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<br />83...;;;."'\1004837 <br /> <br />I.endc(s, wriu..:-n agreement or applicl.blc law. Horro\\'er ShOll! pay the amount of all Fnortgage in~ur:mce premiums in the <br />manner provH:kJ under paragraph 2 hereof." <br />Ary:y am.ou!lls disbursed by Lender pur!\llant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shalt become additional <br />;ndC-btedncs~ of Borrower ~cured by' this Mortgage. Ljule"'\.s BorrO\~'cr ~md Lender agree to other terms of payment. such <br />amounts: shall- he payabh:. upon notice fn)m I.coder to Borrower reqllcs-ting payment th~reoL and shall bear interest from_ the <br />date-of l.-HshUT!'Cment -at the- rate payahle fro-m lime to time .on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment- of <br />interest at-such .rate- would be-contrary to applicable law, ill v.,hich event such amounts shan bear interest at the highest rate <br />permis-sibJe \Inder arp.Hcah!e law. NNhing contained in this: pnragr3ph 7 shall require Lender to incur any 'expense ,or ,take <br />:tny actioo hereunder. <br />8.:" lII5.pec::tiGn~ Lender may m-ake.o( c-au~c to he m<idc. re-~sonahle entries upon and inspections of-the: Property. provided <br />that Lender l.,MIl give Borrower notice prior 10 ~my -.;uch inspectton specifying reasonable cause .therefor related h') Lender's <br />ifHer~t'in.'the ProJlftr-ty. <br />9." Condemnation. The p'mcceds fl-f any .lw.ard or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />;:ondenumtion -or other taking: of the Property, ~~r part thereof, t'",f for CI.)nvt-vancc in lieu of condemnation_ are herehy as.l!:igned <br />and'''j:hall ~' Lender. <br />In the C'tt'l1t of -<t: total titking of ihc Pro-pcrt~<. tht: rnJc(:ed; "hail he applied to lhe slims secured by (hi~ Mortgage. <br />~\-ith tnc t:"..-(.'('....". if any, p;lid Ii" BO[l"n....'cr. In the eve-nt of a parttal taking (If the Property, Hnles!" Borrower and Lender <br />\Hhitrwls.e .agrt.-'e in \v-riting_ there .,hJiI he ~1pphcd h1. lhe "tlm~ ~e.c.ured r.v lhi~ Mortgage !>uch proportion of the proceeds <br />;1-:1: '",.-equal t{) lhat pf'np()rtiN'l .....hich lhe ~tnmul1t of the ,,,um~ "-i.~(:lIred hy this Mnrtgage: immediately prior to the date of <br />laking bcar~ t>, the fair mar1:et valne {'I {he Prppt'r!\' immcthalCly' pnor [0 rhe date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />PQid to Borrower, <br />If the Property j... ;;handoil\"~l h~' B,,~rrnwa. i\r d. .'ilter rh"'\r1CC 1-1-... J ,~nder to Rorwwer that the condemnor offers to make <br />:10 awud M ~Ntk :~ d...1in. fIx damages., Botrower bii" tn rC"p\)-nd W I.ender "-ithin .10 days after the date such notice is <br />m;:liled. Lemler i... ilutnoril'cd In ,,'{lIlCcl ,:.nd J.r'irh' tht' pmceedll:, at Lender\; ("ption. either tp TM.toration or repair of the <br />Propcflv ('Ir f-i\ the !>um", ~..:urC'd Iv..' Jht2i. MOrH!;,u!.e <br />Unf-t.~... Lender a.nd fiOffpWU {~rh-~~r\\-t...c a~f;~ in \\r11inl!. .H1\ \Ouch .lpplJGulnll pI' proceeds to principal s.hall not c'lCtend <br />{lr pft'.tpN'l:C' lilt' due d:-H~ !\f !h~ mnalhlv in,,>raHmC'nf'> l..:.'t'('rrt'd 1n in r.1r:a~r:l~h.... i ;md :? hefCof Of change the. amount of <br />..,Hen Infltlllme-nt'5:. <br />to, Bot'ro,'u'r Not Rd~ased. F'\tx'l1sl<c1n ,~i the tltn~~ ;;\t r:1\-mi."nl ~'r m,ldifiGllit"n (If amnftlntion of the ~llms secured <br />by thlS Mt~ng-;j~ g.ranred h\' I endt:! h' ;;IO\' "-ti.:.-t:"..<\1 rrtl;,J('q i'( R,~rfn\\t~r "h,ill tlC'i .'rcrJtt:: !f, rdease. in any manner, <br />lhe- li~hiHIV I'd lhe t>--fi!'ltn;d Bono'",,"r ;HH.l H-;~rr';'lW~'["", ~\l;:;\..'i.'""tlr,, ,p in[Cfe~1 I cader <o;hall not he required to commence <br />rrrv.;e-cding:i ;);~itln'it :<"Kh ;<..Hcccs<;nr ,\, rt~h,~e !,' ~''\!.:c,i l!H't.' f.\l r:1\'n-lcnt I.\f t'lhl~f\vi,c modify ;uTIortlzation t.t the slims <br />\CCUfeU iw thi,,- ]\.fprtg3i:C }-.,' rC<l:"-t'm ('f .I'l\' d\';n3I1d !11:li.k j--,,' ,he i.rjl.'m;11 H,.rrf'wt."r :111d B,Jrn)'\\'t."f's suCCC:o;.St'l('S ill intcre~L <br />11. '''~(Jd)f:.aruc~ in( Lf'ucltf ~flt -a WaiH'r. \n\' (<'fhc<!t;.Hh:t' h. I '--'t)I.Ji'r in l'\C!i.'tliine anY ritht l}r remedy hereunder. t.\f <br />IltnC'-fWI"(' ;>!'f0n:,ieu l-v ;~p-ph(.'ahk L-lW ,,~uH ',.'1 h,: ;1 W,lI"l', .'1 "f p:'eduJc fhe t''-er~is-c d "an\' 7'>uch right or remedy. <br />'Tne pnx:-urcm~nf r.,f l!HUH::P;'l('~' l'r nw r';\\'m,~n! ,-.~ ~.\'q.,,- lY "thef ben... ~1; \:h;H~(," r.v I ~nd('r "h:lll flot r'l-<: :1 waIver ('If Lender's <br />r!~hf 11\ ~\..:<.'ckfatt: :h; O1:1H.Hli'i .'( fl,.' ,ijdd'ie-tJm.'~" ~'""IH"~'d h\-' ~hi", \1pr1i.'au,t' <br />f2" R(l'~ Cumulath'f'~ ,\!J ft:ln.:,l]\,:'" Pf\",l,kd !hi.. Mnrrj.::;l!.!l' ;,f\' ,!J"ill,-"t ;\mi ...llm\\!ativ~~ 10 ;lilV olher right or <br />ft:'rned\' tmtlu ,hl"> \f"'l-n1:~1~t" 0, ;l:!h'rdi:d tv 1.\>,.\ ',11 '~-qull\ .,.,d tn.n' h,; \:~\'!\.',",l'd ;.J!h.'H!t\.-nl!\. indt..'pl..'ndenliv (11' Sllcl'cssively" <br />13. SIK~ and :\~tI\ 60und: J~in( and St'\t,'r.Jl i iilhilit) ~ t'llPtioll"i, rhl.' ~'<l'.\:nanh ;l~H.i :l~r('C'ment':i he-rein <br />(-OntaincJ "hall hinJ. ,wd th~ ;i"'h:.,, ~\<.:r::H::d'-'.r .,iull "1~~ ",:"pc\ tJ'.(' ...:!.:.,:,-,,,....,w, 'llld a"',l~:!'i'" n-i i cndrf ;\nd Borrower. <br />~~ibjecf td d.t,~ pn;vj';.wl'1" .'1 !1,H.;~r;If'h ): hn,~,)! \~l ,,'\,'\.',\,..111-, .,"cl <;.l~fl'l.'meTlb A- lll~n.'\'.et. ,hall h\." j,'int ;uld .,evcral <br />The ;.'a.pfH."ln.. ,Old he2Ilhr;~.. nl !}W pc!! ~i;' .,:' 'hh \1"[!\:;\lCt: ;\,'\ ,-,.In,\'crn...'lk-f "n!'.' .1nd Jrc nn: {i\ ~c ll,,-ed to <br />l!1tcrpret {\f' -defint: !he' ;'i.n ,...It,;;... ~..'r,:().i' <br />Jot. Nuder. r".:ept f"f a!";~ Hel!!,.:" '-~-q,"~'cd '.'","" 'f'!'H" l~';'- L;,~, !n ;nh':hcr !llLllll1t~r. (,I) anv notice to <br />!lo-rn)wcr prln..!d~d f,)'1 >n th.';, 'hv !1'a}:~ ~i;"!n h..: ,\:r1lflcJ r11;J!J ,H.ldfC',>wd 10 Rorrow~r at <br />!he Prnpert~' -\.ddre~!\ ,;;' ,~~ -.{,..-h !'1bc-1' .h!drt~v,-. _\" H.",-, '\;'ll,,'C 1,1 r ,-~1'idCf .'-" provided herein, anJ <br />(!1} any not.t'C h.~ L:'TJdcr "h"ll t......: :::'H-" ~''.. ":~~rt,fwd ~.."".; "~.qd.c"!<"tL [;\ I C'!Hkr'" :al-drt'."''' S:lah'd herein t~r to <br />such other add~.. ,~... i cm,kr [!1..\ I.h~':1!tLl:(' f; '0 'IL.k" ie'fL''''-' " I'r'.'~l~h'~l },~'H:Hl \n\' !ll~!i,-'l" pro....lded for Hl this. <br />t\hm~~gtr 'inJH h: ueerl1l.!d 1,' b:l"'\,' l'-7-.;n ;Z.!\Cll !d lL~~ f(J\'<T{ ,'.1' I \'!\'.kr v, hl"n ~'Vl'r\ in thl:' manner desigo31cd herein_ <br />15. {lniform \ttUtg.t'~ (~n('miog f :)w, St>\.....rahR..,,~ fh(-.. 1;-'11\ ;.'1 rn"!:;;lh:~' ...;.lnloim', Ilfl-ifm'm t,y.'ennnts for national <br />tlie -,tlhl Jlon--buifonn (,'~enanl", ,\itl1 lifm:t.',l '-_lil.:ii1d!h h~ ,.f,...,l>~li;'t'! !,', ~'dn"lll;.tlC ;:;. HrH!l,lrm ~C',,'-Uf!ty im,tnHntnl t'ovcring <br />n:at ptflret'1\- nH'~. \kt\g;i~'" ...1r"i) h..: t~';H'-f'1<'d ~1\ the h\',- _'t' !h",: ;\ifi..,hi,.'llnn in \.~ hiell 1 hi.' Pro[X"Ttv h !ocalt.u. Tn the <br /><:.v~nt fhat flny rt'\t';:1~h'H ,'f \ L;,t1\,..- ;11 !~';\ \hHI~,.t:!." 1'-;;' .......,;\' ,,'nil;..:\; \qfh ~lprjH.-ahfe !oJW, .~lKh ronHi~;t ~haH nO! affect <br />.--,.thc-[ f'ft1!\;f'lioo'\ l.~f int... \to-rlf'.<q:... "f 'tho '\;'.h.' ~\k\ h h' '.:'\,-"n ~'!kd \.id','Ht the ,'-l,mflt,--:;in~ prod'\Jon, ;wd to this <br />en\.i {he 'rrnvi~~..'\-n, (,f ,h.:: \lon~age j,f)J lh" "-.,. .to: ~\<~,,'Ll;t:'d [,' "\'\ l'rahh: <br />16.. aorro.."'r'!Ji {-op~'. Borrl~",{~'r ..,h.1l! h.:.' i'l;;!-",hl"d ., l:.'f1!.-'fflH,',! ,PP\ ;\1 lhe ~ote :tnd f'f ttHS ~lons.age at ,the time <br />.11 C'\ccut,ion t)f ;,1I(('.'T re..:\.\Hbti(.'n htfC,-lt <br />17. Tr1a.f... of tIw Propat:n A"~m'lkm. Ii Jll \~r .in\, r.ttl ,~t :ht.' Prt\p\~ln \'\ ;m iittere5~'.,herein H.. ~'ld,or <<ansfctre.d <br />hy B(~h)"..-'C'r \Hth..'1o\!{ I.t':lldcr'\ rrHClr "-HHtl.!!\ \\'n't-nL \\~'hldm~ i,.' In..: "l--,,"aH,}1l ii~ it ften ~:.,:r~'t:ncu.1li.bhii:l'CG .subnttiin-a-te to <br />th~" Mont:a~, fh} the ,;t't.aIH"o ..f ,1 pur;;.b-l,t: nh~f;~\' ",~(tJ/'l.t.. ;r1!<::ft.;;1 ftlr h~\us~hnld 3ppli~lt1\.'(':s. (.;;) ;~ 1ransfcf hy devise. <br />dn<."'C-n1 ~r by .nt-.cnuK)O {~,!' la"", \lfX~n tr.e d~:.tih ,'It ;~ )"IlH It'HZini "I j' 'hl Uf'll'll:t "f r, \ I Ii ~ ~1-rf 'q18fM-t ~f tLru :'nrrl ulan <br />.. I" 11' 'T"f r.1 1 r ... 1 end".. HlJ.Y. :H i e~ld-er.., \'1.'O\\fL dcda,c ,dllhe ,>urn>; V~l.:urctl hv thi-s M()l'tgage (0 be <br />Im-m~titah:J~ due and rayabk. L~ndcf .,hall r1l\-'t.' ~<J",C\i '\u..h OPlllln 1.' ii(c-C'lero1lc it. prifir !,l the "-ale or- transfer. I.ender <br />;and fM pc'rson h) ",o\"tm the PW-}X:fl\ ;.. 1(1 r.....- ,>,tid \.~r Ir.mql:fl'~d f~1\\.'h ~.q.:-ret:'ment In v. ntmg- that the' t.'recht of ~UI;h pers(ll1 <br />.~ utisf-iKt;[tf)~ w l.c~Wcr ;iOO th.H ihc mt"rl:'~t P,1.V;Il>!t: i>n thl..' ...;,m., ~''':-\Jn:d h lhi... Mmlga~l; ,,-halt bc at MI\:h r:;He as L~nder <br />~haii tL~t. if f.ttWcr h.:u wai"'\ti,,t ttK: ~~pH<)n h' ~1<:~,d~l~lh" rroviJcJ tlw>; parag.rarm n. and if 8(\rf(~w(r\: SUI.::cessor in <br />inc~! h~s C\.ec--littJ . wnHfii 3~~Ump-Hon :agree--rnefH ii.:~ep'icti in ... ririn~ bv l.~lhkr. { endt~r ",h311 ;('lea':".:- Ro.rrower from all <br /><>bliltiioo. un<lcr t!m Mortgllll" and tru, NO!e, <br />If Lendltr e'\~rcisc!> 5-tro;:h ('r'tlon h.' oli,;\-':ckr;!tc. ! t'nd\;':' 'oh,1l1 In.ji! R,~l w..\.cr llotH:i.~ \'i ;H.:.:.:de:t\\flf\(1 in Oil,..cordance with <br />parAlrapb 14 he~f Sach ovttv"e ...hall pn.ymie J pen..:"i 1'( lWi k\\.,; !h~ill :'tf) d:.rv... frnm the date the lWtiCC is mailed withiH <br />wb.tch BorW\fitt m3Y -pay the 5unn de.dared due. H fh~nt.j\....,:r r..l;to. 1.., p-av "lh':.h .."mSe rrj,lf h" lht: C'\pinHlOn of "illch period, <br />tC:fidcr m.y. Wt'it~1"lUt fun~f not;cf; or .jcm~nd ~'n &,!(f('<"'~r. ,1t\'l,k~ ~wy f":fl'H.>-dlt"S pennlued P}' paragraph 1 ~ hereof. <br /> <br />NQN..lJ-lVIFOJI;M C,-,",'fi""iA,"i-rs., Ron(Wi'Cl' .tnU Lender funber -i,.'\n'~~n<l:llt anJ -Jgret:'. a'i fl.~flt:Jw\ <br />IL ~ a-...... .:.<ept "" pM.idcsi In _rapb 17 ~""",l, u_ ""'.....r$" "",,,,,h or any' < or <br />.....- '" ...-.- fa .w. ~, mduoliftc .lw ro.'._" lu p.Y ..1m> d"" any .to.... It'<....,! by 'b" M........... <br />LaMer ...... ae....... ....... ..... DOli<< 10 ....._r. ... pftJ.W<'tl in P_...... 14 ~rreof .prdlyl...: (II tlw bruch: <br />t%J................... .. ...... ..Ja ..........: ill. t1_ 001 .... lhaD J{l day. J,,_ Ihr dOlr 'M oolk. '" malk<! 'If Ilo.mwn. <br />..., ...... -.11....._ ............... (4) """ rallun 10 f.... .""~ "'-b Uti 0. bef.... lbe d.le ....dfied 10 lbe notlt:e <br />..,............."'__ -""'" by Iklo ~l""-.. 1_""'.... by ,"did"l pro<-'inIt.lId oak' of tM 1'...,..\1)'. <br />........ ..... ........ iJIf_ ............ of IlIe llaId It, .._ "'Ie< "" .nd lbe rialtl 10 _rt in 1M Ion<""",", <br />.......... ~ Of .. ..,..... Of ."Y ..... tleMaw of .........., to ......_ ond I................ If Ihe _Ii <br />Ia...'.......... w- iIoe .....JpodW.. t.... ooli<<, 1",_. .t I",ndu', "pl_ may doda.. all ..I tbr ..._ _II..,! by <br />-~c"'''' ~ldlM ..... pa,lIIoIt ..lUtool lunM' d<<marod ond _. f.......\Me by ,u<lkial 1'.........1.... L...... <br />....................d....... ~ ..u nlJO'_ '" f_rk_..., iud",,",-. bur..... limlt<'tl in. (...... 01 docu_atary <br />......... ~....,.. ...,...m. <br />.,.. ~ __.. ......... ~(.~wtth-st<1f~j!n~ l :J.;lruh:u-~ ,'~~.~,..;;:k~3h~m ,\-f th:~ '>l'iHt;. :;{~t:uH;d h~ ihi.. ~'for{ta~{;'~ <br />I~'U.,",,'.t:! d,~ thli ttcb1 f;) h~H'\~ :tm) P-l,('(:~.'t.dil\~~ t~l1ttW hr j ~n-d~f f~' ';l,;h~h,~ ~h;... .\fOr1!tii~'" ,h.""..HHH!ln~ti ,.d .':i11} brut. <br />