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<br />I <br /> <br />83-l.i04778 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Saiu,pnmtlalory ,_ wa. given tt) <eeUre a loan in which t~ Small Administration. an agency of the <br />Unit..ifSt._.ofAmeri.....ha&p...ucipated~ln compliaocewithoeetion 101.l(d) of the Rul... and Regulations of <br />the 5_11 Booin.... Adminiltration [13 CF.R. lOLl (d I J. this instrument is to beeonstrued snd enforeed in accord. <br />.aeewidlapplieable.Fedenllaw. <br /> <br />L The mortpgor.............. andagreM .. followa: <br /> <br />G. Be wiD promptly pay the indebtedn_ evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the <br />_er themn prorided. <br /> <br />b; II.. will pay all ta1lt8. ..........eoto, water rates, and other governmental or mur.icipaichargea, Ii_or <br />iJnpGlliUono, for wlUchprovw.... has not been made hereinoofore. and will promptJy deliv"r the olIicial ~pti <br />therefor to the laid ~ <br /> <br />c. R"will pay .uch ""pe...... and fee. as may be in"""..,d in Ihe protection and maintenance of .aid <br />p'ro~rty. indodillg lhe fees of any attorney employ..o b,' the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indeln:ed1H!il8 hereby ret"t1red~ or fo~Jn.';urf;'{)rtp:a#[~~~1'i ~ale~ or ('ourt procet::rHn~, or -in any'othf'r <br />UtiptibffOT p~inft affectin~ 14Iid pro~rty. AH()rrH""-~~ fC'"e!'! rea$nnahh" tneurrf't! in anv (')ther W<1-'" shan he <br />paid by Ihe mortga;<or. <br /> <br />d. For hr.tter ~Jritv of th(~ it1d,""h;~dn~ h-ere-h\.' "'t"(~lIrt.d~ lipOIl the rr'quf>jj;t of the mortA'aJ!ee. its <br />~uee.eQOn or anlltt1!\.. ht' ~han rXf"('utf" amI t'di\'t'T it "_"upplemt"ntal i1lort~.\t<:~ or murtgalitt'~ ('Ovr1"inll an' <br />addition"" jmpro...~nlt"-ntJ,... or hrUt'nnt'flt~ to lhr propt'r-t'\" h-t'rdn.-lhu",~ described ..lUd an property <br />.lcquirt'"ti b\-. il ;aft..., the ihH{> hrrf;of ilB in forn\ l'.ltllff<-lt'tOT\" to nwrtgajoter;. FunlH'rmnn'. ..IIOUld lHort~a~or <br />fail to t'U~ .Ul~' ~idault in tht" IHi~nH"'lIt of a: prior or jnft~rlOr f'fH'urnbt.ult't' nil the prnperty rtC!!ierihed 1,~ <br />thift 1mtrument. morl::;a/ZoT heTt:"b\" .1~rt'l?'~ 11:) permit lTH_trtltdj!et' to nnt' _:-Udl d..fault, hut mort~a~('(' i~ not <br />obiiltat("d to do t<n; .mri l'Ut~h ..d"an('t"~ ~h~li hf'('utlU' part of llli~ m.lf'"hti.dn........ .j'l"lIn.d h,- thi... iJt~'rttflWu'. <br />~uh~t to the "am~ h't1ftili and eomlitiunl'-, <br /> <br />(', The riJ:ljb< {'rt"3t~lf h,- thi~ n)fl\'....~littU.-.-*~ ,.luJl rl'lU-4Ul m hdl ft)n't" anJ d[~t'I duriujt au"~ POtIipulw-uH'nl <br />ur ~Xlf"",.ion of tlot. hmt' ni .ht"' pannf'nt or the> HlIlt.hl~dn,.~l' n Hh'ra'~'d 11\ ",~id promi"''''Hr~. uHlt' ur un~ part <br />thereof ~,,'urt'ti het~b,.-. <br /> <br />J. He ~'HJ ('ontinuot1d~ maintain hazard insur-3nrt. or t'uc-h lype or typC8- <inti in tIouc.h amountJ 88 the <br />nlort,UQtt'T fll.'- "front 'llUP tn 11m... ff"f]dif'f' non tht. tlllpro;,-rmf"OI" Hmo, or IWt1.'I.\h,'r 'If I "',Iitl pr-ol't'fl~. ;mti <br />will -pa,. promptly ,,"<he'll dUt! "iI~. pr~mi-um. th~f1!for< All In.lurant''1t' JIIhaU .be c...rrif'fl in companies acceptahle <br />to rnurtJl\4Iflrt" ,;tod tht" fwlicit-It and renf:"'I.,~lt. lht'r~(t{ ""h.tiJ ~.o? iu:-id h~' rnorlftajlee ,UIl,) have attached thereto <br />kMa pa~AbJe d_A~ i.n [""'Ot uf .Inn m form <ltn'~pt.;lhif' to the mO"'I~II~t.'~. in ("vPtJl 01 i()8l". mongagoT ,.riii ~Ive <br />imm~ute notitt in "'nti~ H) mort~,,~~". ani.! mO"l~.lIijtt':i" nUi\- make pn:l-Oi of lim tf not made prompdl by <br />mo~agor~ and lruutau(:-e c_ompany (_on(..~rn~(j i... h~rt':by tliuthorlu,d ~nd dln~cte~j tu make paym('ul for luch <br />1.,.. dir<<tly It) mort~att-'('~ in.&te..d of to mortg.ftor and mvrti(ajl.("c jOlnti~. .and the in~uran('-e proeee-d... or an~> <br />part lhef'e"Of.. ntay he appliN b)" m(.;~aiee at Its- uphon ruher tu the reduetion uf tht" iudebteda:leN hereb~' <br />~red or '0 thf' rf"1itoratii)fi or repair of th~ propt"rh damallell 0'- ~jeMroy~.i. In t"-".~nt of [or-edOliure of thi. <br />murtg&fl-t;". or ulhr.r tut;ui~r of title to uid propef1v in ...uinJ{u.!lbm~nt or the itulehtedneu lieC"ured benby, all <br />rapt.. title. and int(':f('!fit. of thf' mortll_t[or in .nd to any iiUluriln~ po!it'lt'--t then in ft.ree shalJ paM to the <br />l)ut'r.baile'r or ,"ut'tflil1~ Hr. ~lt tllt. {.ption HI lhf' tHortU;ltJff. lllA\ Iw ..\ltrt.IUlt~r..ti flit ~l p.flttHL <br /> <br />F. lie will keep <ill buildin_j. .nul olher im,vru\.t'ntt'f1I'" on ll'.ut.l prUpt'rl\ in ~o"tHl ft.'pair ..uH~ l'ond.,iou: <br />""in pttAlil~ commit, tir ...u.tIer no ~..."-l~~ unp_irm-eol. ddt':riut"<<li..m 1]1- ~did propt"rt\' or ali~ p..rl tht't(~uf: <br />in lilt' t"\-enl or fallur~ ol the Illortf\a,()f' to il..{~ev the huthlinp on ~aitl pn.tHl,~"'lio ..lntl IIw!".' .~r.'l,tt"(l on 1\aifl <br />p<<'fui~}o." tH'- tn~vtu\-<<mellh Iht'ffOU. iu ~00t.1 Yt"p.llllf. Iht' m9Ttl!a~t't,' nun makt :'Iud, rt'p.urto..,. in ill" tlilleretion <br />It Uhl)' Je~m n~rl fOf lM -proper IH"t:"lI<en-atJnn th~ft"'OL ;tnd \ftr full amuuut of t'itch and t'Vt~n "'\1('11 <br />~)a)"ul~tU !li..U- bet irncuediate-_h {ilk .il"tl,,'~ and #oh"H lH- Jiot!'curt'lt in- th~ 1il"1l (~f thilii tlwrtJ'''1J.t., <br /> <br />10, H.""m nO! ...Iuntarily er....U or pennino be q~ated allaintt Ibe property 4"bjeCllo thi. mor1f!o;r.e onr <br />ltem or h~__lft{~ri()f or- !tuper!.,f to f.h~ Hen of this l'Uort~"I~U~' \fIo.itho-ut tht" 'Hitten t..'omenl of 111("0 mortg.aft~; and <br />furtlwt.. that nt!" 'ftlU -1..<<,. ami lUatnt...Ul th~ :>d-UU.' ir~ from th~ daiJH \It <Ail 'It''fJ'OHlll' /!ouppi~ injt. Iabur OJ <br />Materia" for ~fu.t.."tiGn of any aud aU buildifll,l (.If impr()v-elw~nh: UO\\' heU\lL f'r-t.(.tNI or lo tH" '-'(('Nt'tl t'ln <br />; <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />i. H~ will nut f~nl nr ,J:~n ;ln~ p.rt uf the 1'~...Ht uf ,..~wl nwrtlldfl,,-,l prop..>rl\ or fl...mulish, or rf"HIHH~ <br />uf ~uh.&a-Uli-a.u~ Ahf.'-r an~' hut"ldinJl ",ithout thr wriut"-H ,'mu.eut ur the morlltitit:e~', <br /> <br />;. AU .ward;. of d,,-m.t(,ff in coiln~ion "':hh au)' cmuie:uut-atio-n fOf I,.uhlk H~' of I)f t.1 aJl} of tht' <br />rtrOlii"-HV :mhjcrc to thu nlortJlllftl" aw hf"ft"h} ,\IwgtlNl and l>hiilU lw: paid t-u nHlrltt.~<<t ~'h6 mil~' &)) the <br />~~re__hJ_l~4t,Ult'1'1l of tlte: ,~tul.i$U.n,lf'nlt_ }a~t .lne under MUd J1nh'. dJ1II HhJrtf{.-)tet' i:o> ht'tt'h~ Oluthorl:red. in tilt' <br />~ tit thr mtJrtJ..I-t)r~ to f>1UJ.t~-ulc.- ind .1...lh'er "athf a"-quittanf,~i'1' tllt'rt"uf l.uulln ...JIH,..I {rom iiU~ ''!It:h awar-,L <br /> <br />"'_i;:~ >....',lIt4tC~_,*h.H b.u~ lht" tijt-I" to- iMiW-f.'t th~'hl~-e-" pum:l~jo .\1 ...., n-'a-~,HHdbl~ llnH'. <br /> <br />tfo.t...if'in;,nyutwm....:....t.i or<:oodi\i..... of thi. int_e,U ur of th. nullO or 1"*,, "lP'"".....nt _red <br />~ _n """...._ u..._"'....r~.ri..l to ~ _ and ,njoym.nt of Ih. property". at Ih. opti.... "llh.. <br />~ 0, Ilia .......Jitc....inJ..1!~ "".ttlto.;~",..1l b... .".It ril'hl mUll default}. Upon any o"er. <br />~It, tit. .~ >hall ~.....~ 1~"..nff1'bt alfoi..,t...u. ....1 pro61' a<eruiuJ "fIn .abult u ,""writ>. <br />(<<i.f_ l~ ~ he~,. ..ilil\~"',('l"~.""""", 1''''~l'Iy for lhe P"....- ...1.,.,.w., <br />......"'..... ".oA~ 11>1;. i__1ohall ~~. ..i_ ~ nf oy ""..t.l..... ,,,idpr"~rtv to Ih.t ...,tml, <br /> <br />1:.8". ~,g ~ ~-t;lJ- a~-n-~ <br />