<br />J
<br />
<br />83-004697
<br />
<br />Lender's writt~ agreement or applicable Jaw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shaH become additional
<br />indebtedneu .of Borrower secured- by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts sban be 'payable. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of .dH:bllnernent at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />i~- at such rate wouid he contrary to appticable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />penn-iJsible under applicable law. No-thing ~ontained in thi.c:; paragraph 7 shaH require Lender to incur- any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. __I~. f.ender may make or cause to be made reasonahle cntri('~ upon and inspectkm,"i;. of the Prope-rty. provided
<br />l~t Lender shall give Borrower notlcc prior to any such inspection specifying rt3"sonable cause th-en:for related to Lender's
<br />int<rest in the Property
<br />9. Coachm...... The proceed'!; of any award or daim fl.1t da.ma~e~. dfreer Of consequtmtial,-in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Propeny, t~r p:tn therrof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby a~gned
<br />and ~han hr- paid to- Lender.
<br />In the event of :a h"l-f=l lakin!: p-f thc Prnpc-rty, the proceem ..hall he applied to the ..tlm~ secured hy this Mortgage~
<br />with the: c"C;-ceu:. if an)'. pil-m !o Borr0\\'ef. rl~ rhe event of -'" partial I;llln~ (,f the Property. nnles.'1 Borrower and Lender
<br />f"!tne-f"\f!'tse :agree in writHl-~. there ~h;lH he apphed f{~ Ih~ "Hrn.. ~<;i.lred hv this 'Mortgage '\uch proportion of the proceeds
<br />as i!i equa.l to that propoonion IA-hich the :trnount 1:1f !hc '<;.U01\ f..~~....urt'"d bv ihj-s Mort~l..~!le immediately prior to rhe date of
<br />titkine bean; H. itJe fair mark.er ~tatile {,f the Pr{'lpe-rt.- !mnwdiatelv pnor h~ Ow Jute nf !<.lking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />ra-id to Bm-rO*""!'r"
<br />If-the Property it;, ahaud<'ned by Bilrf('T~-er. {1!" if. ;~hC"r n~'-tice- hv t coder to Borrower that rhe condemnor offen to make:
<br />ao award nr 'l-CUlc a d.iim fnr d.Hn.'t.g.e~. tk't-Tn).w-e-r (;01;, ti\ l'"t"\pl'fH.t h-" l end~r ~'\-lhin '0 da\"~ after the dare such notice i$
<br />maited. Lender i... autt'Km:cd ti:l r~)J1a:t and apply lht pn:x4.'"Cd,,-> ;Jl Lender'",- Opt10f'!. either t(\ restoration or repair of the
<br />Property M 1"('1 the ;'\Jm~ se-CUfe<1 'Mv thi, \f(\fl~rt!t'f:
<br />Uil~ Lender and Bom~'Tr ofhe-rw\\ot' agree In >OVrl:mlL ,M)'\,- <;;',lCh :'H."I[lhl~;JtUt!1 of rn'X'eMs to pdndp:al !ihall not e,tend
<br />Of pt""'t~ the due dMt" ('-! the- mo-ntbtv m\L'}!lmcnt:s :~'f>:>l"fe-d l{1 t~\ p;lr,Wfliph" I ~nd "! hereof or chan!lC" the a.mount of
<br />...och lO1tsti-menh
<br />10~ ~r NUl R...... F\1t;t~'tH)'(! p-! t.he htl'l---t L~r p,i\mcnt N mf'ldif}(;10011 (..f ;JmonilJltlOn of the 'l-ltm~ St:':curcd
<br />hv tl\1~ M-f)f1~t~ _<<;~ntcd !'Iv ! <"Ihn! t;, alW <;.....:;.;;:,:,,;_..,,); 'd iml~f-(""f <,f fl,~rr~,wt;t. '.h,di tH~1 i"\perah~ 1'\\ rdeu.~. in anY manner,
<br />rht: hahdic; (It the nrtfHt:1j tk~rnlwt't .we n"'!f-'~w~-;", "q-u.'\~s-..Ht'-, "~ 1H!~>-r-t-...;t I cndcf ,naB l);,)t t~ n...tluired to ('ommence
<br />f'l'"t)Let'din.,~ a~_;lj,nJ-! ",-Kh ~<X'(-i:~-ot ,~1 tthr~~ !;'j. \->,H:-nd ~,m" :,\f r;p,:tllcnt ~'.r ,">1 hen.-.' l"-t' !11NHi":--' ;iO)ortiz3.1i,in ,.1' the sum..
<br />~tir<<t tn. fhh Mt";,-rrl_li~ h..- nt~-~~'fl ",I ,;"H ~k-t!'n!.,d m~ide t"\- 1 fl..' ,>! i)':'.;ul Hn-rn~w(r ;11H.1 B;.)-fT{,w\~r'j "HC~Cs:!;.or'i III ir.ter~t.
<br />II. F~ tw- ,_,,:mitt, _"'m lIiI \\'.h-'n. \,.,'. h'-ft~;Uil:'!~(' ~'\ t .-,nd-l.'f n) l~"'!..'f;;'J'H~fl ;i!1i,. di;!M ("If remed\l hl'feBnJer, or
<br />~.thenl-1~ -Jif':''<fdnJ h;' ;p-phrank L:~... ~h~H .1 ~".;tJ''':i '~p~(",,"hh'k 1hc C\('f'\.~;"l; \'1 ;:;;W '\Ich ri.;tht nr rcnted\'.
<br />l'be pnllCl..if\"ment ~"if l-lt"11f;tfKc '-'t !!-:-e ij~ !;,\n i', ;~het i':i:-n.. ,\t (h::u'~c-!l- ~\ 1 ~nd("r "f1-:"t.il pnt f"kC " \\f!!Vl'r ~.f t e-nder\
<br />nght In ~t'd:~-r-"):t~ tht." matHttt\-- Ihl:~ ....~'~ ,~!;:d hv rh<i "h~t1V:,,~~
<br />fl. It....... C.............. -\H !"{--rru."dn:--; Pic" ;d~"d "l "hi'. \h,rt;~.:1,f:(' ,~". d;\li!1~l :lt1.d t'utntlhui'i\~ W ;H\Y i,'lhe-r nght or
<br />!;:-Ul:ltJv uo<<-t !n€'\ ~t.i;'M"t~~... f,-, .trlnn:kd ~-~ Ln" ,-~ 'C'~."illf','- ,,~ld J;'"l;p,. h..- ,-"CL;''-'i'd ~('I1i.'l)rn'nlh ;f'Hj('t"t'ntknHv l>f 1;!I.."'--(,_\$I\"('I"
<br />lJ~ ,~..... "..... Bouad: J_, })-mf ~"\..nt t I~~ f-apt~~ rhr \.:\l""''t:~fl:\n~\ >.trtd ::'I!tn~n1n1b herein
<br />d~rH.,l'!~ '\-h",J! hinl(L and tl\ct' n,ht~ h;::-;:;,w-dc-r ~~qH P-Uf'i' I.' 1);,", U''''f'\.",.t:w '<\'...~'c-".....:1r\ and ~~;;"iJ;tn., d- I t'fHkt' ;il"lU Borwwt:'f.
<br />u_d"~ k If''l:" pr'o.-q-~-mft\. ,:1 ;~M~f'<lp.h ~ "! tl':!C~"'; \ 11 . ,~,:,~lL<;-;h <"l~l ;h~{!'~;J1te"-rH" d R~'rf<~vH.t ~hAH r..-.' !,'\H1t ;u1d .,evera.!.
<br />The ;;lipt~iH\'" ~nd n-.ta.:.h:nt'i> <_;f ~ht' ~'};;H:tIO'r:al"t;.... ":'~.!\ ....ft>n~:i!f:;,: J'Y (,11 :\nV"nH'fH:t'" <.'nh- .l!ld ,H'C' ~,,-,, {,-' !"Ii':' \!~d !o
<br />'!1{'CfP.~-t t"lf ddi:tK ffie p--tn'i,,~~}m h,rt'\1f
<br />t-4. ~fItire. E_,"~ f>lf ;J-rn nl~a.''C ~;,r!.."'<i;'. .'PF:k..hi.;- h.... h.i'" ;<;~-~ ~~~ ~:~~~~ht-f tn~Hn-er. :.;: ~~w ~N~ce !P
<br />Ik~-rfl''<IIill'"-f r!n"\i~ f<;!:t" ;", ft',<< ~fiW!t~<<_c h._" ,'!;''''-.f:j) t,-. r~~,i;'tlii.-; -."..h ""h":t' 0\ ,"-~nl-ikd tn;;Hl ,.ddn:,--~d l~\ fk~no-w1:"1 ;]1
<br />~h-e l'.n....p("-rty ,<\ddrn'!: ~Jr ;\-~ ,>-t'l;;"~ <,~~~ ,Hkfp.",!<~. .H R--'-~l"~'h4n ")-..-l~ j!,t,\~n~h' hv n,.th"'~ ii"~ i t"llder ~i" p-n~\'t;J('{! hi:~rejn, JJ1d
<br />in} "up; fW4::Ct'" h) f -""ntks ~h\\l.U fl.." ~:'H'''' f'>, ,-.':_1fdk.~-d n--;~,i :', '-'''':{l.H.~...{'n! '"' t e-ntkr',. .\ddft."~'> ~f;u~~d twu.."in of 1('1
<br />'l-tnctl ,utht-r "ddf-,"" .n 1 ;::ndrr f~}--,~" dt""i~-,n~!~ 1~.,,- ~";:-'H,,-\:' !' B,~tf"~'"f :.t,< p~'<v,,;-d(!d "-l"!-t~.'!' \11\' ~'h:l1u:e f'f\WH,kd t'>f ~f). this
<br />~t:,,),n~* !.."'~li be ,,~med ~~~ h~,.~ ~-t.f< llV"-rH t,! jk~Ho"""'-P Ie nJet '" hj~ft ~,1~'.::f\ Hi {ht' m4anC! dc~tgl)-,-.~cd hr'ft::ll'\
<br />1!, t:1Iifo.n.a .\~;: ('~C)...,....l....; Sof'l-"-ntWIif,. "n'-"11'1 al"rti:i'1o!t\7 ,~\mlt--H\-C'l wi:fnrm cPvt:n.anf<;, (\If natHln;tl
<br />,,:\t" ~n-d n.,m"Uintn~m -:-..-'\--e-:nilrH~ "" tl!l h~rt~t<::-d \ ~" ,.;xt-i.<~1h t-\ -"'-'(l~I.!ok ;:1 'Hllt.H'Hl ~,,'-Hl It\' ilv"tnanc-nt "-',n.'t"r!n~
<br />:n:$l -p-j~iT'\; rho;.... \t::).n~::!.fC 4.h-al! ~ ~',H,'n;:"d M, tf1'l" ;,i"'- whrd, !he PH"'!-~rt\' \;."l:iw:d, tl1 (he
<br />t:''''t"f1:f HHH .i~\- pt(~\'~~~F" ~'f ,_i',tt~~ "'1 )~h \{0-{1"::-"'$:'(". .!;t<" .k ~i'Hnkh ',~lIh iwrhu~hie law "\.l('n \\tllthct ~h~-ill fH"l'( \lllt(:'-t
<br />~>thcf p-r~)\~M:\tl'\ d' !h~, M;,)n,!l;i.~t: ~!~< '8\" -, ~!,(h h' <,",.\,:'1\ dh..;t ,1,11\W1.\t lhe (.'lnfh-cHng pwn...ion "nil In Ihi~
<br /><>nd the rft.)."'~'-l-tm$. ~tf ~h(- "Nl~a)t~ .:lnd lh~ ""(' --'~, .i,,>,~.i~t'd t;, ~",-' 'i.,,,,v-cfJ;~~k
<br />16. ~...-~~ ropy. Jk~n'U\ij,c-t d',;,..il ;..; :;,nh"ih<,..J '\ '.>fHh'I"n-U't1 n.ll" ,q !ht" .....j'H~ o:ltid ,-,f HWi \-1I)rt~a~c ',tf the tlmt
<br />.."t l"'lC'l::lt\{W~ ~-,l" ",ti:Ct h,,;.-orilitk)(1 r,ef't'il'f
<br />11. 'r........ff of I'M Propn1,~ .\!IIjU;....ioft. !: ..)ii ~Hl'; ;>'~~H "t' !b~' Pnn~1('"lfY Pf .m mteff:...t thcrem tt; ,,~\\d nr n41mf~trt"d
<br />hey Ik"f'l.;'a-~f ....,.hi.)ut l.~~:f'). f't't\'~f \{-';'Hk"l .',>.;>,,>,t:Ht ';,\",,'ll!tlin~ '.,;1 the "-'1.";J{H'fI pt _~ ;,1":'11 nf ....nc~.unhr>'tnt;e "utt..:!fdlnalc tn
<br />!hi" M,m~. ~h~ dw- ~f'(':atKl;t{ d' ;" ~~.rn;:".;i\'c \n~~n.:\ '.,,;,,;,ni'th 'I't~t'f-C....f t','f hJ';li"'cht~1-d ;i;ppharh";~~, :,.:) ,.t tramlN hy d~:....~.
<br />l-'''Cftl f'f PV ~at;li)n \"ot t~"4 Upl,"<<'i d~ t$!:':>llh M .< ;,un! 1.,:m,HH \;i' It\..: 1l-!.al~i ...-.1 .tHY ;l~~'I.~-h{)ld H1ter~~1 ,-~1 rhree '.'~<f.P, (H k....."
<br />l:'I(\t (-OW',.A;ifunA M ~:~1<m t-"l p-twic..'naw. i ea.de! m~"~_ ,1! 1 xn-t..it:("i- ,'pt~"ifl. d~<,t,H" ;i-U !:h~' \nm~ ~..;l!a:~d hi.. In!s, \h"'-f1f::a}te Ii' he
<br />l~h.\l'fd,. due~.nd -r-a)"ilbk-_ ! c~xtN ~h<tH h.l\.t', ""M"'-cd :'1'..1, I.. ;'h':l<.dt-ri:t~(" tt. pn_f1f lr\ !he ".lit ',I{ tf.;t;n1;(ec 1_\.':nJcf
<br />"'f't:d the pef~~ td 'Aful(\1 Wit' Pr~n~ ,<;. h' 1M: ),dtJ J.~:r f..'~d', lfj ,""T;~iijg !h;.i.i ,f'I";- i.."rt'dlt ...:": \.IH:h pt:r~l,ln
<br />Pi ~"t~t:l!ctQf'\ ![l tC1Hkr ~nd th.tt I~ mtt'"rt:,>-t p.H'-ahk ,',. l:h.. :."m-, h; ~hl"- 'hl1t~~itt" '!<hil-U r-~;, ;"t ~\J:i,..h rat\!- ;1'> I >.'ndcr
<br />~tu.H f~t H t efider h-il\. ~'it-iVo:j thl; -.;"~"'tu,m In +'':'1:-h~f6:H.> ~",t\"'-t~k'\i !" !hr~ j~Joril~n:tr.h If_ ;H1d d B,:'\ffnwc:r',,- \tJ;';;.'C\~{1t 11'
<br />!n!fl'e$tha~~~~<<u-H:.J.i" ....nut'n ,;usumV!.~Qn- !i!jttttmc-1t-'i i!.;.-~t"pt-e:'I1 ,Iii ....r.1:!'oli h,' l,,('n~ki', I (,fh:1e:r ~haH rde-<t\C Bl.lrnn...~r lrom an
<br /><,'!td-,<<.attll)fi~ under ttns MMt~.. a.nd thi' N~'4('
<br />H Lt,t~ 'C"t(;r~Jj;fi $:':,;\:cR !i.;"NI'~'n h) .\l;.:.,,~j~r&l{". I {'",kr "h-.:.dl rrhid B-t,ft\l....~f n,}!lte \'~: K!.:.ekr~Hwf~ \l1 ;H.>~:ord-iHKe .....nh
<br />f..a1'.,raf'b t-,; -hc:t'T.<!t ~~ n-O(~(\ ....h:a.l! pn:l'\lHk .;\, p';'rK_~t ",! n-,-'{ 1-c!\.'. t!1;!:11 ~O ;,!-."ty,,- trc'fll ~h<." JjUt' th;::- '''lli\:,.. 1" mailed ",ithin
<br />wfti('-h ~lIWet'" r,~y rai~' t~ ~unu d<<j41-e~j \!tj~ I! a,()!"Tth~-N -,-~ \~.t'" !i;~,,-'h ~_~mh- pr1-\'f {(I the ~'r-i1-JtH~tI ..1' 'iIKh pc-fwd,
<br />i.mdef Mif. ~!t~lUt further notKc (l-f ,km:iJ'>>.i ~lli &~"t~""'.~L "nok~' ;~n\ n"m'l.~~.he~ f"\~mHHcij h\' p.arioi:~ra:rh J ,;.; tlerco(
<br />
<br />N1.lN~t..~,.,\..Qtl:M C{)"'t:~4l1t;:t' -&;)ft"t_'('f :m~i- t.e-ntkr hlrthci ,;f''''-;::nal1~ :-md ..t$;-fer- il\ !"Hnw-s'
<br />I&. Ai~.......... E....,. _ _..... in _1Iplt " b_, ,,_ 8..."""...', """""to "I aD, "'........ ..r
<br />........ till ........ .. ddw ~" ......... 1M '-'~,n...ftQh. f-o pa) ...twu dtw 1I1t-,' ~utJt;l ~('uR4 b~ tllh :\'lMtCa<<e..
<br />L......,... Ie ..~....... _ 10 ............ ... """iel'" i.. p_t1Iplo 14 k_ _pttilyl"ll' (Ill" _.k;
<br />t,nd\!ll ............... te ..... __ _'" !31 a -. ..... '"' 1_ jIl day' I...... 1"" d_ I"" ...><kt .. mallt4 j(. lInrrow'f.
<br />'" ....... .... ~ _II<< .__ """ 14) .Iult fa..... .... .".. ...d. _to .... c.. _... .Iw ""to 'fM<'!- i.. IIw_.
<br />.. .....loo...,dlol... '" I.loo_ _.....\ tltlo M__. ,_""""" by .~ P""~ _... of 'he """"'"",
<br />'l'1It~ ....fwlMtlootootao ~ of llw riIIH to _ Iff.., ......__ .Dd .... r\dt. 10 _ in ."" '_lo;ono
<br />~d\!ll... ,. : I "". ... .. ............. ., ,,1Iwt ......_ ,,/ .............. to _oltnol:\tHl """ 1.._., 11.""_b
<br />lo: .........._.. "",-.I.loo ... ......... ;"I.loo ~ ,.......... at L......... opt.... _, <Iff""" all of ."" __ ...,,,",,, by
<br />......... Ir>" '-lIll h .......... ...,.. .....-- flfrl!m- __ """ _, f~ ..,. jliclklal ,~. h""'"
<br />........ ......._flllIIott lriI-* ............. ..._ of f__. ~. !till _ lImIo''''' ..... ,_ of _....,
<br />.......... *"'-'.... Me ...........
<br />I,,", ~'...... tit .'~ ~Ol"'f\hfl.Mtdm~ ,t,tmk:r'"!; tH:;'r.:;'t-~'t"il!l-\~.I,-"t'n pf H,~: ;.>Hn'!:~ ~~';:\JJ.,,(i h~ O'f:'.. Mnrt-g:<)-~_
<br />~ ~ ~.' tltht_'Hl _M1l't' ~:f rtr~~~ hlt,~-\m tr~ I ii'Mltf h'1 w_hl't{.'(;. ftu\ M\)-in:1t:;t~- J1kv(U-<.lw-l!.d ,tt ail\, 1\I'H~'
<br />