .~. .'_:' "_",-.' H<-J, \:~,n;,n~ ,_'f ~iCH:.dl'':, ,<rl'\:l~d ,;f'l lht' P:tlr-~,n\" IH_';.on:d
<br />.Jg-aln":,{ \tij\:ll trv -ftre-. h::>'1:;lr-d:~ j.h-;,;{~'4'd ,"lfhH, ;.m~j ''-Ih.!l i-....lIM'\h ,J'> I ~'n(kr In;)" Il:qtllH'
<br />.'rud H'l ":;.Kh iitft:Q-u:)f5. ~itd f;,:_,t '-1-h.i, j'l(.',f,,{'i\ ,'" j :h.l1 [t:nd-<:l 1\'.\1 that the ;'HIWW1t IIi
<br />Hlt,h ;,,~~''e'-!,1.O;-~ ('-_'\;t{'~d I!:;tf aH}!;.'Hnt ,,' 'j',,; $llH1" ~~"-'..'ir~~-\.! t.\ ;::1<; lkc-d ",\l
<br />l'h~ nH\J:r;;t~\:-e ~'Hn~, rr.~q,~J~HJ;t ,hr' l.~~"-,<,,,I '1.1j! t>.,' h."-~,'}.;, H~"r,>\..'C! ~;,h(t:\.: t,- ~n 1 ,<~,.h'r I'fll..H,It."\i
<br />dlal Hli;h Jlw_r~"iit ~h.a:n n-~:>-: ,~ \lnr..a",.~nAh~v ~ ,-t~h~"d ~\~l i""'t~.lh'HHn dr, 11l\lH.IH"-'L' l_'>!.~h',i:' b.. p-ai-J HI ihe llHtnnc:r
<br />P'fO-Vl.ded' u{Sllj.tN p,ua,ulph.2 h<:,r~vl "r. ,! ;'\;H,,~ :'l q.ld, "H'W"'~. ;-,\ Hnrh''''''~r '~'~l~!n( r"';i"fm~l1! ,~-hc:n due. d;f('ctlv J;. ,he
<br />~mut"iUti.---e ..:;:rr~t
<br />;\It '1.l;l,Ur;UK;(' tx-H-K'Ii.'-, .."t-d tY~!t;-""'.'ti) ~;-~~:.."" ,r:.:~;
<br />~1~~ H'l h'>'-ot ut And i:1 i,.-,otm "-H,-",
<br />-.<nd ~r~"e~r '1-t;"U- pfi."m~~';, k' ,,'p,k:
<br />ikHT\t....--("'f ~f::aH ~j-",""(' l-"r'l~-tnr~~ f~~!R~~ 'c' llw
<br />b~ 6off"Ct,.'tel
<br />i!nti:'i.... t t.-n4:t ilnd }\(~.ft~.....i;'l ,..~-<T'Aj.~. .-;}:'~.,_: " "I'HC,
<br />-;~ ?ff~~tt) .:t.::n-ug-oJ. ,,-,;..h
<br />ntH tMt-c:t>'io tmp-;.,lcd ~;"d~ t17:tl'Y;1j:,-1it ;" :q"\J'
<br />~-<. -lmp;tl.('<J, ~h(' ,nj..\it~mx Ph><,.'n.y'\- "-~l;lH ~
<br />I-{,> llono-W'<'f. if ibt: PI<..'Tr>t7~b ,"\- ,,~""'H~j.~;f~,i t",
<br />d.J.u: H{'-H..;c h In..Htt'i,.~ h\' i ~~..d,,-~~- :~, IL:~: nl~('!
<br />:r, a,Hh,:"j-~"t>-t H' ;;",lh."i: i ~'f"h.~ .lr'f'~' :h~~ ,t!">,lLHh"
<br />,'U 1n itK" ~41nl:" ~;;,\Ui("J h", ~h!5. !.hT\! t'f i ,~J""l
<br />!.-'aJfi\ L~ndcf .,.nJ i}l.u'r"W1:1 . nn\I'T'J-,J; ,'" - "dl?; ,~,'
<br />,-H f't"titpt.:'l~"': the .JL.'t.' U~h;' ,_}~ :.h~ ' ',.n:hi\ ;:hl..,:,t!,",\". ,:t': !(',o
<br />~lh:rlln,.t.tlHn~!lb if uu.Jt;-;: f~.ii'"l.ju...ph ,.." t';.::..:.' -'f"\""
<br />~tl JfHl ~0 >H'!.~' ,:h.U;-A,K\" f't-"i.\n~~ .,n~t ~n .,':-.;
<br />~..'4U:t}.HI.~-n \,)-;.Cl,: ;";1.,.'\. ;',~ 1 cn..h:t :., ~~j'" ~'\;\."il~
<br />;~l;.;qU)'i,:~'..,'1
<br />ft. ...nsc:u.... aad '-'......'uau, uf PrttfM'Jt),
<br />. h~1U i..('~p .'h-.:.- P"~;f""Cn" "';~_--,,
<br />J~td :;:h:l;H n,1"fn-p-h .., ,l!-t l~
<br />:,_t-1o';,k~~H~}Un} ,'1 .t
<br />
<br />\:1~1,\ ,_,'>.,. ~;rt:d
<br />
<br />! ;:ndcr ..h;iJi Pfornpll:-- H::und ip Bt:lrrowc-r lHW Ftlnd$
<br />1h~' Pnt0crtv ~).lh("f\\'l"l1 ;l.cqnln:d hv I ender. Lender
<br />,'f :;'i. ;~~'Ql\l"'luon b.... l.ender, :l!l\' Fund...; helt! hv
<br />!h~ lkt:d ~,-t Tnm
<br />. ':!l;:'P," ;',{' _IT! t!;n;-mnl!~ n:I,:(:l\'cd b\' r (~ndCf under the
<br />d ;Hn~Hlnh 11.1- t.~nticf bv lk'fh1.Wl'r
<br />:':!id then w inh::rt:!it ;tnd
<br />
<br />
<br />,-",'",~_h>
<br />
<br />J ,_r:,tn.":;:~;:j~:~;_~:~i:~~:'\.' 'T~hft;~~,;:~:~! J~~.;'!;~)t:~~_~~:k:t:':d\(;~::~'~~~bmt~:~:~~~~~
<br />
<br />'~'''''4, ....u...c" .~H,i ,I,; '-"c,~IPj" "i ['(enlHHll'~ 1:1 HH' i'Vt'nj "f ki"..,
<br />_,~)d 1 UH..k~ j n~d("; rH.H l'n..lJ.(_ p,\,....,~. ~)i !,-\-,. nl'l f\udl: JH,l;l1Pfh
<br />
<br />ccd~ "'!'U;; h.; ..ppht'd "~I 1,.~,h'r.l!HHI ..'f ICp,lif t"
<br />''''.l~Jt~h.. j,HJ "j If v'> Lh,'cd oj 110\.\ ,
<br />\'~ ;",tl<h;dh :r",~l1-h ; ih\: :.t">._tHll\' Ihl. /)t"c"i "I i rlLt \\<"\1.1;1..1
<br />';T :\-Llin... ~<~;;n:d ~,,\ ~hh li-c.'d ,:'t ! \,!~h Ihc .,:\~~>,,<,. d ,~n)_ p;!id
<br />lk~fI"..""-;l qj..;" t'rnJc! -_'.lihlf~ 10 dJ;,~ fr.-Jill lh..'
<br />~ <1ff n ,)!kn, !<:i H\; d1'.,a;H!-d.: hen{~fih_ L\'IHlcl
<br />~'!'UC~', ~.fH'l, {'~nl('1' h; ,>,\(,"(,:1'[>11 "I 1~:p,Ui "f In,; t"'!nfl't'1t\
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />),'il,-r i,1 tht; ',d..'
<br />I"I'I'H (~, 'q,.:h ..,d\~ !li
<br />
<br />l_<C;l~hold'\; 1 tmdtltU-i:niutu"'i '''3"nlu:d t-nil Ih'\-elopnu.mh. H<'fr'I~~!.'r
<br />: ii,' h ~}pt:rI ~
<br />1 fn"t :-, ,-,t' . HOlt !l1 .\
<br />
<br />
<br />:";!..l!,-"
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<br />"I H~t.
<br />
<br />"~~;,j~~~~:::~-~ ';_:;~~:'~~~~:t ~:')~~~'i'~::;h~tWneHL _
<br />:-~~f;~ ~~~~~~~i~~~:~~,L~:'~:; ~~~~~i
<br />~t(: a ~t1 berMt_
<br />7~ ~ of l~'s S..:vrif'\. H lh'J-n..h\..'r '.nh \,l ;!1e "'HLuneJ ;!! lhj\
<br />~:t~~r:=~= l~~:iia :~~i~~~H~~i~f~~~:::~ ,~~~~~,.Clh:' ~rl~..;~.;~mrlH. t\f ;1[r~tnI~~f1l~fH, q 't!;l~~~;~'d;I~~}t~h~~n~::~~_jl~;t\
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<br />
<br />~~:,b~ !tl-U-tn(:y'~ f~ ~m-;y t~j.1\)n!h<, 11i-<lkr f~P~lll",,- ,if t,cH\.k-r ,t":~w,!';J ':~\I~'ll~~gl: ;.m...1J,liI2C .i\ ,)
<br />_____~ co{ makU'i!l-,U"4 ~v...n 5<-e.;:UfC'ri by ih.n. De:'\~d n\'-~lf"h~W(,-f ,:>b<lfl p.:l)' tilt' p-f~~mljH'l1:'i- It:t;utlrd tf' m~lIJH.lm '.\i:.:h
<br />-;.~Mit"~_ In -f'ttKl untH J.ucn ftf:lJC a\ tt>t:' fl:\llllff2.n:l'.."fll /01 ,,"u\.h ~n'i-u-rJ.tii:C ttrfHH1j.H:~ ,q \-\-'I!h H,-ln"H~<.r's &t1..1
<br />t;f.Qdct':t .-h~n ~ttWt.i1 ut .;.iN'hca.,~~<<; I-JW H-(}fH'-;1o-(r "h;:iU p--a\' -th~ ,ilTh)-l.mi d ;l!t !nt.Hlg;4J;:t prenHlHll\ m tho;.'
<br />'''''Mtr f't<r1i14c4 !m4t, ~av.#t ?....r.oL
<br />Alt). 4:nm,tnb d~~ b,!< t-eDdV'-t pui'j.,;j.Jnt t{>. :h)li- pala,taph ,,\ an lIl{:Cf(::tl th\lfl.","O ~h;dl LC';(Jm-c ,H.hjl!luo;:ti
<br />l'~ (-.I ~n)-~f M'XUfN h-")' fh~ J1<<=d .,~f lrti'~i ! ;n1c~). Ror(("w~!' ,Htd 1 ,,'ru,-h:'r ~tt':r-c~ In ...lfu:r J.::'nH~ ,JI p-aymc-ul., '-Hi:h
<br />;;.-.mnl~ l-fw;U be- payable uptm-.~'tf~ tn.'tfn 1 t'Htkr -to H-;,.IHu-';\~'t ;t7'Y'ooMm:~ i'_,;lj'tw.'nl l~!'(t~t. ;~tld '!..h,lil i"i'il! nH-CfCU In-H, Ihe
<br />....'ti<! ~f- at tht: t._~ paJa-Ne from ~tmc h,l _{.ink ~m l.Wl'\!inding pr:nop:d under ~he ~':O\re t.mj~%1> p;.'lymen.t, i)! int~f(;st
<br />~,.~,b 'U~(c w-wtd ~ Lfl1\t-r-&:tr ~'o,lI_fI\-Vh;'\lt1k fJ-lt.<" y} wl'-'n...h evt"nt "au,;}l ,afm.'rtHi~" 'dtllia hu;: ~!l~Cft...t "~It (he hi g.;)!:,.! r~t-t
<br />~ ~t ap,l1~i.A_hk' hi*'< SiOf,tm,-#- l,,\)n~'J~tllrd 'q {hw, f:':;lHl{ttlllpb 7 ",h.,.I: r<;-qiU~c- l,,,'nUi;:r h;1 Hh..tlf ;.~nv t."'q'l('ftU (It t~"~
<br />"Y >;;!.W1l>t>te:""""..
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<br />~bi\t t~,~t_ ,~...n ,Ci"f-" ~t"i'flAr<'-(' ''It)tl<'' pH~,!j: to ..my ~H,~.,'h iftiOpt'-lCufm j.pe..:_dY111g
<br />t.~m trtt~ ~t
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<br />IF,kr
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