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<br />83-00.1837 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />UNIFORM CO\'FNXN1S. llorrowet and l.ender i.:(}vcnant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. U\..)rrowcr shan pr~)mptly pay \\-hen due the principal ot' and mtcrcst un the <br />indeblednes~ cVlden-ccd by the Notl..'" prepayment [Iud latc ;,;hargc" as provided in 1he Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any FutUft! Advances secured by thi" MOrlgagc. <br />2.- Fgnds for Taxes.and Insurance. Subject 10 appllc~tblc bw or fL} a ""'finen waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to J....ender on the day monthl}' in~~3I/rnents of principilt and mrcrc"t .ire payaMle under the Note. until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein ,'-Funds~') cquat to Dnc~twe.lf-th of Ihl: ycatl~' t~p;-cs and as.sessment>; which may attain priority over this <br />M-OJ1gage~ and-ground rents' ofllhe Property, If any. plus ,1ne--tweHth of V(~arly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus o-ne..twe-lflh of yearly premium installments for m~)rtgage Iflsorance. If any, all as. reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time: 1,(1 time b\' Lender on the ba~i:\ of "i$$CSSftlCnr5 ;Hid hilh and r.:a_".ona~le esrimates thereof. <br />The Funds shaH be held in an msttrutton the- depo!o.ih ('I' ;!\.'COlmts nl which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />.state. :lgc--llCY t including Lender if Lender j, ~u~h an inSlinHlon 1_ I cndcr ~hall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments. <br />Insurance premiwns and ground renh Lender may IIi'll charge j,', :-:fl th)ldmf and applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and (.'Qmp-Hlng said u,;sc-ssmenl'\ and bill':>. lInless Lender pay'i!; Borrower inlCrCS[ Dn the Funds and, applicable law <br />permits Lender h) fl),a;k-e :'iuch a <.:hargc-. HOf[L)Wer ;mu Lender m:iy agrct..' in "..ritlOg .It the time of cx.ecution of this <br />Mortgage that interest \_Hl the Funri~ "hall he paId to D-Orr~)WCL ,tlld \1nlc!\~ ~uch ilgrecment is made or applicable law <br />re-qutres such intercst to' be paid, Lender ;,.h~1n nN ~ n:yuireu to p.t\. BI)HOWn :.m)/ inlcrcst or earnings on the Funds." Lender <br />.,halt gt\'t to Borrower. wnhout ,,:hargc, ;H~ ~nnHi.1! ;H..c\\Untlng ,~f the Fundo; ,h<:iwing nedit:; and debits to the Funds and the <br />purJX"-sc t-n.r 'Xi1f~h eat;h Jehn t.'! the FunJ'i. \\,;.1.\ m;'iJt: rl1~ Fuot.b, em.' ph...-dg:cd .1" iHJdi!ional ~ecurilY fDf lhe sums secured <br />by thi1; ~.jortgagc <br />If the amount i.,f the Ftmds. held hy L.:nJcL kg.ct!lC'f \qth Ih.: IllWft:- ml)nthiy inSfailmems \)f Funds payabi_c prior to <br />lhe due d..'ltes. 01 taxe:,>" j:l~~e~ment~< !n:',Uf~HK-:.~ prt~rnium:-. ,m~l !!flHHld f-en::.., ;,bili! c'\<;t:cd lhe amount required to pay said tax:es, <br />assessment.,. lOlOUmffi:e premlUm5- and gwund rent"-, ,., ;h.:~ f 'Ill dlJt~. "w:h I.....~C~, ...hall be, ill Horru',l.,:~r's option. ciiher <br />promptly I"r:paid to BOrmv.l:"f Of ("fl.-tined 1._1 B,\ff(l\....~r ,'n m,piHhl\ !nqaHmenB .."f Fund~" If the ~lInount of the Funds <br />held tw l..\mdcr ",huH not be surtklent to oav U.\ e;-, , ~<';''\~-'i-~nwnt'j." iT1"\lfanCC llremiums ;wd ~rollnd rents as they fall due. <br />BOIToWer shaH p<:i~' t~\ Lender ;:m) ;nllfotm1 "ne-~e":"il;":- it, rrl,!kc up the ddicicfll:~ wlthm jO Ja~>~< !rOnl lh-e date notice is mailed <br />by Lender 1'0 Boni'_,weT requ~nng p~l)m(;~H lbth'd <br />Upon payment m f'llB d aU "i'.um... :-.;;i,:tHt:J h.> !_ht:'-. 'vt,~n~"i;1t:, l -.:nJcl ,hali prnf11rtl~' relund h' B-(llTower any Funds <br />held fir Lender. l[ under pMagraph j;": 11t':f.:of lh,,' PUlp-en'. l'~ ",l!d ,-'f In... Pn1p-e-rlV ,,\.ltherWhe Jcq1Hn:d by Lender, .Lender <br />f.haU apply. fl0 l.m~r th;tH !mmecij!civ ('i'liX '" lh.: "-~lk 1'1 ~;h.' Pr,}pt"IH i\f d~ .\cqlllsllinn hy 1 coder. ;in.... Fund.. held by <br />Lender .:it (he- I,ml," ~)i Appll\:aaon ;!5 a di?011 ;l!!.:iilH'!.= rhe "lmh ,,~.::un:d h\ 1111"- \i('n~a~l', <br />J. Apptinttioft uf Paymt"RtS-. \ r,i~'-<.. .tprll-.;ahk i,Ii.\' l~n.-",dt'~ ,;(01.'1'1'.1........ .l!l r'.iynH:nt.. H_'CCI\'cd h! (,coder under the <br />~($te :md p;iragraph5- i ;md ~ hc-,,,'~'i ."hJIl hi..' .,)flf"h:-d h ! i.'ntler nr'l l'<h1\lC-n! "t allWlilWi P.lY,lll!c H\ I \.'Ilucr hy Borrower <br />under pan.gnph : ht:'r-eot. lrwn h,1 ~nr<"1t'~I r,\\,lt'<k I'll l!-~<..' ","ll' :ikll . i''1lh:lp,-d \~t the :-"(!1l'. .lfhl then h\ intcre'it and <br />imncipalllU J.llY Furure :\.;han;:;c'i. <br />J. Charalo: IJtn:'4. lkrr~~\\'{" >'-.(\ <br />the Propcny \-I,hl-C'b m3Y :.n:;lln ,\ P,'''l1l\ .'H': <br />provH:h::d undt.:-r r.H;.l_#rap-h : htH;,,1t ,,( c,1i ;'.".1 <br />payee JhCn.'D!_ HO-ff\V.~(i :.-htiit j'l,l11,;-':,', ; if ;t1!1 <br />ROf'HJl,l,'ef "hajj maJ.-e p;Hnit"lH d;;\~..'L\ H,~l <br />Hl..H"row-er "h.a:H prt"'mr~ly Iii'>, h"r~{: ;-Hi\ ,d: <br />n:qUlI'cd io tits..: h~.qzt': ,tn-\, ",,'- 1'1 lie; .....' " "~~ .,' <br />,>tA:h hen In Q manner a,::;.;>:p!~\b-i~ t ;.:;lul..'{ <br />legal pn.":e~iJtftp .....r-Hi.,h ,!p-\:f.-ih' 1(' r:,-'~'':lH <br />5~ Haz.ard Jmurvn("e. H,\tH,-."..'j ...hid; "'_C....;, <br /> k~~ in ~rt:. h.v~t'D" 1:!....hH.h::;J .,,, ~d1;;l lh,: <br />;lad ,0 such ;i;.mt'il:H~ ,:dHl ~,,( "'.1:,1'. j,<:r~,"_:.~ ;~>; ;;:~:;J'~I !;." <br /> <br />:::' ,~~e:~~::,::~~e~~:~::;::'~:;~~,::~.~ ::~n;~~~" ~:~~~ h,;i~:" "::;,, .~.'" <br /> <br />rro~ld1:d mKkr p..!!.tgr,iph 2. h~l~\'l ~'f f~.'! ~'.,\~i II; ~~H~.h !Hi.Hi~tt'! <br />In')Uf-311("C \.:4ITler. <br />AU in!l:Uf~th-'l;' r--~ll",l~'" ,t:'ld r':l'H:,~.I;'> ~~~'-'tt,-,,~ <br />\..":blUiC (rl taV,)f d ,H'lU i !, tU":'j ., ...h: ',; <br />;ind Bcrn.''''''t':( "h..J.;l plt.m1pli\ h" I t'Hi.h.'r <br />lk)rn..n,'-er \h; gi\ \: !,h.'lilpt n,',lh.'~: ", 11';1.: ;j;"''-li ,,'~,. <br />by iktrl\)Wcr. <br />Unleu l.:u.:kr ..\oJ BlIfl'!'>"':1 ..'tnt.:',\~;;." ,n:!,::.: '----\.r,(ljl~. i: .~,J,\(h..", l'I\,..\Xd~,.H fx' .q~~\jtt'd 11' H'\h'!.llJUI1 ~\r ft:pitir (\j <br />the Pn..'PC'rt~ -.t;UHil.i"..L pI\'\h,kJ ..,...n ll.:'-<II',,-"!1 \'; ;,';~,iH " \'..'.'li.,nll,--,tih l<:,l"lhk ,IIJJ lhr ">.:~Ul\t\ .of lili~ .\-Iongagc 1\ <br />not tMteby lnlpiUred, 1: ...lh:h !"-,,lur.tln'H ..t1 ';"f).!-lf .~ h>! ,,'I.\'11\'n!4..-,dh !t"l~lt\k' l'f :~ lhc- ..t';.'Ulll'. n! !hl'~ Mort~agc Wt)ulJ <br />he 1I1tp&!red. tbe lfl~l.IU10i.:e pH~,,'ee'lb ,"-h<.'iH b-\.' ...!pph~'d k (;It. '\l!H:>. \,::..::Hft."ti h H:ll"; \l\,mg.lgt::, .\~ Ilh ti'lr: (:\f':~:-'!I. Ii dtl\, p<:uJ <br />\0 BouC'wcr. l! the l)ropcn,; ''i ~liJJn..h,..r'\.t..d h H,-lnp\~~l \'1 ~1 B,\n,,'lwt:'f L-,~h ,,' lO~}i\d 1.:' 1 .:'!lJl:r \.l;lthm 30 d.ty" iwm the <br />date llOtl(;( 1'1 rO;ith:::d by LenJcr!", 8"'1ff;, \i~.t~ ;h~ ll;_~U!<Hh..;; (~l.J'-!l:r \,!kr<,. h" ~llk .\ ...i.!~nl f~)r Hl';lIraUi.:e hcncfib. 1 t~mh:,! <br />~" d.Ulbvtued 11) u.:.~UeC:i and ~tppl~ :.he il~~iOr<tl1"::(, rr...~ct,~..h ~{ I ("\,hi-I;.'f) "I'll,-}!, ..-:th;:r h} rc.slut",~IH)11 "I' fe.pan ,ot the- Properl~ <br />i.Jf to [~~ ~{;cu-reJ D} Ih13 Ml1rtg~ <br />Uoic$\ len&:-r.and Borrower dhN\4I~ -agree ';.\.(Hmg. ;tn~ 'o"....h .Ippil(,I~Wn ~-Jf pnxc.:tJ~ 11) pfi!1Clpal ':>!uH mlt e\ll:Od <br />Hi' p.."l&I,p<lfW- ~he d't~ date ...! :!W nH>>:f!hl_~ ,n.'4OlH:nt:nh ldt::rr~ti l,~ l~l p~ragruph"\- ,\!1~1 2 ht:li,.'dl :,If dl~WgC the .Hlh,)tilH 01 <br />'SlA:h IOuailmc-uts. H Hoder p6rrograph I H hernd lh..: Pf~'penj i" a;.'-ilHJt:D h L.cnJt'L .Ii! righi, idle .:\nJ uHt:l'cst ot BOrf\1we:f <br />in lUld 10 Jin~ tMW"at~ JX~<<:~ a.1~J HI J.:.lJ h\ in>: rnx;:~.eJ) (ner-e," ;'.;.-.WIHOg llllm .LHi\JKC: II.) th~ Propeny pnor to th~ ~alC <br />-or ..--=qU2>d-tt.:m ~1l pti.1! h)- tcndocr t~_\ lf~ ,-,,'I-elH ,,1i th~ ,.qm~ '>.t:'LUleJ t..,~ thl>:- ,\lnng,Ii:\~ H1un1;;dtiuel~ pnol w ',ueh :Joaie or <br />~_. <br />4. ........".... aad MailtktulJk-t' of ProlN'rt)'; l.A:-tieboltb.; ("(lndotniui~ PbnIWd Lnit Ue\'elopJHf;'urs. Borr,W,Cf <br />dw!I keep the- Pr-opercy in g<)Od repan and s.haU oN ...:.-(.Oltml ~\l.!Jle 1..'; perron Hnp.unnem Of .;.k:lcrioratl('H1 l11 [he Pn-,perty <br />&ad ~ n'lnply witb the pt'O\>i1ilfOfl5 cf' Ml:)' it-~ It !hj~ ~t-t)!tg~ge h iJO .. k~t\;dlOld, II {hI... '.-longiigc I... tHl ..1 unit in ,I <br />coodomin:lum (.)( a pta:uncd unH -O:c'Yl:-I-l1ptllcnL BUffO\\<C-f ,j",1I ped\.mn ~tH t)l l!off\ ubhg04.u('Ii:'-' undd the (h.~laraHQn <br />0{ -C\-~ti .;rutlllf Of go-vernmg !h't .:,mdunmlJUm ,~f pldflm:d \~ml dt;r\'dt)pmcl1t, lhl~ by~lawi anu n:ll.lli~\llon:o. of the- <br />~~ Of pbnaed \-lull Jevl.tivp-me-nt. .;1t~ (\-'!l!>-Uhi.,;nt .JfJi..;:unlCnt~, h ~ (II pld:unetl unit develDpment <br />ndet M--~ by Jkl;rro'>il'''Cf lAnd ~~(''f'tie4 h)g<tltwr wllh rbt!l- Mortgugc. the ~()"c-Uanb ,UW ~lgrL~U\cnb ,-~t ~uch oder <br />~ bcdnco:rpora.lO\\ ji)t(r and- Uiall a.fUCrW aoo wppkmcot t~ \':o\-cn~nh .m.J apc~mems u!' Ihls. M,ltt~agc ..Vi If the rider <br />,.._..~I~. <br />7... ~ Q,f I......... S<<u.rit)'. If Ik)n(j-~-el' {Mh !0 pcr!\."'}frH the -.:('~n,",nh dnd ~\greemeflla ~:(\OtilUlcd Hi lhil: <br />~~ l)f if tUlY at."1lon ~)f pfoct"\o.Jmg l" (:\"'~I'l\,."(.'-d Whl~h materialJy ~dfc-ch. tc-mkr'~ H)h.::tt-~t in ~hc Pto-ptmy, <br />t-w... hut 1\1)f ....t:IW to.. cm,n(~t ~lJ, h,,!t(li...-e~y, (:ode t'nl-O-f\'"\,:tne.nt, or Mr-.u~gement!i' f)r pnx-<<dings tHv(llvitlj a <br />~pc -Of Girt,~., itu:l\ Le-udttr ..t Leudt'r'~ t^trvl.n~. t~l~."n 110tH.:-t;: P Ih_lrH.,....cL m:A) nuke '\Iuch .\p-pc--ar-lltlC,(::'!, 1..h:'ithUf~ 1\u..:h <br />_~ _... m- ~_ ,wl;UClit\' "'" _n li:$;e"-\.MY tn pt~~'.t-. l..-c-l\dH'~ HHi:.f'.\Z!1.t" ~f1d-ut.iHlg. ~~l1t ,:iL1t. hlt114c\t -w. \jl!\bur<<:n~t<nt ttl <br />t'1:~ ~.~} ~ .nd ,t<IHf)' u'-~ dw Pn.~I)CH'} H) m~.".~ fCf.l-i.Urt- H L~I:ldC1 ft:.'4U~~bl rH1..mgaltC !fpl.UH:m~.:l~ ii', a <br />....~t~ u,t ~ the k~u ~-1U.tKI: Py ttH~ M,,-'j-n~~i", UnHDwif ..hail P;lY tht" p!'t'mimn~ n.':XlUllcV It' tn~intdm ~X\d1 <br />fiDli\.it~ Ul d't~'t ';,\'fl:Hl ~~h !11Jl-e- ;f~ !ht f1)QHlf~n)e~i for \u...:h !ll<"UEUh~'C H:'rmn\-1H-C'l ;ll ,"i.~<;:i)Hhu~...'>: '.'.,jth U,-wn..w~t"" :i'nd <br /> <br /> <br />-.,1'1' [ ,:'..l~~'" !'nl..'~ ,!nd lrllp""nhm'O dltnbulable to <br />k.'lwt"I!d f'.:\m....nb I'l' cn.lllnd (,'nh" If .Iny, Hl the: rnanner <br />t.LHrp\\\.'1 !H,1~!ll~ !)'l~m~lH. "hen JllC, Jlrcctlv to lhe. <br />,-,1 .im.\unb dw.:: :iJ1dcr !b.. and in the event <br />I '.;Jilk"- ".'u:t;'h ~"'HkI1l..:il1g. \u;,;h payments, <br />:,,\,\ ~d<..'J, 1h~l! HI'rr-pwcr "hall lh.Jl bt <br />jl,I';llWnt ,_\1 the \lbll!!i,\!IU[\ :>l'....un.:d b~ <br />,:t'l'cnd t:ni~\r',..(.nh;nt \'f s\t<;h hen In, <br />the Pr,'p~:n\' ,'; .!lJ\ pan I hereof. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />"",p:,"l'lil':l" <br /> <br />," )"':'11;': \\1 'H:l (",I: !l"l s.:, c..-lc"i l,'1I i :1<..- :\ ';pLfl~- in;'~i;:\;J <br /> <br /> <br />bY I.cnder: !'rr"'idcd. <br />in""!.,,,-..<.: p,\lic~'" h.. p"Hd in !he m;lOrlCl <br />ikt:\!I'.CI ql.\illl\~ p;\\'m\.~lH. ....tlcn dUl.', .im:dly t\' the <br /> <br />.In.l ,;(,h ,-'lht:r h;u,lnh ,n.- J \.~nd\.'! 1114Y !l'4tltfC <br />1 ,:,nkl '-hdli ~hi; J'n.pllft' Ih;!1 tht' .Imount uf <br />\ f,.'fU..',t!!:'; <br /> <br />:,qrn <br /> <br />'.. ~ <.. i'L <br /> <br />111.,' ,,~.j t ;~il;),,~, ,;i,d \f;,lll ';h.lud;; _I ,\'I-ndaf'd n1l.lngitgc <br />,~,~< j,~h1 1,\ 'i\'!..! ;h\' p...'Il..:iL'" .Il,d J...'m:\'\~'ij.., lhel\.~l\t', <br />:,":,-~'~r'-t.. "i p.nd r-l'\~nllUlll~ In Iht; eH:'tH ,)1 10,,:--", <br />l i..!Hh.'f 1\1,1) In;tt...'' I'fl."'! ,'I k,:-,~ J1 flt'l m;.d~ pHln1rli~ <br /> <br />.~ .;( <br /> <br />',',l;...- ~ <br /> <br />l:"d i t'ihi(; <br />