<br />I
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<br />83- 004691
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<br />UNlPORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. ...,... of PriDdpIII."" Intereol. Borrower shall promprly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as- provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any FUID... Advances secured by this Mortgage,
<br />%. ...... for Ta:ntJ-'" -.......ce~ Subject to applicable law Of to a wriuen waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender uti the day monthly instaUments 01" principal and interest .are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in fun,
<br />a sum therein "Funds") -equal to one~t\\o~lfdl of the yearly ta:(e$ and a~~sment1;. which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortpae. and ground -rents on the Property. ~f any. plus one~t";'tl-fth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance-,
<br />pIm OOfH1\'elfth. of yearly premium ins.taUmenrs for mortgage insurance. if any~ all as reasonably e.,timated- initially-and from
<br />time to time M' l..ender on ,he r..asis of assessments ;;tod htUs and rU!io.nable estimates thereof.
<br />i'be Fund1i iibal1 be heM 10 an inMItUltOn the de:P:l'S1b L)f ac(ounts. (t( which are insured Of guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />sUUe a~cy ttncluding Lende-r d Lender i.. such an 1rv>1iwflon \. Lender \haU apply fhe Funds, to pay .~aid ta1lie5-. assessments,
<br />insuraACC pn!miuJ1l$ aDd ground rents Lender may nof charge h.lf ~n holding and applymg the Funds. analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying nnd compiling l.il-i-d ",-"""nrents .iind hin,>, U"t(:o'S.~ Lender p-av,1> Borrower ifw,':r~t .on lhe Funds and applicable law
<br />-pcmnil$ l..erKfef to make ~uch ~ ('har-ge. B-orrower and l.(mdcr may ~lgr<< in wf'itlng at the rime of e.(ec-mion o.f this
<br />Mort:Jqe that int~t ,-1ft the: Fund!/" :>.haU be paid in lk):rrow~t. i.md unt-es~ ~ui."h agreement is made ,'1-r applicable 'aw
<br />requiTes, sw;-h intet'e1l tv he piiid, Lendet 5nOlU TIel t'oe- r<..qwrcd h~ p.1.;.' HorrOWC:T ;l.oy lnferd.t or earnin~~ on the Funds. Lender
<br />shalf give to Bo-rfl'~Wff, with"ut {jua-rge. J._n annU3-1 ;r(1,;:ounttog ('It rhe hJnd~ ..howmg ([edits flnd debit;; to lhe Funds ~nd the
<br />pur-pose- (or whkh e.ad1 debtt h) the Fuoot. Wtl.\ made lll,(! t'un.i\ ;1rt~ pled~d ~l-S ".u.idaional St'CUftlY for the !turns secured
<br />h)I thi< M<>rtpJO
<br />U 1M amount t.1t lM fund-! heW bv L€--llJeL t\~ffihcf \uth lhi: futUre monthlv IOl\.iilUmenU of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due da~ of tun.. ;u..~mef1t,_. u~u;"mc-f' p--remtU~);b! ~nd ~wHnd l'~nts, ~h~H c\.C'ced th1: .\fJlOunt required to pay said tal:e5.
<br />~n. HUUr4lMe flremmm1i iuld gr(~lHd rent:!> "~'S !nc\ hilI due _\H"h C'\-i..'e~ "hall he. iU Borrowcf'~ option. either
<br />promp!l~ l~pa:id {O- Bbtn'li\\'(!t' Vi ",:rooued w aot'r(\w~( ':\H f!wfHht\.' :,HuHmcnb ~\-f Funds.. If th~ amount of the Funds
<br />hdd by Lender- -shall not to(' ~utticie:nt tt) p#r ;a'oOe!i_, JUc,~mt'nn, :l'\SUI.l.ih,:C p-rcmIUlJl\ ;lnQ gn'unu n.~ntJ; ..~ they fall due~
<br />9orn.lWe:f In.U pay to Lc.nder ;.on" ~mt.){mt ZlCl;~~~n 1,1 ,-\~...t.t.' UP-!he ,h:-:kICfh-.'Y wnhil1 m d.n~ tH'lm the dat~ nntlce i~ maded
<br />hy Leader 4'\ Bo-nc,-c,r feqlJ(';f~ng pa'\nU:!H :iwrt",,-.i
<br />Upon ~ymettt In hJ! 01 AU t-lun\ 'i;~L~H'ed h, ~hH, Mt~ng,il~_'C_ i .:mkr \haH Pl\JH1pti)- ft'hll'ld to Borrower ;my Funds
<br />i."ldd ~ t.c.ndc-r- If l;NX-t p.M._ph 1 f'l: h;':J~-v! ~~lt: Pf<'\l,~ff\ n. '-'c-.jd -I.'f lfh' Pre'rw,- ;, ,-,ther""t'" ~c-tum;,d tn,' 1.ender. Lender
<br />\hall ~, no- ~a..tN ThAn Hn~Jch PC}Cif Ii' n'".:.- ".3k ,-,I ,n-!' f'f-<'jX'11\' ,'" n>; ~}~'-4tU'!.:<lH"n hy Len.der. iUl'f Funds. held by
<br />~f ..I ~M 1<-.f-* nI J;pptK:auruJ H ,;& '-tt-dn i1jipt-ln", ~tK, -.ufH\ \('Uih:-d h\' !'hno \-iortga~('
<br />J. ~ of ~ 1,:'itil'U ,lpph..:.ah!-e ti\W i'f,.....i.<., ,_'lh<.T'.\-h-i: ^,il pilvmc-m<, ,(;'I;'cIYed by tender under tbe
<br />Sou:: ..DC p:ar..~ ~ ill.nd :. h<r-e;I.)1 'i-l13B be ~PFb~';,! h\' I ",-mk; ti""'~ p.,1\ rnt'J':.t .:,t lIfrl-l'tHllx p:av:.hlc tl\ l.cmler hy 8orn}\%'e.r
<br />i,H\de:r i'!l-.r&,r-"'~ ::. hcrcct. ,tw:-11 ttl :"lCH':-d i-:J-..n-Ahk "n ih~ :-"P-l:l' n:Ch !',1 !n(:'" }~rm-"'dp.;tl I'f the- N~Jt(~. ;llll.i tht:n t<~ ~nlerctt and
<br />pnnctpai -;.\06 ~IlY FUi~ Ad\~a.w;:('~
<br />4. (~1____ ik1tTO......:-l ~_h..lll ,'.011 ".H j~H~1-- ,~,,'-t"Ul\nlf\ ,p1~t ,'lh~.t ,h:ll~,"'\-_ nflt'-, _toJ tmp,(}sllh'nx itunnut~hle to
<br />tbe- ~'r ""i)~ may ~U.atil- 1): pt'li""-rtJ\- d't:l: jttll> \f,_pn~a~t'. ,.I1Q k.:t~hi.\jll \'.JYfUt'Oh i-'f ground n"!H!'. It any, It) the m.anner
<br />rrovMie1J uru.kr ps,..pb :. rX'tc~~ ,t{ :) ".~ j',;Hl.i ;n "u.:h l!\,~f1f}t_r Burhlv.~r tn~lii.H1~ pa\'m-rnt. ..":ht:.n duC', lhrc,\:th' H."1 the
<br />paY<<: lttcf'l:cl f~~ ~H ;m;xn-~,H-!\ hffl-l:'\1'l ;-;! -l. t"Hl,!c-1 aH '\oH~n d :Hlhli.-lnh- ':!<.K" iltukr lh:'\ P:af4raph, and in the event
<br />.t:kJff'O:'1t.--.:r :-hail ftud._(: p-Il-.ntC-ut <.H-e..'u,,_ tlop,,,,,,~.t --~.;iH rt',1mptj<. \;Hrm,h '.ll L~'m-kt r';i,:Clph nctJcn!:tO~ ~lh.:h paymcntii
<br />Rorru.'ct !1han p-r~)' tJ--mch.At~ lill:i ;~t';tl .,. rH'-.'n ."....\ ~'fiqnh. .~..---n '111'1- \t.oug""j(C. ;'h"n~k:d. Hwt HHrrow~r "-nali 1\;..'It he
<br />rlt:q;..u~ t~) t1_tKbat~ 1j.U~' 1-Ud~ ;~n '\." kint o:~ H..,n,'''H.'' \!"I;ti! ..tfot.: '\1 ..-,:itHlJ;:: Wi" P~l'-Hl('nl ,'I Ih(' ~IPhxail~\n ~~\.:l:f~d n)
<br />",,~h liec Hl tot n'Uli'tnef ;j<~C't"t~ i d"Hkt. ,'f '-f.,.H~ ?,...-~1 t.:..\lfh ;,-I-n~~>--.! \'.u.:h !~:!-'n tnt..-", d-dcnd t'n!nr;;.~ln('nl ~~t :!.\J(..:h hen Hl.
<br />~~ rr...~~;::::;:. ~'-h-~ :.~~~!";: ~".' ~.~~".~!!-l I~..--- r>nL'I',N1'wnt \ii l~n:. :'l:r-: ,ct h...rh',l\.Hi" nl In!" Pr(t[1'ett.\i' HI ,ill\' p3n fh(Tet.ll
<br />
<br />.i..u~~ k~~~~ ::=~ ~'~:~:n ~:::~ t1;~I:m~_:l;:::t:;~;':_:,:~~'{:~~~' '~t:~!~) -'~~~:_~f~l::t~:t }~'::~~~ :l~ ;t~n:;::~~~:;::. i/~~::~~~
<br />
<br />Uld i-n Mien __fn;t.i\}-nq ;ind hn h,~..Jt ~:;;::-n,()'1.h ,H .i 'l;"~r m>l;\: n;-4'''Hrr ;-~\ p~ ~;:k...j, l.h..i i {:"l\ikr \h.aB tH'{ fC'1UH\:' tnlH lhe ;~nH!un! d
<br />'ic~-K:fl ....}V(:ta,fC (")'li::~ H"~t ,)~"'t.ltH .d: ~'-.~\'-C~.\~ F'4Ui-tc'-tl 1i\ \,'..n ,,:;n-n ~<:un,~d- h,!:' lb.;" J,'h)uga&~
<br />1'hc fneur:atn:'1:: ...'.aU'-lItr pt\.~"'wJtttti (hi: l(l"'tir...n.."~ "<--.~.l.lj h(: h..nn. ,y,<, R."-Hl._~......::-t V,o-}'(.\:j h~ ot.P-PHlV>\j by I C'fi.K-!', pHlvlde-d.
<br />that ~ ..~'4-l -...htJi ih.~ ~ ~.ir.H<'4.'k~tjlt.h '.~lthhdd \!j ~"!,-'mHH~h .,n '!\~~H"ltl.t' r";\'tl-\.a~'_1- "j-HiH t4,' ~M~d the m...nne-r
<br />l\f{)vklod l~t pi'l1Jt&f4Jlh .::: _hC1'~"l~ "-'f,, :1 h4~ p.nd- ->-:~~b m'-'fll~j _ L,,' H(,~Hl.')/>--cJ makHI~ p.;:t\"tlX::-Ut. "" t~cn due_. ,jlre;,~tl't 10 ihe
<br />I.fifUl':aa<<! <tine,.
<br />."'-.U ~UUK(, r~~"~~~ 4.nO re~'A~l.'" l;1-t".f":\'; __.h:ui }o.;: !}\- 1,'!HI ,',,"u:,'p!_f!,k :,~ ! 1:l!d'U ,~lt-t.f ..ru.dt 'f1;"IUU.c J 'l:inJanJ m~Htj;td~C
<br />-(aUK m t""-{,,~ j'_<{ ~oo.n h~fm ~'\--C-J-~llt~k' h_' i .em,k-i' '(,kkr ,Il,~,,' h;-i\'; :~1'" l;g!il n,-t.lJ HIt- :'->:lli\l~'\ _,1-'ill It~IH..;'<'I'.d.. lh~n.'t\f
<br />ii.nd Bt)ff\"t*"tf :.hiiJi pt'l:lfnpd)' f"'.\.ftU-..n l<:} !~:fu,-k--f ....fj ~tlrt'-.;"..i ,;.,'!h..(''o ,lr;~i ~~I ;e".(t:tf'1t" t,( !'.ih.i l\ttm!Um"_ In lhe l.'~\:nt (It lo'-~..
<br />8.;l:(f('t_''C!t \.twlH j'.\:C' pn.)fnpt tK}(I~-C \;'c l!lo( 1<::"'\-Ut;H~:..\' ,.Hf'-l;:f ~nlll.t!'dc' l cn..h::l 'nit'. ;t1ijt.C f'Hl-lA ,'I l-o~\- d 11\\{ Ir'l<id.: pH'mptiy
<br />h~' 8oth.~^
<br />U~ i ,e~t .ilntJ u..'fr'\.J.<~ ,\t~f'~:~ ""_j"'~~- i~l ..~ t,1mll1_ !r~~U1...Hkt' t'ii,n>J-;; ",i'I..H N' ,-,~~pJtt:'J h~ f~(l.HaU-\.H} OIf repau of
<br />the Pr\,~t_, datn~ f'h.''''h.k...i ;-'A,h f~'~h,}t.(i-on ~'i IO:pAH " 1',..~'iH.tm...<otih {I'~.'t-d1k .IHd (he "C":Ullly ut thH. Mott-ll.ilg.'C \"
<br />fK~ tbc.nO, U:nP"<1nd, H lJ.m:h :'l.~b.'-"f*tmfl l..lf t-c:p~H- :.... ,wt ;;...._.."'~ll-"fm;"..;ih l~-li'lhlt:.![ 111'<; 1r,.t.""--hfUY tlf thi'- Mong....ge ...nulJ
<br />he ompaif<<i~ tilt- Ulltif4Dl;-e !-"t,--,,,-~ :'..haii be "'Plt!j,CJ h~ the '.-l,I!!"1.\; w..lHt:"J h)' tOt,- Mun~4.e, H'lto the e~1.:0j;. if .~f1.... paid
<br />to lklf--t~f, It tbe: Ptt'*-prny ;... ~hi~m(,.o l:~.. tk>~i'I-~""''C'f ,>f fhnti~\lo'-C-f b;l, ;,.' f~\fl\'1i1(i J.i_~ Lc-ndn wlthill JO da~:. twm lhe
<br />~Ie: ftO.)U(..'iC l$. m~ ~ l.~ h;> -B.)-;:n;>>;a>''i::t ~h.l~ the- ',~iJ.{,,(Ji:.C ,..}fH:~ \,ih:.f"> lj' ~,:~tHc ~ dalfi-l f11t" ,;t~uran-u: hen~hl\', 1..t'ndl::I'
<br />''Ii llutftol-UoQ li.} ~~t .ad appi) {M H'l\.ur..u'h..'-(, pr\.-~d~ .~~ i >i;:fakr 1- ..'pH\,>n ;;H.,-~t t:.\ fC:ltm~H~m\ i.~!" repair ~\{ ih~ Pn}r--~ny
<br />'.~ !-i) ~ 'j,'U!i"'!n, ~w:~ to" f_h!!- M!l:.i{t~
<br />U~ L..t:Ode.r ,:nw 1f.o.I-n.~~J ..~ht'r.#.\oC ><8-1';.';" ,<t l....!'!~mtL -.t~")} ,ud, 4-ppit-;.;,it.ll\.f! ,\f pr\~'eedi :.) prl/n;~p_~ "o.J.ii nUl ~~,.enJ.
<br />{># pt~ the: dur:- iiale '(..t ~ht; n'X){ltht!'- t~u,~-OJlinl(':nt" ft;;'"h::treci ld m ~":U<igt;tpru. t ,m.d .:: Ile,!c\)! ~lf ,,:hanjll.:' !h{~ .tI'!h)unl \\t
<br />~b i~Dbi.. H 1.utdcr pat~.fltpb i ~ betevt l.he P,r-Ol~C\l,: )1- ..!...'-i{~HlOO h- t-endCf. ,dl r:&b~. ~}tk and lmef\-"Sl \..d B-t"?fnw"'t:~
<br />in <aud -'i\ =l -t~..~--e ~Ko -And H\ ~[ad h) {/l(: p!'~,,-c--ed!$. fncrf:vI ;:~..dHni h,-lf'H dami;~ !(t ,r-rl;' ttro-p<:ny pnOf t~. the t-->tic-
<br />t.1f ~ Ii-bH paM. h) Lende-t' ~l.) the t'\h~lJ{ ..'{ ih-c :"\_HHiI- 't-t:-i:.utt:J h\ !hi~ \h\:nga~~ ~m:ncdlall,+~- poor ~l!dl ...;>tie lH
<br />--""",
<br />.... ~......... l>'--~ uI "........,; L~~ (.___ 1'1..._ t'Dit IJ~,~P'" llnm'~"f
<br />~.u.p tbt~)' i:1l iO'f..'Id r~~~r 04n4- ,..-nAi! nut L'onutut "iioCl.:U(: vr pc-rnut lmpiimne--rH '\.If d;('~e-nonitwn of the_ Propeny
<br />.....s. ~ l.-'"OOlpfy .-itb ~ pm;1i~ ~~ Bny i.-ttaw If th.~ M~fHg:-"'.g\: ." '!11 .. ~::3.~,dh)iJ. ft ltW'l- Mnrtg,4g-4t h (tt1 ,"I onH .,J; ;t
<br />;:.~ <-~.i&- pI~'hl:Ul dc-~'t'W~tl!. .fknro-wc-i ..h.ii-H pt:d,nul1 ",.\'i vr H~)rr(>""c:', ,-'hbi(.ai!Oflj, lW(!f;1f I-'1e J.C-("L.:it,!.-tlon
<br />.;1:f ~ {'t~ ()f tQ-.;crwna the ..-:{.~tNklf-n:lft\um ","r i"'i;i;tJllC~ unit ~'l::h-~p.fU~~nt. tnc t;y..la,"" ':UI-d. l-'.~}iu~atwn\ u~ 1he
<br />t.:{~ ':'1'f ~ unit ~...{. ,ma ..-:-pnMHl.-"("r;--t d_,-~utu('-rH", If,~ ':""llH,hwnmIUl1'i ~~r f,l~t'!nC'd; ;trill d~'H::k~r'1ntnt
<br />t~ .J:i ~~ -by Bof_~ ~nd l'f...~-orded lWiQ-IM-f "nth rtH\ Mt'(~ag-t:, ~h:..' ;.:nn:nitHl~ ,HW ".gJf"emenb nt' ~u(h nJu
<br />~ .. ~~~ ~~)- ~ ~j ;;U\w.:Qd itIttJ: "uJ,-pi-Clll<"ut l;lw ((nCIHU.H:l. Mxl ~gh:-C-lnt'"nl-;, ,...! fhl\ Ml,lri:gagt.~ .f, d the .tide-!
<br />_"i"'n~.
<br />,~ ~ of ........... SIatriq-. H ~}'Ttl%l.'('( -hll-\ h~ P'Crfl~fH'ft too t.:~~veniitnt~ i{:>:N,1 ;t.gH.~nwutl -",1.'flt.am-ed H1 thr~
<br />~~ Qf it_., ~ ;;:~ Pf~tt.i f-'> >;;~mtncfl(.."ttJ )"lohk-h miitcffail.y ~fft.'''(:b ~ cmicr\ inuwc.M in tht' ftH"lX:-i1\,
<br />~,b\d. JtQ! ~ ~l)i- -f:~ dumam. m'ftiOi~'(:t~:)-, ,~xk 'Zf1h;l-n.~~mt--tI1.. Ht htrf'"dngltme-ntl lJr pr'Ol.--c-eding,. m'loivtfl,g a
<br />h."';,,:C.if '~~ ihut-I..$ad$t-.~ L~tCl ppt~m, \lpob H-O'U,;,'C k} .Bot-w..~(".r, nun' tn-ilJ.:t- ~~h ~p:pcNar;!m..--<~, dt$-hur~ ~ud'!
<br />~.. ~ ~~. ""-- it~)' hJ pr-{.~_~l Lc,~r1; ,'m't~fftl. nx-hH;ht'<<., but llil{ lln'Hfed hJ-. ih.\hurM:ttwpt d
<br />~ -IUgn..':") .... ~ ~.ry' ~m ~h:e P'tupl\-fi)" t.o. H'HI);,e n~-r!A-!H if L~-l-#; f'~"i1in~i mUfta.gt: in~u.n~ll:l.~(; il' .I
<br />-(.~ ;),f' ~ '. ~ .~"fJf" h-'t ft~ M~._.. ~nn'.''\:r walt rii)' ~ht' rr~mnun-_~ r~Uift.J to mainta.m g;~h
<br />~~ m--~t UQ.f1l ~b tjll\C <'!.. ~bt- ~ln~e-me...*lt k'>t: ,,-w;h in:liill"~'.e tNm<fr;U-'C~ 'n ;{'>;"~'(.H'd.n~:c- WHTI 8(l-n')~lC(~ ;~nu
<br />
<br />L
<br />