<br />I
<br />
<br />83-1")04760
<br />
<br />USfFORM ('OVfS,.\NTS. Borrower and Lender covcnanE and ~I!!ree itS follow~:
<br />
<br />l. Payment of. Principal and Interest. Borfl"..'er ~halJ promptly pay when due the princip:..1 of llud intcrc!\.t on the
<br />indebtednts.s e.videnced by the Notl:, prepayment ~nd l,nc ch;trgcs n:-. provided in the Notc. and lhe principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advance-\ secured by this Mt1rtgagc..
<br />2. Funds for Ta-res and Insurance-. Subject to appJic,ilbk law or (0 a written \.....alvcr by Lender" Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly instaHrnents of principal and interest Hrc p<lyahle under the Note'- until the "NOlt.' is paid 'in full,
<br />a sum (herein '"Funds'"") equal h. OOt.'-twelf1h of the yearly taxe" and as'iessments which may attain priority - over - thiS
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premitfm in.smllments for. hazard ,jnsllrance~
<br />plus one-twelfth t)f yearly premium installments for mortgage Insurance. if any, all as rClLlOollably estimated initiany and from
<br />time to rime hv L-t:nder on the basis of assessm~nt5 and bills and reawnablc eSllmate-s thereof.
<br />The Funds Sh,lH be helo ~n ;ll1 mstimticm lht" dCJ>l.1sit" Cl[ a\.'counts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal ('If
<br />state agency f induding Lender it Lender i.. slIch ;tn institution) I ender -shaH apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />Insurance premiums ilnd ground rents-. Lender may 11...t charge ft)f ...(1 holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and compiling said as~smenl~ and hilh. unlie'-ss Lender pays Borrowe-r intefC:it on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make ~uch a charge, B(1rfv"-'cr and Lender mil.) ,lgrce in writing ~lt the time of execution of this
<br />Mo-rtgage that interest \-m {he Funds ...hall he- p~ud h) Borro\\'er. ;.;nd link...." ~uch agreement is mnde or applicable law
<br />requires such intcres.t to be paId. Lender \h,dl nl)f he rcquirc--d w pav Borrower any interest or eI1rnings on the Funds, Lender
<br />~hall give to Borrower. wuhQut charge. ,:In ~lnnH;tl ,1("c0l1nting of the Funds ...howing credits and debits to th~ Punds. and the
<br />purpose for which each debit tCl the Fund~ \"';JS m~d\: fhe Fond.. arc p!cdgt;d as additional security for the sums -secured
<br />by this Mortgage
<br />Jf the amount of the Funds held hy L--t;nJI..~r, higctha ......uh the !I..Hurc monlhly IClSfaJlmcnt~ of Funds paya.ble prior to
<br />!he due dates. Ol taxe\. a:;,~c'Ssmenb, msura:1('(: pn:miums anJ gn)und rents. shaH execc.d the umount required to pay said taxes.
<br />a~\e."\JUenl:<;. insuran-.;c premium'> and gn."ll!ud l...mt'i ~l:. lhcy LiB ..:ha:. .'ll..:h t"\CC\S ~halJ he, ~\r Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid 10 Borro\l;.er to'tf ;;redw..'d to 1l(}rr~)\Vcr df\- mon:hJ\ HlI,I:iHmeni1i ,)f Fund~_ If the- amount (If the Funds
<br />held.by Lender ....halJ not be ""ufticte-nt tu pay 1:1:.\(':'0. d."i-.~"1l.mcms. HJ"Uf~l1lCe p-remjtlrn~ and ground rents 3S they fall due.
<br />Borrower sball pay to Lender ;1Oy amount n<<c.....-arv fll make op the- ddlClcnn, "".Hhm 30 Jays from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender tv Rorrf}\,,.er re'1ue:~tmg ray mCllt lhcrenl
<br />Upon payment In full ,A all ;jum, :<;c(;u[c-d h.. rrH... \1nrH:.l~\.'. I ~'ndl"t ...h.tli !lr(lmrtiy rdund to Borrower any Funds
<br />hdd hy LcnJec h under paragraph 1:- h~il;nl Hl(' F..-,pen\ h ...<'i~l ,'! rhl~ P:<.'lpt'n\ t\ o-lherv,'l"e a..:qwr~d by Lender. Lender
<br />\hall 3ppiy, fl(l I::ner than Jmmediatd\ rfliX tn ~h,,' ..ile Ih:: Pn1p..:rlv i'l H" ,h.:qUlsitl0n by l.ender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the I,me 1:.'1 apphi.:a1lL'lft ,I~ -a dl.'"du ,lgail1s.1 Ih..; ~tml" '-c.:tH~d h\ llll'" '-tongagc
<br />3. Appticatiou o.f Payments. L~li!..'\.. ,1~Jfih.:ah!t' law prl'\ hie... ,lJho:n"'I"l' .dJ p;iymClltS n.'ccl\"cd by I.!:nder under the
<br />?\lore. ~wd paragra.phs ! Mtd : h;:rci..\i "h.ill pt: ;lpplH.'d h~' J.,,:.n.dcr rlr\{ ~~, l'.i\lw:a! ,'I al1hnmfS paY~lhk h1 lender by Borrnwer
<br />under paragraph .1 hereoL then 10 Iiltl'!:.'''.! I'..tYJJ"tc ,'H rh..: '\;l.I\-':. ;hl"1' 1<' thl: pnnl.:-tp:d \)i the NOle. ;lno then ll) interest and
<br />poneipal 1:'0 an~; Future Ad\-.llncc~
<br />4, (.hat1:<<: 1.Jtn-s.. Ht'rr~h\'1 ,.h.d) :';n .11 ',\-..:~ "'..!;",\,.n\nlh .'1'Hl \'thL'f ,hOln.:ic'''. finc~ <IlJd Impl.l<;.lll\ln<;: attnbUI:lble tl1
<br />the Propert'y \,,'hl~h may .;tl:am ,I !'f"'fU\ ,.'n:~ \l,!li~~.1~l,.' i1ld k.t.t:h,'l-\l jJ.I\!nC'!;t<, "r gnlund rL'nt~. If any, in the manner
<br />provnkd under r;u-;I.!:(aph:! }wh:~lr .T ,: "tlj p.::d !" '.lL+ 1'h1nnn t;',. B~'npw~'i nuhln~ pauncH!. when dut', dm:ctly to the
<br />payee there'l~f l:k.rH~WC'f ....h..di flfl..lnWil\ ;'l!llh!i ;,l i \.'l;:d;:, ill> ih1h:..:... d ,dlhl1.mU, dllC ilodet tlw, pdfil~raph, and In the event
<br />Born:,"wc-r ...!;iJH Hiak~ p.vmclH .-.!ll\,.',.:t:\ H;)H"\"~' ", L__'!aj",:I n-;.'cipl... ~'''l{i~fh.:ln~ ')lIch payments,
<br />UOrIow",r "hail pn:~tnptly ..h...dl..HJZt'" ~,n" ;f~~l A~"..~ ..,1.' d'J' \1\)n~,lgl..': P:tIVI\kJ. 1\;;11 B~lrf(lWCr ..hall nor be
<br />~eqUin:u 10 t!1~b<Hg(. ullY ,,-u;,,:h j.l\'ll "d i\~l\~ ",> Hi.\l: l'\., d ;'. l il1i1~ !'; ih<.' f1-l.l Jllt:nt I.'! the t'thltg.ui,.n "\.,...:urctl by
<br />,>uch lien In d mannel a-c,q"H~thh: !" { ~:n,jC'l. \'i .r,.::1~ n ~:d"d ,-'.'!l1I'1 .",..ll h:n ['>\'. \.H ,h..fend -:nll'!(l'ult.:nt rd' i\l\:h lien in.
<br />icitW pfV;".t:Wlttj.~ .....Im.!; \'pcl>d1: h, p~";::!ii i:;'c ~.m;.I,-(.:nH,';~1 ,-,: !"e d !urll.'ilUfr.' ('I ihc Pn'pcliY ,1(- .HI)" pan dlCH:Ol.
<br />5. H-aurd hl~n... fk'f!l..'~\Ct "kIil k~t:~. i'h. ."il!"'~'nl"Tj-- C\:'lJl1I; v, h~"!".'.tita l.l\"'\.:t,-"u ,'11 lh~' Pn)pcrI} lO....urcu
<br />~lg.amst k'~~ 1')\ fire, hiliM..h. -iJ:)1..-hhl..'d ;;.;lh~l\ !!K !<:flf< c-'d\-'ll!v; ~,,\-~;...:..: .Hld ~,,~h "dK'r halanh J-" 1 <.:m1c:r nl.iY rcql.l!re
<br />J..ud Hl !.u-~h ~tm\..lIHlb ~-!id !\.'; ""l.hh f't:fl,-...k o:~ j 1.'"..1.;: lc'ql},tc. l ~""hkd. th...tl I ..~/<..l..:r ...hail J,\1I 1"'Ljlllrc {hill rhl.: ;l:l1l\HlIll of
<br />such ';'J\'cragc t;.\c~~eo rru.( -'-Hl",!Jli c'l ~"'!""f,:~:\. L'41l i~'d ". "';\;~ ".,:,;!\.,j !",\ [!',;.., \hJ!'lgi.l~I..'
<br />The JUliUI'an~c >';.J.fnrf pnJvmmg ;h\-' ;;l".dJ_lll;,<,,' ,1u;i h.;" ",ft;''\->.,-n ,,\ H~lrIIY"~'l ,""D!Cd tel ,Ippru\,~d b} l cHder: pnlvlt.kd,
<br />that ~~~ch appfov<j,l ~haH !"It,l h-c ;'HfJ.:<I-,."n,lf,h '\-lthh.d.J \'l P't"'l';IHI" ,'11 \n",~I.l:l\,.J.: l'"IKI\,':> "hall h.~ p;llJ !II the l'ni1nnel
<br />pft"d.;k.'"d wltk-r p~tfagraph::' hell:;.....: d, :1,-,( p,d~~ In ~\H.h ~,hI.IWd h H,\;;,mCI ma~Jllg p,lymcnc \\hen duC', ~brlc'dly to the
<br />H}SUr:mce (MIte-C.
<br />i\UinSllf<tfl((' pt~h(Je... ,1!h.l rcn(.'..~,i;," Hl.:lt'"l "~;:i'" {Ii r,,',"[lj "~".Tl.\b,,: r,l I ,,;,;,,-/ dild ",!l...ll ;u\.!uJI.. d ~.!,llld.lrd nH\rlgag~
<br />l,,'Jau-sc In fa,,;,)! ,'I ~tlJ ijJ j~'tni 'h..~;:.'pL!l'k ! l;'U\;'! ! 00.' lh,." ,;u;; n.,',,; ~hc ! :,glli h' hl!d {h... lli\lt\'i~\ ,11ld l..:nc~'v.d... lhclt'llf.
<br />aod 8olT\.r~cr ~h,:i; pl~~fi1pli~ il:~!H'l-h III 1 t:H(k"l ,Ill r(;l,.....,,! !),'\h.I..', ""'\ ,l;~ ~(\.":Ipr\ ,)l l'<.lIJ prl:lIllllm.... III Ihe i:\cut 0110\),
<br />BorhH.~tt:r !!>ball g.\(- r'rompll,,~ti\.\.' h' lht' 'iI'HH,ui.(, ...,-In,,;l "w..! 1l..;;I~j~'l i l'fl,k; f1L~) !1Ltk... P!~j\'t ~'l in:,.s 1111\\( lfl<IUC pr\Hnptly
<br />0\ Borrower.
<br />~ Unk$i Lender and tk)n~\"~i \.'I.ht'l\'>::.t' a~(...'\.. .A1;lln~. 1'.;,",.~lll.L. f'!lh.t:l:,h \tl~t!! he <IPpllcd 1(> n::-.wr,ll.t.m ~lr l'cp.tir of
<br />_he P<<~pi'rt)' -Jamil8c~t pf\wlJ..:d ">u...r\ r~':>h.\f.tb~'n ,'I ;;;p-,J,f ;, \:";,\I!\;m",.<lil\' it:,t"lbk ~l.HJ rl1\' "ll:~un\y \It' ttH~ \1\'flg;Jgc 1-;
<br />JlOl !hereby i.mpalre4 If :-.u..:h t..:",hl,.ll.l,.!l l.>j rq',;ft( ,). Ii.....!. t'\.,'Ddw'.l;l, h-,t'>lhlr... 111 d ~hc 'c\.~iJrf{\' \\f lhl~ :o...h)ng.lgc w('uld
<br />be 1inpiiued~ the Hllirouran~e, pHx\.'e~h ...haU bt, ~ppiKJ t.' thl: .~U,nb ;,<..'dtt\.o:;j n) l\il'~ ~'Inn.g"gc, \\IH. lhc e:\'C':.S, if any. paid
<br />H,\. 8o-rri.'lW-t"r. B' the Pro~'n)- 1:; 4h~IHjvncJ b\ !:h)H'-.......:f. ,'f H fh\H'-'\A~l L!'I'i tv rC"'~lnJ to I cnJl:l" \\'lthm 30 days from the
<br />\lale fK)UCC tS- ITi"uled b\' Lc,nder \d B-OH,)w<r in,;;! th~ libUfMi...t" ~',ljIlCI ilfkr:-. h} ",..(tk ,( dauB t\}f 11l'lllraih,\~ hendits, l.t:-nJcr
<br />$ iIluthoniOd tt,) \.':"oilect' and uppl} ilK llbW"'H......, pr(,'(t.-'"ed::o .11 ! t~lhjcl-<; ~)Pll,.!!l ~Jli}~r 11.1 rC!l.h:...raIWH (\f rcp;,Ul' 01 th-c Propen}
<br />or lO tbc $U4'1S ~~ured by this M()rigasc
<br />Unk~ Lender and ~fh"WCl i'lht'r"'l,~ ;-lgit:~ In "\LH!l;S. ,In~ ~d..;h .'ippit..:.llitlO nt pw\,:<.:;cds to fHJf1"':ip.ll ,halt 11lH c\h:nd
<br />Of poRpl."lne the. due date of the rmm:hly mj,.{alimc~H... f\:teo~d h) In r.uJ.g.-aph~ j .lnJ : hCf(,0f or ..:hangc the aml.l\lIlt 01
<br />s-lk:h InsWJme:tl~. It untiel paragraph I s: hereof th\i Pmpcfly b JI..:'-ilili-eJ h) Lender. .II! right, :lll-e and jnlcf~M ~)t Borrower
<br />in aQd lO an} tQ5.Ufil,W;e pl..ihclCS and in ;Jud (,.l tiw pn.lI.:e~J!" ~h"n(;t)t re:~uj!:tn~ l!,i)H1 Jamitgc w the Pror-~r1Y pril.)f 10 (he .sale
<br />Of' ac-quisitioa shaH ~ to Lcndei to the ~.\.h;;f;{ pf the ,')Ulih ........t;Uf~-d b~ lJlL'. \hHtr;.age ilHHlt:'Jl~H-cly prhH' h1 ,;,uch ~alc \.'!r
<br />"""luisitioa.
<br />6. ~....... ~-e of Prv~f1J; 1~~bQl-cH; (.ondomiuiulm; Planned lJnit l>r,:elopm~nts. B()[f(l\l,-cr
<br />wU keep the. Propel:ty in ~,1d repair and ~haU aut O:l....'1lmil ',.\-'-a.llie or ~fmlt Imp.urJllCIlt or l...ictcrtofati..m of the Property
<br />aQd ~l comply with the pt-o\'~lons uf an} le~t ci thr\,. ~k'dg4~C I'\, t'!l .t k;i::>d1\}ld.. If Iht~ ~loltg:agc i~ 011 .1. tmit ill a
<br />c~u-m or ~ illannc:d utHl dC\"J.:-h.lpllk-llt, Ri.}n~'.'\.\er ...h...i1 1~I'ti,.)rm .Ill \)1 Uornl\.\,C(s ohhgoltl\.,"H~ lllhk.r the i..hx;.bfidi....!l
<br />Of ~$ crotin, -or ,guvUfitGit Hw -C<"JI1-\!('lmHu-ufu ~)j pi.l!1Xt~-d \Hlli J~\cl(opmcnt. the by,la.....~ MW f('~ulati()n:; vf the
<br />COOdOfDUuum or planned UnIt devdoprncn1. M)(l l...iJnMlttJ4.'i'H I.h.I\(UmCnl". Ji d 1.:,'!1'lk1-!1l1oium ,)[ f\l.mncu lInll dcv..:hJpmenl
<br />rtdu .. 4.'l,-<<u:ttKI. by .,Bor'(.()~' aud J~J h.:'icU~{ v..th !ht~ M..}flgdi-~, lhe ((H-t'-tJ...Ul.ls. <mo ~~gfe~nK,u-ts. HI j.lI~h rider
<br />JhaU.bcd:~rl>>f~ ~ ud t.h.u anwnd and ~u,p'piement lh<: ~;.,}Vj,.':t).i1nt~ JJhl agH:em~nl!lo ~,f th.l~ M\n'-ga.g.: ~1S If the ridel
<br />.._ " po.tt bct'ld,
<br />1. .~.uf ,.....'..Skurity.. H IltHttJ"-Tf liiih to pcrf,uln t~ ';O\-"CflAl1fs -",(lJ. ;i~n.~~..tnenu \.'t)I\(aincd in thl.'o.
<br />M:Of"-t ,')1 It _~ ~ltoa oI;\f proc~di~ ~s ,,"-(lotmeftc-ed wtuo.;h m-at<:tiaUy ;Jtl~-\;t!; f.en~'jer'~ mterest in the pfl)pen~.
<br />~~ 00t .nm.llinhtd w~ C'ftlfntnt domain. insn{vef'i\:)', ((~. t'nfOl""Cfllenc o..r i4r1:ifittcUle-Hl$. "-It pf\:)(liX.-din~~ ~llvotving a
<br />~.tl$pt Pf dix~~ ~ t.ett.dtt a:t L~(.~ (J~i-{,1{t, H~Jfi n-O~H..'"'( iH lionnwcr. IHii) maK-e ~u<.:h ~lr-pc~nHH..--c"", ,hshul'i.C 'Hen
<br />~,~ '~t I"~, ad,~.,u il: nQ;~:..-,~~ql)" if} -ptv&,~t- LIt-n~{:.. ~nl<;1'e.'lt., H\-i.ilud::;ns.. b.bt ~l..): IHtH~cJ to', j~sbtlr5CU<<:ut {.It
<br />r'c~... .~~9tm.,f*" !.., Ul4 (~~fY iipmt th.€.-' tlh.i-flf;.lf~' hi tJl<i6.,(' n,J-r\.:a.r~. it Ltn~~.1" [e"'4~Jif~;j n~(l-J'lgil8\l inM1PHll,:C ,4'; .l
<br />i;~~ nf. ftl4k~n. the., ~ M<.";'-Uf('.t! ,try thi~, Mf}Hg.~t. B<)n:;;.H.~:r ,,,h"l-H {t,;-j the r'n,:.n-~iHm'l- n;qUtn~,-t t\l fnifUL:ml '!!ul.'h
<br />i~~ m-t,ff~$ ~HHil \"i;\ti":h Ht&i(: ,...~ {ht, !~\tiftn~;U ft'K 'tt:t.tn m'j..tii';H~.;;t ti.~oym~ak, w a,:O{M'thuli.,-i;- ""ith n(~fnl~l'-cf'''' M\J
<br />