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<br />I <br /> <br />83104663 <br /> <br />3, Sanitary Sewer. Public sanitary sewer service is <br />available to the subdivision, and the Subdividers agree to con- <br />nect all structures in the subdivision to the sanitary sewer <br />system before applying for occupancy permits. <br />4. Draina!!;e. The Subdividers agree to grade the area <br />of the subdivision in conjunction with the structures thereon <br />so that storm water drains to the public right-of-way. <br />5. Sidewalks. The Subdividers, if still the owners of <br />the land in the proposed subdivision, or if the Subdividers <br />shall have transferred title to the property, then the various <br />grantees thereof, will install, at their own expense, all public <br />sidewalks required bv the Grand island City Code when the lot <br />is built upon, and sidewalks shall be regulated and required <br />with the building permit for such lot. <br />6. Landscaping, The Subdividers agree to landscape an <br />area averaging thirty feet in width adjacent to the perimeter <br />of the subdi vi sian ;,s il green",av. Such land scapi ng sha Ll be <br />completed within one planting season after the lot is built <br />upon, and to be in compliance with the Grand island City Code. <br />7. Permitted Uses. fhe Subdividers agree that the use <br />of any building or buildings constructed within the subdivision <br />shall be limited to permitted uses as provided in Residential- <br />Office District of the Grand Island Zoning Ordinance. <br />8. Warranty. The undersigned owners, as Subdividers, <br />warrant that they are the owners in fee simple of the land <br />described and proposed to be known as UNION SQUARE SUBDIVISION, <br />and that an abstract of title will be submitted for examination, <br />if necessary, upon request of the City of Grand [sland. <br />9. This agreement shall run with the land and shall be <br />binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, <br />their successors, assigns, heirs, devisees, and legatees. Where <br />the term "Subdlviders" is used in this agreement, the subsequent <br />owners of any lots 1.n the subdivision shall be responsible to <br /> <br />- 2 - <br />