<br />I
<br />
<br />83_004695
<br />
<br />9.. C~....... The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condenmatioa or other taking of lhe Property, or pert thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby ..signed
<br />and shall be paid to lAnder.
<br />In the _tof a total taki.ng of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In lhe event of a partial takin,!! of Ihe Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise ~ in writing. there shall be applled 10 the sums ",,"ured by. thIS Deed ot Trost such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as i$ equal to that. proportion which tbe amount of tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the dale of
<br />Iak~bea..to the fair market value ot the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with thebalanee ot the proceeds
<br />paid 10 Bom:nnir.
<br />If the Propetty js abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />ao award or settle a claim for damap. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is alllhori2led to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either tn restoration or repair of the
<br />Prope!ty or to the sums """,red by thiaDeed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrow<:r otherwise: agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or poItpoJlC the due date of the monthly i"",.lIments referred 1<, In paragraphs ! and 2 hereof or change the amounl of
<br />such insl8llmella
<br />I'.. Borrower Not RdeMed.. Extemion ot the rime- for pay:rm:m or modification of amonization of the sums secured
<br />by- this Deed of TnJSf gnitJted by Lender to any ~UC;'Ct:S'SOr in interest of Borrower- 5.haH not ()perate to release, in any manner,
<br />the. liability of tbe orig:iM1 Borrower and Borrower's $l,J(.."Ces5(JfS in interest, Lender :lihaU not be required to -commence
<br />proeecdinp ll,pinst such suc:ccuor or fC-f\J:SC to extend tinw tor pa:yment or otherwise modify amoniZ3tion- of the- sums
<br />~ by tbis Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made hy the ori,gitUJ Borrower and Borrower's- succes..wrs in interest,
<br />II. F~ by IA..... Not. Walnr, Any' forbearance by Lender in exercising any nght or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise alrorded by applicable law, >hall "'" "" , w.iver ot or preclude lhe e.ercise (If any .uch right or remedy.
<br />Tbe procurement of _,nmrance Of the pay"ment at taxC1i {'If other liens or charges by Lcnde_r shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />righl 10 _.... the maturity of the indebtedness secured by Ih" Deed of Trus,
<br />11. ...... C.............. NI ~ provided in thts Deed of Tmit are distinct and cumulative to any other nght
<br />or remedy UDCier this l:leed of Trust or afforded hy I.w or eqllltj', and may be exerc...d concurrently. Independently or
<br />...c""..,;"011,
<br />13. s..-c- _ A...... -. Jolal _ S....... Uahlllt)'; Captloas. The (ovena." and agreements herein
<br />conlaJ-ned thall bind. and the nghn- hereunder "haH inure to,}, lhe rtspe~I1v't ,>t;uccesSti-r1 and tl!i.slgIlS of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjc:c;t 10 lbr_ provitiom. af ~ph 17 !:\enOl AU -cove-nl1nls and iq;trecments ;'Jf Borrower $haH ~ joint and severaL
<br />The a.ptiact -.nd beadfnp- of the pa-nt"a~ rd rhr\ Oced of "r rUit MC tor ':Uf1\!t'numcc nnJy and are not to he uied to
<br />Inte."..... or deIlne .be provion''''' be_I
<br />1-4. N....~ E.:ti:r:pt for any tlOffC'e ~-.{UJf<<1 under ~f-'rhc:4!..I(' l;~w 1(> h~ !:j\..~n ill ~nolher manner, (a) any n(ltic~ to
<br />~ prnvidcd. for In 1JU. lJr.ocd of Trus.l shall be s~\'~n hy m'luhn, 'iuch noll~< tr-y ..:entn-ed mail addressed to Born--.wer (H
<br />fhe Pmpe:rty A-ckttea (:1'1' at S-Ucll odiet address .ill" Bonnw-er nUl\-- d<<!gnatc Py niJticc: to I,tnder as- provjded herein. and
<br />(b. aay ~ 1-.0 l.eftdet 5baJI he 'lffn bit, ccni.fted mad. r~um recetpt request:~. In LC'ndet's uddcc.1l rotated hen:m or to
<br />"adt om. .odreu. M l...ender may de:uJnalt" hy 1l()t<<.'C ti,'l 60fmwef ;,U {'!>ft-wK1ed herem An\" notice provtded for m this
<br />l)ecd of TfU$t ~ tIC: deemed 'w' hil~ heen ,rvc.n h_, Borro'lWer or L4."ndcr when gj~l Hl the manner ck",iBnatcd heretO,
<br />IS. U..... JlereII of Tt'WIIt; (-;......... t....: s.-...I'1tWIIty. Thl\ {.)ffil (,1 (!<<d 01 tfWi! C"DmbJrle\. uOiform covenants f(if
<br />t111tlOfl\al use ~nd 1l0fHIRf-form (.('A't:naft-h wuh hmnro Vl!ni\lk)11\ 1-1)' fun'kite1H)-H hI <.:otl\litute a uniform :'ieCuri1V in~drument
<br />..:o'VmftJ reai pro~~ ~ t:>ee:d of Tnt'\J ~h--olll he ~\--.t,-rlled f':v d)e l-/lw l.lt th-e IUfl"hcfH)n m whi~h the Property !OJ .h_x:ated
<br />!n tht: eveat tllat py ~ or d.ame ot tn-a 11t'.ed t)-~ Tnut -(11 the Note \':~'iflfit.c-H. with .llpphcJhJl" l./t\\', such conflict Sohal!
<br />~"tl d<<1 {-.thee pnw-'" ~1t- this {)eed t"'!{ Trust M ~h;e Not( whll.,,:'h t~~l" he- t_lVef\ effect without the ..:-untlicrmg rmVI$lon.
<br />~nd tu tit-!$. end the ~ l"1f-tbt ilc.'ed of IllS' and i~ :-';()f~ ~'t!c ~!a;-la~\t to he ;n~-"crahtc
<br />16.. 1erTo........ C..,. ~()ha1t-'t;te- futnl,~d a ~onh';.rlN..'(i ~ c'f'V {~t th-t" Nt'1(c l.1od uf thn_ Dc-ed f,f Trm.t at the ttme
<br />...~t t::I<<utlOn Of alter t~ bineif".-'i. ~
<br />17. TneIf.- 01 ttw 1'rwpeIfty: ~-" ~tl.:ag i,'>!: ~ll" fhU1 III trK" Prnpr.rt~ (1--1 ;m tnte~t the1t'1fi l~ ~old ('1.f f(an~ferred
<br />!or ~ ..ttbout u-Ddct", pnor w-nttc-n t."iHl.u:nl. e-~dudm~ j il i r!1(' \Tl"4.00n of it hen i;;t c-ncurnh-rance ,wbordina-tC' In
<br />rh-~ lloed of TfU.'It~ ib} dac cnatIDft L"t oj ~ rttOOc,:" ~(\'C1.nH)' Hl-krt",S1 t.."!( l1t1m(;hvl-d ~ftptHU1~'Q, ii.-j it fransfer by deVise.
<br />~ w r:r ~_ oi taw u.pon tbe death ~;f ... ,tt,rtt1t tr-ft.it7H ~" {J j the ,;rant d an)' lea,'ie_iklJd mtc:r~t nt three- >'ear~ or lei"
<br />~ contJ.U.'tlf\l an t.~ tv ~I;.baw. l-endef m~)', ;<1 1 Cifilkf' ~ oph~m. Joctue -alt th-c !i.um:s. M't'ufcd by thf\ need Of Tntlt to be-
<br />H~eb -d_ .ad paT~~ Lc-Bdcr ~H h.J"~ WII-f"'t!d .\U\.:h optJon Il.l !ilcl,,~h:n..le i( l'tT10f H~ ~h~ ".ak or lander, Le-nder
<br />J.ad tbe pct'lJIm to whom tM P!'opt-rl} tj tn be ~~ld .>:r ~.f;:mdcncJ f'C_a.~'h ~gr~ nl ",-raml that the :nedH ni ~Ul.:h f--l'e!1>on
<br />,~ PtilfilCtOr)' to. L~ .and that the !nlt'fn.l ~\'ahh: pH t~ ~UlT11- 'i;L'i:med hv thr!o f1ffd ~~t l'nl:.1i shall ~ IH ~uch nHc a~
<br />~ ~l ~uat, H un6el' ruu w.-tv~ tM nptl:{.'l..n ID ~~-_d;t'r,ul;! prPv~.ded m 1"" ~Jt\)!faph t 1, anti it notrow~r'~ ~-UCi;eunf
<br />tl1ttltc:JUt Nh C-.!l<<:-ut\'d; i;l wntfm ~~pt!:Q(\ ...,.r~H.c:nt <#<c-eptw HI wnhn# f'>)- ltndC:f. l endc-r ihaU rdCRK &'\Hnwer h(101
<br />,II oNipIIOm UDCier '!Ill 0....1 oJ Tnw .nd the Note
<br />If t.euder (:lcn.~ UJc.n t'1't~ t{~ .$~r;l.(e 1 ender ,haH m;r,:l l~)f!"I:~~s IH)tH;:c: d ~-C"t-heratH.)n In al.:~ordan~'(' WIth
<br />pu-appb 14 ~_ Suw;b fH)b(:c: ~nall prO'Vl4t: do pcTK.ld ot n~lf ku than :\H -\bV1- trom the daiC the:- ilOIK:(: i\ mailed within
<br />_h1lCh borr~l -m&)' 1*)' the: $Uft\'i ~....ted .Jut it 8orn.""-e: f-;tjh. !<.~ r":n '\-ti~.."-h ,uln) pnor \(\ the t'xpmUlot\ of ~u(:h ~nnd
<br />Le,ndcr may, witboul tUfd~, rb,:"~iCe or demaod. on Bonu-w~r. If'l\nk.e Am- ,ttl~~(;\ permtHl"d hy r-^,ra'taph 1 S hcr~)C.
<br />~(.lN~tJNtf'OlaM CovttNAHl~ It<Krt.'WCf and. l-e-nd<<, 1uuha' (l'1VM-;\nt a,nd .31<< lU tOtlOW1.
<br />II. ".~ R_ t:""................ Ia _...... 17 .........,. ,,_ B__..... .......It of .ny co......... or
<br />__ of ........... ill .1lIo t_ of f...... ~ 'M ,....._ 10 ...., ..Mn _ bY __ """...n! by' 'bhi Ilfl<!
<br />of T.....I."""'....... It> lII<............- ...... ..lftic:,'t> ............ .. ......_ in _""'" I~ ...""" 'IM"!lyl...: {II ....
<br />........ III .... ..... ~ to ,'..,,, _lo __; I,ll. ..... _ 10M t_ J6 ".y. t....... 11M daI. lhe _k-c ... mall"" 10
<br />.............. by ...wrtl ._ ~lo _ ... ,,,",,, """ 141 'luoI fallv. In n.... ..",It ........b on or bd.... tIM d... _Iii."
<br />ill .... _ _ _ is MC_ ... 1M _ __ b. I.... 1_ ... h_ ...4.-1e nf 11M Prnporl., !'It. ntHi<.
<br />.... f_ lal_ .......... 01 _ rteiot It> _ "'.... ..<<'Clontl..... .."" '1M ...... I.. briac . coorl .dl.... to .......
<br />.... _~ of . ...... ... 0' ..... def_ ... 1J.........fl .t> ac<<Jc_ 1.04.... If I'" nn-It j" n'" 'nln!
<br />.... Of ...._ 1M ..... ___ III t_ ~. IA.... ... l_'. .......... ....y _, aU oI Ih. ....... _nrn! bl' till> I)COd
<br />oIf............_ .1...., _ -1'II)uw",- t_ _...... -r ...,... ,II< _" of_ IDd IR' ."her Kmedk.
<br />~ ~ ~..'" I......... _ ~ ....J- (:~t .u !'~ i:'Mla sad e1:F~~ i-m'UfT~ h. f;h~i~ tt-..::
<br />~ _..... III ""'" .......... !.. iRdo1lIiac. bool ..... ..... .... ~ "'"",,,y', f_
<br />If_,...... ""... it ........ TtIIMft-:dlaM rwont _ flGt:ke. oi dtf..1f ia Il!1U'-b l:ouaty in .takh tlw PrtJpC'ft~-' or sun\-,"
<br />-' ........, . .......... ........ ........ of _ --... m _ __ _'ril>o<I b. ........... ... '0 ...."..." ...... to th<
<br />.........-...-.-..It)' 1IIlIIIiiaIoR..... Miff 1M ...... ..I _b 11_ .. _y ... r~i'ed b)' ..,w.... 1:0... T_ ./tall
<br />...., ............ __ ...... _ ...... in 1M _ """"ril>o<I by ~_ In... T"'"'.... wil_' <1<_ OR
<br />____,.......... _.~ at ....... _liRe Ie 1M Ilipool ~ II t'" lime ..... plR<' and .......r lito ..r.... d..it!nal<d
<br />ilo dot ........ of.. m _... _ ......... _;" __ ....... ... T_ may _..-, T""'"....,......_ """ 01 011
<br />OS MlJ JIIIIlC!d of 1M """1 b:t ..... _...,._ 1Il t'" ...... """ ...... of "'" _iouoly"'.......... 5111<. h.....l...
<br />l.......... ....... ~ .,..m..- "-<<l' at MlJ ...
<br />U.- .......... .. ...~ .. tlMt ....... l>W. T_ oW ddi_ t.. tlMt _~ I"""",,'. doni ,....."'"'" t'" I'r_rty
<br />..... n...... is .. '1'_', cIoooI ..... ... primo fMW ..,_ "f tlMt tndlo of I'" "'.._. ...... tboN!D. l'rn(t!""
<br />..... ....... 1M..........r _ .. .. .. ..................; I'" Ii> all .....- ,_ _ n_ ... tll< _. i"d"""", l>ut
<br />_........... 'r_'._..t_ __ ". or "'."tlMt...-_ 1"..., f~ ....,', __........" tilk ..~:
<br />...1....____...,... .......r.-; """I.. IM_ if..." '" the _... pmi<....1otpIl) ...titled -...
<br />.....- ,~..... ~~ ~.'l'lMtandiAJ Leftdt.r', l<<~.(,:C'knHK)'n ,,!{ 1he 'urn\- ~cufed hy thl'- Decu p1 Tf~t"'!'
<br />~ tdtalt haw thC-_ n,bt- hl ,~W' ~"Y vu~~t\.p ~$\ln b1 t ~-f W cnfofclt dH\ Oeeti (ff T rUliJ di~(:'{}f~H"H(,..t af
<br />~ ttmti ,~_W ~ d. ~t- U},~t ~ tJ~ 1hc fifth~, M.f~c- t.he ~k ~~ d~ Prt~ty PUf'SUilfU t{) ttw!' ~",y~tcr <.'t ~~tk t3,'tflhHlW!J
<br />Ut"'~o:t,'tnmo6fHdtfttty of (I -i\~1 ~nf-orcf:ftl d,ts_~ (lJ' Tnm 11: fa) fk)rf\)Wer ~)'~ t,ttldCf \iii 1U11t% whJd~ \\'Odh1
<br />~__,"'~---m.l.)c.ed ~t Ttlril" the: Noto 'llliM I'K~ ~unng Future ^d-\'am~, d >\ffY. had O,;l il;(~iCk"MH~n l"'ti:UfrmJ:
<br />(~ ....~ ,""* .s- ~ of aft' ~:lthot_ ~~"C:mlnt, l:lt a~bi (>f Bntn'tWCl \:'ontaJotl.l l!'\ tm, t~d ."f Tnt'i-t:
<br />~,,~ i'rtt-w~ by tender a:nd TnJ::Jmt in emOf(~ne t~ i,'~'tV~l)itfit\ and :dJJ"ttt'nlChh. .l!
<br />. _ , _ ~,~ tlJ/' TlWlll ~ f", ,ettiOtd~ L4'ndcr'.~ ..Uta ltu\tee-~ rf'tncd~ a~ ptnVi;:~~ m plffJlttraph 1 ~
<br />~,.. ... fliOt_ ~ ~\ ~ il-tktl""y','!t f~;, !fond: (d) -BMro..w:-r l.d;~ \t~fl ~htlt) at Ll:lt.;k', lll~-\' f('!l'lo:(,l.fhthh
<br />~_m-~, ,0'._' the- t_ 0-1' $M Dec4 Of T~,. t;e~\ Inte.~!J.t in tM Pf~f'Il;' "rnj &rn'lW(f':o. {l>ttlltJtH.lh to p;l~
<br />
<br />