<br />".
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />'fC
<br />
<br />83-004613
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />ThIS fOffll 'is. used in; c::(mneci1c)ft'
<br />wifh- mongage-s insured- iJndi'tr'<thq,;'
<br />one- to fo.tJ,-family 'provisions- af
<br />1M National Housing ACt;
<br />
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. malk and exec'Ulc<l Ihi. 31st. day"f August
<br />19 83 ,t>y and betwe..... Mark. W. Liess and Mary G. Liess
<br />
<br />nftbe Cuunly of . Hall . and Slale 01 Nebt"aska. party of lhe first part bereinafler called
<br />tbe Morli'tllOf. and Commercial National Bank & Trust Company
<br />
<br />a corporation ortt.anil,.ed and ('xj.qing under the ia\l,'',. (If Nebraska
<br />parry 01 the ",cond part. ""..inafler called t"" Mortgagee.
<br />
<br />WITN ESSETH: Thall"" said Mortpgor. lor and in c"mid<<ati"" 01 the ,urn of Forty Eight Thousand
<br />DOllars and no/l00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -!Jollar"S 48,000.00 i. paid by tbe Mort.
<br />~~ the rc'..:cipt uf which i~ hereby acknowled9'ed. na)) Granted ~md Sold and ny the-se presents_ does. Grant" Bar~
<br />pill. Seli. ('oove,' and Confirm unto the Mf.)rtgagce-~ its sUc\.':e\!IlJfS ;Jnd assigns. forever. the foUowing-described
<br />real estatf'. situoite\! in the Coum\" of Hall . and State
<br />1..\1 Nebrad,-a. to- ,",,It' .
<br />
<br />Lot Seventeen (17). Block One (1), in I,land Acres #2, being a replat
<br />of Lots 1.2.3,5.6 and 7. Island Acres Subdivision. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />llf the S~\th Pnnnp,d ~1cnJi.l-O, ~'~"n~,lmm~ m.:!H
<br />ment SUf'\.~e\':
<br />
<br />TO HA \T ANt) TO H"lf_!) the pft"ffH'tf."'\ af-..'."... t1l:....l.n'ro:tf. "'llh ,dl ttw ~\ppunt.'nJI1(:":' Ihercunw bdonging ;:iod incluoing
<br />all he.dlDf, plurn~n;.1-nd hgfUWg h'lUfC" .Hl.J l.'qU1r-m~nt nil'"' d hca';,sf;t'l <_dCh,:hcd II' \It u~-:,~J in (:\;llncdil~n wilt! ~.aitl n.:;tl c,tal~
<br />unto t~ M'lft~t'_ '3n-d IH th ~U(l.~~,'t'r' ~-md ;1..'t)!tI... tMc'.ct Ttt( :\1ort":J~t\-r r\.'pn:"'t;rl!\ ,,~, ,ind ":\~\'t'nJOl'S with, the Mortga~
<br />,f~i. ;-~.H tM Mw--~1';- ~.;<\ ;....~crl f;;h! W '.eH ~~~ ::~~~':-'t'; "',1~d: flh:n'*:....r..._ 1i>:>1 'h..~ _<1'." fno,. k"n f'l'h'lHl~hf";Hl~'l": anti fhallhr
<br />_\k'lflP1>-W .'tU \l-olfu-ot an" \kf~-nd the ...:Uft(' apm..t tM Llw1ui ..1,tHll" t'f ,Ill re('~m,,;l. !Wflh\lc\'t'r' ;~n~ Iht' :\<luJ Mmt~a~\lr here"
<br />h-y felu~qUfs-hc:~ aU r-i:Pt' ~Jf htlffiC'~{-catJ. ."t1d.H maftul Tli?hh. cHnt:, In l,l~\ ~';f' III ,"~,Hh ;tol1 ~,lJ I.Hhl'r -;oofmgent Intere-'il"i of the
<br />\tdU~ U'I: and in t~ -Jbo.]~-(:-J~'M.'phe4 pll,..rtH_..(',->, Ihc ImClltJ<~n tlein~ I.' ,-,'11\,''<.. ht'fl-!'>\ ;in ;lh..~_;hHe !llk_ In fee ..lmple~ mciu-d.
<br />m, .itU rilthh \~f honlc."(-c.".JJ. :.mJ ,:-lncf n~~hh :Hit.} int~'h:..l;,. .i'\ ;if(;;~"-,Hl.t
<br />
<br />;tUt".. a(...~JrdinR tn Govern-
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ,.\L"-'A YS. .It'-.-J th~..t: ~'fe''''Cnl' ,ut'~' '\'..:ti!(tl itn..1 \ld:\t~'n.l \-lpI,n the (..Hlll). Hl~ (imdllh'lh, fI) \\' II
<br />
<br />n.. Mort.q-a-qor Aqrae._to pay to the M.Ot-tqa4ef~, 0! 1)n.ipr-_ t.he prlnctpnl sum of Forty Eight
<br />Thousand DOllars and no/laD - - - - - - - - ""f>ollars :$ 48,000.00 l, with
<br />int.ftre.t froe data at t.he t"4te of ten point three pf>r r;~ntu. ( to. 3 \) ~'t annum
<br />on the l1npai4 balancf: until Aug.l,198611 and t_h~r~~ftt~1'" at the rate of ten point seven five
<br />per cent~ (10.. 75 t) ptl't' annUlI. on the unpclld balance unt i 1 f'\1id. The f4aid pn..ncip/!l and
<br />int.r.st shaH be p<lyable at the ofhce <:of Commercial National Bank .. Trust Company In
<br />Grand Island, Nebra$ka f or at. 5uch other place as the h{Jldt:~c of the note rna.y
<br />""419....le ln ",Ulin9. in """'thty install_AU of Four Hundred Thirty One DOllars & 91/100
<br />Dollsn 1$ 431.91 ). ""...,ncinq an the t iut d.y of October,
<br />a S:! ami 0/\ the urn day of each MOnth thereattu until August 1,19ae* and Four Ilundred
<br />Fift.y One Dollars.. 74/100 --- !)oHan 1$ 451; 74 ) c..-ncinq on th.. firn day of
<br />...t! ..Ad on tb. first day of e4cn month thereafter until the principal
<br />&ad in-te;-..t are tully paid.. except. thAt. the- fi-nal payment of pr-incipal and int.cn:eat. i.f
<br />nolc "-..or pald. "hall be due and pay..l>le Oft the fint day of September, 2013
<br />.11 ~4tA9 to< the. t...flM; -of a c..u:tsin pl'OIftinllOry not.e of t;:-V0t\ date h{~cewith .executed by
<br />the ..aid _t9..,.,r.
<br />
<br />The- MU(~M' m_Mdef ftk_lft' fuli)' h1 pH.'1~,.llllc ~(unt) \,.f llU, MOfllW~" ,;.glee...
<br />
<br />(, That. _be- 101\111 Pi): ~M lndcbtcdoe'i. a,s heftlnbdur(. P!V'''lJ''~, hl\d-cg~ i"! f-t'~I."f\-'t:J h_1 f'.J,~ the debl H1 whol--l~,. \.If in an
<br />a~ ~ fu uDC Of, mure :noot,h})-' ,P'""ymcQ'~ vn- n~ J~t.onf'-{li th.u .;;(-rc n~\'_ du~ ~-H {hI; HHte, {~n the ft.rS( day ~..If .m)- month
<br />pt'K\f 1(1- fIUltU.'.I~~ ~,"kkd< n...,,:t-\<('(. rhll( \lo,'utk-ft lltHK"C' l"f ;;0 Iflkntt\lfl to.: \<n':l~ "u..:h J'H\ tfcll\.' b ).!i\:\.'n at ita...t lhut} om
<br />d~}'. f!l(>f 10 IlfjlllllfJII_.
<br />
<br />!. Ttw.J; ~_ w;ih_~ _and m_3d4jljt;tft tQ~ (hot !nt)ntnt;- rlt) merth of prinural dOO tnh:tt..i r.1~'abl( uwJer tbe t~rm" of the
<br />m>lt _~!i!cl~l..1ie M<>'11lill'>' will p;of 10 11M: M'>rt!lil~t, on I"" nl>' Jay ,,{ <;I"b fl""llh unullbt ,at~ 01\1< i, fUlly paiu, lht
<br />I......it\j._,:
<br />
<br />(d- Anu~t ,w,fikwnt 1i.l rf'OWUt:' the holu~f hC'lenf ,..-ith fundI W pal Itw 110\1 mut!SJge Hl~UUI!Ct: pn'mWtH It It1JS
<br />-wt.t....cit ~J ,dte }\"$)t't:' Jf'-t~U-tt4 htf~b)-' iH(f msurtU. ni ;t rllvmht)-' I..:'hatg~ : in U~'l/ t'( _!'.t m;'!'f.~l1tt,' ifffU1WIl'( pn'"
<br />miumJ iit~li'" t~ld by lht So,,,d,,,y "r 1I\>UM"lpuld t'rn." l1r:wlopm,'''<' "' rullo,...
<br />
<br />(l) ~,r,~,~Jtlf-._a:\-'-,wd:_PQte: -nf c\'...". 4it~ ~,~ thtJ i,ll.tn.H-lli~rH -..re HlltUed ~n .n;: i~lnll-utry iHwet th.~ Phl-
<br />,,:~- ~",f tht: rqtti_~ l"un&,Act. _.n aml,}Ufil. !uifM:.l~ttUI). i,k\'\iHlu-t:.iht.in lht' haud,s \.){ the- hoidef Uht:
<br />
<br />t't..~M _y.o4-'. f~.'6JlII l!::M <tltf.:' ~~N.tJ
<br />fl;~-:~t,h:,'Il, f:t~ ~'-?i.' /flont. 'P.fllf~U~ 44t;:-<if,1
<br />(::'$ -It:Wi' *~_'t-tn
<br />
<br />t-t~ft 1:~~!\<1~")M:~ ~~~~~)i' ik I~~ t)"~11 ~~ q ,,\',
<br />
<br />STA It (l' N~8A"S""
<br />,"'UO-'}2l41\i- t9 J~-'i~
<br />~ (!--q }O(} l~A1i
<br />