<br />I
<br />
<br />g3-fJ04816
<br />
<br />t)~Irf)R1\'1 COYP,:."NT~. B(lrrOWcr ..lnd 1 eflJ~r ..:ovcnant and agree :lS foHows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. th!rrmwr shan promptly ray when due the prmcip:t1 of ;tllO mfcrc<;l on the
<br />indcbtednes.s eVIdenced hy the Note, prepayment and larc char~e~ :I", rrO\'Hled 111 the NI)te. and the prinCIpal of (lOd interest
<br />on :iny Future Advances secured by thiS: \lortgage
<br />2. Funds for 'faxes and Instlranct". Subject to applic;:lbh:.' hl\~ or In a written waiver by Lender, Borrower $haH pay
<br />10 Lender nn the -day monthly ins.tallmenN of prillL'ipal and IOh;n:..:,[ arc payahle tinder the Note. unlil the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein '"Funds'") equal tn one-twelfth ('d lhl.C Y1.~arly l:.l'.e" and Js.,cs.;;ments \vhich may attain priority (Wer this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rcnts on the Property, If any, plus i..^'ne~lwelfth 0f yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one.-1welfth of yearly premium in:.;tallmcnts /"t)[ mortgage insurance, If any, all as reasonably estima1ed initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on th\.' has.!" '(if J.sseSc"-OH....nts and ~ilh ~nd n:asnnablc e~llmHtc3 lhereof.
<br />The Funds ghall he held in un Hl'itillllii,1H lhe dc-PO"lh or ;i":'('(itwtS \'II which ;ire HlstJred Of' guaranteed hy a Federal or
<br /><;tate ~\gcm.'Y (inl....fuding Lender if Lender '" ~uLh ;m instnution}. I cnd-cr "hall ;lpply Ihe Funds to pay ~aid taxes, a.ssessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground f('m~. I..t:odcr may !1nt ch<lrge ;.X-"'(1 twldmg ~lnd applying the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />0r verifying and (;..)mpiling said a~:;essment.s and hilh. unlc-S-.\ Lender pays Borrower intcTC!l1 on the Fund:- .and applicable law
<br />permits. Lender to make ...uch ;1 ..:harge. B-tlrfJWer ana Le'nder 111ay agree in writing al the time, of execution of this
<br />Mortgage rh,it interest un tht: Fumb :.haH DC p"lld 111 tl,)rr\.i\\'er. dnti unless ...uch agreement is made or apptjeable law
<br />requires '1-uch in!en'-Sf H\ be r..."1id. L~nd:er :,ha!l rwl f:L' rc-i..!lil.rt'd h) p..lY Bc'rro\n:r an\' interest ~)r earnings on fhe Funds. Lender
<br />':>hall g:p..e f(1 Borrower. \\,ithvut ~har~e.. .,n .1!HW,li ;lL\:("IHOftnI! "r thi.! FUfllh \.howing crt::Jits and debits in (he Funds and the
<br />purpt;se lnr wht...'h each Jdm 1,; lhe~f umb \hl' fll,l<:k Ihe'hpll.,i-, ;!r~ pledged ,is addilional ~ecurity for Ihe sums. secured
<br />hy tht~ \hlr1gJ.!tC,
<br />If the anl.l.1iml (if the: Fund", held by 1 ;.;:nJ~r, l:d~~;hl~r I.\llh th~: future monlhly lI1,aalhnems of Funds. payable prior to
<br />the due dat"C\ of t.1xe.... .b<,~jS-.<1K;nb. i!hur~i.llCl.: rr~nmllns :!nJ gr<..)unJ [enb, ~haH c\ccetJ the J.lUoum r~quired to pay sald 1axes,
<br />.a'iYoessment\_ insuran..:e premium'\. ~u.d iH\'und f.:flh ,i.'" lh<.'\. LIH due. su\.:h \.'\:..'e:-;." ~hall be. ,:It Horrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid Hl Borro\>.~r M ..::rcd!ted I.) H,'rrmver ,10 Hhmrh!y \i\\!;}!Imtnt\ d' Funds., if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender ....haH not ~ sunk-lent it""\. pa~ t,n.c<.; ~\.ss'c"'-..rne:lt:s.. in<.Ui'afl(,(, prCffitllffiS and ground Tent'>. as rhey f;,H dlle~
<br />Borrower -s.tktU pa.y 10 Lender :nr,,' ~Ht1\.,unt ne..:t;......;in :d n,,4kt.' up lhe ...kflCIL'"nl''\: v.-nhm 30 d.1Y~ trom the date notice is mailed
<br />hy Lender to Born'lwer n~~~Mlng payment lht::r;;"l!
<br />Uptm paj"mcm to hIlt (\1 .,D ";,lnl:, ';"(Uft.'d fH \h;nr_l.~~! ..:ndt.'l ..../1;\l! pf(\I1\p{iy r~~rund 10 BNfOwer any Funds
<br />held hy I ender Ii under p~Hagraph j,', ~h'l~\.'l I!i\..' !',,'pl.-""n'. I', ...."ill ,.r :h,: P;\'pcn\. :.... olhC"fWht." ;l.l;41Iln:d by Lender, Lender
<br />~hllll appiy. nu !..!ter !h~n Hnrnn:h:.it~l, ;'HI,r ':I( '.;dc .'l 1h;; PI;;~,"-Tn ('~ i!... ,l...:qui:'iW"1n h\. L~nder. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at lhe 10111>,' ,;j .J.ppiK..1U~\H ,j"'\, ,1 \. ho-'dn ....t!{Ui":...t 1!;(' ',-\jBl'- '~\.'\.'wt:;,! ~~\ Hi," \lnngagl'
<br />3. ..\pplkadoD ot ra~ments. l ,'~c~;. .WP~h.:;lD!..~ ~;\".\" rn;, ],ks. ;.ltha\v''-'' pJymclt1~ n.'(l..'lvcd by Lender under the
<br />~OIC ;~ad r>lrdgrd.ph~ t 0.nd ~ h..'I";:,1 ...h:d1 r.,' ,WP;H:d hy I \'lHk, !ir': ;1: :"\.\ ment '\1 ,IHliJUnb pavablc II) Lender hy Borrower
<br />lmder par-agraph ::. h~re()L ,:hCll Ii' H;l;..'Il:\i i';\YlJt'>lr (~n :[1<.: 'jll.:. IJa;n 1,' \h~ P!il\l....ipaJ ,H !ht: SOle, ;J.l\ll tht.'l1 10 interest and
<br />rnnclpal t.m Ml\" Future !\(han'o..'"e,
<br />
<br />.... ('Uf2~~ rJew;, fL.qdAl" ,',n
<br />rhe Prcpcn\' wnKn may ,'!;llH;\ :'r;l 111\ ']",
<br />proVHJc.J UW.lt:.f r;.;:ta!;r<Jph .:: 1-:\'11.';'11 ,.- ~'Ilf ;'.1\"
<br />payee thcn.."i.'l fh:Hf,-Wd;,'l ~h"jj pi,>Hll";\ ::,11\1
<br />B{)rn~w'f:r ~h.lH 1il;l);.t" p,nmc1H d",,:....i. }'k'.
<br />HurnJwcl ...hall pf\"mpti~' d:".dl,ll ~c <w'\ 1','"
<br />r~qUlt'C'd h1 d.iS\.:h.Hg'C ..:n' ',u.;h Ii':'! ' '
<br />\och hen u: ~ r'll.HHI.;:r i.to,;~t.Tlaj)it: 'i (r~tlt:f, ,'.
<br />iegal p.nK:ct:Jm)::.. \~'hi..:h i'{-c(.fk: :'.' ;:~l....('t~t ]-'-
<br />5, Haz:ard ltiUraot.""t.'. !-kn~mel '..i1.t;i 1<.(.~'.'
<br />_Iga.lnst h1:;'~ h\ tip;;-, h,i.L..Ht.b /!\_.h,u,,-'u ,.. ,~inP It'K
<br />,tl)<.1 Hl ~u~:h .IHli..iilnb ~\:.d I,'. '-;i,.. , ;.,;..',;,....h
<br />'Hl(h Ci..n'Cfdg>: ~\.':l'~~J lf~;" ,ifili', '\l ,', ~,..,,' .p
<br />The m-)lHAIll..,~ ~"Hn.:-: 1,!,WNIJ',:'::'
<br />that !It.h.:h ....ppr\.,~..'-l ...~-aH g,.;l (\..; ~jH.'.t~\,q,i:-';-.. ....llllh,d,j
<br />p.fll\-'ldeJ under p.Ha~r;,pt1 :;. hCl~.p, ,,'i
<br />,u"urance ...OU'uet.
<br />AU in\.ur:tn..:l..' l'~)hlcl~-" .{;ld h.-m
<br />dau~e 111 !.\"~'!f ,'1 .Hi!,) !,>.rH "....,,::Pl"II'lC
<br />.LOtI Borr\ll,\ef ...1-,.\;, pr\.~mpli\ 'ii~n\.'!l
<br />llorhl\\'ct :..nJ.ll ,1;\\':0.' f'ft'lllp! 0,': ",(' !,' :nt,'
<br />h) Borwwcr,
<br />t:tli~:u I t.::th.kr .:.nd ll\'itr'>\h'; dh\.'f;~,"": ,-l~\l'\:, ;,~'il,n...; "'H..t:;,.V }'i,)...:i......l1~. '.II.d! tx- ,ln~llcJ !', :o;..tnratlon llf repiiil' \If
<br />the Pro~rty d...n\.\g('~j, I'ftV..i..h.'.j ."h.h ~>:...Id"t,,'n l'! ,(t',w ~ ,',-"ll,'lHl"':.I!h j;':',I..;t~h: ,\nJ th..' ....'.;,;UIHy \It dll... \1ort~ag( \...
<br />!!l.lt !here,b)' imv..uf\~J ;r "ul..h )':'h'l,.;{;;'tl ~:'l II.:P,iif :~ !i,\l (""n"'ll/;..;.1'> h:.t,-:hh;' \'.1 '1 lht:. ,,>;.'\,llll!\' Ilf Iht\ \<hxlgagc would
<br />~ Imp4ul'oo. rh<- insuJ.a.n..:'l.,' pr,:-..;c..-.j" ,nJlj be .'rp.iH.~~.l ;" rhi: ...um'~ "hUlCd i',~ ;\11', .\l"rtltd~\.~, V'llh :llt. t:\\:\.',:>S. II :lny, p;.ud
<br />108(,rrrM-,\:"f. II !he Pr..)J.'CH\ .'~ ..J').\ll.v~'nn.t b', !kn.'''o;.':: ,;! " l:hlrl~"wl'T :,;d~ :-' !"L"":)f1\\ltJ lI.~ 1 \:lhkr \..nhll! JO day"" tr...1fll the
<br />dele notice j)<,. mal.lL-xi. hv l.cnt.k:r h' HOU\t""'-l;.f ,h.H :tlt: illo.W,Ilh,..-<o: ,-,H"cr \.l;Icr~ 1,' ....>~!io... -' .~'Lllm h)l :rhlu'an\:.t' benelib. i,cnder
<br />l:. a.ulhon~ r..., ";..)Uect aou ~{p'pi) Ih~ j~bUral1...,-" ;";v~l;;"ej:;. -H i ...~,t.la~. ~'P\l.\ll t:nh..'l h.' it:S.t...)f,tW..Hl "r li.:paU ell the pn'"1pcny
<br />~H to the:, .,>unb ':'.>t\:llfeO ~:'< l.hb \.'h:ntgagl'
<br />Vnle" Lendt:.r .!nd B..1(h'....:t ...,tht't"\\-i."t.' ...~rt:~: ,:; v.)j[jfjg., ~jn\ ',1..,,11 ,.ppJ,;":,lHOl\ ,I! pf\ILt:ed~ h) pl'lih.;iP;'11 ...h.\U not c.\tcmi
<br />.:'If i~3lPQnc In.: du.: J.alt.~ \)i ltiC ml}iltht~ Hl\.aiimc!'lh ;deficJ h' p.tfa~rJ.ph... i "n,J ~ h~rt:~lf t'l "h;tIlg~ Ihe, anlotuH or
<br />sudllfli.laUme-Uu.. .h unJcr paragr.\lph j:S lU:ft:tiI ;he p!'{,pcn} h u.;q\weJ h txnJi;1 .dl nghl, title <lmllnlere:'il 01 H\,J;rnm'cr
<br />in ...nd to any ~ilSUf.Ul'\."C. p~.lhi,;.le$. ,~ad Hi ,Hiti h' !h.; rn;-..;~;:d., (hCfC-t~! fi:).uiilllg fr.'nl I.hrwl~c Ii.\ \hc Pr"lfl<ny plll.\r i'l) the ~alt:'
<br />or a-CqWMtKm shidil ptb~ w Lender ioi:' the 1.'\'h:Ht ,'1 the "UHh ..>;',,:\H....u 1': tht... .\h'ng.vl~1: ;jHllll.~,jHHe!y pfll..lr h' .,u~h ,ak Of
<br />a~tioo,
<br />... Pnlenadoa, aad M....~r uf t.r(~rt,.: L~awlwJdti.; CuooOftlintwtb; }l'lanntd l'nit Ilt>Vl"lopnwllts. BOirOWt~f
<br />shall keep the P:rnpcrty in good rt:}t..m ~1li1l>hIlH Ol.-'l :,;:OfiWHl ~4:.!e <.\f permn lmp;mmClI( lJf del~{ilJratH.'ln of fhe PTo~rty
<br />OlDd shaH COtnpjy with lM ptOYl.s.t.,Jn~ l)( an.;- k~ I! HH~ \h~Hgagl..' ;~ .'0. a k~w~twld 11 Inl" \.k.ng<.tgc i' ,,)11 J ImU. 111 a
<br />i.'l.~in~um {Jf ~ pJilftnW Uf.ut JC'\'\.~li}prnt.;nL H..1JihV,"i:J "haH p-t~n~lrm uil (tt IhlnnYo-cf:; ot>.lIgalwHs unoer {ht:- \1cdaral.IOI)
<br />jJ;f ~Q'ltc.na.tu.! ..:.re.auna vt s...}....efH1fl-I: ~bt; ...nm.4HHlUHHl! N pl.Hl!~('"J 1.fml dl'.\o-dt\PTlICllL lht:' hy~law:<o ;uui regulalions ..:.( Ihe
<br />....:OQdonUmuIU ot planD6d- l..mu, l..kvctopnWilL ~md (tm,wucnt ,k"".UHU'til", II ,~ >,.\lnddnllnwm ~1f f,l,mne:d \I!\1t dt:\'d~'lltUent
<br />f~ *S ~~ by Jiono'W'Cf and Je..:o-[(k.~ h"ti:lhcr 'Alth Ihl"'> Mmtjllagc, the ~\I\'clJ.i.Hls. .HuJ a.grccmcuh ~,i s.udt ndel
<br />"ball be ,ii~l.lfpt.lf~ IW;() itt"W '5MU :um::nd ..l.nd M,.ppienwnt It)(' ';1.'\ l~lhHlh ~uJ agi"CCmClih lq Ih,... M,)rtgJtlC .Hi, if lhc ri,kr
<br />"'Of"" pan~f,
<br />,~ ...........of J~'. Secvrily. t( HI-.'\rrowc.r f~llh to pt.::rL)HH thl:' ,,-~}~i:n.UJf~ i.tnd ~1.~reemt.:n(ll <.:\,ntalOcd ,n tlw
<br />Mottt.lJt~ Vf it any ~tien \,i1" pn.\t::eNffll, ;'i. \..()m.tnc,nc~...J \0\ lu....h !lhlteriaUy ..Jkl,:h 1 t:nde(" ilHerC,$t in fhe Property
<br />mdld4t.f\J.., but AG hmitt:d tn. emt~41t dlmiain. m~oh,:e.n9', ,,-'{~k 'l2nfnj"(~fnei1t. m .....fHi.O@<"ouml!il tlt r-n.x~.et."..HnMs 11\\'(\1\'101: l\
<br />~.tupt Of Je>.<t"OO\t~ lht~i Lt'l;h.k'.f ;lI 1 ,~nde("\ nplt\i-H, uptJ-u HHH...t. h~ ap:lt)wcr, JH,:t"" IHoj..-e- ~u...'h ~lppe~H\l1.l1.~t.':\, .I1'ih\.lr~ "lu..:h
<br />~ _ bl~ im::b :.K.t.Wfl 4!'> ~ t~4~*,ry h1 p~l.)tcd 1 ,~H.:kr":1, ~.nh~re"!t(. ,rh.:hH!iflg, t'U\ Hl"tt hnutct.l 1<)0 ;:,h...bll1~~HH:BI l\!
<br />ft"~. ..iU~fl- f'li-t" ".nd e,mry tfiK~~ the !'fopcn~' to:; mAie n,::palj"", U L;n~WI f~'~P.lH'e-d m,-.!t.g..t~(" irt"tHdnu' .1\ "
<br />(\~iQil ~;i ~in. ltj;(; h),~n ~"\..H~-eJ. h~' tlm; Mt.-ng",.8~~, n....H..ro\\,-x.,t l;,h,:;Jl 1'4". in-,\:.' ~':l..'rmwn:;: ffl{U.:n;,:t k Ht"il1{oHl! \\Kh
<br />l~~(' ~n df:(-~t "'-HUn '\-i.t..::h ffnle ~H; ~hCc t~-qU!ft~'~H t<'"l! <"1.Jd~ In:;''fiT'ln.n: i~'1 mt1!;"ih',-, (u.....nJiHh..(. \~ ifh BtH"hwd..:r\ .Hld
<br />
<br />
<br />....,.:',.....t;:L'lh ,'\h~'r ,h."f,~i.:... !1l!(.... ,Hh..l IrnpO"III~.lT\S ~lnnbutable h)
<br />\h}n;:."I~C .lid kii.....::hi'id p,l...mt~nts l,lr l!-wund re!l!'>. if :m)'. in the manner
<br />h fli;f:"',h'[ f1l.\t!l~~ pa~m(.'nt. ..~hcn d~lC, ",Ilrectly to the
<br />1,,'(''.;'''-''' ,;i 3H10unt... dul.: lll1Uer Ih!:-.. p,tm~r;.\rh. and lIt the event
<br />'l!\\h i,' i \'ll~j,.,'{ 't:~'Clpl" ,....tl..kth.lng. s.m:h payments.
<br />\L:~ng,H!.t': 1'~\whkJ, !h;st Hnf'wwcr ,-hall O{)( ~
<br />;h;: p;\Vll1.CH! \\t !h~' "hlllz.H!On "\~cuI,;:d b\'
<br />~d,.!1 1tUl l~\. ,'I,' ~k!;:nd <"!l:,\l\:elH~'111 01 ~U..:h lien in.
<br />!.1J"l\.~t\l'C d the PI,lfX'I1\ \'f ,illY p~\I"t thereof.
<br />'-<l"!~:, < ~,<:;t':t!i-t:r <:!"'.:i~'d t'n tt1t: Pr"i'Crty In-~llred
<br />n~h('l i1Ji,-lflh (1~ l...:ndt'f flMY reqllln:
<br />! ',.',! i ,_ !Ide! ,H;di Ih'l It'qHlr~ th;lt the ;ttlltHHlI ,..1t
<br />. <.'11 \1t'l h..;a~\:
<br />H,.fl,;\\I:( ,-~;h!t':;! :" ,lppnH;11 by l.;:mkr, prlWldcd,
<br />;'(Jl':m... ,'r', ill'..(ll..,)(.; l'\.Illi.1C'~ -,hall fl,' p,ud H! tho;."' ownm:,f
<br />:1.11\-(;..:1 >'~ H,.'tl;\\-\~I m:t~lfj~ p'I,'mCtH. '.;,'hl'l1 due, dirc\:lly to the
<br />
<br />
<br />'I' it'! \J.. i ..[1\) ...h.dlllh'iudl: <l q,lmLlrd Ulul'l!tagt
<br />'q,.:!:\ ;,\ 1 <'Ill I!W fl\1\h..tt''-' .Hld rt'!h.;'\\J.h thcr~()L
<br />il',,\:!Ph ,l! 1'.lld i1,,,-'utto!n,\ In {ht: <.:vC"ut \.It h,...s.
<br />\ ,'jhh i '1),1\ jl1;I~,(; pr,\1'! .q lt1~, a !hlt fllJl.k pr(.lmpll~
<br />