<br />I
<br />
<br />83"">04816
<br />
<br />Lcnder";. wrilh.:n agreement Of appJi1.\lbtc law. Borrower sball pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner providcJ llnder paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />An}' ammanU disbursed by Len-der ~)u'f-~Hant to this pamgraph 7, with intere!it thereon. shall become additional
<br />indehtedness. ~-;f Bor-.fower 'sccured by this Mon~age. Ul1Je\~ Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. s.uch
<br />amounts -shaH-he. payabk UfXln .notlcc.from Lcnd~r to- Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from -the
<br />date of Jisbursement _at the ratc paY3hle. from time to time on o:ntstandjn~- prin~ipat under the Note unless payment- of
<br />interest- at-such- rale .wonhJ be <"Qntrary to applicable law. ill which event such amounts shan bear interest: at the highest rate
<br />permissihle undL~r applicable- law. Nothing contained in thi~ paragraph 7 shaH reqnire Lender to incur any, expense- or-take
<br />,lflV,-ac:tion .hereunder,
<br />. 8~" Inspection. Lender may make or caus.c- to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that.-.l.cnder shall glve Borrower nNic'e prior 10 any such ins:pectinn <o;pecifying re:lsonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />jnte-re~(--jn the Property,
<br />9~ - C.oJlde-maadon. The proc~C'ds of any award ~)r claim for damages, direct Of consequential, in connection with- any
<br />1.:"ondemnatirm -Q-rOlhcr taking t'lf rhe- Property. N part thereof. t~t for conveyance irdieu of condemnation, are herehy assigned
<br />:md sh311bcpai<l to Lender.
<br />In ihe event (\( a lotal taking of the Property. the rrncceds :>hall be applied to the -sums- secnred by thi~ Mortgage.
<br />,dth the f:1(ce~... if Ml:Y, raid hl Rnff\'wcr. In J:he- event {If a partial taking llf the Property, t1nJel\~ _Borrower and Lender
<br />Mhen\ti~ .a~rcc in writ;'lg, there "h~l:H he .1pplied fl.) l:hr "um<; ...eC'ured hy this Mortgage s.uch propor:tion of the proceeds
<br />;lS i~ equ:JI h1 that pr(\portiD:n \vhi.ch thc ~,nH'ul1t nf the ",urn.. "'ecllred hy rhi.. Mortgage immediatefy prior to the date-,of
<br />taking befH~ hl the fat-f- markt~t \-';lhlt": (lr the PrPrl..~n\' I!lHncdwtely pri0f to the- dare of faking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />naid to Borro\ll'er.
<br />. If the Property i.. ;lhandDOl..'d ~y B(1rrf'!wer. or if. ;1fter n(lfjt:~~ l->v Lender tD Borrower tha.t the condemnor offers to make
<br />.In award ('f 'cute- a d~im ft"Jr dJlm:1ges, R"rrflwer faih to f"(";,IX'nd to Lender within 30 days after the -dale' -such --notice is
<br />m:'liled, I.cnckr i'i. <luthoriled to ..:{~nc-(,:t ;md app!v ?ht., pn"l('eeds. Jt Lender'" option. cithe-r to re!>toration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums \e>.:ured hv this M'''fI?ap:c
<br />Unh~s.. Lender ~ind BOr-r,.'l'A't""f ,"'th-en\:"J"(' ag'rcc- m \-\d'itin~ an\' ....1H..'h ;lpplication of rrnceeds to principal '\:hall not extend
<br />elf fk~lpnnc the due dale p! lht': rnt"-mthty ia..mHments r~--f....rt"~d tl,~ in paragraphs. 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount -l1f
<br />"net'! jn1>tallment~.
<br />10. Borrowu Sot Rl'tta.'!it'd. h;rt'n<iilon {1J lhe IOl1e f~'r l'avrncnl {If nwdilkation of ~lmNtilation of the sums secured
<br />hy thi~ M(1rtga~e granted hy I (nder h"' ,lnV <;'W..'("C:\'-llf ;11 inle-;c"-! "I n(lrr{n~,'~'r ,ktll IHH operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the Ilith-flit}" of the (,}rl-gHul RorTi.n~t.r ,'fld ROU0WC(' "!IC;':;~S,\\{," lrl intcre'it t I..'ndcr ~hall nm be required to commence
<br />pHX'cedings a~;i:in~t \H.:h <,HC\..C......Of ,1,' rdtht" II) t'"~Ier.d tlnl.;.' fl\r p~~vm("nt ,)i' ,~lhenl,-,is..~ modify amortization (If the sums
<br />...ecun.~ b\' ,hi... Mortgaf'{, h r1;;!3...ml nl ,i1\-- d-('m,'O\! n\.tdc ~H' ,he ,~ri~tnal Borrlw,cr ~tlll.j B('~rr0wcr':; "ucccssor!\ in inter~t.
<br />11. F(}~al1llK'e In- Lt:ndt"l' "\ni a Wai',t"f, ,\-n..- r,.'rht"-ar.Hh:t' h I_l:odcr in ...\t~rci"lng ;1tW ri.~ht ~'r rCfficdv hereunder, or
<br />dtherwi~e "itforded h... ;t'rplh.;thi.;: !,l\\' , ~h,.di n,-.; ""C'" .~ \\;aiy\'r \ll ,It pre-dude the ~\.I.'r~isc ('If ~\nY such right or remedy,
<br />'Tnt' procufl..'me-nl "r in~l.1r.an;,;~ (ir fhc :~,-l\'m~'n! ,-',f t;,'\,-', ,n ,lfhcr h'n" l'l. d1-<!rge'\ r.y , t:ndet "h:111 n(ll ill.': a waiver of Lender's
<br />ri~hl I~) ~h.-~'~'k'f;jte lh-t: maHlnrv ,-,:- l~H' j;hkbft'dm..::.:~ ,;.:...:-.;r-,_'d !w l!1!, "1n.n~.a~c"
<br />12. RentflliM Cunmfath"t:'. ,'\H ~cm("th(''\ [11"\\;' ,..kJ ;" Ihi,-- \1prtr~I~\~ _HI.: di..tllH:t ,Hltl ,:tln1ll1.\liVt~ 10 an\' other right or
<br />remedy uildeT !tH'1i \ion~,~~-.: 01 alTnHkd h 1:\,..~ ," l:q\l!:_~ HI;l In:l\- h: ,.'\C'-.,:I"';"'! ,-,ml.'UH,,'nt:.- llldc~ndenth' nr slIcccssi\<ely.
<br />t3. StK~ aud -\~f1\ Bound: loinc and s.-H"ral I iabmty: Caption.... lhe ...-o\-~l1ants and "g:h~cments herein
<br />cOlifained ...hall hind. ;md the rli!h!... h'::fc'rmlC'r ,J>:!l! j ";1~" ~;\t; It'WC...11\'t' ~H.;r~"i<;\~r" and a~"ilo!n~; pf I_coder and Bl'lrrfJWer,
<br />"uble..-t h' !he pro.vi<;;/()f'l'" oi r,t~,~:.!.Lrph 1"'" heft.'..H \P "O'.t;1l1nt'-_ d;h! H~fl.'...mt:nh of Ror!'in-n_:r "ihllH be ;nin! and st~veral.
<br />fhc ~'arHem -JfhJ h~-aJmf" ,~-t ~hl' p:H ;q.:..\f1t>'\ ~'l :~i.. \t"r!~;.~.:' Jf-t' i"f ,-,)n"enl('lli.,'~ PHh-. .HHt ;ire- nnt h1 ht~ Hsed to
<br />ialer-prt't N- deftnl." tn-\.' pro\.'!"h'n" i;.;f('t"f
<br />14. NOf~. Ex(cp-l: tilt' .WY !If'O..:C '!""jwr~'J :;idc! _1.r"ldi,:;:~~~1: 1.1\'- t>... '.!.IVi.'"i\ H1 ;Hwlher manner. (aJ ~lI1V notice to
<br />BtH'rl,w-er provided h,r '11. (hi.. 'k,;t~,tj.::<: ';-;,I.H 1;,: ~~: '. ,~-n t~\ 1t1..idit,1,:. '_,1>:11 lH~tH,;t" h\ .;\:fi!fi:ed !i1~1l1 ,iddre:-;.st'd to Bt)frower at
<br />rill' p[1.:)pert\" Addre~.. l,r :If \u.:b ,_~thCf _,ddrl~"''' ..-,; l-k;rr'.1W~:f Wii\ ,k\Hll;;'lh' !lY '1l'l!,:C h) 1 ;,,'nder ;,,, pr-ov;dcd herein. ,lnd
<br />,hi uny notKc h1 Len..kr ~h.dl !-o<: ~.\t:0 !-., ~-:rlltkd m,lli ;1.'l'irn :".1.1.'11'-1 ::..-qH<;\.{etL hI I en~!c(" ,I.lhircs"i: stared herein or to
<br />'ouch nth<f addrc~'l ;t~ J.c~def m,j\ dt.."!l,tn;)l~; i'\ .,,'!l~,-~ B(\tr;'\~;:,r ;l'> !~nlnded hl,'f~!n -\nv n~)!icc pnwu:kd frtr in this
<br />Mort~agC' sh~tll be .k.'"l.ma.-d In h;P'-1..' h.:...-n t:i"('H ~,~ B,"fh""Cf j>t I endcl \dlt~n ~\vt,~n in fn\': manner dc~ignaled herein.
<br />15.. tJDifo-nu. ~~.t"~ (;O"C!nU1ll La,,: ~"t'"rabil1h. n~h ~,~ttn oi n1()1i!!<t~t' ;.(lfl)hinc:\ lHllfNlll ..--ovel'lant~ for national
<br />115e and non-unif.)rrn \-'o;l~eniil1{' \,ith li:1Hti..'j '..,f{:Hh'n" f"\ i~lf,,,,i:,-'!;;H\ i.\ \'.'n<;lltJ,te a uniioml ...c-~uril~. in..tnltHt:nt fnvering
<br />re31 ph~nv Tt'l!'~ \tonga!!-l~ ...h.._tll b.: ~l~'~;,:rneJ f-\ ~}lt h_.... l'f !ht: \1If1\'\.l!t:thm III v.hkh the Property io; located, In the
<br />event !hat ;}n~. phWbi\'f1 "f ...-!;,i\h'L' ;A ~hl," \h'r1;..,:...:-.:,-" . 'I" !hl' ',_~[l. "."f)-{!I.;h \,\ i!h ~~prj'\.~<thk law, ~w,;h conniel shaH not affect
<br />\'tner f'tU\hK.n.. .,( ~hi\ '\hln~a~l.' ~hc .....;:..h;: ,d,H. h '...,1" h: \,:,\l.";\ dh'eo:\ '."ill~(HU lh~ \::(lnHi(,:ting: provision, ;md to this:
<br />end the Pfl.)'l-'l'li..tns of the \It'l'1l!agt~ ,-u,d the ",ft' ,In' dn.:Ltt~'ti L' ht. "t.'H:'r;lhl..~
<br />16.. 1orro";ft~'J (~opy. R~)rnNt'r ",h;lH h' !unh',h\.'~! .' ~.'nt'\fl:H~d d'p~. ,pi Ihe N(\t~ '-lnJ l,lf lhi~ Mortgage i'lt rhe time
<br />of e~","\;utKm ~'f ~l f1t."r rc-l..'~'rt.latil)n ~H:rt~\)t.
<br />17. 'fnAsft't uf tk Propt'rt~. ..b!'!loumptiun. !! ~11i ,'r d.ll' ;'.Ift t\j the Pn"pcrt)' ~'. an inter..:st tha~in j" !lold or tran\iferred
<br />h~ Borrower witt\\1Ut Lender',,; pfl~'f \uHtcn ',__t'Il'"i>t':1L '.'\dudin~ I,ll !ht~ ,.'t'r:i.lta'!tl of a lien \'f e-o,urnbnm.cc wborJinate to
<br />thi"" M{)ng~. jhl the ~reatii.:m ,_'!f ;1. fHI[l.:ha.,c mt!fH~\' ~':"":llril\ Itlk'rt:'-<.l f~'r h~}Hsehold applian(:es_ i-C,) .1 tran,ft"r by devist,
<br />\'~--ent t'\f by ,)operation \..){ l-it,"- DJX.n the ,kath i.l! ;i P_'llll h."H~HH pt I' 'R_ ~r rl -r . \f InrI.. ~Id i~tH1if f t~nn : Jar 1f Itru
<br />I' ,~ '",' _l 4l1n If 11 r rrt.. Lender may. :.H L~nJef-" {)pthm, ded;H.~ dB the ..,urn, ~ltf~d hy thi'i ~'tortgage to be
<br />ImmedIately -due ..and pa~abk. r emk-r- :.-r.aH hiJ\,t'- ;;,.w.cd: "lh..h opti<..)f! l(\ a;:\.."denue If_ pot'r fo lh(~ "ale n~ transfer, l.ender
<br />ami the -pef~~' 10 ""hom tM pf()~{tv i" t~, he <;o!,j '-'IT tr:Jn-..krri..'d rca;.:h !:igreemcnt In wrilmg that the aedil of ~uch penon
<br />.s -htidKtory h) Lender ",nd th~~! the !!)tt'H'''' r;'ty,th-le p" th~ "iUDl'i ~~cur('d loy tn,,,, M"rtg,lgc ...hail ot,' at -fiuch rate tl.'S L.:-nder
<br />shaH ~t, If Lentkr ha:s wat..'cd tlK- \\ptiJ.Hl h\ ,'l..~:det.H~ pr0'\'H_kJ tH ;hi~ pMilgraph 11, ;,l.fjd if fk!rn.)wer\ s,i.l(:cessor in
<br />interest ha.~ executed a ~'riUt'n ass.umpltQn agr~fmen( a~l.:'t"lH~d in \~ritin~ by '-~nJeL I.ender ..hall rekasc Borrower from aU
<br />oblipt...... ""de. this Mongoge and the Note.
<br />If l~i'.der ~xer-ciiQ- such option ;0 ~celefju~, l.cn:d~r ,!lJH mad Born,her Hf"llicl2" \"d ih:celeratil\n in .Ic-cordance with
<br />par......,h 14 hereoJ. Sw;h no.tlce "haJJ ptt:1....Jdc li pt:"rir,d (if tl;,1l k,i~ th;w ]\) da\;, fr"'nl the dal.e the t}()tke is mailed within
<br />whic'h Bon~)wer mar puy the ~ums declar.ed duc_ H BtJfT(."'t:t f.ub H1 pi.l} "u(...h "'-llms prior in the expiration (If <i.uch period,
<br />L-endet:' fDa)'. with\."ltrt further rK)ct!t;;< -or '(}rmanJ on lk)(wwer, -,n....ol..c any fCHlt:dies pcrr1\lucd by paragraph IS ncR.--of.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />NotI..{J,Nlf'OIt.M COVariANTS, Botrow-e-r ~\nd 1.cnde-r fUfther (it\'emUH :wd ,lgrec a~ fl..'Howll..
<br />I&. ,,~.~ 1'.utpI lIS p""'Wd io "''''ll''''''' 17 n~...,.a. "pori Borrower. "'-h of ony <'0"_ 0'
<br />....... ..... ~ m tbir ~...., Irtdudltlc tM ,0HlIllIlls to poy wMn due 0"" .u.... _ore<! b)" tnll Mortell..
<br />fAiItIir,.... '" -.... ..... t1IlIiI notl<. '0 Bot......, .. p....kkd in ",,,,,,..ph 14 bt!ROf ''''"''If}"I..., (l) tM breach;
<br />~ _. ...,,..... .. ~_.-fa InMlt; 01 0 ....... llUI Ie.. tban 3ll day. frum the dllle the notk. 10 Itf8ikd t" Borm....,
<br />"". ..... ~.___ ..... ... ......11; ...... 141 thai filii.", to <'U"' such "'_h .... 0' Mfn.. the date .p.dfifll In tho not'"
<br />.., ~la --..... of tlM< _ ....u""' by 11m MMllt...o, (."."d...ulO ~ Judld" ,,",.<,<diDe lWd ... of tM property.
<br />n.......... .... fwlM W_ lIot.....". ..I tho rl&ht 10 "'I...."''' a1t... ""._tKit>n and tho .litht I.. ....,rt l1t tho 10.........,.,
<br />..........._ _~ of. defaIoll or ..., otM .1_ of ........... to "",'....ndIon and f............... If tM bmt<h
<br />10 ilol .... .... or........ the ~ _lllo4 Irt tho _tk", L..... .t L.nd..... op<<oa _1 declan .u or tho ....... _u""' by
<br />..~.. ho ~y ... ..... ",y"" wif_t ",""", tie......... awl .....y ro........ h)" judlciul pro<<<!di"l. ...,""".
<br />........ ........ to ...tIed '" -" pr",,"""" IIiI ""po_ ..f r_"-,,, ....1....... Imt ..... "mlted to. ....... of docun_}"
<br />........... ~_lltIo. '.......
<br />19. ' ...~. ... 19 R~.. :'l:t.'<twdhj;latnlh~._tt L-t"~r'~ ,1"-,,,~.kN.ti",ln ,"I. lht~- ..,!Um .;.~('urcd b~ thi.. M(lrtg.-g:t",
<br />~~ -moWl tta,", (M 1'..h1 h;.'t hav~ -i4-O)' p1"-tft'\-{,<d:lnB~ bet~:~m ~"i i .t~ndel 10 o:n{i)H.>\;' d~H' .MOf1i,;{g\.' ~h);\.."~mfHH!'\;'d ;\1 .:tn~ tlnH~
<br />