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<br />r <br />83-.;e.()04858 <br /> <br />f,,\:"ndcr\ wrilh.n ;tgrixment {'II' .lppJiL';'thlc l:!w. Borrower ~hall pay the amount nf all mortgage in'\urance premiums in the <br />n~amier pfovid~\I under p-aragmph 2 hereof, <br />Any amotfnts dishut;'Wd by Lender purS\I;lnt to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indehft..'<Irtc'ls df_ ~{lrrow't:"r secured NY thi~ ~fon!!age; t'nle<<;s Borrower and LenJer agree to other terms of payment. such <br />amounts shaH he-paYt'lbk tfpt1n"noricc from Lender to Borrower requesting p~!yment thereof. and shall hear interest from the <br />date of di-shur~~tnt at the rate payable from time {(l time on outstandinl! principal under -the Note unless payment- of <br />in-ter~, ~t sue,h nHC would ~e-('()fttrary to applicable h.w. in which event such amounts shaH bear--interest at- the highesf rate <br />-permissihIe under IlppHcabte law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any -expense or taKe <br />any- actj.()n hereund<<. <br />s.. ,lnli.JH!.'ctioft. Lender may make or calise to he made reasonahle entrieo;." upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />t~-a-t, L~nde-r ..hall give Borrower notke prior fo any such inspection ~pecifying reasonable C3l1se therefor related to Lender's <br />iriterc'lit 'In' the Property. <br />9~ Comlcomnadon. The pf-{x'ced~ of -any a.....ard or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in con-nection with any <br />\.:nndcm-nati(lo or other taking of rhe Pnlpert)\ N part thereof. or f{....r conveyan.ce- in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and s.;hall Oc_ paid to Lender, <br />In l-he ~vent pf a total talon!! of the Property_ !he proceeds ~hllll be ~"tppliL"d to the ;;'lIrns secured by thi~ Mortgage, <br />....ith lh~ ('X(,.-C-'\iS, if nn:-'. pttid t,'l R0rr,'wer. In the l.':VC'nt t,( a partial faking \.1f the Property, unleo;;s Borrower and Lender <br />Mhcrwi~ agree In wntin~, {her{' "halJ l1(! .lpphett fO the '-urns. sccnred by thi"i \1ortgage <:illch proportion of -the proceeds <br />J$ i~ cqU;tf to Ih-a-f pf'('Jf'<,ni(l-n wnt-ch dH~ ~lmOtH11 ~)f the ..urn... ",ccHred hy thi" \..1ortgage immedhuely prior to the date of <br />laking bC~f-</; to the fair market value {,f Ih~ Pr>,'r~rt\' mltne\hat-clv prio,r !l1 the dafi' of ~akjng, with the halance of the proceeds <br />paid It') Borr-o\\'er <br />If the Property i.. .lh.J.ndDn(~d Iw!1r !f. dftcr l1(lfice ~v Lcnder!(1 Ri'\-rrower that the condemnor offers-to make <br />In awnrd {\( loCnlc ;1 daml tN t.bmag-es, 80rn1wer f;tih !n re-"ifX).nd to Lender within ::;0 d:l~-"S after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is .iuthodud f(1 ('oHect and -apJ'lly rhe proceed~. at Lender" option. either to resTOration or repair of the <br />Pffl-OCrty nr H\ the ;;;umlii ....:-r..:u!'ct.! h\' thi.. ~fort~;!e;c< <br />, Unks.. l.ender and Borr\lwcr t)rhC-rWII.;~' :J~~(' In \'.-ritjn~, any "H\.~h ilrfl:lj\.~a!;on f,r procet..~s fO principal shaH not e_~lend <br />or pO'itpo:ne {he -due date nf l:h-c monthlv in:\t:lllmcnt'\ rderred to in rarn~Tlph" 1 :md 2: hereof or change the amount of <br />'lm:h in\faUme-nt'\. <br />10. Ilfinower '!liIlot R...Jtou:ed. F\ft"mlOn ,~f (he Hme for p;l\'ment \'i nH,dific:ltll>n nf ;Hnorti:r3Iion ('If the =,ums ~ecured <br />by thIS Mf'n~~"C gr:m!cd by Lt:ndcr t,. MW ,UL(C'\'\i,1!, in inH.'rt'<:! d' Rnrrc-wer "hall not {1perntc to release. in any manner. <br />the li~hdiry ,,( the \;rigw;ll RI)rH~Wef .Jnd Born'\-\.~'r\ "tK>:'-.~';"'\.'r'" i~ in!CiC~1 f \""nJcr ...hall not ne required to commence <br />rnx;ecdin_~-t\ ,l~..un"l '-l~h ..n-c;';C'i.~('lr ii, rdH'iC Ii'" e'(tt~rd t:m~ hlf p:.l'.:ment i~r ('lthcr'\\'l'\e modify :unortizatinn of the sums <br />"c-c~if(:d hv rhf<. Moft_I.!::uu' h- rc;]'i{1O l'lt :f1V d~~m,1fl:d nude t'l" rhl' l'riglnaJ Horrower ~1nd Rnfwwcr's- -S\I(':':-C~OT$ in interest. <br />11. Fn-fbr~ b,.' I.,(-ndrr ~i)t ~ "'aiH'r. -\m r,'rh,:'::tf~Hh.:L' i'\ Lend.:r H1 t'\cru<;mu ,IIW ric:ht tlf remed\' hl~reunder. or <br />.llru!Twi\c" :df;l'rdcd hV ,1'pphi.::1hh.:: ;:m. ~IDH ;\"1 "'''~\l\';.;r <'I ,'f ~n:;.:!lldc lnt: ~\cr~isc t..'f :~nv such right or remedy. <br />The rr(X:-~Hc:ncn( "f irriour.)fK;;";:Of Ih~ rq\'m('r~: .'1 '(;;\c... ,_If ,"nl.':f 1,\,.,:\<; l'r dlar<:t~" h\' r I,.'ndcr "hall not ~c ,\ \,;~ivc,. of Lender's <br />(1t:hr w ;\;.:.,:d...r~H~ the maHln!',' ,'; (hI.: ,~;Jch!{;drh:"" '~'>",','...d h.. lhl~ \1(ln~J.\!t.' <br />'1. Rf;~ C-umulatlvt'. -\;i n..-mcd:c', MP'-\-d.:t1 ,~Ih,-.. \'Ntl~~I~C ,n-,' :!!..IHkt .Hid ...'llflWl<lIIVI: Ie. ;11l\' t1iher right or <br />n.:'mcLiv lHH.tCf rhi, Mnn~;tg:~ \,It ..Ilfn/"l.II:d ,.\' 1;1'." ,'e <:qi.-Ht'; lnd 111_1\ ro(' ,'.......f~-:~_'-.d ..-..lPl'tH r,-~n!ly indcr~ndenllv or 'illccc'Ssively. <br />t3~ Slkt'~ ami _-\!i\it:m: Rthtnd: 10."" and St-,\~.ntl Liabilifl.-; Captiun... fhe ...\~'\..:nanls ,md .Ign:cments herein <br />..:nntait~.\! "h.dl hind. ,mti !he rit:-hh ht::'l"",' ,h.di iiH~11' I,', rIle :"'''r~,:l,\-C "i<.:..'-CV-;,'r~ ,m;] ..l~-"lgns \'l Ll.'nucr ;lOd Borrower, <br />\nh!~t~t hi fn>(; p,p,,-j..m-n-:- ,_!t ;~,\t~\J;:1;1Ph .. fll'f"'''i \1t ,~ll\'\~lunh ,Iild li;f(....mct\h (I( BOfr;,H,,\..:r \h~\il bi: ji.lint and several. <br />The (~Pih'i1.... .~nd hC~HJll1.~'" ~\! ~h~ F~H,.!;f;q~I'l" If,., \l'~r!~,.l;:!~' ,lr~< (,\t- ..,'.'n\'!,~nli:!\I;~ llnlv ..lnJ ,lrt:: f1(l't w he used to <br />mk-ft)rt.'i nf denne tht: rf~'~-;..l,'-n" h~~r(.'.l <br />14.. "'OIk~. E....,:.;fl~ !','r ;.tn" ilPI:h.:~ :<''-I;'ih'd ;r:~kf .:;-tj'lh_'"Hlo.' L;I' (\' h.. :n <\.O\'lh~r manner. ia) any notice to <br />BoNO\\>'\:'! t-\r{\"'~tkd hH ~n ~n*\- \hl-n~..~.: 'h,dl-h,~ :..:n't;'i I'" ,H:HJHt>;: ~u~h <ll\!K\: i,;:rllt"it'd !ll,1il ;lJdrc\';'cd kl ROrrl\Wer at <br />the Prt~~rt\' AJdre-ss- ~~f .t! ,th.:h dlh~~ dtl-dfl.-'""'~ .;:, H,'U'<)'.';.'r pu~ dt.o,q:n,Hc !>\ 'H"n<:t: f(' 11;!ldc:r ;IS provided herein, Olf\d. <br />Ih) any ;'tQ{l.:.... '('; (,L'ndcf "full ~: :::\.~n h ;....:t!'lk-',J ~~'.tll ';.;t';,P, : ,,'i..-...',:'1 '1.'yt;r;..kt..-L tn I \'~fhj~r'.. :lddrcs'io s.tatcd hcrdn \~r to <br />,,-u;;:h t.~thcr ~ldJre'\.. v. 11..,:tdl.'l f;1;1',- d''''l~jnh'' i~, ~1,'tf\.C !" 0,\1 ~,\;\<:r ,1\ ~n''',:t.kd h:rell\ '\n\' Iwtit.:e provH,kd ft)r in this. <br />\{t)ff~;J.g;.' ;.h;J:;i r-< d..."t'm~d !-(. h,i....-.: t'-n:n glh;:n h) Hr.rr:'\..-O...:r of I ,:ndt.'t' .,..hen gIven in the manner de~ign:tted herein, <br />15-. lJ-Rifmm \-1unJ:~~; (;u\(miet I.a'~': s..-H>-rabilit,\. fh;" krrn <Ii rrhl-f'I!!-;'-;5~ '\..pmbme~ \/Ui((\rnl ":tW~Hants for national <br />UM} "nJ ;\\Ht-Hnirnnn ;.'o\-e-fl.:tnl, .;Ilh llmlh'd \<ill,Hg-il'h 1:>0\ i\\ll"'lL..II{~n !<l ...'()tl~I!lHlc H unlldnll ..;...:.:unty irl.~trumCtll covering <br />re~d pn.)pert\ Thh \;tons:a~e '>.f,.iil r-~ ~i.h..-:rrKd h' d-~t; ;.1'.' <',{ lhc !i.!n'\~,ih.'tion al ';' hkh lhc Property IS, Inc3lt:d. In the <br />eVen! tn:.H .wy N,-"\'lS~~n ,'T J.HI"C lhh \h_"r1~,l:;" ."- th,-' ',-'1;.: ;, '\~llhd-" '\ ith '~rrli':;lhlc hw. \\H.:h cnt111ir.;t "halt not affect <br />\)tne-r Ph~\I"H.'n.. \.f !tw. \h\rigayx: <If lhl.: '''..;'(''k ,;.hl>,.'I~ ~-Ji\ h.: ';\t.'r't \'ih~~t \\'ilhnnt the .-.:ont1ictil1~ prolii,ion, and to this <br />eod the pf(ht..i~HI" ,'f \~ \tofl~>tge ,~nt! :hlt' "",'I-: ,'~C' ,'\:.:1,{1:.-d I"~ i"l:'~r;lnle <br />16.. Bono.n',! Cop,. BOfr(';\ol,(,f ...h;lll ~\, idn"..!h:d ...:,';,k'rm:t.~\l \,')P~' pI \h~ ~L'{;..' ,lnd ~If lhl'l ~fN(gag.: ;H the time <br />\)-f t,~ut;()n ~\r .1HN r-~~nHhHjon helCl.lf <br />17. Traadfl'Df tit<< Proptft)'i AlMtmpdon. If ,ll; ,If ;j.n~ ;',llt ,)1 the Pn'lX"ny.n.Hl InterC"i( fhef~in is ",-'Id or tran'lferred <br />hy Rornw.a wilhou.t Lender\- prH.)r WflH>:), ,-,1th<:,tH_ <:\,.;.:ilajlf\~ ;,;; :jw ..:n::ltlon ~lf ,1 hl..'n ,)f CTH':l1mbralll.:e suborJinate to <br />lhls,, !hl the .;rt'..ltiftfl A ,l rtir,:h~"I-C nh)nt'y xdHIH :n!~T:.~\.t tnr hnus.~h~I;J. appliam:e~ 1::1 ;1 lrao..fer by devise, <br />Ue."ICcn! or h~. i.'pcrJtion ."t I~\\- ;~pnn {he death ,Ji ,~ ;,'-\ot ;cn;Wl ,If 1- lhJ gr- f' , r f It' 1.1 -lUll' IiIf duu, SRFll Jr Inti <br />Ii lill '-'Ta WI >>.- lJ f rr' i LenJer m~~y.. ,it L.:!~J(.r'" t'pr\\'fl. J('d,.\ft' ,ill the ~unh 'iecllfcd hy this ~Iortgage to be <br />imrncdi-ately due. ~H\d paYJbh:-_ L..:nder ~h"U hJ\''-' 'A.J,.\N 'i-tH.:h ,'ptu..m h'l <ll.:,,;der>ite iL prior to the "ale ()f !ransfer, Lender <br />.md the- pefSVll W wnO_fll the PWJ.-...:'rt.y' j" [,J h<: '!Iold Of tr~n:!'krr!!-J rcal,:h ,tgrt"cm~nl Ifl \\-'rmng thai the .:redit of such per~O\ln <br />t\ s.atts.fach.lo~;.' ro LmJ:.:r .,-nd that .r-.e i.ntCt~...1 fhl)able ~m rhe ,:H1h ~..;ured hy thi.. ~{()ngag.: ..halt be at rate .Hi Lender <br />~U request. If Lender haJ. w~i\'e4 the ,1pH-.;m :,~ ,1c...:derdti' p;-m'IJ~d i" rhl"- r.afageaph 17, and if 8orrower',~ succes.sor in <br />mtelU-t hilS e,c(.uted it weHten J!>sumpuoo ~grecm4::nt -ic..:eptcd in '.\fitmg by LC'OI1er. L.znder '5-hall relc-asc Borrower from all <br />abltfati0n5 undc-f tru$ Murtgagc ,a,nd, too ~ote <br />If t-~.rn1cf -e\ oplitJu Iv, l..::nJ..:r ..,h<.ill mall BorroW\Cf :-WllCC \.If ~lccdcra[IOn in ,aCCtHJance with <br />~Jaf.,raph 14 hereof. Such O(){lCe ..halt prOVIde ~t pern.,...l ,.)f itlll k~..i. lhlill JO d~y.;.,. (r,,~m the date [he notice is. rna.iJ~d within <br />w-hKh Borro_-cr lU4~' Pil}" the SU-flU ..,kd.1tcd dllC., it Bon..l....t.:-f :~d;, '0 pay :o;.\.If;n ~lIm~ pril,)f W the expiration of "~ll.;h period, <br />L~nde:r mot}'. WIthout funhl:r nonce ,-~r dem:tnd .Wi !k,)fr~}'4eL !l1"-'-~;'C ~Hlj ft'mcdie5 n-~rn\lue-d h~: parag.raph IS neref,Jf.. <br /> <br />~U-N'_FQaM CO\rES_"N-~_ &rr-owe-r <l-r,d l.enJ~f tunnel' ;:\1',;-:0.111\ ~mu agrc:e.:t~ follows; <br />I&, ~ It_dlo$. bu,. ll!i pro.ld<o4 ill _l1lpb 11 "",...1. up"" B..,,,,'. b"",<b uf any <n..unt or <br />~oI__""" in ttail ;\1.0f'tP&e, tadvdiDe 1he l:o\euub tn p.DJ "'ften dut'- O1n,' JUnu. Sft'ured by this \tortaaa.e. <br />.......,.... .. ~..w -..II .......,. t" 80<",..., "" p""idad In pa"'ll,apb 14 bUM sp.dfyin&: (I) th. """"'h; <br />Q)"~,,"""""18 c-.... .....10,: (3) a dat... ....t Iati than 311 <lay. fr..m .b. data ."" Is mailed In Borro...r, <br />"'.....__....... _ be <-* ...... 141 that falltata '0 ...... _h """,,b un ur bolo.. ."" dat" .pacified In ,be nntke <br />..." of'he..._ _.M hy IIlk Mo,1PlI.. fur"".......... by jmllrial """,.adlDfl and .. of t.... I'topefty. <br />'.... .... ..In....'" W_ ........., of 11M 'Ill'" '0 ...iDolat. of.... ll<nl..lOtion .and ."" rlah' 10 _rt In .... fureclooute <br />",........., .. ____.. of . ~t '" ..., ....... Mf.....", 'n .."elenltlua ...... f".............. If .h. "-h <br />i! _ .... ... or """'" .. dMt. .....lIieoI "' the ....'k.. 'ADd... at L.Ad..... .1jJtiun D'.y d.d",,, all of lb. ..._ ........d by <br />IIlIil ~ ,. lot l-.litoIflt ..... a.... ,*y"'* ..ith....t ~"""'" ...... .....y fOft<~ by judicial Pf<K'eadIoi. L.ude, <br />...............ulII<:t ill _h 1""'"""" all ..""_ "f ,__... i...ltuIIoa. bm no. IlmItad 10. ._. "r do""'y <br />..w..". .............. Pl>o ......- <br />19.. ~'Ii _._to~. N~Jtwithit_;md,wt l.l;'odu':-, .!n-chtfi1fH.1H \,f !he wm\ -"(''''Oleo h~ \hj~ Mort_..~(, <br />ft(J(l~1W~t '~Ma n1tI,'.e UkI: ?i,~ll h~ hoa>.'-;;; ;ill} rrn4T~.djn,~ r~gUl1 ~,. L;;nOcI' k\ cMQ-('..,'t: thh \h~H~aiC Ji~h,:<,)ntW\U:u ~It ilfl~ time <br />