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<br />I <br /> <br />83';';"0 (J 4 691 <br /> <br />Lender"s written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in- the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounls di<bursed by tender punuant to Ihi. paragraph 7. with inte....t Ihereon. .hall become additional <br />indeb~edness of Borrower !eCured by this. Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender- agree to other tenns of payment. such <br />amounts shan be pa)"abfe upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting pa}-ment there-of. and shall bear interest from- the <br />date of di<<;:bursement at. the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the: Note unless payment- Qf <br />intel'l!St ar such rale woold be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts .hall bear interestal the higllestl'llle <br />pemlluible under applicable law, Nothing conlained in Ihi. paragraph 7 ,hall require tender 10 incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder, <br />8.. IDSpedIoa. Lender may make or C3lI!C l'-o- be m.ade reasonahle entries. upon and inspections of the-PToperty~ provided <br />that Lender sban give Borrower nmice prinT to any s-tlch inspectl(1n specifying rea!iOnahl.c cause therefor related to'I..enderts <br />interest in the Property <br />9-. C~JItDadoR-, The pr{)Cced\ of any award or daim fOf dama!t~, direct or consequential. in' connection with any <br />condemnation 01' other t-akin, nf the Prvpcrty-, ('If part thereof. ur (<It conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are h-:reby assigned <br />,m' .hall be paid '0 lender, <br />In the ~ent of ~ total faking ('!( the Propen-y. tne proc-eem ii.h-all he appHed to the 'Sums. secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the e'tC~S. if :::mv, p!tid to Borro'llo't'r. In the lovent {'.f ::\ partIal ttikif1~ of the Propet'ty. uni~J Borrower' and Lender <br />t~her\fo'~ 3gn:e in a.'r1ti"~~ there "hall he 3p.rlied h' fhe "'umJ. secllftd hy thi~ Mortgage such propQrtlon of the proceeds <br />at }~ equal h.' ~hllt proportion which f~ .;\'mOUfll (If the ~um, ,>el:urr-d hv this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />ta.ting beao; tn the fll,IT martel vithte {}f {he Pmpenv lmmMiatdy pr10f W th-~ date of taking.. with the balance of the proceeds <br />I'fdd tn -Born.'m'eL <br />If the- Property i.. ;{,ba.mktned ;v fWml\li-'~f. M if ..1;hef notke bY Lender to Borrower- that the- condemnor offen to make. <br />an ~.""ard or \en!c ;1 d~im 1'{1f .,J;\Ulagtl, B('iffDW<e"f (~j:;b tt~ rt~p.()nd tn tender within -"\0 days after the dale such notice is <br />nllulnt tender I"i- IDIhorized {(I coHect :lnd .aPPlY the pHX't't"d"l, at 'f endltr''1;j o.ption. i~ith-eT to rntoration. Of repair of the <br />Pt\'lpt'r1'\' f~r W the 'S-Um\ .,"e-~ured f>\' th" \tort~agt" <br />Uniesli: L~f~ ~nd 8"rr.t)wet Nt-.t'~'!S-e ,(~rt't" in '-Aririn.l!, 3,;1\: ~tli:h Jlpphc:tfH,n ~'!-f pfOC~ to- principal shall not extend <br />or ptl1tp;'lnt tne rtUt: tJ"'ie f'f the n1fmthh (H'tf;..l:mt'nh rl.:f('fTl:d h~ in r-;!ra~r:rf'lh~ i iHld 1 hereof or change the 3,mount of <br />;;;.och :if1~i.aHmenfs <br />10. ~ ~ R$..... r'-ttn~H-'n f'{ !h~ ,\'ftW ti1-! p~~vm~nj' i.H 1'rh~Hicd!H'ln t~f a11"'..o-rtiulion of the sums !OeCure-d <br />hy lhn M-(~rtPie -g'tOtntd hv f endi('f 1.,\ "flV ','l..LC"""f '1;: i"1~~!':C'" ..,f Rt1ff'i")W{;'f <.hall not (~pcr;'!te f{) release. in any manner. <br />lh~ liah~}if~,i ,A 100 ,\t-ii,Ul.l;I 8{)Hif~'t'f c,ni.!,v.\~r'" .,:~~...-e'\~{H.. I'! in-Ten.""! ! ..e-mJcr .d'\-3H fH.'l{ he n~quin.'!d to commence <br />rr~x--eedtn~~ .;;If-iUtl'\:t <;.u-eb ~M;:--C-t"\~~'lr H' ~d'u""~ ~H tHH~tJd wn{' !,"r p;j,-"m~t!t Pf ,)lhcNt.'i-.t, ntodifv amortization nf the sunu <br />-;;<<~1.t'eJ t.\;' thi~ Mi"rtt'Ot.ft- ~}\" rt~a...,n d \ny d:t'tt'i~HHJ mad.:::.- ~y th~ H~'fn"w("f ,Hld R~~rr{lw(:r's "W';Ce&'il)r~ in intefe!,L <br />11, F~~ h,- Ik,....l' ~n4 'l!I Waj"",,,. \l~" f'-"~,H;)-n,-(' hv 'I.:mkr in nCTf..'l~;iflg iHl\' fight or H~med)' hereunder.. or <br />).thcnr.'t~ .a.tlt-'.fd<:tJ hv Jprhl.:-ilNe ;"''*' '.h:Jn H"i '''~ ,_~ W;n~ ("1' )~ ["t' the ~"I.~fC\~C {'\ot ill'\' 'w..:h right (if rermmv_ <br />The p'nx,"'me:nlent !Tt tra,utattc:',e ';:).1'" ~h(' p;'1Hn~tl< d :,,\t"'" ,': ,-"h~: ht-a-: d ,'h.J.;ft''''I; r,y f ;;~Illjer ...hail n0t tx' a wUlvt:r (..,f Leflder'~ <br />,i..:ht !t~ ~C'.('dN:'!tt' ~h--e ffi.ahHHY ,.f Ihr: 'nJ..:-t.'h,"th)!,'",,, <~l,fl;~d h- rh'\ \tf"i1o(.:t.)!(, <br />~ 11. ~r~. ;\,1f n~m{",ht... P;-i'o,;\kd ,., !hl"- \-ion~,i.!,\" "ir.:- .-llnm,,! .M1d ,utnlll"'ttvt" t(l <to\! Mhcr ri~ht or <br />('~tned'f mtOc'f thn, \C(Ht~-<tt-,,-~.tJ; ~\ffHnkd }~.,. :<l"'- ,': n~un\' '!'ld fH'}\- ~- (-~;:f(!<d,.\t ,''In.n!Fr~lltl\', If\dcr"C'nden!tv or '\vc(.'~~i....d~' <br />fl. S-t'ftliDR __ ,".... Botmd; !0iA1 al)li ~\f"ntI f JlIhalh': ('.prio..... 111(" l.'i!\'C!1-:tnt.. 3ild ,agrc('menti: herein <br />...:(.f1t"~!lC':d ~h~H hirtd_. iind ~~ rit:ht'\ ~"f'j"t:!Jt1{kf ~h,:tlf "f'!\~'f -!-" f~'\" ~'-''''-p'l~..~'~'~ ~p.,:""e..,,,.lr'l ;.HH~ ;}...~!g:H" ,If Lender and Rorrower. <br /> <br />~~~~~{:: :::~~~::n; :~~~~~r~~t~l~:~'~'~of ~;:~ ~;,~;::~:~~, o<tl~;~' ~;,~:;,{~~~:f:,~~:~'t~n:':I~i:'~~H:t~a~:re~f"\!:lm;~ ~;:;i t::~f~~ <br /> <br />~nrf:r'-!'Ud ~.i!' .deab(:' !b(o Pf$,"~:a!<o..m'~ ~f';~d <br />i.... ~~~ ~.i'...:("p-i: r~'ir .il:!~ f""h...;: :",~","i:.j ;:i;,.~;;( ,,;-,;:o,...~,.~:;;;- :;;~,:. :;"": ~t' ~:~..,~~~ :~, ;::~~,)~~~ !!1~!L"1~!'. i~~~ ~~~y ~!'f'!~!' In <br />~1({n...~. rh-:-,,'~d l\~. 'n ini", !l.-h'l.n!:-~~l .,.fuH f-e ~~,""~I~ ;'-0; l",dl;I'~:R "u,,:h 1'(~l:\>.:l,': h'{ u:f!lll-C'd m.;ul ,idu!'c,,>;,,<d i<.' }4orrr'wer <tl <br />the r'r'\1~n:'f ~ddl~i, ,f' ;+1 "'-u..:h ,'(her .uidn:-.o; ,o~ R.t fP....C (!.i;-"i~";Hr f\\' Hi"itU: I,) ! .:H-tk't '\~ provided h~IT-io. :100 <br />IbJ ...n} m.l.fKt" hi t t'1-"t.1et "f>JH ~ p'''~i:' h'~ ~'-:-i'h~l:t:d ,tL.~''; 'i~k'q~ 'i'-,-,,-,-;"~ "l:"q!..~..,,~t-d. '.' I t"ndt;r.... ;Hh!f~\ s-~a{('d hf'ft'in n!" tt~ <br />iu..::h Ntw'.r AOdr'C;1l'i' .0 !.('tHk.- IT\:.'JY i~.!~~'Hltc ~\ W'!-f!\.-{.' ,,- th""H;"~{'f &.. f'f~-'-\!ik,j ;~ittclh '\ft\, lhlth;'C pr1Jv,ded fO.f In tn.i, <br />M{\:!:'1.-it~#(' ~h-.'lij tit' ,~~~ t.~ t;~'d," ~.~ !is'.t;'11 \'~ HH~ p..~~t ", i "l...j-c;. '" f;:-en ~,H'.f\ H~ the' mafU}-('f d~"ij#n",tt"d h{!r~!n <br />15. VailOt'lll: M~t f~...f'f~ I_.'t Sc-......'.Wtih. 1 \-.;. ~i'Hr' rm1fl~U~f.{'-" \ \lrllhtflCS lIndOfm <.;nVrt1alH" ftlf nation:!l <br /><.rw ,;u'\..1 n-.--n,t;,mfnT'f'n ~,'"(:nJlP~''' "",iHt htnl~n' ":>~l;.{;~'th ~~o, ,.~~t;~'h'ri ,." ".'hs.'!JI\>h: ;'1 \In!to.rtn \C'':'jlflfv ifiwftlrlltfH ;":-fweriog <br />fe.d Pf\.~fT\ flu... '-t{~ftt>f~ .._h.;ti! ~ i,.'tnteC'\.t ~,;, ~h~' ';;1" f !~. >;!;,1ih.IH~n 1,i,')a~h (hi' ?-rnf-"l'ny I' hXilt'\"d, In the <br />eVlffi-t ih-Jit ,'Ul~ rn..'\-.'l$i"" ;,.} '. tOl--\~"i1:; d f~h ,"h"n:~.(~~ "~ In.,: ", ,<",f~h'h ,,~';ji'1 "rpl:i;.:,t~k hw, \\~h "-prdlf(,,t "h~n 11<,11 ;.lff~\:t <br /><~hel ~'l',--\,!'!!,~~ ,,,,~' ~hh Mt"'fi-fc~~li "'" ~r:-i;" '-i~Y,.:- ,..b,;"h ';,,;'" f~'; -,:....-;:n ..-H~t":! "'HrWUl lhe 'J,tlth,--'!Jrt~ l'j';'i"i-,i<'!h. ilnd to tnl'!i <br />.end lh,r. fU'~l"l..,~"n!'- >,! !~ "t,"n,afl< .,,,,..1 lhoc- 'ph' 4-H' ~i'~..L~a"i.i I. i,,,," "(....'t':!SiNt- <br />16.. ~..,.... COf', Rt~tH""'Cl! ~ 1.IH1)..Jl':,-i ,-',--Hh~!rr-a"d (<,1PV ,i-f :h{' 'oh: ,~l)d d thr", \tort~a~e ,n Ihe time <br />,1t ~e':H'it"'f' ill ,d~ct 'i.'-":\\ld,<lH(\(~ h:t't'\lf <br />11, "1....,.,"'.he Propen'i .-\.........loa. it .J-H ,'1' .w'" (1,1<1 ..,f thY' Prfipt:n,,< ,\, ~n H)tr:n..~'11 Ih~fCtn t\ h.ld or Iran\ferrcd <br />h~ IkWl,^}Wi,'! \..}{tK"~H Lendtr\ r>f;,"~ ....tikn ~onh'm ~'iI-, '.d d'te (iL~~ti~~n \'1 ~t l!~fJ lJ-! d'h,.umhtlHKC \obon.IHutc t(\ <br />!hN M{~HrB:~, (~H the ;':>''e-J.C10tJ, d ..) rU...:h4'~ ti'1pn('~ ~n~;lm :tH,;-:~:~1 hl! hf)l!~hi11d Olpph.m..:e,. I,:} Ii lflln~fef tw de\ris.c. <br />....~C'1\llTf hy l.__'J"ttitli-l~l .)f ~,~...' l-:--poi..m lh~ \~.'$~h d .!,>>t1~ f-::IMn! ,'i ' '~ !h.t:' ,j(fant ,--f <in\' h~.I~h1-~1d ml~rt"t ~}t rht'cc \'l'~,iJ" ur k~!It <br />,Wl ';'\~lhtUint: ~,~ "'JUk'ln t-L~ f':tl;f".:hJbC, I. ~'n\:k: m..:.:o,. .il [ (n..-kr" ')rhK\.. Jt,~! ;,11 lh~ ~llm" \(:<,;Ufcd My Ihl., Mon~agc to Ot..~ <br />Hntne\Jt...t4:h, due ~'ld p.!o<.-hk f ~fit:.kt ..h.aH h.'1\i;:' '....;H\.t'~ ~th.-r1 "P.h:;.t, ,..; ,i<.'vde.rate d. prim 1(\ ih", ".>1t." 01' tr-a!1Ji-tcr, I t'nder <br /><i-i'ki tht: tw:.f~~ hl ""t-.o;'\ffi ih-t- Pft"P'tH~ i.. h~ ~ ...~l,t '-'I !tiU!'lo-h-'fI~"'J :'~':-i;.h .lj;~i'e~m(".nj H\ "'l'!hll-lt !hal lhe o:rcd!t ,~f ..u..:.h pcC'iOh <br />i''I. ~a['$fKtnry h\ J.c-nt.l;e.! ..;;;mi ih..~ ihc t~[e{t-...l p.fL~bk ~'n the ",<f\l" ~'''''Hf;:,d tw rhb ~h.rlit"R'" ,hat: ~ iH s,1l...:h rale <.I" i.t"n~r <br />~H ~!o! If teoJt-l ba.i- V.;.\\H"N!~ '_~11Hi.."-n {,! ;,(.'-.:t'~.;r;'lk pt-..;\".ie.J ,n !h~~ p'dl'ltg.ntph 'l': ,md jf 8nrt(lwer\ '1i.ic\.'cs,t.or m <br />i'n$ef:ftt h~ t:x~ui-cJ i. ~ritt-e1'l ....'o.l.$UI'.UtOO 4,~te~-!n(::rH ;ti~'(f'j;'~h.~d in ;.\Il!!nll h'i r t:ntiec J t'fHkr ...hail H~Je;J,"c B:orr~'_\w~r frnm :,;11 <br />{,fbtipt$\m~ i.l~r th~ M.....rt.. .00 lfn:: N~e. <br />'it 1.t.~4' e^':r:fd~ ,i__lCh 'i.'Pt#wt i~l- ",~'(''e'kt<t{t t .,;:.n.tkr "e.,:di m.;;q! BtHiO....,-t:-r H,)fH:<: '.1~ n,,-;:.:'ck:fa-ti,l!'l if. ~h--':\lrd.:nKe '""-'tIN <br />~nph 1. ~-fa'!, S!Kn Pt)U(4; iotulH ph)"'i-tk: J d' r~'\ h.~~ \h-Ull .,,0 d;j\'~ -tWill Iht. Joiltc ih(' fld(k't' i~ maded within <br />.,..h..."b 8t,'\t'n~we-r trUli) ~.....,. the 'i>Um"i d<<:i,;tr~u dut: ~'lrn:,'",oi'f f,Jlh, '..'~ f";jy ..."..:h ""inS pt~!f h.l jhc \.'\pir~H(}n ...( :J.;ue:h petiod. <br />y,nda' mil;~, W~.tho-sM funh<< ~)H~:e (}f \i(m~ F!:! &1tr,(~""~L nl"okJ,: ~m;:' n..'i?'l<:dlC$ r.t~rmjllt:d n\. r:t,f~ltntph l:t hen,'t~f <br /> <br /> <br />Nos,UStH,''ltM C~)""'l'.NAJtoi.t:C.;., Rm~.('o"*d aHd Lc-rnkr huto.e, >:',>H;n~nt ,,~r.d agr<< .b 1~.,!i..'tW\. <br />... ~ ~ r"<f1iIi"""'__ m _r""" 17 ""!<'Of. u_ Borrow.r'. ""'ad, ..r M} c..n......' ." <br />~ of' ~ _ thk ,~~. ....... tlw {'ltht....b tt' p.} ""twn au -Ii".' It,,UfmJ; lriC'~:un,od by ttaU ~tortPC-t. <br />,......... ... ~.... ""'" ....ri<.. h> ........... .. .......... in par."""" 14 b_ .,.,..ifyl., HI lit<- ""'-<b: <br />al doe....... Ie -.. __ .....r.; 1;1) a...... ..... .... ,_ :Ill tta.u J...... ,.Ito d_ ,It<- _1<. .. ~ ,.. Ilonow<r. <br />.,. .....__....... ...... .,.,.,...... ,41 !IllIt faA_ I.. <"0_ i'""h bru<h .... '" bfl..... ,_ <.I... _'ilifll 1ft lite _1<. <br />.... of tIot __""""It, _ '\t......_ f_''''',,,,lf, jU<lkilll _""'""<< ..... .. of lite r_rt~. <br />1'lioI~""~ 111- ......_ of 1I...itIllt It> "'_.. aim "',,__ 11ft" Iii< ....I Iu _ m I.... lorrc"""". <br />~.. ---... of .. dtfllMll ... ..., ....... JId_ "f Il_.. ,.. ""..k....."", ..... r....d'~. illite "",..b <br />. .....'..... .. <if ........ Ilro ..., ~ ... ,.... _1<... ht!lllilr .1 [.4''''''', uptlon _~ 0..:'- llIl t>l ,_ ._ b~' <br />_.............. ''i?'IIIiTthl11 """ .....,.,"""'..lllrMt '''.duo............... -r f_,,,",,,, by juollcial_~. Le...' <br />..................~ 1It.......,........."".._'" ,.....'_...1..........., buI _ t1....... '<>. ,._.., ......._.., <br />...~........ ......... <br />It;_ ~ ~ to........... ~ot-witb~ndHJ' teNk:l'~ JV.:\."i\'J.t,ril\H-i:\t\ ,:.t ~h~ '.-unn ~e~urro hy l-ht~ M1;'f{'t!l~j'.t;'. <br />~~ ~ ttw".. ~M riJbt t~ M\'\t !lVir l"H~~f\~ ~g"r. h~ Lt'l~,f Hl- t't1-f...-rl>::'(' th:i.. M\.lH:I. ;jt'iit";ed ,1t .u~y tnnc <br />