<br />r
<br />
<br />83- 004824
<br />
<br />Lende<'s written agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amount. disburoed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower ieCured by this Mortgage. Untes..~ Borrower and Lender agree to other tenns of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />dale of diobursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at--such fate would he contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts ~han bear interest at the highest raie
<br />perrnilsible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 s.hall require Lender to incur any e~pense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8~ f~~ Lender may make t.,r qmse to be made reasonable enlrlC5 upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender ~han- give Borrower Imtiee prior to any ~m('h inspecrion ~pecifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intereu in the Property.
<br />9. C0a4I'II'IItIttIoB~ The proceed.or;; of any award or claim for damag~s. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other tuing of the Propeny, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnaHon. are hereby assigned
<br />amI <hall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the C"\.'ent 0f it total taking of rhe Propeny, the proceeds ~haH be applied to the "urns secured hy this. Mortgage.
<br />with lhe- eX"t'ess, if any, paid to B.-n-rOWCT_ In the {'vent t)-( a partial taking of the Property. unle$S Borrower and lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there ~h:dl he apphed h1 the $UffiS "lecured bv thi, Mortgage ~u\;h proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that p-roporti0n whi-ch th~ ~lmount (If the .;um\ I"ccure-d nv lhj~ M('H"tgap:c immediately prior to the date of
<br />tabng bears lO the fair market value of the Prop('ny rmmedi:alely prior 1(\ tht~ tilde of raking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid If) Borrower.
<br />Jf the l'r-n-pef1V is 3handoned bv Borm,,'cr. fIr if. ;.\flt'r orIfice hy Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />dn award or settk>- n claim for damagt,."j\, 80rT'OWer f;lih h) r-e:~rond to' f e-nder wilhin .10 days nfter fhe dale such notice is
<br />ma!led~ Lender t.. authoriud tP- Ct)-lie-cl and .:ipplv the pn....-cced.., ~r 1 end'er'<; (,p-tlon, either to ret;toration or repair of the
<br />Propeny ('-'f tf~ the- sums \c:(ured hv rhi.. Mnrt~il~
<br />Unlctlf> Lender and Born,)Uo'l'l" {1Iherv.'1'\-(, agree If' \.",oritillg', :H1V "-~1l..-':!1 ~lprhcJti(l~ C1f prex-c-cd1;. to principal ~haH not extend
<br />or ~pone the due date of the- monfh!v Hl:H.:11hn(-nt~ referred h" in j1;irag:raph:;; I ;md 2 here-of or change the amount of
<br />such instalhnents.
<br />fe" ~r SM R~ EtlC!1'-lOn or lht' t:fl1C ff'f f'.lvmcnt Pf t1lt-xtilL";won !If amortization of the "llm~ secured
<br />hy tfH~ M(!-rt8-&gc gr.mt.c:d hy -Lender fl' anv "u-,,;:c{',<-,,(lt- tn jnft'tt.'~t ..f f)tnrOIA'c-r ~hall not openHC to r-e-Iellsc. in any manner.
<br />fhe iiabl1ity nf the- nrigin.ll &""Jfwwcr ~Hl-d R\lrrf'"~f', ",-!-(:..~l'~\Or" HI interest '-e-nder "hall n,1t N- require-d to ('t'\mmencc
<br />proceeding!;: .altil!1'i1t \ueh suC'.!.---e'l:iOr \'f rdH"t: :0 \:'\!end t'n-H.' fel; pa\'men! <..If othetwi...e HHx!lfV :ul1oftizatinll of the stunS
<br />-.a--w::ed-.b)'. .lni1 M(,ut~ by n:-ascn _of ;10\' d('ftMml m::tdc r'\ the \~! i~ll1al R(\rF'wcr .md n~'rrnwer's 1;\tC(,:Cssoro. in intere."l.L
<br />Il/- ~ .,,,1...... Not It Wah'f'f. -\n, f;-,!'"hc-d-r<mr~ h I i..~tHicr it! {"u'ft'i"jnj; ;.In\' ri~hr (\r remedy hereunder. or
<br />,)Ih-mw~q:. 3tf..'IrOed: by l\_fJfJJiC!lb\e htv,:, ...hall >,;,t l~ ;; W;}1\CI" f'~ .'f pr(',dudc ihc ~'\"rCI\e nf .10\' -o;uch right Df remedy"
<br />Thc'rroeurlMDenf of i-Mur~ Of" -tn~ f\!;IVn1-('nf ,~f Li\C"- ,1f ,'lher Ja,-~tl'> ,'\r ch..tr~c~ bv 132'ndcr ,h,ll1 not he a waiver nf 1 C'nder'~
<br />right t(\ accetcrJfe the m.ltmtrv ,)f ttl(" indd'fcdOl:........ "l:--.__~jrl'd t>\' tlw. \-fMq,!a,g('
<br />11, R~ Cu........", "Ii h.'mr-Jle". pf'.\\!dcd ~hl', '1ort~aJ;tt' ,in~ di<tl:lt'lu Jlld ;'::'.llnl.l!;uiv(" 10 any ...ther ri~ht or
<br />~ft\ed\' under th:" Monj!-"ll!:..:' ~lf ..tfurtk-d f,\ h."., <'" t'~tHt\" ;P'H.! fila... t>e c-'q.'l'l..-I">-t;d ,,',1nrWfent!Y intl-('pe-ndentfv .lr 'iuC"ct:'ss.ively,
<br />13. So<<~ aad 3\~ Bound; Jnint ~nd ~H.t" Ua-bilfn-: Captions. fl)(' rl)ytn,lflh .iTld agn:cmenh he-rein
<br />cOflt:uncd \h~H ~jnd, ~t'~d .he ngh~... ht'"rt'u1'i\kr "'l~j)1 ,r!on~ td_ [h\~ r-t\f't':...'-ji-H" V!;;:-i..''t....''\lr... ,wd a.."'~l1'i (,f I cndeT and Borrower,
<br />...ub~t h..l th~ !"f{wi,;w-n\ d p.ilfaEf.::.ph 17 h<:H't"~ \~l <.--t'''~!1;lnh and ~l~t,NuC'nt': "f Rilnr"wN dlJIl h~ joint ;tnd -o;..c....era1.
<br />-1'"be c-apu..."Hl-~ .;ind h~.adm" ;'i th(' p"ra~Ltlh"t.. ,'l ~ht., \1t.'nR,'~f' ;1ft~ fm \,.}ovtf'lt-cnn.' I'll!\' ~111,i :If'J.: not h1 he H~d to
<br />interpret Of ddlne the pro\'I~l-J,,,;n'" hC'rt"'~.>l -
<br />l~ N~_ E~~~ for ,;!!.y O1oHre !C"4~!!~~~! ~i~k': ,;p~:~;_;;h~e- !;-'-~ k ht" ~t""~.n ;;j ......-.{~.t'i ffiailTIO;-i, \~i :FiY nVlii"e tn
<br />Qo,ro\\'rf p'to\',~d for 1ft thl"\ \-h"'f~~a~ "hJ.li ht, ~('i'"t"rJ h, !~);pllnJ.: \\11, h :l~"tll.-.'C h\ ,;,': tItled m..,d .lddrc'i.-.cd 10 Borrower lif
<br />~M PP;")PC!1"l' -"'ckJr-e""-~ \~r- ;H 'H~h dh-t'! -4tktrt''\:.- ~'; Bnrrnw>;,'f ;~'M" J<:'\o.t~~'-i<t'iC hv ndli.:(" !n '-l'['Hlef '-Ill pro\.itkd hetdn. and
<br />(hI any f)\.-wce 10 Lender 'lhaH hi: i;';H'n f,!' ,,-en)h-~~.1 'HtuL !t"W;'rt f{'n'lPt r::'''qut..'':ueu. ~,\ l.el1d~r'... ,lddn,..<j.~ lHI.\fcd herein or In
<br />"u~h other .dd~'l' 4~ L<nder ma~ t,h.',,;;iorn~t~~ h !Wn!"'T ,,, n'->-r~,';-""-el' ,I'(. pr(h'ltfcd tWfcm .\oy nOflet: prpvlded ror lfl thi~
<br />.\fot1g;;8t" s.haH Pe deemed 1._' ~1;.HT ht'....~l ~jV,~.\ 1,- H{lott,..~..C! d I .:-n.kr ....hell ~~~"n\ i:'\ the mit!lllt~1 de$i~o;'lted he-rein.
<br />IS, l7Jdfonw ~e-; (;-(jV1l"nliAI Law; ~HJ'>>biHt~... 'l /)1,<; ;,'0,1 "~I m.~fig'lg~ -;:(llnbi:\C",'!, aniform ";OVeni'mt>; (,if natillnal
<br />u'te and tH>notlntf-IJt'ftl l:.."-;..-en:.im.. ....-ur: hnHt'..'\j >. <l~ q(i,lft" h)- ,',!! !<',};,,__!l,_\fl I{,- ....'-.\n~tl!,jk ~, unlh...rm "'t,."\:,\lfl!\, il\\tfUtllenl ~:~wering
<br />~.ai propr-rt\'" Th!,; MO-N~->tge "h.ill t)t' :-;,j"-t~riwd jo-'v U~t' LH'" ,t lhc 1;,m..tll(fl0I1 ;11 \~'hid, 11\(' PrOl'k:rt\' ;" In..'a.ted In Ihe
<br />tV~fH Ih<1t arn- rftw~~i,Jn ~l;' ,:lllU~ ,.f rt-w.. Mpnj;.;~~e ,'t lh~ 'nt~: '- "nil;-\. i<; ,,' tlh ,'t'"f"-lh:,iblc law, r.th:f1 i:onllit:t '>1'1.111 fiN affect
<br />o-{ber rnl\"l~k.)n" \~f ;fn, M~"\.t{l':a~l' ,'r ,he -....:PI... '...hp,h l.lH h...' !:~:VCH .;!lc"l ~-lIfH-'llt! !he- ~'('-nnl~:!jn~ rrnvi~ion, and w this
<br />end the ph.Wt'i.IOO-'S.\f the \t\)flglf_X't' .i:hJ rhe .....,;-!t; dfe ,1~\'I>tf(:d Ii~ he I,-t"vt."rah.k
<br />16. Bornt"h!t'"'S CiPPJ. Ikl'fn-n~-cr ....hail N;: f\.rn~"h~d ~ d'nhlftUCV i..IllH ,d tIlt." ~;,'te .H1.d ,)f lhl' Mort}tage III the time
<br />~1t e,~util\n nr iiH<er ret.:(l'-rdati...~ hen:of
<br />11" ThllMff'f' of Uw Propftt)~ ,,",IilAlRlption" 11 itll N an~- p.Ht ,~t lht PfOpcl'lY or :to ,nft.~f'{'..l rh~rei(l i\ .wId l'f Iran~ferrl.d
<br />hy Bml'l.H"-Cr """1'At'\ut l.end<r'~ priM ....fHief~ ~4m'K'!l', t""\I."hHltnl ,"II the L'fC;lotton l'f ;; h~~fl (If eo(.:umbr.l\t\l.:C slJhon..hnatc t;.,
<br />tht~ Mf..vt811SC, ih} the ..;rt'ah('on nf ., pllh:hll..c m\1in', "'-'I,.Ulll\ 'f1-h-"t-c:\t (;'~f hOI.l~ch<;\ld app1iM'c~S. 1,:1 ;f tfao!\ft;'r hy devise.
<br />l~mt or by ..~pe-utiou of Ill"- Up(\tl the oealh tH' ;1 f~JIM H~llan! l.~r !Ill th~ graill d :wy lc.l'A'h{)ld interest d dut:-e Yt'i\r'\ or It"ss
<br />not t."'t"'tlt:ttinlOl An option to pUfl:ha$,(:. Lender C-:1;JY, .11 l >cnd~f''\, l'ptl~lf'\. d~.:.l.'al~ an the ...unH ..e!..!,lf~d hy !his Mortgage !l) be
<br />ImmcthatitJy d\M: and p.)'iihk'" i.-e-ndcr "JlaH h.n-c ....;JiVed ..ilo.:h \~phi.m f{' d~l,:detat(: Ii. priN h) IhI: ,>,!ie or transfer,- Lt~nde-r
<br />anJ the pc(:Km t(\ v.-Mm tll< Propert) i'lo tl~ he- ~(..jd '..~f [ram.kITed rt"3t:h diirt-'\:m~nl !ll wl'"IHng that the ;,::n:dit of su","h JX'f'$l\n
<br />l:S ~Att!t.-cton ILl Lern:k:r and rhAI the inrcre'd p..l) ..ink l.ln tbl.: ~~lI-m,> ~t.:urcd ~y lili.;, '-h)f(gagt~ 'Shall he at silJ.::n rate ;\'; I.ender
<br />'"haU requa.L If 1 t:'-I'lder hi\~ "'"3t".-t\i !he ..,ptiOI1 it' J;,...t.:der-ak pW...-idcd in thi... P-:H<<gf<4ph j -r. and If Bi'f'w'W~r"" 5\J....('~'!lsor in
<br />im.el'elt -has -e-<\CCutN a written b!iUulp-tiOn ,'igrc_~,mH:nl a:\.:i:cph:xI in \\fllin~ hy I ~n~k'r. Lender .,hdll rde,ii~ llor'mwcr fWn1 all
<br />L>bl~ians uoo.r th.. M<lrtgage and tn.: Not~"
<br />If lCltdef c:\ercisc-s ~uch t'ptH,\fl tf. aC\."'elcrat<. Lender ",hili! mall RmroVocr n~HH;~' ,A ,l;;'~deutinn in ;\;,;cl..yrJ.ancc ,"","lth
<br />p-ar:aarapn 14 ~.rrof. Such nQI~e ~h"il pll)vide "' pe-f1W of t){\-{ leb fhan ~H) dot;.'" frum the date the IHltlt.:e i", mailed within
<br />,,-hicbBof'HY\I>>Cf uwy pay the ,-um:s dedau:d due" !t Bo-rro9.--ef [iU/>, if} pi\.) '$u.-.:h 'Wfth prior to the t'\pirdtlOll ~\f 'ith::h perwd,
<br />Lender lnilY. \\-about further no\."ltk:~ -I,,"1l demand t.)n 8~\rrov.-(f. invole any l'i..'mtXlic1i pt:fflHted hy paragraph ! 8 hereof.
<br />
<br />NoN-l.l~Uf-oaM COV~N.~NJ~. 8Qrrower ~nd l.cndl'r tU.rtMt ~p\c:n;Hlt ,m.u il~rtY a~ foliow$.;
<br />I&.. 4(-c~ ~4iH. '''<<pi -Wi- provided. in; .pa-raa..~pb 17 helTU(. uiU>>l Borru",t'r-'!!\ bt"ach oi 3ny CO"t'M8t ~
<br />~ 01 ~ ift lhb ~\tortaaafr. indweliAll .~ ('tn(""nll"~ tu pM)' "htn due lIlO'" SUfWl, set:uft'd b) dib Mottpae.
<br />I.....,., 10_____ oW mail _. 10 ....ro..'" "" ....".ided in p_rapb 14 ""'''''' '!>Kifyl.,., (ll tbe b_b:
<br />(1).......... ~Io _._10 loretIcb: 1.3.1 a dace. ....1 '-tun JU day' 'n_ the date the _le. i. mailed to llorro...r.
<br />11). ",_10. .~. _ ... cured; and (4) t..... l.n..r.. t.. <ur. .,,<h br<...,b .... or hel..r. lhe date _'Iied I.. lb. ....tic.
<br />1IIlIlIIJ~la ~ ..ttbc _ _unod bJ tblo MOt1tl..., f......I<>..... by judlchll ,,_...,.li.....nd sale...' t.... p""",rty.
<br />n.1llOIIc..... '-.... Worm .......... of the llchl to ",1"'111. afl.r Keok-rlll"'" and the ritthl t.. _<1 I.. tb. 101""100.....
<br />~. .. _....... of a cIt{_ .... OJ ........ tIe"'_ of ....r...... t" OC"''''nIItJon and '.....1........ If th. ........b
<br />IiJ .. ........ ... or ..._ t1.. ....., """ihd In IIie m>tk., I..e~ at I,,""'r', ..ptlon may d<<lar.. all ..f rite .u_ ,".ured by
<br />1Il1o ~ 10.. ~11 """ ... ....,.... wlth"..t f.......... tIe"",nd alld ....y t"",d_ by judl<hlI procffdl.... '",nd..
<br />.... ..~ .... ~t la __ ~ .u "1'<- of ft>,,<l_l<, iudndl.... b", ..... limited tt>. toot5 .., d"".........ary
<br />...~ __to .. tltIo ...,..,...
<br />1-.. .....et', II'" to .eiMtat<<~ NOfwt'h_!Iot~_nd!ni t -t'rnk-r'.'i ,d!(.:ceKltu'w-!l (,f the ..um.)l: H"~;ured hv HWI\ M\lrf)t;lgc,
<br />i:lonuwer ,w.A!~ b#vt- the "f,lu H~ ha~ any pJl:~-f'dmgA l~lun hy f -en~r h~ c;::du-n:-c .ft.;" \h;:nllai-c "ii"I..:\Nfht}Ilt"J .It aD) imH:
<br />