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<br />1"
<br />"83_ 004858
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<br />UNIFORM COVn.L\NT'~. lll...rro\\'cr .Ind Lenoer l.;iJVcn~mt and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. P3!ym~nt of Prindpal and Interest. BorrO\lr'er !.haJl promptly pay \\'hen due the princip;tl of and mterest 011 the
<br />iridebt-ednc.\s- evidenced by the Note. prepayment ;md late ch~lrge<; as provided in the Note. ;wd the principal of and' interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by .hi" ;\h~rtgllgc.
<br />
<br />2. Funds for. Tax._ and Insvrance. Subject to applicab!e law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower--shall pay
<br />to Lender on the d;.i:y m~nthly instaUmenls of prin~ip<tt and inH.:rcst :..Ire- payahl~ under (he Note_, until the NOlC is paid -i~ fuH.
<br />n sum (herein ~.Funds') equal to QntHwelfth of the :.;eurly laXe~ and <ls~essnients which - may attain priority over: this
<br />Mortgage. .md ground tents on the Properfy, if any. plus-one~tweifth of yearly premium installments for -hatard':{nsurance~'
<br />ptusone"fwelfLh_of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, If any. all as reasonabttesttmated initiaUy--ari<Ffrom
<br />time to time by Lender on thl' h~,s-i5 of ,i,":!tcssmcnts :tnd hilts' ;Jilt! reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds- sht1f1 he held in an imtitution the deposits ()[ accounts of which are insured or guaranteed, by a- Federal:. ot
<br />state agency {including Lender it Lender is such an institution L Lender ..hall apply the Funds [0 pay said taxes, assessments;
<br />insuran<<: premiums .IOU ground rents. f_cndcr may nOI charge for ~fl holding and ;'-i.pplying:the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and compW-ns's,aid aSflCssmenlS-and bilk lln!e-<;s Lender P~lYS Borrower interest on the Funds ::md -applicable, law
<br />permits Lender {O make such a .::harge. B'l1-ff(lWer and Lc-ndu may :lgrcc in writing at the time of execution ot--'this
<br />Mortgage that interest (If\ lhc Funds. ;-,hall he paid to Borrower. ~nd unless :"uch agreement is made, -or -applicable law
<br />requires such imerCSt to be paid. Lender ',hall nn! be required to PllY Borrower any mterest or carnings.on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. \\!lthoul charge, ,in .:tl'am;>l ,h.'{:l..mnfing nf fh~ Funds "howing credits and dehits to the Funds and -the
<br />PUqk.~ for whil:h each Jebit !n the Fund.... ;.\;'a:'\ ;n:!dc. fhe Ftlnd~ <Ire 1)led)ted JS addition.11 securit\' for Ihe -sums secured
<br />hy this \1ortgagc . - .
<br />If the amount ~,t the Funds heM hy lendc" wgcthe.r >,},.ith [he hHure monthly IIHit:;.llmenls of Funds pay.ab-Ic prior 10
<br />the due daces t,t taxes, ~h:'!tC~...mc:nb. m"'l1[,;U;i,.'C prt::rllUms. ;Jod grtmnu renh-. :\hali exceed Jhe amount requir~d to pay,said taxes.
<br />asseuments. lnsuran,;e premjum~ iHH..l -t~round rent-" ,is they f.l11 d\IC, stich I.l'{LC\, ~hall oc. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or .;rc-dll~d to l.h'rn,wer ~m monthly jn~tallmcnl:;' (if Funds, If the amount of the Punds
<br />held by Lender "hajJ not be sufficient to pay 1:l.\CS. aSSC..~m~nts., H1"ur~l1ce prcmium~ and ground tents as they faU due,
<br />Borr{)w~r shaH pay to Lender ,my amount ne.ceuary to m;;tKt; up the d.:nclenl.~\ wHhin JO days from the date notice is mailed
<br />hy lender to Borrower re....u~mg pa) men! (hereot
<br />Upon pavrnent m fuB ~)t ail m~ :O\-."t;:ufcd by 1:hl" \IIJff~:H!C, ! t.:m:h::r ,hall rromptlv rdum.! to Borrower ~my Funds
<br />held by Lc:nder. Ii undu paragraph l '" hcr~Ql ihe Pf",p-ertY h .~'l.;ld ,'f Ih~ Pr<.'rt.'rn ;., l.1thc'rw,,,c acqUIred by Lender. Lender
<br />~haU :.Jppiy. no b~er !han Jmml.:di:Hd:. pnor 1(; iht.' ':..ilL: t't tl;c Pwp,'ny ,_'r n.. ;\l;.:quiSllirof'! h\ Lender, ;iny Funds held by
<br />Lender iH the taf!i; ~H .J.ppikation as ~ -.:rcJit _l.galn~t lhe "I.Hll" ...c..;un:d h\' lhh \h~rrga~~.
<br />J. Applkation of Payments. l t!l"", .lpphc<i.blc !JW pr;:"\ hj~~ ilthcrwl';~. ,lil paymenls fC<':Clvcd by I.~nder unuer the
<br />N:ole J.nd para~nph>; 1 >.Ifill :: n~n:ut ~h.-'lil t~ aprncd b~' 1.:':0-.l('f 11r\1 ;~,\\ 1llcnt ,'I .jffiOun{S paY~lhlc h) L~ndcr by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2. hereot. (hen to mtca'''! ,)JV,J[liC l,tl :ih.' ';;Ph:. l~h'l\ (,' t1)":- prull.'lp.ll ,If tht: ~\)tI.', .mti then to interest and
<br />pnnclpa.1 un >-in\' Future :-\d\'an.::cs,
<br />4.. {"haq:es; Uflll\.. &'rro"~i ..nJ.li p,l\ .,U \.!\, , 1".,.........rn,'f1b o<:,J .'lh!.'r ,_-h.u~..;... Hn..:" ..mi Hllpl1~itlons. ;ltlr'lbulable to
<br />lhe Property \!,:-h!cn may :llt;,un ,: rnl'ftty .'Vl.~r :Ill~ \1.._'11~.!~1.::, ."J i.:.i~o:.:",'i;i ;'.t\rnl.:nl~ ,'I :':'Wtllld n:lll~_ if ;Iny, in the manner
<br />pcovidt."'1l unoer i':.:r;:q;raph 2- in:,:rl.'l.'-i ,IT . r,,1t I'.I'~ ,n \"....h ill.lnm:r, ~\ 1"''1':\'\\':1 111,lhin:,.:. p.I\Hlt.:nt. when due. dire:;tly to the
<br />payee !ht""r\,"{'lj, }:j()rro'4cr ..h>tU rn.lmplh !UflH...i! hi I t,.;ll,l.,:r .Ill Ill_,ll:':\."", '" .illhHillb du~ '1oocr th'" paragraph. ;lod in the event
<br />Horru\\'cr "hell! make- pa~!l1ent dut.'(!(\, U\'n,"~"! ~,'\,~li j'Id11P!l\ ~i1n\l...h l.,,;-n~kr f;:,:t:tpts l.'\IJl.,'HI.:Hlg ~u~h payments
<br />ih.nro\\'cf ...hall prmnpdy IilXh,Jt.~1: .illY ;,..;n '<'.'1,...h h.i"'o ~'fh'l'!\ ",..'j' 11w. \IOrlgi1-t!....: l'r""yj.lcd, th.l! fk)fWWCr ..hall nLl[ be
<br />reqwroo to :.h~h,'lg~ ..ny ~!l..:h llt:H ," hlB~ .\:, i:i..'l;P.~l'l ..h.iil lh,,' p,lymclH ,JI Ihe <.lhli!!a.tion '1('J.;ured by
<br />;,uch lien m.i IH.wner ;1c\:J;f'tahk ~,\ Li."_oJt.:;_ ,1; -,q,:,i "~,'~',,l d'Hk>l "il....1; r,\, ,': ddcnd <:llh1-n';l:nl..::nl 01 '\Ilch lien in.
<br />legal pnn.:-\;-culng!> wtm:h ~}pt:"1,Jk 1..1 i!r\;,-.~lH ,;~,~ ,'nl.>!,--':~ll;.:n~ ,'I "'" ;''.';i d h.)ftt'ili\l~' (,t !he PIPP~l!Y ,'Jf any part thcre(,1f.
<br />
<br />~ga~l~; J::Z:~I~~:::~'~ ~~t:lt:;:J:~r ,:~~i:lnh~~~' :~.'~n;I\\~~~~::f~~:~.)I\~-: "~';'\I.~~: 1~ljl;il!~ ':l\,~lt~r~:~~~r ~.:~~~~~ ~:~ l/,~n~~~~rl~:~~: 1:~~~~I~~
<br />
<br />and In s.uch .tm~ltin~:) ~Hh.i '\'[ "'h..!! jXi:,.J.. ,(" I <:\'-.j;;! :\l,(~ :;..'+;.'r~', ;'1'"' Hk,L \h~.. ! t',\dCf ....tuH !HI, f<":~:lIr~ Ih.-H !h~ .lJ1H~1lIH uf
<br />'iu-.:h LOh:"f;jlg~ .;\.,:~('d th.lt .1mv\.H1t "I. d"'-':;'_'~": "-'<.iU':,,:1l {'_' ('oj\ '"'<': ',\~;;l" -'.-~;iF,'d In i'''.. \10;(~.)g.1.i
<br />"Jlw: ill~lHarK:f; ...-.;j.f!"l<t prd"tUin~ Hx; W-;.uf.ll)l,.t,,;' ,-h"H h: .. ;l,_!~.::n b~ H,Jt r~'\\.:r ",uhi\.'\.l h' .lppl ()\dl by Lender; pftwldcd,
<br />that ~-uch .j.PPfoval -...h-a-ll nvl ~ -i!lH\~..~<'il.ihh ',\tHlhdJ: \if ~h,'j\l"tjn... In,(~j _l\!":l' pUfl-":IC~ "hall r.t' p~liJ \II the manner
<br />pn:widoo tn\der paragraph 1 h":H~O! ,"'f. nut f!.;.:.J iH "''''':~ ;tj.ii1~j":, h~ H.'n(',~ct ,flJt.;Og r.'iYni~!1l, \d.en Jil~-, dlft."-ctly tQ the
<br />tfi)Ufance .::aut<-f,
<br />AU lfisuran..:\.' roll'::lt:~ .\nJ rerh:'...~;" i:,cr....'l ~h.l:; !~;.' III !\)!'m ".~.:rL".,jk (" I =:ihl<.:l .'ihi \n.lll illi.:iudl.: ,i q,Hh.lard mortgage
<br />dause m fahH \'t ;lnd ,n h,rOl ",;.(epLli:'>[~ lu t i.;iiJer L\~ii..kr ~n 1" 1L!\-... frh': 1",;1-<1 (" hl'ld ll1l.' p,'l!":lt;\ ,lnd rClll.:'A;.lb, then:;.)f.
<br />,lnJ 8ono'-\t:r ",h,.H ~'H''l.lmptl! !UfJH-Sn ;:,,\ l~a-J~f ,it; ~\.'"i\...-.\.\l H.-.;,-...~'" _:od .,i; ~t.'~.'-':iph ~ll j'.lIU !~H;ol1li\lm.. In tile ~\~nll)f lo~'i,
<br />Bou..,\\'cr \h..ii $1'0(' i"r,,)mpllwu....: t,1 lh~ m:-,.lH.l'!,--~' ~-inl"':! ,1l~J 1";-1:..1>.:1 t l.'n~kl nl~l.~ il1.l),J.: P!,i~\! \,ll \os,,> II nt'lllll.~Jt:: pr'_lll\ptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unh:u L~nJ~r ..loJ IkUh)\,l,t.:r ~,lh~r\\j", .J.!;ll.::': l:~ ."ntin~. i:l'>i.H.iih."; t"rd~,..:d, "h~dl he .lPplicd hI r~~lof.ttit){l nr repair Df
<br />the Propt:ftl Jama!C,c.:J, rm"'l~k...: \i,+..:h i>;~~h.lr,).tl<.>n \,'( :-..:p.uf l~ ':i.:~_\lhlmh.-.lih k,~\lhk' .lnJ !ft". \C";tHHY \)1 fhl' ~lortgagt IS
<br />not: thereby impatred )1 ).u....h fc"l.)-r...{l\Hl Of li,'po-ilf <) lh1i L'...~'nt"lnll. ,lih :..'~,...d'h: .Jf 11 th~ ~':":Ul11Y ,.It lhlS Mortgage w~HJld
<br />b<: .Impaucd. !hc .n~l.uance pr(X"eeJ':\ ..,ha!i he .1ppiH:-,j tl..' !h..: ..,Jl1h ..":..iIH,:'u h} !Ilj.~ ~h)ftg,l~::. "\llh the c\":~",s, if any, palo
<br />10 BOfh:lWcr, If the Pfv~rt\ t::. ,lhJ.Jh.k'lh:J h~ H.}l'h'l",CL i;f d HOfT~'"cr !,uh "J (C~pliIlJ h" l \.'nJl.'f \\tllhui 30 da)~ lrt)tl\ the
<br />date notice IS m.lil~ b). tender Il.,) Hl,1fr~Ywcr :hotl :ht; ,ns.U.fJlh.;.: ..-;ifila lllfcr'\ (l' "l.:llk ,\ d;tlIH toll ll'~Uranl.:~ henetils.. Lt:nJer
<br />is authun.tCd to .;oHect aud 4ppt} Ill<: Hhur;.U~!':,-' ~~{('4:~~J;:) ~lt b:I\J~r ~ ,_'plll,,'J:l l.:idlCr to f~~h)-I.ltlOn ..)i' repair of the ProperlY
<br />l..)f to d\iC. SUtm :.<<\.l",ed o}- thii Mon8A8~
<br />Un-iess Lender .:tnd Borrower \,Ih<Nh~ .l8f!;.'C ",\nang. .1n~ ,ud) ,lppil;':"l~h..m t,f p-rni.:\:cJs Iv prm~lpal ;.-hall no1 eXhmo
<br />or pt>ttpont lhe- d.lhl: dale vi {tu;- m~Hl.thl~ Jt\~tJJimi'Hh il,dl,.'n~d 1\1 Ii! p..rJe:r..iph:. ..laD'::' hcr~dl <.,r ..:hangc lh-e aHlol!Ot 01
<br />w.::b iMWlmcnu, it under par-agr.lph ~s here-o! .he Pr.)p.crl\ i~ .il':'-jllHCJ b~ Ll;lh.iCL ...!l ng.nt, o[l~ -and mlerest 01 Botrower
<br />in a.nd to any lns.ur.O";e- pohcio .aod in .Hld. i\.) ~hc t-).fI.X:~ lbt:rcot :-t'-S-Ullll1g (wm J,lln;l.gc 1..1 the Propert) pnor to (he '~ale
<br />Uf acquis.._ttQD shaH pa~ to Lender tu !.he c_\.!eiH "t !h~ 'ium.!> s~>,.ureJ. Mj rhl" \h~rt~<-:~1: ;nHn~J.i.;udy poor Ii) ,;.uch sale vf
<br />3~quioillOIL
<br />6. ~..~~aad )12iDtfiLalKe of Pf'ope_f1)_ l.c~hultib; Condo-miniwn~; Plal)Qcd Unit Ue\'dopm~nts. Borrower
<br />s.boUl keep the; Propcny in good repair a.nd :,.haU not ~ommit V..}.b..tc ll! permit Impalrment Of JelcfltlratiQu of th.e Property
<br />and sh&U ~y with the pro-vworuj. vi an:--- !eiLiC II tb{~ ~ortgJ,g:c j~ on a k.hl:hnlJ, It {!Il~ \h1H.i:J,agc h 1.1n a unit ill J.
<br />Coa4omin.iWD ~)( .i pl-anned una dC'\'e.!opmcnL 8QfTu\o\er .",haH ~~riottll all 01 Horro\il-cr's \1bllgJ;tll..~Hi und'fr th~ d~a::atlOn
<br />()t CO\'O.DlJlt$_ cthUDS Of gQ'iermng the: I.':Und{.lmmwm ..Jf pt-.lnne,d unH ~kvdt)Jm\t:nt.. lhc by-law;"1 and n:glildtjons of the
<br /><~itUum Q{ planned unit development. <Hld coofotituent J()~.umeHl'L It ;l ,,'\)nd.Hllmium ,}f pl-'Al'J:Iled lllHt d~vcltlpru~mt
<br />ri4lf it ~~__ by Borrower and recorded hJgl:t1~,.. W,ilft this. Mort,ag-e, the ~'o'.-e-I1J,nb ~1:lld Jgret::m,:,oh oi :ouch rider
<br />... ~ ~a,.a_ in<<t-,;aud ~U llfftCAd aad ,~upplelncfll t~ ;':Ovcna.nb anJ ugr\:t:Il:h:-Ou. of thIS. Mortiaa::e a~ It the rider
<br />~ iI p;ort.~.
<br />,~, ~, 01 ~s. Su-wiq. ff BoffiJw~r laits ti1 perfvrm the .:o.ven-anb_ and a;gn:'(utenlS. c\.lot.uned in thilt
<br />~. ""if toOY at'Uon or Pf",~ini " ,00""",,<:<<1 whICh mal<riaUy allCCI' L<rn.!e(s ,"I<rest in the P"'l"'f1Y.
<br />~ hut n<<. tinUtcd .~ -flUi~ domain. in~1iv(fk;'Y, t:t'kie en{on,;emerH. ;,')f llrrangements nr pR"k:"l'.:dings mVQh'lO, a
<br />baakrupl ,<< ~__t. -d~n lom;kr at Lc:m.t~(, (lpttOH. ~tpt}n n-cr~:ce h~ Borr.owcf. rn(t,~- make ~~l~h. JPI)(aJ'lHlo~C;\. dtsbur.s.e ~uch
<br />~,~:~ ~b- -M:'l~: 3$ a ~ h.l pl'Qt~t lcn4tf'~ .ltH~{e:\t. ml;Jili.hn~ but m-lt limited: too, J~lIbunt:mcnt t\f
<br />t~ .-M_~~'-.c~:,~. 1Wd -'~lHt:y,_ ~t._ tM ~ro-pcn'}' tQ .-!.l\,ak:e tl;,;'pim~, Ir [,I,;'ndc-, r"'4I.I~n:J m-i.}rt-ia.g<-- -lnsu.r;,'iHCe ;,1,\ ,j.
<br />(-~~,~ ,~t.. ~~ t~ .10..0 .~_Uf.d by_ t}w~-, M~}rt;a~1 Rt\-tl'l;.v....i'f' :Jhl1H r;,i~' _1 he- pn::JtIHHn~ hH)WI"(.d to m.du~t..:W:l wen
<br />t~, in ~~ un-ul M~-h b~' :in tht,t rc.q~i[(\.tne::u fO't_n.j(;n ,.!H-tU';tth.:C It:!mm-a.t~~ in .l~\:ordanc~ \'Hlh BtH(\~""er\ -i\n.J
<br />
<br />'>'!
<br />
<br />