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<br />r <br /> <br />83-1104695 <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />UNIFORM C-OVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />,I, ~. of PriIIeipaI aad Iatenot. Borrower ,hall promptly pay wilen due the principal of and interest on the <br />i.....btednm evidenced by the Note, prepayment and la.e charges a. provided in the Note, and the principal of and in.ere.t <br />on any Future Adva...... secured bv this Deed of Trust. <br />%. PiaIdof... T_ ...1.......... SUbject.o applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower .hall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly i...tollments of principal and intere,t are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Punds'~) equal to one--twelfth of the yearly laxes and asse-ssmcnt.s which may attain priority oYer this <br />Deed of Tn~t. and ground rent, on the Propet1y, if any. plus one..twelfth of yearly premium instaHments -for hazard insurance. <br />plus "_twelftll of )....I'lypremium i...tallment< for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to lime by. Lender on tile buis of -.nents and bills and reasonable estimotes thereof. <br />The Funds shaH be held in an ~nstjtution tbe dcpooits or :tccQunlto of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stote agency (including Lender if Lender i, ,uch an institutionl. Lender ,hall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. a...ssmen\!<. <br />insurance premiums and ground ren~. Lenmr may not C.Mf]:e- for ~(l holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifyin, and compiling .aid asoossments and bill.. unt... Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits l...ender 10 make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of cx.ecution of this <br />Deed of Trust that tote-rat on-lhe Funds ~haU be paid to Borrowe.r. and unless StlC-h agreement is made or applicabl_e Jaw <br />requires $uch in-terest 10 be paid. lender shall not be required to. pay Borrower any inferes.r or earnin~s on the-Funds. Lender <br />shalf live to BorroVo'\e:t'. without -chUF.... an jlnl\ual accounting of the Funds showmg c,redJts and debn~ 10 the Funds and the <br />purpose for wbK:!l each debit 10 the Fund< WL' made, Th. Fund. are pledged a, additional security for lbe .ums secured <br />by Ihii Deed of T,nat, <br />It the amount of the Funds held hy L.ender, together with the fuwre monthly in~allments of Funds payable prlor to <br />the due data of lal.e!. assessments. I;l$urancc prem.ium.s and gmund rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.. <br />asse&snIeftts-, tnsur.ance PfelJ'u-ums and_ KftJund rc_m'l\ ~l.\ lhcy fall due. ~lJCh exces.>; shall he, at Borrower's option, either <br />p.romptly repaid ro ~ ~)r ~redited t\'\ Borrower l)n monthly in~taUmenl!<i of Funds. If the amm.lnt of the Funds <br />held b)' J.xmler shalt not he suffiCient to pay taxe~. as"ieument!L msurancc premmml .liod ground rents 35 they faU due.. <br />BorroYlt'ef sbaJl pay to Lender .any ~mount no::~'MV 10 make up-the detidency wllhm 30 days from the date notice tS mailed <br />by ~ to 8otTowcT tell.-iog payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full tJot' aU umu securM' hy -rnl$ [ke.;;-! I"d Trust. Lender ...ha.1I promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />hdd by t~_ 1f \ parag.ra.p-h IS hert:-o( the f'ln.1penv 1'1;. "t)Jd or l;OC Pwpcny IS _(lthcnvr'ie acquired by Lender. Lender <br />1dulU appty~ no fatc!r dUD Immt'd1aldy pnor to the ':oak d the Propert}' ,-~r w.. ,v.:qubttl_lln hy l.ender. noy Fund'S held hy <br />Lender at {be time 1...'" apptieal:lon M.. credit ilaim.t the %ums ~ured hv !hl.~ Iked of Trust- <br />3.. A-ppIindtoa of Pa.~ Unk1t" ilpplKabfe /;}w pnwlJe." nthet".I,;,e, all paymem"l received by Lender under the <br />Note and rara.n.pbl J a~ 2. he-l'~f ~ilJ! be apphed h.,:" l e~e.t firs! in p:a\'H'lCrH d ;HnO~mt:< p~yabie to Lender h,Y Borrower <br />under p.tfilj.fapb 1 hen:-ot then to mwr<<t pilYAblc no the, ihcn w th&.' nt the Note. and then w In(er~t imd <br />pnncipal on any Future ,-\dvancu. <br />4. ~ l.ieeL Borrower ....htlH ro:i~ "lH f~nc-~. ,1"''\C'S$.IDt:'O\\ ;wd l.lthe-r charr;e...... tine,," ~lnd lillf>\-')<i;Hion5: attributnble- tn <br />the Property wnic.h may a ~),nontv i}'t't't" !hlt Deed ~\f Trl.l1I, :md ka\eMld paymenu Of ground rent~. if any. in the <br />manner prov1ded unclef paragraph :: her-eof Ill. ii not p;uJ Pl 'nKh n1;ml1er. by Bi)rrt'l',n:t makln~ payment. when due. directly <br />it) tbe pa)'ee tben:ot BorTOwc:f' ."haH rfQmpdy h.fnJ!i:h h\ I t'nUcf .lll fHJlt.:CS of amounf' due lInder thIS parallraph. ilt1d in the. <br />eY'Mt Borrower.shall tnJt};.\! PA)'~flt (hfecH,', .6orn"wt!t '{htlU pmmp-th- t"I'JH!>h h:r I-(-nder ft-'Cf.':tp{S evuJencmg. \uch payment'i <br />Korf'O\ttt'f -.ban p.rompt:l}' dlk.:h.afJC Aft\;' hen ..-Iuch h..... 1'1of1Qflt\' ..h--('f th;:~ fked \\f fCU1;C pronded. that H(\Ht1wer shall IlQt be <br />requu-v:d to diKhaflC" .l.ftY ,tKh ltfll ~$J l-l-:mg -Ih !4t.ttt.lW(:f '\.hall ~-Krt'-(' I!l \\ flHng 10. !he- p:t'o'm(',nt or the \lhhgalfOn secured by <br />s.ocb iieo in.. -mAIlOef aca:-ptahlc to lx-nckt'. ut lhaH HI ~()Ol) l'~tlh {'t1fllW 'iu.;;h hen hy. -(..It defend enforcement of slJch hen tn. <br />legal pnx.~ whj.~--b {~;lt-e toIl prt"V'er:'t tht' tmfnn.CCJn(::fH 01 the lien ~'f t\~rfettmJ; 'Or the Propertr or any part (.h('re('~t <br />S. Ha&wnI~.. llono"'.e! 1i.haH lc-ep- ~he :mrnwc-menh nu.....' C\l\-tlnS i'! hercaflcr rr-c-cted on !he P'ropcrty mnned <br />;tg.tll~( klSl b~< ftNL wan:b H)di1ded wtthjn !tw: t<,:-nn .'e-\tcndc,j ...("l..t":fit~ ~nd <>ui.:.h t)tner hal.ard~ .u I cn<kr mil)' require <br />am! in 5U\:h amounts. iind for \,uch penoch: ,,}:\ 1_~1trjcl' In-a:~ rc:qmn'. p-h1\-lded. lhat l.t:nd(!f '>hall n01 require Ihi'lt fhe amount o! <br />'\och cowc:qe u~ thiet amount (.t LI,)~Ugc- It:<.tu:ted h; pOl" Ihe ~';dm\"i. );,('l.:urtd by In"" lh;:cd of Tru~f <br />The i-nn.nncc \.:ill:rrlt'f" pfl.}~';rltn. the IUtunr.(,:'(: ",hail be ..:h'-'I-~n h~' H-mf0wcr !';uhjet;! I,. ~Pl'lru,,-~I bv t eodeL proVided, <br />that MtCh ADOr't':W-ai w.U no! he unfeti\.m~bl\' w!thht:XI AU fI1'"eflUum\- ~).n Huurallt'c rohCf(:!i "haU he oiud in rhe <br />praridcd uDder f*l.....pb ? hff-eot i}{, ,1 not- p:m.i Hi "'l..K:h rn~t-tfl!;_r. '1\' !:k\-ff,'<Wet H1::tj.;tn-. payment when" due. dJfcclly to the <br />~~-aIlT1C'I'" <br />,,,"!l .M\W"aDCC' poiK-fa. and lcM'W;lb. th.e-reot "hall h(" 10 ..<.;t:Cf~:a~te h. Lcmk-.r and ..haJj lm:tude a fU~nduu mongaltc <br />j,ja""~ to fll\'or l)f 0'lAd !n lotm ...",,:z:ptahk hl i ,cmkf t -cndt"t \h'iil h...v.... the n,hl h) hntJ tne r~'JIKK':\ and reMwal\ thereof. <br />and Borrowcr Yt-aJi promptly turnahl,) l,ermk-, aU I'c-nc....1 m}(K....~ -'tHO itli f'-'"i::Clpfs. {It pafJ palrnIUrn\. In Ihe- event ~'"'If h~~. <br />BorrO'\1fCf ~ glVC: r<<KRPt notK'C h.'1 the- ifl-:Mlf-.1""-'-(' <..,lfHet J..}i.! 1 ('odc~ 1 enl1cr nl.H m.u.c proof of h')3;~ If nOI made pf(\rnpll~ <br />by &",,,"et. <br />UflleM Lender lind B\~f t'thf:rWilC- _'H-"'(' m <d.n!mg. in\utllf'KC' p-Hl\:ee4S ..hall he apphe-d to n:!>-((lfalu:tu or repall nl <br />the Propcny dam*lCd~ p1o'flidcd \\K:-b rOWra!~'H (l-,! tep.Uf I; c"~'llo(tn\"",Hy ";~'thle ,if\d lflt- ~.(<um~' of rtll'l. Ot:cti fit Trwu I" <br />!.lOt t~ :mpa.u~, It ,\-U\'n ifltOfllli\.lft '"-'-f f~p<<H i'o nm t':<..'~mHmK~Hy le-Ud'\.l~ (I-t it (he <;.ccurity of thi.. Deed or rnl~l W()lIid <br />be Jmptired. the HbUU.~ pt'ueceO.s. ~l be< ;!lpphcd tI;. lhe ~unt' w:,:,.;;-urni hv tfti!; lk('d of Trullol. \Hlh Ihe CI(\,:e1is. If a.n)', p~l1lt <br />(0 Rorn')WC't, If the Pro-p<<t)' I~ ..b&ndunf:d hy Borruw1:c or 1f Honnwer finls: w 1~pt;1nd to Lender wtthln .10 days from the <br />Jate, notu:e ii nlall<<f ~ l~ to BouCtwer !hiltl the 1ft'W1'~'e l.,tHlef ,nt1t'fS to 6ctttc iI daJm tor IO'UlaHl.,:e benefits, Lender <br />Ji AUlbonccd hl ...,WMxl atMI appl) tllc iMUu~'e pHk:'ced), iotl 1.ender', {ltHton ClIner h) rah..luhl.->>t or ,cpaH of the Propen,' <br />,)f to the ......, _"<Cd by th", o....s o( Tnm. <br />Um.. l~ and ~ otbe..'i", ....,ef: in wnHfitt-.. an~' ~n,"h apphC-ilUo-ll ot rm.:x:ccdJ (0 p.rmclpal ~hali nol e_'\t.e-ntl <br />".M' r< tUpoM the due d4k (\of the roont~h. _mi(.l~mc--nb felC"-ft~ to if!. paraa;r4(Jh5 I and ! hereol Of l.'hausc the ~m()um \l! <br />~ Hll\lllmcnh;, lf uodcr ,par& is ~eo-[ the Pn.-,.~.rt)- 1'- .JJ.::,t,Juucd by Lendt"f. .l.jlllght, tIll<:: .and lnleresl of Rono\*,-cr <br />in &fl'(.i to any alluaoce poiK.'lel and m itnd to the pt'oceeds lhefliOt rewhrnM !rOfH da.rna,e tu the- Property pnor to ,be aa!e <br />'Of ~U:on sb.tiJ pass to Lendc-l to the ~~knt 01 the "un~ jiQ;ur<<l by thiS Oeo.t of Trust mHnodiatcj~' prior IH ~uch ~Ie pr <br />..:quiIttioa <br />'" .....,........ ~e 01 "'-'<1' ....--. C~ l"IaoM4 111m ilc.~ Botrower <br />'insij ~<<9 the Propc"uy m )1ood fqNtH .:AnJ '$ nO-I ,(pnHHiI ",",a;~te ,1( pernu! nnp,WtTItOf {!r \X:kfl\.lf"lIti....\fl \'1 :0(' P-ro~uy <br />~nd -.bail (';()il}ply with the- pwvrw_mt. of any leaic If ,bn, Deed \)( 1 r~ is on a le.aM:lK\jd, It (ntl Deed (1f Trml i~ om ~ UUll in <l: <br />~,~~;:"~:""'t': ,,1:" ::- nb-.~ H; ~~~!.""..:--_~n: ~"V":I",,~-:ot..",,". :.-h-'OH ,_-rlttr.-u ~il ,.,f U<...,...--........- .-.t~!;g;;:.0..;. ;.mdC:-f lhl: .:kcbrOi.i:H:i" <br />:;;.~:;:~- ~~(i;a-oflu;;~i~ ~~~~;;;dO~~f;~~;~-.\.,-;Pi~;n:i t~lit-dt~~l;~~~~.the'-'hY-la~:. ,tOO re,uiatlOos (If the <br />t~~~1 (If plauned unit dct'eiopfneftt. ~nd. CQUftitwm ~uJ:'Tte'nl.S_ H f.1 ,;':(lodominjum Of plann~d \Jnn devcjopltWtH <br />rw!e!-~~r=.! hy ~= ~~ ~-ct~ -f.opth.:r w-.:-h thos ~ of I..;s~, it-Ii; ';-i,.W~ii4mi ~flii aif<<-n~f!hi. I.Jl ~u~h Jaief <br />\ban be- iOCOf"pot1ltOd into and shan tu-nC1\d. ~nd W~fllCftt the c.ovenanb and a.greem~nl$ of lblt [)eed t.){ Tru~1 as if the nder <br />_..put~. <br />1.. .......... of ~.~.. If 8orrQ\lfu rat is w perform 1M ~(.weoan($ ,,00 agr~l'S ;;ontamt'd in thiS <br />Oaod at Tnal. or if au, ac:tiott (lie ~i:PI u. commenced which maleually affet.."i.$ Lender's Hll~t HI lhe Prc-pcf1y, <br />i~ __ not I.imir;ed to~ enUaenl 40r0atn. imotv~). ;,:-.ode enforcement. Of arrangements or pro~<<dlngs Hwotving a <br />~ or decodeat. then l..cmdet at Leader's -(}pfion. lJpu-n nOli;;;-e 10 Borro,wCl'(. may make -such uppearan....t'S. \.ti~huNC Mft.:~ <br />MIfta .JWI take' JUCh ~ .. tt _necasal)< to prl.~<<l Le-mie-(~ ~mere1.t loe.loom$:. t-.m not limited w, ~nburs.cme01 of <br />~ at;t~~:j; ,.. aad awy' upon tt. _Propert)' to mllk~ repa~N. If Let.\t:ler required mOf.lp~ m:s-unu'~e ;h ;-. <br />~ of ~ tbIt Iolu:l _e<l by t!lis Dood of 'I'm>!. aor,,>w<. .hail pay the ~emtwm ''''lUl,e<J t<, m..."a... "",h <br />~ in eftecl uotI) ...... time .as the requiremen-t fOf i\Xih H1MaritlK':e!8 In a(;cord,n..;-e With b(ll"toWil"{'S atld <br />t....~l ~'~.' , _ Of applicable- !a,*.. 8orro\ln:r ",hall p&)i the amount of aU rnorttaae inJuranfe pr-rmlu-nts In ,he <br />_ ~...... J*llInIpll 2 ""-f. <br />^::t. --- ~ by l~_p. It> Ib.. p\u..u,ph 7, Will> Inte.- IIle<<OO. ,h..ll "''''Of'''' addll"'''.; <br />In ~1l1 .. of ao.r- ~ by thio o.c.I "f Tr....., Iln'- Borrower and Lendar .,l~ ,n ",her "tm. 01 "",.,'''''',, ",ct, <br />~.-n.....,.......--..,f_ ~ 10 Bor.t>\O'C( "",,*,'na P/J11lIObltlle_f. and.hall ,,"..r lUt.,,';', from ,he <br />dlIIe j)( "'''11'1'"' II. ..nolO~ f1llIl!.li_to ti.... l~ "",,,,...d,,,. prln.::ipal "nOer the N...e un'- payment 01 int....1 <br />. ~~ """ ........ be ~ l<J ~ I.." fI' wlt<<h ev...' "",h ,"""""t. .hall ilear mIff'" at ,he hlllhe.t ta'" <br />~WlIIet ~ I.... N<l411illJ ",,,".lUted m thlt ,,"," 7 shall "''Iu,,, l.<.n<Jer '" inew Any .~""_ or take <br />"'-..' ..~, <br />_,__-~- -"'*y mMoc Of _c,e,UIO" to be ~ f~ fCnlr. opt.'l(t i"JW m'pt.(;tKlfi1 of the Pn:~f1Y. provided <br />lhat _ ....l\ott-tJWC!l notk:e pt"b)f to. il~Y wd.'t l.~OOll $~ffm. ~bk ca..... the-re-lnr -!:--c'~II~ed l{) L~fider\ <br />.-.. ,. . <br />