<br />I
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />(I) month prior to its due date the ~H1fllJ;ll nwngaf!c insuralh.'e prClIlIUl1l1ll order to provide such hold~r
<br />O 4.613 Wltt~ funds It.} .pay such prcllllum to the &ul.tary of Housing alhlllrn.Jll Ikvelnpmcnl pursuant to the
<br />83...JJ- NatwHal flousmg Act. as amended, Jnd applicable' ReguJatH1T\S th('reund~r: Of
<br />
<br />(U) If and so long as s::ud note of e\o'cn dare aud this instrument arc held by,' the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Orban [)evel~pment. 3 monthly charge (ill!ieu 0/ a mortgage insurance fJremium) WhICh shall be In :m
<br />3r\'IOUn! equal 10 one.!welfth (I !I2) of one,half (1/2) per ren!urn of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computeJ without takmg_IBlo account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(b) A sum equal to tile ground renl>. if any. next due. plus the premiums tllat will next become due and payable on
<br />policies of fire and other hazard Insurance covering the rnortF.agcd property, plus fa_xes and assessments next duc
<br />on the mortgaged property (all as estimu{t:d by tht' Murt~agc(") less all sums already raid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to daps.t' beforr one mnnth prwf to the datt' I.\'hen slIch ground-renls, premiums. taxes and
<br />3s.se-ssments will hectune ddlIhlUi.~n1. SUcll sums to he held h:.-- Mortgagee- m !rust !o pa)- :"l<.luJ ground rents. pre<
<br />mmffiS. taxeS and special 3ssc-ssmt"flts; and
<br />(d AI! payments n-,entli..1fie-d m the lw~\ pre..:edmg :l>ubscctluos d( this paragraph- and aU payments to be made under
<br />the- note se--cufcd orren\' shali he adJcd t,l~>ethet. .wd !he JK~Jefalc amount t'ncrt.'"ot 'Shall be p:ud by the Mortgagor
<br />each month tn a ).m~e payment ;'0 ~ JpphcJ by th~' MOf1ga~ee to the follm\!in~ It<:ms m lhe order sel forth:
<br />
<br />(I) premmrn charges under the Cufla:H.'t (}t Insurance wltn tilt Seeh"lar)' of Housing and Uroan Oevt:l_opment.
<br />or monthJy charge t m lieu o{ mortRa~e ;'H.urOfu'[' premium;, as !he case may he:
<br />(II) ground rents. ~.LXC!'o. JS5t"SsnWlHS. luc <lnt! other IId1.Jrd msur.w-.;c prcmHl0l5:
<br />Oil) iIHe,e-it un the ntH,' ~curcJ hert"DY; and
<br />(IV) Jmurtll,JUolt -tlf thi." prmop.a.1 of s;uJ l'wtc
<br />Any defkum-c.y in the amuunt dt any soch Jigsregatc monthl)' pJ\'menl s.hall, ulllt..'''~ maJt'- good hy the Morl-
<br />gigO( prior 10 the due daft lA the next MKh P,j~.mc!li, c,;olislHuk In (.vt:nt <if dl'laul: under this- mnrtgag~. The
<br />Mnngagee may (nllecr a "1:H~ ~haf~(,:" no! III tXCCt~J j'll;r \:ent~ ,.j)!") f~\1 l'ad: J~jlbr {SI! ~jf (,Jch payment more
<br />than tiftt-en C 151 ,iJYS i~' arre3H tv uwer the eXH3 t"xncf1>;(' i.ll\;o-iveJ m bam.!l1up d('j!11i..plt~nt payments.
<br />
<br />q That if tht' total or th(> p.iymNlts madf' h,\ th.. \ton~.lguf lllHj(.t!;, of paragraph ~ pr('-n'din~ :",-ha1l {'\l'~.(>d
<br />thr.' amount flf pa~mt<f1LS adualh madt~ b) tlit' \lorlS:!a.ct'4-' ftH ~nlUnd r{'nL~. UiXP~ ;.Ind ~i:""'-,-I',"'~nH'nls or in:-:uram'f' rrp~
<br />miums. a~ dlt~ {'a.c~~ may lH.'. <....u;.h t"l<-'c",'S, If dH,''' Il~'-ln '''' \'utrent, ,11 tilt" npoon oi rh(, .~1{)rl~agor, sn.l.lJ he crr:dit{'d b}
<br />the \tortfl:~t'"(. un ....ubsequpof pa}m{'nb Ui- hi:"' maor' In dw \1nnrJj.!Hr. Of rt.fundl'~j Ii) ttlf> '11Irr~ag(lr If. ho\\,t'\"\'r. the
<br />rnonrhl! pa)'fb1:"nh mack h\' th,,: 'tort~~l~or untier of p.U<i!lr.lph ,~ prn:(-Jlog <;,.hall Ildt b{. "'ldfJncnr to p.1Y ~r()unJ
<br />rt'ftl~ la,...s and a~."'t~::-:';o'm{"nl'"' !if m..urann. pr~'nHum"'. .1.>>, tht" i ~l:-;l' Hl,~' IH', "-iwn th~. -jlllP ,..hall bt'('om(' dup and pa~'
<br />able> thf"ft th~ \1oTl~~f~r ...hail P:l\ to Ih,' \tllrt~~H!I'f' .tn\ amJ1UtH fl{'n'-"'>Jr~ tll- Rl;lkf' up lh~' dt'fJ('jt'Ot.~. Otl or b(.fort".
<br />tht. oa1(-' "-hf'n paymrnl ~.r ....ul-h .:!rt*und fN.t.... 1..-1\('--, J,_......~.-"....m(.n!.. fir !Il...ur:mn' pn'lJllum:-- ....h.lll !w dUt, if at any
<br />{jaw the '1u-ng~or ::.bali te-nd..( III tht" \1-fln~.~.t.. in ;J.n-urdann- ~Hh till' pfU'l....iull,... uf th(' noh~ ;o-,I'("urpd hefl'bv.
<br />full paymt'nt of '.-hi:'" ,'nltH> md(.bu..drw...._... rl'pn'''"-(>fH4.d lhl"Tpb\. Iht: \lon ~~;-j~~'f> _...hal i. III f!~mpUtlng thp amount of ~uch
<br />m-debu."dness, 'credIt to (he ,h.::n)UfH (if tltt: Mnng.;"tgof ,di pJ\ Olt.'fH" In,kk. Unth3 tht prOVi"IOtl!-o of i (1/ ~)f p.trLt,Kraph 2
<br />hff('O( ~hh'h Olt' \tort,a~t.{, hac.... nol h-t'romp obltc.Ut'd 1ft pa\ to Ihi' ."'i'-nl'lary t)f HOU"'IiH~ and l'rhan rll.:\'dOp{11l~nl
<br />and WI)" baianC'c rt"_ftulininj; In tn\' fund:, ,tn'lUItUiah~d UnOt'f ill{' prH\I",wlh of;"l, oi p~s.ral!faph ;; lH'rl?oL If Own'
<br />:-ch::.-!-!--~-:. ~f~h ""n-dv; ...1.} u~ ,ti'- pi~;;'I"mii;3 Hi ih.:" inuti;:;.l.~f' H'''Hinfl~ iii J putijl(' "'ah' Hi UH!' pfl'nu:-;.t'~ ('o\'t'f{'d
<br />h~b).', or if Utt!' \turtgaj!fi' ;j;fqulre.~ the- pTfip('rt~ nlherwi;oo..- idf(>f dt~fauit. tin. \tuflt!ag('(' ,...h;1l1 appi~,. at the tjmt. of
<br />thf' commenct'Sm-t of ~d, pmt'~m,~. (If at tilt' lllRt" lbt' propt'rt~ I'" odu-'r\\-I...t' ;)1't1ulrNL tht' ba)an('t~ thc.-n t."mainT
<br />Ing tn the funds .u."'(.~ufItUiatt>d unckor ft.-,: of p~f1I1lfaph :.! ptf'(.t'dlnft. ;J~ a nf'-dit al!aln..;t tlw dmnunl of ptincipal thrn
<br />remainin, unpaid wuit"r ""-aid no"'. and ...h.ail prupprl~ ;t.dJu...I :l.n~ p,nmt'nt... ""hirh ...halt '1:1\-(' hpf>n made Hndflr (0,1
<br />of "''''';trap'' 2.
<br />.4 Th3!_ ttK- Murt~H \i.tii p~n ~h'UOO [t'!lh, 1.J\t'L ."'-'C"-\i"Hl;nf':o. y,',ffl.'1 Lilt"'>, ,HHJ plhcr t:ll\"NIHIlt.'ntal i\f murul;lp~lj
<br />d\arge,-, fines, (){ Impt.hUk-m", tnr "hf..:h pf\l~'I"H}n o;'h Upl {'\c('1l made h('t(,lnN-k-rc- ;\la1Io tidau!llhtrel~t the MI)r1gdg:cr m<;1j
<br />pi)' the "ame. .md thalif"}(' M~)ftga~'1.)J' ~IH rrof'nJ'tll' ,iell\tt the i,tho.!! :Cl..elrh lhert'flH II- the MHft~:llZee
<br />, The- Mortaa.JOf v.W p3\" ;;1l1.lU''\ \A-hKO ma\c roc kvted uptm lhc ~tuft~~f,:t:c"\ llHefnl HI -'~ilJ real estate ~md imprl)v(",
<br />~,nh. and whlcb Pia)' N k\ll'u utx't) 1hl~ I;H>fl~aet (i-f f~ deht ~('~ufed heft'hy thut ouh 1,,1I11: t'l.,h.'nt thai such i~ nul prohinit.
<br />rd ~\" 14\\' and onh to tht t\ltl1t that ~udJ '\ili-'IH n0-1 rn4~~ tht-' h.HlO USUrlllUttl. PUl t\dudln~ .m\" ml,.'otnc la\. St<tle or F~der<:L
<br />tmrO,-ed on M()f1~C. and "'Iii hIt 1M (\mCtal ttCftrl "h(."" m~ \oui.:h f';J\ men! ~lth the ~'t(lftl!;'i~t:(." tf'{tO, h,.l.'ttwn of lhi\ under-
<br />laK*n&. (lC it fAt- Mortpgor l\ prnhJtJtled t'\\ .an, I...., fW,",' or h,cf(,Oiher e-\hfmg from J1~:!~ In~ the 'A'holc 1)( <lny ponton ~)( the aforc-.
<br />'.!>aad la_t-,,_ f\f up.:m the- ft'fK1t"nh~ ,~I any f,:o-uft uenrt" pn,lhittlttn~ the patmr:nl ~r the MO((ga~Of tH .ln~ \u1,:h la1i,e\. or If ~uch kaw
<br />,}of decr-ct: J'H.(,\tdes lhat an~- amount -so r.m) ~)- the: Mo-flttagOf s'haU ht ~'It'dlttd on lhc JTlortg.agt dei'll, the \1ongagee ')hall h.l\-e
<br />tht- r_a h.l gn'c: f11nt"ty d.J:)'s' WnUl(fl fh,itict to the i)~ner ~)f th-~ IlltHtgaged rrtmi\e~, requHH1!: the ra~'-ll1ent of the mortgage
<br />debt H ~ui.:h not~C' he f;-lv-('n. tne '~Ki JeN s-haU hc-",t1lC Jut', r.n'able .Jnd (l,,-'~Ht"ctfhlt' ,tr th-t' t'~\pll"'atK'n d '\:ltJ OInet)' day,
<br />~- That .)hooki he (;td lo pa~ an). )um or leep an) CD\'enant pro\-"IJcd f()f' lOth" MOrl~a~t:, then the Mort~-;l~ce. d! If" op.
<br />titUl. may ray <w- paf-orro the ~,lme, 4n~ aU C"f,pcr.dltUfC\ f.,1.) ((Hide -.,NiH ~ <Added h1 [he pno\:"tpal ~um oWHlg vn the ao(.\\-(' tlole.
<br />,h.ati be 'Sct.'Ufcd her(-~' , 3.nO ....h-.iU bt'ar In[ne-~l al (ht ralt s-e-t (nrth in lhe ',;ud OO{(', unlti raid.
<br />;- That br- hN"eby Milif". U-an:;,feu 40d- \,C'h o\,er tOlht'- Morlga:,lee, hJ ~e .appheJ 1O'*.4rd the f'.iyment of the note jn\1 :tIl
<br />~Uf1'b S.Co\:Uft-d hC'rc-bv tn i.:.;,a.iC d J defauh In the rerkrm:an-.:r llf <tn~ \..1t lhe !('rm... <lIlt.! >..i.mJmun, ;.If thl\. Mongage ()f the 'i.it-ld
<br />notc". J,l! fhl:: f,rl')h, revenues J.ftd income 10 tte oen\-cd from the mCtflg.a!-,<u fJfrml"-c'> Jllnn~ \u,:h time ~l" lhe mOflgafll: Illdef1ted~
<br />-neu ~naU Ttfham un.p.-ki~ .md the ~h.'lf(s:agtt" ~-h~n na\'t r-o~c:r l-tl .i.tpp'-Hnf .an}- agefll1H ii~enb It ma\ JC\lre fm the: purp-'J~( rd
<br />ttpatrin, U1G puml~~ aru.: of ft'_ntmg (he ~am-c- .m.d J,.:oiiecti-ng Ihe a'nf';., H'\'~nuc-.. .(oJ 1/1(.'(Hll~, ;md IT Olin ra~' out of ~dld Ill"
<br />rofft~S aU t'.\~tes of repairing ->aid rfcmis.es -i-nJ M'ce-ss-aty l':OmmIS<"Il)n~ and t""'(pen'l.t"!> m<:urred In re-ntjng anu rnana~m~ lhe-
<br />~\amc i:nd _of collectmc n'nt&h~ theufrom; rM h-ahtocc rt'-maining, if an}. to be .applied 1I)1,A- anJ {he di')char~e llf o;:lid mortgage
<br />,Ildebt"""""~,
<br />8_ ThAt he ~-ill kc:e-p the- uupn~\-(:mcm'!> nn\%- ~'hfmg Hr hC!t'OJ!lcl '.;'!l'l'ted tlfl (he :no!l):a~t"d pf<"\PC'n~ in"iurC'ti ~i' mav ht
<br />requu-cd from tlmt hJ tl:mf:- h)~ the MortJ,alC-f: alAuns( h.)S" by nre ,tlHl tHht:f hazard':. _ \. ;nn~tlur:~ ,wd (nO(m~en'le':l m \ul;h
<br />3:InOUD'-'- and: em ~"-h '9C'nodi as nut)' be ft'Q-u-trrd b)' the- MMJag<< a-nJ ,.....11 p-.\1}' prllmr-fly. "hen due. ';IOY prcrnlufOs i'ft ..uen
<br />iJUUl"aQCC provision for PlYJncfU of .....h:kb ha~ not Nl-tfl made' h('rcHlht-iofe- AU In-,,urance- ..h<:tH t"(' ;:urned to compan-le~ ap.
<br />-Pf~V" t"l} the, Mort~ aRd- Ifw. f'l.lhc!t\ );ind n~newah. tht"revf "-klH he held f:1y the \.'ort~a~et" ;Ind haH .1lt3cheu rherel{1 In....
<br />~~&bk <_"-$-4n bvOI uf a-nd in (osm ACt'P~lbIc- to H\( Motll-~c(_ In evcnt 01 hJ)).' Ml,lrtgagljT '0\ II; !!n.r I!Umt-dtille nonce tH-
<br />m.t.i- to- ,th<, M-(W~c-. \i\ifttl m.~ m.kr proof of Ion if not matle pn.llnrU\: by \fong;t;guL ~inJ ('.h'h Hl'\Utan....( (ornpan}' ron.
<br />tef'l>ell "lk<<,ltV mlwril~ anddirt(t.d 10 m.ke P'lyment to, such I"" d"eClh r" lhe M"'lt"gee ""INd ,.f to th. MOflPJI""
<br />UJd the MQf~JIIk tfMntl},_.aAd ~h:t' inwraiK't pt-Oi.:~.cd\. Of an)-' p~n thereof, ma~' b(' ~If'f'lltd P\ lht~ M{)rf~.:.tg,c-t ilt If.. optton (~uh('l
<br />lofbt$flI-~tioaQ( tbe _bkdMft,:dlffeb)' iC!\.'uJ'\td l\f to lb(- re~(Hla:fiml f'f h:paU (if the- pWpt'fl\' Jj,H'rlag('-d In t,'-\'tfH of fort'ckt,
<br />~I"'of-thb-~-llf \~_f ~u..nfct~~f frtJe t{t ibc- m('t;f1.Jit~ tffupe-u) m("ljli~H~h,rnt'f1f of the HhJd."!t>dnc,\ \.(,\7UfeQ hNt"Py,
<br />Jttlllbt.. ~ ftJd i_felt (tt t~ Mot1~"'Jf in and to anv-i-n-5<ura-nct' flt'iHc-le!l fht:f1: m f,M\:t- ...haU 11tl."-'!> h'l fhe pun:-h:!\ef or ~ra"ft('
<br />9, 'f1Dt.il'S Mdd.~~ iIlM ~~(l-U.at-thd ~~Uf'ty flU U~ ~}'tn.t'n<< vi thr ntnt tit"l,l..'flbeti. ~md ,111 ,Uill.. I,I l'{'<'::l}mt ~!ue under tillS
<br />~~'--+ t-.tY M<<f;~ hc'-.('chy :ii'Ol.n:!. t(1 the Mu-rt~C"t' ~H ~Hlt}h. ~'e-\rtnt,l-C'. jn't:~ihi-e:", ,Hld {1.(.'IH~hh: ..'~t.-n,jHl# l\"!he
<br />~,~ ~~f ~n:t~;' ~ ~f~ in! ,*nd I~'f. i-till<t~ oU ~<<i pft"tnBei, \\"Hh the .ft~ht t~, f("-(tj\.-(" rt'...t:~f>f ti\4' !tlt' '!i-1me Ml~ ;~rph
<br />~'h:i ~,~, ~btfdk~~ it'\- \\'.-H ~1tl1~ l-j, aftt-t u-.Ja>>h in {-he \.~mdH<<.m-":. f." t'tw.. rt~.)tt~'>ifj.t-..; . ;H~l !h!' \~ ~)t t(;,t~<(' mot \ dt'ffl:<md. "-w:
<br />t--M-_ ~ r1'i,.{;>'\;-:.t:;t ltio- ~l1Ch -N})m(ttl~ ~'b-c11 .jv~ 4nd pif,,!~bk. hJ,,~ ;,fl;JH \'\('J-t h€ .r,~',~I!:h',~ ',' h" ,.In l'hl' W..,~,Hlit'l1i j<': t,1 !eft!lln,He-
<br />",nc$ l~'t>mt:_ ~ ~ vvW- tfpt;.l!~ r~i't'_ll~ ui rh-h m-()~t-l"
<br />
<br />J_'L-'L1 '".5 :'f ~<l\
<br />