<br />I
<br />
<br />83-004760
<br />
<br />Lemkr's wrm~n agreement or appli('ahle law. Borrower shall pay the amount or ::Ill mOl1gagc ,insurance premiums tEl the
<br />manner' provided under par:agmph 2 r-1Creof.
<br />A.ny--amoHnts dishur~d by_ Lender pOr'lluant to Ihis paragraph 7, with interes.t thereon. shaH become additional
<br />ff1dehl~dnc$s. of Borrower St.."<:tlfed by {hi!> Mon,t!age, UH1~-s. Borrower .lod LeoJer agree,-to other terms,'of payment. such
<br />amounts sh.aH.be parable upon-notice from- Lender to Borrower rcquc..ting payment (hereof~ and shall bear intcrest..from the
<br />dat<! (If--disbur-~ement ~t the rate.payable from- time tQ lime on outstanding principal under the -Note--unless-.'payment::.of
<br />interest ut_s_lien: rate-would be cOtdr.ary to applicable I~\w, in which event such amounts-shall.bear- intere~t at 'the highest-'rate
<br />petmiss:ihlc -under ~tpp.tlcahJe law. Nothing contained in this parap:raph 7 -shan require Lender 10 ineur-'z_ny- e>:pense"_or__ take
<br />any actiQn hereunder.
<br />8.,_ In8ptcdoa. Lender 'may make'or cause It') he made reasonable entries upon -and inspections of the Property. pro'lfided
<br />thAt tender shall give Borrower notke prior ro any such tn!'pectlon ~pccifYlng re-as(lnable call!>c therefor-related to'Lender's
<br />jntere~t, in the ,Pt-operty.
<br />9-.. (,~nado1l\. The pnx:('cd~ of any award (If claim for damaf!cs.. direct '(.If consequential. in connect1oo-,with_ -any
<br />\,.('tndemnatkm or other-taking of the Property. ()f part thereof. or- f(,\f conveyance in lieu of c\'lOdemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />:md shall - be paid to Len-der-.
<br />In the e\-'~nt 'of a total raking of the Property. th(' pnx"Ccds "hall be applied to the ,urns secnred hy thi.. 1\{ortgage~-
<br />\1,:1th the C"C"-'S.. if ;JOY. pnid h"J RDrr;-,wcr. In !he e\'ent l\f a partial taking t)f the Property, IInles~ Borrower- and Lender
<br />1,therwise agree in writing. there ~h<ill he ;.ipp-hcd to the "ums secured hy thi~ Mortgage- \uch proportion of the-proceeds
<br />;]s -t~ equal h' rh:u rropt"lJ'tio-n which rhc ~lmOUnf -of the \Ufn~ "iC'c_urc-d h~ thio:, Mortg~~c iWOlcdiately prior to the. date -of
<br />taking henr.. to- the fair market value pf the rn"\~r!~ Hnmclhaldy prior It) the date of taking. with the halance of the proceeds
<br />raid t(l 'Borre-WeT,
<br />If the Properry j" ;thandonl'd hy Rnrrowt'r. ,'>r if. after notice h\' Ll'nder to Borrower that th~ condemnor offers to make
<br />an award ()r 'i-Ctdc a -.:.~Iarm (or damages., Bo.rn1wer fad,,,> lj~ re..ponJ h') I.cnder with;n lO days after the- date -such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender h aUlhorl.lcd to i.;o!lC'Cr and apply ~he j."fl'\\:c-eds. at l.ender's option, either to re...roration or repair of the
<br />Propert\' or w the :-;ums- ~:.L<JI"('d hv Ihi... Mong.agc
<br />lhdC$' Lcnder and Born:w,--ef {}{herwv..e agree In >.vritinJ!, ~HW <';lIt:h applic:l1ion of pnx:eeds to principal shaH not extend
<br />\)r po->tptHlC ;he due date (If the monthlv inSfallml"r1h f'derrcd h~ in paru~rarh, I and:! heret"r Of change the amount of
<br />'inch installment..;;,.
<br />JOT Borrower Not R~le.aud. E\ten"ii.\n ,-,I' !he !fmc- inr p,rvmel1t ('f mf\diticati~ln of amorfll:ttion j)f the "'tlrn" secured
<br />hy this MOl1guse granted ~y I cndet h~ ;l.Oy \t",:C~..,:,<,-~r ~"-1 m!en'.-..f of fh'fTilwer ;;,hall not {)renuc te' release, in any manner.
<br />the liabilifY Iff lne {lr1ginal Borrower :lnd Uorrown">:. -'i;\1.'c-eS'-1H,; ;11 !olC"resJ f l~ndC'r ~hali not he requin:d to l~ommence
<br />rn:lCcedin~s againsf <;u-i:n "'tlCC('~'H:'ir "f jt"iH~ W ,~,-h:nd HIT\t.' f;~r p.tvmcm ,'f nlhenl,:I',e modify 3mnrti7..1tion of the sums
<br />..ecurcd hy thi~ MoruZQll:e h-' reas,(Hl \-'1 ;"W ,h.'Hland In';'h_k t,\ l,hc "ti!::(naJ Horri~w~r ;lnd B.-'\rn""wt,,~r'~ sllcce~nr~ ill interest.
<br />11. ~F'Mbe-aran~ hV 1.-t'I",.' ~m a \Vah'I;'r, ,\'nv :,..~rbeaf;.Hh:(, In I t'(lI:kr in \,'xerC!~!Il~ ,II1\' right or remedy hereunder. O(
<br />otherwi\c :dTordcrl ~.,.' ;pph.:.thh: 1;IW. "h;dl ;wl he :1 ~';HH'r ,\1 .If preclude ihe ~\cr;isc (~i :llW such fight or remedy.
<br />.Ole pn);;tlre-nte-nt nf in~ur-ancC' '-.'f the f'llym;;-flf ;'! Ll"~'" ',If "tht.'r 1'('111; I'T (.hargc.. r,y '('ndN ,hall not he ;1 waiver (If Lender's
<br />right lr>. .K~'dcr:Hc !he m-.turirv d (hl' ,mh~f,-tedrll>~ ,,'>':';l;'d h\ th" \11,\:-t?;}j.!C'
<br />12. Rtawdies CumutaliTe~ .\11 remCdlC'i, {'In\hied _oj thi... \f\)ff.ll,igt' ;In: ,h!md ,'nld l,.umHlaiive In an\' olher right OT
<br />remedy under nl.~' M\"\;(lga~c (\i afhlfde-J h' Ln-''- ,'! ';qlHl\ _1>1<1 fH.ll !~l; n~'I":('.,,,d \-'~',nctlrf',-nll\ inttcpt'udentlv 0r sllcl:es!;ive'~.
<br />13~ mc~ m .-\MiR.RS Bound: Juth' aDd 't'Hral t.hthiUt),: Captiow_",. loe \.'n\'l'nanIS ;uHl .'Ign'cment<; herein
<br />i..'ontainc.J ,hail hind, ~ind Ih~ nilhh ht'f;:mH.kr ,,!laB '~11~!t'. tht: !('''j:h~,:ln-,~ 'in..'>,,'c\<,.,>r... .md a'\"it;n~ (If f cndcr ~lnd Borrower.
<br />s.ubject ft' lhe rf(~\-'i",i('\f1'" pI p;t~.jjltraph 1 ~ h-cH'd .\!! -.:,-'\ u:.~nh 'l;~d :l~n:'l~tlh'nh ,)! !h,>n-,}w~r ."half hi;' j{'>irn and sevCfal.
<br />~:~t~~;n\~~~; i~:a~~~~!~.~~:~_"r~:;~;~~rr.JPh.. c.'1 :"1!... -'t."q;,-,!:_,,-" .He ~,~r ~(ln"(~ni('lKT pnh- ;lml <1n: Iwt h' DC u,>cd 10
<br />
<br />14.. Setict.o~ E:t;.;e~t fr"f an\' I1pfl(:C ;!,Jt.~ -ippii-t'.jhk' b\\ 1.,1 h~ ~',iv,n ,n ,lIwthtr manner. (a) ~IllV nOlice 10
<br />Bonnwcr pn,widro tOl H~ ;!1i" \-1.~fit-:aJo.':e r..... .:1\"''1 n\ 'n,!lhf;~ ,u...h ~!l)t!C': h\- d'!llficd nl.lil ;uldrcs...ed 10 Borrower nt
<br />the Pfl,"lpeny Addr-t-s;; or ,11 \~l\;h ,~:ht:f _\"t-dn:~_~ _:., n,ltfl'\,Hf .. \"- \h.~"ll.;IUfl' h\ l),.jj(.t: {l'> '-(:oder ;i~ provided he:re.io. anJ
<br />(b} any notic~. h) Lemkr ':'>hail he ~!\\..n r--\ ..~li'f!t"d nnd :\;'!':~1~ 1~',:...,!'! n.'qut:,qcJ, ;.-.. 1 clhkr\ ;lddre",:,; stalt>d ht'Icin or to
<br />"uc-h l.\tfter addrt"~., ,!~ l_t'Ih.ie! '-n~~', d->;"'oh?I,;HC h n,l!f,:( :;~ H"rf,'\\~r ;0. prt'\-jdc_..J }ll.'f..'ltJ \n\' ;\I:1IJCI,' provith-:d f.lr in this
<br />Mong~,(' gh:~1I he <..kcmcd h"1- h.;\~ he~-n 'g-g.et! k, B,ghy,\n <~r i <:.'l'ltkr Wh.t'H !!!\c!1 in the m,iiHUef (!-e~ifl.n'ated herein,
<br />15. Uniform :\lor1I:~: GOH'mlll# La,.; St-\-~rlthiUt'L I ni"- t,~fHl t',! m(1n~~I~~ d,lrnbini.'" unif0Tnl (t)',,'cnant.. for n:,tinnal
<br />H~ .and fk;n-uniform C(l'n;oams \'lth linull:d \,.In,ll.,'lfh hv \{lJ'~..,-b,:I!(ln 1.'1 ~(ln~t;IUlC (t u1ll{;.,>rm ii.'CUf:l\' in_'J,(rullltIlt co\'erin~
<br />fe.ftl pro.perfv Thi'i. \t0ngage ,hall he ~t;"'enlt'd ~1~- ~h\~ Ln\ d ,he jlHl",l.ltdwn H1 \-\.hid~ lht' Propertv I;;' !OC~lted. In the
<br />c\r~nt that any ;'r...wi\h.\l~ ,'r (j,w,.c l~f !hl" \1.'tig.J.J.t': ," :ht' ''''!c '-.,'nilkh .., iih ,;:pph.:'ahle law, ~lI.-:h ..::onfiict ...hall mu affecl
<br />other pfO~I"ioo' ,,( ihh 'tnrt~,",ge ,\r !ht: "\;l.h: '.\hf~h ~an !'c ~1\1.'n \'lie.. I ...~.i!h(\llt lht' ;;~Jnt1ic-iin~ rnwislun. <Inti to fhis
<br />end the pril\'is.t..),n~ 1-:>( the M(lt!~agc ,wI.! the: ','h~ .Ire In,:l.ncd {., be \~'\'t.~rahk
<br />16. IIorru.~r~s ('ope.,. BOfhH"t'{ ..h,-lil he lurnJ"h...-d J '-l>j1lurnl('{i ,:,\{'\\' !,t !he Nnlc imd Of Ihi... M(lrq;m~c al the iime.
<br />\"\f e.;\<<Htton (~f direr te('\)ftJiiU~)n hefC'l'(
<br />17, T........, 01 eM Pro.....,. "-Utlutption, It ;tll ~'r ;ia~ r.!rt \11 Iht" Pn-,j1Cn.y ~\f:m int~re~t therein i'i ~old or transferred
<br />by Borro.w,,'r withQ;:lf Lcnder\ prior wriucn ,t)n~fl! '-"1..!uJing 1'.J~ rht' .. n.:alH)O (Jf a li~n N ~~n;.;llI'nhrance ~uhordinatc to
<br />this MOrl.age, i~) the ..:reation nf it PUf"..:hd\C nwney ",,'(Ulll\ inf-cn.:!.l fnr- hi.'H;;,eh(}1t! appllaoJ.:'cs, tc) " [t-<tusier by devise,
<br />~"'eot or by oper-at.i<m (\1 t-a\\ ll{Xlfl the death (1J. ;1 )OliH l~nanl \~f . f lhu 8fbU" iJf u.. \ ] 1.. hi. 1nUll' Ii.lf t"nll: jar lilt JaIi6
<br />it1 i ~ ' < D r I' r' t, Ir l.. . Lender may, ~i.l Ll'nde.(" nplu:_,O, dedare un ~he s.ums 'recl1Ted oy this Mortglilge to be
<br />tmmcdiottely due and payablt. Lender ...naB have ,J,;1I'.~d ...:h.:h ,."pliun h'J. ac;:elerate if. prior to the '!,de nr transfer, L~nder
<br />:and 1t~ person to. whom the f'''rope-ny p, h' he $()lJ <:;l- H',jJhiCfI1:J reitch ;jgfe~lTleflt !H >.\ fiong [har the t:r~dit of ~uch pers-on
<br />i~ qttsIKU,ry tv Lcn~c;-r ..tUG thAt the intcr.:..! p~;;itoie ,'n the- ...."0),, ..c~urcd t-.\' It,\-j,, Mon~agc <,hall be at such rate ~I~ Lender
<br />$~U request, If Le-fld~r ~ Wi,t>o<C\J the 1~JlftOn It) :l-C~der.fle- ph)\ided In llll's p.aragraph 17. and if Rnrrower'~ ~ucce~'k'lr In
<br />i~t ha~ c-xecu_ted II written as\umptlon iigre-emenl id\.:~:epkd in '-\.-riting hy Lender, LenJer ",hall rclea~ Borrower from aU
<br /><obI...I...... umler th.. M~.,., and .he Nt".,
<br />If l.ender CA:ercises, such l.'>J'tion l\) al:cei-etaN. LenJer ",h"IH mail BOfflW.cr notlc(' ,-.f :ll.:>:ele-ratifln in Jc(-ordance with
<br />~ 14 hen)(tf. ~h l1\'ltice ~lmH proviQ:e '-, period cd n,-:l{ iC'$.s than )0 I..iay.. ff'{~m the d~ue the n.;)tic...~ i,1;. mailed ,\,jthin
<br />wtric:h .rrov~.-er nt3)' pay the s-um.s declared due It BcfT1._\v.er fonts !o PitY \tll,,:n ..urns. pnor tn the c:tpiration d such period.
<br />Lender m4-)". without furtbet notice {,r demand Cln Rorn"\\.er. uwoke any h:m~dlc,i {XnnlHed by paragraph 18 he,reo!.
<br />
<br />NoN,.U~n:o..... -C.()\.'t.N~N1S, &rrowcr Zifl-U l.er\(lcf fUftner c~_w~nant ~nti a.l.lfC-'\" a~ fnlww~;
<br />It. ."'.................. Ex<<PI"" ",...Wed 1ft _.apll 17 h-'. u_ Borro,..... _b or ""y ~...""...I or
<br />~ "'~ 1ft Ibis Monpae, Iftd"e1I... 'b. ~o"_" to I"'y "...." d... ""y .".... ,_unci by till. Monc....
<br />............~........... notkt '0 ........... ... ",o,l<IecIlll p_raph 14 be..... spedry!..., il)'.... _'"
<br />....:..... """""',,,",,,,, _II.......,1r, (ll. ........ ...., """ ,_ )Q clays from Iltt dat. It.. DUtk. is malledl.. .............
<br />., ......"11.." ...,... .. .,..... ..... (4llltat fill"", I" ....... ..... ....Ilch .... or befo.e 'M date .ped,"d I.. (.... ........
<br />.. .....11\\;........... ...._ _....... by''''' MorfCiII.., r_.....u.. by Judldal _-eodiDtl ..... .... ut lhe Property.
<br />...... ......... ..,.. ......._Dl file rjpl ." ...-.- after a<<.......uoo ..... Iltt. riltIIllo _n 1ft lhe f~
<br />~_ _~ uta .,..... 01: ..., ....... .I_.>f Botto..... '0 ""..eIwllioll ..... tc....d........ If the ....aob
<br />.._........... W__....>PIdW iJo'M "otk.. u.... ltf l..,mIer'. opdoA _y cIffIu.. 011'" Iltt ._ _....... by
<br />........... "" ......~ _ ..... l"'Y..... ~.I..lluor .~ ...d _ lo...oo.e by jIUIlcitoI """'....... I..........
<br />.........,.,.. Ie .......... \to.. ~ all ...._ '" lored""...... ,""kMtIIo&. lotI _ lI..i..... 10, ~...." '" do<llmeal".y
<br />~,~_1llIe .........
<br />1t. ~.....' fa- '~. NvtwifMt.iuWmg t.crtder":,> ,:!-C\;,dcNhon Hf rtre \W'~}j. '>-t's\.'_tHed j,y Iht~ 'Mi)i"llit,ge.
<br />~,~!- ~if h.,~ ttw rip.~ h~ h.v~ Mi)' pft~~_mg'i, l)tt:j:U!l of'}' b:ntkr In f'nh.1r';"l~ dH~ M'M1g;i.g;; di\(:.....flhn~Jcd :It <:W'i H-fnt;
<br />
<br />Jl
<br />