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<br />r <br /> <br />83-004667 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender l,,:Qvenant and ~gfec as follows: <br />1. Payment 01 Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promplly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late ~hargcs as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advance.'!: secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applkablc i&w or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of prir1-clpal and interest arc payable under {he Note. until the Note is paid in fuU, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to o!1e~twelfth of the yearly taxes and aosse.'!tsm.ents which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgasc. and ground rents on the Property. jf any, plus (lne-Iwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-tweJfth of yearly premium installments tOr mortgage Insurance, If any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from" <br />time [Q lIme by Lender on the basis of a\ses.\fl1Cnls and hill", and. reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The funds shall be held in an institutlt."'In the deposits or accounts of whii::h are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />slate agency (including Lender it L.cnder t~ s,uch an institutIOn), Lender shall ~)pply the Funds to puy said taxes. assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rcn:t~_ Lender may not charge h,.1[ 0;0 hniding ~)nd applying the Fuods. analyzing said account, <br />or verifying: and compiling !i,lid. -a-'i.~s.smcnts ,Jfld bills, unless. Lender p.'1YS Borrower inlerest on tht Funds and a-pplicable law <br />permits- Lender to make such a charg~ B~)rrOWCf and Lt."nder may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage Ihat intere~t on the Funds ~haH be paid to Borrower. and unle:'.s 'iuch agreemenr is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall nN he re-qUlr~d tn pJ.y Borrower any interest or c3mings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, wnhout ;,;:hargc, <:In i1nnu~1 ;h:COuntlOg ~lf the hHld!; ,howing credits and debits (0 the Funds and- the <br />purpose fur which each debit t,) lhc hmd:. W;t~ m;Jdc fhe Funds an' pledged ;l'i additional s.ecurity for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />Ii the amount {~f the Funds h~ld hy render. h'gNher with lhl' future monthly IOstallm-ents- of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates. of U\C!l.. ..h,SeMInCnh. Il}:mran....c pt'C'mnJ/ll'i and gf\,tH1d ft:'nts., 'ill,,!! c-\.ceed the amount re,quircd to pa)' said taxes. <br />a!sesimem~. ltl$u.r.ance prcmmInS ..nd gwund rt.'Oh .1S (he' L1!l Jut:. \tl.::h t'\Cl:SS shaH he. ;It Borrower's oprion, either <br />promptly repAid 10 BCtrn)-\\cr iX ~:fcdned 1<' H,,~ rl'WCf ,1[1 I1Hl!l1hly lIl\r<iIlmcnls pf Funds., If the amount of the Funds <br />held hy Lender ..haU no-t he \u11kient to pa\-' Li\>;;"" ~h~~"'m~nr", ,n..ur,tnc~ prenmnlls and ground rents a.~ they fall due, <br />Bo-rrower shaH pay to Lender ~Jny amount Il<:c-l':,,:,>;tr\ lv m:lh' up !tit' ddl,,'len,,:\. v.rthm 30 Ja~'';;. from the date noti,c is mailed <br />D-Y Lender to Borrower requestmg r,J~I1H.':l~ !h(."rt"~..t <br />Upon payment ,n full ,.:>f all 'ium.s 5.l."..url.:'d in lhh .\1,ln~:!~{;'. '-end,,'l "hail pmmrtlv refund to Bo,rrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under rara-graph l-, h;:r~\\: the f-'[\.T<:rt<. ~'~dd nw Pwpert~ b mhc:rWI'iC 1l...:qUlrcd by Lender. Lender <br />"hall apply, no L:I!cr th~w Jmm~dla{eh p-rh'f :i' ,j';{' <~k ,;; [he Prl'p\"t1)-' ,'1 t!" ;t'.:\.}UlsHwn by l.ender. any Funds held by <br />Ld'odt'f in the !iH1C ot appIKan-c'I1 ;-1", ;'.I ncdJt ;\.i4<till-<,f :~lJ..' "UflI" "t.:i,;,Jfcd hv thl., ~h)ngag\.'. <br />3, Applicalion of Pa,.ments. l ~lk'\:\ ,iPP1:i..,thk i,H.'\, pI,q,k:o. ,,~hn\\!'t.', ",jj i',I~'mclH~ r~c('m:~d by Lender under the <br />'!Oit: .:xud paragrarh., 1 ~n-J'::: h;;:r<':l:! .,;I.:!I j'>;' -'rp~i;;d h;: ! l'nJ..'f tir~[ ;n fu..rnc:H ,Jj amnunt:!. paViJbJe (0 Lender by Borrower <br />(lndei p-ilrit$raph : her~ut. ~h~n k IIl~t'(t.\l ;',l\~ihk d!l :h,,' '-,_Ht: ii\t':1 it. tfH: ~'>rln\-'Ip;ll ~,t the !\'C\h.'. aod then to interest ,!Od <br />pnn":lpal (IH iH'lj h_HtJre- Ad"an(c,> <br />.., l'haflt'S; Lkm. tk'f?,\i.>tCf ,t1,ld r.;\ j'.,.~'~~n\t'nl, ,\!lJ ,'lh.:r ~ h,ll-l'!'.." flfl:L''>- ,HId Hnp\'lsioDllS attf1btltahle to <br />the PnJpefty which may ~ndm ;j pn\)nlY \"dl H;.. \1\1f!~;1~(, l,-i\j k~\.,dh\ld p,lvmcllb >'It' gnJ\lnd fC'nrs. if any. in the manner <br />pftwh.fed UOll<..'l r,ca~fap-h : hOl.:'i'l ('! ;;,ll I;: "U~" q,.:H;-'~'r, fn H(ir!\'\~er rnJ~iHg p~nmt'nL ,,,,hen due, Jirectly to the <br />pay<< lh,,'fcof B'-"fHt"t;~ "Jut; p(nmr\!~ :,' I en,,,': PI'!l\.X" ,,: ,!fH(llll1!'" ,b,K' ~lndcr Iht'S p.uagraph, and in the c\-'ent <br />B-orre'.....-cr ..hJ.H In_ail' F~"\nh.'H! \l\H:,-,;\, H",r;".;,o 'h;:dl 1.:,'t1';ptiv l.,1!lhh Il" I nnk:' rC'n.~lpts 1,,~\ldclh.'Hlg such paymenl'\.. <br />U{)ffQ-wer "hail pn:\nl,f'th-- dn.>:h"rge .ll!\ ],':n \.h!~l-; ~,,~'- pr:i'll!\ '\'t't ;~11~ \l\l!lot.:J!.:C_ l'l'o\-!dctL lh.J! Borrower ..hall not be <br />reqUired hl dlM.:haf~e ;J.n:t "1..ll,h j;i:!' ,,~' !~'ng ..,> lhlf:"",l..'~ ,>-,.1;: l~' ;nt' p,l~mt'nt III thl.: J,'hilga{i~ln st:cured by <br />"-u-\,:h hen;n a manne-r ac,.:tr-Llbk h' i cndc!', ;'1 "h.!,' :,~ ~-,,,'ll -.l,~h [1\, l't defend t::Hforcemcnl of 'iuch H~n tn, <br />ie-gal pH)..:t"edmg\ ,>,-hlCh ,' k rrn~fn t'lt' ~'!l:,q..t~nh'!;! ','i f;lfft.'ilurt. ,11' {he Pr''>flCr!Y l,\t .lny part !hcrc(lf <br />~. iiantni iMU-ran<<. ii,_}n,,~"t:;; ...n<lll ~.,,-T!\ ~',~. dnf'hoq'n\~'! ~'t ~\,,'r"'J{lt"f clt:~-:cd t1n the' FIOrerl)' Hl..mcu <br />.$gams! hK'" h~ tift', tiM_4ft!.. HLll;dt:d ~"rttin ~'W 'nm .,ud1 \!:O-tf h-ll;H(!:. "... Lender maV 'f~ylnre <br />.inu Hl su...-h ..../l1('>tHH:. ail;; t,,, ~,:..-h :"-(":1.'..l-, j >:J,,-,k': lh;j{ 1_~'lhkf '.hall fll11 fl:4U1H.' lha! !h,,' <1mnunl 0'1 <br />\,~h u,>yc-rage C,,,:~~\,j !h~d ~m,c,-n;r ,; ",o"ll:'t,d ~>. :I\;" ,\h)rl~il,!tt: <br />fhe HUUfan..:e \"',lrner r(t'-''-li..h~l~ t~'l{' Hl....l.Jr.\n~t:: ~i-L~,i h,-~ ck'--.c!l h\ B;,}I! 'ubp:d k apptovai h} I elldcr; provided, <br />that ~u\.:h Jippnn:al "thol..lJ rh\\ r--""_ ;,j!rc.l"~tn<1lh-i\ ,qn,tH,'ld \H ,'fn,.wl'l\', ";1 If;-;,Uf__llh.:C l)\'llt;h.~~ ...hall be p,ud 1I\ the tnanncr <br />PHWlded LmU~l' :; hC~~'[l! \.}f. ,i fldt p.lllJ ". '.';\. h ,;,;i!H!>:~, t"", B,;fi,'\'l.C! mab..HI~ pH)-'rncnL \ldlcn JlIl~, dlfCl..:lly tn the <br /> <br />m~uraJlf..~ \.-~ner <br /> <br />AU inwran...'t' p..lil\:H.~'- dud rcrwv..t)' U-:c,-".j '!-~'-,lj ',11<11 ,'~<..:rt.lnk II' I "'hii.:t ,10.1 ...h..til ~lh_iHi_k .1 ...!~tIHbrd Illonga~c <br /> <br />~~~U~)t;~(:':~~r~~:! :f;)~l~:~l~~~;_\n~ (~'~~!:i:t~I\.~i~ ~;hj~.;':~;:~i( \' rjl~'~:;~~Z.l!l' :',(::lt~~ i,~';'!:~' ! i,\", t.~:';;:~t~' '~l:'\(;~~IJl;h!~r~~:ljlt~:l~:. 'IJll~ :1:~ll~':'~;'~1 <br /> t:)l~fl~~:: <br /> <br />Borr~w,'-cr "hail g.\t' rft'f1lpl Il~ll:..'( h' lhe "',,,U:,llll.,\' '...,[11<::1 ,1:I~i i ~nJn 1 t.':hh'f ril,l. nul<.c pn10llll II,'!>:.> it 11\)\ IHilde pn'mpth <br />hv t:i~,lrrl.'Wer <br />t :nl~ L t'nJcr ..tnd 81."n\"\l,1.'1 '_'-lh,,';,\\ 1~( ,t...:tt',,: ~l\ .~ "i\n~', :n.\,H :In,,~ I';,,~ i.--cd- ."h,d! hI." dPf'l!,cd h' fl'...tO( ;ifi,.1H ,.r r~palr t'f <br />!he Ph)pen} ~jJm,l~C'd, PfP\'hlt;:u '"ld1 ;~';.,,';.th\n ", ,-;':(,: :' ~''-\'1,\'m!<.'lli} :t'.I~il,j\C ,\lhl di\' .,<:":Ul'lt\' or thl~ :\If\rr~;t~t; i" <br />:h){ lhi.~r~ny llnpJ;,r~J If "0,-" H.:-tl~r~:[;,'!l, \.If !~:p.ln ,~ j\,'l, ",,,,O{n\Hli,,,fih :...'.l,<tt\il' ,It ;[ rhc ",~'..lHI!\' ,If d\l~ ~1ong1..\~c \..puh.1 <br />he !111p.url"d. the !!1-iutaf!';T:" ['Il'-'t.x-,h \hJ-H h; l!'~' \Um~ ~I,',-\;lcd h j(;j\ \-t,1t1f!-_lg1..'. ,;"Ib !h~~ t:\.~:c~':!-, If ,-In\_ pitlJ <br />1<) B\'rfpwcl' If ttH.- Ph'pe;:!\ h J;i'4~hkth.,'-i.l ,'I tk,rr,-"<,(,', :,i'h !" it'''r'-~"J Il\ I':H(kr \nthm _HI day~ lh11H the <br />Ilatt; nOtl~"\.' t~ nlJ-lk-d D\ tender i,l }h)r~,"\A(."! th,d :ht' :~~_"'\1LJ:k-C \,..11':'>.:1 (\' ~...nk ,; \,.).11111 rpr HhU!ilIH:C- h~ndil', 1 endcl <br />'~ ~luht'fnzoo k ,,-'oHet:l :t,i1u .\!l-pj~. lhe 1ll""H-4n.,,;t,' ~~l,'-Lt;ed" ~f l. (n"kr" C'pt~Uf! ;.."tfU:t h' !'e-'l.I~'r:Hl,-'n ,If' fCp::Hf l'I the Prnp'.:ny <br />"If to the ,),unb. ~txureJ !ht~ M;)rtgagr. ,- <br /> <br />,.., . <br />L,ti;.;;.~ ~,-":,'i..i<:i ....;..;. ~-~;,;....';'-'.;-,.. ..;..;;.:.: ;,;, ~:;. : ';'!~i:;:~...::' " I': "~'t''''' ",,-. _ "";Ok.- <br />(1i pnS!pt.lnC' fhe J.!J< -d~!e ~-,i the rn...~nthi\ l['''IJ';\m';~;i~, (l;ll")~~'J;l~:r;q'n~ :: !'l'h:dj ,'f ~-hangt~ the a!Hf'lllH <It <br />~u.;h lo...t.l!hneOI:i I! unt.icr p.ara~f;:)ph s ht'fC01 ;b..:: i"r,'po:;rt:- p, .J~q~i!f1.'J n I i,;'D-I.kf :ll,tht, iitk ;:tnd 'nlt:rt.":'l! .'t B..'rrlh),'cf <br />In dnd ~1.1 an) lO'HHMKe P'-'lICIC:S 4m.! In MHj :,\ th;: p;.,l'..~:-:;--ti!o d:t'!c,'l '....~l..i;:;(lg tr,'li' d,IP-higt.-- hI lh~ Prl'JXIl\ pnt,r t;, !h~ '><lie- <br />or a.::qwsIIH_"tn lih..di paJ>'l- t.:) Lern,ki lc' !h.: ......lent d :h,' ~<H!l~ ...;.:-":ll[ed t\\ lh"--_ \l"n,i;.lg;: jjnmedl<lle!\- PCI')1 1>' ',Udl ~;dc 0; <br /> <br />a-cqW$lhon. <br />~ PtewOaUou and \lamle-nann- nl f',t~rt~-; I t'a\Chvt40; (mlllHminiuJi1"~ Planne-d l'nit n\.~Hlupnwl1h. HHlf'''H'( <br />:..haU keep the PrOf.'lCrty H; gl.'\.-..d rcpilH .-wu "haH Il;\t ..-.mUlW ....>l'-ic ,'; P"':fOli! 1l'lip<i1fliH:n! ~__'r ~k-tl:j'iorJ.twl! ~'l the f'rnrcrty <br />and ~haH to-mp-ly \A.lth ih< provti.ums. ..1 an\' it~..~ ;: Ih:-. '\ll.1i~~,&-g'" ': iI:;!ffdlll!~: Ii tIll" \h\rl~;l~~;: l~ Pr1 _j 1Hl\! jt1 :t <br />(.(mikmlllu-ttfn \,,-;..l, i}io:tl1l1ed UOI! ~,k\el.:.\p-m-l,..lJL Ik'~i"~H'r ,!-",;tl! p,-~n"lrn :'Ii! \,j i-lurrl\""('J" "hl.v;;'IH'n~ unJ('! th\' ,kdar,'!;OIl <br />(~!' ":..1~1\ElnU; cfral~ns or g~lv-e.fn'og the \>';H1-,'l~l\!nUm <'I i'.~.!nn..<d ~ ;1\! ,kvdnpm",';n lh.. hv,b'__\" <I!ld n:j.ndi..llhHl'~ i'! !n.: <br />";L~<<-wntfUunl (tt' piiinncrl untt de\;'eh~pmcnt, "oJ (,1Il,ltl;J<:nt Il....llli)e'l!!. \1 ,i j.,i'f1;hl!~\lnIUm \11 [~I;O\n!ll"ti 1:i\!t ~:{'\l'i'lp!l\t'nl <br />rider J:'l> t,-e<;lU~-d hy Rwro.....-cr aud rel,:otdt:d It!1i:ethl:! \'-ith It",> ~t.H'i~;l-f1;'" ";~' ,,'\c,n~Hlh ,lild ,1,;l<-".tlKHh ,'I ',\j,.:h Il,h'l <br />).htjj be lu-corporated mh,l ~nd ';.hitl1 amend .wd ~l1i,'>rh:w-t;~m rh;: 'I,::;.ht:ll;H\h ,;l~d ,l.p~'t."m{'nh .'1 l~u" \l\ln~.1;;l: ,1\ I: flit, f"lt:, <br />~_ A p>rt he..",! <br />1. Protec1_ of IAlMlt,.'" Sfl;urih. It B,.n'\'lVl.C, !,ili~ !P i",-'t:..'nu the- ,,'U\'CflMli.. ,Hid ,!itl,,~t:-n!l:nl!i ,-<l!ll,llnetl If! lht, <br />t\iortl'-IIt, ~.1r if any OiCtlt)Jl t,r rhX',~~)ns: i"> ,-,tHlHlI-t'u\:t:d \\hh,'h m'llt.'!mlh ;dk~^!" J ('n~h~f'~ :rUt~re-..l III (he PH'p.:~_rl\', <br />fMluditl', but nffl. Uituted to, CJl:\lfMetli d\JmalO l!;"-....!H'fH:~, lp-;:k l'nJ!'r,:t'nH~rH <'I'lgern-c-m'l pf pr''''--~t,':-l'thnp ~qvohJrtg ;1 <br />hulkrupt.or -tlt'~~,tk:Ilj:, then LCil\-kr'1l- npt1i'i1, up~).n ;'H~i,(x 1;' j{;'rr"'\'>t~l, t~"'., f:;'~J,~l' 'H.:h ;lrp'~al;,.n\.~". ,i!..,h.lf~t' '11l'!1 <br />~"U1\:i ll-n4 t.\\i.e n..-;h ;$,,;Uun ;it,,, i~ flC\.:t):'\,'i"u} 1;' pf<Ht"d {e:tJ~r" lnh-~{:'i! \~iwJH1s:. hnl n..'~ iHH!!t'"t 1" ,j\"bur"'t'm~'Hl ('I <br />a~ a-tHJfMi'-s t~*'\ il-OO ~nHY lJp._~n !:hc' Pr~)j:X'q" !;:~ !'Hjf;)..,<:_ ,q~;J;;<" I! I (':~{k~ f~''4LHf\''d j\h~! \:ra;{1: l<t~Ut iHld: ,I" ,j <br />l.1..nltbon \~t rnakrn-J 1~ k'lan Jiof:~uted h}' ~!lJ~ :\h'<!J:e~ f:l'al\'....n 'l-k..H 1':'0'\ !!~,. (':unnJH!!< ;":o..l!m-;;-d 1;' mtlH1t,~;fI "',h~, <br />~~~, it'! efl<<.t untd ~,l.ft.h hfi'lt' iA:\ Ihi' rn~fj:tlTf1it'H! (,'f \-tHJ'l IH"t!Utl1;;:(" h~(lnl'uJ" ~ !!l .d,>...u-'nbn'J \4;(fl I-h;q,t"Iiu": '. ,ih} <br />