<br />I
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVE'WANTS_ Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows~ 83- f) 04824
<br />1. Paymeaf of PrlDdpaI ...... Inferm. Borrower shall promptly pay when due tbe principal of and interest on tbe
<br />indebtec.lnesi c\r'idenad by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgaae,
<br />2. - Funds for Taxa.nd IlI5Uftftce. Subject to applicabk law or to a written waiver by Lender~ Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly ins.ullments of prindp;,tl :and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid- in full,
<br />a _sum (herein "Fu.nds~~) equal to on-evfweIfth ~lf the ye,arly fax:cs -and 3S$CSSments' which may -attain p'riority over --this
<br />MOf'tgage, and ground rents on the Property_ if any, plus ('Ine~twclfth ,-"f yertrly premium installments for hazard jnsurance,
<br />pJus-one.-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage ~nsurance. If any, aU as reasonably estimated initiany and -from'
<br />time to time by Lemkr on t-he basis of a~5eSsments and ~iH:s and reasonable ~tirn-ates. [hereof.
<br />The Funds. shall be held in an it'r;:tituttl.'-fl the deposits or a..;counts of whkh are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state -agency (in.;;Juding .Lender if Lender i~ such Ml imtlfHtiorl,L Lender li-haIl ftp~y the Funds to pay st1id taxes. assessments,
<br />imurance premiums land ground rents, Lender may not dmrge for !;-;) holding and applying the Funds. Analyzing said account,
<br />Qr- \"erifying and cn-ftrpiling uid a5-\e'-"ments and bitl"" unlC$~ L~nd(:r pay-s Borrower imerest on the Funds and applicahte law
<br />penniti Lender to make such <l charge. Borrowe-r and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />M'Ofttto\ge that interest on the"_ Funds ~hnll he paid 1\) HOfft.'\wer. ;;wd U!'l1e"-.,; such agreement is. made. or applicable Jaw
<br />requires such inteteS-l 10 he p3!d. Lender $.h.dl UClt ~ required H' pay Borrower any mtcr~r or earnings. on the Funds. Lender
<br />sballlh{~ to Borrower. \\'-Hhout ..-:hargc-. ,m am~u.;ll accounting lIt' t_he hmds. s.h...lwing credits i;lnd debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit fI.:- fhe I:undC\ w~ made The hlllds. .th.' pledged J~ .additionai security for the sums secured
<br />by thl< Mongai",
<br />Jf the amount i)-f the Fu,mh held by {_cndcf. wg-c.-ther \\ no rht; future monthly lmtaJlment-s of Funds payable prior t()
<br />tbe due dates ~)t Ln.~> a..S..-'\CMll'lefJb, HUiuran,-'c premiums and ~l,)ufld n::oh.. shi1!1 -cx;,;ccd lhe ,:ulli,')unt required to pay said taxes.
<br />aueum.cnb.. mi-uram:e premlum.\ ~m.d ground rt-fib ,,'; Jhc\ hH doc.. "w.~h \J\(~~S shall be. ;It }!Qrrowc.r's option. either
<br />pf't}:fJlpdy repaid 10 8orr(jiW~cr ..1! -crcdu-t'd h'- JJit;-rt1Wer ,,'!'11 o'h1nfhly 10ili:illm\:nts o~" Ftlnd.'i. If the ;Imount of the Funds
<br />hdd by Le-ndtr shaH not h(' 'iiurllcit-nt to pay l<~\t.~< .J.!>.-V:j...tl)en~'-'._ Hj"m dfi~ t' pn:m1ums and ground rC'nlS as they fall due-.
<br />Borrower ~h-aH pay h~ l.cnder 2;ny 3ll)OUfH n{"Cc~'i.an- IO ni,.l;ke Hp the dcnue"~'-':;\: v,lthm 30 d~}'s I rom the date notice is mailed
<br />by tender (l.) &rr(~w-~r re4~f1n~ p-l,!-m~<l! !nen:.~f'li
<br />Up0n ~)mcm m full ~~f ;)oil ~iJm~ $.,..~~w'cd tv [~H" ?\fnH~..i~<:, i ~nd\'I ~hali !'mrnptly ~rund to HO(f(\wer any Fl1nds
<br />held by l.~ndcr. it unde-f para:guph ~" hef~,("t th~ PH'P'-:-!'1_\ " ,,'!d ~'1 thi,.' Pf\_)p-Crf\' I, ,\tnerl.n..e acqUIred hy Lender. Lender
<br />\haU appiy, no Jatcr than mmledutd~ rm'r if> !h-t~ \~lk (he }';,lpelH ,'I H'> ,1~:qUf,'iitJon hy Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender -Okt the [InK' 01 i:f.pph':i.ihOn .!;;, ,1 i.,.'redH :lg~~'ht {''ie ~,Unl' \...:...-ored h~! Ill!.... \tnngaf:('
<br />1. Applkatioa of P.l~ Lltk...... ilpr11",dhl~ ;~,I. Pl(',-l,j.,h; plh-t"P'ht', ~dl t'''ymcnh n>i..'t.'l.\'~d by {coder ul1lkr the
<br />N-oft' and pU<litr-.lIph\ 1 .tnd:: her~~-d ~h.!l!~" hy {t-'i~tkr Iii'-.t :n p,nm\:nt ~lt .ltn~)lln-ts p~ly.lhle h' Lender by Borrower
<br />undt-.r patbltllf'h':: htrcel. then hl H1tt"n..',j fnc .....,..11',', !htf1 J" \~j' r,nn>.;tpal \'t lilt N;;\h:. ~\nd Ihen In interest .and
<br />pnnclpal un ;.toy f mute Adv:lfh;~~_'"
<br />.J-. (~I...., 8(.\0-0-'.'0::, "fqll r.n ill t n,:~ _h\.c\.<.,lJ'ltTt\ .li,d ."hl." ~,'~<Uf~C\_ fme"" .HliJ I!llpo:-.tflt1!H ~lttnbutaHe tn
<br />the PrO'J'eft}' wh-ti:n Tmt-Y ~ttilm .'\ p.rmntY ""\.~, !!1!'-, \h,rtI;,.'i.tt.'. ,,:1l1 1t"'1-.,d,\lld j'.\)"fTtCnh I.r pound fents., If any, in the manner
<br />P.l"(Wh.iC'd u.ndt"r p4r4r4ph :;: h~!eut c;::-, ~ 0,}\ P,!jJ ;n .,th_h ;H,1nnn h, ih~nIJw'Cf llMKlng ril~'ment, ""hen due. directly l() the
<br />i~yt:l: t~t, ik"fr~j*'"C!'r dl;di prn-rnpH.. lutor",h; fl.) t til\tcr ;;i.1I1h.t;..-.,;\ t'i ..lm~\tHtt, ;j..tC lioi,kr tb.. pMa~raph. anu in the event
<br />8orro'A"t:f ....h~jl ~n"i-c ;~.a\'mtH! dtr;:, U.'IWV.;"! f~f;"~mp!ly 1.;f1w.rl ,c' 1 nH.i(~ r~-"cipl;' ..."\-Kk;m:lng -;.u..:h p;rrmi:nt-i
<br />6-urrower !1.-haB pvm.pd, i,in.;;h;H~' M!\ i,,~n '.dH. i! .'.h ; ",>fit..- .'.;f"J \'<1,> \fnnf!-;lj;t~; j'rIIvHic-J. [~J<1! Ht1Ho"-Tf "hill! 11\Jt l"lt:
<br />l'equn-e4 H' dJKhirgc;: ~n~ ~l,rt:.h l~'n "-",- h'n~ .:1, h('rr'_''\-\;~t ..h~li It. ti; !hi: p:l)n\Cnt ("t the ooil~atl,tll '1t.'\:ure.u by
<br />,_ucb hen In.. ma.n-nef i1l-...:~t"pti!lbk- =1; i cw.kr, ,-'t ~h~lllli ~-,n.>-(j. ~,"H~~,l "ill.h t-<~._ (;1 d.;h:md cniiJrcl:"t1l~1l1 pI tl,\h;-h hen tn,
<br />k~ P-R~~Ji:~ ':*hteh "'~-!~U: L' pt~"!:-H~ !~~ f!!h'!,",--~n~t'nl ._~I ;,:::n 1'1- tnr~r.']t\u~- ,~! l.h(.~ Propf.'rtj ,nn flint thi'Tefl!
<br />5-. Har.nll~A u.{):l'.-;n......~f ....ftai) "c-.cp \hc .fl~;~H."-nH..:Hh 1),""" \.'''hl;''-;.; ,~, :H.'jJ;:,~Hl:r >::re..:\c\t~.lll IlW Pn'l?t.'rty IlhUfC(\
<br />~plO;14 k1\."i h.'l tir'C.. hau;-G~ w.,-huj.;:-(: '" ,(h.!n lh~~ (~rm " \l~.lhln? , 4.,\\l \'d;,;h {\thet f1...11.arU't "-" 1 t;.'Htkl Ill;1\' It'4tlltC
<br />..u.,t;n ~u.:h ,'(fln}ljb[S .a;nd i01 ~;j"'\.h p~.'li.xb "~'_ I eH~'('r g<....Li_'n. th;,J1 I ,~;hkt. .,hali riot ft''4UH\,.~ Irlolt lnl.~ ,tflWIIIlI \ii
<br />lOU\.""b i..'\.l-Y~fa#X' e~l;.:a;'tj ll):lt ~m,.~!-J\1 ,__': "h'C"L-l~: !':~d'I...d h; p.n-' :<" '",-~~u'qj !,.. lhl':. \\Ofl!j.,ll;t'
<br />lbe t-nMttarn,'.< ":;u'.nt:"! PHl\1J:~~ !!w H,~t.,ln..~ ..,h-4l; b~' \-~H~"-CH tn, ll,!H'_',",,~l _",I\{l;C-,;l tp <ippn"'-itl 11) {~n~kr, PfH1o'fdcd,
<br />Iflat 'Sy-..',n ~..'PP;)\-A! ~-dl not ~ ,--;(i.-:-(,"~'{;4h" ....U'itH:i:J \H Fl~.mlUllh ~'-ll n\\.tlL~lll..': ~'f(,hUl~'" ..hall t1-c p:nd in lht' !n(iOnel
<br />p'fl.""\Yided uudet .r~tag-r;(tph;: ht:~-'(\l,! ~,t, _' ;h,'i p,u,j III "-Ii,,!; _mo;!HH\'I_ h.. H,-.u<.....cr fDll."lflS p,,\Ylnt~,ftL .....hen due, \.ll!CI,;.Hy hi the
<br />ItlWHtlK,'t: t;arnu.
<br />,~U m-WtalKt" ~t(i("''1- .rn! fl.'H>::'o\4h Ihl:.:l<:lC, ~,h,.;' ~'..; ;~,;nl ,J~",'l;\'(.,f).k 11.' i '..."lH!U ,H,d c;~uli \ildH~lI: ,~ \L'l1d-\lHl IlhH!)l'lg\:
<br />d.aM: ml"';,H ill il,ftd;!) h.ltllJ ..t..'_..:-(pt.:tt'lt,'" I \."..,1<.;: I ,;,ftk, .,It,,jl h..1". th~' ;!~hi j.l lll,'kllh~. p,dt\"lt:.. ,t\\!J "n(,,'"I.I,.l:I... tht>"rc~\f,
<br />-ind Borf\)~'C.f ..h.jlH prutnptir 1u.rtllll-n to:, t !;.;l-'Hl..,:~ .ld l~I\-!..""..1! :l,'!n':" ol~!d ,in I\...:i;lpl'l ,,: P,iiltl prCnllllil!\._ In Iht: ~\'t~nt oj in'\..,
<br />1k....f~')'~..~l :l.h~il in.r prOHtpl !ll.,"l~\...' h' 'hl;;' ~,j"'Ul,H\<.t ,-,U!~t'i ..n.J i e:lI'.:;';:1 1 t:.';~h..'J l)J.n H\,If...~ PH,,)I ",j l(\",~ lj nill flliU.iC pr\Hllptl\
<br />b)' a.;lltt.l'kef
<br />Uftku t el)~t .1.0d tt.t~-tt'"l,ij~~ .J~h,,'r..)"i..' ,J~H''t. ll' '.~nld,~ \n~HI,w\-iC Pf\.,,_l,'tlh \..!I.1H l"l:: .ipphcd hi 1c-'!oIOl~1.lh,ltl "r H~P"ll ;:)f
<br />1nc pf(~n} ~J"l11..~",L pn>n\.kJ. hh.:.il :c~klI'AIl'\_-'H t!f H.:t"Hr !\ n l'iinJBn.,dh k~t"ihh; :wd lh\"> ..t-..\lfll" ~,l lhl:\ Murtgage j..
<br />r~ rn-txeb; uupoii.r<:'u h 1'>u..:h r..;:~t...'i...:ti\"n Of H:p~i.f ,\ [h', \..\..','ih~,tw-",.l;h- h.'J,,,*k HI !t lhc ~\.'Uil H~ -\A rhl~ Mong.(~.: wdllld
<br />be u:npaucxL the itiJ.UllUlCe ph~~ee\b ;,hdH Ix' ,tPi-'Rn.:"j tv lh-c ~um~ ..'XUf\.'.,J by tIll'.,. ~i(JngiAi~. ,\-uh !tn.' C\~f;'.~~, It .lil~. pluJ
<br />tv tk:lfh.:~.el_ 1.1 the ll-rop<_H~ t:\o .lh~u~k~I~---G t-\ H..",{,-\-~~r, ,:.; ,] B-,gh>~'-C'I !.~1)) h' ~1::i.p\)!hll{) t.cnocr w1thm j{J day.. !n.Jin Ill..:
<br />..:i.tte nQt~-< b. nl-8J.~ b\ LcnJe-f hi "(HfO~C! l!;.al nw ,n'1.W;u\"';~ .....lil i(.'f ~)!kr'" (t' -.,~.Hll." oJ ..i..W'H for lr:)Uf\i.a..:c hC1lc1ir.'. LcnJl~r
<br />;~ ,i;ut~")nlN 1\."'0 ;;-ci!.e-{;~' -i:HMi ~p-pi)' the ;n'i.Uii#Hi,-C" pf'\,)'c~"\:!.i\ ;,:t 1 ~"mkt'~ n-pti\,m ..'itb:r fl.' r~\<)rjttVH ,>1 rC'p~ur ."'It the Propeny
<br />t.""<f tu the- ~ !l~urtK! b-} ~hi) _Mor!~
<br />L~ l.c:ild.Cl >iad &-l"t;,n~"J;r oth(,f"\H:l.~ :t! v,1;!Ii1S, .jn~ "~h.'b J.ppil...ltlL'H ,,~ ph'....:t-J.:;.; to PIlW.:q),il "h~!l ~\t:,t i.'_>;tcnJ
<br />N pl"!l(j;X'lt"tC the due ilitJe c! the fH~}4)tb~~ fd'i,'n~u t\-, p<ol'ilgt..tp-h..,; .Jfhl .:: hC"fc,,\j ~H :.::k1.Hgt: (fit: i\f1h'!mt 01
<br />wch.l~.rnenl:i.. It under pa.r.llgt<iph !S bcrtt.J{ ~h~ ~)r"~fXH) t;, ..H.l.j,H[("'i,l b1,- ll..';llJ-cf, ,j!l n~hl. title iind In!ef~~f 0: BOff\l""Cf
<br />U't -Oind \.) <U!y !lol't-l..!!~o..--e P'i--Ji}{"~ ii!lil W .;..\4 H-' ~ho:; ~he.f~}i t~'~ultlH~ !fl:ml ,j,HlIiJ:ge (,,1 {he pt(!pen~ pn~.( h1 the :-..lh;
<br />~)r acq\WoJttOfi $h.a.H ~ t'-" Lt:tlUcf ti.~ tt'k: eA{('-nt rh(: '-llHh :.....,.:Wl.A.l !'\) IfH':\o \h.n.g.tgt: tllHne,l.i<atd-y pnt1r ;" \ucl1 -;.dc m
<br />~......
<br />6.. ~.... &ad """t1iaIKt' of ..~t1~Il.; l~...~; t:iJtl4u-tntwmt1!\>; Planned Coit l)",elupuw.Dta. H'.lr~t)\o\-('"r
<br />~l ..., the P:~ny 111 ~'-c,)({ .t:cv~ir .uK! '!:,.naH nt~l \:-tmUfln '''.<b{e ,)1 t-~unil il'np.;tHmenl (!.f d~lcnt,lfallDn ~li th( Pwpt:"rt;
<br />:md .n.n ~Q(Jipj) "i-lh dtC Fro"i~oo.l d 4tlj 1raM: II lhj~ !\-tunt:..d.~t: ;~ I..'n a. k,:,~d1tljd_ It HH" _\.1nn~.i~l:: !... <.Ill ,l urllt in ;\
<br />C-~lttJn i)~ a- p-tvUlc4 umt -tk;'t-C'{~~}1~at "'JHi1....C! "h-$j~ pcrfq m .Ill ~,i Hl~qOV.'~:t -s nbltg~llHH~\. ilnJ-cf Ihe' \.1\-...1.11 iltlUI1
<br />i")( ~~b t::re-4U-Qj. Qt j.o'H:'fruu~ the ;.'\'ia,h,~m{iH<.H~ {~f- rJ"-'l!l~--~i \JIHt d\''''\'_~'1pmcllt, th~ b....lalolo"- ,l!tJ '\7~\,1I.-,11-(l'jl'> ,.'II !he
<br />~,~um ut ,plimncd unit ;Je:"'e-k~""~l~nl. \'~f'"~ (ml.."uiUt:'tH ,,!i.xumtlH~ 1!.1 ".,thklllUlHltftl nt ri.ww;J :>lllt d'l..'\'\:h..lfl111t':,nt
<br />rt40t ti- c'~ h)' Bolt\.N:'tt ~hd r~(~nN-u hl"t:'~hc{ -with :.rtf'. \h~llga~i;. Ih\.7 1.~I'''CtlAHt.\ .mJ ~1g.-f"t'tHcnt'" ;.j! '1>;.;11 [lo,kl
<br />ib..u be liW4>fptll.4iNd Into -iN!ha.H .ltrt\':nd aut.! ,,,t~ppkm'/:1l1 the i,:o...cn<l;t'lh .,tm! i1~I'Ct:m~nh l'l' lhl'l Mon,g;lgc .1'1. II the ridei
<br />_.pon~,
<br />,~, ~ of LtadeC. Sec1Irit,)'.- 1f ~nl,h'.'el f;tit!~ t(I ro:ltoftH the ":,iJ\\!na-nh ;11hl ,1l;ut".t:mclHS \.1)Hto.unc,d In thi"
<br />Mor~ Qit if attl it;C,'W.m, Of JV4.l\:~,lihj: ~" '~)m-m.:n(:ed Wfl....:h mlth:_iiaH~ ~dlc'.;b 1."~W.k-f\ lnh~le..t in tht' P'tOp\~ft)_
<br />~Jud-..... bu\, (\Ql bt4tlied "kl. C$~'H <km.t.ii.m, lll$.!.lh'e-tl\:~, uxtc tttltir';'1..~m'CrH, ;('If .1...fn-j-lI!;!:l:fn~l1b I.', pn.x;.~l.-'l.Ilf!f.':}. \n""!..lh'H';~ l\
<br />~tvf!l Qf,~i>:dt!ttJ~ then I>"~f jJ L-c:nUe{~ -tJf~h~m. UP'OH n..~ti.\:c in liOft;)~Ci, H"j-a\-' l'n;,t~(: Hl\.h .l\,pcJx,(rll...c,\_ JI..iJ.tif~~ "H>.:h
<br />kmit, ~ tak.Jl: -~h ~dWf\ ;?t,,, Hi- ~~Ui.f)- h1 ptrH!.""-d f .crni(-r-'~ lfllcn;j,-l ;1,,-'~13diniL but \l-N i1fnlh:-J hI. ih....btiueO..;~n{ ,ll
<br />t.~~ ..U<<tWy-'!~ f(llfS .m.t t',fi~r)' \.'lPV6 tn.r._ !)fm-ptfH hJ make- If Lrw;k:f 1'l:40'ln"J i1hY,t;.:-.a.g,,-' :n"iuri:l,nu:- ;1\ .1
<br />{:.......s~~ ~)t ~ .ft;t' ~M -wcww b) tnl\ M,,'iHi4:i-\::, ~jtif.~"(.r jH} ~{"Ie po:rmun\"5 n-:-*HI~\J h' mAWUIH <dh.h
<br />~~ -4t ~1f<<t ~~'d, ~ft tiuw ;'\$- l;m A"-Qlf4:re-mwut 1~: s-ui.,h .t\'f>U.l'Aij~:''.i:: j'-~'l;i.II'hth.;~ !g W;I;(.{-dIi.H<..t: \\nh lkn"~.\\-~;'-.. ,1tht
<br />