<br />I
<br />
<br />83-1H] 4778
<br />
<br />~';;3. Th~ morlpgor covenant. and ogreMthot if he shall fail to pay .oid indehtedn.... or any- plll"t-thereof when
<br />~or::.ha]J fail-t<J per((iim any co""enant or agreement of dus.i!'8tmwent or the promiHOry note secured herehy. the
<br />e+ ind..btedn_ bereby""""",dshall immediately heeomec,due. payable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />oJiiipn of the mortgagee or_ijDIl, "'l!ardleuo( maturity, and ihe mortgagee or hi. a..ijDI8 lll8Y before or after entry-
<br />'"!~';aa~ property without-appraisement I the mortgagor having waived an,l .soigne.lto the mortgagee all right. of
<br />....ilement) :
<br />
<br />III aljudicial ufe pursuantlo the provisions of ~lrU_:;.C_ 2001 './; UI'
<br />
<br />(n) at the optiou of the mortgap. either by auction or by solicitation of sealed biela, ("r llie higheaund
<br />"- hid comp~ with tbe teno. of ..Ie and manner of payment .pecllied in th" published notice of ..Ie, linl
<br />~vin,; four Wedl8' notic... of lh~ timt". tt'rnl"'_ iind place of ~uC'h lSale~ h~' a;J\"f.rti~meUl not le.- than OIU~
<br />duril18 ead. of &aid four we,,'" in a ne_paper published or distributed in tb.. county in wbich &aid properly
<br />is .;tnaled, all other notiee being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and .aid mortgagee, or any penon on
<br />heftalf of ..id monga,..,. may bid with the unpaid indehtedneao evid~nced by ..id note). S.id .ale .hall be
<br />held at or on the property to be .&Old or at the- F ede ral~ county I or city courthouse for the county in which tbe
<br />property i.loealed. The mortg~ i. herehy aathorized to U.cute for 8nl! on b.,baIC o( the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the purehaer .t tueh ..Ie . auiiicient conveyance 0/ &aid property, which conveyance shall contain
<br />l"lOcitala "~h '.. l~.ult upon which the eucution 0/ the p<>wer of ..Ie herein granted
<br />depend.: y co-,tu1... and app<>ints the mortg.ger nr any agent or aUorney of the
<br />mort~~ t - . act of -aRid mort~tlp)r to make !uc::h recital. and to execute @aid
<br />convey..... . 1 covenanu and aJl'C'll that the r"";tala 80 made .hall b., .ff""tualto bar .11 equity or
<br />right of -redemption. holl'le*tead~ d()-w~r~ and aU other t'\t"clUptionll o-f tht'- tl\urt-"lHtOr, all {)f whh'h art' ht'-reh~
<br />e-xpfte!l;iy ,""..ived and convfI'H.d to the tnort~aSff: or-
<br />
<br />itU. t..~ au,. otfM... ~ppt'Upri:Bte actuUl PUhUiUH to ~t."t! ur Fedt"ral _tatuh> eillwr in ",..It- ur Ff'II..rai
<br />t'tJUrt 01'- .othfr.nri~ for lh~ di.I)OAuio-n Hi the- ')fUpl"tt~.
<br />
<br />In the ~t 01 a ..Ie At h"rcinbef..rc provided. the mortpgor or aoy pe_nt in ~ under the mort-
<br />gJlttor .hall thf..n become- and ~ tenant. hQlt-fin{l ov..r and !lh.ll forthwith .-Iehn-r pOM~ion to tht'\ pUn-hUM!f at
<br />,.,uclt..le oJ' be-&l&llUll4rily da-puJ ~~~ lR ,"--'Cord.~ ",,-ilh th... pro,"-hl(m.b of Jit\\ apl'hl~abJt' to tt'-nants. hul(liu~ uver.
<br />The power and a~n("~' hel"C!b"o ftcaJu~1 O'n t~o-upir.-d \tt'ith ~n jnt~retlt :m~i .art' irrf'\'(i-('__J)I~ hv (~t'ath nr HtlwrYt'j~~ ltnd
<br />11." ~-~ ~ !,I~-!!!~ti~"~ !~!h!- ~!!!.!!AJ!~ !~!" ,'~H~~!~~ !.}! ~-=id i~dt"h-t~dne.~ p:,!:~i-d~!! .by- hl'~".
<br />
<br />4. Tbepr-.u of a~..1e of laid p~rty in aceord...."" with the pr.,.,.,Qing par"Araph. ,hall be applied lint
<br />to par the - .... _....- of Wd uIe. the u....- incur..,.j by tbe mortl!'l!ee fur the purpuoe of proteetiUfl or main.
<br />taiaiDJ....d property. aad ~ .uunlf:Ys' fe-t";t.; ~Util).. to}U) lh(' jll(lt'bt~d,u'"" ~('un.(1 ht,rt.h~'; ami IhtrIH~"~
<br />to pa, ..,. .u.rp'u. or e-1eHl11 to th<<- J~f'\lC.m or I~rl'onj I.....allv t'nt,ir~1 th.e,....to.
<br />
<br />5. In the e......t ...d property i. ""Id at . jlldici.1 forec....ure ..Ie ur punuantlu the p<>wer of ..Ie hereinabove
<br /><<Rllled.. &lid the p~. art not .t.&,eol to pay th-e IOU] indebtrdnf!u te'-cured hy ,hi. imtrumenl and f!,,'ideneed b)'
<br />..id p......u-ry note. th. mortgall"" will be entitled hl a d"ficiency judllD'ent for Ihe amount of the deficiency witho'"
<br />r~....,.~_
<br />
<br />b. 1. the t'!"\'ut 1M IttOI't~or {..ill. to PA)" aD)' .'NC'J'al, ill'l...~~ vt lOt.-..l11u. "'~""Ieul. im:ulUt" tax or ulher lin.
<br />li... char,.., fee., or otaer c-.xpenM d1upd ~ ,he pl'Opert~' the m-ortgogee i~ lu,'reb~ oIuthori:.etl at hia Hption tu
<br />pay tb.,........ Aa~ ....... ... paid by the mortgall"'" .hall be added to and becume a part of lhe principal .mUHOl! of Ihe
<br />~ ev~ by aaid note, ouh,.,.,t to tb., tam.. terma and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />d~ ~ .nd.!.>..!..... ,""'~ hy ....d pro;nioooi:y note. and .hall pay aueh aum. and .hall di..,harj!C .11
<br />- ..... JiMo ..... the --. 1_ and ........- of maldftl, enlorciftl, and ~"eeutint! this mortgage, then thi. mortgage
<br />.-n"'-Waacl~
<br />
<br />7. TD. coweaaA" ~ coataioed .h.U bind .nd tht! Mn-en16 and lId\-emlalt~ 8h.1I inure II) (hI" n.""W'...tht' ~tH'.
<br />-..... ............. putiee m.- y~ uaed, the ti"llular number .h.llin.lude the plural, the plural the
<br />....... ... .... - of "1 ...,...w than !Delude .11 peden.
<br />
<br />&.- N. wai.... of _, conuuUll; hereU. OF ul the oblipLiuu ~'-ured he-ret>) ,.h.JJ dl ~n~ time ,he'~dfh'r he tlt.-I,I
<br />to he . "'.....~ of the tL_ beT...., or of the note MCV....! h ..'eb~,
<br />
<br />9. A ~ ......... om., O~ judpeat lioldiat any pro.-iai.... ... l"'rtiun ..Ithi. i...iru"",nl ill..lid 01 1111'....
<br />f~"" _ la "1"'." hotpai, Of V_lude the enfo...-t of the .......aininllllFo>,i.iona." "ortinn. olth;.
<br />lull tll
<br />
<br />If;~ ......~......*-I to_.-..- pu..... to the proviaic.... of th. ineuum....t oIo.nbe ad.
<br />...................M llj''''....y:m,Alda, NlI: 6'.6810
<br />and 0"" ..titt$) noU<:e to he i_...t to the "tortl"PC oIoall
<br />..........--.............., p"u~ H,.')-j;, 1:~UJ~ lCJ1~:, N~ .~J-f-u-a.,jW;{'J.jj ,',rl1r~:_) 1:,1;;;1nd~ NE bBHOl
<br />
<br />"">1--';>"'-4
<br />
<br />iU. "~1;"-l~"t'h
<br />