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<br />r <br /> <br />83-004667 <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of aU mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />man"'" provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amount. di5bursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this }.{ortgage. Vnles.,,; Borrower and lender agree to other tenns of payment. such <br />amounts- shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear .interest from the <br />date of dbbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would he- contrary to applkable Jaw. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest- rate <br />perminibJe under applicable Jaw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereundeT, <br />8. Iupectioa. Lender- may make or caus.e to ~ made reasonable entri~ upon i,nd inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shaH give' Borrower notit..~ prior to any .'\uch inspection specifying reasonabte cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9~ Con4rmlUltiort. The proceeds of aoy ..ward or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or l" raking ('of rhe Property. or raft there-ot. or for conveyance in lie"J of condemnation. are. hereby as.~ligned <br />,10<1 shall be paid 10 Len<lcr, <br />In the of oR total taking ("'"f the Property. the proceeds ~han be applied to the !'OunlS secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to BorroweL in the c....em ~..,f .l partial ta\\ing of the Properry, Hnle~~ Borrower and Lender <br />\lr'ls,c agree in ~'Titing, there shaH he applied w the ,,-ums <;(':cnred hy thi... Mortgage ~ll{:h proportion of the proceeds <br />as i<!t equal 10 that p-w{)(,rtion which the :!mount of ~hc ~am" ..,cctlfl-d bv thi~ Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking hears to the fair market vahl;{' (')f the Propert...- immediately priM ti,\ the date of taking_ with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid 1 t1 Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned r,y BOffflwef, l,r If after nCltlcc hy Lend<:T It) Borrower that the condemnor o-ft'ers to mike <br />an award (\f fJeutc: :1 claim !(lr, Borrower f~tlh In respond tn tender within :10 da~'$ affer the dare such notice IS <br />mailed, Lender i" authoril,ctl to ..::~.Uect and ~prly ft~t pr<X'e{'ds.. nt l.ender''Ii vpti:on. either to relrtoradon or repair of the <br />ProperlY or t(l the ~urm. >;ccurcd r.y lhi-... \.f{lrt~.lge <br />Unl<<.. l emkr and Borrower O'-!h~f\\-'I"t" ~itte~ ;:-': wrifif)~_ ,,!1\- ":.Jdl 'l!,pltu'l1i('fj ~lf rroc~d~ w principal !l\hall not extend <br />llf ~tpon<: the due d.alc l)f ~he monthl\' m..taiim1."_Oh rden-cd 10 in p;Hllgf<lph.;; ! and 2. hereof ('IT change the amount of <br />..och lO!litaUmenh <br />to. Rorrowt'r -Sot R~, r\tL'n~fj,Hl .,! rhe !,;tH: t,:; l,',t\"m~nt '.~, rTlNiifi":-,i-llt1n nf amorriration of the 'lOums secured <br />fly thi:" M(Jf1gagc ;!ranled r.~: lender !" ;Hl\' '-lh.:~:r.:...",pr ;<1 1~IN~..,t d R;1-rTflWer ',h:.ll! fW{ (lfl'Cr:\tc H-' release. in any manner. <br />the hah~JifY d the (!lfl!!in.,] Rorr"""~i :n,d BOHP....Cf.<,. >.llU;t'.......'r... l!\ ifl!-t:'r~! ll'fl-dcr ~hall not he requiretJ to- comment;C <br />r-hx.:-eeding~ ;i.~a~m,l ~a..:h _\U~.::(i:"S-,;-f '\j rek"-t, ;" !"\tcnd !,Hk' LH r;t\.m-\.'>nt p( llthcf\\.!'-(' m(\(Hfv amortization 0f the- SUm.lO <br />;;.c-cured hv thi.. M\1rtga~ hv r~~,",~lfl ,',I _Ifl\' d-e-m,'!nd made h\ ,nt' ,-'I 1~1f';J! Born-,wN :I!HJ n()HOwt'f'~ s.ucce~"o", in interest. <br />J t. .~orbtsr~ by f..<<'1tdu '~)t It Wah-f'r, \n... 1\~rbe.Jr;u":1:: t'\ 1 ..::ndcr in {'\n6"Hlj: am- ri~ht {~r ft'medy hcreundrr. or <br />ntheT....'l..e afforded try .:lpphcahte l;t'.l." _ ;;h:111 ;~'" r.t' u ,liVer ."! df rr(,l.~lmk '-he' t''-t'rci\!.~ of ;tnr such right ()f ft':medy. <br />The p-ax:J-rrfD('ot of imuti\ncr ~"'f the ~:inm~t\f .,t ~:'l".n ,'~ Clthe!" ~,en... "i'l' \..har~{'\ h\ { endcr ..haH n~lt he 3 wili..'cr p.f I.ender's <br />ri~hl tn >sc\.-dCf.'H-r the mawrin' ;.f !ht' ~(H.1-t+h~dn('H '-1"-'" :JtI....1 h- 1\-\", '-1N1~.\lo!t' <br />II, R~ ("vmwattn', -\f! n~mc.d)("", .'.;'\-;d-t,;J ;1' [~H~ \I",n~,l~t' ,In' dl'ilm~t and -..wHul;i.tivC' tn ':Uly Nher right or <br />remeu\" Linder ttw... M0n::..~...' l'f arTnrded h hy. : '>'flJ~t\ ,nd mH' N: nt'rl';,>..d ...\mcmr;.-nt/'.., :,;dt'pendenth' P{' €':Hc..:e..sive1\'_ <br />13. StKc-n;on:.. -'-Picm 8ound; J-c>>-ftf .and w\-~...t UabUih: f.:lption~. IhJ: ~-(Wcn3nt~ ::~fld agf\_-e-rnenh herein <br />,;l)nU:ime",i "hall t.inti, ",oct rht' f1~h~~ hen"ti!,dcr .J-uH '['HIre t,\ ~J-;e n:"\p\~t:t!vt' .,;X..:C-.Wf"O. ,HId J!;...i~n'- ~d' I endcf ;md Borrower. <br />"'llO;.c.;! h' the -PFH,-i,i,--m\ d' p3f~r~ph ., h-;:n;--nf o\!! ,-d"'Tn"nl~ ,t:d ,11!reem<:fl{\ n~ Bm:,lwe-t ..hall hr j\-IH'U -ittd \even!.1 <br />The .:ap-\H)ft1. .Hl-d hellJ.hnp ~1f the PMii"r.1ph" ," 1'1!;. \1,'n;t<i!;'C ,He fl'f ,-\~t'Vf'fHt'nct: '_'Hiy ;lOd .;1ft" not f(' t~ u'icd to <br />,nH::nm:t (1f defin{' th~ f'-H';Vl'ilon.... -h-cretd <br />14~ "Sotkfo-, F,\~',<,pt fn:- '!.n\' n--<,joIii,:c i<;"~i~~u:d 'if!d~! .q'phL-:ltl1t' b..\ !,., h'C Jl, afH';-lhrf Ill~Hlner-_ 1,\) any noH-ce (0 <br />Rn-frw~er- pH'" Ji.:kJ t,):1 :n ~~m, \fpft~.i~e ..,:,<\l; !-,,' ~:,\'nl h "IUiiif1r." c.ell_-" ",'0..:,"' . I.'n!hcd rn,1l1 JJd:e~..ed tp BI;'rn:~wer at <br />the Propeft\' Adcre-o.'J. i'r ,!t '>,l...:h ,lth<-[ ,Hl;Jn~"~ .,~_ B,-~r!'(\~c nn~ dc->.fP1-.:lIt' h..- .h,~i~'{' !,-I I ("oller :1\ pf(wided he-n~-in. :and <br />ih) ;HW noti~-c: 10 l ~n-l.kf ..h.-ilJ ~ l!:~cn h\ ,-~:n;finj l~tli! ,'-..t~'~l~ J<.'"r,;"-( ;t"'~ll":"h'd, ", t C'Hl.k(" .lddre....' ~Hucd herein nr fO <br />"Il...'h .>ther l'lddrt'5'\ ..'\ i en,;}.;:!' ~n;l', ~k," !'l', '(j-i;~~' l,-. H,\ft"......t~l' :1', :~ti1V1J-C;:i i';:.'n:-") -\IW th'llicc r-n~'ltld-cd (or in !hi... <br />M~~ng.1~ ""4;1 he dceml:'d I,' "~"'t," ~'''-~'f' P\t'"\l !,' p~,,-~,,,,,,~"" : 1l.'1"",'li..-r ~'~-t'n ~n !he mi1MIcr lk\iwruleJ here1n <br />15. t'mfm-m ~lnnaacC'; (;on"ruu.,; I."''': ~'tt'lllbilih. \,\., 1,'fl1'1 ,'f rn..),lf::a~t' ,.'ln~~Hl(:s ~lfllh"\fm ti.vt'oaOI\ fnr national <br />!l~ :.m-d n.."u-unifHrtn ,,'\~\t"-;;:.ilH' "'-iio hmHc,J ,.q'~;Hc;ih i,\ .'r:'-'1-,~,<1n ", ...",1-.;!;I',1(':t \It\!fnrtn \C,,'tlntv jfl~tnHrll."IH (:overing <br />fe-al prnJ'C'rn nH'> \.tnn:~~~\" -,! h: ~nH.',qed ~'\ lhr i j,., .,~ !hc . In".h~,tHm ," ~,hi-=h lht~ Prf\f'Crty 1'< hx."Mf'd Tn the <br />event !f\al :.Ill)' rnnTIol('!1 \'r d.J.lhC \',j- T'~;'" "t,'!l~;'lil'-' ,-J Ir,(" ';q~ ...,'n!)k't~ "'l!h ,~r-rti;':,Jhlt' iii~, ~ll,,-h \.'Pllfhd ..haH not utfect <br />other rh'l\-l\:.i(..m" \~f thl"S !>.hH1~3~~t:" ,'r ~tw "',<,~< ."I\,(h .H! ~c ;;i'>-('B nh-\.'l \.>.llb'l'! lhe \.'nnflkting PHwj"!,ton, and to Ihhi <br />end fhe rh1\-P"lo-n\ d ,~ ~fpn~"~,,' ,nd lh~' ......,'!e _,rt' .kd;n..-d he q'Vt~r:'d;lt' <br />16.. I.on-n-wu:.f'<' {'up~-, HI.HH''Ael ,J-"l!! h<. !"1p,,,hc-d ,l ~,"';r\.,rmcd '-'\i" (,t ;hl' ~0It" and '_'I lh!~ "1ort~a~c at the time <br />1\( e,r--.;uti0n t>.( .iftN ft">-:\WlbJif'~ tn~I't'i\f <br />"~ TraDIf.f'o'ttw Propen:-'. ,'\'!IilI.ttnlp-uon, l' ;.tH ,1f an" paft ~>l ~!H~ Prnpeny ~,r 30 lnt~rC'~t tnt:r-elll 1\ \t,ld or 1ran\ferred <br />hy 8t>ffOlol.4." \\-Ittk>tl! I ender',\ pn~1-1 ~nl!':n ",'1'1'.-('111. t'\<..ludill~ (;0} lne- ,:re;j!tp" of J ilt"11 \.r ~~nl.:\lmhraHi.:c ""ubonhn;\te 10 <br />thf~ Mt~f1';:tgc~ lbi ~he "Teatl{,n ,,>1 " pmdl-nc ntl.1nr;'~ \.C'..~~nt\ ~,h-f(',"i In; ~o\.l"'lZhohl ~~pplIJncc\. I,"} [j uan'ilfer hv devl"\e, <br />d~('nt ("'r by \~falKm ot !.i" up(m tn.: dc-ath ,;i ,'I ,,'::It kmnt ,'! nil the ~r~n~ ".f ;nl\ lcd\thold :ntcresl "t three year>; ~lr Ie!') <br />nt;.t ~onti&initt' 1m ('9t1un tt_} pllndi:iUC. l t'ndCf m.t\-'. ,iJ I t.:nd~r'", ','j-'tl.'f;, ~k.cLHe ~\:J ~h<: wnt<;; ...edited ~\' tha Moftga~t:' H~ he <br />lmrnediA.{dy due ~od ~Yilbk, i enU("f ..-n~;; hd\tc '~\''\l''l.''d "j,j, ,'pilOn ,;, ,K;.:dcj~if: If. pnC;f \(:\ ;he m tran$fer t.~iHk, <br />and lDe pef'i(ffi In wh01'1\ th<: P'fPpefli-' h hl he :.-nU \'f P'M,~.t('nt.'d ,t::31.:-h ;i~r>.!t.'menf in \\pi!og the .,,;n:~ht of "u;;h per;oo.on <br />I! ~amJMmf) to LCTIucr llmi [na-r tin; mti!;!~' raY,J~k' Pit l!>e \[;11":;\;ti P'i :'11'" ~iprt~~f~>: ~h""l1 h~ 'It 'Iu\.-il i..i,.. d" LCHJ~l <br />~hiln request If L-emkr ha... "'lil,'(:-J lilt" nj''1tl.1n W ,h.:(-~;tr;)!c ~rd..;"kJ ,n dw" r-"fA~r.\trh 1'7, ,10J !l 'Rorn,u,'er's SlU,:C(,.S$or in <br />mterut- h.a.... c-\.~'ul<<i it "Wflttt!'fi il\"SumpttofJ a~riCelnl0H .an;::p'!~"(j j'1 \-!.rH:ng h. I_enJcr. l,en-der .,hall rclea.w 8nTwwer from all <br />(lbliJ;atiom. uOOcr thi-s MQftgare and HK NN<;; <br />It lender elen:::t$d llooch e;.~i,~n w ;lI;;,;dct;l~t', i "! iliall R~);fP""'cr,cc of a-;:~deratlon in JI.'~or-dllm.'e \\ltn <br />p,.-r-agtaph Po ne-reof Such nObi:'c ,h..H rm,v1dc.;i peof'-J ~lj ,Wi !e:\\'-' than ~n d~v" f~"m th~ d,ltc the nntke i... maiied 'hithin <br />wh,h BotJ't'l'W(,( rna>' pay the ,um~ -d<<l.:tJt:"J Jl.K:_ if fh~rn.-""~'r LnI.. K!- pa)-" ~q;.:h 'urn::> pri{~r !(, the C'~riraut\n (l( >;.l.lch J~riod, <br />l.en&:r mi'Y, \1o'Hhout further nOl~(' e-f ,Jcrnand P!l fk.rn"W('L ~n~-,'\k.t": a!l\ rt:mr..ol{'_" permitted j-,\ paragraph !;.t herdlf. <br /> <br />N()t>i~liNH'-okM Ct')Vf:,:SANl$ a.."rH'we'! .wd t t-rWer !unnet "',,w~'n:l!ll ~md ,j~rt,>( ~h ti'Hnw~ <br />..~ ~,,~: Il~ ":x-n!:pf 1M pt'U\'kkd in p.a11lCntpft 11 hC>f~-of. upoR B<trrn~!t:f'r', bn:ach of .0)- co\'man' of <br />............... ~ .. 11th M~. inriudifta .bt- {'O'l\'"naQn to pili)' "M" dtW ,U'l\ \un~ W<'ured by ehb; 'torte.... <br />f~ prior to~........ mail<< In ...."'.... .. p",."d in p_rwp!l 14 h."",1 _p.dlylft.: \II tho hffiKh: <br />11).........................- _10 """""10: OJ . d.,.. ..... _ ._ .:Ill da~. ,"'... Ih. date tll< notl.. b mailed It, Borrow... <br />hy ....... _10 "'-'II _ loe c...... ..... .41 _ fallw" tn .v.. ....h h.....h Gn '" ...,..... 'M d... .,...;!I.d in IIw nntle< <br />..... ftMIIlbl _tlHallOiO <>ftho _ _a... b~ thlo ,......_. ,"'.......... I>} ....didal _-loa and .... ", the """""rty. <br />'.............. hoot_ W_........... '" tho 'idof 'n ...-. aft.. ..",..knotlnn .nd Ih. r~hl .o.._rt in lhe 1......,_'" <br />.......... .... .......--.~ of . ....... Of My o-thef &i:ftflk' of It.or<<t..-lt't\"<'t'"knllion and fUl'KttMure. If tht b,.lkb <br />10_ ....... .... ... ltd_ I"" ..... lijMdli<<Im I.... _in. I.."""r al 1,._', "........ mo~ dedo... all 0' lhe _...... """'... It, <br />_~ Ie 1M .........J} _ """ ,.}allI< ..II...... t....her ""m_ ..... _~ ,........... b~ I,,<lkla. p__IIIlI, ...- <br />...... loe ..... to ........ III __ _flIIIlnlt all ..,._ rlf r_,.......... i"dudlq~ bul not limlt<<l .... root. 01 d""""_IID. <br />..........., ........ _ Illloo ........ <br />.t. ~'..... tJ) ............... Nl1tY.1thMli'OdU\~ Lemk:(.. .H;'~'eknuw,"'l "f the "-1<m, \"..::ured hv Hw. MOJtt~J,ic. <br />l\c)rf0W6 ~ h.~ t~ riabt hj. ha\~ ;Hi}" pnJlo;;;c-e-dln,~ hcgu~~ h\' l e!'"<<f {., <::-nit'lt("{' fh~" Mm!~_.'ig(' ~hi:\.'\.n';hnue'd .al ,my tHilt' <br /> <br />