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<br />83-004697
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<br />UNfFt)aM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenani and agree as fo)Jows:
<br />I. hJIIIeU of PriadpoII .... _ Borrower shan promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtodnenevideru:ed by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on ....y Pt'tUTe Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />%. F1HItIs ,for T...... .... 1_. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower.hall pay
<br />to lAnder on the day monthly installments of principal and interest ore payable "nder the Note. until the Note is paid;n full,
<br />a stun (herein uFundst') equal to one-1:welfth of the yearly uu,es and assessment"l; which may attain priority over this
<br />M<lr1pge. and gmund rents on the Property. if .ny. plus one.tweltlh of yearly premium in.ta/lmen" for hazard in.urance,
<br />plus- oncHWeJtth -of yeady premium imtaUmerrts fOf mortgage insurance. i ( any, all as reasonably estimated, initiaUy and from
<br />t-ime:'to time "by Lender on t.be bam of a.sscssments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Fttnds thaU he he{d in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured Qf guaranteed by a. Federal or
<br />Illite agency Hncluding Lender if Lender is such ,n institution). Lender shall apply tn., Funds to pay said '.xes, assessments.
<br />insurance premium3 and ground rents:. Lender may l'H-"tt ch.arge- t.or:s(; ho~ding and applying the Funds.. analyzing said account,
<br />or "~nl and compiling Jaid ~mcnti and bilts. unless. lender pays Borrower interest ('tn the Funds and appliCable- law
<br />permits Lender to. mate such a ,"harge. Bt.)ffowtr and Lender may ilgree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage dUll foteres.t on the Funds ~haU be paid to Borrvwt:r. ;tnd unless such agreement is made pr applicable law
<br />requires such intef'Ut 't} be paid~ Lender shall not No required tn pay R;.~rrowcr any interest or eaminp on the Funds.. Lender
<br />shall give to BorrO\Yet'. without c:hargeT an anrmaJ j,~(:1..1unting (tf the- Funds ~howing -.:redits and debits tl.,'t the Fund~ an~ the
<br />purpose for which e-ach debit fo tbe Fund~ Wb mack Tbe Funds aft" pledged <IS addirtonal -security for the sums secured
<br />by thi. Mort......
<br />If tlle amount ot- the Funds: held by Lender. h)~~fhef \\'i1h the fmure monthiy installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />tbe due da-teI- of taxes.. .lIMehmcnb. il'liur;L~c prcmnmts a.nd ~found rcm~, ,.baH exceed the +imounl required to p:'d)' said taxes.
<br />uteaments. im-urance premiunu and growid rents. as- they LiB due, iw;:h r:\.cc-s..~ "halt be_ .it Borrower's- option. either
<br />prtXn'ptJy r~paid to Borrower or credited: tv !k}fr-ow-er ,:'to monthly Hi's_taHmcnh ~}f Pund~. If the .1ffiount (.11 the- Funds
<br />bdd by Leodet shalt not he w.tIic.it.at to -p-ay ~Ut'S. ,JMe'S~menu.o tfl1mr;:tflce- premmm-s ~Hlli ground rents as they fall dne,
<br />BmT-owe-r s.baU pay H"'t L-tndcr I1ny J!m{)unl F-'-.-cce>>arv 10 rn.ale up lhe J.k6:-tc!1-C\- wuhm 30 day~ from fhe date notH.."e [~ mailed
<br />by t.code.r 1-0 Borrower Nquestm, ~:ymen! ther'C'{Jr
<br />Upon p.l.~ment In f~~H n( aU sUtn1. sccUft':"d by thh \1 on gioi,Kf'_ i t:tld~[ '~haJl promptly refund w Borrower any Funds.
<br />hdd hy Le.eder_ Ii uncia pMaara.ph 11\ nen.'oi th-.: Pn1l-'"<rtv I'\. ",--old {.r (he Pn"pcrty 15 \~he-rwl.--.e .h:qllired by Lender, Lender
<br />duill apply. !'Kl later thu ul'Imedtatd\' pn01 ht ;~ "'ilk "j ~h(' PWpcT1Y nr It\ :tcqUi'S-lUon hy Leoder. any Pund;;. held by
<br />lender ~t rhe tirM Of -Appi-iation Jt a (-redn i'l-gAHlSl t.he. \U!n~ "-cl.:..l!'f'ii h-~ Tiw, MortgBgt:.
<br />). ~ of""""""'" Lnle"J..'I. -'lV:flhl7ahlc !JIW rf-t<-\tdCl \'{h~t""I"C. ~ti! p.a.yrm.:-tw. H:">:t;"wcd by l,coOcr under the
<br />N-me aod ~ra..-rapin 1 .utd 1. n..:::rci-\:f :.J~..il ht' .;ippilro hy I ~'lH.kr fiNt Iii pd\mC,nt (,f ;mtl)uoh payahle w Lc-nder by Borrower
<br />under p-.arq.aph 1: ~f. then to HHt!rc",_1 f'.'f\:3bk ('H tbe ~(lt('- lheH I.:' the l'Om:lpat ot th~ Note, .\OJ then 10 interest and
<br />prinapai 00 Any Future .-\dvancn
<br />.. (~I..a.-. n..\f.ft..\"\,~~t \h:lti r~"- "H t,tU.':"-. ..-.."4:,,"m't~nh .l;1ti.! ,'in.:!" ..:'h;lf~e_... hi\('\ ,-lull \Hlpl"Y\,nnHU .\Ilributable to
<br />tbe Property which IM_' ~U.1f1 ~ pm.'!fttl ',1-V(." !h~"! \lonlotjt~I':\ _;II:C iP-A\dwld j~",l,'/mcnh \'f gro.und fl'"nti\.. jf any, in [he marmer
<br />tnov"kkd ~ p-4f"IJ1l.pi1 ;: ~-tOre('r! cC :::~ Nl~ p.;ud IH \.<Kh rtl;.lnn-~:r, t;y B(~-tr\'lwt:r ml)l,~U'1g p:t)'rnenL when due, du:<<:dy to the
<br />r-)--- ~. ~ shaH f'R-'YfnP'lh- rurtln'J-~ 1,,-~ Lender ...H !l(lt,;;.),", {-,I :ntt-(tuut1i tine urnk-r tht" pari.lllraph, ;uw in the event
<br />fkt:-n~r ,~I make r-,'meJ1t .:hTiN.~t'-(. Ii.Yn~~n ,h.aH p~_'mt-l~h !,;fm~h h~ L';:-l)\.k:r f;:,-~Ipt;\ f'vodeni:mg _i.ii.u:n IH\VmcnIS,
<br />tionowa ~Jwl p~ly 4ach.t~ iln_" iiC~ ~hH..h h.u r-P()HfV .h'1~r Ihn Mnft~~~, p!'ovaicd, th3t H.l1rr("W~{ "haU 0\.)1 be
<br />~tcd to Otll.:-hatac jit1y u~:h hen ..,{~ h>l1J: .->i; U~>thl'.'\-~j "h>\tl .1~ft"i:" ill '" l!~m~ lit\' raYfiK'.ut d fhe L-It--ttgathJ(1 ~n:ut('u by
<br />\-uch hen:n.lt m~ ~~pt-.bk h~ t~-r-. ,~ '%hal~ H~ g{",,~j iili-H!1 ,,~~n-h""'-I ">H1i.:h h-t.~n k~'. t).r d-eh:n-d ent-uf-t>efl"\t'nt o( sod} Hen w.
<br />~ ~~~ ~!--:.:~ ".-~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ !_l:",: ~~~'.~:~'!;n:!!"!'!:~ ,,:.! d,:~ !~~7.! :'! !',~!!~~d-l]!,,, "! ~ru,~ Pi....r\i~rpy lH .1ny p..1n thereof.
<br />S... a...nI ~T ikml.:,,"-d ~aH l<<p !he lfflp-ft.>cmcfu> !,-,i-,>"; n_l'-hn~ m hCf~iln('f \'IC...:h:t.i (\n the Pn>f<HY !n~ttf~d
<br />~ k... oy Itre. h:u~d'i iii\l,;iudQ.11&~thm (hf.: ~eHti (''!.t~n~d d'~'\~t""t~ .mJ <;o...h \~tfte-r hilZ~fl.h a-", J _\"uikr !H~tY re~u\H~
<br />iU1d -al~.h Oln'N)'*:lUb .-no f,:!i ~u.;;.h p~:r",-"'>dl, ."t~ I crtdi.-. rn;.;<; 1\:'-qm!\" l'rn\Q{kiL Hi.-41 i t'n-Jc:t ,haH t'dl! t~~l.IlrC- ~hal {he ~muun~ l't
<br />HKb \,.Q~f..f;lt e_;\.~ HUll jln~uurH..'4 "VVCfilj;.( l~-:1i!'-!-d:td l.P P,l\ Ihc '."m... ~e-':"{ln;-d b\' 1\;11>. Mot'lf.-il-t<:
<br />Tbe IntUrA$,"C <,;~ t~r",vl(hrt~ lhe- >rliout,Uh,,-(' "h.;.\li t-..c ~h,-"-~H hV Htlfhl~1,.~-r 1\ubl'lX1 10 .tPPfDYid by l-emkr; prOVided,
<br />th... !~h .~&i 'itWi n..l'{ .r..t- mlh::""'kn-~""hJY ....1--;:hhc-iJ -\1\ f,jtniHJtln \-.>i\ tn!!ouLW;';-C pttlioo ,haU hi; pl:ud Hl the: manner
<br />pn_w"l;dod uuOc: poa:u,rapft :: hc';f<<~ '-if, :d n",'" r.l;~.j Itl \~!...'h l1Ul1ncL h tk'fh)~<-'t mai.lUl p.iyment, when due. dlfCx::lly h.-, lht
<br />I~ -\.'VtleS,
<br />.0\_11 insuraoc.c- J")jtt~ ilH4J f~l)twa1'l fNen.-..': ";'\.>)!i 1'""'(' m !;iml ""<""~tl-t>Jfil~ 10 j -cnd~! >101.1 ,IH~U illlhllk "l "tJ4udotr-J HHlr(8i1p.c
<br />(La~ In b~r ,--,{ .nd m h)f'm ....~...-c;pt~hk (" I n~dt;.: I ~H(k, \h~.ll h.l-'>-c- the nght II' hdd Hu" ~~ho('~ ,H1J r\."ncwah thef('Of,
<br />and BotruW1:c $.tuUl pfi).,nr.ti) tHlntUl h' 11:0...k_, .)Jj H"rK>4_1 n.Hlt-..-c-<o ,In,J ..Ii n.~-;'i(lph d 1"4uj rrt:f\lHHn.. 11\ th" even' pf lo~..,.
<br />Ik>>'ft-.... ~H rr~t' pn:"fnpt t\(."':H':t.: hI the l~UU<M~t: ...4nH.'l ;,HJ 1 cnd<:_!" L-t"nJcl fn-2i'~ m:l....: p-H'kd p~ 10>\ tf fh.l\ m-a~k pH'tmptly
<br />bY 8"w,,.,,..,.
<br />.. Un1e,u. L~Jld.rf' oil;ad Ikxh.}""~f NlK-f'lats:' attt<< In ,*!ltm_~. In~UI..n,,-'c tf\:lt;;ccth 'f<h.UI Ill;- ,.t~lpllC-d h. re...tonU.1.on .H' l~p.Uf HI
<br />lbe .Pf9put] ~. prvvl"ded _"tjM,;fi ff)tc!.~!\.tn Ii.! f~p"Uf i" t.-'';':''''''lnUli\;.~H) te:.\!hk .md ~ht" w~UfH~' iJi tlW'l MOHg..g~ l'
<br />tt\N ~)' impAu-rcd. H 'JU\.:h -r~(Oh.tl("1~ ..:n- r\.'V'~!f l!i. rp}-.t t:-...otktfu;\...JH~ k-"iltlbk Pt If t~ '.c~unl~- 01' dB\, ~h)ftg..gc wouid
<br />be ~ed. tM- -U\t.Utti'Ke pt"o.::~ :\..h..iJi !x ;,IiPt~~ h' !h~ "~Mns. ~..tJt-el,l k...- tt'i,,,,, MOftg.""-i<', '.Qlh the- ~,ce':t-i., if :.iny" paul
<br />h) 80HO,*'Cf, Ii t.he PJuptf1l tj abatkh1nC'd f''r ni)HO~'("I !l B-Orff1-l\-Cr Lllh. 11) fe~poud to Lender wahln 50 da.y~ tnml th\:
<br />d&ttc &iiltIee' t'i mal4cd by ~_t H}- B!JHQ"'~! th.u lhz m~Ural"k;~ ....".HI~T ,-'lteh ;(1 :\cuk <t (hI_un t'nr lHliUL'4ftt:f \"'<netih. LCTIl._icr
<br />t!i. .1;Itbpr'mi h) ~lL..UCG-t< 4fW >ippi.y the m,>>ursfh.:~ pn)(,~ ,i:\ ! .cn..kr-"" 'JptH:l-H e-llne.,-- to !e~J-.)fJ.htlt1 .1: n:'piUf 0-[ the PH)ptrt)-
<br />....'!!(!: ~~ ~~ tt,." t~ Mon~
<br />V,tUtu uoGn- -ami iiOnl."twcf l..l{hcf"'l/lo-'$C "ir~ lH >,I.-'HHng., ;-l;n) ~u~o ~p-pj_b,;"hVO ci pn':%':f.;.M i..., i.tlfi1:lf,'-4l ~rl~ii r...:n. ~_\,,'nd
<br />~ ~ the due \ia~ ..l'f L-~ nlOtHhh mna.Hru>tn-H ,,,t'eHe\J h" Ii! p<\na;r<ipftj. :H:~d:' hen:t..ll Of ..:hange the 3!11ul.m{ uf
<br />)'@ ~M~ If u~ pl.l'il,'1'jlpb t S hec'W-t tnc Prnope!!y ji; .t;;"1..l.J:lrC'J- h~' f-<:u.kr, .111 n~ht. mk: anu lnterft:t ~)t !io-f!;oweJ
<br />H'i-iiiid. ,Q ow)- iGSai""~ ~ ",rid OM ou-..J!p tt'& r-:""')C~~ !hrtlV.~.-t reauH.ns: from J:~H"~~," in- tt-~ PWp"-r.y p-no-r tG :ho.: :'>-..;e
<br />~)f ~Uuo tJ:&all- pu$ 1.0 l.cndu t-i} tbe C:UC'".lH uf the \w-ru- ~li::OIW b1;" tt'.H$ ~tQfl~a.gr lnut~.hale,jy prlot 11\ \tlCh ."alt or
<br />~
<br />6. "'-........... ~ of ~~; 1.-, C,,_ r.......... ,J.... 1)0......-..... B"rrow<<
<br />~ ~ the- ~ in goud ~U -and !\;b&U Il(}{ l:-'\.munn wJU.t.c 'l.~f penn!\-. Jmp>lume-m of dclcnorauon -of lhe Prol.:"f't'r
<br />.... JhMl t;~Y ...... 1..he ,rov~ 01 :tn)' ~ d :hi~ Mnrtillg\~ ;-.. \~n .,j !l:.H>>::h\.dd. H thl' .\h.)ug.ag( h (\11 .1 Ufut HI ,\
<br />~~jm '''f.!it ~ un~l de'v1e~nt. 8-otr-Q-\.\-c.f' \h-aH p<:fh1f!U aU m fJ-,(,HVy,,>(:(;,. ohhgiih-l~l~ umkr lh(" I.kd.araIlOf!
<br />Of '-~ (,n:~ m gO-wvnma the ';~)m:ttlf'I,Un {H" ph:mw.d \lHH ..klo-e_h)pr~rn. tht br-!aw,,- and regulatloH" .)f tilt
<br />"'~_ ~ ptanDed uDi1 ~mea(~ !:If.'" {:onstHu(:nt I..k~u:n'K':i\t.\- it ,1 ,,-_,-'iHl.lornUlIum ~!r piann~d unit tte....dnpIHent
<br />,-1ditt' ~ ~ by BOr:rowa .nd fCl"l.~ H~het' wdh !h~':\.- M\~tl.lirc. Hit'" ..;(n"en;ilm~ J.nti i.\L'r-t'cmeuu IA ">Hell IH.icr
<br />~ -be ~.etf!d, $ntn ind- I~ ~ iHW- !iup-phttJ'K'nt tht ,,~-\we.nanb .iUlU -flt;fCCUktU"S ~,~f th~,,_ Morti. .A'" l~ tho:- tld~t
<br />_" pm Mn>o(.
<br />,~ ~... r.......~. It lktffO\Wt i.uh :0' pt"rhtfm the ....,O'\/f;41anu and ag~t~nt:;i ..-omame1i H'! thf~
<br />~ Qt- if ~ KtWttl Qt .rt~,.... Q)(Wtltiut--.:u '","hf~J:'I, fflltlCf"t.U.y Aft~tii Lender"" mtrte~t ;n the Pro-ptrtt)i,
<br />~ __,no(, ~ ttJ~ ~ ~ iMt'ltveOC}', ~{~ cnt~,)rc~mcJ.n~ m ;uun.,..-mer.:t~ t'~f rrl,)C~i_n~.. Hl:YUt\'H\ij "
<br />~~.'~, ~ ttiidet at ~'. uptKID-. u~ f~:<t$i.;t' t,-J fk>>f-QWe-t, may !IHllr:.C li~h ~Pf~$nu\>-,;~, ..i!it1ur!W such
<br />... ,.,. ___ ...- ~ n- Jj: ll<<;OtiM)" t~ pti-=<<t. Le-Nkr'", ~.nI~r<<J, ;~lu4in~~ h-u1 nrn linute-U h" i.:h"hur1t:-n~Jl( c.,
<br />~ "~". toN ... MU'Y H~ tn. Pt.n)~ H'! m...€ fe,~in, If L(;~r requltw mnr1g..f,~ ill.\\ut'~n{,~ ~... ;:,
<br />~ _~ ~ tbI- klcl )C(:Wti1 by th.~ ),Ifm.., 8ont'l'W(:1 .~M1{ p-ay rnt! ptem~unh teqwt~-d H' maint~un 9Kh
<br />~ . ~t \.U!1d ~ ~ -ilJj; t~ ~~.t (:m: !-~K;h d_l_JW'<l1'K.'t: i~nOH'l'\\k',i Hl Jj(.\.---om.rn.-e wdh UOf't'!..lWiff\ ib'1d
<br />
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